Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, September 04, 1903, Image 2

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    Pets gcray ODserw
Published Weekly at One Dollar per Yeai.
Strictly In Advance.
The way to build up Dallas is to pat
ronise Dallas people.
With a million
75-cent wheat;
or bo buehels of
fortv or fifty
thousand bales of 25-cent hops, and
a few hundred tons of cent
prunes, the farmers of Polk County
will walk right down the middle of
Easy Street this Fall.
Wheat is soaring away up?round
the 80-cent irark, and yet we read
or hear little about it. In these
days of unparalleled prosperity
the farmers are becoming so
accustomed to high prices for
evervthins thev have to sell that
80-cent wheat excites no particular
surprise or comment.
The report turns out to be un
true. Mr. Magelssen wasn't shot
People who were on the ground say
he wasn't even half-shot. The
story all arose from an error in
cipher telegram. And so, the dogs
of war will be led back to their
kennels, and, for a time at least
the United States battleships will
have to refrain from knocking a
few domes and minarets and other
gew-gaws off the roof of old Uncle
Abdul's harem. But it will all
come, sooner or later. The old
gentleman is fairly itching for
eood thrashing, and one of these
day he will get it.
Oregon's greatest State Fair will
open one week from next Monday
The exhibition promises to excel
that of any former year, and pros
pects for a large attendance
inrougnoui me weeK are ungni.
The livestock exhibit will be un
usually attractive, and some of the
finest horses, cattle, sheep, goats
and hogs in the United States will
be shown. A splendid racing pro
gram has been prepared, and lovers
of fast horses cannot fail to get
their money's worth. The display
in the main pavillion will be larger
than ever before. The management
of the State Fair is in good hands,
and the annual exhibitions are the
best possible advertisement of Ore
gon's wonderful resources.
There is comfort in the thought
that, with the closing of the present
dry season, Dallas is seeing the
last of hot, dusty streets, dried-up
lawn? and withered shrubbery. By
the time another Summer rolls
around, the water-works will have
been completed, and the cool,
sparkling water of Canyon Creek
will be filling the uses for which
God Almighty intended it. Fortu
nate are the towns that have an
abundance of good, mountain
water, and Dallas will soon be
among the number. With an
adequate water supply, we can
keep clean, and we can keep cool;
we can improve our property as it
should be improved, and we can
make Dallas the most attractive
town in the State of Oregon.
At last a mile has been trotted
in two minutes. By a great burst
of speed on the last quarter the
mare Lou Dillon not only broke
the world's record one day last
week, but accomplished it by the
astonishing margin of two and a
quarter seconds, the previous best
record, that of Cresceus, being a
mile in 2:02, trotted at Columbus,
Ohio, two years ago. Before 1859,
when Flora Temple surprised horse
experts by trotting a mile in 2:19J,
the swiftest trotters were not ex
pected to get over the track in less
than 2:30. The best time of Maud
S. was 2:08 in 18S5. Cresceus
made his record in 1901, and noone
expected to see it reduced to the
hoped-for 2:00 at a stroke. Of
course, there is a limit, but no one
can guess how far below thi 2:00
mark it will eventually rest.
perrmint nt') -.t? by using Mokl Tea.
A pka:ant herb drink. Cures constipation
and Indigestion, makes you eat, n-ep,
wojtt and happy, satisfaction guaranieed
or money back. 23 cts. and 0 cts. Belt
& Cliarruigtoa, D&U&a, Ortgon,
Ford-Tyson Grocery Company ; place
of business, Falls City, Oregon;
capital stock, $1000, divided into shares
of f 20 each ; incorporators, J. R. Ford,
B. M. Ford, Gilbert Tyson.
A. M. Miller to School Dist. No. 2,
south one-half lot 8, block 10, Miller's
LaCreole Hd add to Dallas, $60.
Salera, Falls City & Western Iiy Co.
to H G Campbell, tract in 1 8 s, r 5 w,
J W White et ux to Mary A Hois
ington, 100 acres, 1 9 s, r 5 w, $3500.
Mary J Tyler et al to W E Wann,
tract In 1 7 , r 3 w, $1.
J L Ziegler et nx to Alfred Kirk
land, lots in Monmouth, $2r)00,
Homer Hill to Martha A Hill, und
one-half f nt 80 acres, 1 9 s, r 4 w, $1.
J B Thompson, adrar, to Almona R
Thomnson. und one-fourth int in the
nine-tenths interest in lot 5, block 10,
Dallas, $1183.00.
W P Fisher et ux to J G VanOrsdel,
und one-third int n e sec 6, t 9 s, r
w, $100.
L G Reasoner to John I Reasoner,
25.83 acrs, 1 8 s, r 5 w, $100.
S TT Gwin. cruardian. to Mary E
Gwin, tract in t 8 s, r 5 w, $75.
O & C R R Co to W C McClure,
187.25 acres, 1 9 s, r 8 w, $749.
J L Contu et ux to J C Policy, lots
in Buena Vista, $375.
Bertha D Gilman and hd to Albert
Teal, 120 acres, 1 8 s, r 6 w, $1100.
J H Mulkey et ux to W P Fisher,
tract In Monmouth, $50.
Wm Faull, incise $ 3 75
F Friesen, road acct 4 00
H Holman, coroner's fees 30 85
Clark & Buchanan, experts 150 00
C G Coad, postage 11 60
J J Williams, bridge acct 5 CO
Enterprise, printlnar . . . . 2 40
Mrs M A Tetherow, pauper acct. 7 00
U S Loughary, salary and exp. .159 34
Irwin-Hodson Co., supplies 19 50
Western Clay Co., supplies 7100
Glass & Prudhomme, stationery 25 10
C L Starr, salary and expense. . 87 73
Mrs F H Morrison, teachers' ex 15 00
CCPoliner. same 15 00
E V Dalton, salary C2 50
W F Nichols, same 05 00
M D Ellis, electric lights ., 15 00
Dr B II McCallon, pauper acct. 10 00
FEMyer, salary 8100
Mrs F E Myer, same 67 50
A Huston, same 05 00
RBrunk, road acct 57 78
D G Meador. pauper acct 8 00
R R Riggs, road acct 35 20
0 E Huntley, pauper acct 14 50
E Hayter. salary 65 00
MV Woods, salary 40 00
W A Wash, printing 6 50
pBjsuEVEn. same. . . ... , . (i 75
Belt & TJhemngtbn, mdso 6 05
0 W Black, livery hire 2 50
J B Teal, road acct 41 39
Ira Mehrling, same 194 00
WE Martin, same 12 75
TB Huntley, same SOD 91
Ellis & Koyt, pauper acct 58 90
JT Ford, salary 153 33
Florence Wolfe, county exhibit. 100 00
J E Sibley, salary 06 65
C H Morris, courthouse acct 10 00
A J Goodman, road acct " 1 40
Estate of Henry Grosso, doceased
administrator's bond filed and ap
Estate of Jamos Whoolor, deceased
Clerk ordered to pay to M. Clyde
Phillips the sum of $714.80, held for
Jamos Harlan Wheeler, minor son of
Estate of E. W. Thompson, deceased
salo of real property approved.
Estate of David J. Whiteaker, de
ceasedcertain real property ordored
sold at private salo.
Guardianship of Viva V. Conrter, a
minor petition to sell real property
Estate of C. G. Fisher, deceased-
petition to soil real property set for
hearing October 3, at 10 o'clock a. m.
Estate of Samuel Cox, deceased
fjnal account heard and approved.
Estate of R. L. Skinner, decoased
final account heard and approved,
except as to claim of Caleb Hughes,
on which action has been brought in
the Circuit Court; it is ordered that
all other claims presented and allowed
be paid, the real property be turned
over to the devisees under the will,
and that the remainder of the money
on hand be hold pending the action of
Caleb Hughes, after which final dis
charge will be made.
In the matter of vacating certain
streets and alleys in the town of Ball
ston remonstrance filed and cause
continued to next term.
In the matter of approving ware
house bonds heretofore filed ordered
that the following bonds be approved,
aud that license issue: Salem Flour
ing Mills Company, L. Abrams, Geo.
E. Berry, C. F. Heine & Co., J. K.
Sears, James Helmiek, J. B. Kiddor,
D. L. Koyt and Oregon MilliDg Co.
In the matter of bids for the con
struction of the Hooker bridge bids
presented as follows : O. F. Royal &
Is a constitutional disease.
It originates In scrofulous condition ol
the blood and depends on that condition.
It often causes headache and dirtiness,
impairs the taste, smell and hearing, af
fects the vocal organs, disturbs the stomach.
It is always radically and permanently
cured by the blood-purifying, alterative
and tonic action of
Hood's Sarsaphrilla
This great medicine has wrought the most
wonderful cures of alt diseanes deisuuiii(i
on scrofula or the scrofulous habit.
Blimltoia a
woman ami she
loses all confi
dence in herself.
Her ptep is slow,
hesitating and
uncertain. Her
hands are raised
to ward the im
aginary blows
which threaten
her. When a
sink woman
. . .... '!
seeks the means of health she is often
like a woman blindfold, bhe has no
confidence. She cannot tell what her
effort will lead to. She turns now to
this side and then to the other in uncer
taintv and doubt.
The sick woman who uses Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription may do so with
absolute confidence. It invites opeir
eyed investigation. There need be no
hesitation in following the hundreds of
thousands of women who have found a
perfect cure for womanly Ills in the use
pi tins nieaicine.
" Favorite Prescription " cures irregu
laritv and dries weakening drains. It
heals inflammation and ulceration and
cures female weakness,
n with hrt full of gratitude ta veil for send'
ill? out over the land vour wonderful medicine I
v'nA these few lines, hooing that aome poor suf
fering women will try Dr. Pierce's medicines,"
writes Mrs. Cora L. Root, of Greenspring Fur
nace. Wus Ii melon to., mininnu. i nni
nctnn LO.
lered sevtrly from female weakness ana nad to
tie in bed a great deal of the time.
Had head-
ache, backache, and
id ni
iain in left aide when lying
down. I commenced talcing l)r. fierce s -avor-
te Prescription, and had not taken two bottles
when I was sine io dchiuhuu hhoiu w ...j
work with but little pain. Can now eat any
thing and it never hurts me any more. Have
jken seven bottles of Or. Merur'D Favorite Pre
fcrintion, and one of his 'Compound Extract ol
3mart-Weed and several vials of his Pleasant
Pellets.' Feeling better every day. My hu
ind savs I look better every day."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure Oil
lousnees nd sick headache,
Son. $1169: L. E. Braley, $1250 j R. A,
Crossen, $1193; F. C. Raymond $1340,
All bids rejected as not satisfactory,
In the matter of 1896 and 1897 tax
rolls ordered that Sheriff be credited
with balance shown on said rolls, and
that said rolls be finally closed.
In the matter of the construction of
the Hooker bridge bid of C. F. Royal
& Son to build same for $900 accepted.
B F Mulkey, error tax sale 16 62
F J. Coad, courthouse acct 3 30
J B Teal, salary 91 80
Seth Riggs, salary. 17 00
Mr. and Mr. J. Q. VanOrsdel Enter
tain Merry Party of Young
People Friday Evening,
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. VanOrsdel enter
tained a number or their young
friends at their home in this city last
Fridav evening. Games and social
chat made the hours fly quickly, and
music added pleasure to the occasion
Delicious refreshments were served
in the dining room. Mr. and Mrs,
VanOrsdel are delightful entertainers,
home is always looked forward to with
anticipations of pleasure by their
friends, both voiinc and old. The
party Friday evening was a highly
enjoyable affair, and the guests ex
pressed themselves as having a merry
time long to be remembered.
Those present were : Mr. and Mrs.
Alvis Lynch, Miss Hazol Butler, Miss
Olivo Smith, Miss Ethel Craven, Miss
Percy Butler, Miss Emma Dempsey,
Miss Ruth VanOrsdel, of Dallas ; Miss
Ann Mann, Miss Myrtle Scroggs, Miss
Maggie Pomeroy, Miss Nellie Pome
roy, of Independence; Miss May
Pollock, of Pueblo; Miss Edna Ray
mond, of Portland; Messrs. Harry
Gaynor, Dan Poling, J. C. Hayter,
Ralph Hill, Aure Ford, John Van
Orsdel, Alex VanOrsdel and Dr. J. F.
County Grounds Will Be Transformed
Into Beautiful Oreen Lawn.
The work of grading the courthouse
yard was commenced Tuesday. After
the plowing is finished, a large
amount of dirt will be hauled from
the Johnson mill pond and will be
used in filling the low places. The
yard will then be raked and leveled
and seeded to lawn grass. The old
board walk around the square will be
replaced by a broad concrete walk,
and the grounds will be otherwise Im
proved. Plenty of water will be used
as soon as the waterworks are in
operation, and another year Polk
County will have one of the most
attractive and well-kept courthouse
lawns in the state.
ine public square nas been a
veritable weed-patch and a disgrace
to the town for many years, but this
condition is to be no longer allowed to
prevail, and in the future the court
house grounds will present an ap
pearance in keeping with the beautiful
county building itself. Without a
supply of water for sprinkling pur
poses, it would be worse than useless
to try to keep the lawn in neat shape,
but now that this inconvenience is
about to be removed by the installation
of a city water supply, theJCounty
Court will see that the grounds are
made neat and attractive.
A Purgative Pleasure.
If you ever took DeWitt's Little
Early Risers tor biliousness or consti
pation you know what a purgative
pleasure is. The famous little pills
cleanse the liver and rid the system of
all bile without producing unpleasant
effects. They tlo not gripe, sicken or
weaken, but give tone and strength to
the tissues and organs involved.
W. II. Howell, of Houston, Tes. says:
"Xo better pill can be used thau Little
Early Risers for constipation, sick
headache, eta" Sold by Rolt &
Mo-To-JliMt tor Fifty Cent.
Guaranteed tobac-co bubit cure, mahea weak
BMW alTOU. LkOVKl UM ti. Ail dTUggSU '
41 i
t tt
. . ;'., .rw-a-aft-'F .r
Good house, barn, fruit, and five acres of good
vegetsble land lor sale in Independence for
f'AIO.OO. j
Sixteen acres good fruit land, mostly all in .
grain at present, 1 mile from Independence.
Price, I10UO.OO.
Store bnilding and lot at Grnuite, Oregon, to
trade for a property in the valley for equal Val
ue. Worth, fiiOOO.OO. This property a well
located, and is well bnilt and ja pi every way
desiruule for store purposes. ;
160 acre farm, 100 acres in grass and clover,'
barn oSx-jS, sheep shed Wx&i, prunes, apples,
strawberries, raspberries, etc., 5 springs, all liv
ing year round, soil black loam, ljf miles from
school, 10 miles from Toledo, in Lincoln county,
Oreiroii. Trade or sell for valley farm worth
fctOOU.OU j
100 acres, S miles south of Independence, nil
cleared and in cultivation, good soil. Price
$:1500.00. j
133' acres, l'i miles south of Monmouth, all
but 7 or 8 acres In cultivation, good house and
burn. 4 ncro orchard, land well drained and
rolling, 7 room house, 1( stalls in barn, patent
horse feeder. Price, foo.00 per acre.
Plenty of timber land tn the timber belt of
Polk countv for sale at a little less than 60 cents
per lOOO feet stnmpage. This timber is all first
class and will run from 3.000.0UQ to 8.000,000 feet
per quarter section. We nave a good milling
opportunity to oner you, if you can take a good
sized body of timber.
Cooper & Hurley
Independence, - - Oregon
This Will be One of the Attractions
of Portland's September
.Those interested in athletic events
will be Interested in knowing that one
day has been set aside as an athletio
day at Portland s big Fall Carnival,
September H to 26 inclusive. Teams
from every school of Importance in
the Pacific Northwest will be present
and compete for the big prizes offered.
Low rates have been granted by the
railroads and many from this place
will take advantage of the opportunity
to see the giants meet in the big
athletic contest,
All the late magazines and books at
Meiser & Meiser's.
Hon. J. D. Lee, of Salem, was
greeting old-time friends in Dallas,
The front of the Odd Fellows' build-
and will present a heat appearance.
C. N. McArthur, who Is managing
the Molson farm at Rickreall, was In
Dallas on a business errand, Thurs
R. L. Chapman returned from Hot
Lake this week. His father, C. H.
Chapman, will spend several weeks
at that popular resort if his health
continues to improve.
Mrs. Clara Burson is down from
Beulah, Malheur county, on a visit,
She will return to Eastern Oregon in
about ten days to make her home with
her father, John Scott, during the
Mrs. Eliza Williams, of Ilwaco,
Wash., is visiting at the home of her
brother, I. H. Whealdon, east of town.
She is delighted with Dallas and Polk
county and may come here to make
her home.
J. H. Robb, who formerly lived on
the Cornelius Hughes place south of
Dallas, died in a Portland hospital
last Thursday after a long illness. He
leaves a wife and two children. Mr.
Robb was a worthy citizen, and the
friends of the family in Dallas will be
pained to hear of his death.
A gentleman who recently moved
here from Dayton Is contemplating
starting an ice factory and bottling
works in the near future. Tho Obser
veb believes such an industry would
pay in Dallas, as it would afford the
people an opportunity to purchase all
the ice needed for domestic use with
out the necessity of sending away
from home for it. Large quantities
of ice are used here now, but the price
Is so high that it is beyond the reach
of families in moderate circumstances.
The largest sum ever paid for a pre
scription, changed hands in San Fran
Cisco, August 80, 1901. The transfer in
volved in coin and stock (112,500.00 aud
was paid by a party of business men for
a specific for Bright's Disease and Dia
betes, hitherto incurable diseases.
They commenced the serious investi
gation of the specific Nov. 15, 1900,
They interviewed scores of the cured
and tried it out on its merits by putting
over three dozen cases on th treatment
and watching them. They also got phy
sicians to name chronic, incurable cases,
and administered it with the physicians
for judges. Up to Aug. 25, eighty-seven
per cent of the test cases were either
well or progressing favorably.
There being but thirteen per cent of
failures, the parties were satisfied and
closed the transaction. The proceedings
of the investigating committee and the
clinical reports of the test cases were
published and will be mailed free on ap
plication. AdJress John J. Fclton
Comfasv, 4i?0 Montgomery St., San
FntnciRco, Cal.
nold on posliive guarantee. Cures heart
burn, raising of the food, distress after
eating- or any form of dvsuepsia. One
little tablet glvei t.nmed!ate relief. 3t
rta. and SO cts. Belt & Cherrtngton
Dallas, Or goo.
tate llormal Scbool
Training School for Teachers' courses ar
ranged especially tor training teachers for
ail brunches of the profession. Most approv
ed methods for irraded und ungruded work
tnught in actual district school. The demand
for graduates of tills school far exceeds the
supply. The Training Department, which
consists of a nine-grade public scbool of
about 250 pupils, Is well equipped in all its
branches, including music, drawing and
physical training. The Normal course is the
best and quickest way to a SMie certilicate.
Fall term opens September 22. For cata
logue or information, adoress
e. n.
or 1. M. V.
Optical Goods
Kodaks & Photo Supplies
-All Goods Fully Guaranteed
Prices lowest consistent
with quality
Wilson Block, -Dallas
a woman is in love,
That's Her Business.
If a man is in love,
That's His Business.
But if they are both in love,
and want a wedding ring,
That's My Business!
nil;;; i
Biggest Bars
In Town For
A Nickel..
You can't afford
to buy elsewhere
Main St., Dallas, Ore.
I have just received a Fine New Stock
of Harness and Saddles and invite vou
to call and examine them as to style,
workmanship and price. I have the
finest line of saddles ever shown in Polk
county. They are strictly "down-to-date"
in every respect.
A big assortment prices according to
quality all fitted with "Double Sur
cingles," a new feature which every
horseman will readily appreciate. Come
and see them.
HARNESS OIL, Best Grade,
Frank A Stiles
Dyspepsia Curo
Digests what you eat
This preparation contains all of tbs
digestants and digests all kinds of
food, ltgives instant renerana never
fails to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take It. By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. It
prevents formation of gas on the ston
ach, relieving all distress after eating.
Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to ta&e.
It can't help
but do you good
Prepared only by E.O. PEVii-r&Co.,OlIcaKO
Vie (1. txHiie contains SX tbses the aOc. iz
hss stood th9 test 25 veers.
froitles. Does this record
Enclosed with every
Shirt Wsiists,
lLuiies' Neckwesir,
Summer Ircss Goods
and the like are going to be sold and out of the way
eiore m
Do you want your
share of these?
That prices cut no figure.
In a ease like this it is not
04 cents and up.
We are going
to sell them
ROOM 1, (upstairs) Wilson Building, Dallas, Ore.
Shovel Plows, Double
Five-Tooth Cultivators,
Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, reversible
with Extension
Head. : :
All kinds of Plows, Harrows,
cultivate a hopyard or orchard.
Haldeman & Murrell, Prop'rs.
of All Kinds.
Fish, Game and Chickens
Farmers will find it to their advantage to
bring us their Poultry aud Eggs, as we pay
the highest cash price for same at all times.
Grove's Tasteless Chill
Avercrra Annual Sdcs over Oao czi a Half LHHIcn
of merit to yon ?
bottle b Tea Cent, package f Crow's
Hayes & Co.
Shovel Plow?, Wing Shovel
Disc Cultivator?, Peg Tooth
Cultivators and everything needed to
tlo Core, Uo Pay.
Cock Jloet liver FiSs.