Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, November 10, 1893, Image 2

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Lnf ird lu in If . i.tiro,OT-.jc
Pubarr'i t:
-n, .a tJun, mt ja . f: it
HM.I--M.iKit rTBUHIV? CO. Pmitrv.
! at r. O V1 T. T.A.MW.
vftn i it rtri mor mm titv
They can 'l wine of the people
ome of the time, but But all of the
.pl all the Lime.
There a. n4 -o OiUch n Ot-y bet
on th election of thi week a there
ii la-t year. ButO! what an op
portunity for making a winning.
The ivaxja a-igtied why the pop
ulit. -j-ak ni h.r.g, o muc and
loud, i their l-liof iu the truth oi
the proverb that "-ii'elice i- golden."
Hight here, notice i wrved on the
j-opuli-t that if they w i-h tn I u
cful they mu-t give up their free
tr4le re-olutioii n. I their ti tt money
1 l(-iit i i-Ht: are in the -nine lix
tli.it U-rt li.g.-rl -aid the demo
crat ul to l-e in, "They hold a
-troight rlu-ti when there i nothing
in tlie j u k-JiOt."
The re-ult of the election of Tue
d.y will teiMl more to restore confi
dence in the Im-inc-. world than
anything that ha hap-ne. -ince the
public faith m shaken.
The -plendid dem.aratic majority
in congr- i. ruinel, hu-ted hcforv
iu tir-t .--i..n i commenced. It
Wa thought that at lca-t one y.-ar
would elae l-fore the li-ruptioo.
1 ii-riKXTHtic Journal need not lay
the blame of the late defeat to Cleve
land. The policy of the party i to
Maine, li-tru-t in ' "lid the bu.i-lies-,
hut the fall effect of the irty'
lilii-y not realised till thi year.
The cl.-ctor- of New York an.l j
New Jersey realized that the Fe.h ral
election la-, o Udly needed iu
h.r. Matt- f.-r the purity of the Ui-
L,ni..v i.,Ut...u v..,..i.
ii.glv tl-y t.a-k the matter in their
own h .ml-. The i..b i thoroughly
own iuikn inejoc, i inorou.m
iiime. hiii it mim it l- iiimi reuei .
i i ... . . i . t
-hall come over that rtd.
The Chines ri-trfttion ad wa
!! extending the time for repi
tratioii for a i-ril of -it month-.
I tut no appropriation wa- made
bioking to the execution of the law,
hence it i a dead letter. It really
'iii- to ! n c:i-' of -how not to do
it." All Oiinaiiien under arrt-t fr
dejiortati'in haveU-n reb-ail.
Another ,-ae of chn-tian . i.-n.f !
fating ha been bnm.rht to the
knowled.-e of the r.lan.l police.
father Warwr by name ha two
-n u.'u of Ti.'-'n.t
who have abtainel in .111 fl f.irl
aU.ut 2: days that the Mn of thi
Ualv may exorci!. The .
rl.iMr.-n '"ha the courage to fre
theiii-elvt from in," o
,l. ..
and inhuiii in father -ay. They are
in a pitiable plight. The -ae ha
L.cn n-f. rn-1 to the C.v and t.irl-'
Aid S"icty fr investigation.
. . .
-f..r inv.M.ga..on. .
,.rcyi-l, tovmg with
-ilv,-r ..inatr... V.-.rhe
The d.-rn
-rmit it to publih.l that at the
aemhlinif of n.niriv. he u ill inTr. ,
duce a fr.? cinaire -ilver bill s.. '
w hatever relief might have f !lowl
there,l t the purcha e tiun of "'''""ksriving pnvlamation with-U ;mmiioier l arr.Ii i. Wright, ' ,r , v.n t,i."
the fihennan law will be balked by out lm nt",n'nf I ' Hi need. il- not regar-1 all moral evil a ai We ;.ay twenty-flve cent at Lib
thi thn-at. It really -m that tlie , re 5,0 RIVat then " now' Tnei re-ult of li-puor drinking, but under- i f .V efitrn. and" g-t a ticket, w hich
irtvn.,in nou.-puiil n..f r..i; ute I!' 'hi year bring to mind ! ,tand that other condition of m-.l-M" to 1-appiie-l on any purcha-e we
that it i re-.nible fA.r the welfare
of the country, but will -till -r-i-t j
in it oh-tructive inethal- pur-u.l '
f .r the .tt thirty v.nrs
The Knglih ut'r have a clearer
view, from their far off L-land. of
"wu" African tnan tne, lem-
. ratic orjHn- that are on the imriiriil 1
Ttte anal vi i.f the ly.ndm New i-
,i l- .
V .n.ey erx.rm.Ki- major-jn(,
ity innhk-mtouvli.'tethatthe
pr.t.'tiiiii-t have larv-ly increa-d
au.1 tt n ri ru i-1 their power, "nthe
whole, it i pn.Uil.le that prottiiHi
inrtueiat.l the cb.lion ireii.-rally."
The Uhi.I.mi Tiio.- thu. notice the
.i tuatiot): "The r-j id iii n- won a
great triuinph. ao.1 the deni.arat
liave gr Hi ik I- fur riHi U-ur; but it
i Taiiniiaiiy Hall and .-n.t..r Hill
who are r -burf.!, n..t ln-ident
tl.Aeland. I'.iiic and lr- will
l.ttrn mnv m..re the length to w hich
it i. ....fet... IUk.-
- --1-" '' oar.i en- f.f u-'v from icnv ..f the .him- .,rp autfl-. AIo-ee a imiUr de-
n.ay now think it Utt. r to bnk t. r,-l a s,wt,i-h ,.t on the Mdit. ; r ,.f n.iiui M,. i .,roc ' vi-e fr cutting your name, etc.. on
with laininaiiy Hall and thri.w over t.-rr.uMfln .-l a few .lav ago and.arii.k ot will..! apt r print in rti,'," You n1"1 envv the
Mr. I..nibl..wer. The result of tl.e h.n.l-1 t The pMM. ,1,. k; wit?, other ! ...j,. 'f iu I. ..ut.Ii " t'" STiaI ,hV "y..'"r
:..ti..n- ,.,,.,., .t,f i;.,r. ... n..r ticingup it w..'LXl.. It l " "f.
inn iiki iarin reionn. 1
.n.e ..r id.. 0... .. . ;r
meor ttu oppir-itMin act a- if no
money ha- to I, rail ft the ;
rt t krovernni.nt. They a1
tn'tik'! 1 tii'tiji'H i I r 1 n K
I iiHitit an entire abrogation 4.f
tax.-.. The troth i the pr- nf a b
fnini(ntti.n will r.)uire a mini.
Money to mrry on the government
a did Harri4i. It ha- iM to (
raiel fp.in i.iie nmv. It the
tlutv i- removed from iJ. -u rr
and oth.-r raw mat rial, the m.-nev
that h.-rwf..i"..re ha rail fr.in ' r fican- .n..te. t., -.w thai it ha.
that uni:i have to !. put on l-n. it i due to the cmtlk. The
our ugar. o.!T. t.w. 1 ..me Kh r j l.-t f. wc k of the -how aw Kan
o.iiim.lity. Which i U-tter, tike nis N'.-l rt-ka. Iowa, Minn-..ta.
the duty ofT il that it can 1- j Wi.i.iu. Ii.diaiia and Klines
...Id f.- wily and P tvnt per ' turning out their million fri the
i..und. and tt it oU Mir that
we will haie to l-r K arvl ..!,!
' I "
leive it ii w,a. and o!T o.rr. If;th.ir .bb.'a'i.m. The farmer t.y
we have free w.4. ie p.ajn.1 will at may "-wo w" arl -.nan" but he it
nn.t buy in- and a half ind . f i. 1h.1t put. t!e bmtd of life into the
-u-Tr. K.ni.ly fix tl.e Ur.fl" on ... 4 1 ,u-u:t of hi n.-iiht and uj.h -i.l
ar) take the tax .T rAi"d uir..r
an.l i4te .ninl 1 f w.a will buy f.ur
to five !Ulld- of .ugr.
Th rv lend. Ohio ha d-iD
what Orfrjn did In Iv-S. The
in both inntana aa narrowed down
to jTotertion atfaia fre tr&ie, aad
j.Miion won. But thij U how Uie
t)ry red :
MLKinley I gfy-rnor of Ohio
ha "i, plurality. To year aj)
he had and one ytr afo cm
OeveUa J tlettof waa choen there.
New York defeu JIaywarJ, the
democratic ring candidate for jode
by i,i ... In Iirooklyn, .Si-hierin,
re'Ubii.n for mayor, U elected
by IJL-tyeatD m city
threw a dernoiratic majority of
J,'. The kviJature l republit'an
by twenty -four majrity cn Joint
ballot. t-wetfo, the starch city
that ha dettiotTtiO ilR '95,
tt r-puMi n thw tinw.
New Jer--y eleet thirty- ( reJKlt
:inn a-wemblymen and teuty
three dernaf. In the -nate the
ieni'Tt will .r4ably have eleven
tnd the republican tea. Lt year
the democrat had a rjijjrity of
eii.'htem in the hou--.
Yirnia ha pone democratic tv
-','i. thaiifh O'Kanvll nn l hin-l
tii ket Rnd later return niy how
that he i ! f-alel.
In Kaii-a there are -ultantial
r-i ut.li'nn jrain. Fu-ion of deuio
crat and jmou)i-'-' eein U liave
tn a failure, Twenty-even crjn
tie hear! from are republican. It
-ins to I- a complete republican
In I a the reputiiicnn u-I a
broom and tin re i a clntn
-p. J.K'kxiu, republican for piv
eriMr, uill p-t ;.'..ihii plurality. It
i e-timateil that the prohibition!-'
will throw in the -tate 1J,ii vote,
and the ,puii-t Z',, thia is a
Cin of finly over la.-t ynr.
The Uvi-lature 1 xilidly repul.liiun,
wherefore, Mr. Weaver iil not oc
cwpy a pla in the I nitcl Mate
-nate thi time.
The republii-an. carry Illinois
"otw 'th-tanding the Mum,, of la-t
"" Th ht
' i,,r'' m tht" nr,hl"t
I" M.;M-hu'tN the land -lid
'"""nune repur.o.wn i,ie, oy
plurality. The democrat have tfore
... . . .
. A
rin if n viyiiiv htr inn vmn m
Minion. The change par!,-, ;in(1 f.'l The pnttv
democrat and correspondingly ex-jlnT,,r the plan. However, with all I i,,,,,,, ,, ar iudm-ing many vid-hilerat-
republicans. Hut in Ken- Imperfection- of the law and the tor t purcha-, but we are not here
tii. Vv iMiHim-r k.; din.n.m& t i'rjudi fif men, it-eticiuie admit -r loHtling ihii!v( with doii tic
No pojxili-t can electe.1 .ruth of
Ma-riu and I Hxon.
t olorado return are tl,e from
mining -tate vime ti.v-n r. ,1. 1
L ... . .
vote. The rei.uhli.nu have done !
well and maintain an organization.
T,,e e'M',i"n f"r t,H,nty
fi - .... i .
uty and burlen, that of voting.
Nela-ka elected a -upreuie crairt 1
idv by a-'oii! 1..1 r,iiiftf I
Hg t- a..oiito .,,0011 plurality.!
I'enn-ylvani. only give a 11,.-. '
renn-yivan.a only give a lvaai
re,.uMIian and Pn- j
. . . '
lenum, nei gain 01 ,.,ii. 1
! In the U-troit. M chimin, citv
eh-tion the republican are ahead, i
r '
Kven in Mrvan. republi.n mie
el, their cai.lidate. for in
jd. Thi i cn,r,le, by the dem-
11 U reim-mla-rrl that two or thn-e
.Vfar ago Governor IVnnoyer iued ,
i the -tanra :
... . I
Wb lb drril u nek.
lb drTiI a aaiot aoalJ b
W bru O dTi raa wrll.
A drril of a aaiot va ho.
".invertlevelan.1 left thetMjntry
t ,,,.,,.,, f hi. firt ,minL.triltion
ying uIwral,,.i,
ip.i-rii v. w im in., out. lie pi'ii-niii
'"" wa e,,ua, " . ' ' ' "
I ""nVang an-I u,..n woman ,1:l..mplKit the -v-t, , U, il.inr.a-,
1 'r"U,l-v ',Ia,"M, n additional , t,,,n of I1'1 l'Mlt tn th 1,',f
.duty and bunlen, that of voting. UpTits y having the public In
.i i .i. , It t . . t . ' i t- f'", adnn-i..n fee. that
greatly exceeding the ex.nditure Un.il iiK-t of thee evil. , f,.;,,u, n,r A lif n,V( vill(. tt h.,
, trv,.urv , overflowing : ivially ha it tv.mplebly divonvd 1 He ha. a i-.int of re,l-h..t jrla at
ith . ,., ., ,, ...Wh. fnrf .,.i f..,,,.,,,.,;,,,, i,u ,,-k,,i
r..l ibaf in.l... o.-.
," "., .. ., ,
to mm the nat..n,,.l democracy,
ine r.pui.iican t...k the -urplu. ,
an.l at.i-l it to th ptvn.-f.t of .
the national d. U a far a il would
go, a iel ena-til the McKinley ta ri if ,
bill whichlou,rlthenvenueathe:ion. to drink by -b pping ,d.i b.
; government till there wa n.lre:ide)
Yet the brethren an- not
An I ng'.i-li MM-nltitit -hip ha ing '
.. : 1.1 - . .
lotiit. to t. on fliv. The Samo -pread
mi.iii'v an.l iMirneii to ti... .
' '
... u,.:.h , :,K
-1 - . .... . . w u
lt a.'eu 1
energy, cauing grest
Ir-lnK-t;nn of tn.tawrtv n.l f
- fiv :.. 1 . '
n tire ainl tirne,. Tl.e .buth
1 a tii.wiw.nit ir ninr
cbaracb-r of the earg w a 0.4 kru'W n
Io the puUh- till j.t before the Ur
cata-tr .pl'.y.
If the ("i.iiiiiibi.in enB.lii.,n I,..
U n a financial .uors art. there
Cm. t.. tf t,fi ,bi.
v... . , i
'ui..1... ia-i 1A t i-Tiir-l 11 T
tfie honor of hi country, t which:
latter fa-1 the memory (A .reoeralj If th. il-.-r lr
"lierman t-kt.fl-. jw.h, n-.w in the treary
A A110 R 7 -SA WO.V.
Tata many met in extra swion on
Tuesday evenin;, but the -rkn
a lort one. The New IU j-rt tha
Leila the story :
A multjtaJe of Tammanyite
crowded In and around the bij i?
ara In Fourtf r.th s-treet tr.oiht to
jt-t the late-t return-, and up to a
late hour crowd. of ru-n were -tr-am-Inj
In and out of the building. The
great hall im crwde.I, the main
fl.air beintf fi:iel, a were a!-) it
(ralleries. In the boje-, with tlnir
escorts, w many fe-hioiubly-t-tired
women. The platform was
filled with Tammany h-a.ler. who
took turn in -peaking cheering
ord to tlie auli nv. an t in telling
them what a grand in-titution Tam
many i. E-setutor Thoiiia J.
Creamer pre-i.U-d. The rHurn- wer
rea.1 t-v John H. M ioMr-ack, ,Te
tary of the general collili.lttee. A
telegraph intruriHi.t aud o,rat'r
were in the auU-r.m at the rear o(
the platform. When the nturu
w ere favorable there w a 111 u h cheer
ing. IlichardOker ilid r.t how
himlf in the hall. He vludt!
him--lf in hi- priv.ite r m
and de -
clillel to anyoiie but hi lieute!i-
ant. At o'cl k. be nt out ofl
that in hi opinion U-th the -tale and
k-gislative tickei had l-i i-ured
by tlie republican-. The evil tidings
appeared to -pread among the jple
in the hall, aithough no iijiiuiatioii
wafurni-he fr.ni the platform, and
the word "U-aten" ua-- -n 1
from mouth to ini;h. Tlie crowd
grailually liegan t- l.iiivlie a-iy,
althoogh effort- Mere made to hold it
and at lu oYbx-k, ubeii Anit'to
Punly apjx-ared aiid wl,i-r-l to
the rvjd.rter, "We r" l-at-n from
top to bottom," th-re wa --.rvly a
guanl in tne hall. At lo-. io oM.ick
the meeting wa declared adjourned.
i I lut'tiJ?
7A.t FH
.Siiuth t'arilina i the rir-t -tate to
try the moilern -ytem of controling
the r-tai! lijuor traffic, and the eye-
of rt-former have l-en turrxl to the
tialmetto -tate to note what -:.-,-
ha attended the ex -ri incut. Tin
l.fiA.rii imA fT 1 lie II iMkl i rv tit lilv A
f - ' - ;
IH,,V ,-"v' in Kl's:
,.r i f-;i,, ih-o it fri 1. hv
I. . . . . .1
...... .... . v ,
th"t lhelv ' Jr''k'ni: !-
crime than there wa under the old
!" Thi the very ob;.t
Hii:ht by the lcgi-lation and to the
lettenf it ha- aci.ini.li.lied that f nd '
f,.v m n,u' h hn U l-n a -'"-.
inepiani w icu i- known a- me
tJotlwnberg y-tcin, originating in i
the n.iin citv or 1 1 m t nnie n i uoni lucre I- a l'niiwi announiv-
i-pinus " naming u.e ,.Ui.m-iHm.
con4JU4",e'l by a maimger on a salary I
while the profit are imid into the !
?uhhe ' N"tt' il. '
' . I
anl tnutwurthv n-ia.rt from Nmlli
r """- " "I" .
.. .
eru"" ,,nl " IH n,"n,,ftp,l,,n " '
the l"nitel Mate comnii inner of .
.laoor, uiioeriaKen in wie iiarri-on
.dminL-tration. haa ja-t Un made,
j of the h""r "f -iin.liivavian "l" '
l.t.. 1 1 . ; . 1 T T -
j legi-iation ami 01 tne natur.- ana op-
erati.Ki of Ihe iiothenlT2 -y-t.in.
Iir. L R. I- .tould w ho made thi
lnvextigatu under the dic tion of ;
ern lift? ma-t al 1 taken into ac
iiint a cau-e.
not efl
A d ...a .l....r l.. ..... .1 ... '
ii ii in., uii ir.iiir. ma i i ne ni .leu-
Vainbliikf and .4b. im.o..r-,I
. . h . . ,,
- r.e - . which add much to the (
we;rr,i oi it cur in aiih n.-an lo'e.
t Mn HnmnatI th flntnt uf rn-1
" T(in fr-t'i '"th klu.Id. r- and
- eller. It ba remove.) many tempt-
I ... a ,
per - a.n under eight.-n year- of aire,
and by clo-in' al.Mi on -n.l.v
'and at h.air....f tt.e dav wh.-n tiie
j workingtiian i in.t
It b. iiri.vi.Ii.l f. 1 tl.. n.i..f
univer-al -ui-i.rt of teim mti.-o a.1-
v.a - ai. - . 111 .i.r a v an.l .-w.ien, ano
... .' .
... - ... .
mi i..ti,iiui 111' lain, n ri.. . .... 1 . i..
n( (,,,,uu.,itv whiih ha- t r:-1
.vteiu ha- al.i..L.ne.l it.
The grea'i-t diadvMnt.kr- -.f the
! - 'l' .11 1 I ' u 1.1 1 I I.i
iave lm"i l-'U
the monopoly e tratS.'-nly
clinl.- di-tiKi-l h.pi.irs
T.ie ..:.-
pient iiiin-a-l o4i.tiinptio.i ( i.T-r
a. .d a ine ha. ri 1 the in.i r , '
ment promial, ni l it i ii..i;r.ir.
to lle IT. O xild' Mrtitldetit s-f.1,1
ti-n that bv-hitiiKi in U th i .titri
will .n inclihle f. Pii. t,:. .! 1 t :
In the op rtl'Kl of the -y. . 111.
It wi'l U- found. pr..li! ly, t! ..t e
cann uiY-.fuhy tru.-i '..tv.t the
y-teni in Anierii-.i w::h our cl.:o j.l
aial habitat, yet there !r- t .
l" ,wr;' n w,r l"',n " "" " ,,,,r '
lator can tvlapt to .air in
iti r
I r.je
w irh pri.flt. T 1 tht . a 1
aixl einx-1 rf..rii er ui ! i , I.
i w Ith k. -n inter.-t w bat . -i: I
neighbor do with thepr 'i. tti t' . v
n.. have on their -late.
. i . a i
l.. i..i i . .... .. oriiatii.'iit.
' ., ., -iiiv - i, uork. v.t it i d m l.t-1 IT"-'1 tr.us on, but the ruunim; g'-ar , .LVi .. , r , a",r 01 ' nb,.-J- ' u.-i-b-r . w -.. it.. an .,.. ;, ,.-a-,-j t . 0. .tj
leven theevil ial cmn-eih-no-. re- V ". P 1 'j Hl' u.lf runn. r and the v. lit. .n l"- ' A, , d " lMl) ' I''v,,, -n-tT. I ., tbr b ur ..f ., i. It,, l-.u.ro i,.ari.,T w-.V.
i 1 ful if the men Hire iii-i ..i.i . !v in il. m.r 1 a runn. r iuia uie t-nicie like an aa. and fu ib s.t. n.i n.n, ... ... . v. . .. . . . . . . --i -1. - "
, aultinir from the u-of li-ju-r. Ihjt ! v t thi wrk ..ni'i,,. t," i-wdinarv- big -IHgh. Now I -hail ; a4 ut u .m. u,o,.Wb biur cU.-u, eoLVr.' . 'w.x"f .V'o.' , .r""
I be declare that it i the uiivernl . comimny, though, make an nor- sclule at thi time. .nvT7V !i i ?, ' rfl'"1" "m-w"! ""i rr-r-rtt. t--.it t urn. of J .j. a Mr-.f.v. Jlu. t.f
tf! testimony of thwho an- familiar ; - in..He every dy, d.Ki't y.a, '" LlxKt.ATJ.R. j ,.., a., of i: ,a iJ 47:.'' .'r.! I" T "'n mU"
: . . . . ... . 'tliiiikr fn.niflii art iel i n r, .-L ui .' . : . d.a'.r of tLa I .irti.fi n. 11 . iu-. .... f .. ... .. i . . .. . ..- . V
wnn me i.ici- w.ar tni v-iein i.a : : . id,.4.A h n n n.a -.-is. . .. - : . ". "' - " ... .mm. , i-i.. jr.. i ji ,,m: j
a cre o i;)e.l and pot in circuLitk-c,
uhat a tTightt-uin; in the tinr
thre would t. Tel-gram. Well,
upp-e they were coined, how would
they g-t into circulation? ttue-thit-g
of val mut be exchanged
fr thm. The jr-jvernment would
nut give them away. Already their
valje U in cin-uLition, either in the
-hipe of nilver certificates or p.ld
that ha been lid out ft r the
rvrtiScatcs. Take L a you will,
thtre ma-t be an exchange of value.
Lmt-.k Ixt.f.rEi.vT:
Your i-ue of the l:ith i t" hand,
anil in it I oWrve that Mr. Kindt
ha.- reaily given vur reader a good
au ide of the fair generally a It i
rib;e to do on paper, though at
tfie t that mu-t very -unimarj-.
The fa. 1 i-, that no de-t-ription nuj
U- ery complete, ar 0.1 iit of
even a couple of liwlitti- duration
can ( friiderel by any mean ex-hau-tive,
tl:ougli it luay pn.lwtjy
evhau-t the -trvngth of the Vi-itor
time arel agaiu. A your valul
corjtribu'or ha -0 ably dc-a-rit! the
building arel o many of the exhibit-,
we -hall n4 repeat w hat ha al
! r,"a,'y l"el -aid. Th'W of your
r-.nler. nowevf r, w no care can come
and ay a vi-it to the Midway Il.i
n-. Thi a long tre-t leading up
from the fair aial running nrallel
witli Fifty-ninth -tree. A we go,
we a the gn-at Kpworth hotel,
and lete it great tnt tr tal-rnade
l-i-le it in which evange lical preach-
liig l-(Lilly conducted. W e eotcr a
wicket gate on presenting our ticket
bought at a little booth adjatiit to
it. In a minute we are in a differ-ut
country o to --ak r rather a con
glomeration of !t-m-Tsry d.i.nirilt-i
and bu-iiit--"- of dirtt-rvut oiHrie.
I-t u all keep clo- toge ther, f.r if
we jr-t -pHrated we haJI -rha
not get together again, lien we "
ihe beiithen Cliinee, the Turk, the
Hindoo, Javanc-, Japanew, Iim-homeyan-,
uth ."-a llander, etc
Hut let u- take in thi gr-at interna
tional collection of human cu-tonis
appearance ami inuu-ine in me
1 ..e . . 1 f .. .
rtof y-tem. Here we are at the
I ri-h village. You pay your twent-ty-flve
cent admi-ion and by the
wav you bal lietter have a cn-i.ler-
able iuantity of mall chanire reaily,
a. it w ill le ne--trv in the 1'lai-
aiK. Tliee I ri-h -eiii having a
i-""1 ,in,r "in gin and playing th-ir
national mui and dam'ing to it in
unfeigne gl humor. e th
1 v l . i i
ji .wncer-, now iriey uo eiu io
-hake every t--ibihty rheuma-
ti-in out of tiM-ir lower extremitie
jiiii,. intil fhi'ir i kfsa I tA I ri.K
material. Here we are at the Blar
ney ( a-ile. lp we go, oiimhing to
the top until we come to the very
top, or near it, k lien we rind a blue
pa-r p:b-h on the wall with the flat
-ide of a gra i-h-broW n -tone in the
. fi-titer. ai.I -b ne 1 i 4ne ten inche-
: L.n.r l.v eirht u i.le f.l .1..1 I
(lf ,,,)U,t , , wh,.,tl4.r tj, U rr-lly
a pii of the fanmu- lilarney stone.
'met that it i g-nuine and that
f nn ,(aJ
catcl it to the IrL-hnen of Ameri.-a.
, we apply our Ii, lightly to it-
s,w(. apply our lip lightly to it-
rarUi-e and w ij away any (nible
Fm ' Ji- that may have by
anv chan adhen! to them. Now
we have actually for in our
we have actually
ki, ,he II lla rncy , tone, or
r.iK..r a ru iww .n .f if I T...i..f. .t-t I.
- !-
" . '
1 h iNiftiT 11 iMmiiiikre iiii tii.
,W ,,U-, Jv ui.'.m h.n..
wuile our u-ual hack ward ne- I up-
. ...
,he. . vam-h I ZSext we wt out
f.-r the IJW.y gl work -but -a.
urf j, there iiw the esit ti Uie Iri-h
. gate mrk.l a dollar each i. You
.give it up. Well, it i ii-at and
really it tray le well to take a gmul
"1. -JZT.T.'T.
look at it f
I mav make. In-ide we
a great
brick -t.tik having furnace il ,r. i
ji., t,.
Men are bu-y shaping the
t... .1.. ii . . : .i
in i i.-ii k: .a- liar mu auti in r i
oi-.w pipe aivi y-rU -f a tl.r,( ,.f .
gla. flvin.' touanl t!ie aiK.ke-of the I
;,n j u( u.;ull,. j
jj s, .,,innm.. jr. They BfW-
w.irN thi intH4h. If vkj I
are d.Kibtfulof thi ...k at tliat gla.
n Itl wliK-ll yon -e a tTutlfuI i
,1. ... im. I..
il,,, Kulalle w hen .1- vUIf 'l
' the rriii.-. Hulaliewh.-n l vi.it..t
the fair, al.i that h.w ca. w ith
ir-ntlemen' ti.- at two and a half
"'oilar ea .-h-and y.air tick.:, x-
a; now l'Ih. 1 "cut l.y mean, nf
1 1 u fi. !- tlie rim i.f uhi.-t. . m ..t
1 1 . 1 .
- M..e in. nr-i umieriai .l a
N t we enter the J.-uxiiw-e larjar
-r -ic
ar - v.-rv fine, but there 1 a --..a.
an.l tu u . .. . i,nu r. .. i
w hat .-imilar fi in 1'itlarxl, u we
n-i only go into their nUurnt
- -
aud --t a cup of tea tuade bv them.
1 -
If you w ih to wild animal ir..
throdk'h W'on.brful .vi.lnii .n. ......
;.r lnt H..c,.nu,.k., ,ow. 11,.,.
y.i lion, and tiir-r a.iing a
t.noc'y a. ever y.m aw b.r-- or
l. in a -liow. t
i u...... :. . : . :..i i I
. !. a i.e-e i n ue ei.'ir VIIC
iti.ttT in th. vicinity which we
. .!. rand -e. the f!rt ibiia I. I .f .in.
n-. tnurr.iny, uiidday. eveni, an,j
tii.-ht ..n the A!., in 'all tin- jl. rj- .,f
the -.- n- :.-aeer go Ur to ".
We t:ov vi.it theal-,- the-vauh I
--.i l-...n.er and a them in tlri
theat'T -ilia'iliif v. -ifi-riai.ly bjj, ,
-;r H.if f. i;..w tfwv ape, aak-.l esc-pi
to t:n r loin, are! w inirii tlwir
w.-.i- firii-ly. An )j.g!i.h
0 " od ot . Iir left y that th-
r.-a a f. ling of uix-a-ine-.
rviriitig a 1 r.!h r who i. -riua-
t..-i.My ii, A ri.-t. rii-btinz the Met.
I. i in .Hi.h A:rii-a. ,!. raite
1 i i.r-at -I t i.-htir ty the Urifiadi. '
1. 1 A loaie and female i,( t.'
wa. ii ir.-.r- in thi ljilding ng
w.atiya evT hve Ilea r-1 in
tb. ir own Utjgiiair1 not a uote '
Highest of 43 ia Leavetlnj Pcwer Latest U. S Gov't Report.
1 1 yy cy
grite on our ear.
The Dubh Htleni-nt, German
Village and old Vienna, we p. a
we contlude there U prbly but
little to learn in there tVorJ wht
we already know. The turki-h vil -
l.n 1 full ,J f - .
lag i full bataar of Jj-tern
8"l for saie .-ha-ny vnt. I Uir,
fc-, jeWelr'of til.lgrve Wdrk, etc.
Tl--e.ier. an- 111,-tly nw-n iu r.
lee W ho -land or -it behiod tlie
t9l! and alUuke cigarettes. F-r the
mip4 pstrt tlwv are verv ouiet fr
lows having an eye to bu.me-. but
-fll t'J adite to importunv you to
purcb at et the unt of them
are.. fioe of them have learned
that a litt.e bii-HM , roevy g
gl ay. A g-"l p-p-liow i liere
iviu'si. u. i.f t!ie holy land and
.Mber p.aT lutifully .W.n
111.11 ! MIU' IIIMU XII1I1Z ly a
uiiall -land cabilig out, "eXi.-el-
lent match. verv fln nil, h
very gnl inatch. We mix
with the crowd around him and
him take the cork out f a nall
vial. A little bra knife I Hh k in
the cork and thi- i url to nil a
little bit from a rubl-rdlkeVub-tanif
in the vial. Thi i applied to the
c-iei it a nj;iirur aill llioi-iemi
aitii the tip of a wet tiut'or, when U.'.
The cigarette l lighted and- "ei-l
lent match, very roi niatih," etc.
11 anin iuu-iv-nu -uiii; oui. r
purvha.-e a couple of viat and get a
cigarHte to trv. We t-ueeeeded iu
lighting it too', hot the Mih-tan.-e
e-m a-ewgvr to burn our wet tin-
ger a tlie end of the cigarette, i we
d ir!inel foranirtetant tothinkl
it anything txit a "verj- fine match!"
our iiitere-t i aniul, too, at thi-
application of a chemi.wl ultance
w hich will ignite by menu, of nwi - t -
ure. We convere w ith him a Uf
we can. He i teally a very nice
fellow an American not a Turk,
and i a phy-ician. liut again he
re-ume hi ong iif "a verv' good
iitatch," etc. Ttie Turki-li rug bere
were very fine iu iuot fif the tal.
We ce the mmpue, !, in which
the faithful pray ome three or ix
ume a ia to Allah.
.... - - ..- w ' "
. : 1 I 1 . . . L . :
Aiima IllA l P0 I ttua I V 1
nare, aiirnr jiiu me inu-ician-,
H im, monotonous though not un
pleasant, mu-ic na si ire.iiermy
.... ..
nted to our ear, acvomnie! by ;
that peniliar rythmical peal of their:
gong. The j-.pie are -mailer than
are liwle of ba.i.U... ,,vere, with
I 11' . . , . 1 j U'l llll- ' I III.
ii Ki-f- aiHi porcre- are iiijij -ay
about three Inclie ill dlmelr. The
women weave n,l Ixint if fern i
women weaxe ami int tt.n t-i
tieiitly on their ixwly made l..tlnng
material. ejllitiEly obiiviou of the!
g-aze of Ooa-n- ot tle. y k at
every woman voii
among IIh nt
and there i one thing to note ulait
all their brow-and that i that the
ut.i-r itart ff their f..r.-i.-.l .nu-ir
Upper tart OI meir ..f IkkO api-ar
i narrowing to the lhrrow ilig of Ihei
hair fn.in the -ide of their i.-id- to -
wanl the ccrili -r M tnv i.f ihe r
.M V . V 1
tiling Tor ule are inwle ot t-smboo,
etc. They alwi have a falliou-;
kiiwl of c-inn-tte Thev ha e
a rhter In l. i.l.
a theater In wlij. Ii we l-lee
.U cunou-ly grotejiie a.-ting j
i doue. Farther Up we fitaJ
the ce!tbmt.l M.ri-h iwl- H. re i
uie ce.t i.rai.M m n-11 pawce. 11. re
one ha-really ir,l vaiue for tlie-tllll I
expended in admi i"il. You the ,
1 labvrinth of n.irr .r- w here von m.-et
yHirelf at every turn and ,-anHy j
know w men w ay to turn a to !
clear of yi.Mirclf and get along path
to p ( tmt i,f it. Very many eiinie-it
i.ple, t., are faind here In wax
work. The iruill.4ine. which liced '
. .4t 1. . . i . I . f 4 . ...
alo exhibite.1 here.
Neur thi i the h-c leigh real ice
an.l 1 have to ttiauk you, Mr. Kdi
'. the , y.-u -nt me for the :
y-a ent me br the
ltli.uiv ! a ninini.r riil rn i.m. If '
i . ,
anil .frtfi. I.ii fin. I m.i I.,. ,
nil iiiii.v-i v-i iii ..i uiiieiit iri Jll.nl- '
iun-, a icmrai .nMrican Mate.'
i ne ren..ii h -t me noiire acr i. tl.al .
the hip liad a paengf w hich the
Homluraa .utl-Vit want.!. He
i a wiliti.wl refugee. Thi
. a . . ..
-nkm f th Trent ulruir tlmt
tiirnl in lbl, when the I luted
tate government waiil.l .1-.
I.n.1 l.,b-l ll.iru nrat a Ii... f.
Ul - .l - ir,. - and lv .Utmoft,.
! " -r "j'-n intiJii --.'. to at in twr .. li ' Hrriiut. ia wi..rvv ii n.r.utT iir,n. -
Tlie Mell-kfionn firm or!. 31. MOYKK ( 0., .t. 110 FIrxt trot t. today ailuTtho Io t l.e out their
lork at cot tm rttfoimt of (liMlulioii or(iiarlnerhip. Tho coo.K rarrletl !iy thN linn aro c known,
antl liaTesiven satisfaction to oery imrt liar. Their Mock N coniIete in every respect an.l they tifTer
their line or Imported sondi at .New York cot, and their vterlinz line of Orezon-made coot!, at actual
cot of manufacture. They offer line, or men'. uit. in Crepe. Ha). IMmsuimN. The lot.. Melton
Kersey, and Tweed; 100 line. oMhercoat. in Kerseys, .Melton., .'.raters, IMIot ( loth. Cheviots. Chin
chillas, Serces. Mohairs and Tweeds ; ;." lines or trousers in every coiieeivahle pattern : .".0 lines of !loj .
suits In Cheviot, Serse., Cas.imeres, Worsteds aiidTveeds; liO lines t.f knee pants suit. r all trades ;
larse lines oT FuriiMi.ti: roods. Hats, Imlirellas and Mackintoshes. In all the Mock consists or over
so,(M,o worth oMrst-class, si-asoiialde z N. Mhich will he s ld at actual cost. This is an opportunity
that sh.r.ild not he neclected. The entire stork or clothlii- is placed iu stacks with prices underneath
In plain tiirurcs, each stack contaiiilnr sood. or one price. Merchants in tlie interior will lind this a
splendid chance to purchase coo.N at New York cost and save freljit. ....h, sold Tor cash t.iily.
o Poivder
OrdlwaBee. m. I 17.
X ia'S!S? ' "
i l. It U nial f m
' pra wiuiia iba rirpori .:m.Ur of tt
! t,,f 04 Koim, w brt ut ae.iro or w
lt. p to t n-n or lc-ro. an i3Jow
, mw ,m . ,U)C u.Lt
ur lt tuvroniiiM n.t-fJ wiife th
rl' n' u ' 1
"1' " tJ. '
u ia u. .it uf H..iUjo.
...'.inli'.! 1V1 .,f II .. . ....Jo.-
prrl oj,t t. ino-r .t ltHrvT n jc4
ltwi.lota-u.n.clw ax.m
- ' ZZIZ:"?"
ute ut 1 r luLu or ar.T m(.i cr
iwi it-rf.
. 3 ! l-r
.,,,,, .,., llww ,.lllf, il Ke.rJ
r. t- stM-d :a u ia c h 1. th.n in
J-''' r- -' tun ir-J dm
(.l-lrutej -. I
-i-.! oiir ir-l
r mm KbJ MM &r
J .. -Oil '.. 1 V
i H V4M.I.V)IV.
.Xatire af il I in.
sHE i -rbT kn-ii. iht il pn
"4 h.'rr' ' J x'x-" u-f' ,b
.J, 1 rp
r.t. r. ti
pi..i iti
ii..i b ii.-i unl (-aa 1
II" .1 Mr VI St i!.--J L.Tmtf !
l4t 1 nr.- l.t Ir'u-n Hr . h will ,
Mtlf 1L. 'I'.. . . t t ... m .. 4 .
. io. k3..ii,t' i.ku.'-1 inJrh't4
ta S n. l-i-t-i iii-:.j to.
d '"Lr "...ej.te o!.. ;
" a; 'm it).K
U i.ru mt .:r :,. !;
,,. , . - - -
""Ut' f (e-Partaer-aif.
'I'liV f m ,.f Ki.kin 4 r,v. n,.t qj '
u.'ii.i. n3'fie ai.Llc r o. mtui f
, h. n. dr tB. ,
( t,u. trn Mtur i...Bj i
"oi'11 ir- t r t,. to, tu Hm-,
f b"Eu 'T"-n' .L'rtl, .
u tim. Frt-iii crt.i.r 1 . ; o
I ' KlVklV
H. V. U !..
Kalry mf Kiaal Statenaral.
N'Ot U y i bT-I.T ctTrtl hl li BlMlr
ib Sia' of 1 iv. f. W si..uvvtt iaiii.
; tin fiui iori 11 Jmiaoo.rni.. iib f r
I .:i tCM-td. if IU rVl of H J. kMU
.nl 11... . .
. 1 u i - . 1 . 'J .
I temI.t Ih. Ilth .... . 4 v . . . . - . I
1 . '" " "'" ' ' '"mllli. -.
I t M ocl rf-k A. M.. 1 1. ilia tut b-nng '
j tt i ictfin to 6ul acouoni and fr
; u, n ui iiwrvuf
j. j. rowLra.
Healed Kitla
1 ILI. reri-d ogmI Ttor-.r. -
.oI.i?;lni;ur:.. i. M.tUi
eunniT olfk' m Hi Uuum. nym.
for ih. m urr,.,-. .. . i.n. .. J
; k.t ... r.-, . ..J bnu. .1
. ........ - . 1 . -...1 vajv
i V ,
lVr'."f ,Vlt ." "
laTlVlw k 4 V l I I
iJilmUb imMnl.i
- '-' ( nut? jik.
. "
: t ti.f.o-..i mm. nib
.1 " -f'll. W on' Uil iuwrrl
"C, Z ' kT , ,1 'iJ".i 'u T..nr .t,r. a.il
-i , iiikiT.-tt (Mit.vri n - ' l-t. i-i oa n-.nl. .m i. -
J. liihlif.TT & O'UNELll a. ,4 Umk ul hm-d. ul lm.u f... Wt,.
; tire r I Iwnl Skritlrmenl.
. . .
1 ,)r!' K Url'T H. ri.n.
aduci irw of tb -. irf r. .
i----J. L tfl t! .twuw.ti
! ciaiiutM ..r in ll (panir loan
we. 01 o-ti,n fur w;Eknii
ooon. .nJ that n jin b. fiirj -nr-
!.. Nutmi l-r f.tb. l-ii. at . onanmm
' ' nn- m H'i.b.ir r.mtlt and atat
'"- ot"-r u
t MlJ 4 M :t!r Uiar ); tftr Uf tfa
final brrics anj tl. a. uirui. nt of J
' M..i-r ... i u
Kcmxni.-t of th etrt of C. w . H,rt .
t n i.f Ok irfiiioM imnJ onl of
' .'"m" '.n. nt il m
, w .
. I. WmIj:!,, ( OM ,n f,T(W
f i
OI l flM anil ..'ft UU J . f ...
' W l4U 1- l.aj Ar MaJ ru .O. V ai II It. L r.
th. at tb r-.t , l..pprrni rr
.,; tr. i -tv
;,....., , : .....7i T
i.ri, 'LM'iT
kM.i fc ik. .. .... - i . .
" " - 4.'ui .
" -
Ui (iff :.. 1 . P .1.1 rw.in
id our, trh al 3t..j
. .ifihin ui io. ci.'LM lu .ui r... a . . i ...
4CH K"IUtf CCntrf-U pMnpllf. t-ewil;
"""io... i..-m r...iui i-.m. ..on
.-'''""'. J
cxjiity. Ivm. it.iJ ia
arti i. 1 .. Ii. .1 -rj., l, nl. p 1. .S
rnv 2 W, rni.. 1 4( i.k, i; aj
1 u m 1 io dt 1. ... r. r. . r 1 . . 1 mm.
Nwi .7- r-. vi 1 J JZ. .
dn.,4 . prr ,w . f i.. . .
neaoi.iij n,; .m atr t.f -ru.lr.
1 11 r t lil.
s.;rof Wir.ki.,,rut..w,.
140 FIrwt Srt-et.
A. -X i.f
Cily Livery Slafile
i Where you will fintl the
Good learns, Good UnzzIe and Hood Drher.
Cor. Second and Washington Sts.
I hae wiih-lhltled Hie Five Oak Kami
Into lot r 10 and 20 Mere In mm Ii
manner that each tract front', a road.
This Sul-ilh Moil N " miles eat from
IlillslMtro and 12 west 1mm rorllam!.
The land is natural prairie, so tlu ri' i
no i'ens for zriihhln.
J. A.
. ; Masonic Temple,
Ilstofl Livery M anijate
. . Hit! H IMII . .
rHorii 1 trtmiin t.
A KM LIE OK KM.t.lfs .( nil LI.
Orrr left far HCtRF. will rereMe rMt attfatUa.
KBiraiber the Tlare.
F.J.WILLIAMS & J. W. SEWELL . Proprietors.
In 'b Tirroit Coorl of iLr ul 0 (
for w (ktintrtoa CoaniT.
M. M. Wttta, ilkintiS.
i 'bn W ihmtii. H. hrrknmil. r Ijilv
ibl . lt d.frud.att I
t.. r ivimI . . ,, a
l- k-1J. .. ,.f ttl, na.ed
. N .J..!' t-" ,h M.u. ..f . r r. ro.
arv brrvNv nts'url t.. nj.v.r m lb
iii xuki .u i j i...r ib, r hu-
; fi-otW " ' ri.il. J
,U" b' d. -( Vu.ra -r
il..tidii. it r.-i d,t .. .b, un.. .f
i aiJ ,,, (u,,lri( ,,,, ,,.,,, le.
lliMfjwnbnl f. I .!.ic.l..n ..( tin
wirf-mi u. iuj ti i.ii i . u--r, 1.
w a I . r a II... . .....4 . ....... . . . .
: (', (,., ,t, r,,.. MIW ,,.
,,r ukI grnu u.l. I J .1..
nici' - n 0.K11.11 (h-..n. f .r lur -.u:u.i v
"iriio i w.r.ti 1 nonti. ru.,.. 4
I Uian U.r.o.ru I -i Mf . lrui-
; meot -J ,a .t ,.iu :S. aad
iu.m .J l .J 1 1 p,r u.r r. ... .rf
pUiwil ut I ji!i in iLrV.-T p.iL. -aid
ilitvi!i rj iiirrit
..I tin. m:
uid ibM eu otif aii nrir Jr t
' ataJo m ih.t t eqa.t.
. I tn ma i i. -rri-i-vl n,.n T m fci t.ct
!mU.l)i.aM.M..it in ..ru-r ilif bt
H.. r A Met iu.. t ..f in. ..,
mbj C tcn u
da of rurfr. 1-U.
:i ;; liH'XHSH T.'Sfit v.
1 tm..i 1-w 1-iao.t.fl.
' ll Kit 1 1 M !.'.
1 rirnr if . irci;ii.i:i iscw r. i 4
It Hi I ui.t? i oarl . f lr -lai i.f l re-
cm. f. r w 4kt
.n rr.iititw IM fh,..r n. I'
t bfla.. and a.aira ji.u
i. r. Wi iu t, iu. .I.. ... .-. ... i .
..... - - x--' v.
fxilJ a.,in Wlh UtfrM lllim.l II Ii,. nu
... I.l i. .r . r . . . .. . . .1
.'to jut
a-kf arrn atl-V I ' at ... 1 (.. r . .
of i-.V .v"anj ft an tu
rr. anj f .r ti, e. t an J ni, f
v . .
So-.r. . i.. .....
30. icpn T(ni. rT irtu
arjw ..f a. . 1 r-t.f I I . J .. j
. , . .. ... -
...) rtixamniil lb brU4 nmt r.rorr
i ..... i . . . . . . . . ...
ofcami t. tn rn:r i.f it c.in.v r.d.
i:no auntb MkWT u .nuu-. .a ia
k''4..ni.tiitt,rei l.t.. .1 w 1
72 "r. 'TT' .- '"" i
nans; ti -tc n rta .i . d r i-t ,,j ..f .anl
riaim T ... rtam. t-. it., f .-uv- of t.-.n-
n ,110 . 1 r . . 1 . . 1 .. . . . ... ......
11 "ri""1 ""in v w 'Tiu
rt,.1i1 . .u ,.. rlvu.H,iT.
prr .tut . f . r u
niuna LtCdll.t In ilrT of kt--w-
?' ' H. P. tti.il..
' rt:jiii ..r. Din.iti 1 oor;i. iir.
I'ortlnnil. OreSon.
IKM Teaiiis that ran he IkhI
Hillsfccro. Greecn.
la tb Cirroit firl ..f ttr Suu f 1 1-
fur w tini j (Vkiuh.
East Whit. piiBt;5,
Grg Whit. JW-f riiJuiii 1
To eolY bll. It. '. c.:
IS lb nftiue II.. SiaI .f Or.,.n t n
ar Lrrel.v ivi4ajri.j i.i ii-kr n; ti.-
fttT Kauni Conn, in Xu M. .if ru' .i
'.it- n ti f. r. . ui .
l.ma-i,. bt t-..-.7it j.t ,.( s
tr. l-at. .. .rt. it,, fir., , 1 ,r .
km cl ! c,tn Mlth..,,
uiiwiiwimmMt'iup' u ...
u,n niiu.. rJ if r.o i. .
e ni .rrt..i. uj .lftlLl.!7 w
1 1 . I rl ... ... ...... . ...
pmr'aiat. fc-.f Ib.-.i ibr &. . ,
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ibk-ruuw o.ti-rt no. Miirc t--. ,
. ua ih. .i.,m d I c- ii r
jodimwin K.u. il n. r.i. . , .1...
i.nr-tii- of ih. hr,j .1 ..I.
rr u.J luniirr Oerre u m 1 D 1,
t mmui i
Ihiinum iuM v . -1 t a
br nrto, of .m., ,nJ j .u-i ,l
l ib dT ! oru.r. 1 -.. b, H .. 1 .
UMrvur. iodr. of tr. I.t t,pr,-j 1 ,urt.
1 m M. Tl I..
Atu rurT fi.r t ,.t.! 3.
In lb rirrnil (.mn ..f :a cf n
f..r W'a.binv ('-.Mil.
Canw Lojerx-a. ja.li.3, (
1 a l.t-. k-uir-rt, ILr ..'.vr-'Xiajti.! .l fitJ.
IN IL nan, ..f U. of l.r.-. r
aratrrt-t.T r;-; ra tu far .:..! ai.a
er Vb fjtEjlvint inrj y ia IL
atv. f nt tirj n.un aitj c mv. i.n ... '.. r
M iDillt. II.. "-h .1.. . I V. r... ..
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thia manK,M nr.n tvi. If r..n In,! a.. v
ajaaiid ai r u p:;ti ii w. .i ai ; !
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""P"1:". vwi. a d,n-..i .f i.
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It alt(; ss.
IhiI. HtMfii.xs. i w :; a.i fit
' ulll f...ra: i ratea. a ir. Irf ,f
hr li
m. a.ao
a l.rri tu. 4 ?, 4 of 1.1m. m.ui
uc i.f tar anil o.tr rr- ;n. i
J ei! u li.vi' ir urm. .j n.1.1. tj,,
a k..i iwaiT iiao. ai.u a, 1 t.itr... n-..
twau.-rtnm. a.i rffc..r. ir.r-u-J
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