Polk County Observer. I'u til Mini Every Saturday. •‘The town o f Monmouth i. -itimri-l in the center of the rit liest part of polk county, eight mile« south of the county »eat. Dull*.-, and two and one-half mile* we»t of the thriv­ ing town of lndei>endeuc", and contain» a population of over 4m. The location i.» a beautiful one, on a rii h rolling prairie, and for general liuultlifiilne—. the .-it .-is all that c»>uld ho < outer with our eiti/ei - The OaaXKvr.K w ill I«- re i I in every township and ut every |H>sttirtlee in the entire «»mnty, nnd therefore unexcelle i as an udver«i-;n" medium." Personal .41eniton. llarrisop and Morton. Mr-. Cattron is at Portland. Prof. IPslges’ wife arrived from their old home in tile east Tuesday. Mr. Nichols is having his residence nbatly painted. in : h i : v m > h k h e v h o i t s . « OUUESPOMIMM E. Flour lias gone up. The “ Hunters moon.” Heavy frost Wedne-slay niglit. Gak Grove grange mi*i*ts regular. Not mtieh sitting on the porch these evenings. A «w - catin i, il In ru -tlin c ini» -lilic e r » . I l r m i ite m - inni U iiiu c* tu o u r l « tv. lni|ir vt'm«*nt-, eie. lln l i i l N u le -. A few o f our citizeiisarcattcnd fair week. Ib is S E M I-A N N U A L R E P O R T . aid < unity, for what alloxvcO, amount of war* r.i?:** drawn, and atr.• Mint of warrants outMandiiii: and uu|uiid, from the 1st »lay of April 1 V\S t > the d-t day of ScpUMnbor I ssh , both inclusive: No. of Amount Amount Eugeni* ( Iravi s o f Siterai tu, visited Dato. On what account allowed claims o f claims •f warrants bere Satulay. Ilobt. Clow and family liave return­ allowed allow»*» l drawn. Political discus-ions art* frequent ed to their farm near Dallas. Improvements in tiio way o f build­ I, is.ss. Bridges and mads 37 $3872 07 $3388 t .J and w arm tli. se days. Sopt. ing and rvpairing liouscs is lieing 109 |0 Joshua McDaniel, near Dixie, ruis- Puu tiers 37» V> II W e note still the general progre-. Iliade In re. 298 05 251 3 0 J usttin's courts t*d 15,000 bushels of potatiathis year of improvements e very u here. Sheriffs’ f»‘»>s 11*28 50 14 1128 5 " Our notivi* re-ai i*state ageut, C. O. H. F. Sinitli o f L ‘ivisville, was 803 80 8 803 80 Clerk’s fin's The OlisKKV t.K is still increasing Burgi*ss made -ale o f a largo fami ; here on Wendesday. 100 tw km ; o (* klst week. 1 Judges’s fees its subscription. Treiisur»*r’s fins 3 l i t 20 141 2d \ \ . J. Mulkey left for his liottte at The Observer four months for .Vlels. Editor Wasli passi*»! throtigh bere q • > 27 2;l 27 20 Mutton sheep are reported scarce in Tuosday In thè ititi rosts o f 1»is paper. ■•surveyor Olex ’.'* to Polk county. I t u - i n » - - U c n tio n . t; Rumor has lt lliat Geo. Kolty, a 312 oo 342 o ° School supMfintendent Porn in thé wife qfJamea At • Thanksgiving day is but a lew prominent yotmg man o f thls piace, 87 50 » 87 ffl I list rivt Attornej o f Lewisville on the 15tb, inst. a girl 3t. lla y ter dentist, Dallas. weeks off. 45 (Mi 45 0 " w i- marri. d XVedno-dny. W h ih * we Coyote scalps »> Walter ltuble o f Eola, is now a 59 «0 Nies A Smith tire selling out at cost. .5!) (Ml -ineorely la tue that it is thè case, in Enel Some aickness is r. ported m and 543 ini 543 o " 13 ordcr tinta longdi*ceived puhliomay Meridiandiso d o to Henry Patterson forjierftime resident of Pullman, W . T. about Dallas. 281 1> be satislied; we w i11 wait 'tilt ne.\t 281 7!* 14 le gal blanks, printing, etc V». L. V ell», o f lîuena Vista, was Gene llayter for »¿it-ap good«. 825 B» 11. 8-1 ÏU ( irenit court Dallas is going right along in the week to re|»ort it as A fact, if indued, noticed here Wednesday. 18 72 18 7 - it has occurred. 1 •'toi-k insp»n*tor i advance o f improvements. Head our new advertisements this 2 s 1 8 4 IS 2.50 81 Repairs and lalxir li. Alexander is the new postmas­ week. Mrs. L. B. Frazer is at Salem un­ Mrs. Dr. Parrish is at Portland, 82 00 82 00 Itt-aiu* e o m m it m e n t s Ct der care of Dr« Rowland. She is ¡m- The F. M. A. store has new goods. ter of Buena Vista. 2 !7 05 237 < »5 (i Expenses of ex. o f Landri-th attending mechanics fair. »foveil and hopes are that will soon ST 75 I I ! 90 Miss Maggie Butler i» attending 2»> Corner tinniest* For the best bargains in ladles and The MW Side has a new power ie able to return lioiue |M*rmanently 187 SO 20.5 to 70 Jt:dg»*s and »*l»‘rks of«*I»* •tion gents underwear, hats, caps, boots, the mechanics fair this week. cured o f her l u e diwtue. press. Congratulations. A m ’tsofw ir’ tstln* clerk-' of- shoes, line clothing, etc., go to llay- John Wolverton and wife visited 773 70 The trustei*s o f Beiliol school have tlet>not dru iss’dsince Apr I. » tor’s ihtllas. 0 The Oak <;rove school is prospor- iti-t siiown their cntorprisc and in­ Total amount eltiims allow »*d and ilrawn their folks tit Albany this week. #10325 77 7K 1 810325 77 | I | ing under the management ot Nils'5 tis! In the cause they represent by For tint* watch work go to 1'. X. Inten*st, F r in c ip id . Amount o f mik-tamling warrants unpaid Grant at II. B. Patterson's. F. S. Barzoï* and E. S. Cattron Carrie lloyal. ex]H*nd!ng #12») for :*.pj>aratus and 812387 72 < bitsianding unpaid ('»». wawant.- Jlst day Sept, 1 s -S Spectacles properly toeussed and went to Portland Tuesday. The new Baptist church building furniture for tho school. $000 (Ml Estimatml liit«*nMt accrued thereon accurately flttedut Henry Patterson’s. A reunion o f the brothers and Warrants in clerk’s oihe * issued prior t<> Apr. 1. ’38 Jus. K. Sears of McCoy lias been [at Independence is nearing com pie* 54» 50 Every pair warranted. N o tit, no 773 00 tuaik* a notarié public by Gov. I’en- ¡tion. it is tin* iinest of any in our slat» rs o f Mrs. J. H. II , W a r r a n t s in c le r k ’s »»nice i-stnnl -in e e A p r i l I, ’88 sale. was held at her home the 11th inst.: county. $13705 88 1 $000 (Ml noyer. Total amoiflit o f unpaid county w arrants Mr». T. o. Waller, F. V. and Wm. The F. M. A . store have as cheap The putting in of ties on the nar­ Mulkey, J. II. Mulkey and wife, C. Sito o f Oregon, »\mntv nf l ’olk, SS, II. C. Best is painting the scenery line o f general merchandise as can » I. » i. »' mi I, »■„iintv cl.» I, ,,f Mu*. .»ii-.** ■ *f r.i’.k, Stat -o f Oregon. .l»> li»*«*l>y ixrtWV tlmt to he used in !.. \V. Robertson’s ttoÿ row gauge road is up to W hite’s Sta­ A. Boney and wife, 'were present. be found any wheft*. correct >t»tionu*nl *>t tin* luuubtir ;unl miioimt ot clitims uHowwl Their friends wish t^»*in many more ; tI d * forct' »ii»t i s n true tion on this side. The work i- com- such meeting-. Students will remember they ran opera house. l»\ :^C I'ouiit v c 'iirt ui s ti l county, for the "i \ ni*»ntlis ending on the *Ust day ot Scptctn- wet first-class photograph work done I». t i > s_ , ,fl w ha: account the >.ime wen- allowc» 1. an i 11 u* amount ol warm tits drawn, an« l . Koc’ y I). W . Sears, o f the Polk ing this way. th»‘ :mount of warrants outrtandin*;' and unpaid a* tffc same appear upon the records ot ot M. H. Ellis Dallas. D n y ton . There will bo a grand opening at County Lund Company, pa« -d this my othco in I mv my otHeial custody. otnciai custouv. . TE. II ay tor’s is the place to buy all way Tuesday. Witness 4 11, i v han land the Seal of the (Vmnty Court of said county this 1st day of I the Dallas hotel Friday evening Oct. Several houses in town are being i.he latest styles o f dro.-.-* goods; fine <*; ‘ * C. (i. Cowl, cxmnty clerk. Odoljw, 1883 Mr-. A1 Zeiber o f Portland, is vis­ ¿bib. Thi-: hotel is a credit to that city papered ¡uni repaired. iit*»* juct received. ------- :os----- — ' and o f the county. • A groat many from lids pia"»* are jftunfs, oils, varnishes, etc., at iting her daughter here, Mrs. Prof. SEITI-g\.2SnsrTJA.Xj S T A T E M E N T . There is gihtl property in .M o n ­ visitnig*llu* Medianieis fair in Port­ Ofth,* hid >:iut nf money and warrants rt'civcd f«»r taxes, ami money paitl to the county Campbell. \Vatvrliousej. land. trc.i ir. i hv iln l^ rill ot l ’olk county, Orco.m, for the six months ending on the 31st day Attorney Daly w ill htiild him tt mouth, which parties can got reason­ Henry Patterson has just received Vaoination is -till tin* order o f the of SeptcmherdSss. able for business locattons. ft new stock of ail the Pitt st novelties neat oiliee near Dr. Wood’s drug store 1 day and son* arms an* beginning to In the jewelry line. N«> old good- in ! in Dallas. I luring the months o f p a t i : Head the semi-annual statements he considered as nothing unusual. his stork, itroji in and examine 1 > ss. 1 June July Aug. St-pt. .A p ril May Victor Beno o f the firm o f Alexan­ i of our county officers. It show- in J. Muer and family o f Salem, are them. der A Beno, of this piaci* w ho recent­ ' full the financial condition of Folk ^ ___ $l!)l 2 2 #22217 $350 79 .9_*|i)n0 00 #1 ¿in (Ml : In < • >: ii am* <’urri-ney ly sold their stock of merchandise is C'onnoway A Cooper liardwtire now residents o f liai las, and have !county. «so .".•-* ao ii ; on ¿kioi (» i j lu t'»unity Warrmits charge o f the tannery at that place. concluding his business interests nan, Independence. here, ami w ill sum go to Council A young man »if this county was MW .s o .f**7 r»! ti:’ . #23» 42 #222 17 #:g.o 79 $ 10 1:1 00 TotaJ rv'-oivi-1 L. Damon will begin building a Neis A Smith are offering their Bluffs,Iowa, to engage in Musini • taken to Portland on Wodnesdnv )>v goods ¿‘heap. barn on his farm right away. II<* During tin' month* of i» XT**: Tn a'llollllt- |iili»l 1 Rev. A. Willi-on w ho was r'ovnt- 1 SS s Sept. \A dhums, charged 44'ith seil» Aug July April 1 May 1 .filile Go to Vaughns, Dallas the leadingl Is thinking o f using the roofing and Ì»ly appoint»*»l by the Methodist Con ! ing liquor to Indians. 1 jeweler. ! siding o f iron. leromv to this place*, has uniteli with $27«i:u fÄ 1$l'U:t (■«I 1 $'»70080 #■-'.*.! 42 #22317 1$359 79 T.» I'.i’iatv Tr» :»--» : r r Henry Patterson is not behind Lawrence M cXary o f near Eola i On account o f the large mass of tin* Pri sbyterian church, and will lìf Oiv CHI, C.llIDtV of Pulk, ss. with a tine line of jewelry. left for Portland Monday to attend acorns in the oak hills back of town, soon move to liast Portland t» lili St;«*«- I, Iiw S. Sìiiitli, -lnTÌIf»»f-iiil < ■multi, «lo luTclir «•erlliy tl»*t »Lo fon*«»iirig stnfoniont i» tlu* Presbyterian pulpit there the bent - an' reported nmiurous. * Fenton A Truitt have received the law s ool. < onv, : hi I tnt«*, \\ itili- n,v li.imi tlils 1-t «];iv of » ii:tuln*r l«ss. i Polk county seem« t:> !>e $U,Gi58.8-l Ira S. Smith, Sheriffof Polle cptintjr, Tilt* j wo !er Cha«. Pomroy hn their new dress goods and now have W . W . Collins o f Soever, was here; moved into his new shop nn»l has the best assortment in tin* county; ------- :o:— ■— behind, ¡is is shown by the statement just Received a large assortUM*nt of consisting of the newest shades and Monday. He brought his son Joda SENTI-TVTTTTTTA v T j S T A T E M E N T . in this issue. jewelry and eloeks. lie also has a prices to suit every body. [ to attend the Normal. » if .... ..... iti tv tri .i-uriT of I*olk rouiity , » )r roii, t ir tlu* six liiotilh* emlinii oli thè « part oi'his room nicely arratrged anil The republican demonstration at The Farmers Supply Depot Com­ ■iiiviif ■oteiiili;*:' 1-.s. o f nioimy .... itisi :m l |>*iaiped until the Yam- ! civai’s. $1 1711 1!) #1771 CO To uimmiit mi !mml from la-t ivjiort lsss. Goodman A Douty have just re­ lauti iti S.M7 7J Taxe*. The builders seem to be at a loss liill raises and itoata art* enahle.l to | April To «tu mn'.» rivrovil from siluriti ceived, direct from < 'hicago, the finest Rev. II. L. B itnerw ill till his r» g- 11 in ( i r n» . ! 5s get over the liar at its mouth. Tin* Muy „ „ „ line of Cutlery every brought to In­ ! ular appointments next Sunday to g»*t lumber, Tin* mills are rushed delay in shipping is a cause o f much ' .lune yturj . vi nei iv i r>j tia sf dependence. * Don’ t fail to call and : :.t Independence, 11 o'clock Dixie ;i t > their utmost in filling: orders for inconvenience to the farmers and i July 15J tin CS 70 examine the stock. An«. * • ■ the great amount o f builing that warehousin'*!! J1H7 :«) ! o’clock and at Dallas in the evening. School fumi Ang-lO To amount m v iv o l -tate treasurer Thousands o f ladies say it is th»* I is going on in the county, »18 74 111 09 Taxes. Sopt. . Sheriff The small]>ox does not subside. l'i 50 liest they ever used. They mean the ¡ W . L. Reynolds lias commenced IJcetiMe. To anuunit- from ix-tillum im i ferry Work on the new Opi-ra Hou-el . dence o f lion. J. A . Hawd'.v, of delny.but the company now has pro­ all will no doulit recover. Dayton j $30018 50 #1712» io Totals Paints, Oils, Varnishat II. It. Pat­ Bethel was ti family reunion o f ail -till oh-erves n strict »itmrantiiie I ( i»*n«*ral Sehtsil mis • of prompt delivery o f all their ngiest the infected di.-tri»'t and. Mc­ Date terson’s cheap. the brothers and sisters o f Mrs. fumi. fund. Amounts paid out IHSS. material. The building is nearly Minnville. — Bourgeois. No trouble to show you ourgood-— By amount paid out on county warrants * ' :l" • j ehclosed except the roof, and tlie dt*- Shelly A Vaiuluyn. IÍ.U 4 13 „ * hool superintendent.-’ warrants \\ . A. Hollinsworih o f X\ alitila j )ay ^-¡tl, the roof is from Jack o f nia- Airltc. #t«M>7 17 ,, 1 «lance General fund on hauti Fenton «V Truitt have received .1 unction is visiting friends o f Inde- I terial. This building will be an orna­ 900 2(1 Everything very quie: in tiu* city , ,, „ School „ their new stock o f fall gootls, and cull tliis week. 8000 (Ml ,, State lr»*asnr<*rs receipt special attention to their Dress go o d s pendence. II»* passed through our ment to our town and county. 25332 00 ., Cancelled warrants E. C. Hose lias his new wag.»n-s!i»*d department which is the most eom- town Wednesday. « >n the 17th, The Polk County 125 (N) ,, Treasurers’ retvipt plete o f any in the county. Rev. W m . Clyde y de will preach at I Lami Company completed their work j ' " ' ‘ M'k 11 RfH-4 7t ,, S hool superintendent nsvipts our accommodai- ¡ o-h oict in * iin.rii 1 ,• • »• i 1 Lizzie l\ listili, ou E. H ay ter now has the neatest gen- McCoy ........ , on Sabbe - 1St ,u st’ (¡53 79 o f organization and are now prepar- ¡„v stil(i„ n aprnt’ Wf>1 nt to i'ortlaiul » ,, Corrections final setll»*m’t July 1, ’8S oral merchandise store in Polk coun- :nir n,‘1(i <>venin". The sacrement of **d for business. A n y information $30018 »50 *1712»' lrt Totals Monday. Her father lias cltarg»* of| ty and in* will not i>e undersold. Call tin* Lord’s Supper will he adminis- the depot «hiring Iter alisen« •lesired address D. W . Bears, s« »*’y, Stati* o/Ciit'gon, l.-ounty o f Folk, SS. and see for yourself. tertsl during morning service. Ail M jfo y or E. A . Patterstin, president I, Wm. Ellis, do hereby certify flint the fort-going js a true and correct John Franklinbcrry, formerly v Y The straight up-afld-up ston*-keej)- ri*si«lent o f this piai*»*, hut lat<* of 1 itement of th * amounts received, paitl out anti remaining tin hand, in the are cordially invited. Intlependenee, immediate attention ers—Siirllly andvanduyn, IndeiK-n-* Walla Walla, is visiting hi- many county treasury of said county for tin* six months ending on tin* :11st tlay o f H . C. Rowell, o f Bridgeport, met ; given t.il maU»*rs. denee. Sentcinh.'r ’SS. Witne-s mv limiti this 15th «lay of October ’.*+s. friends ¡it tliis place. Wm. Ellis, County Treasurer. Farmers wanting to buy a fall hill with quite a mishap a few days ago, j J. R. Cooper o f Independence, Roht. Wifliiwns, Andy S'‘bring will save money by liuying goods of w hiln drivinc on the reati near 1 >ni- was in town last Safurday looking and others, w ill .-tart for Little Elk Fenton A Truitt, Dallas. 1;1S ln a doK t, irt, the horse lK*eame after the contract ofburning the brick I k xt week on :i two weeks liuntiug » NFXI-XNXTAI« srMMAKV STATEMENT. W e name for you way n<* came I »ate. deuce. Warrants druwu on Co. tn a’y, outstonding unpaid #I2.W7 72 1 SSS iv»|uircd for Ibis block aitine, nnd ; within three hundred yards o f f ’. E. will Dr. Worthington o f Dallas, E. llayter makes a specialty o f I T«i estlm at«! amount of Interest nemM*d thereon (MH) 00 Staat’s house last week mid killed a silks, satins, plushes, velvet- anti in ; -oon remove from that place to Mo«- several gentlemen art-figuring on the Warrants in clerk’s office ¡«»tied prior to April 1, ’ X8 511 50 sheep. Glare, chased him almost fact ail kinds fancy goods. _ Rem-1 ■ w i t w he ill . . . ^ o f ..... «• n n , , i i. . T., X «y where »»««■' * *■ ' w ” ■ ■ ■ locate for • contract. i “ ,. „ after „ 773 W tlifriugii our streets and no one -aw emlH-r that aH tilt- goods da in ii lus stock (h(i ,,f j,¡< pr„f, «¡on. Tht | To Stale* Tax 1914 83 The Normal School was nt Vcr I«'- it, he got one shot at bruno hut :ir«> new n**i\' antftif ¡im AiflH -t styles. slvlis. 1 .. ,, ,, are liest Ttital Liabilities. *10220 71 Dr. has among ........ . Issai ...... .— „ th • Folk county . . Ibre so prosperous as now, and und'*r failtsl to gt t him. Tlie remains of Mrs. K elley were Date. A ll orders sent fenton A Truitt h> p,,()pj(, f«,r a long time, and the many ! »j,e present faculty of able teach rs Resources. Amount. mail w ill receive prompt and cart friends he has matle anti his succe -s- it w ill continue so.* Every Week i- laid to rc»t in tin* English cemetery 1838 By fnntl- in liaini- «if «u n ity treasurer appll'iihle tt> tin* attention; goods sent by return mail. last Friday, the ftiperal servie«*« $1907 17 payment ofeounty w arnmts. ful practice w ill lx* missed by all. a large number o f students entering, were conduct«! by Rev. F. Holman. Wood taken in exchange for gotsl- 2044 70 Total o f ‘delinquent tax roll $15(1«» 08, estimated value J. E. Tate, o f I’ennsylvania, is here and the attendance is mudi larger Our K-hookis runing along sniootli- $1561 87 at the Farmers Supply depot. Total Resources, Iv under the care o f Miss Adna Eb- this week completing arrangement- than any former year. lt don’t make any difference, it is bi ¡t. hotel. It is intend«! to J. D. Irvir.e Indi-pendtat«-. *' a fact : you can get the lx*st goods, anti *° lass house. Every town ix*st baogain nt VmiKhan D o u ty . at the * liest at Z. 7. F. Vaughn'- !»* a fir-t-ela« IHormnl Note*. 44 . II- <'lnirc«*U. A m it y * neeti- a gtsxl hotel, anti none more I hilas. The following partiesontor«l Mon­ 12:10 p. m., Wt*Im-day, Oct. .ft Miss Maddtix is tcacldng music ¡it A t 2 o’clock. Wednesday, Oct. 17, Stuh-nts in want o f anything in than Monmouth. The opening Is a Dallas. day: Clara Riddle , Douglas county; 1888, in tlie Freshyterian church ¡ I «ss, at the residents* tif the bride's one, and w ecaw la evitieat. the Dry gotsls linos, will save money Mr. fro-ley, fir* ply »¡ogre liar, lin- Joseph Collins nnd Frank Montgom­ at Independence, Hit-hard F. \\ ells 1 pun-nts in Independence, Mr. J. W . by laiying of Fenton A'l^uitt, Dalla- As a rule very rich nv*n are not i he? his work here to-morrow. A ll ery, Polk county; Mr. Dorman of was unitoti in marriage to Miss Hat­ Vaughan anti Miss Minnie Douty ilrs.^nRansieurGity Bazaar those who builtl up a community, - tan« well plen# d^vith his picture«. ( 1 matilla county, an«l John and tie flagget, in the presence o f a large were united in marriage by Re\\ J. Independence, has a nice lot A single business man full o f life ami Our milliner is now ready to H'atry CVaig, ofMarion county, 'i’wti assemblage. After the ceremony, XV. Osixirne. They will commence ■of ladles muslin untlerw t ar, hosiery, a n d enterprise, w ho is not afraid to [ pl«w eyou with a new hat. gloves, mite, collars, cuffs; gents neck ..... . • < On 1, , C Sunday l i n , ] . « «• l last, o u t t nt i t t two U / I o’doek at ladies from ( > kh county cnterwl I ’ri- which was impressively perform «! hounekis'plng on their return from wear, munlkcrchiffs. sticks; also, -til- pfik anil tidk -t*n.«e and know - how the n -Men'** of the brides parents, day. by Itov. E. it. Murgatroyd, the Fortiniid. Both tht* contracting par­ tlonery, htmks, croquet sets, notion* to advertise, is worth any dozen >fr, Charlie Dancer unti Mi«< Hr.ice Mr . Fi*if. Htsig - arrived from happy pair repaired totheCity Hotel, ties «re well known, anti have a host advantage Huffman were u n it«! in tin* holv I n S X w h ^ . Cal1 be. M. and hi- family occupy E. C. I ’ent* tions «if frit m l* and were serenaded piness io w hich mortals are heir. Doty t)ffi«iatlng. Tli<* Is-t wialies their values. I by th»* «»m e t hauti. Dinner was W h e a t a ftooff P rice. o f many friends attend them thrtiugh lantl’s bf»u«e. life. All parties in»let>ted to the F. M. A. Store Prof. Hull, o f Corvallis, «1« liven d served at 1:30, about fifty guests fee­ Oakdale. Zona. •.arc re<|uest«-l to *«atle tlieir a»r«»tints imm«*- The public school n*op'*nt*l this a lt*etiiro at the ciiapel on Friday ing present. Mr. and '1rs. Wells an* fn*';u«ait Sclnxil opened this wtek under the 'tiately. Wheat i- a p»««i price ami there i? Prohibition rally’s (MbntLiy) morning with fifty-eight took theaftomoon train for Fort land, management o f J. E. McFarland. Do exeo«e for yon t«» »»day «x-ttU-ment. evening. her»'. pupils «’*nmllt*l. Every thing bif our citizens fair for a proBfieroos sclio«»l. Mrs. A l. Zeiber. o f Portland, Mr«. yet di-|*»sed o f this crop. have attend«*! the meclmnies fair. F. S. Bungee and Mrs. I’ . L, fnrnp- A large amount o f 4v«xxl is being The min ha« started tiro summer- Tht* rent irk* o f General Harrison hauled to Dallas. IsJI, «if Monmouth, Mrs. Arnold, o f fellow to growing nicely. A larg»* Boys and Girls to buy School Btstks r.< reage will be sown h**re. Farmington, W . T., and Mr. Bnrzee, to his lri«h fellow citizens have won Tin* Sunday-School elected officers Anv- on«* having f«**! they want at < han I ness’ Independence. from near Stay ton, attended ehap«*l him many additional friends anti last Stmt lay. ly to tin it Wm. Clyde preached here last chopped will I find t me ready t«i quickest excreisos Thursday. Mip|iorters among that m «*. They for them in the lient ant I 1 .‘1 Otir deiiatlng society ha* reorgan- Sunday. ' shape, Come before tile mill «hut Student? when in want o f goods of know h<* ne nns what he says. Gen. iz«s| for the winter. It will be a E. C. Pentland vi.-iit*! tin* school down.— Frank Collins, Monmouth, any kind, go to Fenton A Truitt’«. source o f plea-tire to many. I end isn’t any other sort «if man. A fre *h supply o f groceries « t i . D. • Oregt at. on Thur««litv. j D o Nini an & Douty, IntlejH ndciicc. Irvin t’ ft 20 W A N T E D . 5000. Chopping! Chopping!!