Southern Wasco County Fair Edition M&Mpim Times VOL. I, NO. 3, MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 16, 1914 THE YEAR $1.50 SOUTHERN WASCO I I WILL ATTRACT CROWDS MM AND mill ii SECTIONS OF PROSPEROUS WASCO Tygh Valley Dressed in "Glad Rags" and Bright with Electric Lights Assures Good Time to all Visitors at the Fair Now in Progress Wild West and Other Features Will Entertain Crowds Tygh Valley, Sept. 15 Our little city looks this afternoon like a county seat on circus day, with a good old fashioned country fair added. The grounds and buildings are in perfect con dition and all ready for the big crowds that will com mence to arrive tonight. In fact a number of gay parties are already ' on the grounds. An occasional camping outfit and party are dotting the camping grounds with their tempor ary homes assuring success to the efforts of the man agement which has done everything possible for per fect conditions upon and about the fair grounds. The second annual Southern Wasco Fair is going to be a success, the biggest success of any thing in the way of entertainment ever offered or undertaken here. Ths wild west feature of the fair will be a Bcream. You don't need to go to the seat of war In Europe to find excitement, or to the much advertised Wild West shows In dis tant towns to see real horse and bull riding by the best riders In this part of the country. The best riders and tho wildest horses will he here and perform during the three day of the fair. You can see a ItEAL wild west show right here at the home of the cow boy and the bucking broncho,- where both have received their schooling and where both are at their best There will be no In human "stunts" but the wild west performances will be thrillers. A special arena has been Just com pleted for these performances. Exhibit buildings and covered sheds for displaying and taking care of agricultural exhibits and live stock are all in readiness. Exhibits are beginning to arrive In a manner that is most . gratifying. It appears that there will be entries in every class of atttbtt.'--""' f- The camping grounds tire a regu lar picnic place. Tbey have been cleaned and prepared with especial care. If there were no other at traction here It would be a splendid vacation to come and camp In our splendid park. The grounds as well as the town will hi brilliantly Illum inated with electric lights. Res taurants, lunch counters, Ice crtam stands, confectionary stands have been arranged for In abundance, and it is possible that good old fashioned circus lemonade will be purchasable. A twenty piece band will be on tap at all times and will furnish the best of up-to-date music as well as all the old favorite pieces An old fashioned bowery dance will be In progress each night, when the 6est of dance music will be furnished. A rest room and every thing for the especial comfort of the ladle have been provided. The big home talent show at tie opera house Wednesday and Thurs day nights Is attracting much atten tion. Tygh Valley people have es tablished a reputation in Southern Wasco County as amateur perfor mers. And with the training they have had and the excellent piece they are billed to produce tbey should do themselves proud Wednes ij.y and Thursday nights. Porcupine Quill. The spines both of the hedgehog tod the porcupine are nothing more than excessively enlarged hairs, and on the bodies of these animals every grada tion between hairs and spines can be found. Telegraph Wire. A telegraph wire In the open country lasts four times as long as om la citj. . I Just in A Big Shipment From the East H 0 E Gent's fine furnishing Shoes Ladies' Kid button weitShoes Childrens' School Shoes v ' We can supply your wants in Groceries, Farm Imple ments, Wagons, Manure Spreaders, etc. One Lessing Player Piano will be sold here for $415. This is the cheapest price ever quoted on this piano. W. H. STAATS & CO. HEATING STOVES - STEEL RANGES Look Out for the Cold Snap Our Little $1.35 Heater Will Give Jack Frost the Laugh Headquarters for School Books and School SUPPLIES SH ATTUCK BROS. The Store of Better Service L OCA L All Around Town " ; - ; - ,' - . , . MMMM SMSS1SSSSSSSI-- -- Mr. and Mrs. Listel, and child visited the county seat a few days ago. D. L. Ruthaford quit hauling wheat Tuesday, Among the recent Dalles visit ors was Frank Goble, of Maupin. Jerome (Buzan was in The Dalles the first of the week, Miss Hilda Castor accompanied her grandfather Castor to Ta coma, to which city he returned Tuesday after a visit in Wasco county. Bring your watches and clocks to Emmons the Jewler. Mrs- Staats received a tele phone message Saturday morn ing telling her that she had been presented with a new granddaughter. The happy parents are Mr. and Mrs. Grover Slusher, of Dufur. Mrs. Slusher was formerly Miss Marion Sax ton, a popular Maupin girl, TheO-W. agent reports that five people bought tickets for the Round-Up early in the week not waiting for the reduced rates now in force. Jesse Flemming left on busi ness to The Dalles and Portland Monday. Ed Mays and wife were in The Dalles a few-days ago. Friday, C. H. Yockey,- of Wapinitia, shipped several boxes of ground cherries to Portland. 0. B. Derthick was in The Dalles the first of the week. Mr. Ceere, repredenting Mar- ,ahal-Wells hardware made his regular trip to Wapinitia and j Maupin Friday and Saturday. I Mrs. J.S. Brown and daugh ter, Miss Brown retnrned from a ahort visit to The Dalles Ttues- day. They wete met here by Mr. Brown in his cer. E. J. Styer, the barber, for a first class haircut and shave. Maupin is on the natural route for auto tourist travel between The Dalles and Central Oregon. I carry all kinds of stones for rings and pins Emmons the Jewler. 0. P. Weberg and son have delivered several cords of wood to W. H. Staats & Co. Laco DeCamp is now- able to be apout without his crutches. BIG BAND DANCE SEPTEMBER 25TH Commence to shake your feet and get ready for the dig Band Dance to be given by the Maupin Band Sept. 25th; it will be one week from next Friday evening. The band boys will be out in force and music will be supplied by the popular Maupin orchestra, A good time and a big crawd i3 assured. Some attractive posters have been ordered from the Times and will be distributed among the big crowds at 'the Tygh Valley fair as well as else where thruout the Country. A big attendance is assured. Fol low. the crowd and be at the Band Dance here Friday night, Sept. 25, Mrs. Staats sold two lots Tues day, to G. L. Harpham, who fwilj soon commence the erection of a modern bungalow. i- Geo. Yonng was down 'Tues day purchasing supplie3 for the restaurant which he will run at Tygh during the Fair. If you, kind reader; or any of yonr acquaintences attend the fair, communicate the fact to the Times, It is news and the boost will be appreciated by us. Miss Fischer, of Maupin, will teach in the Wapinijia school this year. The Wapinitia band of fifteen, pieces is a splendid' musical or ganization and is reported to be doing especially well this fall. . Mrs. Nettie Muir, who has been in the D. M. Shattuck home for sometime, returned to her own home Sunday to make preparations to accompany her son to the Round-Upr Mr. Thompson, traveling, for' Fleschner & Myer, was here the fiast of the week, Ed Brown and Misi Naoma Smith left today for the Round Up. J.F, Cascots fbft Maupin Tues day for Portland on business. MEALS That Are Meals Th Kind W Always Srve At Reasonable Prices . When in Town MAke oiy Hotel Your Headquarters A Cordial Welcome to All . HOTEL MOAD D. A. MO AD, Prop. BOARD AND ROOM BY THE DAY, WEEK OR MONTH