M amp m Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL. l.NO. 7, MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, OCTOBER 9 1 4 THE YEAR $1.50 limes NEW PAPER IN COUNTY SEAT Maupin Man to Start Daily Newspaper to Boost Entire Wasco County Within a few days the publish er of The Maupin Times will commence the publication of a morning newspaper at The Dalles. The fact will in no way effect the Times, as to ownership or otherwise, except that there "will b a good man on the job all the time who will give us an even better paper than we have had in the past. Mr. Walter V. Martin, of Woodland. Wash., is to have editorial charge of the Times. He left his former home Tuesday morning and will be here in due time. W. C. Walker will continue to be connected with the Times as publisher and will be on the job here frequent ly, and as much of the time as is possible. The new paper at the county seat will make a point of boosting the entire county, and especially the southern portion. Public Meeting A meeting will be held at Dave Dolandson hall Monday night for the purpose of discussing the proposed amendments and laws to be voted upon at the approach ing election. All are invited to come and listen and take part in the discussion. Rev. Coffee was here last week and held special services in the local cnurch. The plasters have arrived to plaster the new school honse. The carpenters have completid the new Harpham building. Sheriff Christman was in town Tuesday. No services were held during the sheriff presents in our city. Mr. Kellog, principal of ehe Tygh Valley schools, was in our city Tuesday. REUNION OF OLD FAMILY Apples and Onions FOR SALE I will deliver at. .Tygh Valley, Extra Fancy and Fancy Winter Apples of the following varieties; Jonathan, Grimes Golden, Winesap and Rome'Beauty at $i.io per box. Also, onions at $1.50 per Well filled sack. These products are as good as can be grown in the North west; well packed and guaranteed in every way. The same goods will be delivered to Dufur or sold at my Orchards for $1.00 for Apples and $1,30 for Onions. Delivered in quantities elsewhere at pro rata rate, , ZTesI M.M. BURTNER, Dufur, Ore. Brithday Dinner in honer of Andrew Crabtree's 63rd brithday was a jolley reunion of children grandchildren niese. Those pres ent were: Andrew Crabtree and wife, Dave Crabtree and wife, brother, Peter Bilyen and wife niese, Mrs-Elvie Shelton niese, Children and grand children. Mrs. JoeChastain and son Cecil. Job Crobtree and Jessie Richard and Andaew Mrs. John Dolandson and son Ivan, D. Talcott and wife and daught ers Mildred and Doris, Ben Fraley and wife and two sons Orval and Cyril. Mrs. Vida Grossman, Earl Crabtree, Raymond Crab tree. The eldest daughter Mrs. Sarah Dornall and her two daughters, Sue and Lota, of Dufur, Oregon were unable to attend. Andrew Crabtree was born in Missouri in 1852 and when one year old crossed the plains with his parents and settled in Scio, Linn County, where he, remained until 1888 when he' came to Eastern Oregon and took up the home stead on which he resides at the present time. He was married to Miss Jane Martin in 1875. Frank Gable had a big crewr of men here this week loading nine cars of sheep to be shipped over the Oregon Trunk to Portland. Wm. Ketchum, proprietor of a big stock ranch at Bluffs, Ore., purchassd and shipped to this point from Bend seven cars of sheeD. Here he secured another band from T, A. Conley, united it with the band from Bend and took the entire lot to his ranch. e 3 Shoes and Rubbers New stock, new styles A complete line of new Fall Hats Macinaw Coats, Corduroy and Wool Pants Wool and Fleeced Uuderwear "If we haven't got it we'll send for it" SH ATTUCK BROS. The Store of Better Service L G A L All AroundTown put np plenty of canned peaches canned pears canned apricots canned grapes, etc. our stock is complete & fresh Come and inspect our line of shoes and sweaters for young and old ALL NEW W. H. STAATS & CO. Peter Bryeu and wife arrived in Maupin Thursday morning on the 3:30 train from Scio and are visiting the lady's undes.Messrs. Andrew, David and Newton Crabtree. I carry all kinds of stones for rings and pins Emmons the Jewler. Messrs Nick Glavey and Orin Jones, of Dufur, were in our town on business Saturday, re turning from Moro where they took in the Sherman county fair last week. Mrs. W. H. Staats is in Dufur visiting her daughter, Mrs. G,W. Gill. A child was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gill Friday, but the infant lived only a few hours. C. S. Mc.Corkle, wife and dau ghter, of Wamic, accompanied by Miss Duffy, primary teacher of the Wamic schools, visited at the Egan home Sunday. S. A. Brazeau arrived from The Dalles Sunday. G. M. Slocum, Northwest Sup ervisor for the Reliance Life Insurance Company.of Pittsburg, Penn-, spent the latter part of the week in Southern Wasco. Ha succeeded in writing a consider able number of policies as well as introducing to this territory one of the strongest and best insurance companies doing busi ness any where in the world. If you are in the market for a fine quality of apples or onions read the ad of M. M. Burtner in another column. Two salesmen for warmed air heating plants for schools were interviewing our local board of directors Monday. If these gen tlemen con deliver the valume of j hot air which they claim and which they apparently can, there will be no chance for the pupils to suffer from cold this winter. Bring your watches and clocks to Emmons the Jewler. Have you sampled those salted nuts just received at Styer's? Try them and you'll want more. Carl Shattuck returned a few days ago from a trip to Portland and other points. Miss Addie Richardson return ed home Monday morning. Clyde Richardson and Jack Staats returned home Monday. Mr. Muir, of Tygh Valley, was in Maupin Friday. CENTRAL OREGON LINE Special fares to Portland for the Manufacturers' and Land Products Exposition Open Oct. 26, close Nov. 14 Sale dates from Central Oregon points on Oregon Trunk Ry., Oct. 27, 30, Nov. 3, 6, 10, 13. with return limit Monday following date of sale. Open rate of 1 1-3 fare. Apple district competition, Twenty Counties Displays, $10,000.00 in Cash Premiums, Medals and Diplomas for Displays, 20,000 square feet floor space For further details consult: A. Locke, Agent, Maupin, Oregon MEALvS That Are Meals The Kind We Alwayi Serve At Reasonable Prices When in Town Mke our Hotel Your Headquarter! A Cordial Welcome to All HOTEL MO AD D. A. MOAD,Prop. BOARD AND ROOM BY THE DAY. WEEK OR MONTH