HON. W. II. KflMAlK.II or wLsr viudiNiA IMtAISLS Pl-HU-NA r ,m A-. .,'4i. Mil Hon. W. M. Kclbdush. A ('"I'IhI Any Time of tin' Vi'iir, l!s I't'i iitllv in l t v at ) it-r, in Wiy I - )l'lf"i to till- SVHt in. iv-ru-in in nil lliciilnled I omc fur Such Ciim'H, !! What l'ci pic Say .Mn.ul It. j ll. n. V. II Kt ll ainrli. Kx-M. inlrt-r W. Vn. legislature, '.'(ll H li Mut t, i.N. I!., V;if liiny ton, I. ('., writes: "Vou tan use my name and word at B limre, lor I'rrunn on a mediiinr and limit tinrqunlled. I hrtve liied it lor a Muhlxirn told and hntily run down y- Irni. I trU d till soi Is ol other mrdii inr. ! and paid m-vcr.il eapensivr dotor bills. ilVrunit turrd nif, Mrt-nKthenrd me nutrr than ever, and sttvcd nw money." .'lis. (lam l.itt.r-t, !-oulit Id, I ii. l .i : " I. ii ft i.i'A I I iM.lt ii hr vi re I'i'I'l. In 'k IVrim.i lx-c:iri 1 iniji- :ttil U' on vn until I vui- ul. ! tn Mm in v work." Jf till' Mississippi VllllcV WlTi' IIS iti llic 1y pOpllhltcil Ml MilHHIII'llllSI't in, it would lllle a.'il . H K l, H X I jllllllhitllllta. Motnrrawlll fl tol M'-. Wllialow'a Soothing Nyrup the lt remedy lotian ur tliulr children tlurli'g the loethtiig rlod. "Conn', come, oLI boy, brncc up! You know tlmt faint harr ne'er woo fit i r Indy." "Hut ahe'a a brunette." C'leye In ml 1'lnin Healer. Catarrh Cannot ba Cured with I.oi'AI. A ITI.K' ATJoNN. aa they cannot rml ti llm mat of tlin illMtaan. I alarm It a IiIikhI nr roiimitiitloiial li. iw, ami In order to euro It yon mini lake inUirnal rrmeillaa. Hall t'aiarrli urn la laki-n ItiliTiially, ami aria .11 to. 1 1 y on I lie blood anil miicotiaetirlarea. Had a atarrlt lire la not a quark tiirdliliie. It vn pri'M-rlts'it liy olio ol I ho lal pli vmilatu In tM" roiiniry lor yeara, ati'l la a ri'Kiifar rr ,i-tltlon. It la i'oiii pi. ant of the lieat totilra k In mn, rotiil.tni'il Hh I ho heal lilooil purl I'l'tN, artliiK Htirlly on the iiiiM'otia atir'ara-. 1 In- i'i Ii" I rum l.lua Ion ol I lu' two I nit ti''lo mi la ulnil roiiii' mi h wi'iolarful rranlla lu i'Uflnv I nlnrrh. H-ml (or IratirnniilalM Irri'. K. J I IIKM V .Hi), l'ro.a., 'lolnlo, (). Sol.l tiv ilinif.'lii''. pi Id' ;. Ilali'a I'aii.lly l llla am ll.r tifat. Illieyrd I nl rnrl lona. Mini of tli llouar Vf'iiii, I loli yon to i n II inr at 7 aluirp thU luoi iriiK'. 1 1 iinrtit ic I r-:i I ! ,vi hh ahniri at I couM, aorr. Init I ooiiltln't wnke ye. TITO hf' ' '',lnr, nn'l K" Nrrvniia fln''ftci fllo I" rtinoii'iilly i-ur.'il tv lr. Kluif'a (tr'-at Sri v" ll. ..i. r. Honil f.T KIlKK 2 I r I r. I Imltl mill Urallar. It. il II. K I III . UI..U.U At.li hi., l'Uila.,l' lr. S.llinirl SlIlili'H. Biithor of "Si'lf Il.'lp" nun oiIiit works, left mi cKlu'e vi.i- uf.i nt $:is;i,.v.,i). Young MEN, Old MEN, Middle.Aged MEN Sotnl for fri'f fa id jli Ivt in uluin cover. 'IV I In about mi ailiiiino that innuri'H iii)incKN, luiilili ami nuccchh in life. Fri-t' Hi'tnl Hxliiv. I0RTLAD APPLIANCE CO. P. O. Bon 25 Portland, Ore. 20-Mule-Team Borax Is an Ecomomical Labor-Saving Aid to the Household t'li'iim wllliiiiit Injury the nioal it.llrnl luhrli a aa well ui kl elmii iiiaimll". o d worlt.Hllvi r.rlilna. flHiKwi.rr, lliivn, tilunktiia, wooli'iin. al ka. It H l In- lilkliiNt valur In IIih lulli'l, luiih mill lilirai ry, and In a liurinitan nuluiul illalnl'i rliiiiL A t ilrali'ra. Kill1 alt i.arkaK ll'inn A Ilnrui r-i.iip ; IK pnKi' liookli-l mill null vi.nlr plrluru 7iM liu In r.ilorn tVni' Inr 10 ranla mill ilnilnr'a llauii'. 1'A I li' IC i'OAHl' JloltAX OiiKlmnl I l. CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING Portland Trade Directory Nam and Addrcaica in Portland of Rapra cntatlva Bualncai rirma. I'll It AM auPAKAI'OKH Wa guaranty Ilia V.H. Hi'imralor to ba Hi livaU Wrlla lur fr catalog, llaulwood Co., Hlh and Oak. MKN'HC'I.OTHINO ItulTiim A Pandlalon, anla Kino l a Alflrad lianlamln A l o.'a anrraot tilolliaa Kvarylhlna la man'a rnriilalilnjia. Morrlaou and HI alb airaala. l)pioalt poatonToa. 1'IAMUH A OHO ANH-Many Una Inatrumanta ra vvrl lo ua arcounl a rkin-aa or roinnval oftiuyar Wrlia for draor pllon of p anoa now on liaml, Irrina, am. Wrlto today, lillbvrt t'o., l'urtland P. N. U. No. 32-06 lit N writing toadvartlsaraploasa wiviiub aula ajir. -.to............ , MIIIIHIUIIillHHh 5 UlwU 1 hi- HltoiiMo ii f Hit. limit. Tin. iniillli'il t I ii ii i 'm ami roll Iiiin luiit Tin' aulilirr'a IiimI liitlon; Nn timi on lifn'a inrii'i' hIiiiII inert 'Mini liravi' mid fiilli'ii fi'W. I III f it iik-'h rlrl nnl i'iliiilnK Kfoillli 'llii'ir Milriil tenia me anreml, Ami (iliiiy itunrila, wiili hoIi'Iiiii round, 'J lie liivii'.uii' of the ili inl. Nn rumor of I lie f'N-'a nilviuii e Now mwi'IU upon the wluil; No trmihleil ihniiKhtN nt tnliliilnlit bnunta ( If lovei iiiii'n left In himl ; Nu vlaion of the iiiorrow'a alrifu 'I'he vMirrlor'a (Irnun nliiriua; No (ri .v iutt hoin nor mitohiu.iik flfa At ilunii aliiill eiill to nrina. Tin I r HhlviTril aworila lire red wlili runt, Their jiliiuo'il hi'inli nre bowed; Their hniiKhly luiiim r, trailed in dual, la now their iiiiirtial Mhroud. And ienii.inia fiinernl teiira have wnHhed 'I'he red atnliia from etieh lirow, And the proiid foruiH, hy buttle Knahod, Are free fniMI lllillihll HOW. 'I'he nelliin' triMipa, the (l.mhiiiK blnde. The hiii;le'a alirriiiK blaat. 'I'he I'hnrKe, h ilN-tnlf ul rniinonnde. The tlin n m nlioill, lire pliat ; No wiir'a wild note imr kI"!)' J"'l Kin, II thrill with lierce delKt Thoae hrenau tlmt never inori! limy fel 'I'he I ti jit ii r- of the llifht. IIke the Menu northern )Mirrlrn Tlmt awei-p liia (treat phitenu, J-'luxheil with the lriiiniih yet to gain, ('nine down the aerrhil f''. Who hennl the thunder of the fray r.li'llk o'er the field lielli'llth. Knew well the wnti'hword of that day Wait "Vli'tory or Iieiilh." Ixuilf had the ilnulilfill rolillli't rrlRed O'er all that alriikiti plain, I'or never lierirr liiflil had wiiP'il Tin- vengeful hi o.l of Spain ; And Ml ill the aliirin of Imtlle blew. Si ill awe!!."! the K.iry tide; Not lone our Htout old i-h.rf liiln knew, Sui'h mill his Hlriliylh could bide. 'Twiin In that hour his stern command Oilled to a martyr' jtrnve The Dower of his liclovcd land, T!n nation's II. i' In sine. Ity rivera of their fathers' (core Ilis firm born laurcla grew, And well he disuued the amis would jKiur 'Ilieir Uvea for K'ory, too. Full many a norther'a breath hna awopt O'er Ang'tstura'a plain, And long the pitying aky haa wept Alcove Ita mouldered alait). The ravfii'a aerenm, or eagle's flight, Or ahepherd'a pensive Iny, Alone awokea each aullen height Tlmt frowned o'er that dred fray. Sona of the Park and Moody Ground, You iniist not siumlMT there, Where HtraiiKer ateps and tongues re aound AlouB the lieiHllesH nir. Your own proud luml's heroic Boil Shall be your litter jrrave; She claims from war his richest spoil The oshcH of her brave. Tints 'iienili their parent turf they rest, Far from the gory th'ld, I!orni to a Spartan tnolher's breast On many a bloody shield; The sunshine of their native aky Smiles Madly on them here, And kindred pjch nnd hearts watch by The heroes' Hepulchle. Heat on, embalmed and sainted dead ! lii'iir as the blood ye gave; No Impious footstep here shall tread The herbage of your grave; Nor shall your glory lie forgot While Fame her record keeps, O Honor points the hallowed nKit Where Valor proudly sleeps. Yon marble minstrel's voiceless atone In deathless aong shall tell, When ninny n vanished age hath flown, The story how ye fell ; Nor wreck, nor change, nor winter's blight. Nor Time's remorseless doom, Shall dim one ray of glory's light That gilds your deathless tomb. Theodore O'llani. LOSING BRAZIL TRADE. I. nek of Merchant Murine Tula I'nlt eil Mlnlea Far lu ltrnr. HrazU lu a country of varied and wonderful resources and, with the In troduction of proper machinery and up to dato methods, Its development would be extended so that within n few years It would produce enormously and take rittdi anions tho loading commercial countries In tho world, nays the New York Tribune. Its exjKirt trade Is ad vancing now at n very rapid rate, es pecially Unit In rubber, which amounts to million", of dollars annually. The Introduction of tho bicycle, the nvitomohllo and other rubber-tired ve hicles lias Riven the rubber production an Impetus which has caused It to forgo to tho front as tho leading ex port of tho country. Tho coffee trade Is also being extend ed rupld'yi having, a healthy growth to Its credit. The United States purchases on-half Ui coffee exported from llra Eil, which, during tho fiscal year ended with June 80, 1004, amounted In value to $10,022,074. Of tho three leading nations which Bold their products to Hrazll in 1004 Croat Drltaln ranks first, with $34,070, 200 to Us credit, or 28 per cent of tho total amount of her Imports. Germany comes second, with 115,075,118, or 12 per cent, and the United States third, with 114,031,070, or 11 per cent. The jreat disparity of the amount of goods told by Groat Hrltain and the United Slates to Hraill presents a problem for the manufacturers and exporter of this country which must bn "olvtxl If their trade with (lint and other St t Hi Aiik'I-Iciiii countries Is ti Ixi (. teliileil. Of I'.ritnln's Imports In l!Kil the lending tirllcles were the manufac ture of coltiiii, which itiiiotirited to 5IN,7II.II2 ; tiiMiitifni liinn of Iron nnd steel, Hi,r.i7r.l ; brcadsltifTM, fl.'I.HOU, ".'II; wine, f7,ilMri,i!2.1 ; provisions, $7. 207.IHO, ami coal, fit.lH.VIoS. Of nil these, with the possible exception of wine, the United Htnles Is n manufac turer, or agricultural producer, and It seems absurd that Hn17.ll should f obliged to sii-k them In F.urope Instead of from her North American nelgblior. Of the exports from Hra.ll during the same period coffee and rubber iiuiiprlMed the principal article. For tin- six months ended June M, l'.sl and HHi.", the value of coffee exported niiioiiHted to MI.l l.'l,!fl." and f;'.:i,t 10, 011, and tlw value of the rubber to $M.,4 KI.N77 and f.'i'.i.tild, I.'!'.i, respective ly. This ahows nn Increase In rubber eyjMirlM of f IO,1iWJ,.Vi2 for this nix month under review. In recent years a large amount of foreign capital bus been Invested In l!liiy.lllali etilerprlM's, especially In the c.ty of Klo Janeiro. German capital ists have established steam.vbip llne-t Tor coast KeTvice, and American and Canadian capitalists have acipilred tho cir lines, gas works mid tolcplKmc ser vict. at Hlo Janeiro, the money lnv-st-eil being closely estimated at f2o,0X), (MK. This, however, Is only the beginning of the Invasion of Hra.ll by foreign enterprise. There is a determined movement now beliiR mtide to revolu tIonl7; the trade conditions ttiere. Tlie United States Is reaching out to grasp what It considers to be Its fair sharo of the trade which lias been controlled so long by Great Hrltalu nnd Germany. Tin greatest obstacle III the way of its passage to the desired goal Is the weakness, of the merchant marine of this country. American exporters have not the facilities for transporting their goods to Hr117.il which are enj yed by their rivals In F.urope. ami until this ob-tiicb. Is removed the progress of An ct loan trade lini.-t necessarily lie ilW. The record of the jsirts of Hrazll for the year l!'l is a sad one for study by American exporters. I hiring the year 17, -in? sailing vessels and steamers en tercd the ports, with an aggregate ton nage of ll.S70,.riii.1, being an Increase of 1..TKJ In the numlier of vessels and 11,2115 In the tonnage, and of these the American ting Is representel as among the 200 of "other countries" not speci fic! because of the small numlier of their h!p. BEAUTIFUL AND CLEVER. Ilaroneaa Huarn One of the Moat 1'iipnlar Woman In Wanhlniiton. One of the mt beautiful and clever women lu Washington Is Haronons lto tfii, wife of the Russian ambassador. She Is the confi dant and adviser of her husband nnd nothing Is done by the latter unless the baroness Is first consulted. The lat ter bs well ac 1 ti a I n t e d w 1 1 h American ways, having been with her husband w1kii be was consul gen eral at New York BAltO.NK.SS HONKN. and likewise at Washington when ho was charge d'affaires: there. It was in Washington that their only child, Miss Kll.abeth, now a nprlghtly girl of Id, was born. Haroness Itosen Is the daugh ter of Gen. OllnUoll, a famous Hus slun soldier and governor of Nljnl Nov gorod. She tJikes a prominent place In Washington society and has made mauy friends Uith for herself and her hus band by her cleverness, tact and great beauty. A eternn. A member of the bar of Baltimore relates how a witness In a trial suit In that city once "got back" at the lawyer who had been endeavoring to "rattle" the witness by a severe cross examination. At n certain point lu the proceedings the witness suddenly Interrupted the cross-examining lawyer by exclaiming: "Look here! You needn't think you kin rattle mo by askln' all them ques tions." "No?" was the sarcastic rejoinder. "No, slrree?!" cam In emphatic tono from the refractory witness. "Your questions don't bother nie at all. I've raised threo sons nn' two grandsons, an' I've been In training a good many years." Harper's Weekly. Overahot the Mark. Mrs. Houston I don't believe you ever want to work. Weary Willie Oh, honest, lady, many's tho time. But I'm such a stren uous feller that every time I start ter go ter work I go clean past It. Phila delphia Press. AVrltlnir by Pruiy, Newman The Idea of saying that Penman doesn't write tho books that are published over his name I Why, he keeps two secretaries busy I (jrltlcus Yes, one writing and the other dictating. Translated for Tales from Le Figaro. Baduea of It. Slngletou The only relations I have are distant Wedderly Huh! You're In luck. All mine are near enough to visit me. Chicago News. If a mun make a change lu business against his wife's wishes, and It proves n mistake, how he does catch It for tho bulance of bis lift i fxglfivcntionl Fx plosive rock has lxs-ti reported from the north of tho Tatieru tunnel In Austria. The rock h In such compres sion that, without warning, tdnbs sev eral yards In dimension will be sud denly hurled from one wall to the oth er. Fatal accident have resulted. Kan Francisco's earthquake was felt nnd duly registered by tho seismograph of the Zlkawel observatory, near Shang hai, China. The perturbation was rath er strong, and the commotions propa gated through the earth's crust lasted a llttbi over one hour nnd thirty-four minutes. l'ontyiiool, Fiigbmd, Is anxious about the electric cable that runs through tlm town. The corjMiratlon surveyor asserts that several horse have taken fright owing to the electric current catching their shoes tiinl throwing them on their haunchcM. A town councilor said tli'j streets were "full of current," and that "the town might be blown up ut any moment." Acetylene Is being used as nn ex plosive In Germany, where It has prov en disappointing as an lllumlnaiit. Fadi cartridge contains an ounce and three fourths of calcium carbide, yielding alsiut sixteen quarts of acetylene, and after wetting the carbide the confined mixture of generated gas nnd nlr Is exploded by an electric spark. In blast ing the rock Is not thrown out, but is broken up Into pieces small enough to be readily removed. In liquefying helium, the last of the gases that have len thought to be per manent, Olszewski has reached a tem perature of 271.3 degrees below zero Centigrade. This Is a cold about 11 degrees greater than Dewar obtained three years ago In liquefying hydrogen, and Is within ulsiut 2 degrees of the supposed absolute zero. The question has now been rnl.-ed whether 27.'5.7 de grees below the free7.lng point of water Is really the absolute zero. The continuous expansion of the steel Industry, and the consequent call for Improvement In tho qualities of the metal, have led to many experiments that have produced. In some cases, sur jiriRlng results. Every one knows the extraordinary effects of mingling a lit tle nickel with steel. Hut the possibil ities of steel alloys have apparently only Just begun to be explored. One of the latest of the valuable results at talned by the experimenters is due to an Intermixture of a little vanadium. Steels containing from 2 to 12 per cent, of nickel have both their tensile strength and their elastic limit Tn creased by the addition of not more than 1 per cent of vanadium. This Is especially true when the steel Is tern l?red by heating to about 850 degrees Centigrade, and cooling In water at atmospheric pressure. It Is generally known that the colon of vegetation vary In Intensity in a di rect ratio to the amount of sunlight combined with coolness of temperature, within certain limits. Examples are the Intense redness of apples grown In northern climates, and the deep colors of Alpine vegetation. But the soil, and other influences, also have an effect upon plant colors. Henry Kraemer has recently experimented nion the artifi cial control of the colors of plants through the Introduction of chemicals Into the soil they grow in. In very small quantities such chemicals are ab sorbed without apparent Injury, but the effect upon the colors is slight. Yellow roses, for Instance, appeared to become deeper In color under the Influence of aluminum sulphate and potassium sul phate. With the use of these snme chemicals the petals of the white car nation showed a tendency to develop red streaks, whereas when fed with ammonium sulphate, aluminum sul phate, Iron citrate and citric acid, scar let carnations tended to form white streaks. THE YOUNGEST FARMER. jo-- 'r-. . McLean County. Illinois, is noted for its agricultural predominance the world over, and It now claims to possess the most Juvenile farmer on record. John Harpole Wiley is his name, and ho Is seven years of age. The lad handles a team of largo horses with perfect ease and can also plow and uso the mowing machine. In spite of his tender years and rugged life he Is a sturdy lad and Insists on putting lu a full day's work. l'ernilaaloii taranteil. The following Incident is related of Nat Goodwin, the actor. Not long ago Goodwin was standing on the corner of Broadway and 8th street, where thrul car Hues couverge, when a seedy-looking individual, apparently from tho country, approached him questlonlngly. "I want to go to tho Brooklyn Bridge," he said, looking lu perplexity nt the cars rushing In six different di rections. "Very well," said Goodwin, severe ly! "jou can go this time, but never abk me agiiln." Ilnrper'a Weekly. A bank Isn't necessarily solid be et use It bus a Btoue front. Too Maeh ol m Good Thin. "Even assuming tlmt humor Is th silt of life, we don't want to ent salt with a spoon. But here In America everything sepms to be sacrificed to humor. Your politics linve to be made humorous. Your courts of Justice have to amuse. Before a great time has gone by you will be having funny ser mons. We shall hear that llev. Mr. ; So nnd So's Sunday morning sermon ' was a real screamer that It was re- ! reived with ronrs of laughter. Then the church servbe will be considered a bit too slow, and will have to be rewrit ten by some bright young humorist from a newspaper of lice. Your very murder cases will have to be mad 'bright.' It Is 11 foregone conclusion that domestic' tragedies shall lie sldi- ! splitting. I really nm not sure that In time America, will not get a comical , funeral service, with a low-comedy undertaker." Jerome K. Jerome In tbs , CosmoiKdlttim i r.ifn l-rrman t ata I'orr. I'hor-be was the 4-yenr-oId daughter of a missionary to Persia, ism in that bind of Oriental ease nnd hospitality; and her little mind was Imbued with such Ideas of mutual compliment and her little tongue so given to graces of speech that her New England grand mother bad many a shock. j The morning after the little girl nr rlved nt the grandmother's home the old lady was brushing out I'ho'be's 1 curls, gloating over her after the fash- 1 Ion of grandmothers. "My little phofbe-bird:' she said over: and over again. "Why do you call nfe pbaebe-bird?" j asked the child at last. "Here In America we have a bird that says 'Plnebe! phosbe!'" explained her grandmother. The child smiled, nnd her mother,; standing by, knew what was passing; in Phobe's mind. Not so the grand-1 mother, who finished her task reluc-; tantly at last, and then stooped down ' for a kiss. j "In Persia." Fald Phobe, In her most. caressing tone, "we have one old cat. who say 'Dranma! drr.nma!'" W A imUVl.NNXXX'WXV.1.V.. The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, and lias been made under his personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-jjood" are but Experiments, and endanper tho health of Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothingr Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its acre is its g-uarantee. It destroys AVorms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural bleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought 7 Bears the Sill . ZTISl aT mr At aaWrV- rW AT A W v mw- r- aaaaaBBr' aw at vt m r In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CtNTAUft COM PA HIT. TT HUHMV TfttrT, NCW YORK CITY. mi. i. . m sMrnJMr m uMaiHnOTMmMPWi 111 11114 .1 m How to Exercise the Bowels Your Intestines are lined inside with millions of little suckers, that draw the Nutrition out of food as it passes them. But, if the food passes too slowly, it decays before it gets through. Then the little suckers draw Poison from It instead of Nutrition. This Poison makes a Cas that Injures your system more than the food should have nourished It. You see, the food 13 Nourishment or Poison, just according to how long it stays in transit. The usual remedy for this delayed passage (called Constipation) Is to take a big dose of Castor Oil. This rrterely make slippery the passage for unloading the current cargo. It does not help the Cause of delay a trifle. It does slacken the Bowel-Muscles more than ever, and thus weakens them for their next task. Another remedy Is to take a strong Cathartic, like Salts, Calomel, Jalap, Phos phate of Sodium, Aperient Water, or any of these mixed. What does the Cathartic, do? It merely flushes-out the Bowels with a waste of Digestive Juice, set flowing Into the Intestines through the tiny suckers. But, the Digestive Juice we waste in doing this today is needed for tomorrow's natural Digestion. We cannot afford to lose It. That's why Cascarets are the only safe medicine for the bowels. .TWA v. M .V ro . 1 I 1 1 ,11 .aiai s i X . Mil Hair is Straggly Do you like it? Then why be contented with it? Have to be? Oh, no! Just put on Ayer's Hair Vigor and have long, thick hair; soft, even hair; beautiful hair, without a single gray line in it. Have a little pride. Keep young just as long as you can. N t am 0fty aaTn ?ara old, and nntll ra rantty my hair wm Try irray. Knt In a law wka Ayer'a Hair Vltror rratnrrri Ilia natural eolor to my hair ao now Un-m la not a irray hair to b- aaen." J. W. HABBoa, Boulder Creek, Cal. A Kada by J. C. kj-T Co., Irfrwell, Haea. Aiao mauuxaoiurere or 9 SARSAPABIIXA. 11PVQ. PIUS Uwf J CUEkKY pectoial. Where He Kzeelleri. Church What degree did your son get- nt college? Cot ha 111 S. S. "Never heard of such a degree." "Oh, yes you have. Short stop." a Yonkers Statesman. You Can Oct Allen's Foot-Ease FREE. Write Allen S. Olmated, Le Koy.N. Y., for a free aaint le of Allen 'a Foot-Katie. It curea Sweating, hot awollen . aching feet. H inakea new or tl-ht hra eaey. A certain cure foe corn, inirrowtngnaila and t.unlona. Ajldrng giitaaelHt. 3c. Jjon't accept any aubslltute. ( orrohorall ve. Caller Don't you consider Prof. Jones- by a man of much practical wisdom not at all conceited or opinionated, you know, but full of accurate knowledge and plain common tiense? Mrs. Lapsiing Yes, indeed ; I think be's one of the most sapouaeious men I 1 ever met. n't mm actueat Signature of jrar- ak They do not waste any precious fluid of the Bowels, as Cathartics do. They do not relax the Intestines by greasing them inside like Castor Oil or Glycerine. They simply stimulate the Bowel Muscles to do their work naturally, com fortably, and nutritiously. And, the Exercise these Bowel Muscles are thus forced to take, makes them sjremger for the future,' just as Exercise makes your arm stronger. ''Mm Cascarets are as safe to use constantly as they are pleasant to take. They are purposely put up like candy, so you must eat them slowly and let them go down gradually with the saliva, which is in itself, a fine, natural Digestive. They are put up purposely In thin, flat, round-cornered Enamel boxes, so they can be carried In a man's vest pocket, or in a woman's purse, all the time, without bulk or trouble. Price lOo a box at all druggists. Be very careful to get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Com pany and never sold In bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC." KIT" FREE TO OUR FRIENDS! W wint to send to our friends a beautiful Fr"ncb-del(tned. GOLD-PLATED BONBON BOX. hard-enameled in colors. It is a txrauty for tt dressing table. Ten cents In stamps Is asked sa a measure of good faith and to cover cost ot Cascarets. with whlcti itTHsTiaiuty trinket Is loaded. Tis Send to-day, mentioning this paper. Address Sterling Keuiedy Couipauy, Calugo or new Yotk. li m a