Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 01, 1905, Image 3

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Spring Humors
Conn (o moat peoplo nml uuiso tnnnr
troubles, pimples, IjoIIj mid oilier
cruptlona, lionliltM loss of npiictlto,
Unit til oil feeling, fit of Iillluiiaiioss,
liiilltfMtloii nml liomluclio.
'i'lio sunner onu I'i'li ilil of llirm tlio
lietlrr, nml tliu wny to wl rlil of llictn
ml ImlM up tho system tlmt liai
suffered from them li to tulio
Hood's Sarsaparilta
and Pills
Forming In comlilimtloti tlm Spring
Mmllclnowir txctilenct, of tiiirijimllvtl
strength lit purifying llm blood
Ihuvii liy iuipiiiiiIIuU, rutlloal iuiU pur-
jimiioiit emu of
Scrofula Celt rthoum
Oonld Hen (I Bollo, Plmploa
All Kind of Humor Paorlmla
Mood Poisoning Rhoumntlam
Cntnrrh Dyspepsia, eto
Aceqit no milmtltiito, lint bo tuiu tu
get Hood's, und yet II today.
Cnplnln Cooniers liuil milled over nil
till' WVI'll miis mill tin- mighty Imy of
ri'iiolimvt. Tlii'rrfuni liu felt only
mnli-uipt for lli lllllo tiiu-fttiiipiil
Klmiiii'r tlmt nirrliil iwhik-iikitii from
tlm iimliiliind to tin- Inliiml riwirM
wlilrli nt Unit tlimi Jut IixkIii
nlliK tu Iiiivp n silliunir iimiiilHtluii
'Jills in In Hie tin j'M wlii'M nil khi1
uiIIIiik men Iwikitl on kIi-hiii i riifl iim
with IiiiiiIiiiiiiiii'h tuyii. Tln-lr I'ontriiipt
' wnrrHiitiil liy tint Imliiu of Him
Hello of lircnkliitf iluun In inlilcliiiii
iicl, of KtrorliiK ilT licr tnurso in
wind, nml of atnyliii; t ilot-k illsrrwt
ly mIivii thoro win any 'Yoiislilrrutiln
brwiu of nlr."
On one imnidco nrnm t lie Imy lio
frit foul uf ftirri-nt Hint pindifd tier
tixin n saiitlbniik. Tlio pnKm-iik'om In-,
pin to rim for tlio lioutu mid limit In
IiiihiimIIiI plmm for llfo prriorvirn.
(.'uptatn ("owner nit on tlwk, III lilc
trmiic MtippurliM liy n inmp siixil noil
hi "kiiiiio loif" Ktri'tclioil out on nu
nthiT rump stool. Ho snt still while tlio
others, crrw nml piiMi'iiKrm, wero
riislilne nlwiit In futllo nrtlvlty. Ho
looktil at tlio snip of Inland, thru out
lit tlio Imy, then at Hip sky. Tlion ho
ivsttM lila rliln on Ills rltoat rnud
Hulled tlio ilivk plniiklut:.
A imMoiikPr run up to lilm mid riled.
"O, rnptnln, wp are wri'ckfuT
"Hum J"
"Wo an wrecked.",
"lie el"
"In tliere nuy ilnuscr?"
"Aro WO ROlllR tO MllllC Y
"Not fur In tlil wnter."
"Arp you suroT I'm ufrnld w we
tin II nil 1 10 ilrowiifdl"
"Not If you'ro inoro'u four fi-et
TIip pmmeiiKer iieemeit snttanrtl nt
last, mid went nwny. Cnptnlu Counter
rtnuiunl his kiito nt tlio dock. I'res.
ently mmtlier pnssoiiger mw lilm.
"(), euptiiln, I'm no cliul you'ru
"Ho lie I."
'Think tliere' nny dnnnery'
"I nln't een nny."
"Of course wi we uren't fur from
"No, We're n nluli na two lover
on n slnpln' unfit."
"Von luke It eoollyl"
'Well, you nee I'vo lieen wnvkeil
off Cnpe Horn and 1 wiih In n limit
Hint wiib elm will by n wlinle. I ilun't
puppii to Kct my boot wet out o' nny
nifli land velilclo na this here."
Youth' Companion,
A Connialoit Ailterllinionot.
A London editor tin received from
lleilln n printed notice of n new linlr
dye, described In KiikIIkIi. "I de
liver tlio linlr dyo from tlio fnlr to tlio
decpoHt dark," tlio'lterllu man ny.
Tlie;i. with n liurt of enndor, for
which ho cannot lio RUlllcleully coin
liiciiilcil, he uilds: "It produce n nn
t ii ra I color mid I thoroughly lnjurl
ou." JtOO Reward. SIOO.
tSio rrnlenot thU pr will t rlexcil to
If km that thvro U at loaiil ono ilrcailiKl dltvaao
that actouro hai Iven ablo to euro In alt lt
lanei. anil that li Catarrh. Ilall'a Catarrh
euro la tho only iwlttvo euro known to tho
meuirai iraiorillijr. I mrru ooiuk n euniiiiio
tiiiiial dlKOKM. rmiulroa a ouuatliutlonal trrat
inont. II all' Catarrh CurulaialiriitntRrnally,
actln dlructlr uioii tho HikhI ami luuetiui
urlaoeiof tho ajmioin, tl.ervbr ilfatrojrtn the
luunaatinn ot inouitoaM, auu KiTinK tno
llout alroiiKth ly tuUdlnii up tho conilltutlon
and alitluii naluro In Unlu III work. Tin
liruprlotiira havoau much lalth In tti curative
iwwera that thoy nlftr Una llumlroil liollan
for anvcaiothat It falla to euro, tjouil tor llfel
ut tumlinonlali. . . .
AihlroM. 1'. J. CHItNllr & CO., Toledo, 0.
goiti iiy uruirKiiii, fou.
Ilall'a 1-umlly fills aro tho boat.
Tliero wno a mnld wliono nnmo was ICS,
And alio was alivnya tmiptliik' fS;
Sho'd jilt a lien ii
Tho lenat lilt aleau,
Hut now for beaux alio line to w8.
This rnnlilrn ilenrly loved to al8,
II ut was of audi enormous v8
Tlmt when alio tripped
Ami alld und allppod
The lr was In nn awful st8.
Clilcoifo Chronicle
For 100.1.
Father Tlmo wub obaerved cettlnft
Ills linlr clipped.
"What is that for?" asked tho
"Why, people nro going too rapidly
tlieso days," explained Father Tlmo,
"titid I wnut to fix Jt so they can't
tako me by tho forolock." '
Seven plum puddings hung In a kitch
en at HHnlhfim, Knglanil, recently, when
a donkey walked In and at five of them,
cloth sad alU
Clnrn Did ho propoau to you beforn
or after ho klil you? Mmid I en n't
tell. DurliiK the exclleuieiit I foritot
all the detiill. Life.
1 1 it Nbii ml Von lire nlwny looklnK
for bnrKiiln. Wiih thoin ever u tlmo
when you wmut't n bnrKiiln hunted)
Wlfn Yt', dear; wliei I married you.
Mr. Oliiitteraon It wit n
relief to hnvo my liiiabniid fall. Mr.
Ohlpwny How o? "Oh, I wn no
afraid wo would hnvo lo pay all thoau
bill." Life.
Cyril You mny cpurn me, cruel one.
hut remember, I ahull not always lie a
clerk at fl) it week. Mario That' Juat
the trouble. You mny lonn your Job ut
uny tlnio.-('lilinifi) New.
I'n rent (iiiiKrlly)--'I'Iiuko "hi-IiooI
kIioph" I bc'slit here foif my boy did
not laat two week. Ileuler (with stir
lirlxe) He intiat liuve been wearlns
lhe.1i out of M-liool. WitaiilUKtnn I.I fo.
Tmclicr (In ipeIlliiK elnaj .lohuiiy,
spell "full." Joliiiuyl can't. Toseh
er You cmi't spell that simple word?
Why not? Johnny '('mute yon lolil
mo tliere was no such word a full.
New Yorker.
I'n nny (who enjoy IiiivIiik her inotli
er rnul to tier) Weail souie more,
tu a tu ma . Mamma I eunuot, ilear; my
eye lire too llrcd. I'anay (with line
scorn) Hut ."ad wlv mi iiiouf, ma.
New York Times.
"Is your hUKlmud up yet'" Inquired
the early iiiornliiK caller. "I kuos be
Is," replied tuo Blerii lixikliiK wiiiniiii.
I'd like t say a few word to hlni."
"Ko would I. Ho hasn't come homo
yet." Catholic HtKlubird.
IJrneatiiie I don't ae' why your
chaperon should have been offended
been uo Jack playiil the piano. It wns
certainly better than tuvemnkliiR.
Moyrtllln Ye, but hp Insisted Uhui
plnyltiK "Always In the Way." Cld
cKo New.
Tom I don't see you nutnuiohlllng
with Mia (llddyuii any more. Jack
No; I welk'hed tier In the balance nnd
found her wanllni;. Tom Wanllm:
what? Jnck Well, wnntliiR to fuco
the parson with me, for one thine.
CIiIciiko News.
Utile Johnnie When Ml Nextdnor
Kut married, her mother threw un old
slipper after her. Wbnt was that for?
Utile Kthel Oh. they always do Hint.
That menu that her luiiiiimn Isn't
never koIiik to spank her any more.
Hinltir Weekly.
Till servnut-Rlrl uroblem will iniiku
me old before my fltiiel" "llothers you
too, does It) "llidml It does. If
I hnvo un ugly mnld my husband Is
nwny nil the time, nnd If I have
pretty ouo he Is nt home nil the time.
and I daren't ko awny; so tliere It Is.'
Houston Pont.
Mrs. Woodby You don't menu to
any you paid my milliner bill to-dny!
Mr. Woodby Of course. The bill
reached me yesterday, nnd I thought
the milliner mlitht need Hie money,
so Mrs. Woodby Simpleton! How
lo you expect us to bo considered real
swell If we pity our bills promptly).
Philadelphia I.edk'er.
Mutide Did you rend tlmt nmgiir.lno
nrtlelo In which a physician adwicatc
mvnliiK ns n means of ktnppliuc the
llsnerreable huxxlnx In one's ears?
31am Yes, and he Is right, too.
tried It on yoiliiK llnruiu the other
evening lifter bo had talked coiitlnu
ously for un hour or more, und ho
ook the hint ny' left. Chicago IMIly
i'lio fnllowlm; notice wiih recently
found tucked on the dour of a church:
Tliere will be preiichluit In this houso
week from next Wednesday. Provi
dence permltlln', mid there will bo
prcncbliiK whether or no on Monday
foltowlm; upon tho subject, 'Ho that
belleveth nnd Is baptized shall bo
saved .nnd he Hint belleveth not shall
bo damned at .'I -in In tho nftcrnooo.' "
Clinton (Mo.) Ileinhl. .
A trnrellni; man who drove across
tho country to n little town In western
JCmisns tlio other day met n farmer
liniilliiK n wnKon-Iond of witter.
"Wbero do you net water?" ho nuked.
"Up the road nlxiut seven miles," tho
farmer replied. "And you haul water
seven miles for your family and
stock)" "Yep." "Why In the iinniu
of sense don't you dig n well?" nuked
the traveler. "Ilecnuse it Is Just us
fur one way ns the other, BtmiiKvr."
Denver ltepnbllciin.
Mrs. 1'otls was lllled with nervous
alarms whenever sho traveled, mid .Mr.
Potts always had his hands full In
trying to unlet mid reassure her. "Al
gernon," said Mrs. l'otts, wakening
her husband from a sound sleep In a
southern railway cur. "Algernon!
want you to II ml out why wo are going
nt this feiit'ful speed. The cur Is hump
lug and swaying III! I can scarcely
seo out of my eyes." Mr. l'otts sat up
und looked out of tho window ut tlm
moonlit landscape. "See that bridge
abend on tlio curvo?" ho asked, sleep
liy, "Well, wo hnvo to go over that lit
a minute, nnd probably It Isn't very
strong, nnd they wnnt to go aver It
with ns llttlo strain and as quickly
ns possible. Now go to sleep." Youth's
Itoili Hide ii r It.
Olles So you'vo got n placo In that
banking hniiso? I supposo it was bo
eauso you know tho president) Har
ris Partly that and partly bcciiusu ho
didn't kttow me. Dxchnngo.
Tho breath of suspicion Is often lln-
vorcd with cloven
Give nature tiirec helps, and
nearly every case of con
sumption will recover. Fresh
air, most Important of all.
Nourlshlnc food comes next.
Then, a medicine to control
the couch and heal the lungs.
Ask any good doctor.
I flrltua.d Aylrl('hfrf fwlMl H Jt afi
M I liat imh urrllMa cm of tunc ill.
pliffl l)r II I mtt firv.r wtltinut II "
Atusur li. IUmilion. urliu, Ohio,
for '
Henlth domnndn dally action of tho
uowoia. Aiunniurowim Ayors puis
Ah Inalniistlim.
Dlgg I hear you have Mild .ton
restaurant. Wasn't It n moneymaker)
Itlggs Yes; I was limklnx $.". dnlly.
Dlggs Then wbnt wu your reason
for disposing of It)
lllggs Oh, I wiih compelbd to sell
It on net-omit of sior health.
Dlggs Huh! Why didn't you tnke
your meal somewhere else)
Pe-ru-nn Cures and Prevents Catarrh
Anyone wliu wishes jwrfw-t health
im . Imi entirely tree from catarrh
Catarrh Is well nigh universal; nlmot
omnipresent. I'erutm is Hie only nb
sol li I o sategunrd known. A cold is the
beKlnuliig of catarrh. To prevent
colds, to euro colds, Is to client ealarrl
out of its victims, l'eruim not only
cures catarrh, but prevents it. livery
household should bo supplied with this
great remedy (or coughs, colda, and so
If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the iiki ol Peru
na. write at onco to Dr. Hartman, giv
ing n full statement of your rasa and be
will lie pleased to give you Ilia valu
able advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
I, sat of the Mohlcaaa.
When the days are cool and dear
the tuberculoma patients on North
Profiler Island wrap themselves In the
blue blankets furulahed by the city
and sit In the open air for a sun bath.
A short time ago, say th New
York Hun, the health commissioner
conducted n party of peace delegates
-lo the Island. They were from Kng-
In nil, and had seen pictures of the
North American Indian,
"How Interesting!" remarked one
visitor, as the host wns about to land.
"See bow peacefully they sit Art they
the last of the Mohicans?"
Take Laiatlva nroino uulnln Tablet. Alt dntc
tutf rvmiul tna monrr ir It lalla to cur. K. w
Uruvv'a alsualara l oa ach bet. Sjq.
To Hupplpiiient Our Clvllmtlon.
A a result of observation and re
flection during a long llfo touching
public men and measures In wide vn
rlety, I would desire for my country
three things above all others to sup
plement American civilization; from
Orcnt Ilrltalu her administration of
criminal justice: from Germany her
theater; and from uny or every IJuro
peun country savo Itussla. Spain nnd
Turkey, Its government of cities.
From Andrew D. White's "Impres
sions of the Ceruiau Dmporer," In tho
Wlien a child I had a verv severe at
tack of Diphtheria, which came near prov
ing fatal. Upon recovery the glands of the
neck were verv much culareed. and after
the free use of iodine, the right one was
reduced lo Its normal size, but the left
one continued to grow very slowly nt
first, until it was about the slzeof a goose
egg, which began to press on the wind
pipe, causing difficult breatbiug, and be
cameverv painful. An IncUion was made
and a large quantity of pu9 discharged.
The gland was removed, or as inucli as
could with safety lie taken out. l'or ten
years I wore a little piece of cloth about nn
Inch long iu my neck to keep the place
uprn, ziunng tins time i uau to nave it
cut open by the doctor every time I took
cold or the opening clocrecd. In the Snriuir
or early Summer of 1884 I was persuaded
oy mv wue to use s. s. s., which I did,
strictly in accordance with dliectlotis. I
took twcuty-slx large bottles, and was en
tirely cured, for I have not suffered since
tliat time. I). S. IUcund,
1 Royal Bag Mfg. Co., Charleston, S. C.
Only a constitutional remedy can reach
an hereditary disease like Scrofula, When
the blood Is restored to a normal condition
and tho scrofulous deposits are carried off
Uiero is a gradual return to health, S.S.S.
is well knownas a
blood purifier and
tonic. It is the
only guaranteed,
strictly vegetable
remedysold. If you
have any signs of
. c...i n sit.-., n.
UB Jf lis, VVWIiiu vvihiiij niiHuwi wm i
gtmsiVisfis'Loi!!.'!,- w
3 In lima. Sold br a melius. BI
People Killed In tUllroad Wreoka.
A report recently Issued by the In
terstate Commorco Commission shows
that the total number of casualties to
persons on railroads In tho United
Hhtlcs, during tlio fliesl year ending
Juno 30, 1IX)I, was 5.1, ISO, comprising
2,787 killed and r.l.nt.l Injured. This
allow n largo Increase over nny other
year. It I a large total, and. In com
parison, mny bo mid to bo similar to
the complete destruction of nuy one of
such elites ns Halt I.nko City, Utah;
Han Antonio, Texas; Itaelne, Wis.; To
pekn, Kniu; Wnlerbury, Conn.; Wllkes
bnrre, Pn., or Augusta, On., neither of
which has anything like 53,000 Inhabi
tants. In both the American nnd Ilrlt
Isli iirmle. Kept. 10, nnd Oct. 7, 11, nod
VI, 1777. In the series of fields and
movements around Saratoga, ns In
cluded by K. H. Creasy. In bis "I'lf
teu Decisive Unities of the World."
tliere were less than 20,000 men; while
the highest total given by C. K. Adnrns
in Johnson's "Cyeloimedla," of the kill
ed, wounded, nml miming on both
sides nt Waterloo, one of tho greatest
bill lion ut all time, Is M.I2S men not
so many by TIC as last year's total of
United Htates railroad casualties. The
number of collisions and derailments
during the past jmr was 11,201, In
volving tl).as.'l.i07 In damages to roll
ing stock mid roadbeds. This gives the
astounding Increase of 018 collisions
mid derailments over 100H astounding
l,lll fnl- llm ..ulllnlO.n ,.f n,r,tv, It.
tisil 1,1,i",!,iM, rT.iiLm
- ' ' -
Adams, In Huccess Maguziuo.
MHllona nf Krlnltra.
When the Kditor read I0,0X) plants for
10c, uo couHi nani v oei eve 11, our upon
aeennd resdina find that the John A.
Kaltr Krl Co., I roase. Wis., than
whom there are no more reliable and ex-
tenanc aeed Rrowers in the world, makes
this cITer winch ia made to get you to
test Salter's Warranted Vegetable Heeda.
They will aend von their bur plant and
seed catalog, together with enough seed
to grow
1,000 fine, solid Cabbages,
5,000 rich, juicy Turnlpi,
2,000 blanching, nutty Celery,
2,000 rich, buttery Lettuce,
1,000 aplendid Onions,
1,000 rare, luncioua Itadiahes,
1,000 gloriously brilliant Flowers,
providing you will return this notice, and
if you will send them 20c in postage, tbey
win anil to tne aoove a pacsagn 01 xa
mous Ikrlincr Cauliflower. P. C. L.J
An Old Cure for Bcurry.
Scurvy used to be regularly treated
when It wns possible by burying the
patients up to their necks In fresh
earth, a practice officially recommend
ed' In tho Urltlsh navy less than a cen
tury ago. Twenty of the crew of the
frigate Illondc were so treated on the
shore of Donna Maria Hay, Santo Do
mingo, Holes were dug In the softest
soil on the beach. Into each of these
a man was put and burled to bis chin,
while a detachment of their shipmates
was told off to keep the flies from
their faces. They were kent In this
position for two hours, and the treat
ment was so effective that four days
later all the sufferers were able to re
join the frigate.
Itrhlnc llllnd. Illrrdlnc or Protradlnc fllM
Your drucvlit wiu rtfund inourr tr FAZO OINT-
Jlfc.NT laUt w air you In I lo II dajra, uc
How It Began,
representative Hay uf Virginia tells
of au altercation in a colored club In
Itlelimond that resulted In nearly all the
members being haled beforo n police mag
Utrnte. "You were present during this trou
leV" nuked tho magistrate of a wit
"Yes, yo honnh."
"Then tell us. in a few words. Just
how the dllllculty began."
ell, yo' honnh, replied the darky.
with lnnrli i-rnvlfr. "I llittit: tt wna w-liim
he chairman of de entertainment com
mittee swatted tie secretary ovah de head ,
wlf de lovln' cup," Collier's Weekly. j
ITQ Permanently Cured. No ma or nervousness
110 anertlntdai'aUfteofllr.Kllue'adrratXervtt
Itenlorrr. Hnd fur 1'r.tiSll trial bottle and tn-allt. II. Kline, Ltd., Ml Arcufct., rhlladrltila, l'a.
Ill Jntl Air Hneezlng.
As ono of the good, kind ladles was
walking along the .tier after tho
church was over, saying kind words
to tho unfortunate sons of Adam, sho
topped in front of cell CO- on tho
sixth tloor.
She said, "My good, kind man, what
in tae world ever nut you In here?"
IIo said, "Sneezing,"
She BUld, "My goodness! How In
the world could they put you In hero
for sueeslirgr
He said, "I woke tho gentleman up."
Cook County Jail Journal.
Mothers will find Jan. Wlnslow'a Soothlnt
oyrup mo twai rouivuy tousoior vuoir cniiurcu
during tho teething period.
Aerua tlio I'lMitllght.
"Ha!" e.tclnlined the stnizo heroine na
the lime light was suddenly turned upon
tho heavy villain, "I liavo discovered
your secret at lust. Your face betrays
"Hxplnln your tnlk, woman," said the
villain, as he calmly lighted a fresh
"Your mug looks like a Japanese war
map," she replied. "So you evldeutly
shave yourself with a safety raior."
Flso's Cure fo s remedy fnrcoughs, colda
and consumption. Try it. Price 2S cents,
b UrUIBia
Nolioily Iloea,
"I ftssuro you, I'm nhvnys wllllns
to ncknowloilirn mv fntillM
"T"at, 011 rlht- but bt you
"evcr Cknowlcdso thorn when your
nelsimor seed them." VI
Color more noods brighter and faster colors
Euaranteed to give perfect results. Ask dealer, or we will send pi
leach and mis colors. M0NKOC DRUG CO., Unlonvllle, Missouri.
Are flever Without Pe-ru-na in the Home for
Catarrhal Diseases.
KRsnd KM
JNO OfflTuKIOtl,
' Mo
Remarkable Cures Effected by PMo-na
I IT... I 1.
Under date of January 10. 1807. Dr.
Hortman received tho following letter:
"My wife has liee'n a sufferer from a
, 1 . , . .,, .
complication of discard for the past
,..,,, a 11,.. i...i...t
'n y-fivo yt-ar. Iler case lias ljuffle.1
I some of the most noted phy-
One of her worst troubles
was chronic constipation ot several,
years' standing. Sho was also passing'
through that most critical ieriod in
.. ,,7 . . ,1-
tlm Ife of a wo nan change of life.
"In June, 18U5, I wrote to you about
her case. ou adviseil a course of Pe-
ran n and Manaliu, which we at once
commenced, and have to say it com-
pletely cured her.
"About the same time I wrote yon
about my own case of catarrh, which
bad been of twenty-five years' stand-
ing. At times I was almost past going.
I commenced to use Pcruna cding to
your Instructions and continued its use for
about a year, and it has completely cured
me." John O. Atkinson.
ftattier Onn-Hided.
Dlxmyth How do you like your uew
boarding houae, IlitTkina?
llltfkins Ily reversing the order of
things it could be msde an ideal borne,
Dlxmyth How's that?
IlifTklns What it requires is less hair
in the butter and more In the mattrew.
P1PBS wanted 1 will ray cash
for all goodreltcaot stone, hand
outlines of whatrou have and1 get
mv prices. Address
M. P. HAMILTON, Two Kltert , Wisconsin.
Uf lUTm KAI.KRMEN toeanraucnoncsttbe
nAnlCU farmers and dealers selling lire.
Water and lturglar J'roif Safes, fricea are
within reach of everyone, flood money mak
er. Have agents now making 110.00 per day.
.VI. al. SHIELDS tS: CO.
Orowen and J in porter of All Klnrli of
QriiMH anil i7iulJ SoodM
Dry rround, dp-rootin? grass temi that
we mil auaramre 10 irrow un fcrounu inai will
not produce cereal or any other kind of itraa.
in m
aie crop of hay and sttire all reaanus
ol the year. Address M. J. Shields & Co., Mo-
cow, Idaho,
ibe ttaudard a(tr 49 ypn
Imu Tbrjr alwaji (iruduca
tba Uritwt Bud lutrii
crops, aeain m-ii
ium. uur iviis vsmsn
nrru jinnnHi
fr cn rvquMt, ,
Around the World
41 hive used you. PUh
Brand Sllckera for vcara
la the Hawaiian lilanda
and found them the only
article that lultcd. I am
now In thla country
(Africa) and think a treat
deal of your coat a.
The world-wide rrnuta wvYVPTi
tion ol 1 ower'a Water- V"
fruui uiku wiuininr j
aeturea the buyer ol ;
the positive worth of
all garmfnti bearing 7iUrriS)
thU Ma cf the TUh. WHWW
Boston, U. S. A.
Toronto, Canada
80,000 Plants forjSc
'in-rli'- Tut" i 1st rfthtin Ii-i ifMH.
I Was n.u nvats S (jal tiTSu for (u I'fA.
t nui'ltotl Cfour nrniuiru airwusja
nnisr ionium!' von ion t nit m.
nisiKP you lit (uiiwoiuk 1
Fop 10 Canto PostpaM
IK(HH) IriM Jajit lianiipa.
ItMiO lilaMblast lliry,
f KtMio .(lit XmijUttsKs).
. 1000 UtiU flHltisi
f liH)4l Kktr LsjmUsi KklUtits
1OO0 lsHatli HrlUldMl IUn,
lilfMt Larl. OHlliiB 4d LaU labftMM.
Abaiv orstu noLsctt oontia itiflW
lrUnt to srmw 10.000 tlama, furs
Inuuinir nuiivisi ur nruiinnt
Uau - and Kit .lid loU ot friiK-l .
I veiriM.logYtnrwitaturirrvai
uiiuir,v(iiuir sii,
11... Btumlt Fruit, tic, all for
M in i in pi untl idii noiire
titt'l "yoo-anttotetlh. ,f,t
Jil'H'f "KPiest rrturns for ffJTtfAt
y"ent.num WJl'
Ir&AM totilantanrllilni but
than any other dve.
n?f"eliic ."."JX" co,or? ,,lk W00' O"1 co"on equally well and Is
post paid at 10c a package. Writs lor free booklet how to dye.
MR and HPX
In a letter dated January 1, 1000,
Mr. Atkinson says, after five years ex-
. I-'"'" w' ' eiuna:
' r.unue 10 spesx a eoou
word for Peruna. I em stin cured of co-
Mo., Box 272,
John O. Atkinson, Independence,
Mrs. Alia Scliwandt, Sanborn, Minn.,
"I lave lcn troubled rheurrahsm
and ff ,cr;trnVflJ'efs-. CouU1,
not sleep day or night. After having used
Perma Yattetp and nothing bothiVs n-.e
Ir e,. am nffctled with any iid
cf sickness. Per una will be the medkin- I
shall use. My son was cured of catarrh of
thebrnyxbypcruna." Mrs. Alia Schwann t
When old age comes, catarrhal dls-
mi!eB COIne aig,,. gyatemic catarrh is
almost universal In old people,
, , , t o n n ,
, A Dr' S'' 'r
dent of The Hartman Sanitarium Co-
InmbttB, Ohio, wjio w II be plea.ed to
give jou the benefit fo his medical ad-
vice gatls. -
('La corpA of tccA, location, build
Inr cintpincnt the LeiL bend for cat
Term Opuna Sontember 11904
ilto today lor frco lliustratei booklet,
Una and Johnson streets, Portland, Ore.
Clean Your Grain
MILL, with Sacking attachment,
will clean and erade all kindj of
Grain and Seeds. The only machine
that has screens and riddles made
especially for cleaning grain on the
Coast. To convince you that thU
Grain Cleaner is as represented I will
send you one on 30 days free (rial
and will pay the freight.
Write me for our Descriptive Cat
alogue and "on time" proposition
it will interest you.
gi!o. w. roorr
Dept. 11 Portland, Oregon
P. N. U.
No. 9-190J
TffTllEN wrtllnc to sulTertlsera pleas
T m vmim nvr imr - jawami