Friday, December 8, RAISE BUGS TO FIGHT BUGS frtnch Sciential Brd Inticts and flrds Tht Are ffnomin of Fruit Destroying PU, There If) II quuliU liilllulhiii In Men low1, I" tln ' trance, known Hide InNceliirluiii. when learned jtro. fori ttro reining various xpeele of j,nn nnd other Insect, "...nloii In In tint renter of mi lm parifiiC fruit awwins district, jukI th (hjn't I t" lllwoVlT UlO bent IIH'illlH of (Ijliilntf those. Insect (lent Unit prey ..I..HIM utt.l wiitn Ii. fix, ll tl'l'U J'O'lllw lim I iiir unit. J'lie orchard huve Buffered severely lliri'iiK'i tl't' ruvnge of tint inenly hug, mil Hi" ft"" Slower were becoming guile nliinned. Jheii xi'rt m disco v fn.i Unit threw other species of bug ,ri. llu' niiliirul ciieiule of the tiifii lv. Kh these tin being fired him) reined iml iiirueil loose In tht orctiui'lN a dill- of I hi fruit grower, Id Institution It also breeding ecr lulu specie of ladybird to destroy the nrlilio'nl, nil I ii wet Unit piny lutvuC wild orange 11 ritl loinoii tree. These ladybird hnvt been brought frin fur AhuI'hIIh unit i'lillfurnlu. The Institution In nothing lcsa Hum in til to date Insect furin, coiinls-jug of i largo private house Hud mi H rn of ground. In tho laboratory ar row uhm row of phluU and Jura, tint larvae of vmli'iiM Insect which ere kept lit n high tf nijiiTiiture, In the gur den nrw euge full of all kin iin of creeping ii n i J flying iM-HiH. VAST WEALTH FROM SILVER fortunate Spaniard Sptnt Millions aa tHa Avaragt Man Might Dia pana Hla Dollar. In the old Hpnnlh rtiiya In Mexico, millionaire rrt often made over nigM In the rich allver-mlnlng section aiouml (JuinIiiliiJufiiM. A shrewd pros pector In the early day, named Zatn blulio, (Uncovered a mine which brought Mm Immense wealth, lie Blient limit of hla time In the cnh linU of Kurope, 11 vlnic A extravagant ly ii t pottHlhle, Mipuinde ring vast hu iiih at Hie gaming table, hut managing to leave ii Ming little fortune of fiMl.OOTi . One of lil whims wim to tiiy a s!iwr pavement In front of hi Ihwm, lull thin the authorities forbade. In tl i c day silver was on a purity with K'.'-l. The rorole de Viilencliinii, Uo dli incred one of the rlclient lnlnen In iMx MiHiltin, drlvei ho mm h wealth from It tlmt t o I mild to have jfotii'ii rUI if SIiki.ooh.ikni in u few ji-ur. Anoiher wlher klnir i"iit lh' Wins of Spain JS.fKXi.iMXl iih ii t'hrUtmiiK " pren ii t, I'lol nxked t lie ii I lowed to Imild iri llerleu nnd poitnU of nilvep iirouud l.'x ii'Mnoii. Tlili r-.iiesl whu r-fu.-a, tin iiiil'ioi iileN . l.irlriff tlmt ii. h inni.'nlllefiii-f uiik ihe privilege 'f royalty only. Mklng Burglar's Tool. The "Illiick inu-eiiin" at Scoiinnd Vnrd ha recently iiciiiircu a line set of ioii'-hreiikInir tools whleli mm teen abandoned by their owner after a burglary. These Instruments show wonderful workmanship. There Is a rollapslble Jimmy tlmt folds up In ti e pocket, a rope ladder of silk that flm into the palm of the hand, a num ber of keys and lock-picking Instru ments, and h neat oxygen acetylene blow-lnmp. Where do burglars obtain these marvelous tools? They are ex perts at making skeleton keys nnd so on, but they are not capable of mak ing the other Implements. No respect aide firm manufactures such articles, and, although a small quantity Is liuule secretly by employees of reptl tiiMc linns, the majority come from special factories engaged in nothing else but making burglars' tools. Such factories are bidden away In bak streets, and It Is almost Impossible to locate them, Caribe' Flashing Thunder Bird. The Australian thick headed hrlke Is nliotit six Inches long, rich-yellow below, with a Jet-black collar nnd a white throat, bliick head ami partly black tall. It Is sometimes culled the Mm Ichreasted fly-catcher and It has also a" variety of French and New Lut In names, In the mythology of some low tribes, such aa the Cnrlbs, ltrazlllnns, Harvey Islanders, Karens, ncehunns nd Hnsutos, there are legends of a flapping or flashing thunder bird, which seems to translate Into myth the thought of thunder and lightning descending from the upper regions of the air, the home of the euglo "! the vulture, Simple Life In India. In some parts of India, I discovered, clothes or the Indc of them cause little concern; children up to six or plglit years old wear absolutely noth ing. All the barberlng is done In the "pen street. For the most part, houses are slin lly built of clay, with brush thrown over the top. The better clauses of uutlves pile Into tenement houses us people do in the congested districts of New York City, and their unibltlon wins to be to crowd as ninny persons Into a room as possible, nnd to have many children as nature will per mit, World Traveler. Love of Nature. "Whut is your favorite flower?" "Well," replied Farmer Oorutosael, "I 8'iess an orchid Is about as sutls 'H'tory as any." "Orchids are beautiful, but rare. "That's why I favor 'em. There's no bailee of they're gettln' a stHrt like Elsies or dandelions an' havln' to be t(eiled out." Washington Star. 1922 WOT AS SHE HAD PICTURED Clrl Who HtA Uoprapflrrd for Meetjr,a Wth Flipp;mt Ind.vidual. hi" ?l! '""I my'rr In, 10 the ti-lrpi,t It K'l to he h pimliho ,(lit with friends to,,,,,,, ,r llt tt ,,,,., -t u "eriin-(l limit, I" the lohhy, K,,i,)K the edKo of .,. M.; ,t) m.-u,.,,,,.,, un. til the hoy uppcircil, "Minn Itrowa! MiMN I'.rown!" Hhe iom. ejcll.Mlly. -i um MlHH Unittii," Kim wild. "(h iitlciimn wnitlDK to m-o you out front." Nlie looked ratlier aurprlHod ; that Imd not ei.i, in ti,e m heme. ,ut per huiin ho hud ihimced hla mind. Khn followed Iho hoy ohcilieiitly, mid iih led fine to fme with u perfect lr;in;'cr. Her face (-rcw pink with confimlon tt nhe Kur.ed ni him, nnd he, renllzlnic the niNtiiko, watched her In iiimiHe tnent. Hi. hum u riiiher loudly ilrenhcd yoimif mini win, h ieut ulr of BNmir- n in e. For a moment they atnred; then he rpoki. "Not ho good," he Hiild alowly, Hnd then, ii un Mft.r thought, "hut not no Imd, either!" And the girl fled In eiiihiirriiMMtueiit. OFFER MARK TWAIN REFUSED Nothing Sadder, Ha la Reporttd to Have Said, Than Edltoranip of Humorous Periodical. Ahoul that time my wife helped me put unotliiT temptation hohlud me. 'J'hla wuH un offer of nlteeu thousand ilollura u yeur, for five yeura, to let my name l uel hh editor of a hu liioriniN perlodlcul. I priilKO her for t'urnlMhliu; her help In realm in tlmt temptation, for It I lior (hie. There ii no temptation nhoiit It, In fuel, but he would huve offered her help just (he Hume If there Imd been one. I inn conceive of inuny wild iiiil extiuuinant things when my lmiU'liiiitloii In In kimmI repair, hut I ran coin five of lio(liln ipilte no wild und extiavuKmit s the Idea of my nc- reptlim the eilltondilp of a laiuiorous porlodlcul. I hhotild resiird that an the Niddest i i ..i i i ...i.(h. Of till IM'l llplllioim. II 1 momou WII'M . tnki' It I Hhould huve to mill to It the , iMTtipntloii of undertaker, to reliwe It 111 aoino (h-irree of lt rheerletemeKS. I'lniii "t'liiiuhliKlied Clmpters from tin- Aiitohlo-ruiihy of Mark Twain" In lliirper'n Mau.lno. Where Long Neck Are Stylish. In Iturina, among the Karens, a long neck Is the ambition of every woman. Her mother stnrts thinking about this when her daughter Is n baby, nnd starts to nc plisli this swnn-llke effect when the tols lire scarcely able to walk. The method employed Is a series of heavy brass rings, which ure us thick ns your lltth finger. These are put around the child's neck, and as she grows, more rings are added, thus forcing her neck to lengthen out. More rings are added year after year us the girl grows Into womanhood. Twenty-one of these colls is the aver age worn, although 2ri have been achieved. The .'l-rlng-collured woman is thought beautiful, but the 2.-ringed lady Is considered n raving beauty under the Karens of Inirtna. Hidden Brine River. A thousand feet beneath the town of Midland. Mich..' run rivers of brine charged with calcium, sodium, magne sium, strontium, bromine and chlorine. Forty pumping wells raise the brine, and separative processes release from It the bases of photographic emulsions, medicines, cement, tanning mutcrlals, perfumes, preservatives and cold-storage solutions. The magnesium was used for war tlures, and now, com bined In a secret alloy, furnishes metal one-third the weight of aluminum, sustaining n pressure of 24,000 pounds per square Inch. In the form of gns englne pistons, after a test equivalent to that of n motor car running HO miles nn hour continuously for 85,000 miles scarcely a sign of wear was discern ible. Sc len t lfle American. Of Course Notl A negro boarded a iramcar. After n word with the conductor, he shuf fled toward the door again. An Inspector, who happened to be In the enr, said to him, "surely you don't want to get off so soon and you haven't paid." Ah want tor go tcr Whoppte street," said the negro, "nn' de con ductah nays dun's no sich place." 'Well, there Isn't," snld the con ductor. pen dab's sure no good In ma gwlno doh."-K"nburgh Scotsman. Baffin Land. Itaffln Lund, a barren insular tract ,n ritlsl. North America, lies between 01 degrees and 72 degrees n r h wit" Lancaster sound on the 1 H.nn bay nnd Davis strait on fi Z .east the C'df of Bothnia and Fox S n nd 'on the west, and IIdjoo ..ay h south The area Is about qtm e n dies. It i Inhabited by a n Slos, but is visited occasion nllv by whalers-... INDEPENDENCE ENTPPPptqf. WON OVER ALL HANDICAPS Famous Explorer Conquered Diaable It.c. Tht Wrjio Havo Daunted 0'; Mijority of M.,,.klnd. Tiie 1 .',iu,i iJi-.h,,,,!!,,,, 0f , monn. f'WU to Dr. KIlHi.a Kent Kane, once funioua Arctic explorer, In n re minder of an achievement quite an remurkHblB oh uny(hln that Kane "id to ndi to II, Miitu ,,( knowh oi um ,lir reglonii. Thin was hlH iniHtery of physk-al lutndk-iipa "on wouki nnv Haunted nlri-ty nlni men In n hundred. Ho wan phynlcully b rti ()iat he WH ,m. uhli! to complete hln studies ut col b'k'ci his completed his medical edu cation at imme, became a Burgeon In the navy, hikI while physician of the American legation ut Peking began bin career hh an explorer which marked lihn for fume. It la less known than It ought to be that hiB polar reseurche. Important though they were, conKtltutcd only' a small part of his work. He duceeeded In deacending Into the cruter of the Tiuil volrnnm, thmiKh aeveral ahle-hodied adventurer Imd fulled ; be foturht liedoulnn in Kgyjit; he crossed the laiand of Luzon oi. foot, nnd lie made an early Muily of Alpine glacier In Switzerland. All tills and more he accomplished before he died at the aire of thlrty-NCven, sustained nlwaya by unfaltering pluck and by deter mlnullon mich as few men pojmeas. MORALITY AT A DISCOUNT Evidently Guide Had Learned Wisdom From Aatociatlon With the Modern Bueineaa Man. Attorney General Daughcrty said at a dinner In New York : "There's a certain class of busl whs men a very ntnnll class, - thank goodiieHs whose honesty reminds me of a fish story. "Two men with their guides were fishing for salmon In Lake Sunn pee. The first man's hng of salmon was the Biiititler of the two, so he swiped a fish from the second man. "liut the second man cuught him In the act. He ha'2 the nerve, though, to deny his guilt, mid he refused posi tively to give back the stolen salmon. "A pretty hit t ?r altercation fol lowed, of course, md It looked as If there would he a list ll'ht; but just its they were peel 'rig olT their coats the second man's guide it was the second mini who hi.-l been robbed, you know the second man's guide drew him aside nnd whispered: Ah, let liini have It, boss, let him illlve I got two of his.' " Disgusted Genius. Kven the art students are denied a little fun nowadays. Aspirants for fume were recently informed that for their year's competition for the I'rix de Koine they could submit either "A Nude Boy" or a I'rometheus." These themes seemed rather hack neyed to the ambitious mind of youths, and the students protested, pleading for some less banal test of their pow ers. The protest was ignored, and one of the students, in the exuberance of his disgust, proceded to ridicule the decision of the authorities by himself posing as "a nude boy" In one of the windows of the.Ecole des I?euux-Arts. The Philistine residents In the Beaux-Arts quarter were much scan dalized, nnd complained to the author ities of the school, with the result that as a punishment for the student's lev ity It bus been decided to hold no corn petition for the Trix de Rome this year. London Times. Cause for Haste. "We had n big argument last night, Squire, about the real cause of the coal strike," began the village bore, upon discovering Esquire Kamsbottom, the well-known Jurist of Petunia, sitting In comfort In his bnck-tllted chair in the shade. "Now, what is your opinion about " "Sorry, Emory, but I haven't time to settle that for you now," Inter rupted the squire. "I Just happened to remember thut my niece told me to be sure to do something right away. I forget whether it was one or the other. To muke certain of being right I am going now and have both oper ations performed. See you later I" Kansas City Star. The Whipped Cream Age. Old Charlie Isaacson says: As I rode out of Buffalo I observed three men playing poker in the club ear three tough politician types. When I arrived In New xoru i thirsty and went into my favorite fountain at Grand Central. While 1 waited for the electric shaker to make my egg phosphate I beard in a gruff voice: ( "Three chocolate sodas, please. And in a gruffer voice came the re- "'"And give me plenty of whipped cream on mine." I turned; I found the customers were my tough companions from the train. i'lttsburgh Leader. Wireless Signal and the Aurora. It is due to the observations of a scientist of Montreal that we now Sow to a certainty that wire-ieelegmpl-yinay be affected by the aurora boreulls. This scientist describes three occa sions, when the aurora was present. TS the brilliant weather associated with aurora, when his apparatus re rSed ptches over abnormal --,ssrtbrror: while the influence lasted ( """"" 1 " ...... i ., i ,-....- mum m , - , . ,. m .. ,,,..., . ,T REMAINS CAPITAL OF MUSIC Vienna, In All Its Vlclsaitudea, Still the Beloved Center for the Real Lover of Melody, In starving Vienna the great hunger Ih hi III for music. AMer desperate yen is of struggle the capita! on the blue Iiuniihe remain n musical center, a iiu-ccu for iirtlstlc pllioiiiis, says the i-iving Age. Lovers of music have regretfully speculated as to what might be the ultl mute fale of the city where Mozart, Beethoven, Unihms, Gluek nnd the waltz kings of opera composed their mumterpleces. Dr. Juliim Korngold, lu Iho London Morning post, holds out some hope. The opera, under the combined di rection of Fniiiz Schalk and Itichard Strauss, Is giving, as a rule, the best performances in the world. The only draw buck Is that ' the presence of Strauss brings buck the "star" system, which had been banished from Vienna for some decades. The opera Is even Jestingly referred to as "Itichard Strauss' theater." Then, too, Fmu Jenltza bus left for New York, and Lotte Lehnmnn hns rfone to Argentina. However, the orchestra, under the direction of Felix Weingartner, Is unsurpassed and con tinues to give its eight Philharmonic midday concerts. And In Its magnifi cent opera house Vienna has a superb setting for the performances. . , WHY TERMED 'NAVAL STORES' Centurie Ago Turpentine and Rosin Were Imported Into England for Ship Purpose Only. "Naval stores," translated Into ev eryday English, simply means turpen tine and rosin. ' The earliest mention of the turpen tine and risin Industry In the United States Is found In an old manuscript under date of 1610, which may be seen In the puhjlc record office at London. It I entitled "Instruction for suche things as are to be sente from Vir ginia." "Hard pltche," "Tarre," "Turpen tine" and "Hozen," are also mentioned In the "liooke of the Commodities of Virginia," which, it Is presumed, was Issued about the same time. Pitch and tar were the chief prod ucts of the Industry up to the middle of the Eighteenth century. This ex tensive use in the construction and maintenance of sailing vessels caused them to be culled "naval stores," the term which is now applied to the tur pentine and rosin industry, which has supplanted the old-time production of 1 tar and pitch. Paradoxical, Indeed. i In acting as toastmaster at a recent I f,.ti of IhP Washington real estate i hoard, Thomas Bradley was con fronted with the duty of expressing the hoard's re'gret thnt Major Carey II. Itrown was relinquishing his post ns executive officer of the district zoning commission, and its pleasure that Major Wheeler had been assigned as Major Brown's successor. "Whenever there Is oiie of these leave-taking nnd welcoming affairs, I am reminded of the time that Dr. Wellington Koo, noted Chinese diplo mat, brought home forcibly the para doxical peculiarities of Americans, us he termed it," Mr. Bradley began. "It was on the occasion of a. board of trade .outing in honr of n retir ing -district official nnd his successor, and Doctor Koo hud been called on to address the gathering. 'You Ameri cans, I am compelled to conclude, are hilt ho liars,' he announced with a twinkle in his eye. 'You say you are sorry thut one official Is leaving, and yet turn around and tell ills succes sor that you are glad he is taking the. other man's place!'" Washington Star. "Pushball" Played With Autoa. "Pushball," a game which is usu ally played by men on foot, was en joyed recently by the drivers of six automobiles and numerous interested spectators, says an illustrated article In FVnnilar Mechanics Magazine. The cars were stripped of windshields and tops, lined up at opposite ends of the field, nnd.-nt a given signal, furiously charged the large inflated ball. Al though the sport wns necessarily rough, considerable skill was evidenced by the different drivers in averting mishaps, and when the game was j finished It was found that none of the ; machines had suffered the slightest damage In any way. Motors in Field Work. Motor vehicles are used for many agricultural purposes at the University of Missouri. A runabout is used by field representatives of the department of entomology for nursery inspection. A delivery wagon nnd a runabout are employed by the horticultural depart ment for handling orchard and garden products. Three touring cars serve the college of agriculture In making soil surveys. A heavy truck Is used for demonstra tion trips in the agricultural extension work. A runabout is provided for the superintendent of the hog cholera serum plant. Citv-Brtd. The son of a New Yorker, who last year moved to" a New England town, was at once entered in one of the pub lic schools. One day he was told to write a sen tence containing the word "copse." Now, as the word had a familiar sound and he was from the city, his sentence read : "The boy dodged the cops." Exchange. MIGHT BE MONARCH OR CAT Officials of Spanish Royal Palaces Careful In Their Investigation of Sound at Night. One day, so the story goes, a mem ber of the royal household of Muddd heard noises below. lie rose and Went downstairs. "it must be the cat," he thought, though as a rule the cat whs not per mit led to wander about the place at Its discretion. They must have for gotten to lock it up. huppose it should wake the king! Fearful thought I Conceive the royal anger! The ollicial hurried through the dark passages, and at lust tracked tiie sound to the pantry. "Aha now I've got you!" he whis pered, as he opened the door and be held the king rummaging around for food ! If the above story Is not true, It Is at least founded on fact, for the king1 of Kpnln sometimes feels hungry in the middle of the night, and when the pangs become poignant, he seeks royal Joints, as you or I would seek the hum bler biscuit. Going Into the royal pantry, he will tear off the leg of a cold fowl, or quietly carve himself a slice of meat. "We never know," said an official who figures In the story, "whether It Is the cat or the king!" London An swers. ' ' RECEIVED DOLE FROM ENEMY Irish Irregulars Stopped in the Mid dle of Fighting to Draw Their Unemployment Pay. For several years the unemployed In Ireland, as In Britain, have been receiving a government dole weekly, relates NIall Ronun In the Outlook. The provisional government has con tinued this. Despite the difficulties of distributing It during the recent trouble, It was very anxious that it should not be stopped, lest any ex cuse should be given for looting. One of the district offices was there- L fore opened not more than 25 yards from Moran'g hotel, an Irregular stronghold, now destroyed. After sev eral hundred men had quietly entered, undismayed by the rifle fire from the national and rebel forces outside, and signed for and received their money, seven republicans came calmly across from the hotel, showed that they were entitled to payment, were paid, and returned to their duties as enemy sol diers of the government whose money lay in their pockets. LEGAL NOTICES ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE . - , e., . & th Cunty f the State ? ! Oreeon. for Polk County, In the matter of the Estate and Guardianship of Robert Lotfls Fitchard, a minor. , No. 1898 In Probate. It appearing to this Court from the petition this day presented and filed by Margaret Izene Fitchard, the guardian of the person and estate of the above named minor, praying for an order of sale of certain real estate belonging to her said ward, viz : An undivided two-thirds interest in and to the West Half of Lot Eight, in Block Thirteen, in Hill's Addition to Henry Hill's Town of Independence, in Polk County, State of Oregon; that it would be beneficial to said ward that said real estate should be sold: On motion of Oscar Hayter, Esq., attorney for said guardian, It is hereby ordered that the next of kin of said ward, and all persons interested in the said estate, appear before this Court on Monday, the 11th day of December, 1922, at ten o'clock a. m., at the Courtroom of this Court, in the County Court House in the City of Dallas, in Polk County, State of Oregon, then and there to show cause why a license should not be granted for the sale of such estate. - And it is further ordered that a copy of this order be . published at least three successive weeks before the said day of hearing, in the "Inde pendence Enterprise," a newspaper circulating in this County, printed and published at Independence, Ore gon. Dated November 10, 1922. A. B. ROBINSON 17-4t County Judge. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, Oscar Hayter, has been) appointed administrator of the estate of Rebecca Dornsife, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for Polk County, and has duly qualified. All persons having claims against the said estate are required to present them, with the proper vouchers, with in six months from the date of thi3 notice to the said administrator at his law office in the Dallas City Bank Building, in the City of Dallas in said County. Dated and first published Novem ber 24, 1922. OSCAR HAYTER, Administrator of the Estate of Rebecca Dornsife, deceased. n24-5t Pa?e Seven PROFESSIONAL CARDS D. E. FLETCHER Cooper Building Attorney INDEPENDENCE. OR Efficient Service Courteoua Treatment A. L. KEENEY Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer Calls Promptly Answered Day or Night Reasonable Prices Phones 9821; 9822 Independence, Oregon Real Estate and Stock Sales G. SATTERLEE Auctioneer Wire me at my expense, I will come and see you Phones, Res. 1211J, Office, 1177 ! Salem, Oregon 5 i VYindMill BarberShop ! W ATKINS & WEDDLE, Props. j J We appreciate your trade. 1 FIRE INSURANCE SURETY BONDS j LIABILITY BONDS Automobile Insurance George W. Chesbro Beaver Hotel Block j L. M. HUM Care of Yick So Tong Chinese Medicine and Tea Co. Has medicine which will cure any known disease Not .open on Sundays 152 South High Street Salem, Oregon Phone 28 LEGAL NOTICES Notice is hereby given, to whom it may concern, that the undersigned S. Taylor Jones, has been duly appointed executor of the last will and testa ment of Margaret L. Jones, deceased, by the Honorable County Court of Polk County, Oregon, and has quali fied. All persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before six months from the date hereof, at Independ ence, Oregon, and all persons know ing' themselves indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make imme diate sett'iement of the same, with the undersigned executor. Date of first publication November November 3d 1922. S. TAYLOR JONES', Executor of the Estate of Margaret L. Jones, deceased, ' Independence Oregon. Fletcher & Ellis Attorneys for the Estate EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Notice is, hereby given, to whom it may concern, that the undersigned, W. B. Cuithbert, has been duly ap pointed erecutor of the last will and testament of Joseph Bezanson, de ceased, by the Honorable County Court of Polk County, State of Ore gon, and has qualified. All persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified ti present the same to the undersigned duly verified, on or before six months from the date hereof, at Independ ence, Oregon, and all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate settlement of the same, with the un dersigned executor. Date of first publication December 8th, 1922. W. B. CUTHBERT Executor of the Estate of Joseph Bezanson, deceased, Independ- ' ence, Oregon. Fletcher & Ellis, Attorneys for the Estate. BOOKS FOR SALE 10 vol. set of Guy De Maupassant novels, edition De Luxe. New. Leaves uncut. Cost f20. Will sell for $6. May be seen at Enterprise office. 24-1