Polk County itemizer observer. (Dallas, Or) 1992-current, February 25, 2015, Image 4

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    Polk County
Polk County Itemizer-Observer • February 25, 2015 4A
How to
Separate fact from
fiction in levy letters
It’s still nearly three months before May’s election day
and one thing has quickly become apparent: The debate
regarding the Polk County public safety levy is going to be
the most talked about local election in recent memory.
We have already received a number of Letters to the Edi-
tor dealing with the subject. We’re confident many more
are going to arrive in the days and weeks ahead.
We don’t care what side of the issue you are on. It doesn’t
matter if you are strongly opposed to the ballot measure or
strongly in favor of it. But one thing we are closely watch-
ing before publishing any letter is separating fact from fic-
There is a great deal of confusion and, to be frank, misin-
formation being spread by some people regarding the pub-
lic safety issue. Numbers are being thrown around and
used out of context.
For example, we have recently received letters and other
correspondence suggesting that Polk County as a govern-
ment taxing body has one of the highest tax rates in the
state. This isn’t fact — and far from it (see today’s story on
Page 1A). Polk County government has a $1.72 per $1,000 of
assessed value permanent tax rate, plus a current 54 cents
per $1,000 of assessed value road bond that expires after the
2015-16 tax year for a total of $2.26. Yes, it’s among one of
the lowest rates among Oregon’s 36 counties. That’s a fact.
We don’t want to be a part of the misinformation cam-
paign by publishing letters that are not accurate.
Bottom line is this: If you aren’t quoting recent data from
the 2013-14 or 2014-15 tax years, you are using outdated
numbers that are no longer accurate.
If you’re going to use figures to state a point, be sure they
are accurate, be sure you are using the proper wording,
clearly state what those numbers are and cite your source
for those numbers within the 100 words you are allowed for
an election-related letter.
And, no, this isn’t censorship. The Itemizer-Observer has
one of the most generous Letters to the Editor policies and
devotes more space for letters during an election season
than just about any newspaper around. But being sure
numbers are accurate and put into correct context is a way
to stop the spread of misinformation that is adding to an
already confusing and heated issue.
Public Agenda is a listing of upcoming meetings for gov-
ernmental and nongovernmental agencies in Polk County.
To submit a meeting, send it at least two weeks before the
actual meeting date to the Itemizer-Observer via fax (503-
623-2395) or email (kholland@polkio.com).
• MINET Board of Directors — 7:30 a.m., Independence Civic
Center, 555 S. Main St., Independence. 503-837-0700.
• Polk County Board of Commissioners — 9 a.m., Polk
County Courthouse, 850 Main St., Dallas. 503-623-8173.
• Polk Soil and Water Conservation District — 6 p.m., USDA
Service Center, 580 Main St., Suite A, Dallas. Annual work plan
meeting for 2015-16. 503-623-9680, ext. 5.
• Central School District Board of Directors — 6:30 p.m.,
Henry Hill Education Support Center, 750 S. Fifth St., Independ-
ence. 503-838-0030.
• Dallas City Council — 7 p.m., City Hall, 187 SE Court St., Dal-
las. 503-831-3502.
• Independence Planning Commission — 7 p.m., Independ-
ence Civic Center, 555 S. Main St., Independence. 503-838-1212.
• Polk County Board of Commissioners — 9 a.m., Polk
County Courthouse, 850 Main St., Dallas. 503-623-8173.
• Dallas Urban Renewal District Advisory Committee —
5:30 p.m., City Hall, 187 SE Court St., Dallas. 503-831-3502.
• Monmouth City Council — 7 p.m., Volunteer Hall, 144 S.
Warren St., Monmouth. 503-838-0722.
• Polk County Board of Commissioners — 9 a.m., Polk
County Courthouse, 850 Main St., Dallas. 503-623-8173.
• Monmouth Historic Commission — 6 p.m., Volunteer Hall,
144 S. Warren St., Monmouth. 503-838-0722.
• Monmouth Planning Commission — 7 p.m., Volunteer
Hall, 144 S. Warren St., Monmouth. 503-838-0722.
Gov. Kate Brown (Dem.)
160 State Capitol
900 Court St. NE
Salem, OR 97301
Email: via website,
Sen. Arnie Roblan
(District 5, Democrat)
S-417 State Capitol
900 Court St. NE
Salem, OR 97301
Consolidation idea
does make sense
It sounds like the May
2015 Polk County public
safety levy is needed.
In a letter on Feb. 11
(“Levy is worthy, but eye
consolidation”), the writer
supports the levy but won-
ders about savings if the city
police departments and the
sheriff’s department were to
In this context, when
moving here in August 2011,
I was certainly surprised
that the small towns of
Monmouth and Independ-
ence each have their own
police department and pub-
lic library. Having lived near
big cities such as Rotterdam,
Los Angeles, Yokohama, etc.,
it seems to me that this du-
plication is a waste of
How about money saving
Huibert Paul
Increased timber
harvests needed
This is in response to
“Legal marijuana isn’t the
problem” (Feb. 18 Itemizer-
Observer) … The reason why
Josephine and Polk counties
are without sheriff protec-
tion is because of the short-
age of timber dollars. If the
state government would
open up our forests and
start harvesting trees for
lumber, then these two
counties would once again
have their money that they
I think that Dallas is
doing a great thing by not
having “pot shops” within
its city limits. These busi-
ness tend to be run down
and an eye sore. Do you
want these businesses in
your residential neighbor-
hoods influencing your chil-
dren such as the one in In-
dependence? Think about
the clientele that will visit
these shops, and do you
want them roaming your
As for the tea party, you’re
right, they don’t agree with
taxation and believe in their
Second Amendment rights.
They believe that before
asking people to raise their
property taxes for police
protection that they do an
internal audit and see what
is necessary and what isn’t.
David Christensen
ple with people.
Propaganda is the execu-
tive arm of the invisible gov-
It is difficult for people
who are unaware of this
propaganda mechanism to
realize that they are being
“herded” to give up their
freedom whether to be vac-
cinated or not.
I chose not to be herded
into giving up my freedom.
Where is the America that I
have lived in for the last 69
years? I oppose SB442.
Rose Dorn
‘Herd immunity’
is propaganda
A “herd,” according to the
Merriam Webster Dictionary,
is “a number of animals of
one kind under human con-
trol.” The World Book Dic-
tionary: “multitude of peo-
ple, the common people,
and rabble.”
This seems a play on
words — the common peo-
ple versus the “so called”
elite who make our laws.
Edward Bermays is the fa-
ther of propaganda. He says
the best defense against
propaganda is more propa-
Conscious and intelligent
manipulation of the habits
and opinions of the masses
is an important element in a
democratic society. Those
who manipulate this unseen
mechanism of society con-
tribute an invisible govern-
ment which is the true rul-
ing power of our country.
We are governed, our
minds molded, our tastes
formed, our ideas suggested
largely by men we have
never heard of. It is they
who pull the wires which
control the public mind.
Three main elements of
public relations are practi-
cally as old as society: in-
forming people, persuading
people and integrating peo-
Restore services,
cut other programs
Dear Polk County Com-
missioners: Another in-
crease in my property taxes?
Essential services (sheriff,
fire, emergency) have al-
ready been gutted, leaving
us dangling in the wind un-
protected. Trying to pres-
sure us again? If we don’t
pass the tax increase, it’s our
safety, our necks on the line.
Start a new trend — make
the addicts and welfare
abusers pay their own way. I
can no longer afford to sup-
port these gratuitous pro-
Restore the critical sheriff,
fire and emergency re-
sources that all of us use.
Sen. Jackie Winters
(District 10, Republican)
S-301 State Capitol
900 Court St. NE
Salem, OR 97301
Sen. Brian Boquist
(District 12, Republican)
S-305 State Capitol
900 Court St. NE
Salem, OR 97301
Rep. David Gomberg
(District 10, Democrat)
H-471 State Capitol
900 Court St. NE
Salem, OR 97301
Rep. Paul Evans
(District 20, Democrat)
H-281 State Capitol
900 Court St. NE
Salem, OR 97301
Rep. Mike Nearman
(District 23, Republican)
H-378 State Capitol
900 Court St. NE
Salem, OR 97301
Sen. Ron Wyden (Dem.)
221 Dirksen SOB
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: 202-224-5244
Fax: 202-228-2717
Salem office: 707 13th St. SE,
Suite 285, Salem, OR 97301
Phone: 503-589-4555
Email: via website,
Pat Beach
West Salem
Central High play
was spectacular
On Feb. 14, I attended the
play “Oklahoma!” at Central
High School. What a specta-
cle performance.
The students worked very
hard. They should be very
proud of themselves. I
would go again.
Donna Ainsworth
Letters to the editor are lim-
ited to 300 words. Longer letters
will be edited.
Election-related letters of all
types are limited to 100 words.
Writers are limited to one elec-
tion-related letter per election
season. Election letters from
writers outside of Polk County
are not accepted.
Each writer is restricted to
one letter per 30-day period.
Letters that are libelous, ob-
scene or in bad taste will not be
printed. Attacks by name on
businesses or individuals will
not be printed.
Letters to the editor that are
obvious promotions for a busi-
ness, products or services will
not be printed.
Letters, like all editorial mate-
rial submitted to the newspaper,
are edited for length, grammar
and content.
Letters must include the au-
thor’s name, address and tele-
phone number. This includes
letters submitted via the I-O’s
website. Names and cities of res-
idence are published; street ad-
dresses and telephone numbers
are used for verification pur-
poses only.
Letters must be submitted
from individuals, not organiza-
tions, and must be original sub-
missions to the I-O, not copies of
letters sent to other media.
Letters of thanks to busi-
nesses, individuals and organi-
zations are limited to 10 names.
The deadline for letters to the
editor is Monday at 10 a.m. Let-
ters submitted may not be re-
tractable after this deadline.
Reach us at:
Mail: Editor, Polk County
Itemizer-Observer, P.O. Box 108,
Dallas, OR 97338.
Fax: 503-623-2395.
Email: ionews@polkio.com.
Office: 147 SE Court St., Dallas.
Sen. Jeff Merkley (Dem.)
313 Hart SOB
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: 202-224-3753
Fax: 202-228-3997
Salem office: 495 State St. SE,
Suite 330, Salem, OR 97301
Phone: 503-362-8102
Email: via website,
Rep. Kurt Schrader (Dem.)
108 Cannon HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: 202-225-5711
Fax: 202-225-5699
Salem office: 544 Ferry St. SE,
Suite 2, Salem, OR 97301
Phone: 503-588-9100
Fax: 503-588-5517
Email: via website,
Board of Commissioners
850 Main St.
Dallas, OR 97338
Phone: 503-623-8173
187 SE Court St.
Dallas, OR 97338
Falls City
299 Mill St.
Falls City, OR 97344
555 S. Main St.
Independence, OR 97351
151 W. Main St.
Monmouth, OR 97361
Vol. 140, No. 8
(USPS) - 437-380)
The official newspaper of Polk County • Serving Polk County families since 1875
Winner of 2010, 2011, 2013 and 2014 General Excellence Awards
from the Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association
Periodicals postage paid at
Dallas, OR, Independence, OR and Monmouth, OR.
Published weekly at 147 SE Court Street
Dallas, Oregon 97338
Phone: 503-623-2373 Fax: 503-623-2395
Polk County — One Year $27
Other Oregon Counties — One Year $33
Outside of Oregon — One Year $38
Send address changes to: Polk County Itemizer-Observer, P.O. Box 108, Dallas, Oregon 97338
The Polk County Itemizer-Observer assumes no financial responsibility for errors in adver-
tisements. It will, however, reprint without charge for the portion of an advertisement
which is in error if the Itemizer-Observer is at fault.
Nancy Adams ...............Publisher ...........................................................................nadams@polkio.com
Kurt Holland..................Managing Editor...........................................................kholland@polkio.com
Lukas Eggen..................Sports Editor......................................................................leggen@polkio.com
Jolene Guzman............Dallas/Falls City/Polk County Reporter ................jguzman@polkio.com
Emily Mentzer ..............Monmouth/Independence Reporter ..................ementzer@polkio.com
Heidi Leppin .................Display Advertising Manager ....................................hleppin@polkio.com
Rachel Best ....................Display Advertising.............................................................rbest@polkio.com
Karen Sanks...................Client Services ...................................................................ksanks@polkio.com
Dawn Ohren .....................................................................................................................ioads@polkio.com
Kathy Huggins ..............................................................................................................iosales@polkio.com
Karyn Pressel .................................................................................................................iosales@polkio.com
Pat Letsch ......................................................................................................................pletsch@polkio.com
Web: www.polkio.com
Phone: 503-623-2373
Fax: 503-623-2395