Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 12, 1904, Image 3

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Fail t nee the line line
(f'Coiiil)H, Ilnir HimihIius,
Toilet Articles (mil I
Hlrujn;lHt'H SiimlrleHV
p The finest line in town
" priccH can mil he lien leu
Dealers in
City and Farm Property.
Family groups anil Individual
Itlvor Street. Cottage Orov .
' A irl I'orral llrll.
'llin northern bell of furi-ntH U jkt
tiiipH Krvnlrr In extent thnn Hit the "turn-
Umber bells nml reserves uf CaiiniU
combined. It extends from the eastern
cunat of tabrador north of the llftlctli
(inriillrl III northwesterly direction to
Alniikn, a distance of mamt n.txxi mil,
with an vera go width of perhaps SOU
llw Utah lllrd. I'lr.
llnllixitilxtn nay that hlnU' flight I
limited to 1115 fMt above tho surface
of the earth.
Tint RriMtint builder In the world U
tlcplctixl In n well prrnerveil Htntue In
the Itrltiah iiimioiiin. Deaplte the won of moileni nrchltecture nml Imllil
Ink' cotiHtructlnii tlii're la no ipivHtlou
tlin ileaervoH thlx title. Ilia niilue la
of ciiiinio Itiiinexi'M nml hla Immortal
uuik Hid iiyrnuilila.
Tu Tr.l Klrrl.
The Hlinjileat w'liy tu tell Iron from
iili i'l la to ioiir on llio nietnl n ilrop of
nitric a eld nml nlliav It tu net for one
iilnule. On rinaluc with water n Rrny
Iflli white Ntnlii will be kccii If I lie nietnl
In Iron; n blm k one If It la Hteel.
l!lrNlor Nieril,
The hlKlieat npin-il which cmbo nt
tuluisl In nn "expreaH" clcrntor In u
very lilch olllce bulldliiR Ih ii limit nor
only fetU ii minute. Thnt la eipilvnlcnt
to a mile In mure than aeven inlnnten,
mid imiiiy n inileNlrluu Iiiih wnlkeil for
cmislilernble iIIhIiiiicik nt nearly aa fiint
a puce.
' "
Anlnmla In Jnpnn.
Jiipiincau blnlH build their iichIm In
the city houaea. Wild fowl, hcomi; niul
diiclca nllglit la the public parka and
wlhl deer trot about thtt HtrevtH.
Gralur I.niikumw,
lu NapleH KCNtuiu often tnken the
plnco of worda nut only with lazznroiil,
but ovon with prlnceH. Klin; IVrdl
.oand, ou Ida return tu Naples nfter tho
ruTolt lu nddreHHcil bin HUbJectM
In KeaturcH. He reproncheil tlieiu, lid
uiunlaheil them and llnnlly imiiloned
tlieiu, uenilliii; them away HUtlatled
without having iirtlcidnteil a hIukIu
i' Color,
Change of color Ih ono of tho best In
1okiw to tint emotions of tho fish.
IVtiou the tlali Ih Hick ltd color la apt to
oo faint, while wljcn In health, angry
or breeding tho colntn ntiind out bright
ly and vividly.
Wlinl Ylrlila.
It. Is estluiatiil that twenty-two acres
t)t land nro uivcaHiiry to Hiiatnln ono
iuhii on fresh meal. Tho ainno Hpneo of
land, If devoted tu wheat culture,
would food 42 people; If to oat a, 88; po
tutor, Indian corn and rice, 17(1, nud
U to tho plantain or bread tree, over
t. 0,000 people.
Sliaiiafell Ibj' Photos.
I''reu II
Delivery. I
Have a full line of
Staple and Fancy Groceries
At Prices that ore tight, uive
.u.i it it inn.
oktiiandkii- nr .Mi'MuvH. Mr,
CIlllS IIUIIIplll'.VS Of A Hi ll'lll, ( III'., Mlllf
MImm Nlim Oslrmnlcr of IIiIh rli.v,
went iinlli'il In iiiiii rlimc ul Hut homo
of Hut bride's father, Wednesday Aug,
Ill, nt II H in.
There were only n few llllliieilliite
friends mill relatives present. The
I'ei'Oiinui.v wwis iieifiirineil by llnv.
Illllluglou, iniMliir n( the (hrlntlnn
Tim ih't'iiriilloiiM were In pink mill
while, mid the hrhlo wnn iIii'hhimI In
a Itcn ii I If n I uuiin of while u uo n 1 1 U
over silk mid carried a Hhuwer
hoiiiicl of whllociirmitlons'
They will Ik at Inline III Ai-lorln
Die., after Kepi, ImI , whore the groom
IioIiIh the ichihiiihIIiIo piiHltUia nl
malinger of I lie Postal Telegraph
Nullre Is hereby ulvvn that Hit
iiiiiIithIkIkmI, ailiiilalHtralur with the
in annexed, nl I lie I'Hlale of dcorgu
I roiiorii'K wale, i cecascil. iiiin men iiIh
lliial account iih m Mr li ailinliilHlralnr
In the CiiiiiiI.v Court nl l.ane County
Slate of Oregon, anil that nnlil Cuiirt
Iiiih net Mommy, the l-lli dav nf
Ncpicuiiier, iinu, ai in o clock A. .M.
of kiiIiI ila.v, at the Court house In
l.iiuene, I .nne count y, male of Ore
gon, iih the lime anil hearing objec
tions thereto, ami the final Kettle
meat ol Halil entitle.
W. F. MllANAI'Kl.T.
Administrator, with the Will an
nexeil, of the Knlnto of Oeorge Fred
erlrk dale, decease I
.1. ('. .Ioiinhon,
LH." Attorney for Administrator
llohemla Mine Owners Aniiociatlon.
I'uisniiiit tu inll the llohenilii
Mine Owners AHHoeliitlon met at the
llnhemla poritolllee Monday nltihl.
There wiih a largo atteiiilance anil
ninny new members mldcd to the
llHt Of I lll'lll I HTH III p.
W. II. Nhane. O. l. dllls-rlson ami
Henry IoIiiihoii wcroclcctcil delegates
to the Aiiierlnia Mining Congress,
which n hi' In In rortlaml on the '.".'nil
ol August. (I. J. Warner anil F .1.
Ilanl are delegate from other bodies
ol the Mining Congress nud llohemla
will h represented li.v live delegates.
F. J. Hard. tt. .1. Ilnrlow ami o.
li (lllltcrtnim were appointed to
loiniiiliile ruli'H ami itkiiIiiI Ikiih for
the government of the Akmoi'IuIIoii.
Preaching At Wlldood.
(la Hiimluy August 7th nlso on
Siimlay August llth, I lev Wallace
will preach III the hcIiodI house at
Wllilwoinl at II o'clock a in. Every
otie Inviteil to iittenil these services.
To buy Kennedy's Clialn Light
ning Liniment, for ItheiimatlHia ami
all paliiH ami Inllamatlon. ITIce
I fj4 I'l'iitH, all druggist, or liy mall
upon receipt of price, write F I. Ken-
i ncdy, Saginaw, Oregon, for llHt of
I li'Mtlnninli'H. .SallHfactloa Ki'aran
' We have a larjt wupply of cheap
ilumU'r, JiihI what you want on a
I ranch, price very cheap, iniiNt Imj Mold
j to make room for other Htock.
. i hi' iiooiii-icii,v i.nmiM'ri o.,
SiiKluaw, Orv.
Salem Beer On Drauiht.
Salem beer makcM the Miiltry Hum
mer iIii.vh a ilream ol IiIIhh. Hotel
(iraham liar Unx the iwnc.v for thin
exhllarittliiK iK'venw. K.ipt In
bottleH ami ou ilramtht 'Jiitf.
Cnreil by CliunilM'rlaiu'a Colic,
Oholcrn nml Dinrrhoeii Item
iily mid jierlut h a l.ifu
A xlioit time nan I una taken nilh n
vmlet attack of iliuirhoeu ami believil I
would have illnl If I had not gotten
reliel," biivh John J. I'atton, a leniliiiK
cilui n of I'atton, Ala. ' A friend recom
mended I'liaiiihc rlain'H Colic, Cholern
nml Diarrlii en Iteincily, I bought n
iHenty-llve cent bottle and alter taking
thiee iloaea of it una entirely cured. I
coiiHiduieil It the bent remedy ill thtt
world for bonel rompaintH. I'or Halo
hv New Kill Drnt; Store.
! "(5u Juno lnt tho Southern raclllc
Co will rcmimo anlo of excurHlon
tickets to Newport anil Ynqulha
Hay. Iloth hciisoii anil Katunlay to
.Monday tickets will ho sold. Thin
popular ri'Hort l RrowliiK In favor
each year, hotel rateH nro reaHonahle
ami the opportuultlcH for IIhIiIiik.
hunting ami HealiatliliiK alt) unex
celled li.v any other tCHort oil the l'll-
i elllc OoaHt.
1 W,
' (icneral 1'nnHeiiKer Af;ent.
Tim intliienco ol climatic conditions
j In thu cure of cot)Huniit!oii Ih very much
uveiiirawu. i no pour pnucm, nun niu
rich palient, too, can do much butter at
homo by proper attention tu fond diges
tion, and ii regular use of Oeriiiau
Hyrup. I'mi expcctoialion in tho
niornliiK la made certain by German
Syrup, en is n good night's rest and tho
notieiico of thai weakening cough nud
debilitating night sweats. ltestlesa
nights nud tho exhaustion duo to
coughing, the greatest danger nml dread
of thocoastimptive, can lie prevented or
atopped by taking Uornmn Byrup liber
ally anil regularly. Should you bo able
to go to a wanner clime, you will llml
that of tho thousands of consumptives
there, tho few who are bciielHted and thoso who uso tier-
man Kymji. Trial liottloe, 27o; regular
sue, i ne. ai an uruggisis
Ileinenwnv Co.
linrman A
Main No, (!.'.
its a trial and be convinced,
rffinnnnnf innnnrffyinnnnrrinr
Dr. Lowe, Ociilo-optlclan, Ktwne
llnzi'hvooil Ice cream at the Hlar.
I'IsIiIiik luekle at The Modem
The leadluu brand chrarH at the
Any prcperlntloii Illicit nl The Mod
ern rharmacy.
.1, V. NokcH relttrued from llolieni
la on hiHl Saturday.
KreMli crawllHh liiwlne at the Mx-
ehaiiKe KcMtuiirunt.
Hnaiildliiu'H Olllclal lA'imui' Halls
at'l'he Modern I'lmrmacy.
A cool and refrcNhliig drink, Salem
iiiit, at Hotel oraiiam liar.
To nave lime try the Kxcliange
lunch rooniH for quick nervlce.
.ManiiKer A. II. WooiIh of the 0. &
S. I-;, went to Kiincnt! TueMilay.
The Salem beer can Ih had at
Hotel (Iralnim bar lu IioUIch for
homo iihc.
Don't (all to hit Cook ami Hleli
momrH Show. Saturday nhfl'l Auk
iihI l:iih.
Mih. Arch I tlee of I'cnilleloli, Ih
vIhIIIiik her mother Aim. S. li. CiM'ti
ran of iIiIm clly.
MIhh .My n i llrown came up from
Kuu'-ni' to attend the Ostraniler
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r- m ' wedding
MIhh I lux lei', Mrn. Welnlamler ami
MIhh Welnlamler are vlnltliiK the
Imally ol lien l.ureli.
Mru. A, (' lingo on VtVilucMliiy
went to Kugene wlieru nhe will vlnlt
frlemlH for a lew dayn.
A Hplemthl ri'Hlileiice lot only three
bloekH from Main SU 1 10.00. I'or
Hale by Medley Milne.
What everybody llkcH Ih HoiaetliliiK
to miiIIhIv their niMs'tlte, the Kx-
cluingL' n-Htaurant Iiiih It.
Tom Parker and (.'hurley ruder
wood Hpent Saturday up How river
Hwapplng; uraHH-liopiiorH for trout.
Don't forget to take your mealH a
the ICxchmiiic reHlaiiraat. Kvery
thing; the Im-mi Hie iniuket cuti Hiipplv
Mrn. .1. IIiiiiHiiii arrixed III Cottage
drove WedneHilay to visit her
daughter, Mrn. .1. S. .Medley, who Ih
quite III.
We will trade Homo of the In-Ht
mining- Htock lor Iowa IntH, do not
overlook thlH offer, for It Ih a good
one, Medley nml Milne.
Men wanted for mill ami yard
work at Alca, Oregon. Apply to
mill HiiiH-rlii temli'iit, raclllc TIiiiIht
Co. as-2
NOW'.' Jl'ST NOW, Ih the lient lime
to buy either farm or a town pro
ertv, we have them at a price that
will Hiilt, Medley ami Milne Co
A room lioumt and of an acre of
land, very nightly haul Ion. Trice
$700.00, K down, balance lu :i yearn.
A great liiirgiiln. Mislle.v and Alllne.
l'ather StravciiH of ItoM-'biirg, will
hold ncrvlcvH at the l.'atbolic Church
next Siimlay. Miikh ami preaching
to iKgln at 10 a m. All are Invited.
Mr. and Mrn, Tom lllew nail hoii
Joe, liave leturned from a ramping;
trip to the Sluslaw. 1'lve deer wan
the rvMiilt of the hunting part of the
T-Iie little daughter of Chan Walker
ou TucHilnv fell from a newlng inu-
chlne whert- nhe had cllmlieil and
broke her collar bone. Sho In getting
alone nicely.
Two largo lotn mont conveniently
located, ou Kant Hide of river, within
two blockn of tho IiiihIiich center, for
17.1.00, no In-tter site for nice renl
deuce III town, Medley Ac Milne.
Mr. and Mrn. 1'. 1). IMiIIIIim with
their chlldivn left Tuenda.v for their
Hccoml camping out tins minimcr.
I lioy went to tlieir tormer cmuiang
groutul up Monby creek.
h llml nothing I letter for liver ileraugo
meat nml cmistipatioii than Cdmiiber
Iain's Stomach ami Liver Tablets. L.
K. Andrews, Dea Moines, Iowa. Kor
Sale by New Km Drug Store.
.Mr. Illchmond. who In with the
Cook ami lilehimmil Show In a Cot
tage drove boy. Come ami hear
him Hlng the UlUHtrated HougH. At
thu Opera Houhc, Saturday night,
August Kith.
Kven the Kdltorn of the Cottiige
Orovo newnpapem encaped to the
noiintaliiH ant Saturday. .Mr. ungo
of tho Ix'iuler, with hln wife nud
daughtet went op Mosby creek and
the Nugget man up Kow lllver.
riio I. II, Church will hold a holy I
OliOHt caiiipmeetlng In the grove
near tne nine .Mouatmunciiooi iioukoi
In-glnlng Aug. IS. 1!W1. Kvcrybodyi
Invited. U-t all who nro thlrHtlng,
for the Water of I.tfo come. ltev. A. I
K. Wheeler, paHtor In charge. j
.Ian CliauiherH of Nortli 'I'latte, I
NeliraHka. ban been vlnltlng lu thin i
oart of the country. While on the
HtreotH of Cottage drove K. K. Smith
who liven about 4 mi en noutli ol
town recognlied lu him an old Iowa
irienii, nut tuey nan not met. in .-!
yearn. Mr. ChnmlierH ban returneil
to hln home. j
MIhh Dollle, daughter of I.. I..
IluwkliiH met with a novere accident i
on hint Saturday.
Sho bad led a lioro IiohIiIo a ntiiiup
anil when nhe attciiiiited to mount!
the liorno JumH'd, cauntug her to
fall. Sho full against tho ntiimp ami
her npinu was badly Injured. It In
hoped nho will recover.
Senator Veatch, David Jlarkleyaiul
John Veatch, who nonio week ago
wont to thu , IoIiiihoii Mendown for a
hunt and an outing, returned on
Sunday. While In camp they were
vlHltcd liy Klan Ilolilermaii anil Jack
Qulnii; alHo It. M. Veatch and wUo
ntopped with them n nliort time.
They report tho securing of live deer,
only killing enough for tho turn of the
I denlro to lot contract for building
of residence. Contractors wluhlnir to
bid ou name, please call at my resi
dence oer Nugget olllce. for plans
and npcclllcatlona,
Tho bidder receiving contract will
bo oxpectod to glvo bondn for com
pletlon of residence nrf per specifica
tions wlthhUho limitations of con
tract. ,
I reBorvo right to reject any and all
bids. All bids must bo lu liy Aug,
Mim. K. A Cotti.i:.
Itums of Interest In mid nhiiiil t
Collate drove and vicinity.
I Sunday Services as usual at the
I Churches,
I Kodnck ami Kodack niippllen at
i The Modern rharmacy.
I'or Hrsl-chiHH blacksmlthlug or
I Wood work call on Orr, Went Shlo.
V. A. Ilankin
the city a few
of Kogene, was la
days this week on
Ail vertlM'incntH In the .Nugget are
frequently changed. Hist-lal bargains
offered this week, look them over.
Ilyron M. Atkins ami wife of Inde
pendence Ol'',, n re visiting Mr. Atkins'
jiareuls nml sister Mrs, Van Allison.
If your horses Interfere and do not
travel right, ha vo your shoeing done I
at I lie orr blackslllltll simp, vtent
If you want you tires et without
having your wheels illnlicd or spoiled
take them to Orr, blacksmith Shop,
West Side.
Stale dame Warden .1. 11. linker
took the train Tuesday for a visit to
Portland and other points north.
Mrs. W. It, Dennis. Mrs, I'erklim
and MIhh I'erklus were reglsteied at
thu (Iraham, from Illackbiitle Thurs
day. Mrs. Dora K. Fields, proprietor of
the Kagle Hook Store, returned homu
this week somewhat Improved lu
Ivan Smith while working at the
Doreua kiiwuiIII, dlHlocaled Ids knee.
Dr. Oglesby went up and put It right
Coining, Cook and Richmond mov
ing pictures ami Illustrated songs.
Saturdiiy night August Kith Don't
forget to come.
Knyser Ac Huff ask you to read
their advertisement and then call at
their olllce ami talk with them about
building locations.
W. W. Masterson put lu the most
of last week at home and In l'il with
h gathering In Ills head. He Is
around again all right.
Mr. I. .1. Taylor on Momluy last
iK-gmi the building of a new house
for himself on Fourth St. The build
ing will Ihj L'fix'.'S IX story.
W. ti. (lllstrap, editor Kiigenc Iteg
Istcr, panned through the city Wed
nesday ou his way to the Oregon
Mineral Springs where hln family Is
Henry Veatch went Inst week to
the camp where bin wife and little
boy have Ih-cii for some time, and
spent a few days, lie shot a line
doer and got a part of It to camp.
The Southern Pacific railroad ban
made a wonderful Improvement
about the depot and for quite' a dln
tancc in either direction, by grading
up and covering the surface with
sand ami gravel.
.lamer Heuson, of the Pharmacy,
ban JiiHt let a contract to .1. II. War
ner to build an J1SO0 residence. The
design nud plans were taken from
Keath Magazine. It will lie one of
most handsome residences lu the
Thero nro eighty-live applicants for
pcrnnm to u-iicii hi uine uomity.
.Sixty-nine of whom are for County
and sixteen for State nntiers. County
Supt Dlllard assisted by W. M. Miller
ami I'rolessor t. s. tlarom of
Kugene la conducting the examina
tion. Twenty five cents for the Nugget
for the next six Issues. Thu llohemla
stories alone, by the ltev Dr. Warner
will be found worth much more than
that sum. Send or bring In your
orders and have the Nugget sent to
your Eastern friends while these
stories continue. One story each
Tho attention of the renders of the
Nugget, and esisvlally those Inter
ested lu mining affairs. Is called to
the advertisement at the top of the
last page of thin nunilier. The Ham
mond .Munufacturing Company Is
fully prepared to till all orders In
their Hue given them. The company
Is now erecting tho lO-st.unp mill for
the Vesuvius mine at Bohemia.
W. I). H. Hudson, who went to llo
hemla the tlrnt of the week returned
to tho drove Thursday. While there
he visited the principal developed
properties and oxprosia'd surprise at
the amount of ore shown In the
various workings. Ills opinion of
tho mining districts will npsar in
the Journal about the time of the
Mining Congiess.
Attention 0. A. R.
On Saturday next at the grove
east of town If good weather. If
raining at the hall, the members of
the d. A. H. and ladles of the Kellel
Corps will hold a basket picnic and
camp lire. Everybody will be wel
comed. Kill a basket and attend.
Resolutions of Condolence.
Whereas: Hy the divine wisdom of
tho heavely Father, the loving wife
of our neighbor A. J. TIioiiiiih lias
been taken from her family and they
left to mourn her loss.
Therefore Ho It Itesolved: That In
the loss of his companion, Neighbor
Thomas Iiiih the sympathy of all the
members of llohemla Camp No. 2G0
W. O. W and that the children who
have been derived of a mother's care
and guidance; also have tho sym
pathy of thin camp.
Ho It further Itesolved: That a
copy of this Itenolutlou be given our
Neighbor, a copy published lu the
city papern: also n copy spread on
the i minis of tho camp.
W. W. Mahtkiison.
W.M 11. Hoot.
On Thursday the wife
of T. C. Wheeler, a son.
ouka i, UJinnit.
Wo have ou our yards f0,000jcet of
lumber which must lie sold to make
room for Incoming stock, prices rang
ing from $;t i'O to $7.00. If you want
a bargain comu at once.
Tho ilooth-Kelley Lumber Co,,
Saginaw, Ore.
All My Household Goods
A Hurgaln, nil In First class shape.
Must be sold by the ijth
Mrs. V. II. Hehne.
Uw Knle In California.
The Triennial Conclave Knights
'I'einpbir u ill be held at Sail I'ran
cIhco Septoiiiln-r .Mb to llth and the
Sovereign Oraml Lodge I. O. O. I'
will ln held it the Hamu point Kept.
HHIi to Xitli. I'or these in'oanloa tint
Southern I'aclllc Co. will place lu
effect the exlr.unely low rale of one
ami onu-tblril faro for the round trip,
not tocxreed V, tho rate from rort
laml. 'I'Iiomo who are planning a
trip to California should take note of
these rales.
Farewell Reception.
On Thursday night alarge numlK)r ,
of the residents ol llohemla gathered 1
at the Vesuvius mine to tender to
Dr. Warner ami family a reception i
prior to their departure to their,
home In Denver. During their sojourn I
lu thucamp, they have made many1
warm friends and the preaching on (
Sundays by the Dr. ban Isjen greatly
appreciated. The reception cnine as
a surprise to them and they werui
I ii tie li pleased to Ih so kindly remem-
For hours irames and music were
itiiliiu,.,! fitatl off, ,.- flit, mfri.tililili.l, I u
wereserveteil. goon uyen were sain
ami all were sorry tbo time nail come
for the Dr. and family to leave the
Collage (Irove If of el.
The Cottage drove Hotel on the
West Side Is again In the hands of
Mr. Ida IC. Thompson. She having
purchased the proisjrty and Is
thoroughly renovating all parts ol
the bouse. There are ii comfortable
rooms, which are Is-lng supplied
with new cariHjtH ami furniture. The
Inline ami rooms will lie clrauek ami
painted ami everything done to make
t he iruentn comfortable. Mrs. Thomp
son formerly successfully conducted
this hotel, but sold out and took the
Central Hotel where sl.u met with
splendid success. All d the boarders
wliocoulil nave follow en ner to me
new place.
Tho rates will Isj $1.00 jwr day
transient or $1.50 per week room and
board. The table will be supplied
equal to any In the countiy for the
prices, sue invites old menus and
the traveling public to give the
house a trial.
Stale Fair.
The premium list of the llth An
nual Fair to Is; held at Salem, Sept.
lL'th to lith are now being dis
tributed. A great many changes
have Is-eii made mid new premiums
offered, and an a w hole the list has
been Increased. The stock show will
Isj as irood nn hint year If not liettcr.
Several exhlbltorn from California
are contemplating bringing their
tborougimred mock.
The County Kxhlbltn will lie larger
than ever and this yenr an exhibit
will be at the Fair Hhowlng what
the northwest portion of Canada
can produce and the advantages
tney nave to oner,
dood racing and nplendld evening
entertainments through the week
will innke it einoyabie lor an wno
Send to the secretary. W.A.Mooren
at Salem, for a Premium List and
then make an exhibition ol your
ntock or goods.
Otto Olston of Eugene, James
Stanton of Nebraska, and Frank
Wheeler ol Cottnce Grove, nil of
whom are Interested In the Eant
Willamette Lumber Company went
up Mosby Creek, tho hitter part of
last week to iook over timuer oe-
longing tp their company.
Aug. 10th 1004.
Arrivals continue at the Oregon
Mineral Springs. .Mr. .lames FrancN
wife mid daughter of Portland, came
In from the south, having left Port
laud in .May visiting all the towns
from Portland to Coos Hay and are
now returning. Mr. Francis Is eu
thulustlc over the prospects of the
Oregon Mineral Springs; remarking
that In two years tlie campus would
lie occupied to Its full capacity. He
has property at Thermopolls, Wy.,
has visited many Springs ami thinks
the O. S. M. equal to any. Next we
have -Mrs. and Miss Warnock of
Portland, who came up from the
drove yesterday on .Miller Uros stage
they Intend to stay tw o weeks If they
receive the beuellt oxiiected, may re
main longer,
deo Haves, wife and children also
are hero for a two weeks outing.
Mr. W. C. Sauford of Cottago
drove, the Jeweler, Is having his
recess from business here and is look
ing line.
Mr. Hedtord of Saginaw, has come
back to stop a few days, hln former
trip being to see and leant of the
conditions things are lu here.
Hilly Johnson, of the II nil of Pea tee
mid Johnson. Is visiting today at
the Springs getting refreshed and
looking after business,
Electric Rail Road Franchise.
The Commissioners Court of Lane
countv on Wednesday grunted a
Frauchlso to Willamette Valley
Electric Hailway Company.
Tho Frnnchlsesiieelties. That work
shall be licgiii within 'M days and
tho road completed within two
The routes as given by the duard
llouteNo. 1. Commencing at the
corporate limits of the city of Eugene
on the north, In county road No . ,
and running thence north and west
and agenerally northwesterly course
along county roads Nos. , via Irv
ing, Junction City and to the north
boundary of Lane county, lietween
JunctlonCityaud Monroe, In Heutou
county, Oregon.
Itoute No. S. Commencing at tho
south ami east boundaries of tho city
of Eugeno and running theneo east
and south and In agenerally souther
ly direction via Goshen, Civs well and
Saginaw to Cottago drove, along
county roads Nos, .
Itoute No. U.Commenclug nt the
cast boundary of the city of Eugene
and running thence lu a generally
easterly direction nloiigcounty roads
Nos., via Springfield, Thurston,
Watervllle and Leaburgto nine Hlver
Itoute No. 4. Commencing at the
west boundary of the city of Eugeno
and running t hence west and north
west and southwest In a generally
westerly direction nloiigcounty roads
Nos. , via Snilthfleld (or Franklin),
doldson, Hlachloy, Dead wood, Maple
ton and Acme to Florence.
Tailor Made Suits.
I will sell tailor made suits for tho
next thirty days at cost.
den 11(1111. MAN.
m Ready-to-wear
Exceptional Values
You could not buy the material and trim
mings of these gftrments at the low prices we ask,
if tiie cost of making were left out of consideration
When Vou Build a Itt'sidciicc
And Want to Live
It costs no more to build in a
Than a poor one. Secure a lot
Spare's Addition
Why not
That Fall
- Suit
teeth, but we say it is the Suit that makes the
handsome man. However we have just re
ceived our new Fall and Winter catalogue, from
M Born & Co., the Great Chicago Tai'ors.
Save a few Belial's at Our Expense.
eraenway 4 Bintlioir
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
That's what they say ot it, and always of uniform quality.
Try itotice and you won't want the "other kind."
Swctliuids Famous Ice Cream
Known as tho "ICE CKEAM OF QUALITY." Hecelved fresh overy
day by express at
H. BILLS, Sole agent for Cottage Grove.
Mom When vUlllni rorlUiul, don't fall to call at SWETLAND'S ZiSMorrlaon St.,
nO 1 U one of rortlaniVi lineal Korea, and tlie beat pIa.oe.ln the clly lor a lunch.
CoitauiupllY ra lu Urruiuu,
In dcriuany when u person breaks
down Willi consumption he Is sent to
n government sanitarium, where ho In
kept until he recovers or dies. In the
meantime his family receives a weekly
pension from n fund to which the pa
tient himself contributed whcii he was
lu good health. Hy this menus tbo risk
of sprendlnk the disease Is avoided.
Next to Awbrey Building 3J
Made for a first-class man
That's You
Some say it is the face.
Some say it is the hair or
This disease has lost Its terrors since
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Keniedy came Into general
use. The. uniform success which at
tends thl use of this remedy In all cases
of bowel complaints In children has
made it a favorite wherever Its value
has Income known. For sale hy New
Era DniK Store.