Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 31, 1906, Image 8

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    Lodge Directory.
A. F. & A. M.
Cottage drove Lodge No. 51.
Meetings 1st ntnl Unl Wednesdays
of each month.
L. T. Wooley, W. M.
J. 11. Lurch. Secy.
G. A. R.
Apporaatix Tost No. 34.
Meets at 1 p. in. on the 2nd
4tb Saturday of each month.
Dr. l L. Woods, Post Com.
G. W. McReynolds. Adjutaut
" w. o. w.
Bohemia Camp No. 200.
Meets each Friday evening.
L W. linker, Consul Com.
Chns. Yanl'enhnrg, Clerk.
O. E. S.
Cottage Grove Chapter No. 4.
Meetings held on 2nd and 4th Fri
day of each mouth.
Mrs. C. H. Burkholder. W. M.
A S. Bennett, YV. P.
Miss Celia Lurch. Secy.
K. of P.
Juventus Lodge No. 4S.
Meets every Wednesday night.
S. H. 1'iper Chancellur Com.
Chas. VntiDenburg, K. ofK. v. S.
I. O. O. F.
Cottage Grove No. (IS.
Meetings every Saturday nigbt.
S. S. Shortridge, N. G.
Gus I). Gross. Secv.
Royal Neighbors.
Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday
1'flch month.
Etliel Iiisby, Oracle.
Mrs. C. W. Wallace, Recorder.
M. W. of A.
Meetings 1st and 2rd Tuesday.
Lelloy Woods, Consul.
C. W. Wallace, Secy.
Cottage Grove No. 24.
Meetings ist, 3rd aud 5th Friday oi
each month.
Etta Baker, N. G.
Katie B. Veatch, Secy.
Modern Brotherhood of America
Meets 2nd and -4th Tuesday at I. O.
O. F. Hall.
T. W. Jenkins, Sec.
w. o. w.
St. Valentine Circle 121.
Meets ist and 3rd Tuesday in
O. W. Hall.
Flora J. Miller, Clerk
L. O. T. M.
Lady Lamsoo Hive No. 42.
Meets 2nd aud 4th Friday" of each
Mrs. Mary Schmutz, L. C.
Miss LetaSanford, K. K.
K. O. T. M.
Cascade No. (1(5.
Meets every Thursday night
O. II. Vealch, Com.
K. K. Bennis, Cooter.
have ygu seht
your dollar ?
We arc anxious to have every Re
publican in close touch, and woik
ing in harmony with the Republican
National Congressional Committee in
favor of the election of a Re publican
The Congressional campaign must
be based on the administrative and
legislative record of the party, and,
that being so. Theodore Roosevelt's
personality must be a central figure
and his achievements a central
thought in the campaign.
We desire to maintain the work of
this campaign with popular subscrip
tions of One Dollar eat h from Repub
licans. To each subscriber we will
send the Republican National Cam
paign Text Book and all documents
issued by the Committee.
Help us achieve a gnat victory.
Jamks S. Sin i man, Chairman.
P. O. Box 2u(2, New York.
Cottage drove
at the Buzaar.
souvenir tablets
Doyle, a Railroad Timekeeper
Ran Over at Dmdc Last
W. J. lKylo a'evl a time
keeper of an extra tiieek Katifj,
working on the S P. road at Di
vide was iuii over Wednesday
morning alx'-ut 7:j.uid hotli les
were cut 'IT.
The men had just one to woik,
and Mr. Poyle was checking them
up and was Maudintf on a m do
track when .1 helper engine came
up the main track and Mr. Doyle
of course supposed it was 'Miij,'
riht on, but instead when it yot
to the switch it bucked in. and it
is said without the bell being inn;,',
backed right down ujxui him, so
that he had no warring and the
engineer nor fireman neither one
saw him. The engine knocked
him do. n and terribly mangled
both lej,rs, gtiuding otT the iiht
foot and grinding gravel and dii t
into the wounds tKsing 10 the
flushing" and mangling, .id the mt
eries were stopped up mi that thev
did not bleed, otht-i ise tho
would have bled p death in a lew
minutes. The engine was ni-oe I
and the mm was oottullv iii-cd
and laid on a mittress an 1 lo-ouht
to Cottage Groe only at'out fuir
miles awav where the rii'i'
physician Dr. C. T. Hockeit t"ok
charge of the c ise and took him to
Dr. Kiine's operating 1 oin , w here
D. D L. Woods and W. L. IV si
I were call it in consultation. .U"i
a eon. ulution Dr. Ho - k Hand Dr.
Wootls beg'iii tlie amputation of
the left leg midway Ixtween tin
knee and body, with Dr. He-d
handling the anesthetic. In a few
minutes Dr. Kime an he. I and he
theu insisted Dr. H ckett while Dr
Wood undeitouk t' kep the man
alive with injections of htryehnine
and brandy.
Dr. Hoekett a ui Kime worked
rapidly and soon finished that lg,
theu it was found necessary to
amputate the right leg close to the
thigh. It was thought wise to
amputate as close to the body as
possible, but on account of the
length of the operation it was con
clude! to amputate close to th in
jury, which was successfully done.
The operation was a compbte
success aud was skillfully handled.
Three times during the operation
the operation the man's hert
ceased to beat but wa3 revived by
the cartful and skillful care ol Dr.
Woods aided by the wonderful
vitality of the man aud his perfec t
physical condition, which was
helped by his having never smoked
or drank a drop of liquor.
After the operation was over Mr.
Doyle regained coriKciuusness easily
and asked the doctors how they
had gotten along aud thanked
them, He was placed on a cot and
taken on the noon train to Portland
by Dr. Hockettt, the e-mpan
physician. When he was tuken to
the depot he shook hands with v
fellow workmen and said I will
get along all right, and kept as the
saying is "A stiff upper lip."
The doctors all agree that he i
not liable to experience any reac
tion, nor i-erious shock, on account
of his wonderful vitality, his unim
paired constitution, ui.w e'ikene I by
liquor or tobacco, nor excesses, and
by his cheerfulness tnd grit.
He rtfuwed to make any state
ment as t los people other than
that he had home relatives in Ire
iand aud a brother in Chicago. He
cat lies 200" life insurance in the
Nnv York Life and the AlCtua, has
money on deposit in Chicago, and
seems to have some little means.
He was a g od man, a deveut
Catholic and was greatly distuibcl
on account of the absence of the
Dr. Hoekett returned fiom Pert
land on Friday and stited that
Doyle was getting along splendidly
and had not suffered any severe
shock, nor reaction, ami that the
Portland doctors thought he would
recover all light.
The man i-aid his father and
mother were liviug in Ireland, and
that he had a biother and sister in
Chicago, but that he did not want
them to know for hia sister would
go crazy over his loss. lie is all
ready planning out what he will do
for a living, aud firmly said, tin re
will bo no begginy for inc. I have
enough education with what I can
acquire, to make a decent living,
and I will do it. I h' o to be able
to walk again and will make tic
bent of my chance.
An KvenlnU Well Spent.
The ,'ecturo given by Marshall
Choate Crouch last Saturday even
ing was well worth the appreci
atiou and praise it won fiom the
rather small audience which gath-
cted Pt the Opera House. Thoo
who failed to attend missed much
pleasure and profit. Mr. Crouch
spoke oa the title of his book -The
Simple L ie the hearers weir ear
ned awav from the rush and tinny
ot em modem existence - away
fioin modern inventions and con
vehk'tuiis, many of which bring
only discomfort and weariueas t
the pi motive extreme of our .wee
tois who lived longer and v.itb
more ease and comfoit than we
who consider so many burdeu-"uie
things as positive necessities. He
pottrayed in well chosen word an
ideal existence, full of pence aud
happiness, yet busy and useful
tunny apt quotations were used
some humorous some kuI all de
liven d with much feeling.
All w ho att tided aught a
glimpse of something higher and
better th in the ordinary day held
Pr most of us
The next lumber on tho list of
rtitei taintuents arranged for bv the
club will be the Midland Ouin'ette.
The next attraction is the Mid
land (p"ra Ouintette. This com
puny lias been a great musical suc-c-es
during the past two years,
In tb in th Central States and th
West. It is composed of very able
artists who arc excellent si'luts.
They give regular quat tettes. vocal
and instrument d solo the latter
up ' violin and piano splendid
r a lings and most pleasing aud .u
listic cantatas. The quality ft
theii work is high class, the v 1
rietv is seldom equalled They me
guaranteed to please. Hear thun
on Tuesday Noy. .'?
j City Treasurer Eakin Has Completed
His Report of the Financial
Standing of the City From
April 1st to Oct. 1st
Which is as Follows.
i. im i: l i t M.
' Ueeeiiits frmii all s iiirees 17 '.is
i liishiirsiuni'tits mi warrants. . '.'.'.isl vi
llalanee In fun. I ?f
w A I KK I I Ml.
Pal.itii'i' "ii 1m:)'! ami e.illei'ti ii
up tu Oetolier 1
I lishurseil mi warrants
lu:; o'i
.V,l i;r
Pulaut'i' in luiul
Cash leeeipt-
:.- ;i
. . 1 .17 n:
Balance mi haiul
si:w r:it i i mi
ttu sn
fasli Icceive.l s.10 sj
Interest panl , :!7; ii I
Italanee on hand s 171 17
I ietieral fund ."...M'!
I Street fiiml I.'i'l (Ml
Total out -t.'llldilljl wnr
I rants ;?lu.. 'I'.:; 'il
! The cmtstandint' warrants cm
street work will all be taken up
when the collections are mado on
the property holders along the
streets improved.
The general warrants outstand
ing will have to be met by a tax,
as the majority of revenue has
been collected for the year. This
amount wiil be increased from
month to month by tho cutrent ex
penses. The amount in the water fund is
of the S. 1'. Co. was interested
through the great damage to that
road and issued a mandate that the
liver must be turned back and his
i engineers accomplished what, other
engineers had failed it. It will !
years helori the sea will b; dried
: up and the laud tit for use again.
Silk Creek.
Mr. William McCo.v'h children
have to come about three miles to
attend school, they usually ride a
pony. Tuesday tho 2.'5d, Mr. Mc
Coy made a shed near the school
house to protect the horse from the
rain. We think this human.
Mr. and Mis. Stephen Hanis
made a tiip to town Wednesday.
.Mrs. I'armale went with them.
Mrs. T. Richardson has been
jaway iruin home som 'lays, on ac
count oi sickness in her fathers
family. R'stuni'i l h. n'i Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. William McCoy
went away Wednesday to visit one
of his sisters who is sick at present.
Horace Morris, Phillip Cascbeer
and Inez Case'oeer were guests of
Mr. lieulah lvdc-H Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. i'ruuk Dame wood
came Monday to viit their parents
Mr- and Mrs. John Damewood.
"Grandma Uabcock" is spending
several days with her daughter
Mrs. W. N. Wheeler.
Henry Damewood is suffering
with one of those painful things a
felon. Anyone is to bs pitied who
has one of these, as your corre
spondent kno.vH fiom past experi
ence. Mr. l'Vank 1'eterHon from Mc
Minnville arrived ' our neighbor
hood Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wheeler
went to the Divide to vinit Mrs.
Wheeler's parnte.
A YOlNii U I ' 1 1 1'.i: ,i
" M no 'I lu r Ii l. --iiil' leu ! 1 ci 1 1
in.'iile xi'U'ut.'it TU. Tvi'iil imIs,i
Inten-e i II'im Hi:', ii . in I - I i h el
rntitvlv .Ii -:ill In 1 . until sin
III Oil t lis ML'. ''. Win II sill' I H':' . I II I .1 U I II !'.
I Meel i i' l it Ii 1 . w I 11 li e 1 "III
plel el.v i llleil hi'l .1 inl 1 est. u r. I tin
st religt Ii aii'l .ullit. sin- Irnliullii
pi imi' oT life." will M 1 s. Y I , i . 1 1
pat rick, it I i.i 1 ; ft ri Ii Mo 1 e.iiei-t
1 -oil 1 mi I i x e 1111 'liiiiii' n:i Ih' i-til'r.
Sol s. M 1 .111; 1 1 Ii . 1 i ri ;i 1 1 I K i I n s .ill
right , pill ilies I lie in. I i II I'i's
M.'ll.ilii, i 1 1 1 1 1 -1 n - .lilt W e.i l iii'M"i'-
ouilel lul . I e I" "i.l . I'l lee 'i'e
(ill ll.llllee.l !' Pirlisou's I ' 1 1 :i ri 1 1 ;i - .
n (ii:u i i;oi i it i: 11 i:.
There's m'.iv e 1 1 i ii u.. r iinin I I.e
! 1 1 1 i ; v U i i r ei mull - .in. I ei h I I Ii ' I . 1 1 I
; mi 'iv .ilel'.t , iliilrs mi Ilk I r
i K inn's i-w iisriii'i I .i i ii -1 1 1 1 1 1
t ion, enuidis and o 'M Mrs. ;
,f I'oll'-t ('it V. Mi' , HI lies "If. .1
j ( Mils, in I 1 1 people li ile: : II i I HI I I es
lii-re 1'iiiiiih- ,'linl Ci'l'f .ii-.ill. I
Mill it I'lnls'lh 'in. I ' pi, eril
plieiliiii Uil.l. i 111'''' 1.0' rippe. i e-
: w niiilei I'll ii-l;e in .i-l I'lu.'i iiul tin
d'li'l .'III llllkes ,!. I'l'l".- 1 I 1 ! i J
I'm UU !i t ' .'I T'l 'I' oi 11 nipt i"l' .
rouulis :itid nil.!- "'e .i 'i.l Si mi.
I ill.'ll llltoeil I iv Pons. .'i'- i lill I 111 ie .
: Truil bottle fieo.
no i n i; i i h pi r i. if 1 1' 'N
I epai I no -Hi ..I I ! ' 1 iii.'i i. .1
. I . u.. I illi. e at lo-i liin 'I'."-'' e.
Orl I si , 1 . M
N.ilH'o I-. ill I'o'.v '.'IM'II tii.'lt l!:e I"
tuii II. line. I -' I I let' ha- Ii ' 'I ''"I I'''
1 hi- inti Ii I i"ll 1 1 III t k t hull I i ' i. I ii.
, -ii I I H H I . .1 los el. n in. a t .1 thai ;'.'
I Ui m! will he nil. !o l.eiiil'e lo".'. .-I' '
! all. I Ueei i v . I- I S.I I I t
; Ko-i -Iuii o , I li'.'o , oi . ii I . III ' I '
' l'i"l'.. 1
iiomi i; .;. i i ii .
II. P. N 1 I'"': ri, .r t ! . I . ;, "t
::. I p .'I s. l: I W
He n Hues he l I . w i 1 1.: ; - e i . .
I .f. i e hi- ii ill I llllli Ml- !' ' i h IH'e .;i
! and cull hat ;..n 1 sa ..! Ian.!, vi-
, .1. IV P.' if.U' l. ot Ktlia..!. I'lee. Ii M.
1 I '. Slew art . ill l i mi- mck. I; .1 I
i laiiiiav . ui ('..ins!.. ok . ii'.-.'..ii .1. M
i;.!el,ev. nf iihinl. I He:'.. ui
I I ; I N.i l I s I .. I ,'.i. . I.'. .- i-'' I .
i p. il "1
s M K )N's
' lilt he ( ilVU I ( 'nil ll ' i! I he t lie nf
( i Vi ill f"l" th'' I Oil III ! I . I lie
Aimer K. I'.i.iiPi. y. I 'I. i i u I i !!'. s
llarvev K. Sinilh ami I n a I" II
Smith.' .lefi'ii la lit -.
Tn Harvey L. i.i. h and '. o i
lirll Siuit Ii. ih f. !..!.! III-.
i lut In- n. Hue of I heSl ito . .! i : 4 ":.
Vnll ale lli lehv nipill' il In appe.n
an. I alisrtei I he complain! I'.le I
auiiist y. ill in the uli-oi- lit it h I suit
j W itllill l-i weeks flnlii I he lil -l pilli
I lica I h ill i if this mi in Me ui- . .' 1 1 1 1 1 it Vim
I fail SO I I I llllSNM'l', f I It W.i ll t t lie I I" 'I' III''
i plaintill' will lake nl aii'l h-
eree ayaiu.-t i u a - pi a, o 1 I' .I in - - I
; i iuii pla in I . lor the!' .!,
! 1 lie III of t oa oo ell I , O'll In ' I.i il,
! I iff .1 iiM' L"-'inl P '".. 1 1 1 no- v ..i:r
i pi"' l III l-O I' V 1 1 O I - Oi' S .' I 1 ' I I I.I I e I I j i'ill
i t iff fnl 1 he s ,iil i f -'a I w :l h i.,1 i -I
at pel i-i'iil pel anaiiiii an ! thai d
l.lllil- ilesi'i il e, HI s'.lj.l l.iol'l I e
so'il In pay all I satisiy ii,, .no' unl
due -a ii :ii Me with interest , ci i-1 -.
i ue I li I i li'.t a I t oi f 1 1 - - !'? a I; I , I i I o I ' e
lliellts ot suit.
Th is -II III no -II - i -e k e I 1 1 .' p .! i
C.I I 1 1 III tlll'M 'f for si I leee- I ,' Wei I -in
the I'.ohi'lllia Nllrl lo. ol''li 'of I.
T. I la i ris, ,) uilo nf can t mmh' ui
the I'llh ilay of Soptelnlier, l ion, an I
is pulillslieil the r Illlioill -nil
paper "II the'-'U'll ili.V of S. 'p'ein I .el .
a . t;. Win. i.i 1. 1..
Attorney I u- Plaint ifi'
Ill the t'ileult Colllt of the S!,lte oi
Oregon lor t he en unl y nf I ,nu .
Iji-wis (ilea-on, plaintill, - The
I Crystal Con-oliiale. Miinmr oiu
j pany, a corporal. ion, I'. U'yatt.
M. 11. Wjllnrd. Noah K oh'ma n , .1 ' Mm
i , t oi ..... i i - .... i
II. 1 ia 1 1 hit. I'.iaiiei .n.ipp .1101
l)anie 1',. Snapp, t ru-u-e. 1 1 -1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 -.
'I'u Noah Is 'Ui ma ii, .lohnll. I'
tnei. Ihiniel Snipp ami lianiei l:.
! Sliapp, tl'llslee, U''elialll s iln.e
) Mil inei I '
j Von inrl ''.n il "f you a re Lerol.y re
1 1 1 ui r i-i t o a p pen r and ll lis w cr I hi com -I
i, mint llnl i.ll in I I ii a 1 1' , i
Oil t i I It'll Suit, OH OI' lief, il e -i V Wl'l'liS
Iruin t he iliite of t he hi si pu hia I ion
of t hiH t-i i ii i mon-, n in I if .vmi fail nut i
appear ami auswir said complain I
for want thereof, the phtintiff will
apply to the court for the relief de
manded therein, to. nil: .1 uilj-'inen I
naiiiHt the det'i'iuhiiil , I he Crystal
Consolidated Mining v lunpanv, 1' u'
t he miiu of Four II ii lid i ei .Nine I y-li vi
( S I'.lo (HI dollars with interest thereon
lit the lale of si HO pel cent per
annum iroin iia- ioia nay oi npiu,
P.iiHi. iiml lor the further .sum of live
I .f.'i. HO) dollars fur jirepa i i t: jj; a ml te
coiilili", naid lien, anl for the fin I her
h 1 1 ) 1 1 of fifty (S.'iU.UU ) dollars al I oi ney
fees, fur the foreclosure of the lieu hcI.
up in plaanl iff's complaint upon the
property therein deserlhed, to-wil:
"'I he .Mountain liioii""The llleahi
do, I'he I'.eckv Shaip", "Tlii! friar
Tuek" and "Tho K iiickerhoeker"
m In In (4' claims, a II si I ua led in I he P.o
h'Uliil Milling li.-lihl, in I. ane
Count.', Oreuon, together with the
stamp mill, sawmill and luachiuer.s
of every kind and description situ
ated on said mining claims eoniiected
therewith or appurtenant thereto,
and asking; that, mid property he
sold by the Sheriff oi l. ane County,
OrejA'un, iiecord'iig lu law and the
practice! of this Com l, a.nd that the
proceeds of such mile, after deducting
t ho eoHtH and expenses oi l his pro
eeedlut;-and the co-Is and ehaiu'es of
said sale he applied to the j.u.V men I
of tlie Hlllil duu pluinlilf as aloienaid
cists and dishm'seini'iHs and nl
toiney fees, and that the defendants
and eaell of them he forever li.uied
and foreclosed of nil ritfht, elaini, in
tereht or eipiity lu the said premises
and nroneit vand every part 1 hereof,
except, liiestatutai v rl'hl. lo edei in.
and that plaint iff have such other ami
further relh I. its lo tlie vanu i .nay
seem Just lu tho premise.
I tils summons is puousue.u once
each week for six hucccshIvo wueka lu
.ZFU WOT T.XtVii .Ol't . ttuiar.
nf the
Tho privacy of your homo -Thecomforts of a club
The luxury of a first class hotel.
Oriental Limited
Afford Y1"1
D.iil, bclccii St r,iulMimiMilis, Pu jct Sum. I ,nnl hitci'mt
(ii.itc Points via the
I'm- . I.'l .i lied ill l'i il Ill.'ll 1 1 UI . Illli'i. etc. , add le -
S I I el . I i l "-I' ll I le
S Dakota sails u v loO Uncut Oct. l)
jLivery Feed & Sale
Polls i: Powell, Prop.
(ott;::"i (.vvc
'I'lio Hodc Jis jivca perfect separiition
ol ifine I.eatl lres
le. V IIIaUi- St.
ii..- ;:.,! . I . .. .'.'. '.. A m. klv I.e.
..... ... i . i .. -1 1 ' . . i i .
i ' i i -. i . i.ii .ii.ii... i .... i ' . " i
i - il' .1 J. I . .t I .1. . I i I . III', .11 I . Ille
( 'i(Ul.t, , I :l ".' "ll. I ..i d.'l i f I lull. I,
I.II i . .!'..!. I I he ;, hi i'.e ell
III,,' I . . I I H i ,.' 1 1 'il l 'I' he.l I--.
i ! . 1 1 ! . I : i, 1 . .. . . i .! i 'in ! lei- I ii h;
. . . . 1 .....-, i 1 1 plem ! i'
..... i , I'iii M e.
' I . a I, i - l U I ' i . u 1 1 1 i ! i
l im i.l i: I N 1 1 c i .ii 'i; ;, l-.s i
Mil P I. Pol: I'l :.C p
I ii.l. d M.,i. - ..r. ! I ilh. e.
i: 1 1 i I . . r. ii'. . j , . "
! i.e I -I i ' T" I H .'I , 1 I I ll I I III e III
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' e with the i.i.. a- i.l 1 1 . i a . I j
i ii t ' .ii 1 1 .- .ii .1 a ne .; I , , en I i I Ii" I 1
"An ,n t Pu' tin- ale ..I tin'! i la u. I - i u j
lhe t.ite- ui ( '.dii" I ilia . n-i'iin. Ne- I
a'li.ii.! U'a I. in. Ii.ii 'I'ei i i I n v . " asj
. N'.-ll li .l I.i .'ill I I,. I'lihhe ,;,l,i;
.s, ;!.. Ii i.l ..! i:.-ii I I, h i".
I i: M i.s i iui:s.s. i
if i il l.u'i'i ii live, I ' i. ii! I .am . S l,i : ei i.r j
'I i i i i; 1 1 1 '. i f ' i e, in , 1 1. 1 s I Ii is i I.i y
hi.- I in li.t ..'!.' e In r ., . ,-ii si .ileinent ,
Nil. 7' I -I i. I'U" ! he lelll'llle ui the S YV
', M ; A Si : W ui S e pi. in tin II
shipS...:1! - l.'iiii-" .No.:! V. V. Al. ami
vi:l oiler pi' 1 1 !' t ' i h.e.v t ha I I lie land
(-..ii'hl is ne. le Vahialile im i I w timhiT
nl' -luiie than I'.r aerieultiiiiil pur
p. i e- , ; i 1 1 . 1 I . i est. 1 1 ,! i 1 1 hel' claim t
: aid hind In mie YV. W. ( 'all. in-, P. S.
'i CM In i s.i il.' I', a I III -i nil ice lit I '.le,ene,
ll'i'LV li , i iU 'I'll.'-, I, i v . I he l .I.i nl
l)i e.-ml,...', lill;.,.
She ha lues as u i I lie si--, .
.lame- N. Wallace. .Inhii I: Cm. ley.
-1 1 1 1 1 . Walla e, ,1 a 1 1 e s I ,i meha u;;h ,
if Cut a;re I I 1 1 e, live; i ill.
Any and all pei'snii.s claiming ad
ei-el, I he a In is c-i Ii'm ri hed lands ale
lei juesli'.l ti i lilelheil I'laims in linn
Olilee ,, in heli. 'e -aid till il.'IV n( le
eeml i'l', I'.ilHi.
P I VI A l I N I ,. 111. I. V. I!''ni: ter.
'Tin n j..v to r.'.t I wcl' iaiii- ms- iliuni r linnr;
llr.'.ili J nail inill;-. lion n ull An;. list l;Iuwrr
U('nii'.li.alimi is the icsult nf iiiilij;cstion
hi!inilsli(-.:,, flatulency loss of appi lite
Hell piisoniiij., aiieinia, i laacial in.i, m il
lieid, lieuraijM.'i ill salimia jiarls of tin
system, calaiihal i n Mammal i. ,n o the ill
teMitial aa d and mr,,( '.,'is otlicr ail
meal:; Hi.-. i i..h li!c ,l Hs .'. i-,iu . if iIk )
du not I'mall;, loh vai of lih- i t . -1 f .
fin I 'in.:. I ill the hi i, i 1 i," is a ,-,,,
llioli eir s .urn of ,. .i.le ss l.o li.;k lui-,
eiahli and me misei ,ih!e yet svlin pt-rsisl
ill "lellin.; ua' a: c i'.s ( ; mi ,e. "
JY'hal a l....!i'.h .l an, s!.eu n .! nv could
he anlid hv the ice of Caeca's Auy.U'.t
llovsil, ss!.ieh ia lldl ill e's ova II Icnieily lol
eoll'.l ipal lull a :" I all iiiae!l ills.
f Any. i ist I'l" s- ' r ;;ives liesv life to Un
live! and iusiu i s lx allhy stools. j
CJTvso hi.cs, and 751:, All Urugm'sts
UuUtUU'M I'iiuruiHvy
maciiinkk v
.I. S. M.'dle
.1 '. .l.illUSUIl
Jfrdlcif V Johnson,
A 1 1 orin VM a t la v
( SilUr :t ll lnh Ithtff.
, j ' peeia I a t lei: ; ii ill i to Mining
a le I I i u i H a a I h ui l,.iu
H (ornri -tt f - Lair
Cot i'Aii-; ( ikovr:, ()wi:
Watcmm akkk.
Kr,iUriiiK 1.1 rt-.isi ; ui i.U i-riit rcri.
All wurk k'hohu'i'1''! first ran-.,
S 'n r e ti .-H, rl.i "k i ua I 1 1' w i'! i s nl 1. 1 writ I'rir t
CU'llAiiK (ll.-OVi:, Hi K.
. v'.s,s.s,.s.. v-,.,..-v.-. s"v.'vvs,--.
i ti'iTAtii; (iuovi:
All lill' III est Iri'.llllnliN.
I'l.AIN iiml MKI
Ordinary Cases $12 per Week, ty
or liiniH i' part u-ul.irs aililri'HN fj
in-, ii. j. sciiLi:i:r.
.SSSS' .V'.'S.'S,,V.'
NllllTU llill'NII
Nil. Iv! I;.'H ). in.
No. Ill 2:i a.m.
Mill! I II IhiI'Mj
II i pill
0. tt 8. li. II. II. CO.
'I'l 1110 'l itliln No. I'
'J'o lido elfeet Airll l!)o.r,.
KiiBl I : 11 11. 1 I liionliiy VV. HimuiiI
iiml Hal only
I "ml Imily Kx
N,''l No I ;.'il. Hinulny. N2 No4
r.u I A.M I M I Kill I II. Na 1 ..,.v 1 A M 1 ,, M
vi 11 i iit iun' (iruvo..
l:'. 7:Ml Il.jj... Vnii'ii
il .Vi 7 : .'.a (1 .. .Ciiiiin
vt:.Vj7'li'J li.ll . ( t'rro ImiiiIii...
:i:(U H:IM 7.7 . , llnki l .,
:f : 1 1 ;K : 1 1; 8 :i lioivnii ',,
:t:l7!H:IVi U.I, . ,.U:. Khi-k. .
:i::iiiS:ai il.ii . .. umvcl lat...
H-ifi :'! " II :t Hicwuil....
:i::mn:'iu 12 stnr.
:i:ll K:i;, It h i,.(y I , t i'i t ".'
::.i 'JO,, i.'i I. ,.(., i ti,,.u
:!: 1,1 '','
.... ... 17 l),....lllllU'H.. .
" ! ! ...l'.nilii Iriiik...
Iliispilalaml Saiiilariiiiii
I ll:Hl ft.lft
'III 1(1:411 6:(I6
''! I Hlal-I :M
7.H i lli::i
Hi I 111:11.1 4:47
Wl liemi 4:41
H'l 10:ZI 4:!IU
'il lO 'll 4:Hft
''M 10:01 i:M
UI7 U:4H 4 16
II Hi !) ;.:, 4;j
lli'.'H W :U.r 4 1
HUH U::tn 4;no
Uii.ii ....
Hllbll!(!t l(, IMlllllL'll Wlllllilll ...,ll,.u
All on wiiril frulKht fiirsvanlcil only l Ihi.
Joint rink Of Kl.ililier llll,l,..,.M kiii-b.
HliiKO luuvim Vll,li,i nu,.r lll0 Hrl.v... ,
nil,, on M.iiiiliiyH, VV.M.iiiMluyH Hi.a Vr .
lor lliinilit ,inil o.-i',',,. Il.'ln, i,l,,K o" T uh
laiyh, UliiiMlayHiinil suliniliiyM
I' m 'hdil vs III not Im i iM'i'i eil H t i. it, .v H K
l. It. Imimi aft,,, i, ,
hut mi mix I Uii.ii n,.Khl ,Hi lu-ilnl'v i
ui,iilM Ui.iu to permit ol ll ,.K bmin , L 1 1,1 .
A. li. WOOD, lunatfer