Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, November 03, 1888, Image 3

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    Polk County Observer.
l i t u i ; vnd l i t u i : v u oi rs.
Mrs. latntnsieur of Independence,
ttr id tt'- p o r t.
C u i u t y S h o o l Hot«-« by th e Supt
campaign closes Tuesday.
was at Portland last week. She
Published Every Satani*)-.
Hon. G. M. Irvine addressed a
Mr. Nichols i>-till tl:ingt*rotisly 111. Tin- lir-S school visitisi «a» Vii. ÜS, |«re»i*
But two months of loupyoar vet kis>ps the finest stocks of notions large audience at the city hall in the
C. G. Itowell lias 200,000 fi-et of logs <U-t ..vor by Misi Ardilla Nelson, Who has
“ The tow n o f M « m o u th Is situated in the remain.
In her store in the county.
her tmiiilH futi—A'4 scholars am i tlie g ira tc r
inten*sts of the republican purty on ready cut on the mountain.
ren te r of tin - rii In-st ourt o f Polk county,
|« r t of them small children. Tin- director*
eight miles south of tlie county »«-.it, Hullas)
The ladies Aid Society of Mon­
We thinlc Cleveland’s name is
We hettr that the Republican Club an- standing in tln-ir own light in not giving
and tw o und one-half miles w - t of the tiiriv- “ Dennis.”
Hon. S. M. Cox representing the ¡s to have a public rally on Saturday her an a—¡stunt, a* no («ach or t an do lier
injt tow n o f Indejieiuletu-e, und contains a
uo|m lution of over 4 «». t he loeation is a ,
Wild geese are living southward, Friday ow ing Nov. 2ffrd.
democratic party delivered an address ©t 1 o’clock.
u.»rk well xv it It the ntitulter o f ela-mw w hich
beautiful one, on u rieh rolling prairie, am 1 a sure indication that winter i- not
Titis fall seems to be more than at lite city hall on Tuesday evening,
she has g a l l i . »1.1 Mi»» Nelson is full o f
for general liealthfulnc—. ¡he site is all that
cnuhl lie ill-sited. M onm outh otters iiiattv far off.
usual, a breeder of typhoid fever. upholding G. Cleveland and his free Cleveland lx- kept in Ignorance of energy, am t tlie children think a great ileal
advantages, and those contem plating any en ­
Numbers of eases are reported in trade i*oliey.
this, t>r it would discourage him too of her. T he house pns-ait* a neat appear-
terprise arc invite 1 toc..lifer with our «■iti/eii*.
The O bskryku will In rea »lin every tow nship rally to Bridgeport to-ilay(.Satunlay'.
Hon. I. N. iVilph wound up the much, and our precinct with its gen­ anee, as it has been newly n ilo d and jaiin-
te l. T lie -i li.H»i has a new dictionary and
timi at every [aistottlec in the entire e unity,
>peaking lor this campaign tle ways and manners w ould tie© r holder, anil reading chart*, and, w ith a set
•las. Tatom was at .Salem Wednes­
am i therefore unexcelled a- an advertising
General Gordon, a special agent of at Dallasen Friday evening he also tolerate discourtesy to an opponent. of maps mid physiological churls, would
m edium ."
the government in the Indian ser­ wound opali i^rmerarguments made
Our town is to have a burlier shop. vice, arrived at the Chetnawa Ital­
I think Frank Butler might fix rp have a fair supply. Tlie desks are |**>r. und
T he O h s t- rrc r fo u r m o u th s fo r .V Ols.
Still the improvements go on.
his barn fence now lit* lu^ finished th e cimi fort of the scie tiare would ho
ian training school <Wi Monday even­
better if there was a cl muge.
i hop picking.
I“ Damon was at Portland las* ing, having been detailed to investi­
Iln sin e»» Mention.
On Monday wt- Wended ottr way to d lstriet
Jasmes Kelly at his rt-sidencc on
X. W. Gildert, our democratic It. president tie r by I’rof. Skinner, who has
gate eliarges prefered against “Col.”
M. Haytor dentist, Dallas.
T u -»slay evening. He a e k now le d g e s
bridge builder has eompleted the 1s t i longer in consecutive teaching tlian any'
W . L. Wells of Buena Vista, was sui>erintendent of that school.
the act that he i> living i|i the land bridg. - on the Illinsworth rotu! and other ttin her in tiic c.©itity We found him
Nit's A Smith aresollintfout at east. here Sunday.
The Chinese washerman, of this of plenty.
Go to Ilenry Patterson for perfume
i if stretched a few feet at each end, husy, hut not a very full sehooi. No appara
Still business is encouraging for pliu-e. Kit Win|!:, left about two
I. N. Woods was In Corvallis Sun- w'ould fio d.ml»t, become of use to the
hut the dim -tors have ordered a suit-
Gene Hayter foreheap goods.
weeks ago for parts unknown, lie
our merchants.
ply, whii'h has not arrived. Sciasti tenue
day on business.
traveller. At present they are like
Read our new advertisements tliis
in fair condition, but stove very l«K»r.
T he wintery weather has come led several small bills behind un­
Mr«l>. Ellis bus sold out hi? pho- hoy’s pants on Bob, too short for tic-
tu ilare «irderly unii neat, sliowlng un in
! apaee.
ecncy and need apron* sadly,
The F. M. A. store has new goods.
good laundry and there is no reason tograph business to K. R. Collins
1 clinution to im pluvi' tlieir dine,
Milton Vanhorn is buildhtg a neat why, if a legitimate business is done
Cnele Ed. Dela-hmutt has 1 rh * ii
A1 Snyder paiil our neighbors on
l i n i -p< ndiug u ve»* pleii-nnt night witli
For the lw-st burgtuns in ladies and
at Ballston.
( ¡in. M cLiuglilin unii liis mtinm blc wife.
gents underwear, hats, caps, hoots,
that big money cannot be made. very sick for the past week, but is the south side a visit hist week.
shoes, tine clothing, etc., go to Ilay-
Sheriir Smith was tills way Tues- There are over two hundred people some better at present.
Grief In Bridgeport road district cnjoyitig tlieir hospitalhy, inni altnoet inak-
ter’s Dallas.
niyself siile frolli th è ubumiuiiee witli
! day.
here who hire their washing.
Mr. E. Biddle intends to increase No. I I is divided and we become No. ing
wliieli thè tnbie was erow.ieil. I \teiit to TÌ»it
For fine watoh work go to 1'. X.
Our old friend “aunt,’ Jam- Haley
W. W. Collins* linase near Stiver the force of workmen nt bis foundry :fcl- those on the south side of the thè llueiui Vista sello..1 wliieli is timler tlu*
Grant at II. B. Patterson’s.
is having her residence reshingled.
on tens 1 last Sunday while the as soon as the race is completed, ow­ Euckiamutc'rcmuining No. 11. This eha.s_'e of l ’rof. H ryaiit, ahly assistisi liy bis
Speetaeles properly tocussed and
family were away, and the parties ing to the large increase in business. p a r a l y s e s o u r n o b le s u p e r v i s o r J . I «Uiaditers. Misses l.illle and Maytnle. Tlie
accurately ftttis 1 at Henry Patterson’s.
1....1 lieing miller sill'll excellent control is
Every pair warranted. No tit, no
helped themselves to all they wont-1 Dr. C. E. Worthington will leave lllillgsworth; he is supervisor of l i
to shelter the county road (»lows, as ed to eat, and Mr. Collins thinks one i for M o siiiw , I. T. on next Tuesday and don’t live there, so he can’t or- a success, a m i i* doing gooff work In tra in ­
' der them out «ml as he lives in tiff, ing th e miiiff, tlie eye Miff th e lienrt. using
(ofhis horses was taken from the where he will locate.
The F. M. A. store have as cheap wasorderd by the commissioners.
„11 the avenues available for tliis puri>o*c.
line of general merchandise as can
The entertainment given at the stable, however, the horse was found
Mark Hayter who lifts bivu very and was to 11 he can't order ns out. The school room is hcuutifully decorated
I k * found any where.
' chapel last Saturday evening for the south of the place Monthly.
sick for the last month was on the Hallelujah! hoys “give us liberty clean and hom elike—th u s unconsciously
S tu d e n ts w ill re m e m b e r they
tor give iis death.” Th is. Jetl'erson. | training tlie child to love tlie beautiful.
.. i
i ,
i work , - done
of the hotel
J. B' Sheldon’s sale of farm imple­
get . . first-class
, fund was a 1 pleas
Anyoni1 needing fat hogs,acorn fisi A mong other things, th e young ladle« an*
at M. D. Ellis* Dallas.
ant 11,1,1 finanml success.
ments and h o ra e s took place on Sat­
•Ino. J. Daly has moved into his
raising money to buy an organ, an d they
to J. M. Parry.
The Normal debating society are urday 27th ¡it his residence on the new law office.
E. Ilayter’s is the place to buy all
uln'"'lv *-T *”r that '"'**"*■ , T^
the latest styles of dress goods;’ fine taking up the political situation and Euckiumute. A large gathering
Had weather and roads have retar­
are also going to organize in the school w liat
stock just received.
are making times shoolic for both was present and good prill's were ded the work on the race and ilttme Cleveland’»! elected and you’ll get they will call the ’T la to n iu u I.iteury Socie­
realized. Frank Butler our genial very much, as the parties have been them from our largest owner at 7f>' ty," O utsiders will t»e allowed to pnrtict|>nte.
Paints, oils, varnishes, etc., at ,skit's.
Kditor I‘. n t land was w ith me in m y visit to
Mrs. I. G. Davidson of Portland, County Surveyor, was Auctioneer unable to get their lumber from the cents a head.
Ilenry Patterson has just received is now visiting her folks at this and is quite at home iti this line, mills. However, in the last few days
Why does Hu* president allow our Mr. Mi bauglilin and also visited at Bucnn
a new stock of all the latest novelties place.
retaining the interest of the sale to several teams have been hauling and republican [Hist master (dyed in the: Vista.
itt the jewelry line. No old goods in
I the last item, a box of bolts and odd we soon expect to he using home wool and a yard wide) to retain hi* Tlie Saver school, under th e charge o f
Four children of Dclman Gorshen
his stock. Drop in and examine
Prof. W. 1». W orth, was n ex t visited. H ere
ofllce—Answer, la'cause he is afraid
made Hour.
of Wheatland are down with the ictus.
, we found » gissi school, w ith ls’rfivt order,
The wife of George McDowell died 1 A. M. Holmes and 1). W. Scura of "f ,.lu' l,nl>1“’ «’l’i"""'<>« <»'r pnvinet. ;
t|i„ pil|,iN v„rv „„..„tive to tb,nr .luti.«.
Connoway & Cooper hardware diphtheria.
at her home on Luckiuniutc last Fri­ McCoy, were in l»;tllas Tu ‘sday at­ “ Discretion the better part of valor. l'lie school is not lurge, t h e it'iK'ing only is
men, 1 ndependcnce.
C. E. Dixon of the firm of Dixon
The wise man monkeyeth not with scholars on th e roll. H e ha» one o f the liest
Neis & .Smith are offering their & Co. Forest Grove, called Wednes­ day. The funeral was held at the tending the detnoeratic rally.
the buzz-saw,” a s Soloman said.
program s for the daily recitation we have
goods cheap.
J. M. Campbell was in Portland
seen, a m i showed som e very excellent iiiup
Go to Vaughns, Dallas the leading
Press Holman and family passed pathy of tlie entire community is this week.
work in colors, done by th e scholar*. The
under the weather.
Mrs. Clara Bovard has resigned lit r
teacher getting th e colors ami giving instnic-
down on the train to Dallas last Sat­ with the sorrowing ones.
Ilenry Patterson is not behind urday.
\ \ i ! - o n E e:' hits s t a r t e d fo r a tri]» tions in five hand draw ing, show» hi» car-
position as teaelier at the public
It is to he regretted that we should s c h o o l. S h e intends going to Port­ to Eugene and 1»is lady for Little in still'— in dm s giving iuntruction w here tie
witha line line of jewelry.
(i. B. Ted row. has returned from a
is lint nim|H'IUsl.
Fenton A Truitt have received trip to Washington Territory. He from necessity, say anything of the land and taking a thorough course in Elk, where her sons redd ■.
depredations that have lux a com- j short hand and stenography.
their new dress goods and now have
Suggestion to tln*(>akdale deluding Wo rostod »»nr weary body at Alex. Culliii»'
and enjoyed bis wife's exeel lent fisxi am i
the best assortment in the county; can he counted on to east a vote for mited by some unruly boys here, j
A. V. It. Snyder of Astoria, who society— Question, will any amount kind attention, T aking h im w ith ns, wo
consj.-ting of the newest shades and Harrison.
They are becoming unbearable, and
of practice at thi* society enable the
¡»rices to suit every ln»dy.
Numbers of citizens have attended their doings ought to be stopped has been visiting his family here re- male members to compete in fluency went to the .Stump sehooi, I’rof. tiibsnti
.earlier, with H neholars. But w hen we look
The Farmers Supply Depot Com­ tho political speaking this week. short. The names of these unruly i turned Saturday last.
of talk, which comes so natural to at the surroundings, we tire not nurpns*»l,
pany will in the future collect all
boy» are all known anil will be giv­
1 tills strictly at the end ofevery month
the ladies, God bless ’em? We ans­ tor they have a very |xior hous«!, not »uitisl
uniess special contract are otherwise. on for 1 iarrison.
en publicly, if they still persist in of this place, but now located in wer, nary!
to th e needs uinl tlie ability o f th e district.
Portland wan in town during the
It is a rom m unlty o f well to do pis.ple, some
No trouble to show you our goods — W. W. Pereival has gone tb Yn- their down hill course. We suggest
quiiia City, to attend h:s brother however, that city property be taxed week shaking hands with old friends.
o f them rieli yet they arc trying to edueate
Shelly A Vanduyn.
hardly expected to recover.
tn eir cliildrvti in a house tliut w ould not
Several hundred dollars have been
Fenton & Truitt have received who is very sick at that place with ty ­ for the purpose of maintaining a sal­
Vrtliur Butler, from Dallas College m ake a good barn. T he impression» o f eh ild -
Itheir new stock of fall goods, and call
went home Saturday to see his family lio.sl will lie curried tlirougli life, and tlioso
special attention to their Dress goods
On last Tuesday lion . P. W. Ha­ in the meanwhile, boys, try and be
Hon. W. Truitt will address the
Great sympathy is felt for uncle naturally ussoeiuted w ith a shabby school
lartment which is the most coin- ley, made the < )!', si : vku office a very gentlemen, for the sake of being voters of Bridgeport tin the political
’ ilete of any in the eounty.
Veater and wife for their un­ house arc certainly not th e best to give
pleasant visit.
j issit“-» of ths day at one o’clock, nt
son’s act at l olfax; also, fur our children. There 1« nothing to Inspire
E. Hayter now has the neatest g e n ­
Having fully organized, Tlie Polk | the Bridgeport school house.
I teachers or pupils with such surroundings,
eral merchandise store in Polk eoun­ Several teachers from this place at­
his other relatives.
and 1 trust tlie good ]ssiple there will have u
ty and he will not be undersold. Call tended their meeting at Dallas last County Land company is now ready
We regret to announce the* death tied.T.sfkiMil house ju a lietter location be­
and prepared to do business. For
and see for yourself.
P o lk C o u n ty T e a c h e r » ’ H e a tin g .
ofGeorge McDowell’s wife last Fri­ fore another year rolls round.
This is the last issue of the any desired information, address, I). i
The straight up-nnd-up storc-kecp-
day. The funeral took place last
At A idic Miss Khbort has the reins, and
•rs—Shellly and Vanduyn, Indepen- Onsi-iiiVKK till after the election of W. Sears secretary, or F. A. Patter-1
very quietly and firm ly ure tlie children
the next president of the Fnited son, Independence, and the matter
was held ¡it the La Credit' Academy a large numl»cr of neighbors and guided. The house is g.Hid, l.ut th e furni­
Farmers wanting to buy a full bill States. Vote right—Harrison and will receive prompt attention.
ture Is sim ply u tncun-j of torture to flic little
vill save- money by buying goods of Morton and Homo Industries.
¡it Dallas, last Saturday. The meet­ friends were present,
folks, conqs'lhsl to sit for six hours every
rl h ■ Salem and Pcrrydale stage line ing was called to order by Supt.
"’enton & Truitt, Dallas.
Cnele- Wilse Eee and Elsie ( lillinm day. How many men can sit for even tw o
Renolds. After a song by tin* as-o- with their wives made a daring ex- hours on u comfortable scat w ith out In ­
We name for you way down prices
n all our general mereiiandise. < live igon, with his family moved to town 1». Yates. The stage leaves Salem in eintion, prayer offered by Prof. Bry- cursion to Suiter Kraut last Sunday com ing restless and m oving about. T hen
a call. .Shelly & Vanduyn, Inde- ; this week. He is a blacksmith, and the morning, going by the way of) rant of Buena Vista-, i’rof. Bell of
nnd came hack to our midst safe and how can they expis t t teacher to ki-ep order
¡and will work with Warren and j Lincoln, Zena, Bethel and McCoy, Dallas briefly outlined the meeting.
am ong tlie little children when they arc so
E. Hayicr makes a specialty of Jernian.
uncomfortable. I saw no maps, chart»,
The work of organization was dis­
iiks, satins, plushes, velvets and in
J. E. Tate was in town Tuesday, ner, returning over the same route cuss'd by Supt. Reynolds, Profs.
glolss«, or o th er lu'l|>s for the toother. H ut
N iin n n t Not«'».
act all kinds of fancy goods. Kem- and reports he will begin his work in the afternoon.
even w ithout there th in g s Miss Kbbert 1»
Campbell, Barns, Hawes and P r e s .
‘inlK-r that all the goods in his stock
Wo are ph'ase.l to notetluvt Horace doing a good work, and th e stlusil is m ov­
-e new and of l»est styles.
■Stanley. Jessie Procter then recited Ejtke, who was compelled to return
A “one horse” show shell its light row gauge road from Airlie to Yn- In it pleasing manner a choice selec­ home in Mult.tom iii county, ft few ing on very sue.»««fully. She bus one |iecu-
All orders sent Fenton & Truitt by
liurity in th e governm ent o f her achool,
»ail will receive prompt and careful on our people Monday and Tuesday quinn hay is right. < >ur farmers and tion. Thirty-nine names wore en­ weeks since, slek with inflamatory w hich I have not s»»-n elsewhere. T h a t is u
merchants can all see the benellt to rolled.
ttention; goods sent by return mail. evenings.
rheunmtism, is much better, and we sign m anual—the sellouts« indicating ttlcir
Wood taken in exchange for goods
The Ballston wart house on the nar- beilerivi'il from a near and direct
trust will hi'able to join us again in w ants by holding up one, two, three, or
more fingers, each sign representing a want,
t the Farmers Supply depot.
now gauge road took in toe,imo bush­ ocean market. Encouragement anil
The mt'eting called to order by the the near future.
w hich can !«• answ ered by th e teacher wit'«
It don’t make any difference, it i- els of grain tliis year.
Miss Callahan of Douglas eounty, u m sl or a shake of tlie lieatl.
ders, to .stimulating the action of the Rupt.; song, “ Home Sweet Home,”
fact you can get the best goods, and
The city of Dallas will elect her of­
by association, i ’rof. Hawes of In- stmI Mr. Layman of Marion, entered
T he next duy we Invaded tlie dom ain o f
t the best buogtiia at Z. F. Vaughn’.» ficers for-the ensuing year next parties in charge of the road to move.
presented his method of school Mtnulay.
I'rof. Butler, of district *, and took a look at
Everyone living along the line is
practical menstm'tnents;
Mr. Lewis of Forest Grove, atten­ his busy, hustling school. T he room 1» en ­
interested, let all give aid to further teaching
Students in want of anything in
tirely to sm all for tlie num ber o f pupils, th e
Prof. Mulkev of Bethel introduced ded chapel Tuesday.
lie Dry goods lines, \i ill save money A. N. Martin of Ballston, is fiitten- a better and quicker market.
tlie subject oP’ltow t<> teach Grthog-: The following ladies painted the teacher having no room for a recitation
y buying of Fenton & Truitt, Dallas ¡„¿r pm head of hogs for the market.
A * » »I¡TON
ntpliy,” in an able manner. These I badges for the atheletie contest, I h - ik I i , and, were it n o t for sickness in the
At J. I). Irvine’s is the place to Pork is a good price tliis fall, which
P i \ rk i.r
oM K
your groceries, Independence.
subjects were discussed by Profs. ■ which takes place to-day: Lillian m-iglihorhiM.d, lie w ould luive m ore th an
is always the ease.
n n ild he com fortably seated. l ’rof.Butler is
l t e e o r d o l'I le c d s .
Barnes, Bell, Campbell, Hawes, Worth, Minnie Goodrich, Millie t teaching liis second tcriii licre. Iiis first Is'ing
Geo. X. Townsend, of Perry dale,
Students when iti want of goods o
The following depth were recorde*l Supt. Reynolds, Pres. Stanley, I toughty, Malici .Sparks, Jennie ] so siii»»'s«|u| tlmt be was engaged to teach
y kind, go to Fenton «Sr Truitt’s.
has gone to Dayton, W. T., to take
Judge Collins and Editor Wash, j Blount, Maude Henderson, Maggie the full term .
the county clerk this week.
A fresh supply of gnavrics at J. I>. charge of the agricultural implement
Misses Millie Doughty, Nellie Coll­ Fenton, Bertha Cattron, Minnie
A t district No. A4 we s to p p e lto sec how
business of Knapp, Burrell & Co.
M iss A nnie Hullock and h er p upils were
The Polk County Land Company We wish him success.
W J Stanley to A .1 Gilliam, so favored the meeting with a duett
All ofth e Normnlito- who attend­ m aking it. Tliis is u sum!) school. Hi on th e
The metropolis of Oregon is
e now prepared for business. D.
acres in A .1 Gilliam 1) E C Town­ which was well received; Edna Col-1 isi the Teachers’* A'-oclation at Dal­ ¡oil, lint bright an d pleasant faces grcetisl us.
Sears, secretary, at McCoy, or F. spreading out and her population is ship s S U <1 W *\ 00.
lins recittnl a nice seh'ction. The las, last Saturday, pronounce it a Mi-s Alum also use« tlie sign language w ith
I her pupils, and th e walls were ilei-orated
Patterson, Independence, will gaining rapidly. Portland moves
l»ook qutistion” was discuss-1 succo**.
Peter Cook to A Holman 140 acres
| with som e good hom e niiuie m ottoes am t
veany information wanted, address
ed by Profs. Hawes, Stanley and |
-¡outli of Monmouth; $K»on.
picture«. The inside o f th e building is un-
cm at their respective p o sto ffice* .
Sarah Sobring to Polk ( 'ounty laind Reynolds in an able manner. A ! tlemen of the school are cultivating lin! heil and u n p ain to l; but, otherwis** is a
among his Polk county people for Company lots 1 g ¡1 4 l»l<s-k 21 Inde- splendid recitation by Mattie I/mg-
S. Barzeo is bringing on new
their literary tastes under the II.'*- very goisl house, w ith som ething there,
a great m any w I kmi I s do not have, u good
acre; song, by Nellie Webster; solo, I
ds everv day. Cull and s e e his two weeks, ha- gone to his family at pendenit* consideration $4o0.
perian banner.
putnp and plenty o f water.
\V. I. K.
e of wall pa'jH'r, window blinds The Ihtlles.
f L Case to 11 Hirschberg heirs in­ by O. J. CfwjH'r. S. E. Notaon of
Mi— < irilla Peter-, of Benton coun­
F. 8. I). Co. have taken several or­ terest m real e*'.ate of N Nealy estate 1 Dallas act»*tl a* secretary of the sess­
ion. The association adjourned to j ty entered scho*»l on Tuesday. Mis- Salem, Or., A prii IO, I lijv e heen *'imsl o f
■ H. Butler has all kinds of mii- ders for lumber this week. Parties consideration $ hoo .
Peters was a stud« nt of ’Hd, and we n severe attiwk o f C atarrli o f thè Bludder am i
ineoil*. ( ’all and s e e him before living at Buena Vista are getting
Ira S Smith t<» J K Cooper lot 4 nice! at Independence Nov. 24th. j
of th è Pretini, m ninly hv th è us«- o f
irehasing elsewhere.
]il«-.iseil to hitve her aiming us Strictur»!
The meeting was a most entertain-;
a » »nplcof Isixes o ftlie Oregon K ldney Tea,
lumber from this yard.
hlo' k 4 Indc|s ndenee, (j&4.
rc o m m e m l th è tia n» a
If your bark aches o r if you are suffering j Gov. Pennoyer commuted
E W Cooper to J E Davidson lot In ing and interesting one, b'*ing 11»** ;
valuahlc reiuedy fordisiascs o f tlie Kidm'V
ai intlam m ation of th e kidney», seminal
tir-»t meeting »»f tb:* association of the
and urilinry organs—Issi Wells. Sohl hy jf.
kness, brick dust deiiosi? in tiie u tin e or s e n te n c e Tuesday of \N. H. bhonf», Independence, |200.
ing addre— to the students at the II. Butlcr, druggist.
kidney u rinary or liver complaint, u*e who wus sent to the penitentiary
E F Sargent to M U Vanhorn lot.- »»eason. The school work of our j
i greatest of all know n reined i*. Oregon.
county is moving on grandly, anti cluqs'l on Tuesday morning.
Ju ry Tea. It is plea-ant to tak ; purely from Dane county Nov. in*» for a 1 2 7 M block 4 Ballston, lion.
Mr-. lui Ransiear, City Bazaar
Polk, mn is» counted second to j Mrs. E. H. Murgatroyd attemletl
*t»l«U and li„- never failed to give entire term of three years.
In«lt'|s'n«Jfnfe, ha* matlf a tino
People who are talked about, ¡ire none in the manner of conducting chapel exerels« s Thursday.
s(action. Sola l.y N, H. Butler, druggist
Hon. L. L. McArthur, I \ K. dis­ those who go and examine the fine
so loft ion of wtsiit'ii trissis, rit>-
The Athletic Association has |«»st-
ls» n s, buttons, artici*'* for fancy
trict attorney, spent last Sunday -tra k of artists mctcriai at Busters and support of her schools and-teach-
work, roniniints of cushinen*,
with his family on the Nesmith »Imlepentlenee. II»' h'.ts ¡t full line of era. The teachers by giving the 1 |> o i k s 1 it* tournament one week.
prints. Immlkcrcliiffs, purses,
Tttl»es, Academy Iioards, plaques,) Supt. their united efforts in their
etc. Give on early cull.
frames, brashes,etc. Call and st*e ux'eting will do a Wttrk forgotsl toall
Why will you go «boat with tlmt li«tlr»»
Rev. II. L. Bitner will preach a« them.
air an>l | K « I « - I f y»>tt w«>»U«l Ire*** tlie J
ay one having fees! they want
uf youth n-funi, « iiioy a S unburn, tan roughness o f th e skin anil
pped will flml me reodv to do it Fair Dale next Sabbath H A. M. at
Altontlon of tho-s* wlto aro tukintf viip.r
The Groat Northwest Linim ent a
m »I hearty meal nn«l fi-el like a dint-rant pintph-i iirepn»in|.tlv rvllevisl and m m l by
them in the liest and quickest Buena Vista 2;W P. M. and at Inde­ certain and -¡»ccdy cur:- for cholera paintintr is ralltsl t<» ili** filli linoof fra
per»-> 1 ». then take l»r Henley'» l)»n<t« lioii applying Untarti » *|ws itic. It is u iwver
|s*. Come before the mill shuts p e n d e n c e nt 7. o'clock. • Public cor­ morbu«, eoli«-, croup, and fltix. Hold artistk* matfrial ;it II. H. I*attfr-mis | T'.ni«-. It eertainlv jirn d in v rrnmrkakl« re-j failing r. uie ly for Salt K heum , T ettar an**
■n.—Frank Collins, Monmouth, dially invited to attend all services. by N. I!. Bit itlcr
all -km di-ea-c-. *ol«l N. 11, B utler drug
»lilt». S .Id by V II. Butler <lru;|},bt.
tie M onmouth.
I miei su» Ivi »ve.
Hopping! Chopping!!