• o mean.” In thi* regard the school teacher has a certain responsibility ----------- for hin scholar«. There arc few uc- C. C. DOUGHTY, Puhlisher tions in a hoy’ s life more important than tin; choosing o f hi« friend.«; yt t Subscription Hair«. this choice is too often left to the de­ cision o f elreninstances, or to the - IVr Y «Jr. >1 (SO IVr Mix Moniti». I pleasant preferences o f the liour. 1 he 75 Per Fuur Months. so I school teacher, from the standpoint Advertising rat«* made known oil a|>i>li- o f life, ought to la* able to show his cation. Corre«|iondeiiee is solicited from all friend* I scholars how to choose their friends* of the paper. and he should be able, also, to coun- ' Momiioatli, Oregon, Sept. 15. 1SSS. .««•1 them in the duties und resposibil- ! ities o f friendship. The things taught I in the lesson hour may be soon for- j gotten; but i f a teacher succeeds in | building up about hi« scholars a pre­ 5 0 C T S serving wall o f friendship, he w ill or Four Months. j have supplied them with an Influ- Republican National Tickst. l enei* which may go on forever shap­ ing their lives for good._____ Fur President, ( Yidcr brothers o f Dallas have 20,- 000 shakes for sale cheap.____________ Polk County Observer. THE OBSERVER FOR f B E N J A M IN HAHRIMON, o f Indiana. For Vice President, LE V I I*. MOUTON*, o f New York. For Presidential Elector*, ROBERT M< I.FAN, W.w. KAPI'S, C. W. FULTON*. Platform : Ihrotectinn o f . I merintn fiuhtntrii*, American I fouir* for War kitty nun. O Motto for transparencies: “ Cleve­ land’s Ijetter o f Acceptance, Check o f $10,000 to the Democratic National < *om in it toe.” Harrison’s letter o f acceptance is a thoughtful, plain and manly paper. It isfli striokiiig contrast with the turgid style and common-phut* plati­ tudes o f Cleveland’s letter. W hile the latter must have made the aver­ age democrat fool tired, the former will give itsauthor additional streng­ th witli his party, and inspire the Confidence and win the support o f thousand.« o f thoughtful penpleevory- where, who think more o f the pro. gress and prosperity o f this country anti the welfare o f our own citizens, than the success o f ¡my political party Thesurvey o f u rudromi frotn As- toriti to Allm ny Oregon wus coni- meiicctl ut thè formi fteity a few dny~ ago. The eomptiny intends to push this line through as rapidly tts possi- bh* and it Itould liave thè good w ill and eneouragement o f thè people of thè valley. The line w ill he built soutli along thè coust, top thè Neha- lem valley unti come out by Tilla- uiook, whieh is nearly on a direct line iK'tween Astori»! and Alliuny. Considering tht* wenlthy country this rotul w ill develop and thè great ad- vantage It w ill !*■ tu thè producers of this valley, it is thè most importunt line that l»jts bc n projeetisl in lite State. W hen we consider the patronage o f this great office, the allurements o f power, the temptation to retain pul»- lie i,In, , ' .......... ...................... . than ..... lie ............. and more all, the availability a party finds in till incumbent hum a horde ofoffieo- • ''.holders, with a lea l lxtrn o f benefits p'k'ttlved anti fosteretl by tln^hu|M'of ^ favors y e t to eotne, stand ready to aid with money and trained political service, w e recognize In the elig ib il­ ity o f the President for rc-olivtion a most serious danger to that ealm .de- liltendeand intelligent nction wliieli must diuruetorizo a government by tlie people. From President Cleve- land’s letter y f aeerpfanre, August is, 1884. This snme I’resident Cleveland bits eontriluited $I u , ihmi (dr eampaigu pur- poses. The Supreme Court ( ter a0il Report«1:-. A correspondent from Salem tq^hc Oregonian on the question o f the Su­ preme Court ( lerk and Reporter (ire- sent« certain facts touching that office that are food for thought for the tax­ payer. The office ¡« the best paid for the I. 0 t work o f any in the State. L ik e in California and all the other states the office should I k * elective', the 1 lieu in In-nt should lx* a man whom the people select and not the Judges o f the court and he should lie a man who w ill devote histim eto the office. Let one o f our men titers present a bill to the next Legislature making the office elective every four years by the votes o f the stifte and meantime a clerk be elected by the present legis­ lature to hold office until his succes­ sor is elected and qualified. Th e pa­ lters throughout the State ip v in g the interests o f the people nt heart should discuss this question and ventilate it thoroughly to the end that the needed reform be accomplished. The start- ling fact is di cle «1 by tiie Oreyon that tqore *1 than noi corre ...... undent -a....* *’■"* "*' SMMio per anmim is realized from the office, a .«uni $12000 in success o f the gro«s salary o f the three .Supreme Ju dges. Let the overburdened tax­ payer he relieved from the ineumbus and mark our word the man who en­ gineers a Itili through the Legislature m aking the office a salaried one at $2i«io per annum and g iv in g the peo- l»Ie a say as to the man they want w ill receive the lastitig gratitude o f all. W A N T E D , ..... Th e h*tt«‘r o f nctvptatuv o fG ro vo r Ulevt'land lut.« I k ' cii ¡««nod. A fter rain|illni(>ntiug Hit* Ancrienu | mh >|> lt- upon tin* fact that they have a very gtssl governumiit, anil explaining what a big thing the office o f presi­ dent i.«, lie writes a long democratic free trade etlitorial -not «,> able an editorial its those o f Henry Wattt'r- aon, George Jone«, Henry George anti other« but «till a very fair arti­ cle for one o f tbe president's experi­ ence in sueli matter«, lit* argues from the iv«.«umption that the sur­ plus 1« # 1.10,000,000, when the fact is. as told by hi« hitvd men, that when the hills are paid it w ill ltc only about #26,000,1» ni . He rt>|>cuts the argom eots o f his mes-nge for “ tariff reform ,” anti «till ttukes the state­ ment that “ W e hav»' eoteretl ti|M>n no crusade o f free trade.” There is nothing new or original in the letter. H e wants “ vindication” for hi« at­ tempt to inaugurate a righteous and hcncflt'lal reform. H e w ill Is* "vitt- mpanions have much to tlo with makingone's moral atmosphere. Perhaps more young livi'« are ruintsl thmugh the corruption w hieh come« from e v il coiti|Mtnionship, than from any other external ean«e. "G o with the wolves,” says a Spanish proverb, and yon w ill learn to how I.” ” tio with mean |ieopl»'," says an F.iiglNh by-word, "and you w ill find life 1*01.1, TAX. AdiaiuNtratorx Notici'. Iti thcC otinty Court o f thè State o f (»regoli for Folk county. In re t -tate o f I ’. W. Pra- ther. late o f-a i'l county. dtvensod, notiee is hcrchy giveti t > all whom it may concerti that I bave Ibis day I h i 'II appointdl by Iloti. Jonathan s'toutT* r. County Jtidge, o f i iid county, iidmiiii-irator o f thè estate o f P. W Prathcr, late o f- a id county. dcecasod. All persoti« holding claitnsagallisi -aid estate are requitt' 11" pH'scn tlicin t > m e dulv verified witliiu -i\ iiiotith* Irom (Ulto and all |«T- soti« indchted thert'to » i l i plea.se make ini- iiKsliitte paymcnt. Dateti Sopì. It. 1««,«. .1 .1 l'ale, 'I N. Prathcr. Attv forestale. MOXMO l ’ / ’/ / , OR EG OX. Open* September loth. T .Y lW s a general hanking business. Might Prnth, on N c » York. Sin Ftun.-i < > or Port­ land. IV|»tsit* m i'iv « «l subject to check or on certi tit ate» o f (leixisit. ( ’olh**tioiis » i l l receive prompt attenti m. O ffiiv hours ,« a. in. lo o p . m. nt. Hatis Itorglar B 1011 J Safe, se­ Bale Lock. cured hg Physician and Surgeon, Office Main Mt., next to Vaughn’*, Dallas, Or Ill re estati.' o f IIom ce the estate o f Nelann Nealv, »1 a~*l, by virtue (j/ the power o f nule in «aiti decedent* last w ill and testament t .-wit: The donation land claim o f H. S. N. aly in section- 21 and 22 township !) S R a D A L L A S , OREGON. west o f the W illam ette Meridian ; also, lots No - t uml ft in said -ce. No. 22 in said to w n ­ W ill praetjee in all the courts o f the State. ship and range; also that other tract o fla n d Office in Court House. beginning at the south-west com er o f dona­ tion latnt claim. No lit) Iteing the D L claim o f Fatti lltlteriirand in said township and range, thence (list 20.50 ehs, thence north O. 50 ( hs, thence south 51°, west 31.50 chs, thence south g.’t.su> elis, to place o f beginning and containing in all 207 acres more or less. Term o f sale cash in hand. DRY GOODS AT COST. A tto rn e y at Law, & Vernon, B a ste* g ^ »N o w is your chance to gat great Im&nin.«, in out Dry Goods, l aney Goods, Notions, n o th in g , Boots and Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Crockery and (flasswure, departments, etv. Awa Former Offers Fade Away In Oblivion. Lyman Damon, John J. Daly, * A tty for executor. Executor. t>-5t Druggists and Apotheca^es. o The Yaquina Route. D rugs. Paint«, oils. Ola-s and all o ftc r.V r tides kept in a first-class drug store. ( Tin Itinrhnals arc n it running at jiresc.it on account of law stage nf water.) N O R T H BOUND. la ave Corvallis Mon. W ed. and Fri. 10:35am “ R ay’s L n ’g l ue. Tltu und Sat 9:50 a in “ Ftliqiiartx “ “ “ “ tl:40am A rriv e Portland “ “ n “ 3:30 a m SO U TH BOUND. Leave Portland Mon W edund Fri 8:00am “ These goods must bo sold. Ä airW e aro goin g to doso out our stock, ami parties noeding anything in our line w ill find it to their advantage to t^ll and see us. Prescription'! Carefully Compounded. Oregon Facific Railroad. And Oregon Development Company’s steamship line 225 miles shorter, 20 hours less tim e than by any other route. First class through pa-«etigcr and freight line from Portland und all |Miints in the Willam ette r.e*~.v!sn Dealers in Reed it Barton’s Sil­ valley to am! from Man Francisco. ver and Fluted Ware. Jewelry, J/usicul In ­ W illam ette river line o f steamers. T h e W in . M. Hoag, the N. M. Bentley, the struments o f all kinds. Three Sisters arc in service for Is ith passen­ ger and freight trinile between Corvallis and Independence. Brick Block, Portland and intermediate (Kiints, leaving 0 Corvullls, and Messrs H illm an A C o - wharf. 200 and 202 Front street, Portland, three times each week a« follows: James Goods will be Sold Cheap. lé^-Rember the place, corner brick store, NIKS & S M IT H ,* « Oregon. Dallas, Tatom . $pal Estate and Insurance Agent Monmouth, Oi’sgon. FulquarM ................... “ 1W5 p m “ Ray's D i g .......................... 2:15 pm A rriv e Corvallis Tiles Thu “ Mat 4:20pm Boats make close conneetion at Alhattv with tra in s o fth e Oregon Paeilie railroad. 3ST. ZEE. SHELLEY & VANDUYN, B U T L E R , li.U L V PASsr.-VOEK T it I I NS— EXCEPT SUN LA YS . Druggist and Apothecary. [wave Yaquina 0:45 a m J . “ Corvallis 10:35 a lit • A rr Albany 11:10 a lit I Leao* Albany , 1.00 . I» ' " l < 'orvallis Y: HI )( m ■ A rr Ytu]uina 5:30 p m ) Head Quarters fo r General Merchandise, — Dealer ill— ntgs, Chemicals, Books, Stationery,Toilet "articles, etc. a O. A*. C. train* t-mnect at Albany ami Cor­ vallis The «b ove traili- eotuteet ut Yw|uitia with the Oregon Development C om pany'« j* r & r i p i i t m . Cart'fully Compounded. lute " ! - * l- ; » letv.'.t:! A .. ,*a:aa at.d . San Frnnciseo. A II.IN 't. D ATES FROM Y A Q U IN A . , - - - W illam ette Valley Friday, Sept., 7th I W illam ette V alley W ed m -dav „ 19th FROM S A N FRANCISCO . W illam ette Valley Saturday Sept., 1st W illam ette Valley Thursday ,, l.’itli W illam ette Valley Tuesday, " 25th Oregon State Normal School. This company reserves the right to change -ailing > O without iee N It— Passengers from Portland and nil FULL FACULTY, W illam ette Valley |(oints ran m ake close GOOD BUILDINGS, connection with the tr a in s o fth e Yaquina route at Albany or Corvallis, and i f destined LIGHT EXPENSES. to San Francisco should arrange to arrive at Yaquina the evening before sailing. Passenger and freight rates always the lo w ­ est. For information apply to C. e . H O O U E , Acting general freight and passenger agent Oregon Pacific railroad Co.. Corvallis, Or. C II H A S W E L L . lit iterai freight mid passenger agent A ll Normal Graduates receive a Diplonu* Oregon Development Co., 204 M ont street, from the State which authorizes them to Sun Francisco. teach in any public school in the State, t ithet States grant teachers’ ccrtilicatcs on presenta­ tion o f these Norm al Diplomas, without e x ­ amination. D Monmouth BUY tOUll GROCERIES AT J. W ATERHOUSES. -Carries at all times a fresh and c niplete stock of groeeties.---- Normal, Collegiate, and Commsroia! Departments Vaughn & H i!lard. GENERAL BLACKSMiTHING. AND c h e a p tetTA Spt'eialtv.'vJa of Study, —Completed in a— ¿Time. .S u d fur t'iitalogne. Address the President D. T. M t a . n l x y , .Vonniutith, Oregon. D. Warren, W a rre n N ail« ill ct« j» r pound and higher. Ro|>e 16} ets | ht pound and higher. O llartlwtire, lunioer, shingles, tiHtls, «ash, doors, mouldings, etc. Wovt n m in and spiral spring matresses. F A N C Y W IR E FENCE. Oregon. Farm ers M ercantile Association, In General Merchandise. Bed Rock Prices, Best Grade of Goods, And Fair Dealing Is Our Motto. J. K. Jcrntan, & Jerm an, -All kinds of produce taken in exchange for gooda.- General OREOOS- M O X M O U T H ., Blacksmiths and Horseshoers. Amunition and fishing tackle. W all paper and w indow shad«'». Rinl cjige«, brackets and mirrors. Agricultural Implements ami Furniture. Wood Work a Specialty. frqf \N Idle w e tht:nk you for past favors we sisk a continuance o f vour patnmage.* ¡-a Farm ers Supply Depot Co., OEDEO-OLST- Y o u r patronage is soli Monmouth, , V full line o f Tlm varo Correspondingly. V Hood Line o f every deseription, as cheap as the cheapest. (till mid see him. DEALERS Mhop opposite livery stable, at the foundry Independence. Cook stoves ftirnisht'd #15 anti higher. Milk pans 12} ets and higher. Milk ¡mils .Vi ets anti higher. Stove polish 5 ct« and higher. f O cited, per week. Practical Courss New Goods--New Prices. N O T IO N S ! N O T IO N S ! ! Lrviisra-. r-iTG o nl table hoard is furnished to stu­ dents at the "N orm al P in in g H a ll" at $1.5C I M r WMk. Good bosidiac In flunflta with t 0 1 'slicd room, fuel and lights, fd.UU to #.'1.5( Horse-Shoeing’ Oregon. Independence Oregon. Short T v IO lS r A Æ O X J T I- î, Surprising Cash Bargains. H i l a b i n l i l i * Nniicc. Adndni-lrutor. Polk ( ’ountv Bank. • . Rovs and « i r i s to buy School Rooks * at Chatline««’ Independence.__ A dvice from (¡rant county report i that Lake Malheur, a body o f water that covers more titan 75 square miles and lias bean without outlet, is rushing through a subterranean pas­ sage with a great roar. Th e noise is so loud and the shrinkage o f water so great a*» to attract much attention. It is said that miles o f (brm erly sub­ merged land are now visible. Th e at*, omit is meager. The lal- s" rv< >' further s,,ut1*’ The poli tax fnr thè town o f Moiiniouth is n o » due «e tile ami save costs. A. N. 1 Ini - leck, m anlm ll. C. E. W orth in gton . CO O PER Farm Machinery# & COM AW AY, —DEALERS IN — All charge* rcnaonaltle. Give u* a call. MONMOUTH. « »RKGON. Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. "A gen t« for Kapp, Burrell A Uo. Independence, Ore»>n.