Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 07, 1906, Image 1

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Devoted to the Mining, J,uwbcring and Farming Interests of this Community
NO. 41
Special Iinginccr Jones Re
ports on Street Work
'I'lio Council held its regular
monthly meeting Monday night,
mid attended to cousidernhlo busi
ness. (!, 1. Jones, specUl city tru
giucer repotted 011 llio struct work
on Mill street and lVrkins Avo.,
and repot tod I he, wotk wall louv
and very carefully following the
plans. The P'pott wns accepted
The engineer lite n ptcM nt" I It's re i"i tlie North Creek work
whk'li wiih tabled. This leport
showed litany differences existing
I ctwi c.i th-.' plmm mid specifications
and wik, mine t which were for
the li tUr, oth' rs not, th"
fault Lit i 11 ii with tlie depth M whieh
the pipe was laid, it not Icing luid
d'tep eti;ni:;h.
'I'hfliM'itiee com in die" u.proved
the following bills wlit'di were (jr.
ilnml paid.
Willani' ttc V,.ll(!.y Co. lights
for month if 2.j'2 25
Krown I,n in I'cr Co, lumber
f t street wot l
Western Oregon, cbttio'i
C l' Jouo, sp -ci il engineer
1'. UodjM", gtav 1 fur road
Vealch ' Schimil., tiunsfer
II. K, I Jinlej woo I, marshal
it. C. H rt, Weber street
contract li mil payment
L. Taylor, engineer
J. Jv Young,
(1. I!. PlUher, nighlwateh-
ni a a
I 50
Go 25
152 10
22 15
k :3
ing the best assortment of Mens' and Boy's Clothing ever displayed
in Cottase Grove. Mens' Suits from S8.00 to $25.00; Overcoats
$6.00 to $25.00.
Florsheim and Packard; Ladies' Dress Shoes, Utz & Dunn; Child
ren, District 76 School Shoes. In Loggers we handle the famous
Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin hand-made Shoes, and the "Pacific
Logger," and we, as well a; scores of our Customers are from Mis
souri when you try to tell us there are any others "just as good."
J. T. AlliHon gravel for road 12
W. S. Hcnrie, street work, .'to
Orifhti fi Vctttch, water
pipe repaint 1 1
A putilion wus presented asking
for sidewalk on the south end of
Weber street.
Tho council then ndjournc 1 to
meet Nov. when ordiuanceH
will bo ready HHsessmg the cost of
Htrcct ImproverncntH to the property
owuerti also fixing a per antiuru
opera house tnx.
The NuiUol 'Pros.
The press on whh h tho Nugget
is ptinted wh bought in New Voil;
of R. Hoe & Co. and h what is
known as a IIoo Kailroud press. It
win put on hoard n sailing vessel
and was brought iround Cn p Morn
111 the early days and was the first
preHH ever us I by tho San l"ran
eino Chronicle. In iWB JJuick
Hyers of Rosum bought it and
moved it to lloxobtirg where it was
run by handpower, a ginit French
man coming in each week to turn
the pre, as he was the only man
in tho rounty that was ig and
Mtr.uig --."i oiigh to 1I0 it. In Feb
ruary of 1903 Win. C Conner
brought it to Cottag" drove where
it has Hineo done fjood sftviee for
tho Nugget and leader, now t; ing
inn by 11 gas iliii'i engine.
Postponed rv Week.
Tlie ladies of the W. C. T. I',
had planned a reception to tho
teachers of the Colt'gc drove
school and to tho s. houl bo I'd a'
Hie homo of Mis. I'Vauk Wheeler
on Saturday night, but have decid
ed to pofctpone it to Saturday night
the 1 7th ut whhdi tune nil ineinb' ts
of the W. O. T. U. will be on hand
to receive tlm teachers ami the
board mid give them a royal good
TT .
tilillll nave
We HaSe Good
And General Mining New
(lathered from lixchanges.
W. A. Ilogate in down from tho
hills after drivioz the big four-horse
team during tho summer. He
louud tho continual driving over
the roads injured him and ho he
piit work and will probably do
something nrouud town.
P.crl Woods and Kmest Pur
v a nee who have been at work at
the Vesuvius for several weekH
iMinn down Saturday.
The big Vesuuiua four-horse
team is kept busy hauling in sup
plies to tho Vesuvius mine. It
ftl.e a great deal of supplies to
keep a big crew supplied not alone
1 Willi too l, Willi maiLiiai iu
work with, to curry in hardware
j powder, etc. -The team will bo
I k pt at work just ns long as it can
j haul in, and mat may bo tho beHt
part of y t.
' Uoll liov Skips With Gu4ls Crip.
Win, St. Clair, a bell boy at the
'Oiaham hotel skipped out last Sat
urday 11. ion with a grip of a Mr.
' Kind, a lumberman stopping at the
' hotel. , Mr. liust had put his grip
in tho kick of tho ofJico for safe
, keeping without letting the proprie
tor, Mr. Long know, and the boy
! to ok tho grip and lit out for the
s mth. Mr. Kust waB especially ex
ei cisud at his loss nod becauHO of
' soino Bolil gold buttous and small
keepsakes. The police werenoti
ified and Tuoaday morning theboy
2- . J -K
jubu ruuuivuu anew xmu ui wvx
vtr tto ir
Makes of Shoes in all branches.
Mens' Dress Shoes, Walk Over,
Cottage Grove, Ore.
was arn-Hted in Orants Pass after
having disposed of a few of the
things in the natchell, but with it
still in bin possession. He was
brought bark that night.
V. D. Wheeler went to Drain on
Tuesday on business.
Hanker King left for a trip to
Yoncalla with his wifo on Tuesday.
Manager McCormick of the Cur-tin-Spur
Lumber Co. was a visitor
in town on TucKlay.
Remember the regular Saturday
night da nee; at the Opera houBe
Nov. loth. A cardial invitation
extended to all'.
Dan Minoguc was in town Tues
day from Aha. Tho Chambers
mill is '-hut down fot a few days
through tho breaking of a easting
in the feed.
The Ditson Lumber Co. expected
to b- ubl'i to commence sawing
next week, but havo been delayed
by tho non-nrrival of mach'nery
that they have to put off the date.
Rfv. A J. Armstrong who is
now htatioii'-d at Lakeviow, Ore
gon, writes that he likes his charge
thi.e very much indeed. His
many friends hero will bo glad to
kiio.v that be is doing well there.
The Japs at Dlackbutte had a big
holiday lat week and laid off for
the day, to celebrate. Oreat quan
tities of foreign cask, throe sack of
special rice, and casks of their
national liquor were disposer 01
during the day.
J. P. Morgan haB purchaaee the
most eomniete col ection of original
inanurrit. ts ntd private letters of
Robert Huni. tho scotch poet, ex
tunt and has brought them to this
TTT 1 "I f
Judge Harris Decides in Favor
of Defendants.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Iine County.
town (lulii Mining Company, a
corporation, Plaintiff, vs Clui.rl- Ot-
ternon. John Anderson, iumhj inom,
Alex Jyiin(IlerL', A. . linker, l. II.
I'onlin, J. If. Tlmrnons and Jack
Morgnn, Iefendant Deel-toii.
I he above cautie came on .or trial,
the plaintifT appearing ly it-j attor
neys Wllliatim tc Lean, an'l ttio de-
fendantH appearing by their attorneys i
Medley & Johnson
I'urauant t(j u stipulation duly en
tered iuto between said partien liere
to, tho said trial was bad lK:ior( the
Court without tlie ai l of a j'iry.
I ho witnesHtH ol said parties were
duly Hworn and testified aud upon
completion of the taking of testimony
said case was closed anl thertrttler
the undersigned judge of ald court
accompanied by John M. WJll'.aniH.
of attorneys Ur plaintiff, and J. S.
Medley, of attorneys for defendant,
together with other pernonn, viewed
the premises which are the HUbiect of
the controversy anil of the above on
titled action.
J'.ased upon the Hllpulatlona,
ingH and evidence herein, the Court
finds the following facts:
1. That plaiutiir in a corporation
organized aud existing by virtue of
tlie lawH of the State of Oregon.
2. That the (Me ndant.s were on
the 13th day of June, 1004. citizen.- of
the United States of America, or had
declared their Intention to become
such. ;
3. That prior to the 12th day of
September, Vi'J'J, D. J. Cover, a citi
zen of the United Stutca of America,
entered upon tho unappropriated pub
lic domain, in the l.ohemia Mining
DlHtrlct, Douglas County, Oregon,
and discovered mineral bearing rock
In place, and on the Uth day of Sep
tember, I8'.)t, duly t osted a notice of
location of the Iowa Mining Claim,
which eald notice contained nil that li
required by the laws of tlie United
States and of the State of Oregon, and
thereafter said I. J. Cover duly
marked the houndarien of eald claim
and caused tlie required location
work to be done and i-ause l a copy of
the location notice to !kj recorded hi
the Kecorda or Mimug Claims i r
Douglas County, Oregon.
4. Said lovia lining : inn is par
ticularly deHcrilicd as foil s:
"Coinmeucing at the lo.-.tii m notico
posted on the said Iowa Mining
Claim, run in a westerly direction
600 feet to the west end centc r stake,
and commencing at 6ald location no
tice run In an easterly direction lOO'J
feet to the west and center ?take,
thence at right angles in a foutherly
direction IkiO feet to the S. K. corner
stake, thence at rlht ungl' s in u
westerly direction 1500 feet to theS.
W. corner stake, thence ut a riht
angle in a northerly direction GOO feet
to the N. W. corner utake. theme in
an easterly direction at a right ai.gV
1500 feet to the N. K. corner stake,
thenee at a right anle iu a southerly
direction aoo teet to the east emi cen
ter stake. Said claim la located on
the main ridge between City Creek
and Iiorseheaveu Creek and the
Steambcat trail runs through the
same near the center thereof and raid
claim Is about onedialf mile ho.u i of
the Calapoola Companies pr.p riy."
5. That on the "Oth day ot .Novem
ber, 1S9U, said D. J. Cover conveyed
all his interet In saU Iowa Mititiij:
Claim to tho plulntltr, whichf;il I con
veyance was duly recorded.
0. That plaintifT caused tho ami i il
assessment work for the year l'.HiO, to
be done, which enid assessment work
consisted of clearing away for tent;
fuciug up for tunnel; building trni
and driving tunnel all of the aggre
gate value of $100.00.
7. That plaintiff caused the assoss
ment work to be done for the year
1901, which said assessment work con
sisted of opening cuts and driving
tunnel of the aggregate value of
d 00.00.
8. That plaintiff caused assessment
work for the year 1002, to be t!on?
which said assessment for the year
1902, was of the aggregate value of
$100.00, and consisted of driving tun
nel, lowering bottom of tunnel and
doing surface work.
9. That all the work dono on or
for the benetit of said Iowa Mining
Claim in tha year 190:1, making the
most liberal ullowanca warranted by
tho evidence, was tho work of three
men for tho period of three days,
worth, at tho most, not to exceed
forty live dollars.
10. That on or about tho i:lth day
of June, l'JOt, tho dofendnnts Charles
Ottoson, Johu Anderson, Keub Thorn,
Alex Lundberg, A. W. Zlulker, O. 11.
Toplin and J. II. Tlmrnons located a
raining claim called the King David
mining claim, and posted thereon a
notice of location, which said notice
was In conformity with the laws of
tho State of Oregon j and that within
thirty days thereafter said locators
duly marked tho boundaries cf said
claim and within Bixty days from
said 13tli day of June, 1901, to-wit; on
tho Ik It day of July. 1901, caused 4
copy of tho notice of location to be
tiled and recorded In theolllco of tho
County Clerk, of Douglas County, Ore
gon, together with an affidavit show
ing tho performaneo of tho locutlou
work required by law, which said lo
I cation work whh done within saM
j period of f ixty days,
j II. That ald King David claim ii
I particularly dumbed ns follows:
"iV'tririnirr.? at location notice and
j running four hundred and fifty feet
wi-Hferiy to weHt. nd center; thence
I ba'-k ra-ffrly l"fK) feet to east end
' center ntnki-; thence .'10') feet north
, erly to N . t. C(r. niake; thence 1500
feet westerly to X. W. cor. Htake;
i thence Koutlierlv .".o0 feet to west end
center; th-nce :;oo feet southerly to S.
I V. cor. Htake; thence easterly 1.100
feet to S. K. cor. Htak'; thence north
erly :;oo feet to cist end center; thence
! wentcrly lo.VJ feet, along center tolo
j cation notice and plaep of beginning;
I this elalni is nituuted on Steamboat
I Itidu'c, between 1 1 r.-,c heaAeti ayd City
M reeki about tulle easterly from the
' Oregon Colorado Cold Mining Com
i pany in Dont.'l is County, Stiite of
!-'. Th.itou the 2:)t'i day of Octo
I her, l!i)(, l-i tl. Cir'-ult Court of the
State of Or
'on for Douglas County.
in a cxiise wherein Charles ottowon.
.khn Andiron, lteub Thorn. Alex
I I.'in.'.bfrg, A. W. Zlnlkcr. O. II. Tnp
ilinatnlJ. II. Timnions were plaln
I tiffs and the Iowa Gold Mining Com
i priny, a corp rati on, D. C Cover,
! maniger of ;-aid corporation and D.
! J. Girer were defendants, nn order
of injunction was duly is-ued enjoin
ing Jef'-ndanls therein from trespass
ing, mining and removing ore and
committing; was to upon the King
David mining claim, and said order of
injunction was served on D. J. (lover
when on tho ground of sai l mining
claim, on or about, th 1th day of No
veinb -r, l!.njt, au l thereafter on the
2'.e.h day of September, l'..'Uo, a decree
was duly made and filed in said cause
to the effect that the complain bo
dismissed aud that defendant re
cover it- eo's therein Incurred.
1", That 1 1 linl'iff herein caused
four me:i to work on said Iowa
claim fioiu on or about the 20th day
of October, l'.i'H, until about tho 4th
day of November, 1901, when said
men Ktoppe I work becaine r f the or
der of injunction mentioned in finding
No. (121.
11. That af er Sptunhr, 20, 1305,
D. J. Cover and one Hooper at
tempted to enter upon the groutd of
llio Iowa mining claim for tho pur
pose of doiuz tisst'meiit work for
plaintiff for said lrjwn location, hut
were prevented by threats of bodily
harm made by defendant Jack Mor
gan, arid defendant hav ever since
prevented plaintiff from causing
work to le dono thereon.
15. I hat the answer herein al
lies "that the said Kifig David min
ing claim covers, embraces and coin
cides with tho ground and premises
mentlocod in plaintiff's comp'aint
and c'.e-cribed as the Iowa Mining.
1 Claim", and the reidv herein alletres
ithut "plaintiff admits that the claim
the defendants call the King David
claim coincides with the boundaries
of ths sai.l Iowa Mining Claim."
I'5. The defendants herein caused
trail and other improvements and
work to be made and done on and
for the benefit of said King David
Mining claim iu tho year 1903, of tlie
value of more than 5liH)
17. That defendants are and were
at the time cf the commencement of
this action in possession of the
ground embraced within the bounda
ries o' s ud King David Mining claim
and plaintiff demanded possesion of
said premises but defendants refused
i to deliver
possession thereof to
L. T. Harris, Judge.
j plaintiff
As conclusions of law arising from
the foregoing facts the court finds:
1. That a forfeiture of the Iowa
Gold mining claim resulted from a
failure to do the annual labor for
the year l'XK and plaintiff not having
resumed labor prir to tha location
made by defendants, the location by
defendants, the of the King David
mining claim was' made upou vacant
and unappropriated ground.
2. That tho defendants, Jack Mor
gan; are the ow ners of and entitled
to the possession of the Kiug David
mining claim. L. T. Harris, Judge.
l.lused upon tho lludingsof fact and
conclusions of law tilled herewith la
tlie above cause It Is hereby ordered,
considered and adjudged that plain
tiff Is not entitled to the possession
of the ground embraced within tho
King David lode mining claim; that
th-' ilefeitdantsClinrlesOtterson, Johu
Anderson. Ht'tib Thorn, Alex Luud
bevg, A. YV. Zinlker, O. II. Toplin and
J. 11. Tiininons ure entitled to . the
possession of the premises within tho
boundaries of said King David claim,
particularly described as follows: lie
ginning tit location notice and ruu
ning four hundred and fifty, feet
westerly to west end center thence
back ousterly 1300 feet to eust end
center stake; thence 900 feet northerly
to NK corner st:ik; thence 1500 feet
'westerly to XW corner stake; thence
southerly 500 feet to west end center;
theneo 300 fct southerly to Sw corner
stake: thence easterly 1500 feet totjK
corner stake; theneo northerly JJOO
feet, to east end center; (hence west
erly 105u feet ulong center to location
iioiico and place of beginning; this
claim is situated on Steamboat lildge,
between Iiorseheaveu and City
Creeks about milo easterly from
the oivgon-Coiomdo Gold Mining
Co. in Douglas County, State of Ore
gon : that said la-t named defendant
1110 the owners cf said King David
Mining claim and said ownership Is
subject only to the laws of tho
United States of America and the
laws of the state of (Vregou, upper,
talnlng tj unpatented lodo mining
claims loc ite l upon tho public do
liuilu of said United Stales of Amer
ica; and that defendants recover
their costs and disbursements Incur
red herein. L. T. Harris, Judgo.