Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, November 15, 1899, Image 2

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Ibllke4 Every WeSaeeeay.
Oeayrshew In Btevlaw mt t a a ImpmI.
wl Baapealaa ef the tHl Wash
Called Frvaa Ihe Telecraph r.laaaB.
The validity of government contrace
mad by swindler Captain Carter will
b tested.
Tne convention agreeing to irUkf
ttoa e( Bemoan claim tu signed M
Influential Sen Diegaa will build
txwneoon tinea xel railroad via gait Lake
trom their city.
Huntington denies that the Pwiflt
Mail Steamship Company be absorbed
the New Japan Um,
The bicycle, eatomobil and robber
trutiBow propose mm rraai concern
with a capitalisation of a00,000,000.
Wisconsin lumber dealer ear Just
bought 1,000,000 acre el timber land
on Um Pecifia eoast. lb paid
r Owing to tii poor telegraphic- sad
cable service from Sooth Africa tbe
London paper can get BO Daws far
their special edition.
The submarine torpedo-boat Holland
ha been successfully tested by Cncl
8am and a purchase will probably oon
be mad by the nary department.
The battleship ' Oregon ha (ailed
from Hong Kong, supposedly for. Cebe.
She sailed sooner than expected mad
Was seemingly unprepared for see.
A boats' crew of the . British ship
Fathan, recently chartered for trans
port service, refused to accompany the
chip to the Philippine. Twenty-one
of them were placed in irons.
A St. Petersburg correspondent say
that Kosaia, France and Spain hare de
rided to in terrene and suggest arbitra
tion between England and the Boer If
Germany is willing to co-operate. .
Otis cable that the thirty-fifth in
fantry ha reached Manila. 1 This is the
regiment which waa quartered at Vaa
courer and embarked from Portland.
Prirate Cleary died on the voyage.
The Berlin correspondent of the Pari
Figaro says Emperor William is re
solved to occupy Tiger hay, south of
Angola, on the west coast of South
Africa, if England occupies Delagoa
Russia want a to define our policy
in the partitioning of China. She
seems anxious to know if we are in the
scramble for a port M entry and a
sphere of influence. The imnressloa is
that America will only insist upon a por ol Havana, is visiting in New York.
open-door policy and protection of her
treaty rights, ureal Britain and J spaa
- wULPSfport her in thee demand. 4
- The Indiana, with the' Tennessee
- ljptanteex oa board, ia overfloe at Baa
Francisco. - J
The Tacotna New announce author
itatively that the. Seattle FoaV'ntelll
encxr ha teen sold. The mm hasi'a
name is withheld. "-f
The officer of tLe transport Ohio,
which ha arrived at San Francisco,
report that there is a scarcity of food
on the island of Guam.
President Samuel B. Donnelly, ef
the International Typographical Union,
1 was accorded enthusiastic reception
by the printer of Portland and Seattle
and Spokane.
An ungrateful Indian, who had been
furnished with food and lodging, mur
dered a Nevada white woman and her
infant son. Robbery waa the motive
01 tbe
The Russian steamer Dolney Vastok,
' which was to have entered the trans
port service, arrived in San Francisco
too late, a British steamer having
taken her place-
War in the Transvaal ha effected
the market of the East and specula
tive operation have ceased.' The effect
on price, however, ha not been aa
great aa anticipated.
A divorce ha been granted to Count
Von Holtke, tbe emperor of Germany'
aid-de-camp. The decree place the
entire guilt on the wife. The case ha
caused a sensation in court circle foe
a year past. '
Having learned that White la still
safe at Ladysmith, the British are giv
ing attention to General Joubert's plan
for the conquest of Natal. Such a
movement ia regarded a more daring
that Sherman'' march to the sea.
Judge Schofleld, of Illinois, ha ar
rived in San Francisco from Samoa
and Hawaii. He say the native of
Samoa should be allowed to work oat
their own salvation. He report the
landgrabber a doing a rushing busi
ness ia Hawaiian Island.
Swindler la Wall street. New
York, have been selling washed -out,
canceled revenue stamps, the traffle
having reached enormous proportions.
It la estimated that 10 per cent of the
daily sales were fraudulent and that
the government ha been losing $6,000
a day in the deal.
' Bourke Cockran, the famous New
York orator, waa once a porter for A.
T. Stewart.
.Charles E. Littlafield, who succeeds
Kelson Dingley in congress, will be the
tallest man in that body, being sU
feet Ave Inches In height. .
A call ha been issued by the execu
tive council for the nineteenth annual
convention of tbe American Federation
of Labor, to be held at Detroit, Mich.,
December 11 next,
. John Wanamaker authorise the
statement that he never advertised ia
a Sunday newspaper and never will.
The nary department ha sold the
tisiar Hector, formerly the Spanish
aaerohaatmaa Pedro, fur (OS, 000. The
Padre was on of the first vessel cap
tared during the Spanish-Americas
' The dwelling once occupied by
former President Martta Vaa Bursa at
Wo. IT East Twenty-eeveath street.
New Tort, has Just been sold and It la
aaaoaaoed that the property will be
jpearertad iaso s
Corporate franchise will be taxed
la Tax.
Yice-Preaideat Hobart U recovering,
end U almost past the danger point,
Montreal was visited by a fire, de
stroying 18,000,000 worth of property.
Russia want a loan. Tbe effort to
get It la Germany resulted in failure.
The London fog ia said to be so thick
that It obscures the actor In theaters.
Money is going back East to relieve
the stringency titer due to a natural
Admiral Scby say the completion
of tbe Moarwgu canal would, make the
America navy iu incibl.
Within the last week there ha been
much lighting at Ladysmith, but no de
risive results are attained.
Bahlian and Tarlae have )een taken
by the Americana, but Agniuald'
whereabouts 1 as much mystery a
Official returns are very low in Ken
tucky. Both the Democrats 'and Re
publicans claim a victory, and a con
test ia cure.
Tbe Mexican had twe fight with
the Yaquis in which the Indians were
repulsed, but not without considerable
loss to the Mexicans.
. The Union Iron Work, of San Fran
cisco, is said to have been absorbed by
the Seligmaa syndicate, the gigantic
shipbuilding trust recently formed.
The Cherokee Indians will sell out
and leave this country. They disap
prove of the allotment plan. Mexico
has given them a grant of 8,000,000
An unknown man had one of his leg
torn from hi body while attempting to
board a moving train near Kansas City.
He lived but IS minutes, dying in
horrible agon.
During a shopping tour in New York,
Admiral and Mrs. Dewey were com
pelled to seek refuge in a store to avoid
the crowd of curious people who were
presii them.
- Assistant Secretary Allen, in hi an
nual report, favor the naval reserve.
He believe that it ebon Id be reorgan
ised in connection with the regular
navy establishment.
Relations between Japan and Russia
are strained. The trouble is over
Core, and the Mikado' government is
thought to be anxious to try conclu
sions with the csar.
A long-lost will has turned up, and
with it the prospect that the estate of
the late Andrew J. Davis, the Montana
millionaire, will again burden the re
cords of the Montana supreme court.
. Mabalacat in Luson ha .been occu
pied by the Americans.
The Washington volunteers were pre
sented with medals in Seattle.
Major-General Ludlow, civil gover-
Twelve socialists and six liberals
elected to the Berlin municipal
council. n
The late John 8. Plllsbory, of Minne
s polls, left $100,000 to a home for
hildresi "
In Snohomish county 2,500 men are
ess ployed .in. getting- out logs and
shingle bolts.
Twenty men of the Forty eeoond regi
ment were injured in a railway acci
dent on their way to San "Francisco.
Nes Perce Indians have demanded
more money than is paid for railway
rights of way through their reservation.
Assemblyman MWt, of New York,
claims he was defeated by fraud, hot
his friends say . they will contest the
seating of Stewart.
The danger of a Basuto uprising is
now admitted to. be imminent in South
Africa, and may render necessary the
mobilization of a second army corps.
An agreement as to tbe partition ol
Samoa has been reached at Berlin be
tween England and Germany, subject
to the approval of the United States.
A bark is loading 1,000,000 feet ol
specially selected timber at Vancouver,
'. C, for the Cramps, of Philadelphia.
be used in building United Statei
The civil governor, counsellor, Judge
and secretaries who constitute the new
government of Negros, sent greeting to
President McKinley on taking their
A cable message from General Otis
says that Major Hugh McGrath (cap
tain Fourth cavalry) died at Manila
from wounds received at the battle of
Novelet, a month ago.
Frederick J. Cross, of Honolulu, has
the exclusive rights to operate the Mar
coni system of wireless telegraphy in
the Samoa.' It is expected to have
the system in operation January 1.
A 1100,000, gold brick, the largest
ever melted ia a Canadian mine, is to
be sent down from tbe Kootenai dis
trict shortly. This year's wash-op Is
the ricliest ever known in the district.
Russians and the Japanese oa tbe
Corean peninsula are on the most
friendly term. The Russian and Jap
anese minister assert that the reports
of fricitoa are unfounded and are in
tended to distract attention from other
Gen. John BidwelL of Chioo, Cel.,
who led the first party ef white over
the Sierras Into the golden state, la
still hale and hearty at the age of 80.
Official estimate of tbe wheat crop
in France place tbe yield at 146,600,
6M bushels this year. This 1 a telling
off of 15,088,861 bushels from last year.
Gen. Lawton, who has been de
scribed la a newspaper biography as
able "to -drink any maa under the
table," tell a correspondent in Manila
that he never drank a drop of liquor.
Baron von Wtndhelm, ehlef of the
Berlin police, 1 coming to this country
suua tor study of our polio method.
The Lake Drummnnd Canal and
Water company, a corporation which
George Washington was Instrumental
in forming and of whkh be v. a the
first president, ha formerly opened to
navigation the Dismal Swamp dial,
which extend from Norfolk, V., to
Elisabeth City, N. C, connecting the
Elisabeth river ol Virginia with fie
r esq o tank river of North Carolina, ia
27S mile long. By IU use vessels
" avoid rounding Cap Hatter,
Aguinaldo Fled to the Moun
. Uln Regions.
((Hi f the Ameriraa Military rree
Will tto llerl Tewar4 fklt Nw
Hbl t'awital la the KuHh.
Washington, Nov. 11. The war de
partment definitely located ' AguinaUlo
today as on his wax. llambang,
mile northeast of Tarlac. The recent
calculations have leen that the iusur
jent leader was in the town of Hayem
bang, not tar from Tarlac, in which rase
the several force under Generals Mac
Arthur, Lawton, Young and Wheaton
would have had him practically sur
rounded. There has leen some doubt,
however, as to the name of Bayam bang,
and today this waa cleared up by defi
nite information fixing Bambang, in
stead of Bayaniliaiig, aa the plaoe of
Agutnaldo's'refuge. A dispatch from
General I Hi mentioned Banitwng, and
t the same time reliable information
C4ie through other channel that Lieu
tenant Giluiore and other American
prisoners were at lUmbang, in the
mountains far to the northeast of Tar
lac. I
It is expected the insurgent capital
will be shifted to Bambang. and the
effort of the American 'military force
will be directed toward that point.
It ia in the mouutaiuoos country of
the north, and apparently out of the
fertile and populous regions where
Agulnaldo has thus far conducted hfl
operations. It is said to I accessible
from the south by way. of one route
only, along a river which is a branch
of the Kio Grande. This leaves the
rebel leader little or no oprtuuity Of
communicating with the coast or get
ting in supplies. He has also left the
railroad behind.
- It is said at the war department that
the columns of General Young and
General Wheaton will push on to the
north, following up the insurgent leader
and his scattered ban.1.
Batler-s A4vaare Ladytinlth Will
B.(la la a w ly.
London, Nov. 11. The scanty and
conflicting news from the seat of wax
and the fact that General White ha
not yet said a word about the alleged
fighting around Ladysmith are again
producing a feeling of gloom. It may
be that General White has sent new
and that General liuller ha thought
best to keep it to himself. Indeed,
this is tbe version that ia beginning -te
be believed, a it is held to be impossi
ble that the news of heavy fighting
brought by Kaffirs in such
tial detail can be woolly grojii
If this be so, it is ominous, tot tlK
could be no ground for conceal ln f
orable news. " ' " '
It cannqttbe long however,. belVs )
change occurs. General BulleW,lor
will soon arrive at Durban, ana ,''
probably begin the a.Waoe?'
lief of Ladysmith about No aboy .
The Boers, tf they ever entertained. t
idea of a real invasion of Cap. Colony
have probably now abandoned It, ' aBc
will devote their whole energies to rel
duclng Ladysmith. They have 0V
about a week to do this. The, fact thr
they are inactive indicate that . ,
are waiting for something which they
feel sure will Justify their delay. ,
The latewr Kstcourt dispatchee seem
to hint that the garrison U about to re
tire further southward.
! Fraaa Ladrsalthw
London. Nov. 11. Tbe colonial
Office ha received a telegram from the
governor of Natal, giving a copy of tlx
pigeon-poet message received by the
premier from the commandant of vol
unteers,. It is as follows:
'Ladysmith, (Tuesday). I sent yon,
November 3, g native mssenger, a re
port of.thejemfagenient that day, but I
am.not re Tf it reached you, as the
measengrr has not., returned. Major
Taunton, aoVt.erge&nt Mapeone, of the
Natal carbtneers, were killed. Cap
tain Arnoldt, of the border mounted
rifles, wy wounded. Nine trooper
were woondTV all slightly. . AU are
doing well. There has been nothing
important siijoe. The hospital waa re
moved to a spot on the railway three
mile soub.. AH was quiet Sunday
and Montjayj " The enemy renewed the
bombardment M$J, but no damage
baa been donff."
'Safe far the Prmit.
London, Nov. II. The correspond
ent of the .Daily Telegraph at Pieter
maritxburg, elegraphing Monday, rays:
"Estcourts Pietermaritrburg'" and
Ladysmith are all safe for some time to
come. Owing to the fact that Lady,
smith lies low and the Boers, unluck
ily, having been permitted to occupy
Mount Bulnwan and other surrounding
big hills, attempts to open bellographio
communication have proved a failure.'4
Mere Beers. Area BUaberltr.
Orange River, Cape Colony, Nov.
11. Tbe Boers investing Kimberly
have been reinforced by 2,000. men,
and bare succeeded in corraling about
aU.OOO worth of stock belonging to
Kimberly merchants, which waa in
tended for the sustenance of the town,
British Traepert EMeeble.
St. Vincent. Cape Vre Island,
Nov. 11. Tbe British transfhrt Persia,
with a squadron of the Ennisklllea
dragoons, a hospital detachment and
munition of war on board, ha beest
towed here in a disabled eonditioav
She was picked up by a tog close to
some rocks and was towed 12 mils
The Charter Oak la in Hartford,
Connecticut, and oonoealed the char
ter of the colony for several years from
The Mare Islaa trlhe.
Mare Island, Cel., Nov. 11. The
striking shipwrights at the navy-yard
are still out. A committee of tbe me)
held a conference today wth Coin ma d
snt Kemff, who stated that it was not
in his power to permit them to return
to finish op their work on the Hartford
until be had received Instruction from
the navy department.
President McKinley, it is said.
n Ilk to do thing Friday. One at
two serious ecridents have happened
to hi is oa that da. ..
tie Said of Beselged Army
at Ladysmith.
MBr Kiltl.h Trmaapcrl Arrives -at
T..a rr. w
Mardaf-ASalr at Leayawlth.
.... 1 ... v . .. ... .. .. v
mhiiiihi, am, 13. 1 n uritisn war
ha iw.'Imh! (nun Geurral Buller
follow lug diKpalch:
e town. innr.!HT eveinng
e received by pij.on l from lieu
Unit today the following: "Thu
tmrdiueiil at long range by heavy
continues daily. A lew cual
kre occurring, but no serious liarm
1 tig done. The lloer sent in todav
ulier of refugees from the Trail.
uuuer a Hag el truce. A party
Ladysmith met theiii outside the
ts. When the party aeiHtrate.1
xer fired on it U-fore it reached
tickets. Mitjr Gate, of the Kval
fieers, was wounded today whil
Ing a message, t he entrenchment
rowing slrouger daily and the sup.
f provision Is ample."
e war omce tin evening tabued
rom Duller, Cape Town, Nov. 10
Uitvuage from Huluaayo,- dated
uilier 8: A small convoy and
under Sptvkley, of I'lumer's force
attacked by lloer Noveiulvr 'J
luen missing and lost couioy."
M War ottlce also isnued the follow
A report having appeared in tht
tW A I -I . .k. .. ..1,
Ainvau jK, i'i win. our artillery
on the deiieva nag. General tul
klegruph the following account ol
lncidei'.t guen to the Handard and
rers News by a Dutch clergyman
the Itoers: 'Ihrectlv sfler the first
bon shot, the Kuglish thought out
were at the railway station, and
there. They were not, but one of
khota went through au ambulance.
lion aa they found out their mis.
they ceased tiring. The ambn
b was thought to have beeu three
Cfrora the soeue of action, so It
t be claimed the lloer broke the
of civilised warfare, ami I do not
k the K.ugllah would have fired on
Intent iona'.W.' "
ith the arrival at Cape Town ol
iritiah transports Itoalrn Caxtle
ploor, to lie followed by a contiu
succession of tnKiu-laden shtiat.
real campaign in South Africa may
id to nave begun, and Ihe fact that
ilrst ship named waa e pee ted to
e at Darlain forthwith indicates
at a modification ol thu plan ot
-4aalltlaaa at l.sdjtamllh.
ew ork, Nov. 13. A diapatch to
norbl fnun l-.stcoort savs:
Trustworthy lufuriiiatinii concern-
the actual state ot affairs at Lady
th cornea from two civilians who ar
d today, having escaped from the
eged town by evading the British
Is and startling through the Host
aM-aaa-that both the tows
ie llrtttsh camp are conmlntel
an. I that artillery tiring back
forth ia continuous. The Wimbard-
t is heavy but its effect ia reported
e petty. The Itoers are elwhtlv
lierior in strength, but the British
maintain a vigorous dofense.
hting daily. There were three at-
ks on the side of Ladramith last
Kday. The accounts previously re-
tved through f native runners were
atlr exaiurenirj!.
"The main British attack was os
Jb Boer batteries, stationed to the east-
ard. The British lose in that action
Us sliout l.V) killed or wounded. It
uppiawd that the Bocra auffen-d far
Aa ABatrtam Humor.
London, Nov. 13. Another rumor.
bianating from Amstenlam snarcea.
lys a British regiment was decimated
Hday by the Free Staters. It
Ided that 600 British soldiers
Med an. I wounded, and that 800
brae were captured.
aaes aM4
lllh Maaalalaa.
New York, Nov. 18. A special
tne irtliun from Washington says:
Bear-Admiral BTadfonl has com
plete.1 the official naval pnJm t (or 1
a . .1., 1 , . . .
i aciiie sunmariiie came lHtwiu
San Kninctsco and Manila lit time to
supply ix.iinrea witli'all the eM'Ullal
lufortiiatlou at the oiaming of the licit
session thsl w ilt iermtl Intelligent eon-
slileratlou of the subject and prompt ae
lion tor 1 lie inauguration ot tin great
f. All doubt has lieen removed reused
lug the practicability of the eiiterprlae
tiy tne adoption of Honolulu. Mtdwav
ami tin 1111 a relay sUtlona on the long
line, and by the diaiHo, erica made from
the uaval-survey ship Nero as to the
character of the ocean bed Iwtwoen
thoMi lula. The sounilin tulru
meiits of llila ahlp dlarliHied an at. vaa
In the Western I'aclllo over five mile
deep, but a alight divergence from a
traight line fortunately dcvoload a
Mute avoiding 111! lliauMMldolwtMele
hi laving a working cable. At another
poiut, on the name Klr. lch ltween
Midway and Guam, a aubmergid moult
Uin over It.lHhl fmt ill height waa dis
covered, and a reasonably level Mad
arouud till was found.
The physical practicability of the
Hue pow hating lieen aaaun-d la-vond
doubt, it only remain for congrvaa to
weigh the milll.iry lieivasttlea and coii
mercial adtanlagea to accrue from the
construction and naralloii of the sya.
tern. It was n-nreanuted hi coinrna
at ila laat aewion that the revenue hi t
eipecUvl (miu the I'actlte cable would
not attract private capital tiuleas it
had a counectl.iii w ith Auatralla, Jaiiau
and China, a well as with Suu Iran-
cIsim, Honolulu snd Msuila.
Fur tlutt reason It was deemed Indis
pensable tlial Ihe I'liltiil Slab's should
own Stroiige laland. In the Caroline
group, or a cable landing there hi In
sure tli working of a loopie Auatralla.
The absence of this mav deter any
cor)kiratiou from undertaking the otter-
atiou of ft cable acMas the I'aclllo w ith
out a heavy subsidy.
General Parades Wat Torood
to Surrender.
la HMMlrit anil flfly Fsraaas War
Kills er Weaailsd d tUe flljf af
Faerie Oa balls Wa llavaatateil.
Puerto Cabel In, Veneauela, Nov. 14.
Oeueral 1'arailes, former comman
der ol th army of ei-1'resi.lcnt An
drade, who had refnne t the demaud
made upon him by t ieners 1 Casiro and
th d facto authorities to surrender
th town, even wheu this wss rein
forced by the retreat l the British,
American, French, Herman aud Dutch
coitimnudwrs, am rendered this morning
at III o'clock, after terrible Iwttlo.
Tho ajwct of the cltv Is oue of ruin
and devastation, and It la estimated
that upwaid of 0:0 ptso'us were killed
or wounded duriug the fighliug. Ir.
UralalVd, ol tint I'tuted States cruiser
iMrolt. and the other surgisius of the
various w arahl in the hai lair are mill
laterlug hi the wants of the wuuudixl.
tieueral Hamuli liueira led In the
land attack um the town and the
Sitlon of lieneral I'aiades un Krtdsr
night. IVanltory fighting continued
until Saturday uioruiiu alut to'cloa k.
an. I tlien a fierce atrurfiile enaue-L (reu
eral Parade made a tubUri. ilceiie,
but lieneral (inert foravan' eiitrnii.e
luto the loan at ft o'clock veatcrdar.
As eai ly aa 8 o'clock Satnrdav morn
ing Ihe limit arrived aud began a bom
bardment, but the range was too great,
and. the firing proved tnelTncttve. lien
eral I'aradea In l.l Ihe fort on the lull
... 1 t...... 1 0... 1 ... .
rii t,i.iiiiata4uir Ullllt tins ineru
Wbsaloa'a Army IMaembark,) al
a rablaa.
Manila, Nov. 13. The latidlmr of
the American triw at San Kabian
Tuesday waa the luot aiiecUcular affair
of it kind allies lieneral Shatter's ills
embarkallou at laiinlrl. Thcco-or-ation
of the trooa sud the uaty 'was
mmplete. - The guutaiats malntaluntl a
terrillc tsiiutainlment for an hour whil
the troop rushed wslat deep through
the surf tinder a heavy but badly
aimed rifle fire from the inaurirent
treuches and charged right aud left,
pouring volley after volley at the flee
ing robcle. J-urty Flliclnoa were cau-
turvd, mostly non-commiaioum! olfl
cers. Several inaurirent dead and five
wounded wire found In a bulldlnu
which had suffered froul tlie latiubanl
ment. The hwn was well fortified
The sand dunea were riveted with ham
boo V'O feet thick, which affonlml a tine
Sharp Wat
Vlrlnllf el
Th fullua rrsai.
Washinghm, Nov. 18. The monthly
report ol tbe statistician of tbe depart
luenl of aairleuliure will atate that 111.
moat thorough luveetlgatlon of the cot
10a situation that baa lawn made since
1"9 has Just lan-n comtdetiKl. Sue.
la! agents from the Washington' olllce
have visited all the principal peiuta Id
tne cothin belt, uiveatlgating laith sere
age and production. I'endiug the
celpt of anal reports aa hi picking, due
Itocember 1, no detailed statement w ill
Issued, but the statistician state
that on the basis ot the highest estimate
I the area under cultivation for which
th department can find any warrant
zs.nuu.uou acres, the crop cannot ei
ceed M00.0OO. hales. This estimate is
based on the most complete and trust
worthy information.
Alasksa Kail way.
Seattle. Nov. IS. The White I'
k Yukon Railroad has purchased near.
IT 1300,000 worth of steel rails with
khlch to eitend it line from Lake
lennett to Cloeeligh, a point on Fifty
lie river, lour miles below the White
one Rapids. Of this amount 1,400
n Have been delivered under rush or-
ter to Lake Bennett, together with
pcomotlve to be used on the oonstruo.
ffn work between Lake -Bennett and
he White Horse Rapids.
By June 1 at least, the railroad
bmpany especta hi hare the road
om pie tod to the rapids and in otwra-
' Boa Kills His rather.
Portervill,, Cal..k TCov. if. At
lano, a email town a mile and a half
nth of here, Reese Martin was shot
lad Instantly killed fay his lW-y ear-old
rm rjsamin. jne vonnif man an.
used his fatherW striking his mother
1 - - v 'jf ' un piu air
Fharged.ttf barrels of a shotgun at
sue oioayoao causing tnsfant death.
Is claiiaa that he acted In self-defense.
, aft Backer llaage.
Chiosgo, Nov. - 18. August Becker.
the German butcher, who on January
7 laat, murdered hi wife, Rachel, and
afterward chopped up ami boiled the
remain In order to dispose ot them.
wa banged In the county Jail this af.
teriKnn. Becker' neck waa not broken
by tbe fall and it wa sixteen minutes
before he was pronounce! dead, tin
the scaffold Becker protested his inno
cence ami declared (ieorge Sutterly,
the father of his second wife, wa th
al murderer. j
Th case of Becker In many wava
bore remarkable similarity to that ol
Leutfrrt. Both ot the condemned men
were utcher end the motive of the
crime wa the same in both raae e
desire to get rid of a wife in order to
marry a younger woman.
Te tlagimeats te'Aatl.
Pan Francisco, Nov. 13. The Forty.
slith United States volunteer infantry
regiment will sail (or the Philippine
tomorrow aftertxHin on the transtmrta
t 117 01 ryoney ana reman, ins rorty-
11 sum will d closely followed by the
I Forty-fifth, which will eall Monday 00
' the transport Senator and Bea Mohr. 1
Swept by a Murrlraaa.
Klngahm, Jamaica, Nov. 13. Com
municatinn wltb the eastern istrta ol
the island, iiarticularly the section be
yond the line from Morant hay hi Port
Antonio, na been Interrupted sinci
esterday. This evening, however, I
. ueuig 1011117 re-esianiishert, aim
advice Imm various point say thr
heavy weather culminated in a tremen
aou hurricane, whhh, during the
night, completely razed the banana
parishes. Portland, St. Thomas and
Moraut bay are reported severely dam
aged. Details are anxiously awaited
Traaaport BasTala Ktt4.
J.ew York, Nov. IS. The transport
Buffalo will I ready for the service ol
carrying supplies to the Philippine
next Sunday. In the last three months
she ha been thoroughly refitted, both
without and within. The Buffalo tr
expected to go into commission on No
vember 1A, hut It Is feared that it will
be Impossible to have her in read in.
Cnalmlnsrs' Strlk.
Chicago, Nov. 18. The Record today
ays: Th situation In th coal mining
neins in tne southern and western sec
tion 01 Illinois ha taken a serious
turn, and it i said that many of the
mine may be tied up within the next
48 hour a result of the continued
action of operators In sending coal
point west and aou th west where thr
miners are on strike.
Draamlf a Hash.
Melvern, Kan.. Nov. IS. The sab
snd office furniture of tbe Melvern
bank were demolished by sn exnlosion
of dynamite touched off last night by
robbers, who then looted the place, an.
curing 1600 in money and several
thousand dollars in notes and checks.
They escaped, leaving no clew.
Berlin, Nov. IS. The Ht. Petersham
correspondent of the Lokal Anselger re
peat th report that the Russian are
marching toward the Afghan frontier.
Meaa'sseat te Rrlllah.
Boston, Nov. 18. The common
council ha passed resolution express-
ing Disapproval of the protect for erect.
ing a monument on the Common to the
memory of the British toldler whose
hodle are supposed to lis scattered snd
unmarked beneath the hiatorla sod.
The mayor wa requested to withdraw
his approval of th plan.
Oafrte a Theasaa Maa.
Winnipeg. Nay. IS. The North..
Territory ha offered 1.000 exnerienced
mounted men to the British govern
ment lot as la the Transvaal.
na la th.
London. Nov. 11. This morning'
news from the seal of war In Soufli
Africa continue fairly mtiafactorv .
The official cableaate uot very detailed
with regard to the llellil.uit 111. l b-lit.
which, except for Ihe lnaa of t 'ol.ui. I
Keith-Kalcou r, wa uot a tery seriom
There are alalia of greatly tucrenacd
Boer activity in Natal and along the
weatern frontier. All the dtatche
tend to allow that the Hrltlati are hold
ing out ably. Colonel lladeii I'owell
reports that all was well at Mai. slug
on Novemla-r A. I jidr-inlth's leteal
dale la NotemU-r 4. while nothing ad
verse la heard from the latter int,
and confidence Is felt in lietiersl
White's alii I it v. pre loua e-rteiicc
having ahowu that the Boer artillery la
not very effective.
It is believed thsl the IWr ivtrest
will be made over the I irakeiial.urif
range into the Zoutpaiilcrg district,
where preparations for prot it-lotiing and
malutaintiig Ihe U-ra la aald to havs
l'll made fur the laat stand, and
where It will be difficult hi dtaIodK-r
them. Already it la rumored that they
are la straits for f.d around ld
smith, aud may, there furu, be uhliged
to a Iv. ml. in the aletfa.
Tpat hea (rum ltMiirt say It hai
la-a-n a-.Ttalin-l that the Itrlti-h ha
laid concrete lie-1 a (or firing the lyddih
naval guns, showing thsl there la no
foundation lor the fear that the Iv.lcllte at ldyamlth has lavn ex
hsilHted. It is alao reairhi (Mm the
earne ipiarter that some lire have la-en
seen In ladysmith. indicating that the
Boer bomlan!iiieiit has Ut-n, to aoinn
exhmt, effective.
o .
right Kllle by I'awd.r Klalailaa.
Ntuu (,'rua, Cal., Nov. 14. An ex
pliwion occurred early this morning in
the glssing hou of the California
powder mill. Four cylinders, contain
ing 1ft, 000 pounds of Biwder, exploded.
A small amount wus fuse ja.wdcr and
the mat blasting wder. The explo.
siou wrecke.1 the mill, blew down milei
of fencing, destroyed the aalti.L..r
wun-houae, broke tianea of gl in Sun-
erihteiileut l'e) ton's residence, sunt
disUnce away, and extinguished tht,
electrio' light In Santa Cm. The
Ualy ot Patrick llnghea, night watch
man, was faiud. No cause for tho ex-
phwiou can taj ascertalniHl.
iaas r lapraitiM.a Hrek.a t.
Chicago, Nov. 13. A couuterfeltimr
outfit and aafe-blowiug hsils were un
earthed by the police at 21(1 Hum,
stieet. 5lr. and Mrs. Harry Fay. ths
occupants of tho flat, .were arrested.
The police say they hare bmken ud a
gang ol desperadoes that have liecoms
exceedingly lively In Chicago of late.
The woman coufceeed that she snd hei
Husband were counterfeiters, and al
Implicated a man known aa Fred
Rogera. Captain Porter, ot the secret
service, took charge of the Implement
and the spurious coin. The prisoners
will le taken before the United HtaUn
Nls Maa War. Kill..
Flagstaff, Arl.. Nov. 14. One
white man aud five Navajo Indiana
killed, two white and one Navajo
wounded, waa the result ot an attemul
of a deputy sheriff hi arrest a Navaio
kyeshirday 10 miles south ol Walnnt sta
tion, news of which has Just reached
ftea.d Nla. I.I..
Milwaukee, Wis.. Nov. 14. William
Kramer, a inohirman, today saved
the lives of nlue passengers by stickins
to hi post, and received Injuries
which may result In his death. A
train of freight cars moved out fmm
behind Mime buildings Just as Kramer'
car was Hearing the crossing. The mo
tonnan reversed the current, but not
stsin enough, aa the vestibule of the car
was hit by the train snd ground hi
plei-ea. Kramer wa seriously Injured
Tralas la I'lear Trarfc.
Donieon, la., Nov. 14. Twenty-five
of tii men injured in the wreck on the
Omaha & Fort Dodge Mad, Saturday,
are being eared for. Thongh several ol
the men are very badly hurt, it is
thought all will recover. Considering
the large uuiiila-r ou the wrecked train,
1H0, It is a miracle that there were not
L more casualties. The efficiency of tun
relief measures taken by the railroad
company doubtless aaved many Uvea.
A wrecking party found that there was
not enough left of the two trains to be
worth saving, so the debris was burned
in order to clear Ui track,