Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, January 01, 1904, Image 3

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Misa May Shelton visited frieDd8 in
Falla City, Wednesday.
Second-hand 3 inch wagon for sale.
Inquire of Wm. Tatom.
Twenty-five per cent discount on all
China for 10 days. Riggs.
, The Observer job office wants the
printing you are particular about.
C. H. Watts, of Falla City, was in
Dallas on a business errand, Tuesday.
Ladies Shoes regular price, $2.50
clearance sale price, $1.95. The Bee
Hive Store.
Mrs. Gertrude- Eoach, of Salem, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Elliott.
Ladies Walkinar Skirts at great re
duction. The kind that fits' and
wears. The Bee Hive Store.
Don't miss reading the ad of the
Hub - Clothing Company on First
Page. Now is the time to lay in your
' A. Haldeman will buy yourpoultry,
eggs and turkeys and pay the highest
cash price. It will pay you to bring
poultry to him at Dallas.
Dr. H. L. Toney, dentist; graduate
of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up
stairs Uerlow building. Hours 8 to 12
and 1 to 5. Examinations free.
Now script and engraver's text type
for visiting card3 and wedding invi
tations received at the Observer office
this week. We are better prepared to
do society printing than ever before.
The ladies are invited to call and see
Mr. Wm. S. Crane, of California,
Md., suffered for years from rheuma
tism and lumbago. He was finally
advised to try Chamberlain's Pain
Balm, which he did and it effected a
complete cure. For sale by Belt &
Mr. and Mrs. George Cutler will
move in from their farm next week
and occupy their handsome home
across the street from the M. E.
Church, South. W. V. Fuller and
family, who are now living in the
house, will move to Dr. McCallon's
dwelling on Oak street.
H. V. Gates, an engineer well known
here, was in Portland Monday. He
has been engaged of late in putting
in a gravity water supply for the town
of Dallas, which is to cost about
$35,000, and will be the best in the
state, outside of Portland. The water
comes from the mountains aud Mr.
Gates says, is equally as good as
Portland gets from Bull Bun, which
ia good enough for anybody. The
work ia about three-fourths completed,
and will be finished about April 1.
Such enterprise is very creditable to a
town of the size of Dallas. Oregonian.
Try our Home-made bread. Bigg's
bakery. ;
Miss Hallie Reynolds visited friends
in Portland over Sunday.
Elton Connoway, of Portland, visited
friends in Dallas during the week.
Miss Rebecca Gates is spending the
holidays with relatives in Lebanon.
Miss Zeta Hollistor is visiting her
grandmother, Mrs. W. R. Hollister, in
T. J. Cherrington was among the
passengers to Falls City, Wednesday
The three-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Olin died of croup
last Thursday.
Samuel Coad returned home thi
week from a visit to relatives and
friends in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Seymour, of
Falls City, spent Christmas with
relatives at Smithfield.
Jackets, capes and wraps of every
description at prices lowest ever
known. The Bee Hive Store.
Mr. and Mrs. James Howe left this
week for a pleasure trip to California
and other Southern points.
Hood Craven, of Monmouth, spent
Christmas with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. C. Craven, in this city.
Our $3.50 Ladies Shoes in welts and
turns, heavy or light soles, best styles
at $2.95 pair. The Bee Hive Store.
See the Hub Clothing Company ad
You will find there are bargains for
you, and they have a nice, new stock
to select from.
Greatest values ever shown in the
shoe line during our Clearance Sale.
Ladies shoes, worth $2.00 per pair,
special at $1.50. The Bee Hive Store.
While swinging on the flying rings
at the College gymnasium Monday
afternoon, Norval Gates, the 12-year-old
son of Mrs. D. M. Metzger, fell to
the floor and broke his right arm at
the elbow. The injury is serious, and
it is feared that it will result in a
permanent stiffening of the muscles
of the arm. The little fellow is re
ceiving the best of care and attention,
and is resting as comfortably as could
be expected under the circumstances.
A new dress of type has been ordered
for the first and fourth pages of the
Observer. The new type has a smaller
face than that now in use on those
pages, and corresponds in size with !
the type used in printing this para
graph. The new type will enable us
to print a greater amount of news
matter than at present, and will
greatly improve the appearance of the
paper. The Observer has been twice
enlarged within the past four years,
and improvements will be made in
Effort Being Made to Bring National
Livestock Delegates to Dallas
Goat Show.
If the plans being worked out by
the managers of the Dallas goat show
are successful, a special trainload of
prominent stock breeders from all
parts of the United States will visit
the coming Angora exhibit in this
city. Only a small guarantee is asked
of the people of Dallas by the Southern
Paciflo Company, and the comnjittee
feel confident that the train can be se
cured. The matter was taken up with
General Passenger Agent W. E
Coman last week, and that official
with his accustomed enterprise and
liberality, has agreed to furnisn
special train from Portland to Dallas
provided 150 tickets at $1.00 each are
sold. No difficulty is anticipated in
disposing of this number of tickets,
and it ia reasonably safe to say that
the excursion will be run and that
Dallas will see one of the biggest and
best days in her history.
Bold Thieves Would Help Themselves
to Christmas Gift from Uncle
Sam's Safe.
Removal of Danger Signals at Street
Crossings Constitutes a
Serious Crime.
While the water mains are being
laid in-Dallas, it occasionally becomes
necessary to close a street to travel
for a few days, and when this is done
lanterns are hung but at night to
warn . persons driving teams to take
some other street and thus avoid driv
ing into the open ditch. This is a
wise and necessary precaution, and it
hardly seem a possible that any per
son would disturb these lights, but it
appears that several times recently
these lanterns have been removed
without the owner's consent. Con
tractor Gates says he does not mind
the loss of the lanterns, as they do not
cost much being bought at wholesale
in large numbers. The contractor
only desires to inform the guilty
persons that the removal of one of
these lanterns at night is a serious
matter in the eyes of the law, and that
whoever has been taking them is
guilty of a grave crime. The law
wisely provides for the erection of
these danger signals, and it also pro
vides a punishment anything but
pleasant for the person who disturbs
Dr. E. L. House, of Portland, will
deliver the first lecture of the Lady
Professorship Course in Dallas, Janu
ary 11.
Your choice of any $3.00 Ladies
Two burglars made a bold attempt
to crack the safe of the Dallas Post
office at 9 o'clock last Friday night,
but were disturbed by the deputy Post
master, who happened to return to the
office after closing hours. One of the
burglars wont t.hrnnwh
window; the other walked rapidly
past the official as he came in, and
disappeared in the darkness. Burglar
tools lay scattered about the floor, but
the safe had not been touched. Noth
ing is missing.
The postoffice closes at 8 p,
Many of the business houses
still open at 9 o'clock, when Deputy
Postmaster Fred Toner entered the
building to attend to some unfinished
business. Owing to a breakdown at
the electric light station, the town was
in darkness, and only a dim lightwas
burning in the corridor. As Mr,
roner entered tne Dunaing, a man
walked rapidly away from the door
and disappeared up the street. Not
suspecting anything wrong, Mr. Toner
paid no particular attention to the
stranger and walked back to the door
of the business office. When he open
ed the door, he noticed that the rear
window was open, and as he stepped
inside he heard a scrambling, and
figure was silhouetted for a moment
by the light from outside as a man
bolted through to safety. Striking a
light, Mr. Toner found a brace, jimmy
and other burglar tools on the floor in
front of the safe, lying in convenient
fashion for the forcing of the de
pository of money and stamps,
black mackintosh coat had also been
left behind when the burglar took his
Mr. Toner at once notified City
Marshal Grant of the attempted rob
bery, and that officer, spent the re
mainder of the night in what proved
an unsuccessful search for the burg
lars, who had left not the slightest
clue that would lead to a disclosure
of their identity.
Three suspicious looking characters
were hanging around town Christmas
day and were closely watched by the
Marshal, but nothing was discovered
in their actions that could be taken in
any way as connecting them with the
attempted robbery. Postoffice robbers
are seldom caught, and it is altogether
probable that this case will prove no
exception to the rule.
Shoes in our establishment during
the future as rapidly as an increasing our Clearance Sale at $2.50 pair. The
patronage will justify. Bee Hive Store.
When bilious try a dose of Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and
realize for once how quickly a first-
class up-to-date medicine will correct
the disorder. For sale by Wilson
Drug Company.
earance Sale!
Will commence on SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, and continue for 30 days. Our com
plete stock marked at a great sacrifice. Every article reduced to the lowest notch.
Remember that this is the store that promotes better Merchandise, and that when
THE BIG STORE cuts deeply into the prices we want all economical buyers, judges
of values, to come here; it's for your own good as well as ours; you will profit by it, and
will come to know why this store is the enterprising merchandise Mecca of this town.
JV; 11; :j
iLw It - ?
Ik's Mi asd Oraals
at noteworthy bargain offerings.
Big Savings For Prompt Buyers.
Men's All Wool Tweed Overcoats
latest styles; regular
price $ 1 2.50, red uced to lltOU
Men's All Wool Heavy Meltons
tailor made, $13.50 and
$14.00 garments; reduced to tj?l
Men's All Wool Scotch Meltons
Fancy Stripes, tailor .
made, values at
Heavy Reduction on Men's Suits
We are closing 'out certain styles of
Men's Suits, closing out odd sizes, etc.,
at a great loss.
$7.00 and $7.50 suits at $5.00
$9.00 and $10.00 suits at $6.85
$13.50, $14 and $15 suits $10.00
COPYRIGHT 1903 f $ ! fi t J
BT DAVID ADLF.R. k V 4 1 if
$!. r)
V Air- 't
Adler's Tailor Made Fancy Suits During: Sale, $12.50
As per contract, no reduction can
be made on Butterick Patterns and
Gordon Hats during this sale.
Dallas, Oregon
Beginning SATURDAY, JAN 2
we will have our Annual Clearance
Inuring the year 111 ere arc accumulation!
odds and ends, on which we will sacrHice
our profit, in many, cases cutting: below
$3.50 Shoes at
$2.50 Shoes at
$3.00 Shoes at
$2.25 Shoes at
$2.oo Shoes at
MISSES AUTOMOBILE CAPS, 75-cent values, GO cts.
" 50-cent values, 3S cts
LADIES $5.50 FUR AT S4.50
LADIES $4.75 FUE AT $3.75
Mens $1.25 Hats go to close at 95c.
Mens $1.50 Huts go to close at $1.05
These are not late shapes, but will make you a
good, every day hat.
Ladies $1.50 Circular Shawl$1.25
Ladies $1 00 Circular Shawl .85
A few Books left from Christmas selling -
20-cent Books now selling at 15cts.
25-cent Books now selling at 20cts.
35-cent Books now selling at 25cts.
50-cent Books now selling at 40cts.
Many other items too numerous to mention. Sale begins on
Saturday, January 2, and will continue until further notice
Wilson Block
Dallas, Oregon
Cosgrove Concert Orchestra Will Ap
pear In Dallas Next Wednes
day Night.
Cosgrove's Concert Orchestra will
give a musical entertainment at Dal
las City Hall next Wednesday even
ing, under the auspices of the Ladies'
Lewis and Clark Club. This com
pany includes a lady violinist, vocal
soloists, bell ringers and a 7-piece or
chestra, and comes with the flattering
endorsement of the press and public
wherever it has appeared. In the
Eastern States and Canada, where the
company has beer playing for years
under the auspices of fraternal social
societies, hundreds of favorable no
tices have been received from the
daily papers and prominent citizens.
The following telegram was received
in Dallas from Walla Walla this
Walla Walla, Wash., Dec. 23, 1903.
Cosgrove's Orchestra best concert
entertainment ever given in city.
Chairman Odd Fellows' Committee.
We give below a few telegrams, se
lected at random from other cities :
Hood Elver, Or., Dec. 29, 1903.
Larce and enthusiastic audience:
heartily recommend Cosgrove Orchestra.
A. It. Bateham.
The Cosgrove Orchestra Co., the
finest ever seen in the Soo.
Paul J. G. Beseneb,
E. II. No. 652, B. P. O. E.,
Sault Ste Marie.
flneffrAVfl OrnhpQt.rft rravfi na the
best entertainment of the season ;
wortny or ine Desi.
Exalted Ruler B. P. O. E.,
Iron Mountain, Mich.
CoBcrrove'8 Orchestra all they claim
to be, and more.
JS. 8. K.NOWLE8,
Exalted Ruler, B. P. O. E.,
No 202, Sioux Falls.
The Cosorrove Orchestra ConiDanv
is as fine as anything ever seen here.
Exalted Ruler,
Traverse City, Mich.
Cossrrove Concert Company first
class ; give more than they promise.
Exalted Ruler, B. P. O. E.,
Manitowac, Wis.
Coscrrove Orchestra bii? success :
audience delighted : will play return
date In October.
M. Haid,
Sec. I. O. O. F.,
Winnipeg, Canada.
Coserroves played to bipr audience:
people wiidly enthusiastic and highly
Sec. Athletic Club,
Portage, LaPrairie, Canada.
Having on band a most complete line of
Furniture, Carpets, Linoleums, Oil Cloths,
Rugs, Window Shades
nnd all sorts of
Household Fitting and Furnishing
Pictures and Decorations
You are earnestly invited to come and see my stock. I am selling at
bottom prices and guarantee satisfaction in quality of goods. My line
of Iron Bedsteadsand Mattresses Is particularly complete and attractive
Telephone 133.
II IB 1 19 Dffi
at Roy's Confectionery Store
Walter f?oy, Building, Dallas, Ore.
Beir&re ef Ointments for Catarrh tkl
cobtala Mereary,
u mereary irill nrly dwtrey the IttM ef
tmell and completely derang li itiolt (iUn
hen entering it through the mucous rarfscM.
Bach articles should uersr b osed except oa
prescriptions from reputable physicians, as th
damtf e they will do is ten fold to the good yon
can possibly derire from them. HsU's Catarrh
Core, manufactured by F. J. Cheney M Co.,
Toledo. O., contains no mereary, and is taken
internally, acting directly npon the blood and
mncoas surfaces of the system. In baying Hall's
Catarrh Core be sure yon get the genuins. It ia
taken internally and is mad in 'i oieoo. Oaxo,
by F. J. Cheney Co, Testimonials free.
tr Sold by Drargiet, price 76c. per belli.
Hall's Family Pi Is ace tb best.
fc I'll
Ike's Wear ia Every Pair
"Walll-Over" Shoe
It is impossible to
produce a normal
foot which we can
not accurately fit
in this shoe. : : :
The quality cannot be excell
ed, and the price is within
the reach of all.
Dallas Boot and Sbce Store
MRS. J. C. GAYNOR, Proprietor.
FAE1 fiilME
Dallas, Oregon