Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, June 15, 1895, Image 3

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    . . . . ; t.
1 p , .
. ' i . Oar Outing. -
, Or .Friday of last week we took
pssssge ou board a buggy for the
icnio-groondrt situated 25 miles
aooth of- Eugene, on Bilk creek, 3
mile west of Cottage Grove, which
was to be held on Saturday fol lowing.
We had not passed over the route
from Eugene to Cottage Gro ve so as
to take a jjaojier view of. the coun
try fur twelty five years Ukre. Of,
course we bad passed over it by
rail at the rate of 3d miles perfcour.
But this gave us. no opportifity to
get anything more than afgeneral
view. To get a proper1 oLtline of
things along this route, onfe sh.wtd
,14 slur-
vehicle, take
up the lines txufftvll&f teBurely
and stop at the towns "nd see the
people, talk with then) and observe'
- their stock, fine - lefe'denees, stately
bar.nT "d out-houWes, their Vide
aores of grain, their orchard', bop
fields, vineyards and berry patches
and the general air of neatness, sys
tem and thrift and comfort that per
vade the scene on every baud. . .
We did this, and the result is
that we love Oregon, and more es
pecially the Coast Fork country of
Lane county more than ever. For
ro do think there is no spot on Our
green earth that is'richer' in soil
climate, resources, for homes and in
all that goes to contribute to the
health and pleasure of a people.
. For pure water, the Coast Fork
of the Willamette river cannot be
excelled; for bright sunshine and
- exhilarating air and magnificent
scenery this time of the year, this
locality is all that heart can wish.
We would like'to speak of the
village of Goshen', situated 8 miles
south of Eugene, and of the town of
- CreBwell in-particular,-but space
forbids saving iuorihan tliatGo
". .. ...
ehen ooants a railroad station, a
warehouse, a' church and a fine
school house, a hotel, a post office
and several neat,. .residences, sur
rounded by a rich country of farm
and pasture lands. -.
Crcsncll situated some 4 miles
further on.Hcre you will be struck
by the size anjj1 pretentions of this
town. Ande were not astonished
that the fxle of thia town have
; couruy :U instead - f Cottage
Grove, in tihe eve's! this county is
ever divided, aa Cottafe Grove
bus a tort of an inclination to have
done some. day. But we warn Cot
tage Grove, if ever they succeed in
dividing the county, forCreswell
has the teat if she gets the county
to put it on.
We were struck with
the eviden -
ces of business and push which we
saw at Creswell during our three
hours sUv there. There are two
c ay norse htieWl to a
full stores at this place and a drugjong) buggiea, road carts, on bore
store, llie two merchants. Dr.buck ad a foot Little, big, old
Scarborough and J. f I. Whileaker j nmj j )King; men and b-iys, women
werevery imsy miti me .line we
were there busy out on the grass
in front of Whiteaker'e store;
busy at a game of chess. . It ap
pear from reports that those gen
tlemen have had a se cont st like
Henry Clay and Lord Some Ij-kJ of
England, who played across the
ocean by letter, which ended after
three years hard contest" (only
Wbiteaker and Scarborough don't
day by le'ter but by hand) and is
to be. terminated in the indefinite
future. , ,
We ntiTd a custeiner call at
tlie doctor's store, but he being ab
sent across the street in front of
Whitesker'a store with the chess
board on bis and his - antagonist's
Vneee, the customer came on over
t Whiteaker's store; and succeeded
in getting what lis wanUd after
waiting for some time for the play
ers to inase some important snores.
-i OW, Creswell if business place, and
Pa,t TiSB forget lL .
eoouireJliert fur some npor-
Ishroent, auch as soda, beer, fr a
good eigar, but we were told they
lidn't deal in inch leiariee. Acd
in answer to our question as to
'-4 what they c?m1 for comfort in- that
0wn,lieVbiUakrf simply perked
f,if bner-roiat merthm oa tbe sxle
su be du1Ti1 a volume of snvoks
rVuta batweea bis lips and said rVe
Webster's Dictionary.- We were
to da tertnine wlwlher " he
that 0 aifort waa ia the pipe
or tbe dictionary
lint our hers not having had any
water since leafing town, end not
out on th rasa ond do 'more busi
ness frotir behind their, counters.
Well, we proceeded on our way
nl soun entered opoa a stretch of
country for tlie distance of some 7
or 8 miles where the valley widens
out where lies a Dock of some of
finest . furihs ? to be met
where in Oregon,, tiers are
hundreds of acres of wheat just
heading; hop yards, orchards, veg
etable gardens and spleudid man
sions,' barns and out-houfies, floral
gardens, shrubbery and all the dis
play that women of refinement and
taste cau devise, are seen ou every
hand, f
But we must get on up to Lenia
ti, which by some kind of hocus
pocus which no one, can tell just
how is simply east side of Cottage
Grove, or that part of this lovely
little city which lies on thai side of
the river.
Here we arrived at sun set, and
put up our-faithful - horse, "Black
Dick," at Hemenway Bro's livery,
stable, who cared tor uicK In just
such a manner as any gentlemen
who reads the Broad-Axb will al
ways treat a gentleman-horse like
"Dick" Amis. Dick has served us
iu the bunch grass regions years ngo,
even away up in ''The Gorge" in
the side of Steins Mountains, and
never tailed. 'Some' men have de
ceived us, and forfeited their word
and honor, but Dick has Dot done
so, aud he stands higher today in
our. estimation, than he did the day
we first became acquainted. And
while we are passing this tribute
upon that horse we want to 'say we
don't see why Dick should not have
green pastures and a place where the
flics will not molest him when his
horscship shall cease to feel the
vicissitudes of this life.
We remained over iiight at the
Sherwood hotel, and received every
attention that the - excellent land
lord and his good lady could extend.
Ws speak for this house the patron
age of the public. No better house
is to be found this side of Roeeburg.
Well, now the town 1 What can
we say of it, only this and nothing
more : It is a great big town w ith
stores, hotels, livery stables, ma
chine shops, printing oflice, a mill,
an excellent water system, a wide
awake, enterprising, well-behaved
civil people.- The town is well luid
out,.havinu wide, liberal streets, and
is neat aud clean; and is destined,
wethink, to become the bet city
in size and importance that is be
tween Eugene and Roeeburg.
That Hculc
We were promptly on the ground
designated as the picnic grove on
Silk creek, three miles above Cot-
, fj,a r:,.lVp S.itnrd .v the 8tl.
The day was all that we could
dceire. The crowd began to arrive
from all directions in their wag-
al)j iru jreg81K u,,. Basket-
and boxes, pails and buckets filled
with boiled bam and chicken, cukes
pies, pickles, fruits. Oh, juit ar y
thing you . can think of, they
brought in. My 11 o'clock .the
crowd mimlasred any where Lctwevn
300 to 400, froiu the lauinlry Mund
for a distance of 10 miles. We
dasn'nt to name them for want of
space; but there were the Simions.
Crows, Coleman, Wingardw, Atkin
sons, Daviset ana ouicrsirom pius
law ten luiles away, Some of w hom
came a f"ot.
Of eHirse we met many hero w ho
we had not seen for a score of yesrs,
and wbn we had tlie pleasure of j
taking by the hand. A pavilion
and aeata, a long table, , an organ
and a choir were there. Judge
Itoiae waa billed to speak, he was
tlie re' and did aiasak. Wa wish
every papulist, republican, demo
crat and granger could have beard
him. Hie theme waa tlie condition
of the country, the cause and the
rerredy. lie ske about two hours
fearlessly arraigning the republican
party for the preaent deplorable
condition of affairs end didn't forget
to roast tbe part in Oregon, and dis
sect the last legislature.
P peaking over, then dinner, then
another Song, and "a few remarks'
by the writer, and thea a general
all round emtial chat and good chr
a parting saluUlion andITfor
home, all feeling that it was good to
be there. e acknowledge the
many courisairs shown the pencil
pusher of the Axe, and mors ea-
- .i.t..i:.l r.An.
' cs
to the petition to the county, ask
ing curtailment of the present al
lowance to our county'blhcials. All
who had an opportunity signed the
petition without ! regard UKli
tics or party predeliction. And
here it may not be amiss to remind
taxpayers of the county that they
should ot neglect thia matter, as
if to let it go by default, it will be
construed by the court that you do
tfut want the present extravagance
in county expenditures curtailed,
and several lists of petitions have
been' received all ready. Attend to
the matter. Bee that every taxpay
er iu your respective neighborhood
has an opportunity tosuosfribe his
name, if you expect the county
court to respect your wisheS.
This by way of degression. We
stopped over night ou our return
with Bearne Vcatch and his wife
in Cottage Grove, and was enter
tained most royally after the old
school style. - It does - one good to
meet one of those old Oregon pion
ei ro liku Air Vnch and family,
We arrived home on Sunday. ' And
today we am in our sanctum on our
easy chair (a three legged stool)
indulging in the huinlrum luxury
of trying to supply the everlasting
demand of our readers for something
both pleasing and instructive. And
here comes our ,-devil" .tvjth the
usuul demand for "copy" and
here it is.
The bigzet piece of fully we remem
ber to have seen lately was shnwn hr
our Eugene pleasure seek era, alio IuhI
Sunday puiil to llie rail ma J lor a ride
to Halem 'to see a bicycle ruce. sums
S0O,. when they could liave koo to
Meriau's Park for two-bits ami lieled
Mr.' Morian n some lueaaure for liia
vast outlay in making it Die heat place
in the valley as a pleasure resort fur
every class of people. The money Bent
with Mr. Meriau would have been left
here anionit the people, when it wouM
have htwu paid out by hiin . to laborers
that sient with the railroad and in
Salem is none to not return! It ia fun
ny thoni(li when we hear it slated that'
the churcli-ioing people did nt attend,
the opening of Meriini'e Paik Salinduy
beraitbe they nnderritood there a to
be some kind of exercise on tle drivina
Kroun'l there, and then went off down
to Sulem on Sunday to see a bii-yelo
race and other worldly sport.
We iimleratand there is room at Mer
iau's Park to hava preaching with as
much order as can be had in the cily
and thai under no consideration will
any disorder he allowed at tit pak.
. JrYhen wjll people lern fuuimon
aerao, which aftor all is not ao oinmon T
The MrKeniie Wagon liond Co. Ira
appeared before (lie county court at this
term with a proKailioii to aetl to the
county all their right, title and interest
in their road claim for the mini of f lofK).
Or in eaae the county doea not vonceed
to thin prtyswal, they are willing to leave
the matter to three disinterested men
to assess the amount to he paid.
Thia proiiosition seema fair enough
and we believe the court should meet
the company in a spirit of fairnesa, and
in some way conclud llie 11 a ter filially
and at once, ao theie will lie no more
trouble iu the future. In the language
of Grant "1M us have x:ace" and a
regal county road.
Akbwsbb To CoaSKseoSDHxTS. It. E.
Poiter, Natron: Your newsy letter
cannot appear on account of ita length.
2)0 words is the extreme. Try sgain.
....Mrs. li. H. Dillard: Your well
written storv is unsuited for our sMr.
Semi stories are too long for ou limited
space "Venture," Koscburg: Too
late for thia issue, we much regret..
..Han. J. K, Galley, Canyonville:
Your valuable communication a ill show
up neit week. Wont snil by laying
over- Our columns always open lo
"sich truck." Grrenl.aik," of
bis time.
For ones will have to bide
Will aee yon Halurday.
Accidsst. Charley Fowler, of Wal
ton, n last . Xitiir.Uv met with a fi-ar-
lul accI.Wnl t" which ti rains
lixisiiig Ida li(e It seems that le was
out hunting, and while stteinptmg to
rmas a gorge on tbe aide of a hill be lost
his ballance and was precipitated down
lbs sleep bill for the distance of 80 feel,
Which inflicted cuts snd hi uiai a orl dif
ferent parts of his body. Itsppears
that after sll slUnHigh prodiM-ing nn-
eonarioasneas Mr. Fowler found him
dsnt. Mr.
Fowler is ia a Uir way le
We wish to call the eapeWal attention
of ear peoples' party paer exi hasgrs
thatth. Oregon I'reas Aaeocialion will
aieet at K.ior, Oregon, about tbe 30
of July, lo hold tlwir annual meeting,
and Uiat we sugsarf the prntsrlely of
tbe repreaentaliree of peelial . a lore
law aing owl and lakins S hand in tbe mai
ler. I at yaar the peoiJea rlr press
Mthe snaUM ( bv aWfaelt. W hy we
bate IMV.r Issra a Ida lo defitts.
-1 4. Ummkinm Is. tif siCrly a4 tbia rnnetf
teal now cal F.I I'aao, Teaaa, gars llila
teal now cal r.l I aao,
Are s rail Monday. Mr lleatherlf eaa
rawwl kn Lane rtaanty. Oirgsa. but im
Igralol le PwUhmw, Waal iaaioa la Is74
sad want fruaa ilarer wa, In sm4
yt Teaaa. Mr lleatlsaly sara Texas
a III go potHiliM is " neycsmi a qwew
lion. We erah gni Ins k may attend
te and hie where ever las may be, as he
WsskW II Hun. Hoteby Yeslrh baa
fuwaal enl yet thai there Is say aura s
rape totawteere sstbe Bsoss-Axr.
Yew elalis jroa are republican from roar sesd '
4own Wjour fe;
Toa'botd alatl J oar part 7 to rry o
jrott b!, ' '
And ;ua eUlm th Pnb'i kmrt ! to Uad,
r mvotIsUm wrunf;
Bui no rouar dlTtiM to waloh
j-o boloajT
U roar mcUob rannlof wUdlf to a .Mw
prtr U," '
Holdlug up four handi la horror at tM ttia
ol Tsf
Or U (old Um only metal thai 111 tmtrf jroa
You'n a Pub. you'll hava to UU oa to which
gang you do balouf.
You aay you are a democrat, and proudly hold
your head;
You'U ahout out for your party UJl the day that
you ar dead
Grover'a carried high' the party with a baud
both bold and atrong;
But now youara divided to which gangdoyoa
, belong T
You hava talked about low tariff Juataalonk
aa that would atlck,
And you've hit htgu-tariflr-argumeut your very!
But la it gold or ellver that will carry you along
Oh, aay now, coma and tell ua to which gang
you do betougl
But perhapa old Prohibition la what you think
la right.
And the whiakey men have roueed you and
you're going to mak. a nght;
But you've got to hara eooie money - Do yau
think tree-itlver w ongf
We bavajio way of knowing to which gang you
do belong. ' ''j
But when you aee u person that ealle hinuel a
Pop, ' -
You know luat what hit gooda are without
going to hit ahop; -
Theitampof UueleSsm be knowa would car
our natlon'a wrotigi.
And you kuow that moment to Which gang
that ha belongs. Mr. K. I. C H.
II dl wills, jOr. June 10, 'U5.
6rrj: Amis, P'.saae announce in tlx
BROAO-Axs-thut there will be a Fartn
efrs and Laborers Congress Ticniu on
June !!9, 181)5 at Meriau's Park. The
following . . :
will he diacnased : Land, Trananorta
lion, Initiative anil Refereiidmn, Coney
Good KoaJ and Municipal Bills, Oinalia
F. M. NioHswAfDita,
U. 1. Caldmsll '
Jack Coirsweil of McKensie, gave
this office a call Monday. Mr. Cogs
well is now alvove 80 years of a we
believe and ia hale and beat ty toc-t hat
age. Has been a life-long deinnerat un
til the oiganixation of the ieoplea' par
ty, since which time he has beX-u ah
uytirlng, unbending middle of the road.
man, . - ' '" 1; "
Banders .will pay you the ca1i for
for every pound of chitlera baUt yon
will bring hiin Ibis season.
THE Broad-Axe may lie found rn s.ile
al the UiMveisity Book hitore on
Willamette btreet,
8th, at all times.
between Vlii and
Remember always, thai we sre in
need of the little amount 'yon owe on
thia paar. It cannot do 'T4,i.wiaLtlLL. ,
our plnUx-ralic enemy w imoaw mn-
newaof war" morey. Anyone who.
has tlie uiinJ can send us a new sub
Cbittem bark is a legal tender at W.
8unders'. Bring it in and sea.
. Judge Fullei'on, Thursday nwirning,
sentenced Stephens lo the pen for two
years, and the would-lsj rapist Browu
to four years and to pay the cost o
Dr. B, L. Willoiighby, having dissol
ved hia eonuection with
airva to inform his friends eud')trona
that be may rw fouiidst stl brannewa
hours just actors I he hall, oppoaite hia
foi tuer office, in the room recently occu
pied by Mis. Willierow aa s -milliner
store, . over MK lung's 81 ore, cor. Wil
lamette and 8th at. Give him avail.
Brlntl all your t hitleni baiktoha-id-rs
and gvt the cash for it.
AtTHsFats " '
Butter, eg-, chickens, ducks, reese
dried fruit. In lati alt kinds of (arm
lirwluce in eschanse for cash and gnr
veiies. 1 will pay the highest piicsaud
sell at llie lowest.
Great bsrsaina in crockery and glass-
are. Doli'l lorgel Tub I aib for bar
4 13 If E. C. Ftnra, prop.
Help tbe Bboad-Abs laspaVer, for It
is your friend and Kglils youl bsltiva.
You ran do belter with your cliilleiu
nesrrw'fc at W eisndera ihae any otle'
in twn. Try bim.
We acknowledge this wk. vaj
liable favors from Hecretary of SiaU.
Hon. II. It. Kino Id. ; ,
T. J. Klli.Ht of Walleivill. sa aisU
ler on Tl unulay.
Our readeis will rrineuiher that at
lh time the loaiice of tha tmii for
sut-eedel in liinding over Voung Eaton
lor Indecent timsnrou! bis MrMin, thai
we ala'ed at Ibat lime, that wlwn the
case was fMeeeiitrd In tlx grand jmf , II
wmild ka k it out with ' n.M a tru bill "
Tbia Jury on Wednesday relarawd In
Ibat eaae "not a lra bill." .
Eugene Loan
Savings Bank
! prjf nA
t Itr.Mn
Vlig I'SKMI'KMT. . .
Cash 1 km f
A (irnrral JUnVInff Ilnainrn
TrinsjirtrNt Interest Allowed
en time DrpeaUa. . lllrbrst Ca4i
Uates alJ For City aid Cat;
1 J
Eugene And Foley
Springs Stage.
LB .1 Eu,ui on Morula?, Weilnea
. ' mill Krid:y of eali week ar
rTvTi ; ;Tl ihH rprinsa on Hie same days.
An 1 -tnrtisoti Taeaowrs, Tliursdaye
sn.t . trtrlav. H i
Passengers will be called for
at any of the Hotel in KU'iKNE.
K. WADE, propriotor.,
I ! 9 If
Fob Fikst-Class Accommodations,
-Go To The-
Klokhs, - - Okeoox
A good FEED BARN is in
C"Nskcio! With Thk IIocbi.-
THE PROPRIETOR is a Railroad
f AGENT and would be pleased to SELL
YOU a TICKET if you are going EAST.
New Map
Of Lane
Now Ready.
A large map of Lne county is now
published- Surveyed townships and
sections, cities and poat offices, railroads
gnd stations, county rouds, streams,
mountains and the present ownership
ofalllanda arerareiully indicated, and
the voting precincts of the fount are
shown by diflernt colors. The map ia
mounted on rollers, and for salu by the
publisher, Joseph Koch, draughtsman,
EuLt-ne. Oregon, pt (10 a copy. It is a
valuable reference lor anybody.
All kinds of Hid4 an I Furs wanted
3-'.'3 tf C. C. Goldsmith & Co.
money, we can be relied'
upon every time. We 1 Isim lo sell
you al our establishment
L .
Wanted WOOL..,.
I will nav the Hioiikst CASH mice for
AY y A.
Headquarters for Hop supplies of all kinds
gov IS U
C. C. Goldsmith & Co s.
Ws hereby make known to our
of Mankind, that we are now rrreiung a new and
Fashionable Stock of Seasonablo Goods
.... . . . ..
lnhkh we eee-prrrsred to MM
Orir 0(Kdi Wore Bontjlit
V'.pw to Th Vaut of
mt Poor to DotTmin Bouse.
WE EXTEND a general NVI
lation to every one to rail at our
Ktora and eiamineour line bilverwars,
ChN'ka anid Picturea that are giviug
away 011 the Puncb-Tickul-Plun. ' -
Do YoaRids a Wheel
If so rail and get prices on first
class Wheel.
iWe have the agency for the beat
Sewing Machine on earth, every one ful
ly warranted for five years.- fall and
esamiue sample machine.. A loo.OO
machine for f.'T.OQ.
All our Tinware, Granateware and
pure Aluminum at cost, to 1 lose.
20 vaida heat Prints for .1 OH
20 yards Apron check Gjnghuin... 1 00
JO yards C halites or l.aaua for. . . . 100
M yards of LL Muslin for. 1 00
Boots and Shnea will be sold at the old
prices, reunrdleaa of the atrong advance
in all leather goods. Ws boimht all our
lull Snoila before this advance and
enough to run this seaaon ; and ws will
till lead In low prices, r.verv pair
guaranteed lo give satisfaction. Ladies
Dongola patent tip Shoea, f 1.25,
All our Gents' Tan Khoes and Ladies
Walking Shoes at coat. Boys' Canraa
Shoes, with leather or rnhher Soles, &
and 75; ier pair. Itoys' t'omhiuation
Hints two psir pants, cap ami coat
alike, $2.60, $3.00, (3.50 and (4.00 er
...P. FRANK & SON...
l--5 .
The elegant Dental Parlor'aof lr. M
W. Davis are on Jackson street, Koae
burg, Oregon. Dr. Davis is one of the
moat llioioughly skilled dentists in the
state, and lias, au be deservs, a large
practice. All of hia worn gives generae
satisfaction, and bis prices are reaaonl
able. sep 23 tf
Money to lend on improved farms
For terms, apply to
II C. Pkkkims. .
4-27 Llewellyn, Oregon.
CiirrrlM Bask W;antkd. Take al
vour chittim bsk to W. Handera ami
get the cash for iU - - " - S"'"1'
the lowest piicca and to make
euch purchase a bargain ill
every meaning of the word.
Jaa , 'Si.
Numerous Customers and all the rest
' .
on letter Terms than ever
For feh inJ With a Sporial
The lVojIe a;.d Tlio Scarrlt
wWameUe Street.
No? m n
" AKD '
Euokks - t Obkoom
' Willamette Ptreet, between 7th and 81 11
All kind) of Uread.CnkeM
l'toaa. etc., alwuy ou
11 mm a
Is from ii to 25 cents. - .
ent Lunch Counter In connection..
Orders receive prompt Attention.
Hub Patronauk of the Pi'SLin
Itcspvctlnllr Hollcltod
5-18 95 y Proprietor. ,
1(MK) Men Uanted
At Yerington's Ninth Ktreity Jlrof
Store to buy 1000 pounds of "The la-el
t'ondition l'odcr 111 the World" to leeil
to 1000 hoi sen.
J. D. Matlock A Co.. will Day the
highest market price for wool. 611tf
By the undersigned, living on Spencer
Creek, 0 luiles froiu Eugene, Oregon
50 acres graving crop, consisting of
wheat, cats and cheat a span of work
homes, wagon and harness, one mare
and coll, three cows, one sulky plow,
a half interest in a mower,, aud several
other thinga too numerous to mention;
all of which ia offered at the extremely
low niiure 01 4uu. - .
Enquire at tliia office or at the prem
ise. J. II. Bailet.
March 'a-tf.
riAYvaVVUOod Hogs will
cure the cheap wheat evil. Poland
Chinas always ' brinir good rtfturne. A,
ihnronghbied sire will enstirp profit in
hia grade off-spring. The B. C. II. F.
Mill Co. ot Central Point, Or., offer
siecial inducements to buyers for the
next thirty days in pigs ready lor service
All thoiouahbred and . eligible to
regiatia'ion. A Hue lot of weanlings
soon ready to ship. Csn furnish herd a
or Imported bouts If wanted. The- best
hoganow 011 hand we have ever raised..
Address all inquiries or ordeis to
B. C. It F. Mill Co, (Allitinee Mi I)
4-13 05-tf Centrsl Point, Oregon.
Attomeys-at-Uvv ":"
Oifico Over First National Bank.
Ilea -.
El'OIMS, '
Will do a general law
the Couits of the tsUts.
practice in sll
te, N.
Attorney-at-Law and Notary public.
CMce in McClang building up-atalra
UAHKY KORTON. UY.1. w. kinbsv
Coinincrcial and I'roliuto Businca
a specialty
Oflice; Harris Dloek, Willamette St.
On Improved 1' a-an
ros a tebm or riAia.V
KiotSK, ... Obivor.
S.-ls IU ot Climax for 40c ,
K l In IC os (iissl t'bewing for 2!'1
fSclls 10 ns Duiliani for 2'joT
Sells the Ust Ci);ars iu toanf
Helll Udtsrco the rhespeat?
Kelts the most Candy in Eugene
Gtcrlinc and
Silvor Plated Ware.
Watch "epiir eg i Sptc.'tlir
y avv