West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, August 07, 1906, Image 1

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    '1 Hntl J ta
PAID CAPITAL $30,000.00
TrmM(!Urn.rlUi.klmel'Ui.liu. lVpolt. received, Um
made, DrafU aol.l. Careful and aoiirl.-i.ua attrtitloii glvru all aoeounU,
Orrnw NH iHKHToll
J. II. Ilawley, I'm., P. 1.. " l 'll. V'" ,'"-. ,r" ('- ,,0',n' ('"",,l"r
J. II. V. JlutW-r, K. . Powell, J. Mump, J. A. Wlthrow,
I. M. HlinMMi.
CAPITAL BTOOK, S50.000.00.
0. W. HiVINE, Clier.
DIRECTOKH.-H. iTTrhr I). W-7 hear. H. F. Hn.ilh, J. K. JU'odea and
A. Nelaoii. ,
A a-eneral banking and etohanga bnsine tranwu-tad. Loan made. Mlla
AltoooSuMi . CoinuwrcLI cradlt. granted. I,o.itt raoaltad on current account
nbjwt to check.
Eitlle Palace fiotel
f. Ul. Crtanor, Proprietor
Care? ally Supplied Cables. Special Attention to Commercial Crade. J
Day or Night Calls Promptly attend
ed to. Flue Parler In Connection.
An Experienced Lady AhL trtnt.
Phone, main 273 Rc$. 41
XV. I HICK, Einbnlmer and Funeral Director.
Licensed by Oregon Btate Hoard of Health.
iimpson Brk
Largest Country Store in Polk County
Dry Goods and Groceries, Men's and Boys Clothing,
Boots', Shoes, Hardware and a general line of merchandise
Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Wool, Mohair and Farm Produce
Generally Bought."
Simpson Bros. Jlirlie, Ore.
Good Rigs for Commercial Men a Specialty.
Good accommodations. Horses well fed. Fine
rigs. Horses boarded by day, week or month.
Report of the Expcndilurcs of
Polk County, Oregon, July
U904flo July 1, 1906
With financial Exhibit July 2, 1906,
and Including Statement cl Cost
ol Running County Olflces
lei the Honorable County Court,
Polk County, Oregon. Qentle
men: Herewith you will find various
statements pertaining to lha finan
cial transactions of the several ofli-
cera of your county, consisting of
statement of account of County
Treasurer. Report on tha Tax
Holla ol 1903, 1901 and 1905, with
the Sheriffs account with same.
Statement of account of County
Superintendent with the Institute
fund, a statement of expenditures
for the past two years, and financial
I would recommend that the
Sheriff make weekly settlements
with the Treasurer, a? by law di
rected. It will be a saying of men
tal labor to handle the smaller
amounts. It is batter to let the
many special funds have access to
their portion they may desire.
From the financial report you
will find the cash on hand in the
general fund in excess of all out
standing warrants amounts to
There is part of State Tax due
yet this fall, but there is also delin
quent on tho 1905 Tax Roll in half
payments, etc., the sum of $15,000,
the greater part of which belongs to
the general fund.
You will find a statement of Pro
bate fees due from several estates
where the fees were collected at
filing of estimated value of the es
tate and where the Inventory when
filed have shown a sufficient amount
different to affect the amount of
fees due.
There appears to be due J. T.
Ford, ex-sheriff, for fees advanced
by him in the Tax deed cases (Ford
ys Dalton; Ford vs Meyer) the sum
of $14 for filing complaints and trial
fees. As the sheriff was acting for
the County in this matter and the
County was to no expense, it was
not the place of the Sheriff to stand
the expense of same.
As shown by the statements, the
Sheriff, Clerk, Superintendent and
Treasurer have accounted for all
fees and monies received by them,
and the cash balance in hands of
the Treasurer, is deposited in the
different banks, as shown by the re
port on his account.
I find all the accounts correct as
kept by the different officers, with
the exception of a few special taxes
were credited to wrong school dis
tricts and- cities, and which we
have adjusted.
Very Respectfully,
Max Crandalt.,
Special Auditor.
Telephone 2Vb. 203
Independence, Oregon
Painless Kxtraotlon
Cooper Building,
One door south of Post Office.
Fine Baths in connectionjwith shop
Independence, - Oregon
Tonsorial Artists"
.Next door to Little Palace Hotel
Sharp Razors, Prompt Service.
Merchant Tailor
Bank Building,
Independence, Obeggk
Summary of Expenditures from
July 1, 1904, to July 2, 1906:
Expenditures as per $
warrants, less brid
ges, roads & high
ways as itemized
on sheet No. 2
Roads and highways
Expenditures, Road
Tax of Districts as
per statement No.
State Tax paid as per
report of treasurer
47,171 18
3,251 83
12,794 32
16,442 52
53,663 75
$133,328 60
El-emliiurel of Polk Cotif'tr from
J ily I. 1904. to July I, Y.
j..-r warrant Unied:
Cm uty Court and Com- 4
ii,i(ii'iiif ri
Circuit Court
Juc'icn Court
Sheriffs Offira
Clerk'a Ofha
Treaurr'a Office
Coroner's Ofiica
School Supl. Office
Stock Inspector
Accuser's Office
Ais''ment and collec
tion of taxes
Tax Rebate
Current Expense
Cou t Iloutie Expense
Car of Poor
Indigent Soldiers
Election Expenses
Heads and highways
Fruit Inspector
Health Officer
Lewis and Clark Exposi
tion State Tax Warrant
Surveyor's Office
O f'U !
i.i"' - . !
1,71 S 25.
MS M)'
i,u:a 39 !
5.0:: g or j
l..vi;s cv
177 -15
2,718 (.9 -"-
r ni IS P111"213' Jor Gars oa Hits Coast He
! Is Widely Known us Miner end
Owner of fast Horses
lucky Baldwin" Under Con
slant Care of Physicians
at His Country Home
1.171 :
.".00 19
2.JJ3G 10
7,773 03
i r - ft '
2,917 77
105 00
oi ::o
3,251 M
2.3S0 72
12,794 32
183 75
274 15
1.495 59
2.700 00
3G5 20
$(53,217 33
Statement of Expenditures of Spec
ial Road district taxes from July
1, 1904, to July 2, 1906:
Road District No. 1.
i 2
it i 3
.. it 4
" " " 5
ti it it Q
it it it 7
it it it g
ti it 9
i ti it io
ii it "11
' 12
i. .t 13
it ti "14
.. ti .t 15
it it i. ig
it it it 17
ti ti it is
.. ! i. 19
t. it ii 20
., .. 21
$ 53G 41
062 87
924 SO
565 15
1,079 25
1,301 20
62S 50
1,165 38
725 22
582 20
957 50
537 97
75G 80
831 40
752 96
1,247 75
749 12
625 85
401 62
412 95
601 47
326 15
Financial Statement, Polk County,
Oregon, July 2, 1906:
Warrants outstanding $
on general fund 8,629 98
Cash Assets in excess
of liabilities 17,100 21
$25,730 19
Cash on hand by treas
urer to pay called
warrants 4.051 38
Cash on hand by treas
urer applicable to
payment of warrants 21,678 81
$25,730 19
State of Oregon
County of Polk
I, E. M. Smith. County Clerk for
the County of Polk, and State of
Oregon, do hereby certify that I
have compared the foregoing tran
script with the original report to
the County Court, and the expendi
tures of Polk County, with the finan
cial exhibit, and that the foregoing
is a true ana correct imuscnpu
therefrom, as the same appears on
file in my office and study.
Witness my hand and seal of
said court, this 4th day of August,
1906. E. M. Smith,
seal County Clerk.
Winnipeg, Man., Aug 3. Under
the constant care of physidana,
j who do not conceal their belief that
his case is a Lopele-s one, Elias
Jackson Baldwin, or "Lucky" Bald
win, as he is known throughout
the length and breadth of America,
is living in seclusion at Fort llogue
He it suffering from palpitation of
the heart and the doctors refuse to
allow his friends to sea him, be
cause they fer agitation would he
harmful. The aged man's struggle
this time is not for gold, but for
life. For over half a century he
and fate have been playing a game
of dice. Often the game went
against him, but more frequently
he won. Many years ago, when it
was at its height, thousands of in
terested persons watched it with
fascinated eyes. It was romantic,
it was picturesque, like the man
himself. Many times fate stripped
him bare and laid his fortune in
ruins at his feet, but with a grim
smile he would seize the dice and
with one throw win all hack again,
but this time it seems as if he is
going to lose forever.
Mr. Baldwin is now nearly eighty
years old, having been born in
Ohio in the year 1828. But bis
picturesque career has been identi
fied chiefly with the state of Cali
fornia. It was that state that gave
him his first fortune. Then he
made onother one in Nevada out of
the Comstock. His fortune at one
time was reputed to be $20,000,000,
but much of it was wasted in un
profitable ventures.
The greatest medium for the di
fusion of his name and fame was
the palatial hotel and theater that
he erected on Market street, San
Fraucisco, at a cost of $3,000,000.
All the culture and pride that he
had were entered in that hotel.
A few years after it was built he
saw it go up in smoke, and as be
watched the flames wrap them
selves abound it he wept for the
first time to anyone's knowledge.
In later years he spent the most
of his time in developing his ranch
of 60,000 acres, the Santa Anita, on
which he raised some of the finest
race horses America ever produced
He is the only man whose hor?es
won four American Derbvs. His
famous Derby winners were Vol
ante, Silver Cloud, Emperor of
Norfolk and Rey el Santa Anita.
. What Mr. Baldwin's fortune
amounts to now is not known, but
he still is regarded as a rich man,
with a principality of the richest
land in the fertile San Gabriel val
ley, in southern California. '
a ;'f' .!!, hut I unhealthy '.!.
- It ia on!y a abort liin mi hti
j thrra -tii!ilitn t!l prevail a'!.
jia a more sggravattd form than
, iiMial, ly r'('ii if t hit t'oi.tu.ut.t
')." weather. Indcpendrrsra pe.
i ' and lhoe living along the roa.l
! wiji etui well aff .rd to -I l" "
few loi:r r.ru -.nry 1 1 oil th
highway and therely shut tho
dud t uiatire. It ttoul I I ih
j exj riu, nt, fur by tect it ha b i
'priv.-nltuiti.il ii the thing that
; will lay th dut, and in thU in
jataneit the i-oi.t would rn.t l r-t,
! and the bffu-iit would l to mani
fold that anyone can afford and
would willingly contribute for 'hi
p'lrpoee It is a matter of vital
importance, the time if ihort in
which to do the work and ttep
ahould he taken Immediately if
j anything is lo be accompiihed in
this direction.
Note; Any person desiring to
examine the report ot the expert
on " the account of any officer will
find the same on file in the County
Clerk's office.
Oregon, where land frauds last
year kept the department from sur
veying more than 1345 acres of
land, this year had 203,557 acres of
rand surveyed within its borders.
Only 5,500,000 acres of land re
main unsurveyed in that state.
Growers Are Preparing to Gainer the
Crop ot 1905 A Fairly Good
Yield Is Now In Prospect
That thera will be a good crop of
hops, barring the possibility at
damage from rain at picking time,
ia evident. But a bumper crop can
be no longer predicted. A rain with
in the past week would have added
caveral thousand bales to the Oregon
output, but the unbroken dry spell
ia showing on trie laterals, which
are not as rank as at this time last
year: Where you could scarcely
see between two rows last yetr, a
view may be had beneath the foliage
on horseback this year.
Growers are now ordering their
tickets and almost without excep
tion they pick by the box this year.
The prica talked U 50 cents. Pick
ers are now listing for the different
yards and growers are getting ready
for the harvest season while making
up their list of pickers. J. C. Mor
rison, manager of the Horst yard,
ha9 closed his books, having listed
the number that he estimates will
be required to pick the 400 and
over acres in his charge. Intend
ing pickers, who have not yet regis
tered for any yard, should send in
their names to some grower at once.
A few have already arrived and
pitched their tents and will eojoy
an outing until picking beginB. A
family of eight arrived Irom Sacra
mento and are camping at the D.
R. Cooper yard.
Hop-picking, according to present
indications, is a little more than a
month off yet.
Mil Sufficient Evidence
to Detain Mr, Fowler
County Roads Should
be Sprinkled With Ul
Anyone who has been here dur
ing hop-picking season knows what
a terrible nuisance the dust is on
the public roads near Independence.
There is hardly a person in town
or in the country who does not at
one time or another have occasion
to travel them at some stage of the
several weeks when the roads are
lined with wagons going and Com
ing. The cloud of dust raised by
these moving vehicles is so dense
that it is not only extremely dis-
Dallas had an unfortunate affair
to deal with the past week, which
culminated in a charge of rape
against J. H. Flower and a prelim
inary trial of the case before Just
ice Holman.
The crime is alleged to have been
committed on the little 9-year old
daughter of James Ross, a livery
man of Dallas. Justice Holman
did not find eyidence to warrant
him in holding the accused over to
answer the next grand jury and
after the trial was over there was
strong talk of lynching. In fact, if
it had not been for the positive
stand taken by Sheriff John Grant,
a crowd of some 200, it is stated,
was already formed and ready to
move upon Flower's residence.
Being convinced that the sheriff
would not stand for mob law, the
plan was abandoned and Flower
left town.
J. H. Flower is a man of middle
age, with a family, and a lawger
by profession. He was one of the
three candidates for the republican
nomination for, representative this