West Side Enterprise INl)Kl'ENI)KNi;K, I'OIK COUNTY, OKICCJON, MAY.2(i, 1901. NUMBER 20 POLK COUNTY BANK. Incorporated. MONMOUTH. - J OREGON 1Iavv,.y, I'. I.. Oamn.h.1.. J rHi(t iit. V ii o rri'Hulciit. I it a (J. 1Wf.i i., CanhiiT. ri4 cpiul. o,ooo li hi i tom-J. II. lUly. I. ,"npbell. ! M- '!'"". J- v- John H. Hiump. J. A. WUhru. K. H IWll. TraneU GMtr.l lUnkUg and Kichang" buim-. lnfl .U THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK ajv.i?iTiVL stock:, $50,000.00. .....,,: !'. Jfiit. AMI AM NKLKOS, Vie,l'..i.ien ' C. W.IIlVINK. C.hlr. .... "' it m? ..r. II F. hu.ilh. J. IV Itl-wle and rl A. Ncl"'H. OIK twWVitliMl t.r.u" lmtii lrnw.. l.Hl. U-aiw I" "1". rUU ,tM. l,-,ls rereWeJ enrrrnl Bill count '-' T Ball's Terry The Terry boat is now in opertion, day or night, roads good ond driv ing fine. Take the short cuts to points in Marion County. n. D. ' Pcjtlioftn, Proprietor V j EYES ON POLK The Importance of Coming: Election set out in Letter From State Chairman Baker to Hart Senator .Mitchell !-HlrcM IClec- tlitu of V. H. lMitfliary to Nlatn Hcnato 0110 week Mo idtty DAVIDSON & HEDGES .1- 1 UaduJ'" Fo' "I" Fine Cigars, Tobaccos, Candies Pin. In ruLn VifWtV Irottl Cafe tt)bftr no ndliit Mrluum. Soda FounUtn for it bo dy. You rt lwV welcome. DAVIDSON & HEDGES c ctr FFT INDEPENDENCE, OREGON LIVERY, FEElD AND BOARDING STABLE I. W. DICKINSON, Prop. (ioo,lKifor Commercial Men if1 ;l(l a5.nii..iHlatln-. I lor well f I. no i-inH HorwjH boarded by day.wek month' Telephone Ah, ".W JmUl'i'itth-ttn; Oregon THE MONMOUTH LAUNDRY .. . wi 1 j rT" MAN Proorlrtor 1 1 U 111 ft 'f - "r- -A Home Industry Institution GOOD WORK, PROMPT DELIVERY , OUR WATCHWORDS WorK Called for Tud.X Dellv.r.d S.turd Josse & Bice, UNDERTAKERS - Fine Parlors in connection.' Day or night calls promptly attended to. Day phone 273 . Night 393 Main St, Independence, Ore W. L. BICE, Bmtalwr and Funeral Director. Uiuittnun Hurt of the Polk county republican central com in li tre in in receipt of a communica tion from K C. Baker, chairman uf the republican state central com mittee, showing how earnestly the Mate organization U interested in tht) flection uf the republican ticket in Pol It county. Chairman linker says in liin h ttitr: "Oregon will fire the find gun thin prehiilt'iitinl year; arid iu or ilrr that the report may be dintinctly heard in nil ih flu ten of our Union an t'ni,n' ttiitlurRoiiiiit uf l' resi dent Hoohevclt and his pohuien, aa fll t the principle of Ihu repub lican party, an enunciated in the pUtfuriu of our tUte conveiilioti, may be unpreccdonudly nustained by the Vult'rn uf thin mate, it u earnti'tly dexired by tne Htate com- ui it lee that ivery illort be made to gt the vottir of your county to Ihu poll on the fixth day of next month. To quote the Uregoniaa: Of coume, the electoral voUi pf Oregon will go to Theodore Koo. veil. How gr-at ihe popular major Ii v in November mav be will not particularly tngnify. It will be great enough. I't'iner o,vw or 25.UU0 will not matter much. But it, will uiattpr greatly what trie iiminriiv mav to iu June. For whatever the slate of Oregon may .rivw inr the ntiubli"an rjartv in June will be a majority for Theo dora UooaeveJl; atiu ine uo 01 a large majority, for its ellect upon the couiury, wuj ue very great uf Oregon who wish to pro' mote his election can do so in no other way o effectively as by mak ing great majority in June for the. candidates of the party that ,,!! rent. 111 nil 1110 in convention a few daye later for the presidency of the I nitea Males. Auain. Ihe same paper says: 'The way to support Roosevelt in an effectiva way, is vo voie m June the ticket of the party which stands lor him and for which he stands. iMake the majority big in Ju. Oiegon should tart it with 'Jll.tKX). Huch report wiU be heard mid felt all over the United Slates.' 'Lei every republican support tho ticket of his county, district and etate. without exception And it is my earnest wish, as chairman of tho republican state committee, tlmt pverv republican voter in Polk county who favors the re-election of " ... .1 Vit Hon. J. II. Mitchell to the v. o. senate, and for that matter every ilemocrat in Polk county who ap preciates Mr. Mitchell's services to Lis state in the U. S. senate, vote for Mr. U. S. Lougbary for state senator. Moreover. Senator Mitchell exprensly declares that he is earn ..kiIv in favor of the election of Mr, Loughary. and also that of every other republican nomine in roi county. I believe the voters of your county, through your own efforts a, chairman of your county com mittee, and by virtue of their fidel 5..n ih decrees oi their party, will not let Judge Moore's plural tr .nnreme iudae fall below that of Judge- Bean's plurality of i ? nnn odd. See that 1'olK county does her share in giving Judge nrA a. nlurality of at least ,imi. What a message of encouragement that report will be to our brethren amibtful states, ana wna a mea- -. nf discouragement to our democratic brethren in these sUtesj Iflcando anything to promote the election of your county and dixit ut ticket, let, me know, ami 1 will Im glad In serve you. Your obedient servant, FilANK C. Bakkk P. H. By th wiy, let it be agreed that tLe mistake of six years sko will not be repeated this com. ing election. I refer to the election of circuit judge in th Third Judi cial diflrict. See to it that the at tention. of the MHip!e is cilled to TWO ii'ui.ineeH of our party namely, George II. Burnett of Ma rion and B. L. Eddy of Tillamook. F.C B. RICKREALL PICNIC. Immense Crowd attend .School Picnic. I20O Children in the Line of March. The school picnic at Rickreall brouuht together an immense crowd Saturday. Of the ixly-five schools in the count) over half were present. It was an intmirinn sight to wilucfcs 1200 school child ren in line of march, each carrying the American Hag and each school accompanied by its teacher. An entertaining program was given in the forenoon, including an address bv President V. C. Haw- ley, of Willamette University, and numbers by pupils of the Indepen dence, Dallas, Falls City and Mon mouth schools. In the afternoon ther was a ball game and racing sports. In GOOD RECORDS U. S. Loughary, Candidate for State Senator, Has Fine Record at Home. . f'ror. V. I KUrr Hlanda lllifli In Hcliool Ciri len. and n-rveii lte electltin hn Stiper- ieii!-nt. i U. S. I.aughary, republifaii can didate for utate senator, is the pres ent county clerk of Polk county. He is a native Polk county man, and duiing his life-long career qualities Mr. Starr pofes. He has done, and is doing a great deal for the schools of Polk county. His entire attention is devoted to the work, and through hi efforts teachers and pupils are brought to gether often in teachers' rnHings and picnics as a means of stimulat ing interest in school wore, ami under hli administration the folic county schools today rank ntii"ng the best in the state. Having served but one term, Mr. Starr richly deserves another. V if- .1 V-'-V- . ' unr-m if i i" V -t 0. S. LOl'OHAKV. nothing is 19 be said against him as a private citizen or as an official. He was nominated by the last re Vote for Two Circuit Judges. Six veara ago there were two circuit judges to elect in the third judicial district, and the Republican nominees were George II. Burnett and II. H. Hewitt. Many voters did not understand that they should vote for two. In consequence of this mistake , Judge Hewitt was defeated. Again this year there are two judges to elect, and the Republican nominees are George II. Burnett and B. L, Eddy. Vote for lto-rn ! COURT IIOUSK NEWS. the ball game the Rickreall team won over the Dallas team by a score cl 8 to 2. The 220-yard run was won by Ralph Porterfield, with Carl Percivul second. The 100 yard dash was won by young Shaw, of Polk station, Carl Perci val second. ' Ralph Porterfield won the 50 yard dash, Carl Perciyal second. It was an ideal day for picnicing and there was a large crowd pres ent in uddition to the schools audi everything went off smoothly, bar ring the accident iu which the little Kramer and Hodge girls and Miss Burk were hurt. Object of Election. What is the subject at issue in the June election iu Oregon? Pres ident Roosevelt. The biggest ma- ioritv Oreaon can give to there- publican candidates is necessary to show the country, tnrougn mis first election of the year, what the strength of the Beutiineut for Presi dent Roosevelt is. There is now a united Republican party in this state, and no reason why any re. nublican should not vote the ticket of his party throughout. Orego-oian. That base ball game between Monmouth and Pacific University on the Normal grounda Saturday, will be well worth going to see. Monmouth has not been defeated this season, and she won't Satur day, if she can help it. Clvde Hill leaves tomorrow, for Hood RiT" w the summer. publican convention for 6tate sena tor. Though not a bitter partisan, Mr. Loughary has always been a consistent republican. He is pains taking and conscientious in what ever he undertakes, and can be de pended on to look after the inter ests of Polk county in the upper house of ihe next legislature. ' C. L. Starr, republican candidatf for school superintendent, is the p-esent incumbent, serving now the Ln-tyear of his first term. State 1 t fvt J' t J . -'V sir v3 : . 1 . -v. ti 5 i C L. STARS. Superintendent J. H. Ackerman considers Mr. Starr one of the most active and up-to-date county super intendents in the state. One's value as school superintendent lies in bis organizing power and ability to get work out of teacher. , These t'KOIIATK MATTERS. In the matter of the estate of Mary N. Poole deceased. sen.i-ai: nual account filed and approved; subject to final account In the matter of the estate of C. G. Fisher deceased, report 'of sale of real property filed and --t for hearing on or after June S, l'.K)4. In the matter of thu estate of Ole Sampson deceased; final ac count filed and set for hearing Jane 18, 1904, at one o'clock p. 'in. Or dered that residue of aid ertate be distributed according to the terms of last will and testament. In the matter of the est.i'a of John Ellis deceased; semi annual account filed and approved, subject to final account. REAL ESTAK TBA.FtKS. A F Toner to W C Brown q c d Its in Dallas $000. May II Whitney and hus to D M Donaugh land in t9sr8w $1500. DP Patterson and wf to A F Raether Its in Indepependence $200. John H Plum and u f to H C and J B Plum t6sr3w ITot O. G W Gardner et al to Aiielbert Martin land in Falls City K'0 C II Pfaffle et al to William Ilogan land in tTsrw $12C0. John P Wood and wf to Ella M McLaughlin land in t9sr4w$l. A M McLaughlin and wf to .Ella M McLaughlin land in t9sr5w $1. T P Soules and wf to F B Mc Laughlin Its in Independence $1. M D Ellis to J G VanOrsdel land in tTsrovr topether with electric light plant $8500. J G VanOrsdel & wf to M D El lis Its in Dallas also land in t'JsrSw $-100. . F J Coad et al to Gooch & Hein land in Dallas $1000. Mrs, U. L.' Fraser , and Mrs. L. Rice are viking in North Yam hill. li. G. Leedy was again elected Master of the Oregon State Grange at the meeting in. Corvallis this week, The city street sprinkler is going its regular rounds, adding fresh ness to the town the.-e warm days. K. Simon, living south of Mon mouth, was taken to the Salem hospital Sunday to be operated up on for appendicitis. Word was re ceived later that the patient's con dition was favorable. . Capt. Skinner's boat, the "Inde pendence," has again been put in the river and is making trips to Salem. The boat is not yet in 6ret class running condition, but the Capt. expects to make regular trips within a few days. , June 7th has been authorized as a sale date for Louisiana Purchase Exposition tickets,1 in addition to sale dates previously announced for June. Concession has t been made to accomodate Oregon people and will enable them to be at the Exposition on Oregon Day, June 15th...