BNTBltriUSB. IMWHTOMWOMW INDKPKNUKNCi: 1 i .. . i. it..u,ii iI.iki not he' . ,lM not seen the ' w-i The Oosti; ... 5 not morel V IUI the price. You must consul- tier the quality ami nimmm. : . . . a ? utiiva ill nf work it uoO! or tiuesn t, , . . . and, how well it wear.. The , owest-,.r ee -joms, uiiu, ....... ,WIUtw v. in tho iixl, : luaehmo may ne uuin , . , "hiloalughirvice one may y .hvulomU. A 3, little investigation will 1mw that Jlie 2 smith rnKMnsn I The World'- I'est Typewriter, Is the nwt economical wrili.iff Lodo.n1ritnl.outre1,iiror ..reuUdowns fur o e I .k of ritiiid machine. Write today i..r o.r .. . - " ... . . . ..... . . M nr n 1101 ri'iiu-. exKl.iln wliy. UiKl-Kri.n. iyi-".' -' Stenographers furnished. 'I M I Durphy & Dickerman, : 047 STARK ST., PORTLAND, OR. 5 THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000.00. H IIIRBHBEUGidenl. A IUCAM r... """" C. W.1KVIXK, Cashier. - ,. T. ... n w s. it. V. Smith. M. W. Stewart una -II. lliweliberg, P, W. ear.. A. Nelson. i K...fc5. rnifeTcViange -to'"" transacted. Um insula Bills dluSST.' IV.iU received on curren, ,,,,.,.. u hjeet to check. 1 The Agitator anil The Keformer. and a smile of bitter scorn curls tha haughty lips ond lights the (lashing eye. :Vhitt need I care for the file of tho rag-amullins, who infest the darkest allies of our city, where wild debauchery and wicked revel Special Correspondence. With a deep drawn sigh of de spair Mr. l5rown arose from his desk. The dissatisfied expression -. . . I on his face deepened into a .ow, , . , m.lnif(,,f while the Hashing eye and firmly;.- ucehy thu mir,1BH,. compressed lips bore evidence of: mim))pr ( ff. storm that was raging w.thm. "" I. Men & rev to tho tenipl. laid hw hand heavily on hi, fi., j ,)!iVe oml eBrnetlv and with the out burst of his e-nphutiC; . n bt)half of lhos; , assertion, "It s no use, ine ooys ar j wtth tht)m. begRed doomed to ruin; utter rum; "ay;. , , , leadlj combat witli tuo unseen io, ; day after day they are recklessly abounding themselves to the eytl them and threatened them; hut all no avail. iMy prayers have n.t lacked in consistency, but my efforts haye been fruitless. I would have saved thone boys but they would not heed me; and for oil, influence of the grog shop and ... . 1 gambling den, while the utter inau- hok As hrK vertence with winch they "gai fuf athy anJ advice." my advice drives me to frenzy. ; .. wa,kp They are not worth my thoughts) u those low born creatures whc-!tl an (loonyay presence defiles the atmosphere 1 , ft drink! breathe, I'll leave them to their; ;ninto 8lreet ho ,wB fate. The lecture that I have pre- j . ,n Um0 tQ pared shall be consigned o the; ()M womaiI) who fire. No more of my valuable time , Bhall be wasted on Huch worthless; ..'j a )1inute mr) j havo ,l0 specimens of inhumanity. h nK)U t3 ,,av lllV rciU for u,lfl saying, he reaches for bis hat and; wu; o)j my wny u pane and gathering up the close ; .g written pages of his lecture, he can,t g(!l work " ttml()h Hir! throws them into the grate ft"(l lf )U turn u8 out wieie will we viciously kicks the smoldering I ',-, embers witn tne toe 01 iiiouhd u., He Htrides out into the titreet; one glance at the elegant brown etone mansion; one glance at the silver plate that bears his name, Impressing It on Him With Emphasis I what our fine luuudry work does to the roan who is loosing for soine tbinK exquisite In color and finish on i.... 1?. Wo aim tn make our lailll- 11 IB I1UCU. , v - . dry work peerless In beauty and In the pertect condition in wnicu w- ku iv hnm. Kend ub a sample handle and we will aurprine you. Now process and new prices. Orders leltac &.uu:u '""h he Balem statfe will receive prompt attention. Salem Steam Eaunflry, Colonel J. Olmsted, Prop. Dorous D OlMsted, Mgr. Fhon 11. 820 Librtj titreet. "I have no sympathy for beu'gars and my time is too precious to waste in discussing an old worn out subject so please be good enough to allow me to pass; if you can't raise the money that is due I will have to ba7e the houBe. I am real sorry but business is business." With no word of kindness for a broken heart, he passes on leaving her staring blindly at the fate that has befallen her. "I thought he would help me they say he spends much of his time in looking after the erring ones and helping the ' friendless but he has not helped me and surely I an friendless." JIB unit - . r heard the mnoth-rml .ry", (iod help tha irlenai... ., it.. ...1,,. I m not ,rring on". ' " , " " . been owitliUlW ' , lo mv theerrlntf hoy. h doemud it worth hi while i -,lj.inic hand to l"'f . woman. And he and ponders on h.t he hU when h ni'H-t the yB thubj.-ctofhi- d-forred leclur II,. finds them t uw pla.e. in tumble down grn-t 1 1 . . - I . ..... U.v hi'tWreil room, peninpsa " - of twelve and 1 rears, o.n seated on dry K1"l'', boxe.1. Kome on old lrel nd somehWrnaon the lUr, but all intekt 011 a pnno "f ar,h. Hi" HU.ellof tulm.vo and li'l'ior i-dlute thouttnoxphere, hil- the f.-urnl-mlH and onprobrioiH latiKUatjH in duced in by the i -yers, ca-u a hhi,h of sham." on oin of " fuc-sof the younger b.y, hor doom U not yet irrevocably Healed, Mr. Brown hesitated when ! had almost reached the doot ; but his better nature tiaiu averts its elf as he thinks, perhaps alter all may do them nun' d. ho lie boldly enters. The scene pr.-s.-nt a most discounting app-arance, and loud and abuvivi ur et him on all side. "Uello, Mr. (.00.1 Man" "What are you doing among the heathens?" "Ain't you afraid of rontamination?" Now if I was good like you I wouldn't come to l:ues like this, and soon, tin ."Mr. llrowu was alniJ-it deaf. lie was unable to quell their uproar by gi s hire?, no he sinks down helplessly down on an upturned box. After the boy a had tired of their tumult they asked him to take the Hour and make them a speech. Hy this time Mr, Brown was in no mood for speaking, and only visiouary glimpses of his intended (u-rrnou Hilled exasperating through his mind; but he would not waste so be mounted the box nd prepar ed to address the boyn. "Boys I have advised you to quit this work, you are going to ruin day by day ami the end is nl far Whv don.t vou hwil m when suddenly one of the wiekedent of the wretches pulled on a string that he had cautiously tied around the end of the box, and Mr. Brown found himself making an ungrace ful salute to his audience. He lost no time in rcgaiumy his feet and making a hasty exit. While bis narting injunction of "The Devil will get you, and 1 am glad that he will." could scarcely bo heard above the uproar thut preceded him to the door. '1 don't think the old duck will bother us any more now. I think he would better keep his own lamps trimmed and burning. 1 hat s Ht-rifilure ain't it? 1 know lots of r mean things he dons, and my pa nils him lots of drinks for he's ho goody goody." Coughing ih I in di l perfeel nfh " It's too risky, playlnR with your courH. The first thing you Know It will be down deep In your lungs and the play will be over. Be gin early with Aycrs Cherry Pectoral and stop the cough. As Mr. Brown passed out of eight, the poor old lame widow wends her way slowly homeward the cold wind blew the sleet am rain into the care worn face, and shivering, she draws the old worn shawl closer about her shrunken form. Her eves are dimmed with tears and her voice is low and falt ering as she slowly repeats these words of the Lord s prayer, "Our father who art in He aven, give us this day our daily bread, and in tent on her misfortunes, she hears .,.,1 ih mmrMrtcbi nr f""t",'l"' ,lrtr ,e s the kindly f.ioe of a man t;o unlksraoillvtow-rd her. II step ..hi to allow Ur to pns. when h..r ,.rds fall PI'"K''Kiy i-ar. Turning he KUive hazily t th stiio-l face and laying a detaiuab'e bund on her arm. k inag.'otl- yoic-.-My good woman, whv eri..vo,t?" The pitiful utory ia easily told and her voice is l..r.i!td .ad a she rphes, 1 have no money, no friends and m bread. I am soon to be turned out into th Htrret. The house thut h nhidler 1 .. fr,,, thu nUirin. ii otw liome no iii'r' fur in the owner' heart there is no mercy, ami he do not heed in v iry-rs." "But (b'd will not forsake the widow and the lalherlrss, and itve thin in his name." So sayinp he placed in her baud a crisp Lank ,.,! ul.i. wont on her way re joicing. The good man iiism-i on. am slrante to relate lie followed t rectlv in the footsteps of Mr. Brown. While Mr. Brown stepped into the hall leading to the ly thu other liaiiSi'd into lllO ohamber of a sick thiid. whither he had been called to attend br. (n ii.nvmtr these anartiuenls his attention was attrac ted by the up roar that preceded Mr. Brown's de parture, and he lent his footsteps; iu that direction to ascertain the chuso of the disturbance. i Homing directlv upon the boy in the. midst of their confusion, he glances around the disordered room with the upturned boxes and scattered curds, and gazes pitying ly 011 thu disconcerted faces of the bu vs. They who were so Humorous in th jeers that heralded the agita tor's approach f;-II back abashed in tin! iirenenee of this venerable. white haired man, whose kind words and generous deeds had marked tho cliaiilers of his noble life. He was 110 stranger in their midst: for thero was not one anions , ----- them who had not caught glimpses of tho noble, generous heart that prompted his kind acts of mini.i- tering to the poor, the eick and the erring ones. And when he spoke to them kindly and earnestly, they listened with bowed heads and re morseful air. He talked to them with tender compassion, twin ted out to them the errors into which they had fallen, and while teara of sorrow rained down his cheeks, he I. : a.' ..... . , wicro in ms aiiic room and prayed aloud to God, and the Fath er who heeds the orphan's cry heard and registered that prayer. As the old man arose from his L ... ....I turn... I I., "(Iod save you. mj .1 - 1.. it.- ... . Win wnj " r"" lecture, scolding it . . . 1 11 only nameueii in n And thus sr tlir L., ination down, that "k lttr fruit In tlm And shil the miiuk? enie deliles by lot fjr luss. realueit tout there la no naving ft reformer who live t teaches gather ll theep lo Ih" fold. I WAN 1 i:i-l aiilif l i l for well enliilill"!!! ( . iNitiiitlw, eatiHK mi r . riiiI ii-oi. I.' "Ml 1,1 l.niio per tik lu. lionnl, nil I'pyxio.-111 1- Muliry lor eeiir ( lion M-riiiuin nl liii. an, I ril'IOiiK eiali(l" Itenrhoril fl ,t ''ienK'i 111 Ihe CuilMlV t'-iiii'i ' On t'.ni, lor the eoiii.h1 1 11 lli llinltel l ll" , Hie "iai itt j. y., w; lion. . Tn ('. I.. Wan ll. J. AS. M. A lriinley. P. A I.. Winter, Mr M Mm. K K. Iitl-oi ' tX gleellllg: : nJ Iu le name tn i vml l lier.-I'V eile! llKj! ... nr III I lie C mi I s hint of t in K' lh l'" polk at lit" l "on I: Imtla, In lh ruu; WV.IIK liy. Hie ' l il. at one o'ri'tk in Jlf I thai ilnv. then ml eiie. If y ' f" " kIi.vh 1. 1 nut be Krmitr-t u Hie nUle of the t lo mf lent etl l uni.l full : ,4XT!( K. .vifiier of the Wi lt. I.. t rlnliil N. wl Tiw bip H.. I! iii' m U lllatiiHilii Merii!Ui' oretfoit, aud ruiiiiimglaf ciiiii; iwiiit a. wt 4!rh'i:"-M"u lth pine of ("U" I. Ml ife more er ni o, u'ii....' Tli!l,Dt Jinltfn of the ( 'mint V kgOt uf Oregon, for lliet ji thu heiil of mit'l " ' day nf Ileeenilx r, A, $,' At lest: b'St jejj i 1I&5V AND 31 ,11 Union p i La iern 1B3E 0Ruv lbs i OK Ti:.UN'8rl:oM It'krei riirmiKh Puliiiuiii : Jje Iwl uliH-miiii ears diiil; . n t-.ifo, HiMikiineitoiiri.. v to KBiimtnl tiy ; iww' cte: M uleeptm.' curs 'l"ri. weekly to I'hiesK" " lei'iinioif rlnitr rt IstO Fax .holy. bj AMT TIMr. st u mi. KIK Kl'l I"1 , fhl'rto Hiilt lute. nre I'.illlmi.l H VMrlh.cVr.B SMeial Kmini dy, jt ! :.'') a 111 via I41111S. ''r Hunting- r'.at. toll. )na ,er, . .. ,. , .... 1' Atlantic fan ''" " t. Kk press ' Ft Weitlu'S " 8: 15 pin via Kh"v S Hllllllllg- l.oiil", v. ton. and Kii't. St Paul WiillaWs'l'n;- bunt Mail ton.'K a ni via hu e, i'uljton l'rtiil. luliD waiikee, 'ekii nnii r.t. . 70 hours. Portl!" J J -chanite of enrs. 1i'vBi G rail or via Uml am " , . OCKAN AM' KIU8-j-noM wT B I All unn l'or Mm ' gt. Sail even - T -1 Dailv except coi.t'"Mor ToAstorUr Snturday land'-Ke.t lpro -wk; AL HERKtN, Al1!. I p in