M o NH d I \% n >r OF lo g LI FT. «Ifctlnc *'iu,l» »•* Are R E L IG IO U S A N D c a b in % su c c e ss SKH T M IN ** IN A IT . a » 1 * 1 » lo O t l o a t . I I t e s r r i p l i o n A a o a I r it. *« > _ hi ml Io . M • liitltw E D U C A T IO N A L . W h at ails tlie voting men ' R obert G a rret’s fath er left him a fortune of tw enty m illions. H e was from childhood rearrd in lu x u r y ; he rtceiv«d a splendid ed u cation w ith uu esp ecial train in g into a th o rou g h m en t know ledge of railroad m a n a g and wa- ex [s-ct*- K /*ii/y KM M iH tr. Sept. 27. IW«.» A su b sc rib e r o f th e E x a m i n e * , w h o re ­ cen tly rece iv ed a c irc u la r from O ttiu»*, Kish i i Co , the w e ll-k n o w n art s t s in th e PI elan B u ild in g , w r ite s to in q u ir e w h e th e r th e firm is d o in g a le g in n a te b u sin ess an d can be d e p e n d e d u p o n , in [ business o rd er th at an in te llig e n t reply m ig h t be m ad e to th e i|U s t o n , a le p o r te r w a s d e J A F O R C C D S O H T O O T H A C H E . ni4 .. « It S t s x kt ' D,< (K.irmerly Secy A Laud Oflhsg i—- , »>« C. H. S T R E E T & Co Sui •roto the IM M ICJR AT lO K a «„ S I It m ay be non r it that he w ho ein- — K now ledge, lik e religion, must is» C t 'K l . N T IO N O K t'A L IK U M N lA .AÄ* * U ploys patte i i.i his w ork, or • ti his experienced in ord er to he tru ly known. life, m ust 1» t. in -re copyist, hut it is Prompüv »nd Perfwüy 4 1 5 M o n tg o m e ry S t „ s . F r - E /'. ik ^ p p ik . not so. Ev< y honest w orker, in whut- Tootlacke, Headacle, '* * — T h e attendance at the M ichigan e v e r sp here lis labors are cast, has a A g ricu ltu ral C o lle g e is greater tiiun nceackt, SweliiiD, Son- ,befulluwi,“‘ pattern by w hich his labors are .nor o I ^ » d d t ihe stuilio yesterday and u> e v e r before, and it is thought that four Tina! and Glandi. or less guidetl, anil tho value and su c­ K o « « - ii ( l i n i « « I o n y .T e h s m « c,.i »•'•««-« examine into the modus operand! of th«- hundred students w ill i>e enrolled next M onte » 1 * 1 « “ .Sbasu "'“"',**«» asu cess o f ids elTo. ts w ill la r g e ly de­ linn. He was very much astouislisd, ami a t p x u o o is t i axs ■ (< l i e n l a year. Fifty-one gradual«'* of the insti­ •»•h agreeably so, s i what he saw. The first PZALEM. pendent u | mhi t i i ) ch a ra cte r of th is p at­ tution are presidents or professors in I.ul h e ra n apartment entered was the large Slid well • t li l n g lr lO M ii tern, and the s m ccc from w hich he has iglited studio on the walls of which was .% m it- i - h o ii Other colleges. Tie Claries A. M Ok, received it. l i e is not alw a y s, perhaps M li-a m o u le displayed a large number of crayon ;«or K ern B altimokb , Ila Hooks ou tlive empires. Ch«-y fly «à r e e n x t«o«l t ,¡1-. all life-size and d ra" n frm i plmtos. not often, consciou s of th is him self. M uukaux w ithout wings, w alk without feet; the work was In the best style of the por- \« arin ..i- ___ Hun E very little eh I l, w ithout k n ow in g it, l-o iw l K e y « M Iran painter s art, and the frames were house* of supply are they that, w ithout tered. is d oin g w h at lie sees others do, and * . a m«n b u fferin g G eorge L aw is a n o th er y o u n g man of tlie newest designs, bright ami side -ALSO F O R O Y S P E P S I A . money or prioc, fetid niyn ^ uihji mg ^ » • a rotivivx cuu roa uroiQur ijx am \> all Haying w hat lie heard oth ers say. As I i t from soul-hunger; iv i loaves . . . ihni increase left w i'h iiii H puib of m o n ey , w ho is slantial a* well as ornaiu ntal. Adjoin Other lands for general farm ing fr,,;, that increase • tuiuAcii Troablu AriAiag Tb«r#Xroa. H is lin g tlie studio is a lar « packing o in, w reo < -'8 . nr stock raising. 11 gn>* H lie gro w s in nn ierstandin g, and is reported am ong the where several workmen wer • I usy in ns they are broken, and, after f«-*Hling Your D ru w a t or General Dealer %tiil yet Km»* ta u g h t many th in gs, patterns a rc con­ thousands, are ready for thousands fa llu r. bred a stone m ansion, was o f boxing the portraits and frames s lid A ROM K Koll KVKKYBOBY 8» l „ CVru fo r you if not alretuiy tn tlork, or it %eill be a l s hom e in Ihe country. w(,,|e ' M g ig m tic «¡z>- am! s tr tn g th , w itli coni marking them to a I their destination in all terra by mad on receipt o f 26 cit. (6 boxet $1 (JO) m stan tly preseii'od to him w hich In-is your present residaaee. |x,siUou sn.l J i . « more. - Christian Advocate. raeific Coast. Th reporter ttampt Sample tent on receipt qf 2 cent stamp. m me e n iu ra te brain pow er, so lie bee nn- parts of the l'acifl urged to im itate. T h e thou ghtfu l edu­ JU or mure acres of laud, w i U i ur » , r* — According to the B ible idea, a was a' out » rarlo «1 THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO BiltUnorE. H 4 . bouse, on the installine 1 plan in u,'! , < a great co n tra cto r, then a railroad | es ¡mated that e there cato r know s how much of the ch ara c­ bo»« tcu p rftu n aaU M# um 1* c 4« x # i » ro o m reau v to be tlllert colonies; we w ill plant tlie same to your01 * teacher is a “ doctor.” A doctor s first k i n g a n d b i t h a lf a d o z e n m i l l i o n s , foi I (rallies in th T h e n e x t r o o m w a s o c c u p ie d te r of the ch .ld is thus form ed, and with fruit trees or raisin grape- and »in T 1" duty, when he called to see a patient. liis son to di-sipate. T lie y o u n g Ilian ^ u.teen young ladies engaged in tlie it in good condition until full b e a iü r n ? how iiiiporin n l it g th at the patterns lands lie norib or boutli of San K r»u u *i' ■ “* Is to find out tlie nature anu the cause is a success as a disaipator. multitudinous correspondence of the firm. slioulu !>• w orth y of im itation. So in cou nt or interior counties, 1 «*ur or U L u S X T h e founders of Ixith of th ese great This alone will give a faint idea ot tn* of that patient's disorder, and then to laiirouci or lov«ii tuul vm y in price v ^ nil tlie e a rlie r form s of la b o r— tho 1 . • , m w lolesale nature of !he business doue by I l lerm iin Vsthiuu I'urenrvrrya.at.gtve tm-| j parliculurH in«|iiir»i of c . II. STKKKT k t prescribe accordingly. W hat better estates were born in tlie m ost hum ble i t|leae K0.ailead artists, i'lie artist’s work- r,.i.riiT-tlir W' ir»t esœa.i I in u nsi colui i. rv ■ ' HUt eeHHOl H to ihe IlllllllJtl at ion V smk ^'1 you th in lea rn in g a trade, or a g ri­ liMeitoepieffeetarerrowhirttAluibLTHfau. a l can any teacher do in the case of his w alks of life, gr«*w stron g, m en tally ] ¡ng Htudio is a very interesting spectacle, CaliforniH. 415 Alo> tKomery street. I(riot r.mrinr« IA. l*"g stirpiteli. lYlce «»Oc, snu I cu ltu re, or business, must follow in­ II.INI,, tliruginstsorbvmail. S.ii.l lr r K i . l .I 8 e u d for particular« and full descriptor and p h y sic a lly , by sim p le liv in g and 11 «-re were seen twenty odd artists care­ scholar nowadays?— S. 8 . Times. or (trap . lutTk s e tt 11 KM A N, st. I-mil, Mimi I stru ction s, and ta k e pattern by those fully copying and enUfyin photographs, — A powerful Illustration of the con­ lion« t laixyr and d cvelojied into tinau- aud it was almost marvtlaus to uoie ti eir m ore ex jiert and better inform ed T H E V A N MONCISCAI oial gian ts. T h e ir -ons were rearetl iu suci esa in e ve ry instanc- in producing a than him self. T h e you n g a rtist must secration of talents is given in a recent I Big (9 tiaSElTFfl OnlT«^ P R IV A T E DISPENSARY. article in on*' o f the monthlies, in which tlie hip of lu x u ry an d developed into fiuilt'e‘ s likeness, the exact expression of I sal »atlsfactloD I d tho consu lt his models, the youn g law ­ ihe suliject being caught and faithfully __r Oor#« la N o«. 133 an d 134 Third Street, in tellectu al pigm ies. F| TO 5 DATS. I cure of OonorrhcB» and y e r m ust follow his procedonts, the it is stilted that from the profits of one trail* nitu-d to tlie canvass in everv in­ P o r t l a n d . O re g o n , Qo*r#nt##4 do « «01 I Gleet. I prescribe 11 aod T h e great men of < u r c o u n try have stance. of Mi*s C harlotte M. Younge’ s books a He also learned that this is but a M U M S U iO tU T D - y o u n g author must druw from tho lx tbs only Print, [g feel safe in recommend­ not, ns a rule, com e from th e elegant lira in-h establishment i f ttmt ot tlie same m issionary college in Now /«■ aland was llfd #olj by U m thoughts and study the stylo of tint ing it to all sufferer«. t .e Nurth««it Car name in Chicago, where tlie* have bi ilt m ansion s « t the c itie s, but from tlie t u i CM slolSt wL«*re pAtieiiu * , 4 . J . STONER» H .D ., m asters of literature. E very one must built, and from those of another vol­ L og C ab in s of tlie rural districts. up a large and constant')- ¡ncnnftiug h. si- fully tr«at*<ï CinolnnatlJ Docfctur, 111* ume, the Southern Cross m issionary ness. This firm is the first to intro uce lit first (anil, to some exten t, to tho Ohio» schooner was provided and fitted up for S im p le w ays of liv in g , freedom from this novel method of adver ¡sing the r PRICE, 9 1 . 0 0 . . last, also) select good pattoriirfttlid uso T"in* C Di^ ty».^O B.8 of 9i Vigor. Vitf°i;* Semjnal [gOHse*, Weak Memory, Deapou assert itself and to sugges* other *nd thing#, com pose our cares j^nd our est for fa m ily use O u r grandm others •A club haa been formed at Marion, ()., for | ¿onCyt ¿ C m ¿ue toexiSSaesor abime,cureX' • - e4 cured. the tientruction of.K iiK lishspufro wh . A prem m ethods, differen t plans, perhaps even passions, anil lay our disappointm ents k n ew how to prepare the U as and iuin of ten cents a dozen is puid for bhootiiiR Y O U N G — M E ------- N wa^^«.v..A..lfoliie«or ofyouthjnj" indis­ leep. W hen wo are w eary of the syru p s of roots, herbs and bal-ams them. cretion shoiild avail themneivea of our treatment. h ig h er aim s than those w hich lie has I asleep. A positive cim»{guaranteed in every ruse. Syph’- li«, to tlie ,#'ad. we m ay repair livin g w hich d rive disease o u t of tlie system hitherto followed. One im portant Urinury and \ enereai I)iB»*aH« s ull unnatural dm- r U lD K M K ! r U I D K N ^ ! charges, promptly and safely Cured. difference betw een men consists in tho w ho have nothing of peevishness, pride ¡(y n a tu ra i m ethods and leave no af er In medication, ae in «Ai&rlit else, prudence be our Ruide. Y ettn o iiu m d s cast it to M ID D L E -A C E D M E N K J M : wny in w hich these suggestion s are o rd esig n in their conversation. — Jeremy ill ifle e ts. T h e m ost po ten t of 111 s should the winds. Kvery new nostrum finds its pat­ pane of Kitineya or Bladder, Weak Buck, Nervous old -tim e rem edies were, after lon g and rons. the medical enpirics of every false school Debility,, Wasting of Sexnul Strength, etc., cured treated. One. throu gh in d olon ce. or Colli' r. — T ho continuance of e v e ry man’ s sea rch in g investigation, secured by H. have their trulls. Every change in the yum ut and restored to healthy vitfor. N. B. Persons unable to visit us may be treated lack of en ergy, o r self-depreciation , or bodily life is conditioned by tlie contin­ H . W uruVr of s ife cu re fam e, and a n of humbuK is rung successlullj - for a tim e at at their homes, by correspondence. Mediciura anc least ihe notes being furnished by the credu­ instructions sent by mail or expres«. Conuultatioc tim idity, o r feeble w ill, lets them slip ued action of his heart. So th at if the now p u t o u t for tlie “ h ea lin g of tlie lous. I• happy contrast to tlie many adver­ Pré«. Bend 4 cents in stamp« t o t The Young ManT aw ay and continues in the ea sier path adlOCk. tised ilnpostures of the day stands Houtetter's (■ rl.ut.f or (i Uldu action stops for even a few m om ents lie n atio n s” in tlie W a rn e r’s L o g C abin lltomach Hitters, now in its third d.*cade of of im itation. A n other, w ithou t a t a ll is a dead man. Does ho 1 ce<«< that renit dies. popularity, approved and recommended b> forsakin g tin- faitiiful model w hich has ihysicians. indorsed by the pres.«* ot many h ea rt beating? N ot at all. W ho does lit gu la te tlie regulator w ith W arn er’s amis, sought and ptRz« d by invalids every served him so w ell, endows it w ith new keep it boating? God does th is w ork, Ian? C ab in sarsaparilla and witli pure where. It is an ascertained specific for and und fresh life from his own thoughts preventive of malarial diseases, ch«)iiic indi­ FOR EVERY PURPOSE. not the le s s ixx-itffse hodoes it constant­ blo#d g iv in g h ea lth , stren gth , m ental gestion, liver com plaint and cott% ta tion . md energies, ll is pattern gra d u a lly Sold on Trial ! ly , and, as we say, th rou gh a natural and bod ily vigor, you m ay hope to checks the growth of rheumatism f .'4» «eural- chan ges from an im age outside him ­ ia. is a peerless invi^orant and u^l fuld itretic. law ; and hence it is true that “ in Him cope su ccessfu lly w ith the m ost gig an ­ ervous people benefit by it. I CARailN* self, which lie m ech a n ically copies, to w elivo , and m ove, and have o tirb ein g.” tic fin an cial problem s o f tlie age, w iUi- . m liv in g and g ro w in g idea w ithin him, A great Mormon exodus to Mexico is taking ips,y<& cu t It is a good th in g for one to keep this o u t w reck in g health and m anhood place from Utah. • w hich he constan tly strives to em body fact in mind. — N. Y. independent. S moking TO6ACC0I in liis w ork. H enceforth lie puts W hite Elephant of Siam, Lion of Eng­ A Philadelphia occulist declares that the use -—T h e seven hundred and seventy- som ething of him self into w h atever he of Oliera sliiss«* strains the optic a e r ie ami in­ land. Dragon of China, CrOM of 8wRaer Investment small, profit» land, Banner of I'ersla, Crescent of Egypt, does, and com bines th at wTiich he lias five m atricalates of tlie Boston U niver­ jures the eyesight. arge. St-ml 80«! for mailing T lie above well-known “wn foreign, and from th irty Am erican ufactured by “ T hat Miss Jones is a nice looking girl, isn’t lias thought ou t for him self. In this To get these buy a box of the genuine p o litics for th e past 20 years, and bit GOULDS a AUSTIN, . . . ... I) k . C. M i L a n e ' s C ei . lhkatku L ivkk lies tiie w hole secret of o rigin ality . States and T erritories. Am ong them she?’ op in io n is th a t “ S eal of North Cars- “ Y es. and she’d be I he belle of tlie town if it « 7 At I « » l.u b e M l., woro bearers o f university degrees wasn't P ilij «, price th cents, and mail us the ou t­ for one tiling.” It is not, as some deem it, a lin a ” P lu g C u t is th e boss smoke, d C H IC A C O . IL L . side wrapper with your address, plaint) from no loss than seventy-one A m eri­ “ W h a t's ttiatr’ n ative gift, over, w hich we can W’ e will d o n ’t y o u fo rg e t it. “ She bus catarrh so hail It Is unplea-ant to be written, and -l cents in stamps. can and foreign universities, colleges neai her. sh e has tried a dozen tilings and then mail vou the above list with an ele­ BUY THE REST. TA K E NO CHANCES. h a ve no control. It is only th e pres­ and professional schools. T h e instruc­ nol liing helps tier. I am sorry, for I like her. gant package of oieographic and rhro ence of individual en ergy a ssertin g its but that doesn't m ake it any less disagreeable imT-ic cards, C A M P A IG N HANDKERCHIEFS tion was givon by one hundred and for one to lie around her.” own faculties und pu ttin g them forth 1-T. kminu B ros ,, P ittsbu rg , P a . THE C R E A T HEALER. N ow if she had used Dr. Sage's Catarrh tw enty professors and lecturers. T h e in new, fresh, and im proved w ays, it lteniedy.therc would have Is-en noihing of the Cure* Cuts, Sore , Salt itlieum. Boils, num ber of grad u ates in Juno was one kind -aid. for it will cure catarrh every time. W . M . Dye. of Jen up, (ia.. has a hairless cow. Pimples. Felons Skin Diseases, and all creates a new and a h ig h er standard He saj s she sheds off every spring, ami takes hundred and thirty-one. ailments for \«hich a salve is suitable. For of exeolence for w hich to strive. A it cool through the summer. takin g out soreness and healing it arts i Im aginary evils noon become real ones by in­ you n g g irl student, who lately w rote 7 5 CENT! P U R E S IL K A n a l u re Tor More T h r o a t nud like magic, th rents a box. at all druggist*. C O T T O N dulging our reiiectioits on them. WIT AN D W ISD O M . 10 CENTI 5 T th e best th esis in her cla ss, and was t'o n ig liN , "B row n 's Bronchial Troches” have been thoroughly tested, and maintain a good w arm ly isingratiilated upon it, replied: 1 st Premiums. 2.r»,000 in use, i C le v e la n d o r H a r r is o n Campali* A AVon«l«»rful F« mm I and M im II i ì ii f , ' reputation. B u t t o n s , 2 5 C e n ts Each. — Oil© m ay llv * a conquoror, a king, 20 years Established. N« v« j “ it is far ea sier to please our teach ers over the I patented S te e l. Tuning De­ a m agistrate, but he must die a m a n - n o f T h y G kkmica for breakfast. only given 1 1 >it ii to satisfy o u rselv es.” S h e had u c e , in use In n o other Piano, by which ou r Ptenos flesh so d streiiKth by virtue of itn ow n nutri­ Btaml in tune :J0 >ears, go o d f >r 100 ; n ot affected developed w ithin h erse lf a pattern D aniel IIblister. tious properties, but creates an appetite for hy clim ate. N o wood to split, break, swell, shrink, j — Possibly the reason th a t a law yer ..... 1 inai up the wasted bodj. "l have w hich was b etter w orth co p y in g than crack, decay, or wear o u t ; wo guarantee it. Ele- j been uHing Scott’s Kmulsion for several years, gant Rosewood (.‘ases, 8 strings, double repeating those w hich had b e e n presented to ile r . does so much k ick in g in cou rt is that and am pleased with its action. M y patients a< tion ; tinast ivory keys; the Famous A N T lS E I.il \ .M E N S ’ FU RN ISH IN C COOOS. h e is a litnb of the law. »ay it i* pleasant and palatable, ami all gr#w O rigin al th o u gh t is not confined to the Call o r write for Catalogue, free. T. M. ANTKSEI a i stronger and gain flesh from the use of it. I «»* K KAH N V ST K K K T . H. F. PIANO CO., Manufacturers, Odd Fellows’ ila ll, Mar One of the m ost effectual ways of use it in all cases of W asting Diseases, and it is m enial lab orer alone. It < liters into ket ami Seveuth Streets, San Francisco. Ord<-rs hy m ail promptly fllli-d. sp* « tally useful for children when nutrient pleasing and m akin g one's s«eed- A It A II K IN T H K I I O I S E IM o'd «-¡Miraiio n ,c r in fix !>• >!»iil-»rlry. Business. is the source of m uch sunahlne and jo y . bright w hat th ey h a ve been tau gh t, hut also fly find out. -lieecher. Shorthand, Con.n un School and Penm inship Depart ening many a dark cloud ami lightening many M A N U P A m asM and iwi'oRTRK-* or nients. Student adi-.iinxl at a n , time « ata- i pul fresh life into it, by th in k in g and . — H appy is tho man w ho can count a heavy l^aii but jo y * continual abide only in I“ « 1'-' -.ix-rlmciis nf ix-i-iüdiHhlp sent free L A D I K S 'C H I L D I t K N 'H & IN F A N T S W ill J. *. R K S io .s e . *. p. uiUsTKONH. P ria. by w eavin g th e ir th o u gh ts into th eir on having, e v e ry day in tho year, a a healthy body. I he Creator with great wis­ 113 K kakny H thkkt , 8 . K. dom has distributed over the earth vegetable . .. Illu»tr»t«*d ('ataloffuek nt*Dt fr«* on application w ork, so as to do it bettor and more m ealy potato, some looso silver, and a remedies tor every ill of human kind This m arvelous l.ab«gatory reveals its secrets to S 1 E IN W A Y . S Ä » „ V l S i £ f « a i easily. People who do this ra rely have ffonrl lnnirh — lie tho Dost ot ©very thing at man only by long and searching mbov. Few Piano«' Burdett t Ors* Org.kLi», band liietiiuiifinta. IMbO .S f. U f il I OR C O N S D M m r to seek fur o r long for em ploym ent; men have attained greater success that» Dr. II. of bbirnt «MuHic mid Bookf. Bwnd» % ?. ' “ * a hotel w ho registers w ith a smile, V. Pierce; nor devised for suffering humanity Koaurni Prl/v« MATTHIAfl GRAY o o .rs« th e ir services ui-e alw a y s in dem and, Htiwt. Han Pranc1«nr> greets tho cle rk w ith a kind word, does a greater produet ion than his "G old en M edi­ N. P N. U. No. 253 -S. F. N. U. No I» cal D iscovery,' the unfailing remedy tor con­ and tlndr advancem ent is assured. - not attem pt to bully the servants, and sumption in its earlier stages, as well as for I'AHtulcI/ihiu /.ci/i/rr. ■ ^ is quiet and unobtrusive to the other - hrunic n isal catarrh, scrofula, tum ors ami all blood disorders. • T he M ilitary M icrophon e. guests. Frow ns, hard words and lord­ Scntlmu: «m l Ireland togclher have ill Con An adaptation of the m icrophon e to ly airs SHdoin secure tin* “ ix-st room” gregatmuni Churches. m ilitary purpose* is at presen t under In tlie house or the Ix-st service at the If you would l* 1 well cared for essay at Montuiihnn. and. so far, witli table T I I I N t l s VVO ItTH K K M K V I H K I t lN U . 1 HE COW BRAND. bo kind and considerate of o th ers.— satisfactory promise.* A t the con­ When you feel a k in d o f g o n e n e a * a lx m t — TO MAKE — Merehnnt Traveler clusion of the y e a rly |s have a fit o f in d ig e s tio n . second R egim ent of T e r rito ria l In­ t'niUsl 8tales Government. Faidora. «1 t»y the beails’of the wom an who could see tier youthful USE fa n try , tria ls w ere m ade w ith a micro- to When you la-gin to feel nervous and are the Great t uiveraedea os the Strongest, I»ur.*t and iu«>st twauty failing aw ay w ithout a prnig or regret. Ht-slthful Dr Prices < 'ream Baking Powder does n«»t phonic a p p aratu s, invented in L ieu ­ Many a woman beeoim s ptematur<-ly old aiul imal-le to sit “till comfortably; when your contain Amman!*, Ume or Alum Sold only lu cam» li.urgant tx-esuse of functional derangement, p r u * b a k in g p o w d e r c o tenant D csliordleii of the sam e corps. w h a t a p i y that all aiit h do i.ut know (hat Dr. clothe* suddenly *eetn fo low* their fit anil K 1 W YORK. CHICAGO ST. LOUIS. become t tight in places the fit of indi- K cconnoiss.turc by au tom atic moans 1 1 'n < - Kavoialc pre-«’> pi ion will r tto ic llir ii g«-siion is surely upon you. organs to a normal state, mil make them The B U Y E R S ’ G U ID E ii was the ob ject sought for, and th e ap­ y outhful and beautiful once m ore! Kor the u * When th is fit of in d ig e s tio n ia r«‘ pealera w e e k o r te n d a y * w id a c t num bers of men and horse- on tile ad­ »14,not) a y««ar. eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, ■ i s a p e v e n tiv e o f e ith e r r o m p a in t. vance. T h e con trivan ce, w hich is as or stay st homo, and in vai-ious sizes, ■ iS Diamond V era-Cura ¡A S T H M A ÇUSEDI Î O r ,SPINNEY A PROMINENT “ WOOL” GROWER WELL DRILLS f S MEXICAN S A L V E R epublican Flags, DEMOCRATIC BAMDANAS, PIANOS’ f\ ‘ DELICIOUS BISCUITS WHOLESOME BREAD D wigkt ’ s C ow -B rand S oda <*» S aleratus . ITC H i NO H U ES* sim p le as it is ingen ious, consists of a SvtiPT»*M# M •iiiturv •»* Itching ami »tinging. bf ■cr»k*btTtg If allow» vi t<> ohi - sounding plate Iniried in the soil, acro-s numt at nigbt; •> n# b; timi»* tuntv>m foi which often bl*«*» 1 an«l ul«> ?at*» und along any route, and connected by twev aiiug »cry HTv H watmk ' n OlNTMR*T «topa l^« itching *uvl birtxUng. ukvr»ilon. an-1 in uiAfty a long w ire to the conductor and re­ fa»«*» rriito^-H the inn.t ia It ia rtlWAl'l ,i'i riM w cat'loua lit tiring all Skin I>W«h SW DR «W A ATN YN E A M«»N ceiv in g disk of the a p p aratu s in posi­ Kh'nri'tort, Phttedrlpl wt'a O in Phi: a« I «-lit hi*. RWAVNI'ii GiNTiUNr cai tion. w hich provides the electric cu r­ Iw ol>t*iui*»£ «if «iruggln« ut bf mail for 30 ^ -u u rent to vivR v the sound tien erals J H. K IM K . »«*a> c r a ad t s s l | t l - i l \ ine-'tidon nini l> *v•'11- *u m iii . r i i « - * i t a t . lsthonslory. tot Ctno «t,. l'urtlaii ! Or. Analyses m ade o t all « u t-t b y s num erous staff, watched the o p er­ —• — ation*, mid w ere sufficiently impress«*! In any rMfi of ■* miniti W M kncM , arlM ng by th e ir u tility and efficacy in giv in g fm m «in cn«»*»•*. ihiinnlin # U f ? K jmm ìkw * i - i a w arning, that a rvp«irt was sent to th«> "«ri* • un- liA< tM\t r> qui« hly. ami twrmA neutly n im ». Two or ihm e b»>tU«Hi h a r t hrt*n M inistry of W ar u|H>n the subject, O tri» »urti leni U» din* «t cn » a*» *» o f |..nir a bull)« A ll d r % O ixlers have I- eii -<-nt to the inventor niAnttintf. l%rU*t\ ' . under techn ical superintendence. Scirniijtc American. • » In Macon, («».. a you n g man. w hile p racticin g <>n the horizon tal bar in the arm ory there, fell, was taken up in- senait'l« and ru rrh sl home. N ext m orn­ in g he was all rig h t aga in ; but the strange part of it is that he lost all memory of what occurred for tw o!vs hours before and after his fall. IlK l»VM PKPM |%. la Ih * inibility tif th«* «tomarh to di*»#«»|\e th«* nutritivr clrim nt o f thè food. In anch caatw thr ActaAw mi irntant. |> t>lnil» a . li rr»iuirwi« uaiinlh bvt «Uight trt-Alin- nt to «*ff«H-i « perfori cure. »I AM H l TUI KIDS Are mild in action. a-*i*ttng nature and never fading to eif»*'t a com plete cure of very hart case* of dyspepsia, a« tne Kig* at once ransr-n the siiHiiai-h and intestines to sec-et fluids htch are normal In rharseter. Hamburg Ktg* • i T i « l i l « P f r n l n b o . everywhere. l>uar * «<(. IN FA N TILE S k iq te S c a i p in . - ' . e t J ì D IS E A S E S • c u r e d b y -A*. C U T IC Ü fV \ styles and quantities. Juei, figure out T*» J* required io do all th ssl'th ln ga COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair estimate o f the value o f the B U Y E R S ’ G U ID E , w hich w ill be sent upon receipt o f 10 cents to pay postage, U l-1 14 M ichigan Avenue. Chicago, m . zp R ^ A ^ d i^ s. 1 /m is I I*Ke TOR n .M N S I N O n K I F Y I N O A N I> 1 N*Aut»fytiuf the #k»n ofVhlliiren and infantai an«1 r n iln c torturing. dUrtgurtnc. itrhinM ecalr L ! hr infancy toold age h l.x .l. With lorn of hair, ° from th«- t v i i e i r .4 K k m k i u i * are infallible. Ct'TH 'i’ HA. the gr> at Skin Cure, and CvTI ----- and 1 1 H l h «> a i -. an eM pil-ue Skin HeauttHer ex .o rn* ." i 1 1 Tu * •** HswoLVBrr. the new l o r .n ò h V ' rm e e re ry form of S.M1 i d s " b o ° " d •»«*»*•*. from pimples to Sold every w hero. C ric «.!’ rT icrm z,40c.; S o a p R *"O LV iupr. «I. 1 Ye pared by the INrrru« Itm ii o i d s i v t i u . C ,, .. B o aro ». M ass . *«-nit for • How to l-ure Ssin i -i trarre." < Baby H • li«,b) i - -k in end Sealp prororv«*! and v a xar ix-suntli-il hy L’ l t i c i k « S o i r * 1” i j * i ^ “ THE ONLY MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. SA R SA P A R IL L A ,^ TELLOW DM1 Io d id e o f I ' o I iimm . It eanw R a tr u x -n * * , Rxi n a m i .. Rot)«, pimeUw. S î L Î 'i f '. ÜJ**- V“ * ^ 1 T u a i P x«S ku.VKV I ’xi*««. Bar ka* hesnd VV eaknroe in c n u A m P A W h A tm L is J. R naUuîAneous paio tubduiiAg pls#u?r. S&o. ' 4 IT Brilliant D urable E con om ical v Are Diamond D yes. They excel all others in Strength, Purity and Fa-tne-s. None others are just as good. Beware of imitation*— they are made of chea;> and inferior materials and give poor, weak, crocky colors. 36 colors , to cents each. Send petal for I>ye R -.k , Sample Card, dir-erinns ter entering I a..«.,, making the finest Ink or Klumg (10 c u a 4«art). ere. Sold by I Xuggi.u or by m e u s . MChAROSOK A CO.. Burlington, ft. For Gliding o r Bronmng F ancy A rticles. USE c a t i i a r n “ **■ “ J — ** B ^ Ï Z Z I Z I '9 DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silver, Bran re. Copper. Only 10 Cents. • * j CURES N euralgia Nervous Prostration COMPOUND^ P R O O FS • • Paine'» CehriVT pound 1 urrd ■» ,,u. sick hradacbr» Mrs. L. A rmmmt San locum*. '•After usin| « tie, of Pame • ^ Compound, »* - ot rheumauMn- S xmi i i South n 1 HvTf Conn»». > “h h«done«*-“ gonl for kidnr) ^ Kidney ,h»n Diseases cm« SAous • • Pxmr’l tel'Wii AMD All Liver Disorders ITtXALL CA****’ ----- J R heum atism