1 L The S ong of the Hair There arc four verses. Verse I. Ayer's Hair Vigor makes thehairgrow. Vcrsc2. Ayer's Hair Vigor steps falling lialr. Verse X Ayer's Hair Vigor cures dandruff. Verse 4. Ayer's Hair Vigor nlwoys re stores color to gray hair. The chorus Is sung by millions. ' Pfr ii.lnn 4r't lUIr Vl..r hn i.rr thin and Trf l"r li.lr llm I motion. I i i.n llm VlK'ir lihlll my hall ginaily I in .ror.1 the .t Ifn !."- Mull. III .'"I J Wy. I MKT II.IM1 II .T tH 1. 1 f, M. IIHI'MMIIMII, Msoaia, n J. Made l'f J. II Aymr I'n , l.itwnll. Mass. Aim nisnuiaoiurere of MimPAWI.LA. I'll I s. CMI'HUY ITCTORaI.. vers full ii f Human liitrrref. NBiffju Wlnit urn you working nt linw, Horns? Moriin I mil writing ft lory In wlildi lliirr Is in' 1 1 In' r hero nor heroine, no love mnkliiK, no villain, no ilcti.cilvr, ami not imrlli'la of jilot. Nag-ns -Tluit oulit to lm Inlrn-nl Iiik. llortis It ought to ln more thnii tluit. 1 Imps to mnkfl It touching mid jinthetlc. It'i n hard link tory, wrltlrn for my Injidlord' M elusive perusal, nnd sots forth in ill-lull tlii ri-nwina why I aliall hnvx to k hliu for another cili'imlon of lime on my rvnt, Hi. V lii" t'anra mill all Nervous In. i ju-ruiMtiaiiltr inrtvl tir I'r. Kline's l.r.ni 'rv Ilinirr. hfiicl for I'll I- I. fj I rial I...IIU ni..l lesl!e. Ir. II II. Kill) , Ul.,l At, I, M., 1'tjlla.. I'h. HrlpluK Him On. "Now, for my part," n.ild Mr. Tim sUM, tentatively, "I wouldu't daro tlilnk t4 niarr.vliiK "Why m.tV" oagerly liitcrrupttil MIik Ann I'eeck. "Itccauie I haven't nny money." "I'.Ut," Cll. HUjK-Kcsted helpfully. "iMUhlll t y 1 1 get hihihImmIv ti lend jmi il little V" 'a!holle Standard mid TlnicM. Molhi-m will nmi Mr-. Window'! HootMng f jfrnp llm lnt rioiipiljr i..u.o r tlu'Ir thlMrmi during Dm loi-llilng rlixl. IHai-uiiriiMjiial lllin, "Vch, he iimfetiMil that he loved ine liit I tried to ilNiiiurMge til nt In every way I knew how. Ohio he ilarinl to klN me." "And you ".creamed. Jeiinctte'f" "Well - it - imt then, hut I warned litm that I would the next time. Then lie klxxiat me nglllll." "Surely you called for lidp?" "How could I when I wiih mo Ktar tied? rresently lie kllppil lil firm lound inc." "And you drew nwny?" "No, 1 iicMtleil cloHer or tluit Ih a. I really, dear, I tried to (JltM-uurage Llai ; ycM, 1 trleil hard." DOES YOUR BACK ACHE ? Cure the Klilur). noil tli I'ui u Will Never lUturii. Only ono w ay to cure an Hching liack. Cure the crt'ice, the kidneys. Tliou- n.tniin tell ol cured made liy loan'n Kid ney 1'iiln. John 0. Coleman, a promi nent merchant ol HwairiHlMiro, (in., uy: "For neveral yers my kiilneyB were affected, anil my back ached day and night. I was nguid, nervoim and lame iu the morn g. lhmn'B Kidney I i 1 1 a helped me -Aght away, ami the great relief that .allowed Iibh been permanent." Sold hv all dealers, nt) cents a box. J-oster-Milburn Co., lluffalo, N. Y. The ol Wave MSZWaWll Jounces your grocer Send ior "Book ot Presents." JAQUES MFG. CO. Chicago. IT'S PLAIN BUSINESS Wlii'ii vo l not ili'iilal work done. 8y li'iii mill pieclnloii nil llm way tlirmiKh In our cillli'i', bill w do temper IiUhIiimw Willi a llllli' riiiiiuiHlm lur a iii rvuua luuU iil. Wu try l iiiuko 11 BimliiSiJim Lllsllll'IH. . , r. Hiiinliivant, ii 'liiHst on clilld rt'ii'u ti'uili hi nl nuuluiiiiK- WISE BKOS., Dentists KnHliiK HullMlnir, 't hird an. I Wa-liliiKtim II u. in. to p. mi. i Hinidays V u li. Mul ii w:. WORK DONC ON WtTklY AND MONIIUY PAYMtNIS imnnjit&yitilini IMMIill MlHlJ lm. w. a. W1HK Ail tier from Arlriiiiia U'nrd. A rcrtiiln Huiillii'in riillroml wiia In n wri'lclu'il romll Inn, nmi . tniini vvitoI roiii'(iii.ily mil nt m iIiiwiiii willy low iiiIk nf niii'd. U'licii Hie riiiiiliicliir una iiimi'IiIiik IiIn lliki'l Ar- I'" Wiiril, wlm wmh oiik of tin m Hi'iij.-rii, iriimrkt'il : "1'uon IIiIh nillnmil rniiiiinny nllovr hihhi-ii(,'t (.. t'lvi. II inlvdi', If llifj do H III II r'Mll'lirill iiiiiimhtV" Tin' 1'iiinlii' tiir ri'pllril In gruff tow. IIimI In- Kui'Hiii'il mi, "Well," A i Iciimim went on, "It occur icil to nic (lint It would lie wi ll to il huh tlu cow iiiIiImt from Hie front ol the ciiIiu- mill lillili It to tin- rear o Hie train; for you , wc lire not Mi to ovrtiik ii cow, mill wlint'K ttj incvcnt a cow from MrnlllfiK Into tlif. cur n n J lilting a jiiihmciikit'" Ilonton llcrnlil. I' nl, "Now, that Ifn nil over, darling," h ii Itl the ili'llk'litcil lirlili'Krooui, "I must confi'M! 1 never ,xie lei to win you. Dven now I can't uniliTMtauil why you married inc." "Well, (JeorK'." ald the ChlcK'i lil'lde, "I'll tell you. Home time ni; f fnl'ttino teller told me that my Hecon' iiinrrlngi would make me very IimjuiJ mid wealthy. So, of rourne, 1 liad U get my flrt marriage over with." I'lillndelplilu I'reNH. Dcafncit Cnnnot lit Cured hr loml i.i kt!i.ii! an tlmy ratmot rearh the i1Im-bmjI piitilioi ultlif aar. 1li,r lionlyono way loruin ili-:m-aa, am) that la 1jr rotialltu tlonal rami'illra. Inoilnraii In l aimi'il r ait In llamril eoiiillili.ii i, lliu iiiiiioua lining el till Kimtarhlau I ul. V, lim till! tut la In llnmrd you navi) a rumlilliig ami ml or linoerfpi t lo an, lug. ami wli.-ii It la nnllrnlr cloavl, iioafiii-na It llio ma lilt, anil unlnaa tlie fnllitiiiiiiatiou cau l taken out ami tlila lul.e rtoa-l to II normal riimlllloii, lii-arlng will le il-i royrl forevnr; nlnn raana out nt tfii am rau.nl by I alarrh. wlilrh la imtlilng Imt an lutlaineil cotelltlen u llin-oi iK-oiia aurlarra. We will give (mih I f ii r1 rl I'olUra for any ra.a nl I 'i-aliK-m li ati.nl l.y ratarrli ) that ran not I.n riiri-d hy J 1 a 1 1 a alarrli i uru. heml lor circular., In . K. J. IIFNRY A CO., Tolc.lo, O. Hold tiy lirugglata, "he. Hall a t ainlly 1 II la are the Wat. Only Wanlril n iiiar Ural. "I'riHoiR-r," mtid the j i "Htnnd up. JliiVf you nnylhiiiK to any why jndgaieilt nf tin) court nil. inld not now ! proiioiim" d ngnitiHt you?" "I'll like t nay, your honor," nnnvcrr the priaoner, "that I hope you will not ullow your mind . ! prejuiliivd ncaiiiNt mo hy the Mor ilefenie my lawyer put up for iiii. I'll take il iiN n great favor If your honor will Juki give ine the tuMifeiice I'd have got if I had pleaded guilty if the lirat place." ulrk Uttllrinrnl Tlio Ind looked tin from 1)H gCOg rnphy. "I'll," lie Haiti, running hU finger ovev the mnn of South Amerlcu," who not-tlt-d Venezuela'" "I don't know exnetly, ynwiietl jn, "hut I enn tell settled I'rt'Nlilent Ciibtro." "Wlior "Why. France." my koii, you who Ills Kalnral Conrlualoia. Tin entertaining MIhm Snlggs, the moHt iMipulnr Klrl In our chisn," Hiild tho Ilryn Muwr girl. "I'd like you to incet her." "No, thank you," replied Hick, Tin not IntcrcNtcd In homely girls." "Why, bow did you know alio was homely V "She must be or nho wouldn't be HO popular with you other girls; also, yon wouldn't want mu to meet her." 1'bll adelphla Tress. Thrlllnl. lie win looking nt Nbigurn Falls. "Splendid! Magnllkent !" bo mur niitred. ' the spectacle tom lics you, too? ventured a fellow Hpectator. "Touches me!" roared tbo first "Such splendid horM'power, sucli ning iilllcent energy! And nu running my mill by Hteiiui ! Say, It more than touches me. It breaks me all uit" rblladelpbln Ledger. - ; -m1 Home the Circle is the home where good cooking is loved, where the family enjoy the finest of biscuits, doughnuts, cakes, and pies and other good things every day. The baking is always delicious and wholesome because K C Baking Powder the baking powder of the wave circle, is used. Get K G to-day I 25 ounces for 25c. If it isn't all that we claim, refundsyour money. Ult. T. I'. W1HIC Conquest Great American Desert Irrigation Is going to Ixi n micron, ays the lloslon Transcript. The third Inquiry by the House committee on thU enterprise has brought out evldencn that appear to Justify roiilldence In the results. The Secretary of the In- terlor has testified that Including tin1 Irrigation proli-ots under construction nnd those contemplated mid approved but not begun, them will havo been spent In two years from the Inst of neat Juno .'I7,K HIKM), while tho estl mated receipts from tho operations of the law up to that time will bo about half a million more than that n mount. In addition n return of nljotit it million Is oxi'ctcd from settlers on Irrigated lands. Irrigation was one of the forces ujxm w hich the late Prof. Hhaler laid empha sis wiien enumerating tlio resources upon which we could depend to meet the needs of mi over-Increasing population. lSut It was not the only one. We must tillll.e the dike nmi drain as well as tlio canal. Wo. must fertilize thu now ii r lit desert by giving the. moisture that It rpjulrsi, but we must not forgot that there nro vast rendu of almost ex hniiHtlosH fertility now submerged that will blossom as the rosn when the wat ers that cover them havo leri drawn olT. It has bi-en estimated that Irriga tion will ultimately bring Into cultiva tion and generous production 1'),HS), (0 acres that are now barren and for bidding. We have begun reclamation at this end, mid jMrhaps It Is tbo unt il rn 1 end; but no sooner Is It under taken than the opiis!te enterprise In more strongly suggested. ' This, If car ried to Its approximate limit, would fr-e ns much more In all parts of the country of Its watery burden, mid ojkmi It tip to the service mid supjxrt of man. There are In the t'nlted Ktates In the lielghlxirhisid of 1 ( K , Kx .l s n acres of swamp land, of which about 7h,shi,(hi have Is-en surveyed. These are located east, west, north and south, or uil over the country. The weird Kverglades ol Florida, If drained mid cleared, as en-glni-ora now claim they can Is?, would give 7,MS),(i(K) acres of the finest fann ing land In the world. New Jersey and Virginia iioshoks vast swamp land.-t. Illi nois lias 4,(KKi,(HHi acres of them; Min nesota, fj.OOO.lKX); Michigan, 67 " i.OUO, and Iowa, 2,iXJ,i"H). In every State there aro swamps of greater or less ex tent which would le Its choicest treas ure If on-e put Into tillable condition. These suggestive fuctn aro behind tut; Steeuersou bill, now before Congress, proposing similar economic treatment ol I lie HUbmergvd iaieU that the govern ment Is now giving to Its arid tracts. PerhajM In some cases the work of reclamation along these lines would be more exienslve. Iu other It would probably U less so. Tbo necessary un dertakings would Is? vast, but If sue csssful tbo rewards would lie vaster. Tins two enterprises would have the isitentlal effect of adding to our pro ductive area, and eijual In extent to more than nix times that of the Statt of New York, or nlsut a tenth of our entire territory, Including Alaska, nnd It would 1k soil of unexampled fertil ity. With such reclamation many oth er problem- now formidable, like gen eral sanitation, the mosquito crusade, mid so forth, would be much simplified. There Is hardly a New England fanner but has one swamp or more that would 1h the best part of bis holding could be but bring It Into subjection. It Is ii question of engineering and upon such questions the light Is breaking all over tbo country. Swore l iioonaeloualr. A leading football player of a few years ago, who Is now in business In Chicago, was as careful of bis conduct oft the field as bo was aggressive on the field. He was captain of the eleven In bis senior year, and bis friends were shocked more than onco at the vigor ous supply of profanity that bo turned on In the football practice when things did not go to suit hi in. Finally bo wos requested by the faculty to sidetrack the swenrlng. He was amazed at this action on the faculty's part, for be de clared that he was utterly unconscious of the fact that be had offended. His character was such as to leave no doubt that be sioko the truth. Even after the faculty warning bo sometimes broke out Made While Growing-. Oriental gardeners are adepts at their work, the most striking production of one or tueir nunitier being a natural urm-chalr, In which the required shape was attained during the growth of a vine. Almost from Its first appear ance the vine bad beeu carefully treat ed In anticipation of the ue to which It was to be put. Ity the time It attain ed full growth It was formed Into a rus- tla arni-chalr. All of the Joints were made by grafting, so that the chair la practically In one solid piece, and after It had attained a growth of some three feet It was cut and thoroughly dried. Finally It was polished, the wood tak ing a finish not unlike mahogany. Dentistry, The art of dentistry was Introduced Into New York by John Greenwood In 17&S. He Is said to havo nuulo the first artificial teeth ever manufactured In this country. I When a woman walks along the streets ofter dark with n dollar lu her pocket, she thinks every man she does not meet Is following her. There is nothing more distressing than an itching, hurn ing skin disease, and upon the return of warm weather those who are afflicted with skm troubles find the .symptoms appear ing and know that they will he tormented through the hot summer months. The blood is heated with humors and acrid matter, and as they are forced to the surface the skin seems to be on fire. The treatment of skin diseases with exter nal applications is all wrong, because they do not reach the trouble which is iu the blood. The most such treatment can be expected to do is, allay the itching and burning aud cover up the trouble for awhile, but as soon as it is left off the disease returns. All food taken into the body contains, iu some form, the elements necessary to sustain me uiiicreni pans, une portion is used ior the making of blood, another for muscle, one for bone, still another for fat, and soon. After these different properties are ex tracted from the food there still remains a portion that is useless, or waste matter, which is intended to be disposed of through the natural channels of bodily waste, the Liver, Kidneys and Uowels. At this season of the year, however, these organs become torpid, dull and sluggish, and fail to perform this duty, and these accumulations remain in the system aud are absorbed by the blood to ferment and sour, producing burning acids and acrid humors. The blood cannot properly nourish the system while in this impure condition, and begins to throw off these acids through the pores and glands of the skin, producing Acne, Eczema, Tetter, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum and skin diseases of every description. ECZEMA appears usually with a slight redness of the skin, followed by pustules from which there (lows a sticky fluid that dries and forms a crust, aud the itching is intense. It is generally on the back, breast, arms, legs and face, though other parts of the body may be afflicted. In TETTER the skin dries, cracks and bleeds, and is often very painful. The acid in the blood dries up the natural oils of the skin, causing a dry, feverish, hardened condition and giving it a leathery appearance. AONE makes its appearance on the face in the form of pimples aud black-heads, and is particularly disagreeable because of its unsightly appear ance, while PSORIASIS, a scaly disease, comes in patches on different parts of the body. One of the worst forms of skin disease is SALT RHEUM, It discharges a watery fluid, form ing sores and producing intense itching. The head and face are the parts usually affected, and sometimes the hair falls out and a mass of sores forms on the scalp. These aud all skin diseases are due to the same cause burning acids and humors in the blood, and until this vital fluid is cleansed aud made pure they will continue. The best treatment for all skin diseases is S. S. S., a remedy that is purely vegetable, being made en tirely from roots, herbs and barks, and acts directly on the blood with a cleansing, healing eiiect. it neutralizes tlie acids ana purines tne Diooa so mat tue skin, instead or being blistered and burned by the fiery fluids, is nourished by a supply of cooling, healthy blood. It goes down into the circulation and forces out every particle blood. Nothincr equals S. S. general health. Write for our We make no charge for either. Mure Appropriate. The district attorney was about to summon another witness in the great blackmailing trial. "I can't get bis real name." said the attorney, "but I'll Just put him down as John Doe." "Hut be has so much money," ven tured the assistant, "suppose we put Llm down as John Dough?" Devotion to an Idea. Watt Gomi Isn't it something start ling for old Hunks to be drojiiiig iuto eitrnvsgnut habits at his time of life? Muskuui Downe Yes; lie has just found out that there is an inheritance tax, and he's opposed to it on principle. lie says he is going to see to it that his heirs don't have to pay any such tax. -AYcfjctable Preparationfor As similating the Food andKcguIa ling the Stomachs andDowcls of 3 iS. mi Promotes Digcstion.Cheerfur ness and Rest.Contains neither Opiiim.Morpliinc norMiucxal. KOT HAll COTIC. jtnimSd. 2)1 CurbtjnahSMta- Ctanttd iAtirywM norm Aperfect Remedy forConsllrkv Tlon, Sour Stonuich.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions, Fcwrish ness nnd Loss of Sleep. FacSimilo Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY Of WRAPPTF3. I ''Ml SIP A builds up the blood aud cures all skm diseases promptly and permanently. S. S. S. does not leave the least par ticle of the poison for future outbreaks, but entirely rids the blood of the cause for all skin diseases. S. S. S. tones up the system and regulates the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels so that they will carry off the natural waste aud refuse matter through the proper channels, instead of leaving it to be absorbed by the S. in the treatment of these treatise on skin diseases and THE SWIFT SPECIFIC He Loved Her Not. A little 6-year-old girl friend of mine came running to me and threw herself into my arms, sobbing as if her heart would break. "God doesn't love me any more," she wailed ; "God doesn't love me !" "God doesn't love you? Why, dear, God loves everyone," I asured her. "O, no, he doesn't love me. I know he doesu't. I tried him with a daisy." Harper's Bazar. The Need. "Here Is another question that ought to be brought before Congress," said the earnest citizen. "My dear sir," answered Senator Sor ghum, "Congress now lias all the ques tions it can take care of. What It needs Is some answers." Wushlngton Star. For Infants and Children. Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought T) i.t. Signature Am of in Use For Over Thirty Years Jl 'il MM lit V I li i-i tl if TI HA TM OINTAUH IOHHNV. NCW VOHII OiTV. ACNE, TETTER, ECZEMA, PSORIASIS, SALT RHEUM. THE ITCHINO WAH ALMOST UNBEARABLE, Doar Hlrs My body broke out with a rash or eruption which In spite of all efforts to cure continued to Kt worse. The itching, especially at nitht. was simply terrible, It would almost disappear at times, only to return worse than ever. I had tried, many highly recommended prepa rations without benefit, and hearing of 8. 8. H. determined to give It a fair trial, and was inexpressibly delighted when a few bottles cured me entirely, removing every blemish and pimple from my body. I shall not fail to rec ommend 8. 8. 8. whenever an opportunity occurs to do so. Escondido. Cal L. MARNO. of waste or foreign matter, troubles and for buildincr up the any medical advice you wish. COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. Better than It Looked. "This," said the native, "is our base ball ground. It doesn't look very fine, but it's got Its good points." "Ob, yes, I see." replied the visiting fan. "It's a rough diamond." Phila delphia Press. LAND I25l Approved Land tcrip fur Mnvyel, uimuivi-y.il, t!lllt-r! nr prttiriv govrrn 1111 iu 'mid. If. Jf. HAMILTON, loruund lloti'l, IViriland, urenuu GASOLENE ENGINES 3 to 4 horse power fully warranted. 125. All sizes aud st les Ht lowest prices. Write for catalog. REIERSON MACHINERY COMPANY Portland, Oregon. Dr. C. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT Th's wonderful Ctal uese Ductor Is callt'il grrat berunsa he cure; peuple wtltimil opera tion that are given up to ill. He cures wltli lliotm wonderful Clii nt s. herb, rooin, boils, barka and ve;!iiil!es that ai-e entirely un known to medical sci ence In IU h c.iuuiry. Tliroiucti ihe use, of llnnj harmless remedies this lamuus do'tnr knows tliBHCilou of over 600 d.ffereut remedies which he successfully uses In duterea: diseases, lie t- uiiruiiiees toeui-e catarrh, asthma, lunir, ihroat, rheumailsm, nervousuess, stomuch, liver; kid neys, tic. has hundreds of testimonials. Charges moderate. Call and see him. l'atlenis out of the city write for hlankr aud c roulurs. bcud slump. CUM SALTATION iltKli. ACdress THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO 162' 5 First St., S. C. Cor. Morrison Mention paper. PORTLAND. OREGON. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Portland Trade Directory Names and Addresses In Portland of Repre sentative Business Firms. MAU1U l.AN'l KHNS Welsier Co.. 1'ortlaud. ixjwest prices on Lauterus and Blides. liOllEaKis of all kinds for sale at very reasonable prices, luijulra 27& trout tit. CRKAH BKPAHATOKB We guarantee the U.H. Separator to be the best. Write tor free catalog, liuzelwood Co., Fifth and Oak. MKN'Sl'l.o'l MING llufTnm A Pendleton, sola agents Alfred lleulamln & Co.'b correct clothes. Kverythliitf lu men's furnishings. Morrlsou ami Hixth streets. Opposite postuillce. POl'LTUY FOOD If you want your hens lo lay more egL-a write us lor free particulars about PIT KIN A 1'lH'l.TllY FEK Lib Acme Mills Co., Portland, Oregon. PIANOS ft OUI1AN8 Oldest plun) house on Pa cltio coast. Organs and Pianos on easy puymeuts. Write fi.r list. Let us quote you a price. AUeu & Utlherl-itauiaker Co., Portland, Oreguu. WANTKli-Meu ami Women toleuru lltirber trade IneUlit weeks; graduates earn Irani fia to ii5 wi'okly ; expert li s ructors; catalog free; Molef System of Colleges, 36 N. Fourth St., Portland. TKl.KfiltArilY TAliiHT Pit UK. Com pU'le course sud poslt:ou secured when graduated '11.1... .......I ....It. r..utl..rt tf...l. VL'rltu K.H only lor snort time. v r'te lor par ticulars. PACIFIC TK.l.KUHAPII INOTlTUTlJi Ortiud '1'heatre ItulldliiK. Puiilantl, Oreiiou. P. N. U. No. 25-0 UP:Nf writing to advertiser jilouso luontiou ling jiuper. 3 ... .......