Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 31, 1906, Image 7

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ln'n criiiHi ii hi luiuil (IImi'iimm urii'itiiil liirf In
Impure IiIihhI nml ri'iiilrliiK cmnl ll ul Iniint
I mil mi ni nrlliii; llitniii.'ti nrnl iiir Ify Im; llm
IiIimhI fi ir IH null' ul iiimI r 1 1 1 n i m t (. cure.
Tin" K ri-ul i-nl i iiiihI II ul loiml ri im ily ll
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In iihiiiiI 1 1 rj 1 1 1 t fnriii cir In rliiit-oliili'd 1
tiililrlH k id w ii ni Snriatnbii. lnniliiw' Jl.
Nimnl nml oilier IimiiI form" of (iilnrrli
nr ri'lli'vi'it dy Ciiliirrlrlx, wlili li nlliiy In
(Jilliilnul lull Kliil ili'ijtlnrlzi' illHrliiiri;!'. Mle,
I'ulllnirs Vnyn.
V I rt lit Im not to lie incioniri'd liy on
t ii t n 1 1 . i i k kIvIiik. TIii-ic In ficiii'iitly
iiioit. n-iil ovi for ti tin nt ii 1 1 .v In tin
mil or tin' ii in ii who reunite, tlio i
Iimiiiiiiii lt In from tin pii Venn nt tlirtn
In the liniil of tin- ilmior or the t it
inorlnl window In Ilic church. I'nllt,
Iii'mh, llli. nil oilier fa nil n nml lrtiicM,
limy Imtoiiii. IimIiKiimI. It Im mirirUln
liow many Niniill nets of MihIiiomm, how
IIIIIII.V llltll' (I N (if lll'llifllllHHN, mn
1 1 1 1 1 v lo In (In' niiii'Ni of n iln.v when
tliriv iin liirlliinl Inn to In kind nml ii
lookout krit for tin oiiiirtuiilly. ftuo
May m out with HiIh liilriilimi In tin
llioinlliK. Illlil tin footliiK up nt IllKlit
Hot to nllii'lH, liit to cmr'H own hi'rrct
Mllii'li'licr will In clii'i-llllj; lllnl CU-
t l-urnl rrl of I n f or mn I Ion.
The learned I i-.i ri-li-r ililinnil lilt
freiil l i 1 1 1 1 e on ill.- in ji 1 1 1 1 1' in mij cusloni
vt nl'l J.ipan.
"An. I now," In- mi id. In rniielimlou, "I
ahull In i'l. ni. . I lo iiimwi'r ijinn Ioiim per
tniniiii; to a n y peeiiliiiril ica of lliit lnli r
etlnitf pi-uple upon w It i -li I may not liuve
1 m n lieil in my llim-mirae."
"Professor," I'linerly nuked n yotini mn r
rle.l woiiuin In (lie nuilii'iief. "wluit ih
tin- .lupaiimu do to l.luui Juieo to unikt It
In lht llirrt llna.
Mitt 1'eiii'liley What funny alepviMi
ymirt are !
Mim ( 'nptii iim -Yet ; 1 have been
lnuliiiiK In III. -in nt that ciw n of youra.
To Maks Harness Last Longer.
A little efonomy, which aometitnes I
means a koo'1 many dollars to a man, Is .
the proper cure of hninvn, carriage
toiis, etc. Leather in daily us. expos- ,
ed as it is to sun and w ind, soon be- j
comes dry, bnrd, inelastic, and nimble
to stand Htrain. Then, very likely at
the inost unfortunate moment, a break
(K'curs, and precious time and money
are lost. All this is easily prevented
by a little forethought and care on the
part of the owner. Kvery one owning
horses should be supplied with a good
leather preservative, and a good axle
oil. These two things are necessary to
the largest economical usu ol a working I
outtlt, or a pleasure eiiilpage.
Observation has shown that no oil
penetrates leather so deeply, and resists
the drying effect of sun and wind so
well as Kureku. Harness Oil.
Neatsfoot and some other inferior
oils sometimes used, easily become ran
cid, or because of containing acid, hurt
the leather. (Stable men and others
posted on the subject, invariably use
F.ureka Harness Oil. When harness is
given an occasional dressing of this oil,
ml u-tLmtl trit nil a ruuaeil v 1 1 K llmtfin 1
Coach Oil, a very large reduction is
made in the necessary repair bills.
Koston Coach Oil, by the way, is very
much superior to-Castor Oil. It lias
splendid lasting qualities, will not gum
or corrode, and is more economical in
every way.
People who are after economy In sta
ble management will do well to ask for
these oils.
"When you buy nn
Its the easiest and
only way to get
the best
Sold everywhere
Banking by Mail
On snviiik'H deposits of a dollar
or iiinro, compounded iwico
every yeur. It is just its easy
to open a Havings Account Willi
h by Aluil as if you lived next
tloor. Send for our free book
let, "ISnnkiiitf by Muil," und
lutirn full particulars. Addrctja
Oregon Trust 8c
Savings Bank
Portland, Oregon
Sixth and Washington Sts.
w r yiv n
4l ft
"Orlnili-.f Orli'iifnla.
Tf now I'-ilni- of dlri'i l Ion W'imiii Id Ik
IiimI lint I vi- wllli Mil I'mnmm, MiiyH 1 1 1
iiuilior of "A Proi' ul Si-liool." Tlcy I'i'i l.ou dy I hi' in'i'illi', mil hy
relative Minlllun. They ilo not hii.v
"I'uni lo tlio rlrlit," liui "Turn lo I In
wcmI." If ii t : 1 1 1 1 In ii room him two
t iiihIiIitm on II. inn' of tlii'iu will In- tin
ii Ml I iimlili'l', tin- ollii'f tin' wi"t, nii'l
tlio tiilili' tlHi'lf will In- nut (In- "lillili
ni'iir tin window, "'hoi tin- "Inlilo In llii'
en Mt of tin loom." So llii'.v Kpi'iik of
tin iioilh or Mouth utile of ii nil-eel or
nf it tri'i', not tin- Hlimly or nuiiny nlii.
j: v 1 1 In rain or mint thi-y know tin
dlri'il Ion ul oiiri'. Aii Diik'Ux'i triivHi'r,
wnlhlhi; In thi' Ittiriniin fnri'xt. on ii
f"Hk'.V inoniliiK lo Und nil I run of I lie
roml w 1 1 it M I out hy rnln mid every nj
juirent nieniiM of nm-crt ;i I it I iik illrei'
lluii K"iie. w im nt n l'i-H w li ii t to ilo,
hut li I m Itiiniiiin KiTviinlt knew nt
iini'O. "Thill It iioilh," they wild, point
line, "mill Hint In c,'it. Our eourse llert
hetween," ll Mi I nt rn lltt to tin north
cjt they iiinri'lifij unerringly.
Weakennd Kidneys Made an Elwood,
I nd , Man's Back Give Out.
R. A. i'uK", tian'fer burtine", 2020
North Ii Ktrnet, Klwood, Ind., nays:
"Kidney trouble kept mn laid up (or a
long time and when I
wh ahle to he up I
li it 1 to ue a rane. I
had terrihlo backache
and pain in the
shoulder. The kid
ney mi-red inna were
tlark colored. Alter
doctorinR in vain, I
hetran uniiiK Iran's
Kidney Pill". Three
ho na cured mn entirely, and I am kImlI
to recommend them
Hold by all dealers. BO cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., IJuffalo, N. Y,
lime V ml Nollirily
I think IiW'k and Kalliarhii'
soon l' niarrli'd."
"Why, denrV"
"Weil, I pn-M-d hy the old pnr- li last
lilKht nnd I heard ln-r railing h!m pet
Mueky' und
And vmi she calling hlin
'ileare.'t' mid 'iiiiel-
fin-eV' "
"Wi ll, I MmuM
cmIIIiii; hlui Mune
pi. I.' "
:iy not.
',' 'KIXIW.''
J o (loll t IIU'MII
it :
"I tin, nml that N alwavH a utire
a t'rl is In love with ii man."
Wrr Kninlllnr.
Are you familiar with ynoht-
Iiilt term?
(Jri-em- oh, yen ; I tried to hln one.
once ! VoukiTH Statesman.
Mothert will find Mrs. Wltilo't BoothlnK
fj ru p thx b tl to omj fur tlu-lr ch.Mro i
lurluK tlio U'UlhlUK ptrluU.
Th t.rrnlrtl Urnimrl.
New York Is I he mvoihI great fen-
Ktrt of tin world. In l'.Mi.i over iilm
lulllloii toiiK of Imports nml ellit mil
lion Ki'Ven huudri'd tliou-and tons of
'I,"r,!1 wen
Ol'k Il.'irbor.
cleared thrnili New
l.oml.iil Is the greatest
M:iHirt, I'xccciling New York In im
HrtM, though not In exports. Antwerp
nnd Hamburg arc tlilrd and fourth, re
spectively. i FITS p'Tini
NTVi H-Hl".
hi. V:ini' I'tnri nun ntl Nrrvmn f)li'-t"
riiiaimtitly i-nr-il l.y ir. KIiiih'h tir.nt
rrr. iM'ttil f.T I- IU-.I-. t2lrUI li.ittl" anil
Irvatltf. iir It II. Klin. , Ia. w.ll Ari li M., I'lnla-.r.
Mnmrnhil IHfTrrent.
Miss Klderleluli How perfectly
fdiorklng !
YouiiKbach What's perfectly shock
ing? Miss Flderlelgli Why, didn't you
see old Wfilderlelgli kiss that doll
faeed Miss IVnehly Just now? He
kissed her ns affectionately us If she
had been his wife.
Younnhiirli (Hi, much more affec
tionately than that. I should say lie
kissed her Just as If nho wasn't his
You Can act Allen's Foot-Ease FREC.
Write Allen H. Olnnled, I,e HiTt.N. Y., lor a
free iiiiii.!t of Allen 't Knot h iinu. It cures
wuatlii);, tint awiillen , ni'lntiK feet. H maket
nowortlKht tlu'i'H I'Hfy. A eerlnln euro for
C'ortii, InitniM inn nallt and l.utiliuit. A ll ilrug
gitlt Hell it. 2ov. 1'i.n't ui'i'i'i'l any nubstltuto.
Ntl I'ar.
"Do you notice what n lot of women
ore going lu for science?"
"Yes. My wife's pit the fever, too."
"What's her line'"
"Mechanics. She's an Inventor."
"Indeed? What has she Invented?"
"Why, Khe's Just perfected n 8talr
step that makes mo register tlio tlino
I get home In the iiionilnn ua noon ns
I put my foot on It."
"Ouft you beat it some way?"
"It's no use. She's always nwnko
nny way and waiting for me on the up
per landing." Cleveland l'lalu Dealer.
Stats or Ohio, City of Tolkdo, ah t IIHNI V,
Frank J. ( iiknky makes oath that tin Is
senior partner of tho ti nil of K. J. iiiknky A
t )., ItollIK IiU.-IIU'"" In tne I Ily oi l nluilo, t niin
ty ami Htalu af.nennlil, and Unit niiIiI linn n ill
pay tho h 11 in tif ON 10 ill'MiUKI) Ixif.l.AKS for
eai'li anil every earn) nf t'ATAltiitt tliat cannot bo
CUlud by tllO UHO of llAI l.'H l ATAItllll t I UK.
KKA.NK J. flll-NKY.
Sworn to hoforo tne anrl BiilisiTlI.ed in my
proNunco, llilt UtU day of lieeem Ix r, A. P., lVni.
A. 1. lil.KASO.V,
.Nulury Public.
Hull's Catarrh Curs It taken Internally, ami
ac(n itlrt'Clly on tlio l.loo.t uinl niuroiis Niirfucvt
of dim yti)i.l. Semi for tt-Htiiiinliialn, frc...
F. J. I'HKNKY li CO., 'i'uludo, O.
Fold by IiriiKKlHts, 7.rii
liull's i'uinily 1'lllH are the best.
liooil Imiircttloii,
Gunner klufl'eiu certainly has a con
Blderato wife. Sho collects nil tho ex
pensive cigar bands hhe can And.
(Juycr I don't see anything consid
erate lu that? Hoes she waste her
time decorating plates?
(miner No, sho gives them to
HlnH'cm and he sticks them around his
btogles. Then ho makes tho Impression,
that bo Is smoking 10-cent cigars.
Alitholiv I' lain, all Arelle explorer, I
gelling out II book railed 'Tight lug Hie
Polar I.e." lie has lin n on two of tin
Zlrgli-r e irill I Ions, and on the ;i-t.
J ii'il 1 1 Ion he Was lu roiiiuia lid. lb'
Irlls miiny rxrlllng sloilrs of his ad-
veiiluii s, ami of niie orcnslon when In'
nearly lost his life. 'J he roiilllrt of man
wllh vast musses of Ire Is nil unusual
proposllloii. It Is n roiilllrt wholly
liew to us, and very Interesting. Mr.
J'liila, nt the time he made his last trip,
wns ciigngeil to it Southern girl. Of
course rommiiiilrntloii with nny one lit
the .North Pole Is well nigh Impossi
ble, so Unit It was two years before his
Ibineii Dually got word by cabin that
In was out of danger nnd on tils way
The new Kipling bonk, "Pil'k of
I 'link's lllll," Is a rollertlon of Imagin
ary tales written for children but so
inu'h ronrrrneil with hlstorlral fart
that they will arouse the Interest as
well as reipiln the Interpretation of i
older readers IIS Well. These stories, I
like others whlrli Kipling has written i
of lule venrs fur I u veil I les. were origin-
ally prepared for the entertainment of
his own rl.lldle.i, and It Is said that t h-
ri'VUIIIl-' on im- iHitin win to oil'' i 'J i
i.i .1... i i. ii...
.. ii... i,r,,i I...-M vii. I... v.. I ii
... .... j ..... ...... . . ..... .
Its first rrlllrs. Two Imaginative "chll-
dreii, I (an and I'na, luting "Midsummer
Night's liream," out of doors In n part
of Kngland singularly rich In historical
nssoclatloii, unwittingly call up Pin k
himself, who, by his magic makes them
hear and sts- the events of ancient days.
"Puck of Pook's 11)11" will be published
simultaneously lu the I'lilted States,
Kngland, Canada, Australia, and lu fact
lu all Kligllsh speaking colonies. The
!onk will he illustrated by Arthur kurk
mau. No part of Mark Twain's nutoblog-
rnphy. w hich Ih now apiieai lng serially
lu the North American kevlew, will
Jiulillsh.'d In boil, form while he lives.
Mr. Clemens says that he has already
written .'.Mi.imhi words of his nutobl. g
raphy, w hlrh he began many years ago.
Not nearly all of this will appear seri
ally. 'The autobli.graplier has been
at pains as to the form and i-ysteui of
this story of his life. It follows what
ho cit I is it "systemless system." 1 1 is
li 1 1 ti. he declares, has been to set down
the things whirh hive Interested him
lu bis lifetime. 'This seems to be n
sensible Idea ; w hat Interests the nuto
blographer Is likely to he treated of by
him in ii more readable way than he
might treat of subjects H'lei ted merely
Iss-ause they might Interest the reader.
Mr. Clemens says he coiillded his plans
to Mr. llowells, who approved of them,
uhlch, its the iiutohingrapher remarks,
was wise nnd Judlrloiis. "If he had
manifested a different spirit I would
have thrown hliu out of the window.
I like criticism, but It must be my
Pram Stoker's "Personal kemlnls
cviices of Henry Irving" Is crowtltsl
with anecdotes and personal touches
concerning Irving and his many friends
and acquaintances, including most of
the notabilities of the latter half of the
nineteenth century. Naturally through
his association with Irving, Stoker had
many Interesting experiences. Ho has
many amusing stories or lrvmg. i lie
following one Illustrates the actor's
modesty anil lack of self-consciousness,
The llrst year that Irving acttsj as ex
aminer of the class for dramatic study
in the koyal College of Music he re
ceived In answer to Ids report n genial
and friendly letter of thanks for his
servletsi signed hy the chairman. In
acknowledging this letter to Sir (Seorge
drove, the director of the college, Irv
ing addtsl by way of 'tostscrlpt, "Hy
the way, who Is our genial friend, Mr.
Kdward? I do not think I have met
hlin." He got a hnrrllled letter sent by
a messenger rrom Mr lieorge explain
ing that the signature was that of "Al
bert Kilward" now His Majesty Ed
ward VII.
I'arrauut'a I'lu.
Iavld (I. l''arragut was but thirteen
years old when he served as midship
man under Porter In the battle of the
Kskcx against the Phu'be and Cherub,
lie was taken to the I'ho'he as a pris
oner or war, says his latest biogra
pher, nnd came aboard crying from
mortification. At the same moment,
however, a Hrltlsh middy also came
alongside with u young pig lu his
"A prize! A prize!" be was shout
ing. "Ho, Uys, a line grunter!"
It was a pig that had been a is't In
the steerage of the Essex, where It was
called "Murphy." rarragut at once
claimed It as private property.
"You are a prisoner, and your pig,
too," replied the Hrltlsh middy.
"We always resect private proper
ty," said l'ltrrfagut, grabbing the pig,
and determined to lutfd on till forced to
"(Jo it, little Yankee!" cried tho
oldsters present. "If you can thrash
Shorty you shall have your pig."
A ring was formed, and "Shorty"
ennio nt Farragut hammer and tongs;
but tbe American was handy with his
lists. lie quickly laid bis opponent
low. Tho Hrltlsh bluejackets cheered
hint heartily, and the pig was declared
to be his.
Why should a woman feel llattered to
bo told she looks like an actress: Per
haps she looks like a one-two-three act
ress. The men have always contended that
the eating Is tho best part of any party,
and lately tho women uro bejjlnnhij; to
"What Is n prnrllciil Joke?" "Ono
l"al you inn sell r-r M Hollar nml buy
bread with It."--Judge.
, Mrs. Skliimim Why are you nil hld-
ng from Tommy? Little Uz.le Tom-
my Is the butcher come with his bill.
Philadelphia Iterord.
"hut yout.g widow says she Is g
n(. t t,r,.llk ,J(.r huHband's will." "I
thought sin- did that soon after they
were married."-- P.alllmore American.
lu .New York. "Can't you think of
some unusual thing to do tonight
something we haven't done In-fore?"
"We might spend the evening at home."
"That tiian never uses money In hU
campaigns." "No," answered Senator
Sorghum, "he merely makes promises,
lie uses rredlt instead of cash."
Washington Star.
The Parson When I bent me n m!n-
,M"r' 1 -'i,v I'I,I"B I'1"""- Tlm
' ''''"' J'" berame an exisiund-r
III a double sense of the word, (11 tin t
you? Ynnkcrs Statesman,
('holly I thought perhaps you had n
preference for P.obby Jones? Mildred
'--Nonsense : You are Just as welcome
here as he Is. Why, he Is the most lu-
, sufTerahle lsre I know. Judge
"Why don't you get an automobile?"
"My dear sir," was the answer, "I
don't need It. I have it dog, three llfo
insurance policies and a boll. I have
trouble enough." Washington Star.
Cicely Why don't you learn to
mvlm? Muriel There is no one to
teach me. Cicely I low als.ut the tioys?
Muriel Oh, they've all taught me he
fun. ; ,i;(T. reiit hummers you know.
Hnsiklyu Life.
(hidys (at the seashore) Are you
having as many proposals as you had
List season V Mayme (wearily) Oh,
yes. but they are all from the same
men I was engaged to last summer.
Iletroit Free Press.
"Hut," protested the js-rt young
housewife, "you ought to take off some
thing lor the holes In these doughnuts."
"Very well, madam," replies the wise
baker; "I'll allow you one cent each
for the holes when you return them."
Chicago I tally New s.
"What." asked the sweet girl grad
uate, "was the happiest moment of
your life?" 'The happiest moment of
my life," answered the old bachelor,
"was when the Jeweler tik back tho
engagement ring and gave me collar
buttons In exchange." Chicago News.
Mrs. Windfall Just Imagine, Hiram!
One of the sailors told me that this
Imat Is now lu communication with her
sister ship! I wonder what the con
versation is nlstut? Mr. Windfall
Humph! Most likely each Is asking
the other if Iter cargo Is on straight
"I presume, sir," Is-gan the young
man, timidly, "that you will consider it
very presumptuous for n fifty-dollar
railroad clerk to apply for your daugh
ter's hand in marriage." "Not at all,
my boy, responded senator JMicKguy,
kindly. "1 dare say your side grafts
are tpulte remunerative." j
"Don't you object to your husband's
.Hiker playing?" "Coodness, no! I like
it. You see he always plays with Mr.
Jones, and Mrs. Jones and I are
friends. If Mr. Jones wins she takes
the money away from him and divides
with me. If my husband wins I divide
with her. Cleveland Ioader.
The two young men reached the door
nt the same time. "Is Miss Swelling
ton in?" they asked. The maid, N'orau,
looked at them and shook her bead dis
consolately. "She's In to wan av ye
an' out to tu' other," she said nt last;
"but til two av ve coining together has
got me so tangled OTm blest If Ol
know which is which. Hut come rolght
in both nv ye, an Ol'll ax her to coma
down an' pick ye out" Judge.
What's In a Name? An Irish sol
dier In a local regiment during the late
war arrived at camp late one night. He
was challenged with the usual, "Who
gtH-s there?' After pondering a few mo
ments, and the challenge being reiear.-
ihI, and thinking he might avoid pun
ishment, he answered: "Kitchener." Ho
was Immediately knocked down with
tho butt end of a ritle. While he was
on the ground ruefully rubbing his
head, the sentry exclaimed: "Why, It's
Callaghan! What did ye say It was
Kitchener for?" "Shine," came the au
swer, "when ye would do this to Kitch
ener, phwat yould ye do to Callaghau?"
Hulled I he Wrouit Fluh.
It sometimes happens that the cure
Is worse than the disease. It was In
the case of the mother who tried to
break her little Theodore of the habit
of taking sweets off the sideboard.
"We often have bonbons when there
are guests to luncheon," she said, "and
although Theodore promises not to
touch them he always does."
"You might do as I did In the same
circumstances," suggested tho neighbor,
smiling reminiscent ly.
"What did you do?"
"I carefully removed tho Inside fill
ing from a chocolate drop aud stuffed
the shell with red pepper."
"Did It work?"
"It might have worked," replied tlio
neighbor, "If Johnny had happened to
spy It. As It was, I forgot all about It
lu the press of other matters, and nt
dlnner-tluio tho guest of tho evening
Kot l."
llo' IJ r.iniilorril lllillrnle for lilt
I llrnt'a lli-i.-flt.
Wit and ridicule were Lincoln' weap
ons of ofl'i'lise all'l defeii-ie, Mild he
jirolialily biughed more Jury ca"et out
of court than any other man who ever
practiced ;it the bar.
"I once heard Mr. Lincoln defend a
man lu P.looiiiingtoii ng.i!iit a charge,
of passing counterfeit. m ney," Vice
President Stevensiii told the writer.
" There w;is a pretty clear case against
the licensed, but W lien the chief w itness
for the people took the stand he stated
that his name was J. Parker Ureen,
and Lincoln reverted to this the mo
ment In rose to cross examine. 'Why
J. Parker (;reene? What did that J.
st. 'Hid for? John? Well, why didn't
the wiLii'-sh rail himself John P. (ireeii?
'That was his name, wasn't It? Well,
what was the reason he didn't wlsn to
he Tnown by his right mime? I:d J.
Parker IJreen have anything to conceal,
find If not, why did J. Parker fJrii-n
part his name In that way?' And so
on. Of course, the whole examination
was farcical." Mr. Stevenson continued,
"but there was something Irresistibly
funny In the varying tones and inflec
tions of Mr. Lincoln's voice as he rans
the changes upon the man's name; and
at the recess the very boys In the street
took up the slogan and shouted 'J. Par
ker fireen:' all over the town. More
over, there was something ill Lincoln's
way of Intoning his questions which
made me suspicious of the witness, nnd
to this day I have never Iss-n nble to
rid my mind of the absurd impression
that there whs something not quite
right about J. Parker Green. It was
all nonsense, of course, but the Jury
must have been affected as I was, for
fnen was discredited and the defend
ant went free."
Ai'oldlnjc I -iaplallon.
Slopay Let's go up this side street;
I see my tailor coining down the ave
nue. Diggs Why, I novrfr know you to go
out of your way to avoid meeting a
creditor before.
Slopay Yes, but I b.npicn to have
money in m pocket this time, and I
uilht be tempted to pay him.
At the Micbt School.
Teacher (of rhetoric) What do you
suppose the poet means when he spenkt
of "the sthuflT that dreamt are made of?"
Shaggy Haired Pupil I guess bt
mentis a cut of mince pie at bedtime.
H CAVA it D K. PCRTON. Atmyer Chm!t.
lrailvillr. ( 'oi.Tfulu. -p-i-tm-n prh-t: li.i.!,
Hlvtr, 1 a-i, tl ; (inlii, silver, TV; i.ol.l, &.; Zinc or
t i-r, 11. 1 vnnldu t'-l. Mailing nvelop- ami
full prit lint iM-nt ou application. Control and Vm
jilr wnrk a.illclleil. lvferuoc: i.'axbuaaie 2ar
tiuual iiauk.
Wonderful Heme
Thi wo i drrul Chi
ne Itucior 1 t-allil
Kr at b caime he cur
po 1 w.Wiout epi-ia-t.un
that are K vn tin
In Ul-. II (tires v h
th-M woiitlerlii. ( hi
ll, -in herb-, rmi a. b'-lil.
tuirka anil vi-i:e alili-i
liat iirt- entirely un
kn wn to lu'-iiu-al S;-l-
i'ii. in th coumry thruuKli Hie uw ol iluwe
liiirimi as renieilien. This lam uh doi-tur a news
itieacilono over 500 dlrterent reinedta, wa.c.i
he um aucctnlu ly In different tisea.--e lie
Kiiaran ee tociireca'anu. anihma, luna, throat
lie uiliutisiii, ncrv.'iia esa. stomach, l'Ver. klil
iieya. etc.: has liumlre s of testimonials,
t liarKes moderate. C all ami see hlin. I'a tents
out ot the city w rit" f..r hlaiiKs and cln u an.
iselld stamp. t'U SI' L.TA tHhK.
The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
162' first St., S. C. Cor. Morrison
Mention paper Portland, Oregon
"Yes, I took my friend to Niagara
"I don't suppose he was enthusiastic
even about that?"
"He wasn't until lie learned that one
side of It was Canadian." Philadel
phia Press.
'Iho lvintl lou Have Always
aB,,m'J?,"'T'"ll,,ai re a.n 'ii, 9wwmmwwmwmnmm
" ' mini i ii ' ' .miAwr..-. ,.v.....IJ. r ..r,
rl'll Ivlllll Villi lltiviv Alwnvx Iton.rlir li.o ..:
miw ui v.i.i. iti j.-ic-ivucr, itiui jias ueen luatie uuuer his
IK-rsonal supervision lor over 0 years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
Jiist-as-frood ' are but Experiments, and endanger tho
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paro
ftorie. Drops and Hoothinjr iSyrups. It is Pleasant. Jt
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other JSarcotie
substance. Its asro is its ruarautee. Jt lestroys Wornit
and allays 1 evetisliness. Jt cures Diarrluea and Wind
Co,.Io:,f l;ollevcs Teetliliiff Troubles, cures Constipation
and I latulency. It assimilates tho Pood, regulates the
m m;l,5'h, aml ,1owe,s Bivintf healthy and natural bleep.
'Iho Children's Panacea The Mother's Prieud.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Hears tno
In Use For Over 30 Years.
th ecNTaua oompanv, tt Munnav
To succeed these days you
must have plenty of grit, cour
age, strength. How is it with
the children ? Are they thin,
pale, delicate ? Do not forget
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You
know it makes the blood pure
and rich, and builds up the
general health in every way.
Th thlMrn rtnnot po,,,h' h r""i1
health unli-n Hi" lowl r lu prcpir riMnll
tlnn. A t'liK1'1 liver ifle t rrtatft l'it'i',
bml lirenlli, -.. 1 1.- t -'! Im.In. Corrtv-t nil
t hf-te t riving ni ill iMxntivp fli.rt of Aytr't
J'lllt. Alt Kulile. uKJr coatml.
Uad b 7 3. C. . 7r Co., t-owell, litau. mauutaoturert or
Adl f. CLPF.
.o Setlletni-nl Thrre.
"Mrs. Splasii has gone Into scttlc
liient work."
"I know one per?on who wouldn't
believe It."
"Who's that?"
"Her dress. naker."I).'troit Freo
"ToTimy, yn ni Ibov pcacVs thai
wer in the pantry."
"I didn't! I nevr touched' em!"
"O, well, it d'K-in't matter. Tliry wer
ereen. wormy, and of no account, any.
"'Tain't so. They was i splendid !"
Cliieago Tribune.
3.50&3.00 Shoes
W.LCo-Jshs C4 G;;i Edjo !ir.
W. I.. l.,ii"l C Joh.
t'-Mtf II HI It III III'..
LUllJp.'-l'' 111 ! tilt ft.
It. .If II "l" ! Ill" IIK.Hl If r " 'fl 1
wuiuni.i-inil, n.;i, i-.iry II I .(" PJ 1
Mn' Shoni. 9 to 31. SO. iloys- Bhoea. S3
to $1.25. Wom-n'a 6noes, $ I OO to Jl.SO. ' A Chll .reu'l 8iio.'. $25 to Sl.OO.
Xry W. Li. IIoiiIiis Wonifii'a, li- anil
Children' hoes: fur i.l.tle, lit and wear
they -ct-l other make.
If I could take you Into my largo
factories at Brockton, Mass. .and show
you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes
are made, you would then understand
why they hold their shape, fit better,
wear longer, and are of greater value
than any other make.
Wherever you live, you can obtain W. L.
Douglas shoes. Mia name and price is f tamped
on tne bottom, w hich protects you against high)
price and Interior shoes. Take no subMtim
tatty. Ask your dealer lor W. L, Douglas shoe
and insist upon having them.
fatt Cilor f ieer; usee,' then will not wear brassy,
Wrile for Illustrated Catalog nt Fall Styles.
W. L. IXKJOLAS, DepU 13. Brockton, Mass,
Portland Trade Directory
Names and Addresses in Portland of Repra
sentalive Business firms.
CKKAM KKPAHAIOUH Wo tuara.ltes I ho IT. !s.
e-epuraior l be the heat. Writa lor tree cataiotf.
iiazeinood Co.. llih and Oak.
PIANOS A oaS ASS-Many line Instruments re
vert to ns account sefcuessor removal of Ouyer
Write lor descr ptiou ol' p alios now on han.l,
terms, etc. W rite today, onoerl Co., Ponlaudi
P. N. U.
No. 44-06
V KX writinK to advertisers please I
Mieniliin this paper. I
Every tramcar in Belfast has written
In larse letters just over the step at each
end of the car: "The lifehoat rule is woiru
j en and children first."
ltouht has borne the sijrna-
Signature of
strict, hiw vosm oitv.