INDKrENPENCK, OltECOX' WEST S1DK ENTER PRIST:. SIX IHKTimVY l U AT KI. ! lluivn luki"' Uv! tiu at ! home vi liur wuwiri, uniso, Iru HulU r OU-brtUe hWlMnlj K.lith AI.atiW ha thMUaWa, JUrth.Uy U lila homo In Monmouth. Luct Fri.Uy afternoon at'd even ing an informal reception wa teu-den-a Jra l' M. Duller by the citi tenatf Monmouth. ,,Utc!e Ira" as h in familiarly calld, born in Kentucky May 20, 1S12. While yet but a lad his ixwple moved iiiinni- hyaline at MomuuMM while bla father surveyed and .Sd .... . I. . . I, Kanlrt.! thfl's-Ukl'S OUl 1UC Willi ho -- , with an ox team for loraung the corner. Ue was tUputy aherifl" of tht county and was appointed clerk, of the circuiycourt for one term by Stephen A. CjxMlae, He privat Vu,Th Black II k War andJB flfany interesting iaci in cor" Xlu with the incidents ot " tbVVar. Io 153 he married Miss fUn'y A. Davidson, and together 'vhey crossed the plains, with an ox team, coming in company with the Hutchinson and Ground train. .it.u Tr." lrw-nted on the doua- a' .Ami Lara miles SOU lit of f timi i411 . - - - Monmouth, in Polk county, and etill owns thia claim intact. Since coming to Oregon Mr. Butler has always Uken an active interest in public life Cha. r.lankenship and Misa llutohinson of Portland and Mr. and Mr. E. A. Ward from Lane cowuty were jtuet of J. M. Stark and lamily the past wek. 4 For SU. , sow aud pitfa for f ale. Inquire ofG.C. Holter, five and one-half ,iliir?s south of Independence. A Sure Tlilntf. ll In -aid that nothing U ura except death and tiw, but that la not alto. Kether true. Dr. Kintc's new iliaeov. ery fur connuiuotioii I a ur our foi alt lung and throat troubles. Thoux Minis eau testify t that. Mrs. C. B V.nMctre of Shefanitowri, V. Va., a, I had a severe case of brouehltls and for a year tried everythins neara of hut got no relief. One bottle of Dr. King's new discover that cured uie at-olntely. It's Infallible for croup, whooping cough, gr'p, pueumouia aud consumption. Try it. U'e guarau- I teed by A. 8. Ia-ke drujntlst. Trial bottles free. Keg. sizes 500, .W During mv absence my accounts a in will be left at the Independence the territorial legialature and two National Bank and those h.y tng an . . 4 ..ilia mill nlflssn rail tne ierriwriu icKaiuiw - .- terms ,a the eUte lecture, being account to settle wtll please call " . I ? l iL. k.nV rr nn 15 Wilson. sneaker of the house for one term He haa also served as county judge for one term and waa president of of the board of trustees of the old , Christian College for many years. When the town of Mou mouth was laid out and the votes couuted, electing a name, it fell to him to cast the deciding vote, and hence the name is in memory of the Illi nois town. For many years he haa beeu a notary public and still holds his commission, being, most likely, the oldest notary in the state. Mr. Butler haa raised a family of eight children. A. D. Butler, of Napa, CaL," the Misses Margaret and Alice, who are at home with him, are the only ones living. For one of his advanced age, 92. he is remarkably active and takes great interest in all events of a public nature. , The house and yard were were tastefully decorated, and "Uncle Ira" greeted his many friends with his old-time warmth and kindness. ANTIOCH. The cherry crop will not be. as large as was expected. Joe Wilson of Independence was in these parts recently putting up woven wire fencing. Amos Vance of Kansas visited Mr. Wunder and family this week. gSayies, Mrs. Haynes and . daughters attended the circus at Balem thia week. lira.1 Maud Frady of Peoria, Linn county, is spending the week at the heme of her grandmother, Mrs, Marie Bmith. E. B. Jamison and Frank Fawk were through here last week. Milton Wyatt of Corvallia spent Sun day at the home of. hit sister, Mrs. A. J. Shipley. Charlie Haynes made a business trip to Albany Saturday. Uncle" David Guthrie will celebrate his 80th birthday, Saturday May 28th. Claud D. Simpsoa. who died in Mon mouth last Saturday was a nephew of William Herren of thia place. ; , A large delegation from Antioch attended the Rickreall plcnio Saturday. Two families by the names of J one and Gran are on then- way frem Idaba to Oregon. They will probably locate Samuel Tetherow of theJLucklamute Antlocn yuttor aionoay. Notice. either at the bank or on P. Wilson. Db. O. D. Butler. Quick Arrest. J. A. Gulledge of Verbeua, Ala. was twice In the hospital from a severe case of piles causing H tumors. After doc tors and all remedies tailed uuciueu s arnica salve quickly arrested further inflamation and cured him. It con quers aches and kills pain. 25o at A. B. Locke, druggist. Wool Pool at Monmouth, Ore. At the urgent request of several of the larger wool growers in this yicinity, I have concluded to man age a wool pool tor the growers again this year on same terms as last year, charging one-half cent per Dound for all expenses of handling, atnrinor and selline the pool. We w.v g J . realized the highest price for the groweis last year of any pool in the state except one, which was most all choice quality and bought by the Albany mills. All growers wishing to join our pool will please notify me at once either by mail or in person, giving number of fleeces you want to list. Yours truly ' S. M. Danier. Monmouth. Card of Thanks. We wish to express to the peo ple of Monmouth and Independeme and especially the lodge, ' our pin cere gratitude) f,,f lh,'ir vl"t,,or kiiulnesa during the iekne and burial ot our deceased aon. Mk. and Mk. U. II. Simi-son, Monmouth, Oregon. Oni.of the ureaUst bledii a mod Mt iiin eatl wish for 1 a good reliable set ot bowels. If you are not the happy iHMdHor of such an out tit yu eau meatly Improve the efficiency of tboa you hava by the Judicious ueor t. nam lrliii atotuach and liver tablet. They are pleasant to take and agreeable fu elleet. For sale by all Urungiai. Will Open Hero. The Orejron Lumber Wood A Lisht Co. of FalU City will be ready to nupnlv Independence trade with any kind of fir lumU'r or wood by or about the tiret of April. It will pay you to get our prices, Whooping Cotijfli. In the snriuir of 1'JO I my childreu had whooping cough, says Mrs. I). VV. Cappa, ol Capps. Ala. i u.seu main berlalus cough remedy with the moot satisfactory tesulta. I thiuk this is the beat remedy I have ever seen for whoopuigcougli. inis reiueoy aerps .1... I.u tuasMtta I hi, auverilv aud frequency of the eoughiog apells and counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. For sale by all druggiats. 1 !) lv ru L 1 i ' - waa aa U1QHLAND. Chris Peterson has gone to Qresham. Mrs. Lfda Cax la at Monmaath. : Mr. aad lira. James Alexander visited at Ei Davidaon's last week. , f ' , R. Q. Simon fas the appendicitis. Ba is ia tae Saisam HosalUL. A Dim Woken Owe Themselves. "Good actions speak loader than words," So too, doea the testimony of many thon- MU1UB UI WUU1CU UUMUK m third of a century speak louder than mere claims not backed by a guarantee nf anttM. kind. 4 That is the reason why the pro- .prieiors 01 ui. ricuc Favorite inscrip tion are willing to . offer $500 reward fnr women who can not be cured. Such a remarkable offer ,a tminjl.d ntl thf. long record of cares lot the diseases ana I weaknesses pecu liar ta women. If tfir 4 an invalid woman, suffering from female weakness, prolapsus, or falling of womb, or from len corraea who haa used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription without complete success, the proprietors of that medicine would like to (ear from such person and it will be to her advantage to write them as they oner, in perfect good faith, a reward of $500 for any case of the above maladies which they cannot care. No other medians for woman's ills is possessed of the unparal leled curative properties that would war rant its makers in making such an offer. ' The Sisters of the Good Shepherd, , at their convent, Oor Lady of the Woods," Carthage, Ohio, use a rreat deal of Dr. Pierce's medicine; they say, in a recent letter to Dr. Pierce : "We bet to. assuve you- of the .great benefit these mediciaea give ur ailing ones. We cannot aafidentiy recommend their excellence." ' When the drug; grist says be has some thing that is aa good as Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription, just tell him, "There's nothina; Just as good. He says so because he hopes to make a better profit but bis owi mixtures have not stood the teat of long erxperieoce and success that Doctor Pierce's medicines have. ..Then, too, many patent medicines advertised as tonics, con tain large quantities of alcohoL-' Dr. Pierce a-aaranteea that his "Prescription" does mot contain a particle of alcohoL s ' Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad Tlsar urat aw receipt of at osect stamps faraea-DV ia paper; 31 stamps in cloth bind ia AadreiilT K. V. Pierce, Buflalo, 51. Y. It is a good thing keep JH. Pierre's fleaaaat reliecs ia the hoasn. One Pellet a ktxaaive, raw a arila aathartte. OS 01 01 05 01 QD Ql H 01 m n rrmca - .BananBTaaa. a---SBamBamSBBi Vk a m I Independence Lending Dry Goods Store Special Waisting Sale ITu. eJSfSe 01) Notice ot Adiululstra tor's Sale. x- 1. 1. kur.h o-lvsn that liw virtue ,IVI V. to "J p. - - - - tf snd In pursuauoe of an order af the LOUtltV tYHiri tor rontounir, irrrgvu, duly made aud entered of record In Uie ma'ter of the estate of William Mr.Millau, deceased, auth orising and dlrectiug John Dick inson, administrator and Margaret Mc.Mlllau administratrix will with will aunexed of said estate, to sell at private sale for cash In hand, the following described real estate, snuaieu 111 i ui County and State of Oregon, to-wlt: Beginning atapoint3U22chaiuseaat aud 31.25 chains south of the north west corner of the D. L. C. of Aarou . Burbauk au'd wife Not. No. 1587, Claim No. 40, in towntdilp 8. south l : range 5, west of the Willamette nierid j iau, in Polk County, Oregon, and run-j ning thence east 3U.0O chains; thence south 32.52 chains to the south bound-1 ary of said claim; thence west 82.00 chains; thence north 32.52 chalua to place of beginning containing 106 acres I loaa nil aitllHtpd ill Folk t'oUIltV. Oregon, we will from and after the 11th day of June A. D. 1'j04, otler said ......i-Mi fnp aaln at nrivatn aale to tLe highest bWder forcatth in hand, subject j to.tbe approval of said court. Kids will be received by Margaret McMillan at j Monmouth, Oregon, and John Dickin son at Independence, Oregon, j JOHN UICKINHON, AUIUIUISTaior, aud Margaret McMillan. Administratrix with the will annexed of the estate of William McMillan, deceased. OH 01 01 01 01 01 to (0 (0 (0 (0 to (0 (D 0 (i (0 (0 (0 (0 D CO (0. (0 (0 CO (0 (0 ISO 10 CO CO CD Beginning Saturday MAY 21 and contin uing until JUNE 1st we will offer our new line of NEW AND UP TO DATK WAIST1NOS ltepular nt)c Coronas now 10c ht yanl lU'tilar C'Oc Damasks now 3f"c ior yanl lU'Jular 45c Venmas now 3'2c ht van Ht-tilar 3.m- Toplins now 23c t yard An! ..tain whitf, tTi-am white, Line, black, gray unl chaiiit-agne colors Ecu. Gutter and all kinds of Produce are a good as cash 011 tl.i and all other purchases. Yours for fair dealing. Notion tor I'uMlcatloti. tvpiirlniriil of tlm Interior, I-and urlli-f at m-sii i lly, origin, Notice l heroliv slvni thai li ftrtlowlns imnii'd K'Uk-r liaii llli'd iioin-e of lit" Inu'ii Hon lu imiki" rliiul nM In nipporl of Ills claim, ami Ihul hiKI lri'f " III I imulo in torn ihluiiiity ( 'Utk o. l-olk I'ounty.Unijoii at Dallux. un coil, on June .1. 1 '.. vix: , ( ImUKM KM. MAHKH H E No. I.'l hi lor lot . ". 4, l U r i w. He niinic llic lollowniif wllimws to prove lila coiillnuoim rcUlfuie iiii and culilva llon ol Mlit laiiti. vis: f. Mm ks of Inilc peiKtvnre. orrson. .1. 1. Marks, 1. M. tluwltt, J. H. Orouucl, l .Momiiouil'.oicson. Algtruon . irwsr, KriiUHr. Adnilnistiitor's Sale. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order and decree of the county court of the state of Oregon for the county of Folk, duly made and entered of record on the 25th day of April A.D. 1904, in the matter of tbo estate of Gilbert McCabe deceased, authorizing and directing me, the undersigned ad ministrator of said estate to sell at private - sale the following described real estate to-wit: Begin uing at the southwest corner of the tract of land heretofore deeded by E. Merwin and wife to .R 8. Middiebaui, in township 8 south, range 4 west, of the Willamette meridian, in Polk county, Oregon. At said corner is an iron bar driven in the center of the countv road leading from Independence to tialem, Oregon, and running thence east 15.26 chains to the west bank of the slouirb, thence north three degrees west 6.36 chains, thence west 16.85 chains to an iron rod driven In the center of the said Independence and Balem road, thence south 12 de grees and 15 minutes, east6.48 chains the place of beginning, containing 10.41 acres. And also the following tract to wit: Beginning in the center of the county road leading from Indepen dence t Halena, Oregon, at a point where the line between the donation laBd claims ore. P. Cook and T. L. Burbank, crosses road in said tap. . and range above mentioned and run-1 ning thence west along said line 6.90 chains to the east line of the right of way of the O. A C. Ii. K. Co., thence south9 degrees and 30 minutes east along said right of way 8.42 chains, thence east 6.90 chains u the middle of said county road, thence north 0 de grees and 30 minutes West 3.42 chains to the place of beginning, the aame be ing the land upon wbieh is situated the McCabe tile factory, and containing two acre more or less. . Ia puauanceof said order, I will, from and after the 28th day of May 1904, as such administrate offer for sale and sell at private sale la the high est bidder all said premises; aad bids will be received by me a ledepeu-. dense, Oregon, Terms of sale, cash In band. Thomas Pome boy. Administrator of the estate f Gilbert; VcCabe, deeassfd. Admlnlwtrutri-t Notice. Notice is hereby given tliut I, Klina Ann Wilcox, have been duly appoint ed administratrix with will annexed, of the estate ot Hannah Miller, de ceased, by the County Court of Hit, state of Oregon for Polk county. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same to me at the law office of Butler Si Coad at Dallas, Oregon, or to the un derslged at Coburg, Oregon, duly made out and verified as required by law, April 23d, 1904. 22-M 1 ELIZA ANN WILCOX, Administratrix with will annexed, of estate of Hannah Miller, deceased. flailed s Poole Contractors and Builders Jitl work guaranteed. Estimates furnished on alt kinds of carpenter work. Call on or addrM fialkck and Poole ; 1 monnioktb, Ore. 6 L Hawkins Dallas, Ore. Marble and US If; Granite Monuments and Head stones Cemetery work etc. , WEST SIDE ENTERPRISE $1.50 Per Year PHIL MKTSCHAM. Pr: C. W. KHOWltS, Mgr. far1 Pl Oalf i. oo at. o THE IMPERIAL HOTEL CO. SEVENTH and WASHINGTON STS. PORTLAND, OREGON Cootb Brushes Tree With every purchase of a 'Joe pack age of our Special Tooth l'repura tions, KoHafoam, Wliiuhood'ti J-iateratccl. or Turkish Mvrrh Tooth Powder, wo will pro-en t yon with a fine tooth brush free of charge. CALL AND SHE. A. S. LOCKE PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST 1 GOTO P. M. KIRKLAND, THE DRUGGIST, FOR PRESCRIPTIONS FOR PATENT MEDICINE FOR STATIONERY s FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR TISSUE PAPER IN ENDLESS VARIETY FOR PAINTS, OILS AND PAINT BRUSHES FOR ALL KINDS OF ARTIST'8 SUPPLIES FOR PRICES THAT CAN'T BE BEAT FOR RAFFIA FOR FURTHER ORDERS INDEPENDENCE.. .ORE. I. L. SMITH Fine Wines. Liquors, " Cigars, and Deer on Draught, or in Bottles, at THE L L SMITH SALOON, G STREET, ' i , : . . . 1 ' ' Independence, Oregon L L. SMITH; Proprietor f