B04EM A U &4 Hlttorlel 8ocittr J Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and Farming Interests of this Community. VOL. IX COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1907. NO. 47 HOLIDAY GREETINGS 1907 Has Been Our Greatest Year 1908 Will Excel It. Tho all-prrvading cheer of Christ mas, supremo holiday of tho year, in abroad in the land. For weeks the Burying shoppers have lecti massed upon the directs by the tens of thousands, and packed in tint moro K)ular xtorcs like sardines in n box. Everybody wears the smile ol good nature ami optimism. At n time during the Lewis . Clark Exposition, nor even Inst year boforu Christmas, were them such throngs upon the thoioughfaicH. You worm yonr way through the multitudes upon the sidewalk, for tunate if you can get into the door of tho stores, for you find the aisle caviled and the elevators jammed. If there is really any Mtingoi.cy in the money market, ew-rybody su'in -to think that tho trouble belong to soniootio else, for they hive plenty of money to buy what tluir di sires prompt. In fact, tho deti'i 'initiation to fill the stocking of the poor socms more general than in lot hut years. l'oitland is pit licutai ly ii'oul ol tho fact that sh waH i rst ninoug the 0110 hundred leading cities of the United States to pay every de mand made upon her in coin, and from tho first moment since the "lid was lilted", Monday, December K', the amount of gold in each of tho banks has constantly increased and now it is pouring in at the nte of 51(10,000 a day. Thre -is Hlill an opportunity to bo 0110 of the winners in tho great $5000 prize contest offered by the Portland Commercial Club. The papers thioughout the United Stales jvill havo lots of spaco between lo cember 28th and Mst and they will be glad to print your letters. Re member, these articles must appear in papers printed outsido tho states of Oregon and Washington, "(iel busy." l'J07 rings down tho curtain dur ing a rapidly disappearing uii"ini iicrs, with the poople in a hesitat ing mood regarding immediate in vestments, but at tho same lime it has boon the most wonderful year tho Pacific Northwest ever enjoyed. In no other twelve months was thero so much money brought into tho country from the wheat crop; fruit scored its biggest success; lum ber added many moro millions of dollars than ever before; tho same is tine of tho products of tho dairy, wh'le the grower of poultry has nothing to complain of. Wo are rich and prosperous in spito of the fact that thero appears to bo a strin gency, moro a matter of mind than reality. Let us quit bemoaning im aginary troubles, inspire confidence and get ready to eclipse in l'.IOK our past year's record, wonderful as it lids been. Today there are forty-tivo vessels iu Portland's harbor, loading with the products of tho Pacific North west, to supply the needs of every port of civilization. Bishop Scadding Sets the New York Tribune Right The Right Reverond Charles Scadding, Bishop of Oregon, is do ing morvelous work throughout the F.nst in presenting tho tosourccsof tho Heaver State, Reports of his illustrated lectures come from var ious soctious, and tho newspapers everywhere havo given Oregon an immeiiRe amount of complimentary prominence as a result ol tho Bishop's work. His best effort is a loiter just printed in the New York Tribune, and reads as fol lows: "Sir; Having just seen a copy of your issue of Sunday, December 8, containing an article on 'A Bishop With No Fixed Abode,' I desire to collect a false impression which some paragraphs may convoy. 'You prcHfiil a very npcctncular picluie of Mr. Paddock, the now Bishop of Eastern Oregon, but it in imaginary and basod on igno rance of the conditions of which tho new Bishop is to become a part, j haslorn Oregon is not loco the wildest wilds of Wyoming. It is neither populated by foreign immi grants, who form the 'tenement problem' of our grout cities, nor by cow boys who carry bowio knives in their teeth and six-shooters in their hip pockets. It is rapidly settling with Kturdy, stalwart Anuiii'aii citizens, who havo the conrai to leave the East and Mid dle West and como to ft Rtato which has the greatest undeveloped re Hotirci s In the Union. 'The lollicking, drinking, shoot on sight cowboy exist only "'n Bowery melodrama- His place has been taken vely largely by the college graduate, who now works a ranch on rciuiitific principles. "Tlie new Bishop will not be re quired to dress liko n cowboy, but a ill need his evening clothes aud most itiim icnlalc linen in his ward robe; for ho will find tho nun as well dressed and the women as well gowned, as most of the men and women w ith whom ho is accustomed to associate. Tho Biihop will find a f ir lower average of vice and sin r.nd eiin e in his new diocoso than in New York. Oregon stands third among ti10 states for tho small nimhr of illiterate persons in propoition to population, while New York ranks forty-third. "Twenty thousand homeseckeis came into Or.-gon during the pnst few months, for the most part a line clas of young people attracted by the equable and salubrious cli mate, the fertile soil and the fact that the profit this yeur on Oregon apples waH$o00 an acre, on cher ries $.")() an aero and on prunes $200 an acre, and by many similar facts. "The problem for tho bishops and clergy of Oregon today is not that which is supposed to belong to a 'wild and woolly West,' but tho prohkm of trying to make the ('hiistiuu religion and good citizen ship keep pace with the remarkable commercial developments. I be lieve Oregon is today the -ilrategic field for the Church and that now is tho psychological moment to ad vance." Died Chester M'lo Kmerson died at his homo one and one-fourth miles south of Cottage (hove Friday, December 21 , 1!07, at 6:15 p. m. He was born at Latham, Lano county, Orogon, Juno 30, IS81, and was 26 years, 5 months and 20 days old. Last Fall he with mother aud brother, Chris, tnt to New Mex ico with hopes Unit his health would bo restored. But upon finding that the climate wus not benefitting him and that he waa rapidly becoming worse, they re turned to their home about a month ago. The fuueral sermon was preached at tho Christian church under the auspices of the Woodmen of the World and Company "15," O. N. O., both organizations marching to the Shields cemetery, where the intor inent took place. After the ira piessive ceremony of the Woodmen of the World, tho bugler of Co. "E" blow "taps" over the grave ot one of their comrades the first to be taken from their ranks since the Company's formation, lie leaves a lather, mother and IS H9U1S Splendid Show Windows In Collage Grove Beautiful Windows That Would Be a Credit To Any Town Are Much Ad mired by Hundreds of Enthusiastic Shoppers. Compton Wallace have in their windows a fine liti6 of Indies' col lars', tnblo lindi and handkerchiefs, sh X'mns suggestions of useful gills to the lad'es. C, II. Burkholder displays some beautiful pieces of drawn work. and other linens for the table; also some "comfy" house slippers for women's wear, and up-to-date sh tB for both men and women. The Modern Pharmacy candies and I.owney's chocolates, too A very neatly dressed window is here, showing up the excellent grado of candies Mr. Grigg handles. The other window is in snow and ever greens, filled with leather goods, giving to the passer by a glimpse of the good selection that is inside. Tho Ideal Miliiuery windows breathe out the spirit of Christmas witb its wreathes and sprigs of hol ly, while the reRt of the space is taken up by a score of children's caps now on sale. The Bazaar, the store for all ages. Toys, dishes, postal cards and every other novelty that could be had is shown at this store. 'I he windowH give 11 vivid idea as to the completeness of the stock and many suggestions for Christmas gifts are to be found. Benson's I'harmacy a window full of dolls, anima's, banks, books, mirrors, everything to chooso from for every one of tho family, and frieuds. Tho window is arranged neatly and attractively. Wheeler-Thompson Co. Christ mas gifts, that is the sentiment ex pressed in the display of furs aud silk umbrellas for ladies and gent lemen in this window. Shoes, tho latest shapes and styles, are promi nent in this showing and offer to the buyer good values that are made to please. The Wave Faucy boxes of can dy make a very attractive wjndow at the "Wave," where a back ground of postal cards show the nearly unlimited assortment the proprietors have. French candies in bulk and every candy that is sold in our larger cities is to be bought here; but tho windows ap peal to the Xmas gift buyer be cause of their clean and attractive arrangement. W. C. Johuson's The windows speak of the good things that tho word Christmas iuiplys (at diuuer time). Oranges, bananas, nuts and apples are in abundance. Faucy China dishes, very claiuty and a good selection to pick from, are there for your inspection aud ac ceptance. D. J. SchoH's, the gift shop This is one of the most suggestive windows of tho business houses of the city. There is a gift approp- iate for the season for every pur pose. Watches, rings, piuB, chains aud hand painted chiua. The wiu- four brothers, Ab Emerson of Eastern Oregon, Chris. Ben aud Will of this place, to mourn his death. dow is decorated very artistically with wliiio Christmas bells and holly. The Toggery If it h difficult for any ono to select n mutable pres ent for the man, these windows will aid you in your selection. Gloves, lies, umbrella'!, etc, everything "manish" up-to-date iust the right thing. W. A. Hemenway This store makes excellent use of the two dis play windows on corner of Fifth & Main streets. In tho Main street window some of the most beautiful dress goods in th latest browns, greens, aud reds am shown. In the Fifth street window are the dainty Christmas gifts, pincushions, sofa pillows, Christmas cards, drawn work center pieces, every neat and useful gift imaginable. I, Lurch with a record for up-to-date, interesting and attractive win dows, this store shows to the pub lic, this season a different arrange ment. Th cast window is filled with linens, china, cut gloss and every appropriate gift for either lady or gentleman. The next win dow is indeed interesting to the children. Besides the number of toys it displays a mechanical contri vance keeps in motion Teddy Bears and dolls in toboggans coastiog diwn r. tnouutaiu of nnow. Veatch A Lawson. This firm have the most useful presents dis played in their windows. There are carpets, rugs, chairs, tables, music cabinets, tabouretts, baskets and all the articles that furnish the home aud make it the most beauti ful of places- Mttcalf A Bruud. As grocers this store has in tho east window all the requisites that make the Christmas feast the hest of the year. Apples, oranges, piueapples, bananas, raisons, cranberries, etc. 1 lie other window displays one of the best lines of china in the city. The patterns are desirable and they are ideai yift". Harms & Magee have iu their windows a number of their winter hats, the latest and most becoming shapes. Wynne Hardware Co. has me chanical window showing their sup plies attractively placed on a re volving wheel while the west win dow contaius tho various necessi ties of the house and some pretty shopes iu fancy candlesticks. Cochran A Cooley. Furniture of all description, lace curtains, leather grips etc. make up the windows ol this firm -and offers to the Christ mas shoppers many hiuts for useful gilts. J. B. Lewis has some lancy, combs, lace, collars, waists, etc. iu one window and a lino of staple groceries in the other. Pcarce Bros, display a very neat window of dishes and groceries and in another window they show a comploto lino of shoes which they handle. Grifiin & Veatch Hardware Co. show a complete line of holiday good,-, chafing dishes, knives and some very pretty silver phdedishes. H. C. Madden with his most beautiful show windows of cut glass and every form of jewelry effers to the gift buyers many ideas for Christmas. llarman A Hemenway Co. A typical fairy laud of toys. These windows aro filled with tho many interesting things that delight childrou and please tho grown-ups. Tho Fashion Miliiuery displays a most beautiful line of headgear for the holidays. The New Era Drug Storo,- -These windows have a line lot of leather goods and all Christmas novelties, cards, brushes, miarors, that will plouso the shoppers and will reu dever tho recipient happy. WQUE BALL FOR TONIGHT A Grand Time Expected At The Armory Brilliantly Costumed Ladies and Gent lemen, To the Strains of Entrancing and Exquisite Music, Will Dance Prizes For Best Characters. The attendance at the Masque rade ball ot the armory tonight will Le enjoyed by many participants and visitors. Spectators will be charged twenty-five oenta, and if what w hear around town is truo, as to the makeup and personifica tions of the characters to be repre sented by the maskers, no one will regret the price paid to look on. Tho prizes and the givers are as follows: Best sustained lady character, Jewel Box, value $12.50, given by Company E. Best sustained gentlemen charac ter, Watch Chain, value $G.25, given by D. J. Scholl. Best lady waltzer in costume, (iold Locket, value $10, given by Garman & Hemenway Co. Best gentleman waltzar, iu cos tume, Watch Fob, value $10, Riven by Gorman & Hemenway Co. Most original lady character, Rocking Chair, value $5, given by Veatch A Lawson. Most original gentlemen charac ter, Razor, value $5, given by Griffin it Vealch Hardware Co. Most comic lady character, Vase, value $1, given by Modem Phar macy. Most comic gentlemen character, Box Cigars, given by McQueen & Ostrander. Most beautiful, rich and tasteful lady costume, Stein, value $4, given by l'earce Bros. Most beautiful, rich and tasteful gentleman costume, Umbrella, value $5, given by E. Ilebbard, (Tog 8ry). Silk Creek Items Mi. Paruiile made a trip to Cot tage Grove Friday. Mr. Oeorge Elliot and the Misses Amanda, Ileleu and Rose Foster were in town Saturday. Elder B. C. Tabor of Cottage Grove atteuded the service at the Adveutist church Saturday morning and spoke to the people. Carl Larsen and Warren Mably, two shideuts of Royal Academy went to Roseburg Friday to spend Christmas with their parents. Eugene Miller aud Mrs. T. Bich- ardson were in Cottage Crove Sat urday: Mr. aud Mrs. W. N. Wheeler vis ited at the home of their brother M. F. Babcock Suuday. Mr. Charlie Wilson atteuded ohurch service iu Cottage Grove Saturday afternoon. Clyde Babcoek weut to Cottage Grove Friday afternoon spending Saturday and Sunday with friends at that place. Franklyn Wheeler who has been teaching school in Astoria, Oregon, is at home to spend his Christinas vacation with his many friends at this place. CHRISTMAS AT THE M. E. CHURCH Sunday School and Choir Furnish The Program. In addition to three Christmas trees loaded with presents for all, also a big Santa Claus and a little Santa Claus, the following splend did program was well rendered. I'AKT I Tin: vri.E-TiiiE f-roiiv Motion Bong First Primer class Beautiful Christmas Tree Third Primer class The Fairies First Primer "'.ass Boys for Chrint Fifth class Santa Clans Nap. ...Twelve diameters PART II RKDKKMF.K A.NI KINO, CANTATA 1. Thy Light Is Come Chorus 2. The Lord Shall Comfort Zion, Duet Mrs. W Connor, Mrs. A. Brunil 3. How Beautiful Upon th Moun tains, solo, Mrs. .1. O. Vim Winkle 4. And There Were Shepherds Solo's and Chorus Mrs. A. Bruud, Mrs. J. O. Van Winkle 5. The SonJ of the Angels ..Women's Chorus C. O Thou Who by a Star did iuMe, Contralto solo, ,1. M. Idiam 7. Ship; O Ye Heavens Chorus 8. Seek Ye The Lord Timor solo Dr. .1. O. Van Winkle 9. O Come all Ye Faithful Male Quartette Dr. J. O. Van Wlukle, W. A. Hogate, J. M. Iriham, C. S. Cochran, 10. Hail Redeemer and King Chorus Christmas Time. Once more our hearts grow light and gay and we roll the Yule Log back to glow with the coming of Merry Christmas. The stars shall shine again as they did in the past; our hearts throb with joy and again the world is all at peace. T be placidness o f tranquil thoughts fill our soul with the long ing to live the dear old life once more; the scenes of childhood days return and we are glad to live, and to see others join the carol of hap piness and love. To the civilized world Christmas briugs jewels of priceless value; the wbolesoulness of man has a chance to do as his better thoughts would have him. The traveler feels the warmth of the straugers hearth and happy greetings briug him nearer to home and loved ones from whom he is fur awiy. The sailor is happy though he be 011 the boundless deep for he kuows the fire of love is burning with joy at his home cora ng. The city thoroughfare is thronged wilh busy Christmas shop pers, all happy aud free, hurrying along with presents and good wishes, priceless for they are the offeriug of Christmas for friends far and near. We watch the childish glee of the boy and girl, the deep feU grati tude of the youth ami maiden, the soulfull gladness of the silver cov ered brow whose eyes Gil once more with the light of by-gone years. The zenith of heaven bedecked with golden lights shining over the world with the twiukle of joy. The Cathedral Naive is filled with smil ing faces full of thauks bleuded with the softness of the organs, peel rising upward through the chancel of the hearts of men, storm ing the portals of Heaven, the whole world singiug in brotherly love "Gloria iu Excelcis Deo," while the heart bursts the bondage of sin and all ore happy once more to live Christmas again. Hatsduuue. FOR SALE Three head of good work horses weigh ll'iO to 1SO0 pounds. Price $U'" each. Would take a good milk cow us itirt payment. O. K. Si.aih.k, Wild wood P. O. Phone Rod Prldit Bo. hernia mill line,