Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, June 16, 1888, Image 1

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v o l
C o u n ty
O bserver .
M O N M O U T H , I’ O I . K C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , S A '
. i.
A T U R D A Y , J U N E 23, 1888.
Lott* made ««.'•. OUU tbl» season
Mrs U R Grunt is at work upon her rem
c with «Ail'MonnK Hand draw* ill lastly
covering u[iun I JufcJ ciiiu race,
m mill ra»-* » Hereon no looifet we
The w ife of Muukacsy. the artist, will soon
h i m wuamp il ufe • lone pain e u tracat
visit America.
- immi with ■ oniII white 1*11 doth rude
«aii.leneil earth on wbueo broad mot be*
Mrs Uladstone employs boinoepathlc phy­
sicians and remeilies
eariiMHi ,’hll.lren pal* and «Icily eyed.
Mrs Harriet Beecher Stowe walks from
>P penciling by llpa of mourning prnamd.
five to seven milts a day
«pent day lytn* III* a wounded niau.
Mrs Lillie Ikevereaux Blake thinks womei
w« ni> ia«t tailored breath and «nlleo night
would make good soldiers.
rouetuy linnet* ’11111 from tlie held, hla spaa
The widow of the late Chief Justice W aite
life run out. untile*! by one delight
will live in Cincinnati with her son.
poor 1 ’ay poor Karth my heart alas'
like to noth Vet thouicti therein were bora
Julia Colville, of Belgium, is soon to be
jl bud* of youth aud bop«, to rade and 1»*«.
- y there uol break tor them a elad.ler mcrol brought out us a rival to Josef Hofmann.
—iloKUm 1 'rauM.ript.
M ine Durand iHenry Grevillei is squat,
ha£ an almost clumsy luce, and is clumsy.
Varnlalt fur lu r k e y l.i-e».
ben the average bounelmlder or bis rook,
procestl* to the Carla market* Tor ilo
JO provander 1* off ere, I emlialnied iceese,
keya with painted legs, and diseased
-ken*. Instead of healthy and untainted
[try. It 1» time fnr the police to interfere,
the inlere*t of the public. Recent re-
cbe* haveahown that a considerable trails
[ done in diseased fow l in all the C am
he practice o f embalming fowl or dressing
long demised bird* so a* to make them
k fresh is of com pm atively modern origin,
lt that of painting the leg« of turkeys 1» as
a* the days of Rrtvat d Anglemout. The
t (lerson in the field in this department of
ustry m u a Cere Chapellier. who made a
le T o rln © out of It
lie noticed that the
of turkeys were brilliantly black for one
after they bad tieen killed, and that then
y liecame of a dusky tirowc(Jolor
ordm gly Invented a peculiar kind of
-nsh, the secreQ oP w h ieb he sold with
tit on retiring from business, and with
be touched up the legs of the birds which
mined unsold for any oonslilerable penoo
tim e His services were requisitioned in
ry market, and the effect o f his varnish
so conclusive that it deceived the most
rieueed cooks and housekeepers, who
n bought painted turkeys In preference
birds of the same species which had tieen
wly killtsL It would tie well if the |ioultry
veyors bf the preHent day confined them
to this com paratively pious fraud.-
-is Cor Londou Telegraph.
Personal M sguetU &
XV hat
'X m T an ' jieopla,” said En
•A great many
bbott. “ agree withQtossinl that orvi,
m I s but tlu-ee things— voice and voiré
ice. My experience haa taught me tha
>me a successful ojiera singer one i
vo much more than voli-e. though tha
urse. Is the llrst requisite. For I list»
must have magnetism, a splendid
ue, dramatic power, the artistic seiis
rawing [lower.”
“ What is magnetism»" I asked.
‘ It cannot lie defined In words anv
n drawintL power can he. lt is a
lug that soQ- ttffiple have and some
EunWou, you know, ea
jliversality o f soul, hut to the p er»
: uot know what magnetism is uni
y o f soul is Just as meuuuigleKS. and
kiii who does know what uuiversa
ol means no definition of magnet
leiL Some say earnestness o f |
kestbe speaker or the singer me
nietimes it does and sometime« it d
think. perhaps, the besQdou o f mag
ay be hud by applying to art the o
g that the world loves a lover
If a
Ily loves hi* work, whatever It ma
ill do It in a magnetic manner, and i
speaker, or an actor, or a singer.
~n be likely, if not indeed certain,
at quality calle\/rawing power—th
draw people to nee him or to bear I
enjoy him ."—Chicago Times.
1 ‘ residoiit Eliot, of
Harvard, says that
women should uever lecture to young m en
I o u l w d . r a i . s o l d i e r « Ifo a u iin a a t IX III la
t h e V i l l a g e ut t l e | f v . b i . r g .
When the streets of Gettysburg hail tieen
deerwi of all armed bod, s of Union sol
dient, tile Confederates beg^n to roam about
at will, sightseeing and foraging. A t «
bouse, closely l ai red, a party of theay
pendent« halted and tiegan to n r '
Unseen from the street the I'
watching troni an upper
. ’ 1...11
he hearti his name usisi >j
usine, y
eraouious. The door
aud one of th eC ’.y» ut In.l'.rack,
man. amused U . i... «. «1
m nrJorprn
out, " 1 > ■
“ Wouilei
he hogi
, ■ *
; Cjiji > h Uff u r u u c u tu U 1 SUAI AbMJIHCJ
H. H. Wjwenthal, whose connection
with the Little Pete bribery case will
lie well rememberer. The association
has appointed a committee to prose­
cute him iu the Mupreme Couit.
“ 18 heny City, Penr,., shot his wife in the
A former employe of the California
I sms C »d -*A hy
y water , hack and then shot himself in the
Southern railroad named Long was
Tbs annual !<»■ to p r o d u c t ® . v,u iu, head.
Death was instantaneous in caught in the act of misplacing a
the Unlteil States csu«e«l by " .
both casts. The cause of the tragedy switch in the yards at National City,
mateil at ♦l.’ki.ouo.ouo H erj n f “h e o th e r
was jealousy.
Cal., aud arrested. It is claimed he
between man and another •wdi ly s iz z in g
Fire in the medical department of was trying to wreck a train in revenge
piers. They are smaller b t ^ «,.
os have andoulitshly a* g i^ * n n e u ‘ in a the university at Philadelphia, de­ for being dischaiged.
world as we have
Asrtytjtl be heard stroyed many valuable pathologal
A boiler in the works of the Sacra­
new insects make the !r , w wt,j]
The specimens, wax models and delicate mento (Cal.) Woo) Pullery exploded
ing sometime« east w ant
instruments, which will he difficult to wjlj 1 terrjfic force. The building was
ward There are few if
replace. Loss to building onlo $10,- a wooden structure, was 32x40 feet iu
tlon that have no [ « r a * i ~
foliage or fru it The lit” tiwnerrllip in 000.
dimensions, and was literally blown to
is estimateli et • I V O » <M
While the officers were all at dinner pieces.
The men being at dinner,
to the apple 1-rop ia uut in
thieves kicked in a window of the 'here was no loss of life.
tbe potato crop at least f men, one Of
Pratt County Bank, at Pratt, Kas ,
Globe Democrat.
been stolen
H. 8 . Wheeler, recently employed
and got away with $4,016, all in cur­
—«e^jfore. At the rency. Precaution had been taken to by the government in the construc­
tion of lighthouses on the Oregon
The lofty cypreaa his old master partly turn the combination of the
coast, dropped dead of heart disease
Wt d, opencil the safe.
at Alameda, Cal. Deceased who was
om night in ma yuuug r ^
William Kern ¡«ton, an old fanner ....................... .
a mem tier of tbe Masonic order, is
W . y i ^ I T where L i l l i n g the ques-
u ^en ^Q m m h y.
^ ' ¿ ^ y e a r . o f age, .nd a widower.
Miami chief, gathered ' f
The p*»r tree* pla.
Governor Kndicott. oh
Governor N tu yvn ant ^ c a n ie
than 'MU year* aga
, , .
^ •nous freak. It
'liilircn a great
1 playing on the
e of them leave#
5at will jump up,
g« and «trike the
rith it« fore paw«.
The black walnut tr
•ha Hwlaon. at whn
i his forces at m>
aouaaaful attaok
* .1
qI,ite a
The murderer was captured after a
desperate fight, during which he re­
ceived a severe scalp wound from a
shot fired by A. H. Kenniston, his
victim’s son.
A terrible tragedy is reported from
Osceola, Ark. A widow named Allen
was ravished and murdered, and her
16 year-old boy and 10 -year-old girl
were fatally injured, by four mis­
creants. Four young white farmers
who attended a dance in the neigb-
liorhood Saturday night have been ar-
, rested on suspicion.
Saving the cream daily until enough
ij),r a churning haa accumulated ©
j wrong
The best butter is made from
1 origin that lias been recently removed
from the milk.
A g Hxi i!©d ia said about the “ dairy
, of To©hy, fell hom form” of the cow. But it nn^t not ho
hich he ©is w i(fnng, taken for granted that every aagular
ue of his ribs.
, cow is u good milker, and every smooth,
•, *L Sublimity, scQ a straigh¿lined cow a poor one.
^ n e© > and while ex-
After the hen is set atid process of
rTli&i to a fiiend lost ; incubation bftgun, it ia i9sir© ’le that
l O b f ) its unexpected uolliiOAdisturb thiOhen. Every pre-
oautioii shoukUre taken t£ kr> her
'0 k, i
8 . © p ttn in en t citizen setting
“ steadily
* J1 ......
- tim oTfl the eggs
V \ C liV fd
?re in- to liQtch.
Mun C°ilep-ladd’^
.’u cortlO'g to sogie experiments re­
qpt $H$R’ 9'd 4 t> re- cently made ¡0 Holland, cattle fed oil
li$y i i t h oilier fooibincreipiQd in live
fXEfciaCjiici commerce 9 eight more than tlmsO fed with en-
of the bill Ci P sfluge. but tlyjt*: fed with an iMfle
iliR k u cion of rjilS ijd gC\t) more and heOter^uittig
Poor, sCndy soil slPuld not he left 0
ri^>r iînd C'tctr-
uncultivated. Carefully prdjiare the
) ÇflfQkrQin^l of UiO re- land, sow to buckwheat, and ploiP the
. 'St5|,l3'ii QinC>‘l of buckwheat untfer when the crop is iu
' a ' ii G injured in Qie blossom. In this way the lanfl ¡flay
^ QUI) on Shft moun (Oui giSdually he mtde productive.
A few sflilkes around a young tree,
tfith barbed wire wrapped arognd the
ifll Oija € &1Z lid in j
& dl protect trees from amnia!}
OIÜ0, i©CJCxl 3>>1 fell 'GLth this method fruit trees may he
|a9. injurttiSJi him ©
planned jji a field given up to stock.
Pyrethrum or buluieh will kill the
libaci' c ident.
apple tree flk"'ins.
\\Qih a bellows
C. WurriCOr, of blow the powder into the nests (or
lÿitli gir epileptic flVbi} after four o’clock iu tiiQ after­
0 i ’£Pd, in îr Lebanon, noon— the Diter the better— for the
I ^ ov Â' ih I until nearly florins will then he in the nest -0 The
UTR ¿iattiTSflrd. He
po<Nfrr will kdl them instantly.
jJCM' 18 lionie ¿n Salem to
4 ’ig pens should uot be in the same
loeatiwn every sesson.
By having
ffitiflSfr 0 £jll>on-DeejR*r them niiOahle much valuable manure
T.'.dd iße ncOie of his can be fecu red Iflm the saturated
ÜwiiCO, Hi 2 note amt) earth around the old sites, while t%!
ÜQ lliOu left tjlj' toÿii change to fresh places will greatly
ÇJX0. °EbiC ci G h tors arO proOioQj cfrjanlinc*.« and health.
lt is not bt4?t in planting} yoiflig or­
C5> < O d i him and bring
J n o b ili 13 proÿicuted chards to trust to labels or to rflemory.
Both may fail. The oifry sure way to
JTì. J ÿ iîD O Indilli, ran kliow wliat trees are planted is to
JnOätr Ci.iidOn nQmed make a record at the time of laying
pursued and tfro orchard out in a map and mark­
(ÿnd at once ing on th »0 each variety.
Lane wit£
In multiplying very scarce and gear
DC o^i®12
3 V Oli za Hak> (Heece varieties of potatoes, gardeners plaift
^ f e ö nee, but0 tired of the eyes in ii^i beds^arly, placing in
out with Mia» rich soil, and from each e9e will get
several plants. These may be set out°
fltC bidd^jff for the in the open ground, and cultivAz tl
Joseph haa the same as potatoes planted in tl e
0 3 the county building usual way.
fa i yCtra providing the
There are a good many cattle c o m ­
JTyhii<>there, wiyilo En- ing out of thffir barns flnd stables this
spring} with the hair ruh^d off in
Sie Cimo oiltT
4ime places.
Whether it be barn
IW & lile riding near itch, or some other minute par.Qnie,
sQuÇited by a man who the old fashioned cure is ths best :
n h horse, and with his Hulpher and lard well applied.
, ^ ’ t demanded
that he knocks all of them.
m him the horse.
If a sum pig of sweet cream is di­
t th’Qlght it waiPsome vided, and both parts are kept at a
hut when he insisted favorafrjy temperature for ripening,
Qtycy pulled out a re- and the air is excluded from one and
20 highwayman hastily a free exposure f>iven to the other,
both will sour at the same time, hut
1 .¿ford, the son of JThn Davor will ^r.ly he increased in the
:ie merchant aud hotel- one exposed to the air. Churning the
efimi, has recently left two parts will show this.
The pepjiermint growers of Wayne
i one knows where he
h he ceme to this city c9uuty, N. Y., where tjyee-fourths of
he train for the south, the world’s oil is produced, ure corn -0
vbout 3 years old, and plaining that the prospects this sea­
Beard on the first of last son are the worst for twenty years.
young husband and wife They say that Japanese oil is now be­
ong very i^ell, so he left ing sold in America at such rates that
the former large profits from the busi­
or, Samuel Marsh and ness are greatly lessened.
uck a quartz ledge near
Do not now trim shrubbery that
antly, which shows very blooms on 1 ist year’s wood, if you de­
It is on the same sire abundance of fl iwers. ^'ht best
o edge from which Kay and wav 0 s to cut out tiie old and weak
M cD on nell W/W 6 reported to have wood immediately after flowering» A
taken several Thousand dollars near judicious thinning, if too large and
the surface last year.
men thick a head remains, will improve
poundedU)ut $326 with a hand mor­ the quality of the flowers, but to Ocut
tar in one day, and think they have hack the whole head is not the best
way in America.
plcntly of that kind of rock.
The garden should he near the
A Jew depot and warehouse is
Set no
building at Central Point for the O. A house but free from shade.
_ 11
rt ca III I 1 1 I .«■ Vli V
The ¡.■«il.il
will be 20x trees of any kind in the kitchen gar
60, and contains an office, waiting den. Have it laid out so that as much
room and warehouse ; alio a sidetrack xsrork as possible may lie done by horse­
platform 5S0 feet long, and is to be power. A sandy loam is the best soil
finished in first-class style, to be com­ for most vegetables.
Use no green
pleted and seady for business alsiut manure in the garden. The standard
the 1st of July. The town site owner fertilizers are good. Use w ool ashes
.(ay„ for u,e building and the salary of freely and slops from the house. The
ggenj fot i wo years, who will be secret of success in gardening, as iu
appointed by the company,
courtship lies in sm ill attentions fre­
A warrant was sworn out before quently and steadily bestow :d.
Justice Lyons of Fox Valley, Linn
Mr. D. B Widr, says he has solved
<X)Unty, charging Mart Smith, his the problem of the plum crn< ulio. A
|jrother, and another man,
whose mixture of on pound of Paris green,
name could not be learned, with the or London purple, and sixty gallons
attempted murder of Charles Thomas, of water sprayed over the trees jnst
two weeks since.
They are now in lasfore blossom buds shall open, then
custody. The Smiths are enemies of a spraying of soap emulsion two weeks
the Thomases, and are «apposed to be later, with a third spraying about
leaders of the vigilance committe June 10th, will eff.:ctu illy destroy the
sworn to exterminate them or make curculio, as well as kill leaf lice, aphis
them leave the country.
and other injurious insects.
Bennett camp, No. 8 , Indian War*
There are in America over 4 000,000
Veterans, near Salem, have elected tl e farms, large and small.
They cover
following officers: John O . Wright, j nearly 20 000,000 acres of improved
captain ; John Savage, first lieutenant; land, and their total value >sKime.hing
N. R. Doty, second lieutenant; T. C. like $10,000,000,000. These figures
Shaw, orderly sergeant; E. H. Piper, are not, of course, veiy comprehensive,
commissary sergeant; I). C. Thomas, They simply convey the idea of vast-
color bearer; Wm. Towmend, nmsi- ness of area snd * qual vastness of im
cian . E. J. Chambers, corporal of the port ince. The entimated value of U m
guard ; delegates U> th« state encamp­ yearly product* of the*« farm* i* be-
ment, Frank M. Smith and T. C. tween $2,000,000,000 and $3,000,000,-
Pendleton will spend $2,000 more in
W H E A T — Valiev, #1 i5 «$ 1 2 6
exteudi^jt the levee along the Umatilla
Walla Walla, $1 17J81 IB*.
B A R L E Y — W bole. *1 lOirfl 12fr; river.
The wife imd child of Kon, J. 1).
ground, per tou, x25 00^27 OU.
Burnett, of Douglas couiffy, are very
Mrs. Q u ise Chan’
ently return from
aud then s i^ f o r E
A distinguish!
Prince, Huyti
W illiam Blac
The medi
Corea is ai
recei ves a
| Bad’-n
j metre
rial 1
jliable Quotation« Carefully Revised Everything of General Intereat In a D evoted'^© the Interests of Farmers
Condensed Form.
and «ÿoclgpen.
Every Week.
Tbe magnolia tree r -
under which Gen. 1 .ti r
war previous to aurre.
filphth.rla a Fungu«
N i ) . 14.
*■ »
Mrs Mary Read Ooodale is one of th
most successful unuperauce workers in
Mias Virginia U H o ffW a y .O c a rn
has tieeu grained a patent for
Mtne. Blanc lives q u ie © wit*
and is seldom seen except a
Empress Elizabeth, of
perbly beautiful womai
chestnut hair
A correspondent of Bcience,
rnsworth. o f Clinton, la.,
mg n-Hoinhlance between
k btberia and the fungi '
, or more especially those
living trees. A white or
bstauce is produced, som
*punk;" the n*ita o f the t
e cell* of the wood in evt
ucing disintegration and d
called an exudation, ar
1*1 disease, when in f
f a higher order
It grow
nd spread* by lilmlations, a
te deeply Into the V
hanges ami decomposition
e soil for Iwcteria. genera,
absorbed and powerfully
in. In this view its life
n studied or found out lt
the membrane can lw transplar^f
—- e
It is priqiagated by s[*>res is u lt i 4 I (When I wlt^ ^ame8 Boughner, suddenly grew
Is evidently »•m e | «i'iilia rc o n 'tljU>., ‘ 1L
violejlt and, »f'izing hi« companion,
U te "
It may be that an alkaline cor
, after a hard struggle, threw him over
system is required, which is th,
a cliff 125 feet high, causing death.
caprtciousness o f its
Charles Turner, a grocer of Alleg-
— “ What does it mean when the
King rent his clothes?”
“ I suppose
he hired them out, ma’ am.” — Teacher.
— We believe no one has yet secured
an instantaneous photograph of a kiss,
’ Cause why? ’Cause the old lingering
variety is more popular. — Burlington
Free Fret).
—Landlord— “ F re called to tell you,
Bridget, that I ’ m going to raise your
rent.” Bridget— “ Glad to hear it,
sorr. Faith, I can’ t raiae it tneselL” —
Texas 8iflings.
. , . ,
Lightning never strikes twice in
the same place. Neither does a mule,
The reason of thl* is because the place
ia never there sfier the first «trike. —
Drake's Magazine.
— “ Night-caps are coming into favor
again,” say the fashion journala Bless
those innocent fashion writers; “ night-
caps” hare never been out of favor,
Ask ths bartenders.— Boston Globe.
— “ How would I advise you to fie-
gin?” responded aa old actor to an as-
pirant for stage glories. “ Well, the
A three-story brick building owned best plan 1 « to begin Uks a good din-
by the Sharon estate, and occupied by uer; with th« «up*. '■ // y. Tribune.
the West Coast Furniture Co., burned
—^The milky w »y — “ Hoi* ea. bey!
at San Francisco.
The loss to the! Don’ t put no water in dam cans to-
building is estimated at $50,000. The
pjjj ’el
'em np wtd «new. Dat’ s d«
Furniture Co.’s loss is $15,000, insur­ ■ame celor as da milk, an’ we mutt b*
ance $10)000. A finely wrought cabi­ jet as bone«’ as we kin, whenever we
net intended to hold cernals to be sent; git de chanoe."— Harper's Basar.
to tbe Sydney exposition from this
State, and valued at $ 2 . 000 , was de- i —Ths old adage le good in these
atroyed. The furniture factory of A. days of progress and Innovation: “ Do
Johnson, and the carpenter shop of not be the first by whom the new is
John Cuff, adjoining, were damaged tried, nor yet the last to eaet the eld
to the extent of $1 000 .