>1 iimouth P u b lic Sch ool. It (loos not matter whether the There are 93 d m im eiimlleil on the register “ Murchison” letter won genuine or not; Lord Hack v il le W est’s letter was, o f the »cliool. The boy* and girls are very Publisher. and gives the true relation o f the enthusiastic over their school work this year. —The directors havesupplitst the school with democratic party for England. a Webster Unubridged dictionary, which the Polk County Observer. C. ('. DOUGHTY. Subscription H a le *. $1 50 7» 50 • • . Tuesday is election day. Don’ t has lM-cn expended for ap)«rutus during the fail to g o to the ik >11 h ; bring your last two months.— Pupils from five different * - IY t Four Mouth». counties o f the state are in attemhince.—Mrs. Advertising rute» inaile known ou nppli- friend, noighlxir and who-evcr-will cation. let him come, and cast a vote for Goodnight has her room decorated in a very < ’orrin|ioiMliiKU U willi-itci! from till frii-iele pleasing manner. The mottoes are appro­ Protection. t>f the paper. (Moniuixitli, Oregou, Nov. 3, ISSN. T h e o b s e r v e r fo r 5 0 C T S For Four Months. Republican National Ticket. For President, B E NJAM IN 11 AltHWON, o f Indiana. Surprising Cash Bargains, Physician and Surgeon, Office Main St., next to Vaughn's, Dallas, Or pupils use to a great advantage.— About • P w Y it r . Per Wx Monili». C. E. Worthington. : 0 : »J. K. Loçke* priate and show the plane to which such Physician and Surgeon. Q simple lines may lead. The expression ‘‘God On Tuesday the result o f the great­ bless the children," cannot hut help to cause feÿ-otttce, Hueim VistupOregon. est political contest tli is country lias the children to remember that God is watch­ ever hud, w ill is- known. A contest ing o'er them in their work. And “ Follow ° J O H N J. D A L Y , upon a principle that is fraught with Jwux " to equally significant; while “ Wel­ the giO atot interest to ail the jieople come" and "Try, try again,” each have their o fo u r land-protection o f I¿omo Mar­ influences. These with the many pictures kets; or Free Trade and Pauperized in the room give it a home like appearance. Will promptly attend to all legal husiness entrusted to him. Industries. See that your vote is — I’rof. Murphey is encouraged frith the out­ look for the years work and confidently ex- D A LLA S , OREGON. • recorded for Harrison, H om e and pacta a lar/c in. r a-c in | l l l b n . siimi. MES k W e are Selling our Stock o| Attorney at Law, DRY GOODS AT COST. N ative Land. Goodman A Douty, Independence. W A R R E N T I l f IT T , Republicans see that every voter For Vii1 « Preaident, c9mcs out. The republican clubs and LEVI P. MOKTON. local committees should attend act­ • ■¿New York. ° D A LLA S , OREGON. ively to the work. A llo w no man to ‘1 10 Acres, g<>.'d house and bum, 150 acres in cultivation, $35 per acre. W ill practice in all the courts o f the State. say “ There w ill be enough without O For President iul Electors, C á rN o w is you r chance to got groat Imrguinc, In our D ry Good*, (»Ilice in Court N 1 »use. 3H3 Acres, good new house and I mm, new LEAN, W m KAPUS, me.” ROUE CRT orchurd, 50 acres in cultivation, good timber Goods, Notions, Clothing, Roots and Mhoes, Furnishing Goods Farms for Sale. Attorney at Law, C. W. FUI.TON. and pasture, $11 i>or acre. 150 Acres, all g "»1 farm land, 100 acres minimi'r&llow, gis»d house and bum, g»Msl orchard, $.17! [ xt acre, it is well located. 100 Acres, all in cultivation, go«sl house and barn, *»l it in his Ruffalo The Knights o f Labor have the speech when lie culled the Mills hill motto: “ An injury to one is the con­ u tariff for votes nod not for revenue. cern o f a ll.” It is just this fact in a Republic that makes it the general It is rather hard that British Mies in Ilopkiiiton, N. II., and mnnufactur- the canvass lists ls‘en presented and ed into cloth by the Middlesex Cor­ everyone has, no doubt, made up poration, at Low ell, Mass. He be­ their mind how they w ill east their lieved that Am erica should protect vote Tuesday nextou the great issues. American industries, and so does his W e take pleasure in assuring our grandson. Republican friends that the prospects tire bright and most cheering for the There is to he no Independent or triumphant election o f Harrison and Mugwump l ’arty ilt this campaign. Morton. As election approaches the Those who left the Republican I ’ar­ political skies brighten. The race ty in 1884, because they could not Ix'tween Protection and Free Trade clean, w ill now join themselves to shows Protection far lit the lead, and one party or the other. Th ey have Hixxxling on to the centre pole at a no such excuse as they had four gait that w ill distance the overbur­ years ago. General Harrison is dened revenue reform mule so far worthy any man’s support. I f they that the pixiranimal will give up the go into the Democratic Party, it race before the end is reached. w ill be because* four years o f affilia­ The Editor o f tho Itemizer in an­ nouncing ¡in address by a republican on the issues o f the canvass tells its readers to “ go and listen to his rea­ soning, and then form your con­ clusion as to its merits. Rut don’ t blindly swallow the dose o f m y poli- enl sjwaker, for all o f then, are more or less warped in Ixith Judginent and expression and make it a business to paint their own aide in the most at- troetivo colors and make tho op|x>si- tlon cause appear In as had a light as possible.” H is patrons might ask after reading that, what ought his newspaper to lie? As an ideal it must not l»e a neutral, or a “ free lance.” Often the worst kind o f servility and corruption are found masquerading under the pretense, and sometimes the actual lx'lief, o f “ Independence.” No man can amount to much in this world who “ (iix's not believe some­ thing, and who tits»« not have some method in his Ix lieving; and to say o f a man that lie is not a partisan* is to im ply that he is either a scamp or a skeptic.” Th e ixlitor can lx*as part­ isan as he pleases, but he must seek to represent tho truth, for truths sake and not for tho sake o f an office or a Job. H e must deal frankly and fairly by the public. Tho editor no doubt, years ago, mode his conclusions to vote the democratic ticket, for which we can find no objections. In this campaign there is beingcir- culutcd a vast amount o f false infor­ mation. A great proportion o f the figures quoted are wrong. H a lf the truth Is only told. Voters ought to Uxir in mind that the Republican party has siMvcssfUlly settled all the great questions o f recent years, and that whenever Democrats have un­ dertaken to Cope with even so small a problem o f getting rid o f a surplus, they have made a mess o f it. The Republican,rcptrdlo* offals« figures party o f progress. It has hwn trust­ ed and proved true to the trust. It can lie trusted again. • ■ Everybody come out and vote. It Is your privilege, prick« and duty. tion with that party has converted them to its ways and principles, or Iteeause they are and have been out o f accord with the Republican dix-- trinc o f protection. I f they want to take the road to Free Trade the Democratic P rty is the proper company. The 2rp»l»lleon Party is cnniniittixl hear and soul to the policy o f Prott «tion o f American Interests* and or. this issue it goes to the people, and confidently expects to w in. Crockery and G la-swart'. deportments, etc. & Vernon, Former Offers Fads Away In Oblivion. Druggists and Apothecaries. rugs, Paints. Oils. Glass and all other A r I) ticles kept in a tint-class drug store. These goods must lx« sold. fty)'"\Vt« art* goin g t(kclose out our stock and parties newling anything in our line w ill find it to their advantage to cull anti see us. Proscriptions Cure fully Conipountlotl^ New Stable, jWr-Alsn Renier» la itiisl A Sarti ill's Sil­ ver anil Platel Ware, Jewelry, J/iisicul ill struaieuts of nil kiiuU. Goods w ill be Sold Cheap. 1N D E I* E N 1 > E N i'E , ORECJON. IMfl'Livcry.i'oed and Siile stallie«. Firet-idoss turaouts. ami Jirici s reiisnnabli- Givo ns a • all. nortli orni nf Maia Street, H E IiK K N A H A L L , proprietors. tfiT Remlter the place, corner brick store, N 1 ES A S M IT H , Imlr¡tfndrnct. Crick Chirle, Dallas, The dry goods store F. M . «V. w ill give you a bargain i f you w ill call and see them. James Oregon. Ta tom. Real Estate and Insurance Agent Polk County V Bank. monmo urn, Monmouth, o n ecton . Oregon. SHELLEY & VANDUYN, Opens Septem ber 10th. 'fl'D o e s a general banking business. Sight Drafts on New York, San Francisco or Pori- lami. Deposits received subject bi cheek or on eertilieates o f ilejmsit. ( 'olleetioils will receive prompt attention. Ofllee hours S n. in. to 5 p. in. U nir» Burglar Proof Stiff, re­ n im i by Yale Time Lock. 3ST. EE. B U T L E R , Druggist and Apothecary. Head Quarters for General Merchandise, — Dealer in— Vaughn & Hillard. n rugs, (Ticniieals, Book.», Stationery,Toilet articles, ete. GENERAL BLAGKSÎWITHING. Prescriptions Carefully -AND - Monmouth, - ¡ndepf«d£nce Oregon State Qregon. Compoumliil. - Oregon. Horse-Shoeing' B U Y Y O U R (a tO C E lU E S A T Normal School. Specialty. Shop opposite livery stable, at the foundry Independence. KID nev TEÁ U RlNARY*<>KI D N EY TROUBLES D r H e a p s ' naNDELlOHTONIC- Political pointers; some distance after the catechism: N am e the thr(«o greatest speech-makers o f modern |M»litles: Lincoln, Blaine mid II;.- '- son. what were their great themes? Th e Union, Protection and the home. F U LL FA C U LTY, GOOD BUILDINGS. A p p e t iz e r S. J. WATERHOUSES. LIG H T EXPENSES. Normal, Collegiate, and Commercial Departments A ll Normal Graduates receive a Diplôme from the State which authorize» them to Iciirh in any public school in the Mato. Otliei Slates grant teachers certificates on presenta­ tion of these Normal Diplomas, without ex aniinution. -: —--Carries at all times a fro-di and complete stock of groceries.— ■ N O TIO N S! NOTIONS ! ! every description, as cheap us the cheapest. Call and seehim . O cited. f Y o u r iiatrenagc I* eoli Monmouth, Oregon. 0 ; - . CURES INDIGESTION Q fa fÿ n Z * « FOR ALL SK IN D IS E A S E S . “ Tippecanoe"Harrison was the can­ didate o f the party that advocated a day and roast lxx«f for the w ork­ ingman. H istory is repeating itself. ' Buster C H E A P H IA P IP T C 3 -. FiUGooiI table hoanl is funilsheil to sfa- uent-at the “ Normul Dining HslT’ nl $l,.‘s JXT week. Gmxl boaiiling in fniailies with turni-hisl room, fuel uml lights, $3.00 to » ; .X I xt week. Farmers Mercantile Association, ID E E M E L E E L S * P Q R T k A H .Ç . Practical Course Sold by N. H. Butler. t ci» and higher. Study, —ComiilctisI in a— Short N ew Goods-New Prices. oí In General Merchandise. Time. Send for Cntalngae. Address the President D. T. S taxucy , Afontuouth, Oregon. D. Warren, Bed Rock Prices, Best Grade of Goods, And Fair Oeaiing Is Our Motto. J. K . Jemiaix, W arren A full lino of Tinware Correspondingly. & Jenna», A ll kinds o f produce taken in exchange for goods.------ - Nails 8} cts jH«r {Miuntl and higher. Riqx« 1«! cts per |x»und ami higher. Hardware, lumlx«r, shingles, tis»ls, sash, dtx»rs, mouldings, («te. " <*ven w ire and spiral spring Maitressi F A N C Y W IR E FENCE. General MONMOUTH, Blacksmiths and Horseshoers. Anumltinn and fishing tackle. W all pa|x«r and window shades. Bini oagt*s, brackets and mirrors. A Hood Line of Agricultural Implements ami Farm Machinery Furniture. Wood Work a Specialty. rxv'W bile w e thank you for |xu*t favors we ask a continuance o f vour patronsgr.-iM Farmers Supply Depot Co., M O N M O U T H , OREGON. \ O B Ò E Q -O T S T - COOPER & C O M A W A Y , —DEALERS IN — 'A ll charges trainable. M ONM OUTH, Givens a call. OREGON. Hardware, Stoves and fcaTAgents for Kapp, Burnii A Co. Tinware. Indivemlwic«, o r * v « *1©«