BOHEMIA NUGGET BOHEMIA MKH1LT PUBLISHIX! COMPANY. Make nil ohooks iyMo to Nugget Tub. Co. Fntorpd at thf pili(tlro at, CntUite (irovt. Otkoii wwmt rlss mull matter. sntsutirnoN kati-:s. (S months $1.00 1 year L.M is lllOtUllH $'.(N) If paid in advance. Clubbing Pales. The ltohetnla Xiijwt one year v it It un.v one of tho following pub Mentions one year for amount set opposite: raeitie Mom lily 2.00 Weekly OiVKoni.'iti (Portland) Weekly Journal ( Portland) ?-00 Iaily .Mining Keeonl (IHmver) ..50 Weekly Minim llivord ?-2.-i Piu'ilie Homestead ifJ.-.i Northwest Poultry Journal $1.7.'i i'hin pier is kopt on Mo by TtlK AMKKI-'-"AN MINIMI COSi',, i'hfiinlii-r of Com merce KtiiMini;. Ot'iiver. Colo . where our rcaiti-r will le im-Ico-hc to ttie useof the loiul ln iMierA from the mrioiisi itiiiunK wcliiaia of he West, a iii'iii nip lil.nirv ami niiivr-' ix nihil. rillS PAI'KK iRkept nn meat K. ('. Prakc't lvertlniiig Amni'y, HI ami Moroliants Kx chanye, San KrninM. California, where eon raeti for advertising pan be maile for it. Wednesday, Nov. 6, 1907. Every newspaper sbouM set up a standard as a foundation upon which to build high ideals in jour nalisrn. Thero are many sorbid things in life to which some papers pander, but the journal that reaches a higher attitude of popularity, in fluence ami excellence of standing throughout its field of circulation, rise., above these things auil stands out prominently as a beacon light to direct anil mould public opinion aud to lead in those things which make for the welfare and upbuild ing of the t-tite and nation. No city can rise higher in influence and power than its press which holds that city's destiny iu its hands. The press can make or un make any city and many a city with bright prospects ahead has been injured, crippled and held in check by strife brought about through lack of wisdom and forethongt of the press through which animosi ties have been engendered, faction alism created and personal enmities aroused by which all further pro gress and development of the city is stopped. Public differences that can be handled, discussed aud threshed out as between honest, honorable men in a manner devoid of personality and abuse that is al ways nauseating to an intelligent public. Kugeue Kesjister. A great deal of interest is being manifested in the Oregon Stale Good Roads convection to be held at the nnroe of the Portland Com mercial Club November Hth-lStb. Hon. John II. Scott, of Salem, president of the St ile Association, urges the appointment of delegates and asks for a large attendance. There will be present a number of able speakers who have given years of practical roa I building. The couDty judges and county commis sioners of Oregon are especially re sponsible for the success of this meeting and are tnged to Hend del egates. The name is true with re gard to commercial, industrial, ag ricultural and horticultural societies, reporting a lit of same at once to Prcbident Scott, tit Salem. The dinner in honor of Mr. M. J. Iiocho, recently elected President of the American Association of Travelling Passenger Agents, at the Porllaud Ccmmercial Club Sat urday night, was attended by the officials of over twenty of the It ad ins American railroads, the ollicials of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Impos ition and the Governors of Oregon and Washington. Mr. Kocho has attended for years, the national con ventions of this association and has used every possible effort to advertiso tho rosourcos of Oregon in every portioii of the United States. The passenger officials of the United States had much to do with tho success of the Lewis and Clark Exposition and they will also be instrumental in making a success of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacifii! Expos-ition, THE ELECTIONS Latest Returns this Morning Indicate Big Republican Majorities. Klections helil throughout th 0 country yesterday passed oil' in cotnp.iritivoly quiet. Returns from various sections show the following results: Massachusetts reelects the entire icputdican ticket headed by Governor Guild Pennsylvania elects J. I) Sho;it, republican, head of the ticket, for state treasurer. Now York city elect- Tammany candidates by considerable iimj-M-i-ties over Independence lo'10,"'- and republican fusion candidates. Sail Francisco, Nov.;. (Wi-dius-day ) At one o'clock this tnotning a totaling ef p.ntial rctiiNis indi cates the election if almost tin- m tire good government ; ity .rid coun ty ticket, including iniv.M, dis'riet attorney, board of supcrvi-oi citv attorney, sheriff, coroner and 1 lice judges. The union labor p itty, save auditor and county clerk mi .1 basis of ten per cent of '2-' pre cincts with Mission di-tn.-t Urge ly to be heard from. Mivm T.iv lor's plurality over union I candidate, P. McCarthy should ap proximate yoo; District Vitouu-v Langdon's plurality ov t McCVra'i union labor nominee, is IS ,)lK, Louisville, Ky.. S'ov. 5. plete reversal of the ihiii! t'1111- h 111') cratic majorities in Louisville ai d heavy republican gains I li 1 n : h ui t the state. Uoston, Nov. ".- The republi cans won a sweeping vietoiy in today's election by re elc-i tino io -ernor Guild and all otler slate olli cers. Cincinnati, Nov. 5. lly a di i-,. ive plurality an possibly a close ma jority over all four competitors, Colonel Leopold, was to day elected mayor of Cincinnati on -f"" ir 1 11 x- t . 1: . .: .... I i roviueuce, .kv, 5. 1 uuic uions are that Governor James H. llig gins, democrat, has been re elected by a slight gain over his vote rit the last election. Cleveland, Nov. 5. Sil pre cincts out of 2f:Jgive l'urtou, 1: 000; Johnson, 11,000. Cleveland, Nov. t. At u-puMi-can headrpjarters Secretary R 1 way conceded th3 elect ion of Ma"i Johnson. Checks "payable only through 1 clearing housi" get the money jnM the same us the old fashioned kind , for all necessary purposes Tln-M1 little hesitation in the stream d 1 financial wealth, when Oregon is producing for the good year lyi7 a lumber product of $:io, 000,000, live stock and wool worth ?'2o,ooo,ouo, poultry and eggs worth :i01J.i,(jo;), a grain crop wot th $l".ouo,'joo and a fruit crop of 5,000,000 an,l erect ing buildings worth 2o,.on,o jo, seems just a little queer, and things will right themselves. One'ii banks have pl -nty of money, o n p.:o; !e are out of debt, our mortgages are paid, and a little cool judgment and optimism v i 1 1 luing ua out nil riht. Oregon Leads the worlo in Umber wealth. Is fir-t in Ihe production of ho;-., second iu wool, and h'-r apple:,, cherries, berries and other linns command a higher price in the mat kets of the world than tao-e pro duced anywhere else. SI10 has more money a,, liable for irrigation through National ap propriation than any other -date in tho Union. Opportunities for making money in live stock, mining, farming, fruit growing and the dairy are un excelled. There aro seventy-five active com mercial bodies located at various points throughout the state which will bo glad to send you particular i; but it will pay you not to postpone your coming, for there never was better opportunity (ban the present. For exact facts, address tho Com mercial Club, Cottage Orove, Ore. ROYAL ACADEMY COITAUK GROVK. ORKGON. Opens Tuesday October 15, 1907. All Wot thy person will lc admitted to the school, the only re ipiuenienls being faithfulness at school, and good deport tnont lit till times. The moral inlluciice Iu the school w ill ho i-aiefully ginmlcd, ntul 110 0110 who uses indecent op prof, no humuuge, or who indulgcH in tho use of tobacco or alcoholic drinks, i f who is in any way Immoral, will bo retained 111 the Academy. tiood mural talks will be given by the teachers ami nil will lnc piilcd to attend these. P.iblo In-I met Ions will he given throughout the yenr, yet no one who attend t he si In ml Is obliged to join t hose classes. The I'd hie classes are only fop those who desire them. lleeogiil.isl papers will be Rhen to anyone Mulshing any of the four ivii'sos olt'efed. namely: Teaehei 's,, Shorthand and font nieielal. We teaeh the t 'harder stem of Slmrl hand, name as Portland business Colle-i-. For intormat mii address. L. G. WHAT THE KIDNEYS DO. Their Unceasing Work Keeps Strong and Healthy. Us All t he blood in the body pa.-.-. -till Ul;!i t In' kidiii-N s mice every three iinnute-. I ho Kidneys lilter the 1. 1. mil 'I'liey woi k nights and day. When healthy they remove about olHI uraiiis of impure maltef daily, when 1111 1 healthy smile part id this impute i inatt' T is left ill the bio, id. This j In iiiu-mi many di-ea-es and symp- ; Mums -pain in the back, headache, ! ! nervousness hut, dry skin, rheuma-. 1 1.111. i,oiil . gravel, disorders of t In- j eyeshjhl and hi-ariiiv:. ili.v.iness, ir I leetil ii- heart, debility, ibowsines-. lie ileiin.its in the urine, etc I'.nl 1 ii' . . 1 1" keep the niters rinht vou will have no trouble with your kl.lneys, I 'hilin Ibihl. blai ksiuit h. liviiiLr on ih,- siiie, Coiu-c (inoe. the. s,i-: - (an reeomineiiil I'nati s Kil I nov Pills as beimr a reliable kidin v (i inedv . and :.ll thai it is represelile I I had heard so tnueh uboiii 1 ! his medicine t hat wle-n mv son run ti n ted kidney disease I .-idiised him louse I loan's K idm-y Pills. He did sii, pi . 'eiiritin them at the l'cinon I 'hat niaey, and since he iHed tlli remedy he is better iu every wayand all ii:us uf kidney disease has left him I know of many ethers who i:ne used It. .ail's Kidney Pills with lie- ninsi satisiactuty icsuits anil 1 have 11.1 hesitancy in recoinmemliie' a r mod kidi-ev iifsneh trout merit as lo,in' ills." I ..i sale by all deal, i s. price ."ill.-. l-'o-ter-M ilhimi t o. P.ui'i'alo, New Voik. s.'lo agents for the I'niteil Sea les. Kei lember the name hoan.s and t ake mi i il her IMd'oKTOI- rilKtOM or llii! hi National at Cult. me tiruvc. t irciron. at t he cln-i J-.'ivl. uo7. in thi- il hii-dm i;io('i:ri:s. I.e. Ill Mil l .li-l .llllll" -IHl l'-7,ia ' j .'i . 1 1 .n ; ' ',iiie. 1 in,. I ini-ei-tuc'l .',M-'.i.; I I . s. Il Is u in.- i in IJ.. ".rn.tiu I I'lein nine i. ii r. -. I;. mi. i- :.s:,.tn 11. .lei-, "i il n 1 it'-, i-l i-. . I-.T.O.IT i il iii-t IIi'iU l-M.itr mi m il ..1 lil Ki I l!.lll..!iie in.ll-1.-, Illlllllllle llll'l I.XllIU'- I. ,7 Jl HI I I iii.iii N.ilieiKil mil 11. -. i. A--III- . I !.'."! ' line ii.e.i .-'.il-- I:, ink-iiii'l linii'i'i- - V j j . -. I llll.' 1 1 1 . Il I ;t . T. I'.l I e-e-i , e ii;''. 1'..' I,,' (ri ; I lle,-k il!l! ellit-r Citsll C'lllH 71 I.T-- .s.iieii.i i.i her n-iii mil I Links . . -.1..00' i' I . ' " ' a . , i I 1.1 1'fi c . 1 1 ic lie . h ie k , I- . f He! i iNi.l I: II. .1. - I l: i: IS i:Mi, VIZ' I J'.'" I "! I '1 ' a. 1 1 1 . 1 1 . . 1 1 1 uii'l wiiti 1 . s . j "i 1- 11 1 nl ie n n In I n .ii T..MI 1. 1. I'. 1 1. 1 I IK- I'll.ii -Ie. I. .Hl'l ill i.j.. 1 u ; ..on ill ' e',.H'll M ' .l 11 - 1 11 ml 1 1, i'l'-l I . L -.lit -. !'--. e ,11 ll 1 1 - T '- II ll 1 li. , - I -1 . . . N ' ' .en -I Id' nk mile- 1. nl lain. 1 lie In." Ii l:u-( 1 e 1 1 1 1 'I' 1 1 1 ' I. ml S.lVlll i : 1 1, J. - . ' . II. (.Ill I IL", ) IU I lute, el 1.1 1 'lei.'.-il- Mll.j-.-t 1 I '. Ill ,1 'I I l t ! I I ' I ill1' I .1 . le.. ,- I , I 1 1 ill .1 1 he. k- I 1 !e! '- elie.'k- k -ia i 1 v 1 a.;i ! 1,1 11 ..en 1 1. 1 . n. ( ' .ml v ul l.ane. 1 I . I li-lbel-l l-Iakill. f'l'es. uf I he (tin, Ve- I uaiirai'. hank , du .ili-mnl y i-wear that I he I a I ",V -tali lili'l 1 1 i t rue In I he he-1 i. m y j k nun Ie. h;e and I n l ici j iii:ui;i:ut i.a kin. pn-s. iu-ia I'" .1 ; 1 1 1 I sum 11 In l.elei I his L"-lli day uf Aiil'ii I pin;. li ,1. I l .1. U. S. Hi-.,,:. ularv Public, eel .lle-t: i.l 11: 1. x n n N W. Wiiii-, T. ',. Win-: 1 .1 a-a I', I This is Worth Saving 'I'lie full. . in- -du,,e home-made! mixture i -aid (., telieve any bum, 01 i.ii. iiiu.'ii ism op I.aek.-iche cleanse ,-1 : 1 . ) st I'eu't hen the Ki al-i 1 ; lliey: and P.ladd.-l-, '.leieoiiime,' ;i , ., 'ry j 01 orni'i--, 11 inian beiore tin sla;je of 1 .1 ml, I s di-eusi fluid l.xtra.l I'anili 1 'li. one hall ounei 1 ',,,.. . poind kar-on, IJMe omn-e: Coin linuiid Svrup Sal-s,ii,-uilla. iluee ounces. Mi.x h.y smkin well in a bollle and take in tenspi.oii'ul do a s tiller meal a and al, hedlime. A well-known aiithorily stales 1 hat iiiimv.- ine;reiiieiiiH tile mainly Vc- etalile exl r.-ieiniii, am htiriuless p, ... JT, ... t'i' use, aim can lie u 1 :i m nl 11 cosl from any jjnoil prescript ion jihar inaey. Those who think they have kidney I rouble or Hiiller with lame back or weak bladder- or 1 heiimaUniu ' should Klvethis prescription atrial, as no harm can possibly follow ils, use, ami it is said to do womlers to: r Sullie peoie. WANTKD - Mxpeiicnccd bridg e eaipenleiH, $,'i.")0 a day, also labo r trs.t'J..r)D a day. Address Cooper, Wack Uutte, Oregon, lo-.'it ION State A ss. An-.'. PAAI Principal. KILLthe couch and CURE the LUNGS Dr. King's WITH New Discovery PRICK U K I -"yJt13 oo lino- OLDS Trial Bottle Free AND All THROAT AND IUNQ TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY KFFUNDED. IKKKX0XXXX000000000XX00 Directors II. Alllt WIS, II. 11, w, II tllll'MI, I'll 1 1 . till KICV, C. KOSS KINO. 1 'ft Paid Capital $25,000.00. 1 o O W. M. Abramt Pr.ild.nt V ict-Prtldn Caihler At Jitanl Ca.bltr B. Larch C. Rot King Harry Short A rcproscntntl ce bank of the business- public of thin city nntl Kurronndinjii country. We Solicit your business. ; OOOOOOOCKXWVO 00000-0-0000000 IMPORTANT TO YOU Wc fi.-iA-c v.sla1lishcl a CK'iss in vour town and von oain ji-oin this class at any tinur.. We fjivo sjjcc ial drillt and our super ior drilts. are just what you nujtst have if you de sire t'ne IxL-st success. OUR STUDENTS SUCCEED Wc assist wortliv stu- j diMits to secure jjjood po fiititjns. Do not say that ! -f)ti cfiniKjt Jearn to write Shorthand lor You can in a Short Time Be Prepared to do the work the world wants done. Address ECLECTIC JS WllUVUO7 Sodaville, Or. I'or l-'urtiii.r information CAI.:, AT MdGKT OFKK'K. Icgarding Homestead Entries- Pn. Iiartmcnt of the Interior, (Jeueral i..and Olliee, WiiHhliiKton i). C, Oc li bel- Ml, I'M)". UeglsleiH and lte ctf. yers, I niled Sl ites Lund Offices. Sirs. Ymi lire directed to at once Inform Jill newspapers in your reMpeellye (lls ifrlcts. as 11 matter of news, that In ciiK4'B where lioinoHtond entries are (iiuuh; tifU-r Nov, 1, l'.H)7, coinmutntion I j.r oids must show aetiml and eontlnu h bona, lide leHlilenee for the full jfipo riod of fourteen llionl lis. I II all CIIHCN wiiiti: 1110 cinncn nun- int. .de before Nov, 1, l'.io", I ho rule hot ctofori! exist lug I hat six months eoi istructive reHideiicu following the dill e of the entry will lie considered us ;i part, of tho required fourteen mo nlhs residence, will remain in ton e. Very respectfully, It. A . JfAi.i. iM.i:n, Commissioner. 1 v'luiniiiwii WILLAMETTE 4,1 IVofctdtom : I College of Liberal Arts. cut uses : I'lassleal . It. Literary It. I., Selentille p.. S. I'hiliisnphii'id Ph. I',. The l?ollepe oft, fber. d Arts uiidu laitlH the following schiiiil ; The follene i,r Oialnty. O. U. The 'I'enchers' I'ullenc. It. I'd. The Normal School, )ioma. Tho Oi-eoii Insiituie or the Academy. Ihplomn. The School of ( 'oinincrce, I i ploma. 1 on 1 r m 01.1 1-:, 1u1ia ss: PKl-SimiNT JOHN II. COLEMAN, Salem, Oregon. . NV.,, If its Up-to-date, THE TOGGERY has it. STN l.lsll and W I : LI,-I I I 'l l N( I chillies are ileiuand'd by nil men of yiii 11 1 Jiidmiieiit and THE TOGGERY is I he place tn uet ymil ( bit lit from the crown of your head lo the siiles nl your feel. 'Phis warm " eat her reminds us t hat Wc will make it tool, fur tut il you buy your SUM- mi:k lni)i:kwi:ar of t.n. If it's I O O COTTAGK GROVE FLOUR MILLS CIIARI.liSAVVmir.WS, IVopr. Al l. (jRAIN, Llilil), ft GRIFFIN & j Ueivlersln Vf m v 1 riAiinfi.ii iiaiiii li'iiim ViAi'io 1110 oilman iF i n; it iidiundn;. mm aim nan V V 1 11 1 11 We also handle all kinds of A is (US tils Farming Machinery Cresvm Separators, Sporting Goods Cjunsnnd Remember We Buy Griffin & v V T T FOR SALE 'I'lnee head of 'ood work I1.1r.se4 weih I l.aO to llllll) pounds. Price 1L'."i each. Would lake a. f'ood mill; cow uh part payment. ). K, Si.aiii.i:, Wildwood P.O. Phone I ted I'lidi'e P,o liemia mill line. IC J I U KO K ciurt)4'i. r-'iiu niitin lit it 1 1' in , ui' timaiit ni. itn i, nntl lii'iuut it h, t li -, uM liir.) iit tint fijllll.lntiiill 1 Ii It t llllrt Willi TI'itti-..t HUV'tW'H fur. lit Ui rali.l iiniiul w.ilhtni. W o In-1 1 Imik wli'K iimiot i.iiy: Hi.ociul iliMi'illiiiii-H fi.rirlM, (iMiltii't-iiMMil inn tr.ui. SVKI'I K TODAY for jmrl muIiii-u n ml mlulou. ALBANY COLLEGE, ALBANY, OREGON i 1 ui leuiato. miriiiT'.i Ml! UNIVERSITY 3 IfiHtriiclnm Affiliated CollcKCH. t olliaro of Medicine M. 1. Collet!t or Law Id,. It. College of 'l'heolony II. 1 1. Collepi ,,f ,MM,. J, M, I The A llllialed Collegen are llliau- V; emlly Irtilependeiit of Ihe t'ol- X' liw of Liberal Arts. The School of Art. fertillcnte. The 81I100I of Art Ih hIho llliau chilly Independent of the Col lee or Liberal Arts. I 1 The TOGGERY has it. MNliS or also BALIU HAY. VEATCH CO. - vv Ammunition, for Quality. Call on Veatch Co. .. , ,. Local rcm-CHontal Ivi for IIIITIWI ( till III !'.. !,, 1,1, , ..1..I.-. .11111 II ""''h"',i'', 111111 I icill llllllU Hit In ,,fl.. .... ,,11, 1 iiTiinn- iils anil iiierioiM.i. unliuii.tia ln, Hoi- .. prominent monthly inaBiulne, on u Hillary and eonimiHHlon hnsiH. IOxper lenee deslralilii hut not licoe.sfc'ary. (iood oppin tunlt y ror rif-ht person. AddresM ruhllslier. P.ox CS, Kt ntlon U, New York. NML'-'t Out ul Sight. "nut of HlKlif, out of mind," la mi old Haying vhlcll upilley with Npoclal forco to 11 hoio, burn or wound thut'H been Healed Willi itueklen's Arnieii Sulve. U'h out or ulKht, out of mind mid out, of existence. I'IIch too and ehllblalim dlsnppiiii- under Its honl. inn inllitenco. (linirnnteud bv J!tn hou'h L'huriiiiicy, v!5 I'entH. n