Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 04, 1907, Image 2

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Make Kll chPi'Vs ryMo to Niifrset Pub. Co.
Knti-rod t the pomortlro nt Coll a in? (trove.
OT)fon s ooonl class mnil mutter.
months $1.00
1 year ?l.."n
is months Jf'J.lM)
If paid in advance.
Clubbing Pales.
The r.ohemla Nue.iret one year
v 1 1 It nti.v ono of tlu following; pub
lications one year for it mount not
r.iellie Mont lily
Weekly Orejioni.-in t Portland)
Weekly .ItMirnal ( Portland!
Paily Mtninir I ! coord (Denver)
Weekly Mining l!eoord
Pacific Homestead
Northwest Poultry Journal
Thi ynyer is kopt on Mo lv r 1 1 K
ii?..' V-!:r.:n.Urhr
reH.lor will lie wcUo'ih-lo llu use. ( I lie U:il- , .," i.i.i.lilioc lint tliAv fill ffir
liiit.rerfr.1iilli.,iri..iiiiiiih?Mvti.Mii...fjoU01",110ll,,l-S' UlU lUe 1311 lar
!hi West, u MventMii 1 1 1 1 r a r v an.l initivr-' ox
rillsr.U'KK iskrpl on Iiip m f. ('. Pinko's
A tvortisiiiji Airoiioy. i.i an.l Merchants Kv
thftiiKP.Miii I- rHiu-iM'o, 1'rtliforn a. w Iiorp pon
t mpt8 for a.lvprtisirg pan be nin.lo for it.
vYkpni-siwy, Pec. 4, 1907.
Congress is in session, the men
who have received the confidence
of the people by tho vote that
elected them to olliee. am now back
in Washington. They are cogniz
ant of the situation, they are the
powers to which wt look. We are
on the verge of great changes that ; that at a season when the normal
will lead to the betterment of con-j demand for labor is decreasing. It
ditions in the management ol our was time for prices generally to de
system rf finance. Corrupt poli-' cline somewhat, and in that declin
ticians and rotten corporations j sion it was inevitable that labor
should !n mot and dealt with face! should he affected first and mo9t
to face by our great bo lies of law ! noticeably. No party, no govern
makers now in session. A rich mental policy unless one of iui
man or n bij,' corporation is no ! niense public importance no law,
meaner linn a poor dishonest tramp j could prevent this result.
or a small cotpr ration. Cornering
of the people's substance, whether
it be the products of the soil or the
gold and silver, by dishonest meth
ods, must be made impossible.
Vast fortunes and great business
concerns can be established and
maintained honestly and only for
honest men of ability to manage
and lake the lend, the great masses
of working people wonM be wand
ering about and the millions ol
happy homes in our country would
not be. That this reaction, culmi
nating in a panic so severe, should
come now, in the midst of the
most favorable conditions surround
ing our people, can we not see the
Divine forethought in iff It hud
to come; high financiering has fig
ured prominently and openly many
years. There had to le a halt
called. As one bird Hies the
hunter shoots; the remaining birds
are alarmed an 1 fly from their
hiding in the grass, onlj to be shot
too: to with the handling ol the
great and important if-sue now be
fore us.
Because one mm or one corpora-1
tiou is dishotK- l it does not go (
that all men and all corporations:
are dishonest; and thank (o l this 1
great United Stales of ours can put
their hands on nnny great and
good men, mid again b t us give
thanks that we can hold up the
hand and present effort of our own
President, who is in touch with ah
the people and shows by his act
ions, without fear 'tnd with no
itation, that right must prevail and
justice must he given.
The unfolding of pagis of cor
ruption, naturally, puts a check on
the regular runs of business and a I
curb on the monev circulation or
necessarv medium of exehanoinf, !
values. If we would put tho curb j
on dishonesty, tho sooner the bt.t.
ter; but, as we have said, there are
many honed men in business, we
should and could Fee for ourselves
at this time of abundant harvest
and wonderful prosperity shared by
all, that disaster can come only to
those that are pi oven to be guilt)'.
Let the wheels of commerce aud
exchange go on; hoarding our
mency is dangerous and not in any
way profitable; we can't eat it or
take it with us. It is given us as a
means whereby we can buy and
sell; loan and borrow, but of no
earthly use if stored away,
Money make the mare go; if
everybody wm as timid as a few
nto, the bralo-bcara travelers and
tho tie walkers would, liava the
walk of their lites. If you can't
use your money, find out your
banker, you know who batik offi
cials are, and if yon use judgment,
you nre.l not take half the risk that
the old sock is in danger of.
What the public, and particularly
the investing class, needs iu this
period of slices and anxiety is to be
calmed and reassured and made
awaro that there is a Pilver lining
fo every cloud, aud no good reason
for their Iops of confidence; for the
country is still as great aud grand
and prolific iu its rcourees as ever,
with its future no less promising
and magnificent than it was before
this crisis darkened the eky.
In any decline in prices the
wages of common labor fall not
K mot licky the prices
ther. Thus now, while prices gen
erally have a sharply downward
tendency, which, however, may
not continue long or go to the point
of a peneral "depression, " the
price of labor has dropped by a
large percentage and suddenly.
Tins was caused, primarily, of
course, by the monoy stringency,
which caused a wholesale discharge
of railioad laborers, aud in a less
degree the employes of other large
enterprises. These men wer; in a
great ngregate body suddenly
thrown upon the labor marset, and
Yet we think public sentiment
should be aroused to the general
ultimate benefit of keeping wages
up in proportion at least to other
prices. Labor cannot suffer long
and severely without a great coin
cident and sympathetic injury be
falling the country. The tempta
tion to cut down the price of labor
below a fair reward should as far
as possible be resisted. By keep
ing up wages, as much os they
reasonably can, rather than by
bearing them down ns much as they
can, employers will help to restore
normal and healthy conditions.
Special School Meeting.
Notice is hereby given to the
logal voters of School District No.
to of Lane county, State of Oregon
that a special school meeting for
said district will be held at the ast
side school house ou the 14th day
of December 1007 at 2.30 o'clock
in the afternoon for the following
objects: To vote a ten mill tax for
school purposes as follows: To pay
olT "t standing warrants and to
support the present term of school
Dated this 30th day of December
Attest: J. K, Barrett,
District Clerk.
I B. Phillips,
Chairman Board of Directors.
The. I.oader Office has just fin
i ,hed Volume 1, No. 1, ol "The
Sin c-rlative," the High School pa
per. It is neatly gotten up and
well edited, and certainly a credit
to tho High School and the "staff."
It contains some interesting stories
writ,e" 'fcu,ljer8 of the senior
class. Tho cover design, which
is 110t excelled by any school pub
licalio11 iu tLe state- wa8 designed
! 'rawi4 by Allen Baker, of the
' lnsH of 'H nucl must ,JC seen t0 bi
appreciated. It is a fine piece of
work and Allen will surely become
ono of our great artists. The Su
perlative will be issued each month
during the school year, and the in
terest taken by our business meu
in the way of advertising assures its
success. The following is the staff:
Kditor-iti -Chief Finest 10. Wyatt
Assistant lOdltor Malel Vontch
liusiiioss Manager loo Arnold
Asht Itiislness Manager Marvin Jordan
Senior Reporter Hazel Jluzleton
Junior Reporter. ..ICunlofr 'anlenberg
Sophomore) Reporter.. .Maude. Hooper
FrcKhiimn Reporter John ('outer
Aitist Allen llaker
Kxciuuige Kriitor Klvin Kpray
(Subscription Aent Charles Gates
Telephone Lecture.
(Continued from first pnRc.1
than 2oo,ooo coldored connections
and incandescent lights,
each hardly larger in diameter than
tho end of tbc lend pencil. Such a
piece of apparatus as this costs
$350,000. Ou the first of January,
1007, the investment ol the Bell
companies iu switchboard" alone
exceeded $2o,oo,ooo, and on the
1st of January this year, thet o were
4,f32 exchanges ami branch offices
in the Bell system.
In tho laboratories of tho Bell
system of which tho Pacific Tele
phoue & Telegraph Co. is one of
the important parts, experiments
are being conducted every day look
ing to the improvement of the ser
vice aud the apparatus employed.
When the telephones calls are
coming thick ami fast Iho ecotes of
busy operators before the switch
board seem to be plaiug a tame
which consists in making all soils
of curious patterns with long white
cords which the girls are constantly
arranging on the face of the switch
board. It is hard to reali.o it sometimes
particularly when you are in a
hurry or when atiNiety makes every
moment seem an hour but the av
erage length of time in which Cen
tral asks what number you want
after you have ealUd her is five
seconds. The average time it lakes
her to make the connection is five
or six seconds alter that. Then the
quickness with which you actually
begin your conversation all depends
on how promptly the person you
want answers, whether some one
else comes to the telephone first
and has to go away and find him
and such thin js as that. To keep
up to the standard of efficiency the
operators are carefully trained be
fore they enter the servieo aud after
they join the regular forces their
work is constantly supervised, fre
quent tests being made iu every of
fice to see that ' Central" lives up
to her motto of promptness accur
acy, and courtesy.
"You often hear people sy, for
instance, that they 'know better'
when ''Central" tells them that a
line is busy or that nobody answers
Yet if you could look into the ex
change at that moment you would
see that much the easiest thing for
the operator to do even if it were
not required by her duty is to give
you the person called for if she can
possible get them.
"Central" cau help a subscriber
out of many troubles but she can
not see whether he is using the tel
ephone properly which often
makes all the difl'ereice in the
world. Tho man who tilts backs
in bis chair, nuts his feet on his
desk, aud holds his telephone near
ly upside down; does not make him
self heard as distinctly as ho would
if he used the instrument iu the
way in which it was intended to ho
used. When you are talking by
telephone you should not stand or
sit with your head turned away
You should speak directly into the
transmitter with the lips very close
to the mouthpiece, using a tone of
voice a little lower than your ordi
nary conversational tone.
"The subscriber cun do a great
deal in littlo ways toward making
the service quick and accurate, for
example, tho numbers should be
looked up in the telephone direct
ory bofore a person begins calling
The system has grown to such a
size that "Central" cannot be ex
pected to remember oil -hand the
telephone uurnhers of peopL- whose
names are given her. Besides, even
though an experienced operator
who has been iu ono ollico a
long time might know a good many
subscriber's numbers from constant
repetition, new girls are required
for the switchboard right along and
they have so much wide acquaint
ance but must depend absolutely
on numbers being given them, for
they have no tinio to look them up.
"Long distance operation though
in a geueral way the same as the
operation of tho local lines, natur
ally involves more processes Leforo
one person can speak with another.
For very long distances it frequent
ly requires tho use of six or eight
switchboards altogether, and tho
services of ten or a dozen jieople.
But perhaps the thing loat under
stood by those not familiar with the
inner workings of ecnttal is how
the toll calls are timed.
In front of each long distance op
erator is set into tho shelf that pro
jects front the switchboard what
looks to be a clock with a handle
sticking up at either side. Tho
clock face which you seo is not
used lor timing calls, however.
Underneath it, is a set of dials with
figures like tho letters on a typo
writing machine. The operator puts
the ticket on which tho details of
your call are eutotcd, iuto this cal
culagraph as it is called, and when
you begin your conversation sho
stamps tho exact tinio ou the slip of
paper by pulling down ono of tho
levers. Tho instant she gets the
signni ttial tells ner you are
through talking, she pulls the other
lever, which makes an impression
on the ticket showing just how long
you have used the line, down to ns
small a fraction as fifteen seconds
Tho cnlculagraph runs by clock
work which is examined for accur
acy every day and cannot, of course
make any mistakes.
Prepare This Yourself.
('or those who have any form of
Mood disorders, who want now, rich
Mood and plenty of it, try tills:
Fluid F.xtniet !uudelioii, one-half
ounce;('ouipouiid Karon, ono ounce;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparlll a, throe
Shake well In a bottle and t tko In
tenspoonfiil doses after ouch meal and
at hc'RImc. Any Rood pharmacy can
supply the Ingredients at Binall cost
This Is the proscription which,
when made up Is called "Tho Vegeta
ble Treatment" by others, "The C.y.
(done IMood Purifier. " It acts gently
and certainly does wonders for some
people who are sickly, weak and out
of sorts, and is kuown to relievo ser
ious, long-standing' eases of rheuma
tism and chronic backache quickly.
Makeup some and try it.
? Kuom 1-4 XeT ChrlsmauBk. KiiKene, Or. s
$ v. v.'W. v. v -i v !.
.SiiiK'er. New Home, Wheeler &
Wilnuii and Standard sewintf ma
chines at Yeatcli & I.awsons.
Dr. ting's
New Discovery
VMM 9k 4 A
run soLDS Tni Botu re
We have established a
Class in youv town and
yon can join this class at
any time. We tfivo spec
ial drills and our super
ior drills are just what
yon must have if yon de
sire the best success.
We assist worth' stu
dents to secure good po
sitions. Do not say that
you cannot learn to
write Shorthand for
You can in a Short Time
Be Prepared to do the
work the world wants
done. Address
Sodaville, Or.
For Further Information
orrespondencc School
43 IVofenHorx ;
College of l iberal Arln.
eoruslis :
t'las-denl . It.
I. Horary It. I .,
Sc!.ntillo H. s.
Philosophical ph. It.
Tho College of l.nVrnl Arts mnlu
tnlns tho following sclionti ;
The Collouv or Oratory, O. H.
Tho Touchers College . II. I'd.
Tho Normal Seliool, Diploma.
Tho Oregon Institute or the
Academy. Diploma.
Tho School o( Commerce, Di
ploma. r
i ou e r u ma: k, M'lii nh:
Salem, Oregon.
If it's Up-to-date, THE TOGGERY has it.
clothcH are ileniand"il hy nil
men of (jnud judgment and
i-t t ho place In got your tut lit from
tho erovwi (if your head to the
kuIoh nf your foot. I hU warm
weather reuilnd-i 1 1 h I hat
We will ini:ke it cool fur
y on if you buy yiuir Sl'M
MI!R !M)I:RVI:AK of us.
If it's,
Al l.
I A Free
With a UNIVERSAL RANGE iron, now until Christ
mas Day, each purchaser of a Universal Ratine will rc
ccic a FINE TURKEY free of charge. This offer is
made to prove the linking and wood saving qualities of
this already famous Uam;e. Universal Ranges will make
your cooking easy, your meat juicy, your pie crust
flaky, your cookies crisp, and your bread lij-ht.
Prices SVI.OO to $65.00
'J'hiw head of f,"Hd work hornet
weiKli 11"'" to 1 :Jti0 pounds I'ricf flL',1
each. Would tnkn a. L'ood milk cow
tin part imymont. (). M. Si.aoi.k.
Wildwood 1". O. Phone Ited Pi iilj'c Ho-
licmiu mill lino.
Here's Good Advice.
O. 8. Woolever, ono of tho ,ent
known merchdiitu of l,o ItuyHVlllu, N.
V., wiyn:"lf you nre over troubled
with pilt-H, iipply Iturkluu'H Arnica
waive. It cured mo of thorn for good
SOypurn ago." (iuarantciMl for hoi'ch,
wouikIui buniM or aluaHluiiH, 1T cciiIm
at BmiHon's Pharmacy,
J Instructor.
Affiliated CoIIcrcs,
oIIoro uf Medicine M. D. K.
College of Law I.I,. It. ffl
College of Tl logy lb D. 5;
College ,,f MiHo II. M. ft
The A llllialod CcdleiJi s are lliiau- V)
clally Independent of tho Cobs!
Icc of Mhcrul Alts. ft
I ho Sol I of Al l, Certificate, f
Tho School of Art Is also llnaii-
chilly Independent of tho Col-W
Ioro of l.llielal Arts.
The TOGGERY has it.
Veatch Co
No. II :i;08 (). 1(
No. 17 io:;m p. m
o. tr j :'.,! Hi
Hi 1 :M p
in 5:K)ii,
M ::3Sp.
1-' H):4S tl.
12 closed, pouch to Port-
land o
liolo Jlognto, tho city drayman,
for u careful IruiiHfcr of your Iiouho-
hold eflVctH.