Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 27, 1907, Image 4

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Men who hc-an to breed drnft borw
ll 1 , ,
from n native foundation year npo
rinl have kept
kept steadily nt It are now
reaping the fruits of tluir labors. It Is
B Siifo statement that no brauch of
loo sUhU husbandry has paid better
throndi tin- l."p' of years thau till.
Mown at t!o Illinois state fair na ex
hibitor showed in a rins" of a.eod mares
four full siter. the eldest nine year
old. nil trarinu' to one little mare which
more than a qnav'.T of a century npo
I -., I I, .Ir.lff nl'iiili It tlil
.,i f. ,w.w of rmre hl.wd toilf;. Y. 1. S. C
make a tr.are cHclble to r.wnl ln.b:oop. in. Mtmia seuoul in lo.mols. ov!
pome st nil I .,...!. an. I on top of those I o'clock, Intermediate I'ndeavor ; r.u suij s, cw t
this man now lew three more, or six
jtenerations In all. of registered stock j
on the sule of the dam. The four full j
sisters r.i inesf.o;i weiutusi ri'spiYun
Iv from ten pounds less than 100 to
ns many iv.iiuN more tlnui i,',mi
ji.ntiiils. aiM t'i. y were only In ordinary
farm eomllt 011. I'liat was not a gooi
thine for elr
'iti. 'ii I'lupo-ies. of course.
r A TKltl HF.KON 1'liIZK W1NKEB.
but It showed that the mares had been
bred bij nml did not need preat masses
of beef to make them weigh up Into
the real drafter class.
The expense at which this result has
been achieved cannot be computed, for
there was no expense attached. In
deed there was only large profit, and
the owner says that nothing he has
ever had on his farm has paid hltu so
well as his horses. lie can sell them
now as two-year-olds for long prices,
and he never has to wait for a buyer.
It Is known that his horses have the
weight and the shape, and they go
whenever he Is ready to let them.
Asked what his ideas and Intentions
were when he first began the grading
up process, he said he believed that
pome day heavy horses would be In
better demand than light ones and
that anyway he needed more team
power on his farm, lie kept steadily
on through the lean years and the fat
years and now has a good many thou
sand dollars running around his fleld9
wrapped up in bay hides and plenty
more in the stable. There has been
much discussion as to the advisability
of recording four-cross mares, but that
Is not material to this statement. The
fact remains that he has now nothing
but registered horses on his farm and
that he should be able to go to a state
fair and win with some of them speaks
well for the work that he has done.
It Is to be presumed that it does not
make much difference what sort of a
mare the foundation was laid with so
long ns she did not have some fault
that would Keep outeropping In the
family generation after generation.
But the necessity of using good stal
lions, better and better with each suc
cessive cross. Is (juite plainly marked
Jn all such progressions in grading up
ward. It avails not to pile one cross
on another unless the progeny result
ing shows as mm h improvement. It Is
a question if too much money can be
paid In reason for the right sort of a
horse to carry on su' h work. It may
be that in the first two or three crosses
fair to good horses may do all right
enough, but when It conies, not to In
creasing size, but to making them
good, only the highest class of stallions
should be utilized. T snally men strive
to put some sort of a fancy capstone
to their work. In horse breeding this j
can only be accomplished by the use of
the very best stallion obtainable, and
tl high price shoal. 1 not be balked at,
for it takes a h:''li price to get such a
horse. vVo would commend this mat
ter to the lose consideration of all
who ore pr n ee. ling on the upward
grade in this line of business. Cull
out the mares with ruthless hand. Let
those that are not u .l enough go to
the cities or soiii.ovb.ere else. Keep the
good Ola s, ehoo e the horse to suit
them, and get Mm big and get hliu
good. To beep on merely running level
In the
sort of
never n
.:;' s the lireeder s
o-iiig the same old
ear after year, will
Kb the
At p. in. while M.i ami l';i
1 leljie.l entel t ,' i II with Sis,
liot h 'I ' mi ii ml M 11 y i 11 1 list. 'Hit seat .1
Sat far apart like this.
At ' p. in., when pa wit h'ln -n.
And su'iu'iit hi room up-tail.
The li.vei- eonel niie i'f.-lidis
A lid 11 ea 1 I lil1 eight t In il cha iln.
At 1 o p. 111 . .Mania decamp. l,
And I hen, ve 1 what bli.-h,
'I'hesi ! ,vei, -;, I liil nearly one,
Ab'iuta-i I'l-ea-lhi-!
30 days' treatment for $1.00.
, guaranteed or money
At the Churches
Mrthodbt Fpisropal ( liurch. KcV. I
S. M. Nickle, raster. 1'ivnrtUnjT '
services lit 11 :i. m. and 7:"tl p. '
in. Sinuliiv School. 10 a. in..'
Fpworth Lvalue p. in.. Fraycr .
meeting Thursday evening nt i i
rordiftllv im Itoil to he present
Christian Science services hcU j
over Allison's Harbor shop every
Sutulav mornine- nt 1 1 o'clock ami
,,1 r iwA .1 1 mii,iT ai
S -In.- I"
Christian Church. Kev. V. A.
F.lkius Pastor. Services at 11 in
the moruint; ami 7..h in the even- j
1, JUL I L unit ' v. u "
I-., meeting: at ;
Society ai -:,;o ami uotr ju active
every Saturday evening; tit 7.750.
1 First Presbyterian Churcli, Pastor '
Kev. H. I.. Nave; Morniiio, service, i
11, evening S, Y. P. S. ( .. 7 p,
ni. All strangers ami sojourners
I Catholic Churcli Mass every
j Sumlay morning at It o'clock,
i Vespers nn.l Reneuietion at 7 o'cloi k
I p. m.
j Rev. Father Fitpatrick, pastor.
For Big
Football Excursion to Port
land. The Southern Pacific will sell
round trip tickets from Kity;ene to
Portland and return for the Thanks
giving fotl'a!l gatue at S.75, or
one full fare the round trip.
Tickets gomo; good on Xo. 1- at
11.45 a. ni. Wednesday or Xj. 18,
Cottage Grove local, Thursday.
Good returning on any train up to
Sunday night, December 1.
Going, the rate does not apply 1
on any night train.
Farmers Institute.'
Tbe Farmers Institute will meet
at Creswell, Friday Xovember 20,
in an all day's session.
Boardlni ind day ichool lor youac laJiea.
Kuala (Laschtlikj method). Art: Complet
Academla Court: epaclal IndueamanU. For
taTormalioB addxaaa etatar Gusarlor.
Miners' Supplies
General Merchandise. I
Tullar & Powell, Proprs.
Fashion Stables glcTAgEot
rIlie Hodge Jis give a perfect reparation
of Zine-Ieail-Ores
1634 BlakoSt,
Tor Sale by New Era Drug Store.
I'lioni i'.
( l'l ices quoted are retail.)
1 ut tot , country
Flitter, cooling
7 ' c
$ .loo
Hnttor, cn-tunery, 11
lUitter fat
Arp1. l"1"'1' mltim 1,1
. . , , ,
.LIUltriU K.UK, Will
i!'. .. o
. . .
1 liilcs, gteon
Salt Hides, dry
Cabbage, cwt
50 !
50 I
Turnips, cwt
11 Y, oliAI N, I'll'
Ketail prices are quoicd)
Wheat, bushel S
Wheat ami vetch
Oats. Inisliol
ij 1 .00
I'tati, ton
Clean wheat chop
Oats an-1 vetch chopped, ton $.15.00
Mixcil. ton j (.00
1 Shorts, ton 5-S.oo
! Flour, valley, cwt $j.o
Flour (hafil wheat, cwt S.'.bo
Rollcil barley, pet 7."lb sack $1.10
Rolled barley, standard, sack $1.00
Hay, baled, ton 1 10.00
Veal, drcsscu
Hoes dressed
- 1
." to lie
mi iu
Cottage Grove, Or.
Paid up Capital:
Surplus .'itnl I iiiliviileil Profits.
Money to loan on approved security
(exchanges sold, available nnv
place in the I'nited States
g tKHBKKT KaKI!"'nt
Tor Mining; lilanks Nugget Ollice.
o y.
the Kidneys,
111 11 mm iiiw BiiMiii miiBiii 1 mi 111 imiwin 1 1
Lodge Directory.
R riK.hAHS t'ottiuto (irove, No.
L'l, Meet liu InI. :ird. mid .It h. Krl-
ilay of every inoiitlij
Ivr r v It iKi'ii, N. O,
K ATI i: It. Vi-'uvii. Sec.
iiihI llli I'.liieHilay of eneh month.
Mns Mahv I!ki ll. Oit.M i.i:.
Mus. C. V. Wm i.m-k. liec.
j W . O. W. Itoheiuifi rmiii, Nil. L'tiO,
Meets c cry Ki lil.iy evening.
! Ii. V. 1 1 VK Kit. t'llllHIll I'oin.
I'll s. 'an)i:mii liii. Clerk.
K O. T. M. f.iscii.le Camp No. "tW
Meetsevcrv Thursday night.
(. II. Yi ai. 11. Coin.
1!. K . I'll V Is, ( 'miter.
I. O. O. I'.- Colt.ige lirovc, No. IN,
Meet ovety .Nntni'diiy night.
1 J i:n. I mm l it, N. ( i.
A. I'.ki w KK, Sl'0.
M W.olA. Meetinos 1st ami :liil
1 lay in eacli nmtit Ii.
A. S. r.nvi 1 1 , Consul.
If. Y. V Ml mi:. Clerk.
M. B. A. Modern ltintherli.xi.1 of
America. Meet the L'd and Ith Tues
day or.aich luunthat l.t ).O.F. Hull.
T, W . Jknmns Sec.
W. 0 W. St. N ulcntlno Circle I'.'l.
Meets 1st and :til Tuesibi.v in each
month in VV. O, V. Hull.
l'l. oka .1. Mm. 1.1 11, Clerk.
Foresters of America Meet every
Monday owning.
V. ('. I'm nnv, '. It.
IIkn SwiiiKn, r ,s.
A. F. & A. M. Cottnut' (irove, No.
.M. Meetings 1st find :trd Wednes
day of ejich inolit Ii.
l l v 1:11 V 1: mi 11, V. Rt.
I. i:. Who 1 l.v, Hec.
G. A. K. -Appomatax. l'ost No 31,
Meets at 1 p. 111., mi the I'd and Ith
Saturday of each month.
Die 1). L. Wm. i.s, 1'. ('.
(r. W. I'O VNOI.I.S, Adj.
L. O. T. M. I.ady Lams. .11 Hive. No
IJ. Meets I'd nnil ltd Friday of
each month.
Mus M.nv Scim-mtz, L. C.
Miss Lkta Samoiiii, K, K,
O K, S. t'ott, drove Chapter No
I. Meetlii.-s held mi 'Jdiind Mb Iti
iluv of each month.
Mils. lioSMMII llli, W. M.
t. c wiii.Ki i n. v. r.
Mus. M.vr ni: W'iiKi:i.i:it, Sec.
W. R. C Appomattox W, K. C, No.
IL', Meets at 1 p. III. nil the 'M mid
1th Saturday of each iiionth.
M.utv Di. kK.v, I'res.
K. J i:nii: Woons, See.
K. of IV .Inventus Lodjre No, 4s,
Meets every WeilnoHilav nlnht.
S. K. I'li'Mt C. C
('11 vs. VaI)i:I'.i:i:i;. K.of II. & S.
4 coTTAtii; ikovi:
? 5
All the latest treatments.
l'LAIN and J
Knr further particulars aililress
KcpulrinK At reasonable cnarKfa.
All work Kittrttotee.l llmt-elaiia.
Wiii.elieH,Miickaii.l Jewelry at I.oweit I'rlee
.1. S. Medley. .1. V. .lohnHoll
Medley Johnson,
Ufflre. Suite :t It-ink llhlff.
Special addition nlvcu to Mining
and ( orpora Hon L11.W.
Ollice tin Main Hlreet, Weal
CoTTAf; n Ckovi:, Ork.
, j DESI0N8
1 CopvmoHT4c.
Anynno son din a h nkntrh nnil description may
quickly Hurerfitiit .iir iipiniuu frvu wlieiher hu
tnvuiilloii lit iribHl)ljr ttiteiitnhlo. ColjJIiiUhW'A
tii.hOHtrKliyc-.i.n.lbiitlHl. KAN0B00X on riuia
Uttnt trc. DliltiHt ituency fur Bucurliitf utttAiiia.
,'ttU'iiu taken IlirouWi Muna & lu. rjC0lv0
$l uit nutUtt without tliwfKtf. In tlia
Sclciilific Jlmcrican,
A tiHTKlnomoly H hint rated weekly larteit clr
t iiIhIK'H nt any r-lui it 111 ? l-iuriinl. 1 unm, f$
year: fuiir inuiitlitf, (1, Hula by Hll ndWNtli'alura.
MUNN&Co.3p'B New York
tlrauiii units, m V St., Wniiiiuaiuu. U. U
Llospitaland Sanitarium
.iMM0. 60
Rcstorntiun to Entry ol Lands in Na
tional Forest.
Notice in hereby kIv.'II that the
holds described Ix'low, elulii aelnu Id
ncres within the Cascade National
l''oresl, Din1., will bo subject to Nettle
incut uliil elltiy under the piovlslolls
of the liouiestead laws of the I tilted
States nml the act nl .liine II, !Hi.i
CM Stnt., -J3:l I . at the lulled State
Land ollice a t Ibwelutr, Oreuoii.oii
Seid. Ill, I I T . Any settler who was
actually nml In k"oi fallh clalnnim
uny id' said lands for aui icull nral pin
poses pi lor to .laiiuaiv I, 1'ioii and ban
not llbillidoiied Mime, ba" a prefer
elice l lht to miiUe il holiii tead enti
(or the lauds aetil.ilh oicnpieil.
Said lan.N vvi re IMod upnii the appli
Cllt Ions of t he p. I sons nielli lulled be
low, lin Iiiim' ii prelel cin e ri'.'h I sill.
Ject to the pilot' ili'hl o( allv niii-Ii
Met tier, prox ided hiii Ii M't t lei . ir appll
cant Is iiialllieil to lual.e hi 11 lead
entry and the pn lerence rhhl ! i'
eicined pilm to Sept. Id. I ' 107 . on
Hhl.'h dale the lands will be subject
to Hcttle incut and entry by any ipial
ilietl pel si 111-.. I he lands ;ii e in
lows; SKI, nl WV1,, See. '.'ll. T '.'I S,
It. :i I". NV. M.. b- led upon the nppll
cation id .lames . Hill.ol I la. It dell.
Oli'KOii. I ki n Iism 1, etin:; ('
1 1 1 1 M H i 1 1 1 1 1 r I I ho I iemral I Jill. I I Mine
A.proe.l .lime l.i. I.i.l,. .Ii-sn: I.
W 11 son. Art tin; nf the In
terior .
i .
A I ' I ' I . II ' T 1 1 N l oi:
:. I' A I i: I'.
"1. Mineral Snr ev No.
M. A. No
I lilted Stales Land Ollice.
Koscbul'e;. Oie., l ob. 7, I'.lo,'
Notice Ih hereby neii that In pur
Hiiance of I'bapter C, 'I'll l ol the
Kevlseil Statutes of the I llited States,
Albeitoll Voo,l wIiiino post ollice ad
dress is t'ot ta4,'e I it'nM'. I .a lie I'uiinly,
Orixoii. Iiiim made application for I .
S- I'utellt for I ."it i lunar feet of the
Arlington lode. sur. No. 111 bearine
oltl ami siU er ; the same bein-j N '.'I
dt'H'. "I mill. W ." feet and S Jl dei;
.11 mln !!, '.Till feel (ruin the disci iver.v
cut t hereon W it ll siirl'aee .;i oiilii 100
feet In width. Situated iutheS1. of
Section I I suspended T :', S I: I I'.
of the Will.inietle Meii llan in the Co
heinia Mining IMslrlct. I '. ni'las ( oiin
I V, ( lleeoll, ;'.i deseii , ,y (hit ,,f.
lielal plat lu re" 1 . .n ei and bv the
lield notes 1. 11 lile ill the ollice of the
Keister of the I nile.l Mates I. ami
ollice at Ittisebiii t tieoii. as follow s,
to-vvit .
Heuinnlnn' at l or No 1 Whence:
the V S M M No I, e-dahllslicil in Sin
No 'J!.'!' bra is N 77 thy mln ::n sec .7i (eel.
The S !: Col' Sec I I . sus,ende. ' 1'
S If 1 I', of Willamette Mri brars
S f0 de mln .10 sec V. :: :.",d.:;n feet.
Thence H t'. i dee; mln y r.oiifert
to Cor No 2.
Thence S L'l ilm '.I mill i: I.ri0nfei t o
Cxr No :i.
Thrum N li'i tlei L':i mill K . 1 M I feet
to Cor No I.
Thence N '.M dei: ::i miu V I'.oii h rt
to t'or No 1 . I hr place of ln-n innlii;;.
N'nrlatloii 'JO ib .'I.Mnin I!. coiilaiii
lnI l!t.,".ss acres, exclusive of coiitliel
with Sur No e7-'! lelroit lode. The
adjoining 1 laitns are the above cscliid.
r.l ntlirrs If any unknown.
The notice of liuiellded loea t ii 111 1 it
said Arlington lode Is mi record In
the ollice ol the IJecirder of I oilj-;la
County, ill liosebiit'L'. 1 iri', I'.ook ti,
I'aje ."i-d of Minim; Kecim!"
AliV an. I all per-. ms eluiinin;; ad
versely the niiniiiL; ground ami prein
ises or any portion llieieof s i ile
scrlhed ami applied for are hereby
notilied that niile-s their advrisr
claims are duly tiled aeeonlinej to law
and the renulal ioli" tln-ini nder. w i 1 1 1 -III
t III- tllllr pli serilied by law, Willi
the Krister "I the I'liiled Slates
Laild ( Hiiro at Ibisebui'L;. Ilieeoli.
they will br barred by virtue ol' the
provisions of said statute.
Ill 1 A l I N I.. IllHO . Ib'ui-tel'.
NO ITt'i: l'olt I'l'llLK'A TION.
1 lepaii nieiit of the Interior,
Land Ollice at I to- ebin', liveon,
A ii)?us :;si , p. 107.
Notice is herelo jsiveti that
zr.Noo. i:ni,
of , Sitir, Oregon, has lile.l notice
of his Inlrntioii to make linal live
year proof 111 support ot Ills claim,
viz.: Homestead Knlr.v No. 1 1 .""" ininle
Miy III, PC for the I-:1., nf W Sect ion
If-, 1'oWllship L'l South, CllUK't' - West
and t hat, said proof will be made be
foro the Ue'ister and Ibi-civer at
Itosebui't!;. (Jri'Koii on I'riday, Novem
ber L'L', ;07.
lie names the I'ol lo w i li' w 1 1 nesses
to provo Ids continuous! rr-adriirr
upon, ntul rultivalloii of the laud
S. II, VaiiRliii il lhisiinirj Oreeiiii;
K. I). Jones of Star, Oregon; Miles
l'ileher of Star, Oneon;.). Ileillord
of horena, Oregon.
!i;.iami Jj. Ijhiv, lieelsler.
uNirr maquirc
beautifully illintraied, good tloriei
tad axticlra about California
aod all Ilia far Wert.
a jreai
mooJIHy jpu&licatieo dt?oled Q CQ
to ike larmiag idteraMa el tha
book ol 75 pagea, conlainina
I2U colored pholograplia of tQ 75
piclureaque ipota in California '
and Oregon.
Tofl . . .
All for $1.50
Cut out thil advrrtliwmcnt
ad acad with $1.50 to
Horses lor Sale.
Five hem! ko"I worl
S. K. Ituslrk nt I lie
near lioheuiia.
hoiseM lor sale,
liurnrlt. place
I nlteil States I.11111I OMico, Kohi but 1;,
Orei;on, Mineral A pplleiilmii
No, I7H, Ancu d :i. I'm;.
Notice I. hereby idven that Slur
t 'oiisollilated Minim; Cotiipauv, 11
corporation of I'orllaud, Orei;oii. has
liitide appli. 11 1 Ion for a pateol for the
Star t'oiisolidatril ( i 1 1 mp Loilr Mill
Inu clalius, rompilslm; the liloyrr,
blael, tr.irller, b I. a 11. Ooldrn
Slai, Star F v leicloti , lai.y- Last
t'hanee, N Ii hoilemiii, l'i.iiaiiii, llarl
Iry. Iluirhrs b'11-.llrr and ,Siimi;i;lrr
l.odi"., "iliialed III lloliemhi Mining
Mi Irlct, I .a lie county, Slate nf Ore
Hull, Willi 'in lace uioinid, as ile-
H, a llied bv the olllelal , it liel'eW III)
po led and L the lield note 1 011 Die
III the ollice of Ihe le'lsl. T of t till
Kosebul 1; Land Ml I l it ! , irei'. ni . M.
s. No. liic , as follow s .
liloer Lode I'emnniliu at collier
No. I. w hence the I'.1, sec. cor. see L'l,
I' '..''!, S b I w lir. .S ili-fj 7 mill w,
iiis7.l II . I hence S7I 1 le: ; . .' I in 111 L
1 .1111 ll , 1 hence N dei'. ::o miu. F,.
dlo Id It: thciicc N 71 dei;. ..I nun. W
I. 'iiiil II , t In ner S .'I:' de;' :lu mm. w,
dl'.i Id II, to the place ol 1'iaoiiiiiu:;.
I'.laek T:ave!ler bode Lrrlniiine nt
cor. No I. whence the I!1, -ee rut.
s. e. L'l T '':. S II I br- S m; :t
mln ::u sec W v in.",. til it; ll ivMi'l
leu ., mm. In -ee. L I l'is i r , llicnce
N : di e I ! linil leel . I hem e d:i di'K.
.1 mill. In see W I lilN.d.i ft . t hence S.
L'.i dee. W dilll ft to t be place .,( Ii"
U I II 01 III.'
Mi'vlcan Lode- I ten Inn 1 n; at col".
No I. whence the I'. 1 1 sec. rof. see ,
L'l. T L"i s 1: 1 w ins s so dei; :,:: miu.
'..'II ei . .'. l'l Il.llielne Sd.",ieu.
::s mm. i: I i:i7 It . t hem e N J '. ih I',
dim feet ; tin- N d 1 dec ::s miu W
I l:i,' n . tin ace S. j:t den W doa fl
the place of bruililiill.
lioldell S if l.ll.le toe.illlillH
Col . No. I . W hence I he L'. ;
. .'IS
iff. L' 1, T '.'I.S. ll. I W l.rsS. sdibai.
mill. ::. see. !l7 Id.'l ! 1 1 : I hence S
di'K'. :!s mill. 17 I I:i7 ft. I hence N L1::
L L'.'iS U fl . I lieln e N l'l ih-n. .". mill
.".".. :: I It . thrncr N .... dee, ,,s nun
-ee. '.ll l.'iil ft; I hem e S L". dr;;.
."i.'O ft. to the plaee of 1 ,1 - i 1 1 11 1 11 1;.
Star I !trn inu I. ode HeiMiiiiine.
cor. No I.
see. L'l. T :
".I miu. W
I mln. hi 1
''::. deu. I '.
null. m'c
w henee the I '. see. ri il'.
S. I;. l,-. S v.f ,ei.;.
:'.::! "'1 11. t bet S ii! 1 di'K'.
c I'. I I'IS.d 1 fl ; I hriier N.
II ; lh-l N lis dre;. ",
I I'd II ft . I hem e S. j:i
W don t ; o tl,.. plaer .,( benill-
LalsV Lode Ih nlnnil.u' at oil'. Nu.
I. whence Ihe N I', i or. see. L'l. T LM, S.
II. I N Ins N v:: de:.. :i linn. .Ml re. W
olM' fi; theiiee s .'.7 ile-. "o miu. F,
I Pl'.l.nd f . I hence N IL' deir. I! doll It;
Iheliee N .'' ili'j;. .',7 mill. W, I I'lll lli; (t ;
theiiee S !' 1 . s.' . W. duo ll . to the place
ol beoilinill;;.
l.a-t Chalice I .ode Leumiiinn lit
cor. No. I, whence I '. S. L. M. No. L'
rstabll'-lieil 111 survey No. dL'l, I'.o.loii
Coliaolidateil (irmip bis. N, 1 drj?.
II mill. 10 set'. 17 dsd.'!... ft; Ih. neo S
IJile-. W dun It ; Iheaee S, l'l dre;..".
miu. L I l:e II ft; tln-nrr N II' 'K- L
i;iin ft: Ihrnce N l'l .hv. .". mln. W I Civ
il fi , In I In- place of lieirinnliif;.
N iellodellillH Lode- I '.ei; i II II III e; at
cor. No. I . u III 'lice N I '. cor. See. L'l, T
J , S. It. I W In .. N V ilrc miu. L'll
see. W t'.s!l7.::i l't;thrlirr N s I drj;. lj
mill. PI see. I ! ft ; henee N a
thV. I."i mill l'l dun ft; t hence S. s I dtv.
IL' mm. In -ir. W I ft ; thence S.
."i ilen. ."i miu. w dim ft. to t he place of
I'.ozan.a Lode -No.
I, W helli e t he
j::. s. i:. I w. bi s.
i-rr. W, s:;:i'.'.L'7 ft:
miu. K, it.
-lii'Kini'iliK at .or.
N I', n r. Sre. L'L T
N 1 drir. 1.1 mill. Iti
t henrn S. s;; drjr. L'7
theme N .'i hv'. 11
I. lion It . llii'liro . iIi l'. l'7 mm.
W 1.100 fl; IlirlicrS .1 il.-. II mill. W
dim It : to the place of beu inn i in;.
Hartley Lode -- Piyinnlni' al cor.
No. I, wheliee I he N L cor. see, L'l, T
L'-'i. S. IL I N . Li-.S s7 dee. ,-, ndli. L'u
siM'. W s::il 77 ft. thi ne. 'S. .17 ilef;. L'7
miu. 17 l'..'!m.::ii it ; iheiieo '.'ll dep;. 17
dim ii ; theme N .17 il.y L7 miu. W,
lL".l.:!il ft ; t lelice S. L'U dr- w dull It..
In the pla I li,'uinniio'.
IlllelleS Lnde I'.er.lllllllle at .'Ol' .
No. I. N ri il. ser. "J I . T j:l.
S. I!. I N In-. N
;i ::t.L'.: It ; theuee
I I'.IL'.IJ It : thrum
t hrlirr N Id dr;'
7 . 1.'u. Id mln. W,
s. f,d iirn. s miu. F
N 'j: d.'n'. r. ;io ft;
s min . W I IICf.lL' ft;
thence s, jn den. W mm rt., to tho
plaer of brintiiiij,'.
Kusllrr 1 ,1 ii Ii- liri'iniiiiii; at cor No.
L whence N L cor see. L' I , T LM, S, K. I
W bis. S. si ii
mm. In see. V.
" ilee;. mlu. 17
Sd'M.L'i; I I ; I hence S. .17 .
:;.1ii.::ii it ; t iiener N l"i
lee-. 17 dim ft ;
. I::i7.7(.) It;
yr, ft., to the
in. . do ilen.
thrncr S. L". dr.'.
plaer n hreiliuiiin'.
Snniuiflrr Luilr licnlniiln at ror.
No. I, wheiire N L ror, srr. L'l, T L'-'I,
S. L. I, W brs. S s;i dri'. I min. I'll sir,
W '.171 s. L'L' ft; thrum S. .Id ili tf. s min.
17, I I'lL'. Il' ft; I hence N 'J!l iliy. F. is I.S
il; llirncr N .1.1 dr;;. 'Jd min. In sr.'. V.
I I'l.'I.S!! I I; Ihrnce S. L'il dri,'. W. dim it.,
In I hr place of I ion i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 j.
Total i ii I men LMI .77:1 hitch.
Any ami till pia-smiM rlalmlun' ad
elsrlv thr miniiip; ground, lode,
premises or any portion thereof .so
described, siirvryrd and pla I led . a ml
applied for are hereby m it i tic. I I hat.
unless their adverse claims are duly
tiled iiecordliiK' to hiw ami the iru
lallous I hermindri , wil hill tlietiino
prrH.'ilbril by law, w ith the Kriuter
of the Hulled Slates Laud ( iflicr tit
llo.srbui p;, jn the .Slalr of Orrn'oll,
I hey will be ba rred by tint provisions;
of the law In surh cases made ntul
I M : s.l vt in L. FliiiV, licislei'.
Iirpartnirnt of the Intrrlor,
Lanil ( Hllre al Itusebnr, tlrrn'oll,
Septetnber h, P.m7.
Notice Is hereliy Riyeil thai
of Lorn lie, Onvoii, has liled uot iru
ol' his i ii I i'ii t Ion to nuke linal live
year proof in HUppoil, of his claim,
.: Fill rv No. 1 1 7 Lfs made
.hltir 111, 1110'J for thr W'i N W 1 1 , S
K NW',,, S SWJi Srrlion L'O
TowllHhlp L'l) South, KiuiKu I W., and
that said proof will br made liel'nre
lint Lrlsler ami lirrelvrr at liosr
bili'n, ( U'l'Kon, on TiioH.tav, Ure. I7lh
lit) imnies the following witiiesseH
o prove his colli iinious lesideuc.)
upon, nml cultivation of the land,
iMIlo It Slone, tif Lurnne, Oregon;
(ieoiKOt! Seluiel.ler of Lorn lie, Ore
Kon; Fdiniin.l S. Addlhon of Lorane,
Oregon; llerlirti M. holy ol' Lorano,
IlKS'.IAMIN L, I'.l.liV, KenlNleV