Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 21, 1906, Image 5

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    oo up our special
sale boboevs for bav
Wlinl n lllllc money
will buy n t
T5e Hoztvivr
l 1 til' ll H I ! I fl.Vltl pltll I"
I .Olltf )RIIII'''I fill' hIIjI'Ih I'l
.IflpllhlH'll 1 1 1 H L 1 .in M PI
A I !'!' -w 0'l IM M ""
lit i f root i1k'm PI
Wln l; ID
l.'olnrv lii'iitcM I'l
S Itirll Mi l nil's I"
ofri-i- ,..tH, tin in
( 'ulli' i nit , x x tin n"i
I pillon covi'ltd IiIH'KcIm I'l
; gallon bucket o.'i
'.I III I " yilh ml .... ! I"
Stiii In. ii 1 1 1 r i nil 0.r
I Ilii'Ml tollit h hi M 'i'i
Co. in. I hi h l.iitli-r ill-lii-" 10
( Ui i t v i'1 'inlij . f i - I lo
It' illiri n n-', Ijii i '1 wind I'i
Win- pi.tnlii iihihIii'ih 'ii
N n krli 'l w nil i-fH ... 0 i
liUV.'' 'J' HI -ln i t IjiI.IiIm 0."i
'l Mil i'lMll Imii " " ' " 0
Spelling lil. il I "i i
I .n I'tfn i In x l i il 1 '
I'l'ilH'fr IllllK' 'I ' i. i'. rail-1
A hisli.l Hllllllori, CI call I'l
Hi"-1 Ni-'t nii'j Sai'luifM I'i
Oy.lvrt, Soda Crarkrrt, 'anr CooKirt--Mm
Gruirltml CoilBtt lindlti and
0rnai la laiSit oar toy, notion.,
novrlilr., and cblnawarr.
W. C. CONNER. Mr. Itnnr.
Niil i lnai imixiIm IiiiI uimmU I h-ii .
i'.'lit'.fi phonographs ;ni'l rronb
ill III'- Pbaar.
of new Li'ia
C. II.
Corner Main 01
3rtl Street
Makes delicious hot biscuit,
griddle cakes, rolls and muffins.
An absolutely pure, cream cf tartar powder
A pieHv shrewd hiisiiiiT-s id (if
' 1 1 1 :i; 'f Otor iiotu tig u petaliiuiu
iii' ii t "i mi 1'i.r (loot ( sti-rda v .
i C-1 1 1 ; 1 1 L 1 1 Why c!ofi'1 (in li'k
I It'll nut Hi I. i 111 liinl i 1 :t til'
I 'limit ga j ; t ;i v r
'lint's a -. m I Miiggri lii n
It is a name t lit- iuui! ator his
Mi ned, Mini tlif good ; i hh who' lay
the cgj's I' t it, also
ui in ulii'i it alrn me highly
iit I'f i t'ti tins year iiml vuii make
lli'.ic in .r.f iilnln y toi tin- tunc i s
p ihIi-'I Mitli mi ineiili.tldi L 1 1 ; 1 1 1
ttr i-t ii i - ' lli' t vv
Si ml tut 'mhi- 1 1 1 r.xtn iii.-1 'ie
Iid ii 'tiikcs yi ii, or iiiiiih 'Ui'l f
tin-ill on our lleor.
Wynne Hdw. Co.
l'liMii liiij'lemciitH ami Snjijilies.
Hei fiy wotth
at tin- Jjnanr.
I,;it'e'-.t stM k of 1'r' iicli liarps in
town at Hie JJa.aar.
''Motivj ami rontul (-iii lroi Jfrj
lioojis t tli'' 'unr.
l-'re) with Nniifet Mihcrirition.
Mi'-New V'rk 'I rifjiite rarmcr, fi
. wickly icnltural fapcr.
j Jahper Jt'iirjinj-H, convieteil of tli"
inui'lir (yf fatlicr hm I. em
.'ranted n rcHpitc J tho governor
to Mnn-h .'il.'.t.
Vctr.-ula is muking 'jxltrmive
.r -. nratiniis for war, mid i" ship
piiif.; in larf) ijnatititieH of arms
'Hid kio in ii n itioti .
' V. II- AbturriH i fctting out
ri u rnlt-r i.f fine doors, with the
'lass in th: uppi-r half Laving a
,;t rtehiritf olthe liattlenhij) -!-I
yon on thrm.
Mr. I'.jird mi in-jurance H'ljimter
is in town luokint' ovi-r the new
w.:trr system. It is altogether
piol iiUe ti nt the HHeni now m
Mtulle 1 will he Mi means of nettit .
the it lateH in the town rna
tetially K-duc.fd.
A inly N'el'on came down from
(Jfixo on lr if lay and will he.
iitoiiml town lor some time. He
n that ihmgH are oin' very
ii H i' 1 y up at the Oif'f.;on SecnritiiiH
I'n's plant, and that everybody is i
W ' il hatisfll (I
Il yfn: p'lv .M'lir taxes in full, on .
t he I on: M.iri Ii i'i, 'hjfi. y will
!,t- ;il!i.i.l ii rehiv'r of thru- t f-r
cnt. II you pay your tiu he-i
twefii Mauli loth and the lirat
Monduy in April, you will not recent-
the debate, neitber will tluie
Ii'.- added penalties and iuttrcbt. '
You ni'ty I ' v half of you' taxes on
m heloie tne first Monday in April, 1
tuid then have until and including i
the 1 1 1 --1 Mm. lay in (JctoUl, l'.lo'.. '
to .is the seeond half thou-of. In
i at le'ist one-hall of your ta.e
aie not jiiiid on or before the tiist
Monday in April, the entire tx he- (
conies delimnient and the law coin- j
elh a elMiK" of 1 per ctut peuulty !
mid lnterf-bt at the rate ot 12 per,
j cent pfr annum until paid. .
Bohemia Ww TWl
fill the Nev5
fill the Time
) f
am f 1
Neat Job Work of
All Kinds Done
WW CrcaiiVou ?i&t
1 Hi 1 nwiaiimi 1 TTTiW 'm ''
The Real
Safety Razor
; (J. c.
I'l id a v.
Warner went hin'k tf) cunip
lU nis of Interest in antl about
Cottage (iroe and vicinity.
&ii&XAl!UlSUL!i.ajlSLSUlSL9JL2 fiOB 0 9 IBs fi 8 3 fl illi iiliftB 2.2 fl OJUULSJISl) ,
The y it tit l.ew raid j;auu of '
I'd'iek at the llaaar.
hied bisk was in town
iiess Mi'iulay.
bUi(,'ene Steam Laundry, Allison
and Hastings aji nts.
J. S. Cray of Kugene came up on
Monthly on busines-i.
Mrn. Clara 1'cLasmis w as a
tor in Kuene -Monday.
Sbelton lieehtel of
Conner makes the best dears in
Sowing niacLine ftce for some
lady. Who is aho.
Sowing nmchino Ooiipoiis reieiv
ed on subHcriptious wbeu you iay
Miss Klllo Stewart has been visit
ing her rister Mrs. K. '. Newlan-I
in I'lujene.
Cochrau'a studio is tbe place for
you to tfot vour photograph. Don't
forget (cliran.
p'rou with Nugget mbscription.
The New York Tribune runner, 11
weekly uyiicultural pnj er.
tlardeu seeJ just arrived ami
opened at Metealf Hrunds. Tho
beat uality at the best ricts.
A k'ood piano is the Kiulwig, ami
you tan buy them cheaper here than
in Portland, at Watch 1 l.awson.
1'utionio a home imliistiy tliat in
buihliiiR uii a good traJe by Ua
good material' Tho Conger Cigar
D. 15. Ilartis of Loudon was in
town Monday 011 buiiuena, and
called on a good uiauy of his old
The work of golting tbe now tele
phono line HiibHcribers lined up
is progressing rapidlyami the work
will Hoon coinniente,
Dr. T. H. l''onl, the well known
M. Ii. minister, now of Huunyside,
has leeeived a oull to the M. 1).
Church a Dallas, Tox., ami will
probably nccopt.
Hen Trygstad came down from
the Oregon-Colorado l'riduy, and
will be down for fcoino time. He
reportH that the weather in very
stormy aud much aiiow is falling.
Tliore are jiliotographers and
pliotogtaphers, but tho one you
waut to go to is Cochran, in tho
Young building. lit) is well
eiiuippcd to furnish the I'CHt at the
lowest prices.
Tim Cleorge W'ftbhington order
here is about to disbaud, as most of
the nieuobeM soem dissutisfied with
the sik aud accident insurance, and
feel uncertain about the roit of the
order aud insurance now,
Idaho is in town on busim-HM
Spiing suits from my newest
camples which are just in . l'ohl
man. "
I.uen Items.
! County CleiL I'. Lee has le
on busi-, tently devised a new record of prop-1
'city holders and their holdings.
I Tho deed tranhferriug the old 1
I w oolen mills from Wilbur & Wright j
I of Union, Oregon, to the Salem
company headed by T. H. Kay
' were signtd Friday and Ktflil
i Koppc, who is te be the maimger of
!the plant is on :he crouno. A!
Van Wyek, ! th'rt year lease has bten taken on I
Can In- used 111 cither hand
and strops like any razor.
It cuts them off slick as a whistle.
uriTTin k v eaten lo. t
V a a a a a a w 1 w a w a a t.
A liottii' hi and is the kind for you
to Hinoke C. . cinrH.
linhi miii 1 i;;ais aie jiift the thing
and di in' t ou for, get it.
FOR SALK A eoinpleto set of tele
graph instruments. Impure at this
Fieii with Nugget siihseiiotion.
The New York Tribune Farmer, a
iWgt'M and I ett .iohoi tment of I weekly agricultural paper
candies in town at the Haaar.
Ci tia'i Clove m mi liii talilf ts,
piitnie of city on eifly sheet at
the r. iuar.
Ml.-s Dollie
to lilt' llMIIO
hi l In ad
Haw kins is confined
with a had rising in
1 Atidtcw nntnd is filing to return
t camp Wednesday, and work
1 harder than ever.
! Oei. I'lohlniuu has just. leeeived
lis Hpring line of aatuplcH and will
fiitnish you the best an it you ever
had. ,r
Fm an expi it piano Inner mid it-
pa i eel', call up L. L. Woods, late of
1 Kimball's I'inm) Factoiy, Chicago,
I 011 phone ,',o.)-
Cochran makes good photo
graphs and at good price too. A
rato is now en (Jet next.
Home industry is
you urn get what you want at the
right price, hucIi aa Congers' cigars.
Miaa Mundv and Miss Ciiant i
1 the 1: round, atd a contract for
water power with the Chambers
Power Co. has been made. The
town is looking forward to ijjite an
increase m business through the
operations of the mill.
One or two families that were
going to locate in Fugene have
gotten scared out and located in
Cottage drove, instead siueu the
fever scare, so said a real estate
The fever stid continues to keep
everybody stirred up. More cases
all ripht when .come 10 ligtu eaeu aay, oui none 01
- o -----
, . rVrSJ hf;r?f v --v
them seem to be very serious.
Mosby Creek.
T h'. Miles went to 15t hernia
went to luigene on Friday where Momiay to vork.
MisH (Jratit tfHik the state examina
tion, I deorge Lacg and Bob Mosby
.. ... were up Mosbv Creek Monday.
Now is the tune to pay your
taxes aud snve - per cent by taking 's. FHis Hobinsou came down
advantage 3f tho Tebate for cash 1 1'"' the mines Tuesday,
payment. j j)ave i;esu0 went to Cottage
Mrs. Frank Warren, mother of drove Friday.
-s'' ' A .
'' I VI
S...V IL.-, .--,..
Mrs. H.O. Thompson, left for Weed,
Calif , Monday going to when her
husband is now located.
tii xr.. 'ft. :i.,..,
1 lie New y mU Iiioiino rainier. 11 w 1 c
.. . . . , . ' a weekly agricultural nanor. free to
n .... ..1 1.. i.... ...11... .. . ... .... r
1 .1 wuui.v g 1 11 ini 11 1 ai paper, ireo
to any mihsci iber that pais u year's
suhsi'i iption to the Nugget.
The Spi iugl'iehl telephone system
has a new HWitchhonid in its cen
tral office, or rather a second-hand
one, fur the one installed has been
in use at Colt ago (Wove until lately
The Nugget wautH to know who
the most woithy lady in Ctdtago
Ciove is, and to whom tho sewing
iii.u him we will give away, should
go to. Indicate your desiies in this
math r.
Found A black niiiley heifer,
lias crop off of light ear. Owner
may have same by paying pastuie
bill and for advei tiHing.
I. O. Mosnv,
I miles east of Cottage Orove. Ii
The H0ci.1l evening of the Com
mercial Club Friday night was a
great succeNH. AH the entertain
ment was thoroughly original, and
Oorman jokes, mid plays, as well as
deruian eatables were just the
thing. The derman rainbow, wv
hear, caught W. 11. AbrauiH, and
pretty nearly did hini up. The
ladies show much thought in the
evenings pleasure preparations,
any suDscrioor that pays u years
subscription to the Nugget.
What lady do you consider is the
most deserving woman of your ac
quaintance, that would appreciate a
good sewing machine? Name her
and give her some coupons.
FOI! SAlK--House and lot on
west side in a good location. I,ot
comprises a quarter of .1 block,
with an excellent well. House in
good repair. 5
Fui'K ll. Hkowni:.
deo. I,e;i left Tuesday for
Olympic, Wash,, to see about some
pipe contracts and prices. lie is
gettiug ready to hid on somo water
systems, to be built in various
towns in the state. He expects to
do Home work for the Oakland
water works system as soou as he
rutin us.
The Telegram last Sunday gave
the pictures of I02 pioneers of Folk
county that nro over 70 and a num
ber of them over 00 years of age.
Pretty good for Polk eouuty. Wo
wonder how many there are right
around our town. A good mauy of
them that is sure, and we believe
inorQ thmi Polk's list,
Phil Spong came home from
Dorena Wednesday. j
Oscar Lee and Will Wisearsou
went to the city Thursday, j
Walt Paker and wife went to i
Cottage drove Thursday.
A few friends gathered at Mrs.
A. J. P.rumbaugh Thursday to at
tend a quilting.
D. H. Pi umbaugh went to the
city Thursday on business.
Sam Lewis was a visitor to Cot
tage Orovo Friday.
Notice to Tn.npn.veri
JUlieving that conditions will be
materially improved by complying
strictly with the requirements of
law and assessing all property for
its "true cosh value," I will take
this means of notifying the public
that such will bo my purpose, and
that assessing will eonuueuce ou
March 1st.
Unrecorded deods should be
placed ou record before March 1st.
elso property represented by same
will be assessed to tormer owner.
Please have your list of personal
property ready wheu the assessor or
deputy calls for same that owned
ou March 1st at one o'clock a. m
I yoO.
11. F. KiitNiJv,
County AsBe8or.
The Hotle Jijs jvea periect separation
of iiic-I.,cacI-Orcs
164 BlakeSl.
Eldridge Sewing Machine Free
To the most worthy lady of Cottage
Grove and vicinity, the Nugget will
give a fine five drawer Sewing Ma
chine. Who the lady is will be deter
mined by vote of Nugget subscribers.
Bohemia. Nugget
Coupon for Eldridge Sewing Machine
To be awarded the most worthy lady
of Cottage Grove and vicinity.
One vote for ..
This couj. ou must l e void bcfoie feb. 21.