Hems of Interest In and about 3 Cottage Grove and vicinity. -j HOME NEWS Heo lloftate tor your drayinR. l'rauk RoHcnhorg was In liugono Saturday. Dr. and Mm. lkt nro viaiting friends for a short time. let llognte to do your ilrnyaw- I'nto Long visited friends in Ku geno Kunday. Mr. Dave Markloy is visiting her daughter Mrs. Cbrisman in Eugene. Mrs. V. J. Hard is visiting Mr. Hard for a few days. The minors at the Vesuvius mill hive n turkey dinnor Thursday. IloKiite for uick transfer of KOods. MIhs Flossio Lock wood is visiting friends and relatives in this city. Attorney J. C. Johnson was in Eugeno on bitsincs Saturday olter uoon. Mrs. Iong, wife of C. T. Long of the Graham has returned from a visit to Portland. Miia Stella Cochlin, who has been visiting here for the past two weeks returned to her home ut Wendling, Monday morning. Cio to Mrs. Magd 1'eiirnoii on Fourth street, for drcsHinuklnir mid plain Howlnn. Miss Hena liaker of the Tele phone Exchange, visited in Kugeno Monday. To cure a cold first move tliu bow cIm. Hccs Laxative CoiikIi Hyrtip ni'tH gently on the lioweln, drives out tlx eolil, clours the heiid. It's plt-UHiuit to take me' iiiotliers highly reeoiu meiitl it for colds, croup, and whoop ing eolith, tiiuirantt'ed to k'vo mit Isdu'lloii or moiii'y rermided. l'.iUiilly Kood for young and old. Sold by New Kru Urug Store. P. V. Cooper of the Plack Butte mines and Johu Barker wore out alter China pheasants yesterday. Mrs. Dr. Job returned on the Cottago Grove loeal Sunday even ing from a visit to Corvallis. Tho Western Oregon Lumbering ar d Manufacturers Association mot at the office of the secretaty Friday P. ni. Tom , Parker is fist gaining the namo of "Ye Caterer." Tho spread ho put up at the armory Monday evening was all right. Don't worry about your kidneys when you can obtain 'M days' treat ment of Plneules for $1.110., These lit tle globules bring relief In the 11 rut dose. Itaekache, Lumbago and Ulieu iiialUm yield quickly. If not antls lied your money refunded. TIiIh Is a fair offer, you can't lose. Hold by New I'.ra Drug Store. M. K. Merrill of the PnciGo States Telephone was visiting Da vid (Iriggs, the company's local manager, yesterday. Mr. Merrill will roturn Saturday and deliver an interesting and instructive lecture on the telephone and its uses at the armory in the evening. Jt Is claimed indigestion Is the Na tional disease. Thnts why the demand for Kings Dyspepsia Tablets keeps iiiereaslug because they do tho work. Htoinaeh trouble, dyspcpnln, Indiges tion, bloating, etc., yield quickly. Two days treatment free. Ask your drug gist uboiit them. Sold by New l'ra Drug Store. V. A. Hillis, the crack shot for the Peters Cartridge company is visiting their agents the Griffiu & Veutch compauy of this place. Yes terday Henry Veatch took him out to exhibit the good quality of their cartridges among the China pheas ants and as a testimony of good work the editor and others enjoyed u feast at the Hotel Graham. II Is a well known fact that persons living in the pine forests do not suffer from kidney discuses. One dope of l'lneiiles ut night usually relieves backache. W days' treatment X.(H). Your money refundod if not satisfied. Sold by New Km Drug Store Competitive Drill and Presentation, Company E, O.N. O. hald a com petitive drill at the armory Monday evening in the presence of a large audienco. There were four vacan cles for the staff of Corporal. There were six entries in the contest. Pri vates Cochran, ISartels, Simeral, Potts, linker, Gourley, who all passed a creditable examination with cflicicucy in the order named. There only being four vacancies the first four names were immediately appointed to their positions, the other two jmnsing ao good an exam ination, on recommendation of the Colonel will be appointed Corpor als as soon as vacancies eccur. After the contest Col. Geo. O. Yorau presented the regimental trophy to Company E which was won by them in the recent rifle con test. Col. Yorau in bis presenta tion speech said that he did not re joice in taking the cup from Rose burg where it bad boeo kept so long, but be was very much pleased to blind it to the youngest company in the regiment. Captain Johnson received tho trophy for the com pany in a few words of pride that was shared in by the members of the company. The banquet followed which was altonded by tho members aad in vited guests. Secche8 from Col. Yoran, Major C. V. Hammond, Capt. Johnson, J. S. Modley and others passed away several hours in a pleasant manner. EUGENE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Doing Practical Work That Interests the Children. About the Holidays. Governor Chamberlain says : "If the banks had been as impatient as some of the depositors were, many of our factory men who do a large credit business would have been ruined. The bank holidays were declared to protect not only the bank and its depositors, but the men who owe the banks. It doesn't do ony good to run down these financial institutions, but we should help to tide them over by express ing our confidence in them. I have my home and I don't want to lose t, and I don't want it to depreciate in value, but if runs are made on our banks every man who has a foot of ground in this state will find it depreciating in value. The present condition is an abnormal one at a time when crops are so abundant it can't lona continue. So I say lot conditions stay as they are until relief comes which I confidently be lieve, will uot be long." Pacific Banker. Many Bones Broken. The Junction City high school foot ball team played against the llalsey Athletic club on the Sneed gridiron near town Saturday. The Halsey club was at its best and de spite many accidents beat the Junc tion team 5 to 0. Among the serious accidents of the day, Frank Kirk, proprietor of the llalsey livery stable, fell while playing prior to the game, and broke two bones of his left leg. One break was just below the knee and the other above the ankle. Dur ing the frame Edgar Thomb of Junction City was injured. He was unconscious and it was thought for a time he had received internal injuries. George Drinkard of Hal sey, cracked a bone in one leg and tore the muscle from the ankle bone. In the evening admirers of the athletic club tendered a recep' tion to the members, who were able to attend, at tne city hall. Eugene Guard. Each of the schools of tho city has rented its separate lot and is actively at work in the raising of crops that shall be harvested by the end of the present scLool year. Everything ii done on strictly a business basis, so much rent is paid and each student bears his portion of tbi expense, which will be met when the crops are gathered late in May and early in June. So deep has been the interest ahown by the pupils that they have collected from the Government and other sources a lot of literature which would be the envy of the scientific farmer, and tho library at the present time is qutte complete in many departments, and arrange ments have been made to secure the Government publications and such other literature as will keep the collection up to date.- A number of different crops will be put in ou the leased land and considerable attention given to hor ticulture. The boys do all the plowing and preparing of the soil and will attend to the cultivating, and in fact, everything until the harvest is complete. The principal attention of the present year will be given to the taising of food stuffs and the propogation of trees, buebes and vines that will later bear fruit. Although there are a num ber of groups of children giving special attention to floral culture, and a civic improvement societj will, no doubt, be the outgrowth of this work. Special interest is being token in the growing of roses and it is the plan of the children to see that many roses are raised in the differ ent homes and it is their hope, next year to have a great many planted along the streets of the city and in other public places. While the boys of the schools, several hundred strong, are at work raising crops the girls of the schools are being instructed in the art of sewiug, principal attention oeing given to plain sewing at this time. While this department of domestic science has been in operation only a few weeks, many of the parents have stated to the teachers of the schools that their children had come to be very useful with the needle about home and the interest of the girls at school in their sewing work is equal to that of the boys in agriculture. Both the cost of conducting the experiments in agriculture and in domestic science is very slight and t is hoped before very long through the co-operatiou of the people of Eugene, to establish a course of manual training in the schools as well as to improve the work already under way. Fitting Up the Armory Captured Some Contraband of War. Sheriff Fisk and Chief of Police Farringtou swooped down on what they regarded as a "blind pig" yes terday morning and captured a large quantity of what they think is intoxicating liquor. That will probably be determined later. Just what further action will be taken with this and other joints of this character remains to be seen, Eu gene Register. Jtogate, the transfer man, Ilogate. Special Rates on Southern Pacific. Thanksgiving excursion rates be tween all points in Oregon on the lines of the Southern Pacifio on the I basis of a fare and a third for the round trip. Tickets at these rates will be sold at all Southern Pacifio stations in Oregon on Wednesday aud Thursday, November 27th and 28th good for return until Monday night, December 2d, stopover prtvi lege not included. Inquire of any Southern Pacific agent for further particulars. A CLOSE CALL Supt. Fischer of Brown Lumber Co. Badly Hurt. Superintendent Fischer of the Drown Lumber Company looked death in the face Thursday noon. Just before 12 o'clock he went into the saw room and, as was his cus tom, stepped to the side of the slab off bearct to help him with a heavy slab. In turning the slab over, Fischer's hand was caught between it and the frame oi the live rollers. The puin was intense, and though he released his hand and stepped back out of tho way of the car riage, he fainted and fell forward, striking his forehead on the carriage frame. A. gap in bis forehead two inches long laid bare the skull bone. There is another cut djelow the right eye, and a third on the cLin. His men picked bim up in an unconscious condition and car ried him to the company's office, where a surgocn was called and dressed the wounds after conscious ness was restored. As might be expected, Mr. Fish er is looking after business and in stead of letting the Dr. come to see him, leaves the mill only long enough to go to the doctor's office to have bis wounds dresseed when necessary. It lakes more than a buz saw to put such a man out of business. ' Silk Creek Items. Mr. Werth went to the Divide Thursday. Oscar Wheeler went to Lynx Hollow for a visit with friendsFri- day afternoon. John Overholser made a trip to Row River Saturday. Mr. T. Richardson went to Cot tage Grove Saturday. , Miss Ruth Miller went to the Di vide Friday for a visit with her pa rents and sister. Mrs. Eugene Miller called on Mrs. John Overholser the first of the week. Grandma Wheeler has been spending a week with her son W. N. Wheeler and family. William McCoy and wife made a visit at Gowdyville lately. . " Plenty of rain is falling in our part of the country at this writing. COTTAGE GROVE'S MAIL TRAINS The militia boys have gone to considerable trouble and expense, indeed, expending during the last month over five hundred dollars, to fit up their armory so that it can be utilized as an opera house. Two hundred chairs have been pur chased, a portable stage has been built and soenery is being painted and will be added to trom time to time as may be required. The building is well heated and all lovers of the theatre will now be afforded the opportunity of witness ing the drama and other entertain ments in perfect comfort. Cottage Grove has long felt the want of a comfortable, well fitted opera house, and the militia boys are to be congratulated and are en titled to thanks and the patronage of every citizen 'of the city in all their undertakings in furnishing amusements. Appendicitis. Is due in a large measure to abuse of the bowels, by, employing drastic purgatives. To avoid nil danger, use only Dr. Kinir'a New Life I'dls, the safe, gentle, cleansers and lnvigora- tors, (iuaranteed lor neauaene, mi iousness, malaria and jaundice, at liensou s i'hannacy, Sjic. Do you know that rinesalvo Cur bollzed acts like a poultice In draw ins out lnflamatlon and poison? It is antiseptic. For cuts, burns, eczemu, cracked hands it la immediate relief. CO cts. Hold by New Era Drug Store Judge Harris Honored. Judge L. T. Harris was elected a vice-president of the Oregon State Bar Association at tkeir annua meeting in Portland the 20th. Southbound Train No. 11 3:08 p. m. Train No. 17 10:110 p. 111. Train No. l." 1:20 a. in. Northbound Train No. 1C 1 :5H p. m. Train No. is 5:10 a. m. Train No. 14 5:38 p. m. Train No. 12 10:48 a. m. No. 12 closed, pouch to Port land only. 00000c 0000000000000000000 Directors II. AllltAMN, II. I.ClM'il, V. IIAUT1NO, I'llll. III'.CKI.KV, ('. HOH8 KINO. Bank of Cottage Grove Paid Capital $25,000.00. W. H. Abramt B. tnrcb C. Ion King Harry Short PradfUat ViccFrttldtnt Caihltr AiiUtaat Caihltr A representative bank of the business public of this city and surrounding! country We Solicit 'your buslnesi. 0000000000000000000000000 1 Its Time to Consider About your Winter Hosiery, Underwear, Shoes, Dress Goods, Iieady-made Skirts, Coats, Kain eoats, Hats, Caps and Umbrella's. Everything in this line has just arrived at C. H. BURKHOLDERS A large shipment of the Armor Plate lirand of Hosiery direct from the manufacturer has been received. This line is guaranteed to wear. Children's school hose with triple knee, toe and heel; Baby's cashmere, in white and black, plain weave an 1 ribbed cotton; Ladies' cashmere, plain and ribbed cotton; Men's hose in black and fancy colors. You are invited to call and examine my stock of croods. Prices are reasonable. Wynne Hardware Co. Don't Wait Until Your Grain agents for s RPe SHARPLESS and ready to tie harvested before buy- CREAM ing the machinery you will need. We RrniDjTAn are handling and have on hand, the oiuakaiuu, old reliable McCormick Lin, of BEE HIVES REAPERS and MOWERS supplies RAKES and BINDERvS And the celebrated 1 u , v . MITCHELL which make has for many years prov- edits superiority by its work. So if BUkGIES, you need any machinery in that line, it w GONS and will be a wise selection in buying this , make. Come in and talk it over. VEHICLES. Wynne Hardware Co. C0QO$ROVE J I HOTEL GRAHAM 1 I Headquarters For II Mining and Commercial Men A I I C. T. LONG. Prop. 1 3B U LLET I N THE WAY TO GO EAST THE ORIENTAL LIMITED A SWELL TRAIN DAILY Crossing both mountain ranges by daylight, Compartment Observation Cars. Standard and tourist sleepers. New mod ern dining cars and day coaches. - ANOTHER GOOD TRAIN THE FAST MAIL -Daily- Also carries complete modern equipment Write for rates, folders, berth reservations etc. II. DICKSON, C. P. & T. A., 122 Third St. Portland, Ore. W A POSS, A. Q. P. A., Seattle, WaSh Read the Nvigget. ? 1 'H.V "-r' i