Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 22, 1902, Image 1

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nkat Jon pniNTmo.
Devoted to the MiniiiK. Lumbering and I'armliiK Interests of tills Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake.
WP Mr"
NO. 3a.
1'imit llAU.A SlJOUItHH.
The urand prlc Imll at the
Oncrn HoiiHf lurtt l'tlduy evcitlnn
With tin- View of flffcllnit 1111 r-
u-uiilxjtl Ion of town iH'oplf. initlfttl
rIvcu ly T. K. Klchnrilnoii, the j .n.,v KVcn Hint 11 mcetliiK will i
pluno mnii, wis 11 success in every
respect , iiltho the iittcnilnnce was
not us lurnc us it shouhl have Uccii.
The iiinuiiKeuietit mid music wns
first class and the crowd was
orderly and hunt oil having a Koil
time, which they did. The prizes
were distributed in follow s: I'rifr
for best dicsscd Indy, fn due bill
on plnuo, Mits KlUe Stewart; prle
for second best dicssed lady f 10,
due bill on piano; Mist Maud
Scilicet prize for third best dressed
Indv. ft due bill on piano, Mrs.
li...l in ( ! i:iihI Park In l.iiui'iif. 011
Hntiinliiy, AiiuiimI Iistt. All town
h-iiiIi mi' I'orillnll.v IiivIIimI
ll.v Order ill CoiiiiiiIIIh'.
Il will I'M.i .vim to i'oiiic rl II
ynii ari' IntiWHtHl In tin- hamulus
now offered at I In- lllclianlMofi Muxle
limine. . CiiititKi llrove. U'e liavi'
Jiimi iii i'lvnl a i ar loail of pliiuoM ami
omiiiiH hi all the now anil arllMlle
Htvli'M. Mho tin vi a II in lllii' of
1'llllr.tHlnli' IjiimI Oltli-r.
Ili.liiri(, Oii'Ciiu. Jiltiw I.W'i.
Nullw l lioMlr Klrii Oil In -oln.llaiir
with Ibe i.rnrlali.ita of III of inre il
Jlllivl, IIRS.rlltllM "All AH f"f III "ilf "I
Timber Uiuli In Hi' HIhIm f "allforma. On
KWI, Naila, iwl Waaliliislwi Tirrlliir. In nil till- I'Hlilll' Uml Mlale li art
ul Annual I. tiw. Illi MiutKi'll. uf orlniTliifi.
CiMinlr i.l-Mllli- ln, Klule 11I Minn. Iiaa IbU
lay nl In till! iilUl'e III" airum lulflnf III No.
im. for thf iiiirrliii"' l llii' Nurllmral nuarti-r
iilHrlliiiiNii.', TiiwiiiIiIi n Smith, 11I IUn
Weal ami will iiITdi itimpI In how thai I h land
nutiKlit l imiri- olimlili' fur ll llinir r iiiii
United tfiv 1.HH1I (jiniu.
Kwebiirx, Oie.-Jmif Ullli. t02.
Nntlre In hereby (liven Mini In coin
iiIIhiiw with the provl'lnna of On autof
('(inurcni of Jiiiiu 3, IH7. entitled ''An
nrt lur tin- leof llniliw IhikIh in the
HtntfM of California, OreiMii, Nevada and
Vt'a'hiliKtoii Territory." extended U
nil the 1'nlilli; (.mid Htnlm by Met of An-
gnt 4, IHV2, (teraril 8trtui. of l'eae,
Hull fur avrilMMIlirai pnrMi..., aiiu ...i-.-........ uninij in ... i . ... . . ........... ...
lilartalintoaaliHamltirifin- ihK Hrll aiet ' tlM lnv Med n th it o Hin ti n orn
ll-.lfr n( Ihl. iiitlrf at lliwhiira-. Oreiri.n. on P., . r i,,r ii.,. ..m,,.!,.... ol
H.turlr llif ilr "I Suiiuniili-r. WO ! ZJF , . lu A' .ft It!
i. .......... .ii iuu. tin. HI. I . I uf HiiMIoii .Mi. Ti in lown-
Nellie I'crman; prize lor liest couple, Mlimll tl,i,HfMl nieriliainll-e. i iillaiul
wnltzers, fine mandolin, Mr. and illH1MT, ,. ,MH ", i.i Ih h ai,
the Dr. wall new hrlek IiiiIIUUik near
Hie ili'lllil.
AlirnlKl mi irill rlnlliiuin inini;ii
..ia1Mrll.l lamia nri ri.iiillatrit In SlA
linlr nlalmalli lllla nllli e nil ir lu'lnli- aalil It
In)r ill HctJlrlnlMT.
Mrs. Kd I.oni. rrizes kIvcii by
merchants of city: Prize for kcc
oud best couple waltzers, fine pnrn
sol, given by Hen I.utcli, to MIms
Hflic Stewart and Mr. Mcl'ailnud
Prize for best lady waltzcr. fine fan.
hv Oiumaii ik Hetncnway, Mrs
Nellie I'crman; second best lady
.valtzcr, fine
3Icusou Drug
ClltlltKti ()Hie. )"'
Stale Normal School..
The Slate Normal fehonl nl Uralll
open,. Mniitlay. SeiiiemlMT sih. with
box stationery by ln faeulty vt spe-lal teai.heiH.
Co., MlS. Myrtle, l.iilln (eleellvel Imi-oiik-s ii part of
J,oiik; lest gentleman two-step, ' thei rn-. I'h.vileal eiliieatlna will
line watch fob by II. C. Madscn, u- a feature of the neliiiol. -iimler a
Mr. Jns. Potts; best dressed lady. ' trnl Mem her.
line oyster supper by ISdgar Will itinteail of formal tionk.ktvpliiK
rion's restaurant, Miss IJflie Stewart; Ai-tnal hiiilneHH" will lie euiployeil.
gentleman driving fartlicrcst to the i xhe llbrnry nml laboratorleM lire
ball, fine bugKy whip by Geo .MU aihleil to make them mon-
The KiiuIIkIi iiimI mathematli'M will
Im plaeeil mi niore practleal ami
l runner liawx.
The piiMt year the Nuriual ban mil
Ihimi ill lie In xlippl.v the ilemamlM
inaile nil It for teaeherM.
The t mining ilepartmeul Im In ex
eelleul eiinilltlnii. Teaeheix of Home
eHTleace niii.v avail IheiiiHelveH-iif
lln iiilvniilnir'-M.
Teaehena review ela will In' liliiln
liilniil. The Nnl'iaal effityH In help lt
wnrtb.v xtiuleiilM In wenrhiK piwl-
i:xMiw low. Write for eata
liiKile. .1. It. Oiiivtt. I'n'H.
In lli Juallrc'a Court fiirllia lilalrli'l ( "l-
(Irorr, tVinntr il Une. Mat of Oirtmi
r. nan, riaimin
W Walklna. IKlrmlalit
i W, W Watkln, Peleii'lanl almra' iiim...I
t ItiM natna nf IliK Hlate III OlCKUII. rU ar
erakr rcnulrxl tnatiiM-ar ami anawtr ttivroin.
ni.i... ni ..lainilirniMf analii.t vim In theabove
cntUlol Cimrt anil ratiMim or Ulore Hie la.t
lUtillrallnn ul Ihla auinmnna
r nl Ortolur, . ana winrn ihbi
al l pnlilliatlini ul aal't anmmiint la lb 72nil
I iitdaKul I
the 3rd ilar o( O
Meiuzer, Mr. Henry I.aness
Aoout tnitiyuve peojiic irom
the Cottage Grove Christian church
spent last Sunday in the grove near
Hebron where the church at that
place had arranged lor a union
meeting of the two churches, lie
tween the two preaching cervices
the people formed groups under the
shade of the trees and did their bet
to empty their lunch baskets. Af
ter a pleasant and profitable day of
service thcGrovcites returned a
Iiik that they would like to repent
their trip.
A Kovai. Knthrtainmhnt.
Consisting of moving pictures,
illustrated rongs.aiul colored slides,
at the Christian church, this city.
Tuesday evening, Aug. 26. The
famous opt (graph moving picture
machine will be used, llesute mid
attend. Admission ascts, children
1 jets.
.Mom: Tkahh Wantkii.
We can use nil the teamn we van
p't to linn I oiv from the Helena mine
to theeitil of our traek. The teaiiix
now on the road cannot tuke theore
away an taut an It Is mined. Aihlrvxia
W. 1". Sloiil'iiv, (leneral .MamwrO.
Ac H. K. It. It.. Cot taps drove. On-.
'MukakTiik NkwsTo Mutiikm "
Illustrated by twelve highly
ay iittlio piilillraiion or una auininona, which
.Iar ul Aqoit, Wl, ami II you lll 16 Har
.n,l .n,v.r aAl.t Mmolalnt for want Ibereol.
tin plalntirr will laa)uurnieni anani.i jou tor
ilinauin ollIMoo. toiethrr with the inau and
llakuravmtnti ul Oifi action to tae:,aiiil
lor an orafr ror thf aaia 01 inn prnitrir ai
tarlieil in tneaani aiaiv. riiiiiiru rauatr
Thlaliiminona If uy ornrrou. n.
auihn. Juatlio ul lh I'eareln anil lur ( ullauo
irorn Jlllttl-a'a lllitrlt't. Ijllia ( OUDty. OrflTon.
liiaita at hUofllivon tlm Vlh ilar of July. IWI
luta-l Auiuainii'I.ltarj
1 W Vit'UHK.
Juatlra ol the IVara.
1 l MP.I.LKV 1X11 J I' JOIIKMlX,
Attornrra for Plaintiff
Khan- crrak. Ore.. Au l. tvu.
To Whom II MarColirern-
In anawer to a carlalli nolli- 01 lorienure
lubllahe.1 In nohrinla NiiKltel r fpare anil
llainlilln.ilalr.l 1vol. wlirrrln mraell a 11. 1 two
mm art puncernr.1, I wlih lo male a (.lain
aiemanlortiie laria
I tnadea varoal aarrcment Willi Mff.ra. Plare
mt llaralilln l,i amk the iiilhea Ihev hare ad
rtrtlaed In tula par for a half Interral They
went lowork In rood lallli and woikel tbrra
aaraamenii. all tna lime htiiik aim me in nir
abln. Now tiiejr ram lorwam ai una laie
arandaarl waa to work wllhthem. VVeilenr
nr midline And In r.meinaioii ill rc"
rlnlit abea.l tux rblldren ""l do a xeaireed
toand Old Cul will treat roll white Look a
tairihikf In a man In the moon to think I
would lira Spare A llainblln a half InUteM In 1
ine uaiuv 01 1 . ...
aklnir anr
Mm. .In ne St run"; Im vIhIIIiii; rein
liven anil oliMline tlrlenilM In HeahlM.
hum. I'allt.
The Kriilu eropx nil I'nnxt l-'nrk unit
Itnw river are wild to In' exeellent
thin year.
T. It. Parker, the linker, all kltuln
of litvail, eakeia ami pantry. Seeoml
iliinreiiHt of poHtolllee, .Main Htnvt,
CottiiKe 1 in 1 vi', un.
Kin neeil of ileutal work call on
lr. Maev. now iH-nnanently locateil
In the 'Dr. Snapp hillhlhiK, Main
SI., Cottane Urovf. On'Ku.
I iiinke I1110IH nml hIiim'h of all
klmln. line anil heavy. ItepalrliiK n
niHi'laltV. Work KtiarautisMl. .1. II.
1.. .1... . .w nf fnllfiniiii llroirnn
I v I.. .....1 U',.ulili,.iirrrrlfnrv."
.Ikl ...... .. . ..
I'llllllC LI1I1I1
colored slides, and other illns-r ited liavhlHon. the hoot ami mIioc maker.
nm. will Im rendered bv Mr ami .Mnln Mtiivt. I'ottaw drove, Ort'Kou.
songs vv "I tc f 'liiU Wm-n you call mnkelmiulrleM ri'Knril
Mrs Geo. A. Webb, at the U'li- , ..'M.j," the tvlehmteil hoot ami
I A lilt -if. A ll Mil.., ta. . " .
tian church Auk. 26. Adiniinn
35cts, children iscts.
Fou Hai.k.
On aiTiilllit of III health, a pinlll
ublo, nleaHiint IiumIih'im. Wry eheap
hIiik' ilreHHln
Dr. .1. II. .Orvntl. pn-Hhlent of the
Central OreKOiiStatu Normal School,
nt Drnhi wan In the elt.v WednuHilay,
ami pahl the NiiKKt't ollltv npleiiHtiut
call. Dr. Oreutt Ik iukiii.v eiatiii
Unileil Stulea Utnl Oltliv,
llofelmrx, Ore . Au. I, IWB. 1 ' . n.
X.nliia lierf hr elven that iii coin- United Htiiten I jiml O Uce.
llmice with dm iirovinlentJ of thmct of ItiiHehnm, Orv., June Stltli. IW-.
Uoimrwa of June . IS7S, entitled 'An Notice U ierr..iy Riven iimnu coiii
ncl for the iwlo of timlx-r Inndt in the pllnnni with the provWimH of the iwt ol CulKornla, Onvon. Nuvmln, of CoiiKreHM of June J. 1878. entitled
nml Wni i nirton Territorv." ua ex- "AH "ci lor me ibui ""t' m...
tenilrd to nil the Public t-fiid Slatea by
net of Auau.L 1. IH2. Clmrlea W. llitine Nev ada, and W imliinijti
-r t... ....... r....... l l .... riro. 1 im extelldlMl to all tile
o; Xat tlrtflleil in thin olTlce hi. 8ti.t I.J-tAusn-t AJJ"?
nwom alntemeni .o. aosn, lor uie pur- " , X. ; . htu .ini-
ha'e ol the HW i 5W W, A 12 bW I ruin, nunr V" .-." " "j
SWMSW 1-4 of Seetioil No. 14. men iihiiih oiiut.- ner "--Townihin
No. 'ii 6. Itailife No 4 ment No.SUS. for the jmrehniw of the
ii. ... ... i . '.II ,r. .r ... jn... !. ' E V. S V i .t l.OIH .i ic 4 Ol OeCUOIl U.
nrFl, Ullil Hllimiri iiiwi i ,,. -- - i -- -.
the laml ouKht U more valuable for Us , IS Tou-nnlilp NJ. 2 S, KntiBO 0 and
tln.Iicr or etone than for Briculliirnl ! will offer proof to rihow ti mt the
purjKwea, and to eetahli-h UU elaim to laml Houjiht Is more valuable for Ita
Uftan.1 lwfore Marie I.. Ware. U. S. tlmlK-r orHtone than tor aKrlCUltur J
Coimniralotiiir at Kupetie. Oretron. purpont-e), and to entablUh lierclulm
..,.T.,pii.v i,a"i ,lnv ntdet . ifKV' i to Htild land In-fore Slarlo U ware,
no natneit nK.wiiuei'fea :
for cash. For particular Impure at i wth the preentnml future pronpects
i, i. i of bin liiHtltutlou. MtatliiK that the
Hchool Im KrowliiK lu attendance and
luiiiiiliirll v throiiirhout tilt) ntnte.
One thlnjr Im certain, a wplemlld man
,i..,.ii,, at the head of It.
........ f "Vlncol." the fatnoiiM Mhoo. boot,
All v ainer, C. ... .. ... ' ,H.,t nnl, ,mreHM dreMHliiK. prenervw
on mineral dlsplfiy, of the ..turvue . ,..,.., rt'HUtH molHture and Im
utriHil fair mill carnival inaiiauerrf. Im i i..M,.liilelv water nroof. TlilMiirena
Helfnxtilanatnrv. and Hhould linvethu ration Iihh no equal. It Is peculiarly
- ............1 ... i..i.
ehiMit ntteiit on of everv m nor: .
I IllllfV'l f
To Whom It Muy Concern:
The executive, board of the KuRene
Street Fair and carnival Iiiih decided l
to make an exhibit ol Lune counties
mineral resources, one of the leading 1
attractions and Iiiih appointed uj
neclnl committee on Haiti work,
which committee reqiientH the henrty i
eo-oiieratlon of thoBo IntorvHted In
advertlMhut by this menus- the re-1
HourceH ot llohemhv .Mlnlii District.
Vour commlttit) Iiiih delegated .Mr.
C. F. Mitchell with full power to act
In the premlrwH and who will receive
ami cure for any anil nil Hamplen of
ore contributed. Thorn dcHlrliiKiimy
leave nieclmenH of ore with F. tl.
Kby nt the olllcu of the Loltoy itln
Iub Company at Cottnge drove.
Don't iuImh thlH opportunity to lend
u helping hand and mmtHtlii Hotting
forth our mineral ivHourceH,
Ai.t Wai.kku, Chairman Com. .
Wiikukah, ItluiH pleased Almighty
Uoillu his lullnlte wisdom to remove
from our midst our Into neighbor,
KrnoHt Abott. on August '.'ml, lDO'.',
therefore Im It
ItoHolved.Tlmtln the death of our
neighbor the Camp laments the Iomh
of a worthy and faithful neighbor.
Itesolved, that we extend to the
family of our deceased neighbor our
.heartfelt sympathy lu thlH their hour
'of bereavement and commend them
to Him who doeth all things well.
iieMolvcd. That our charter Ito
draped In mourning for a iorlod of
lxty days. That a copy ot these
resolutions Im sent to tlo family of
nur dcceiiHod neighbor, sprout! In
lull unon the minutes of Cottage
drove Camp No. 042., M. V A., and
published In the local pnporH,
W, C. Johnson, Com.
Ki.vw It. Oownv )
MnkeM them wear
will lirevent Hllpplngln
the most nggrevating ciisoh. j. it,
iiiivIiImhii. tlm Hliiie and bootmaker,
Agent. For further particulars call
on htm.
LOCKWOOIMlOUdH At the homo
if the hrhle'M narentH. Mr. nml Airs,
T. J. Mnrkley, of thin city, Sunday
evenlmr. at 0 o'clock. Allir 17. Wi.
Mr. K. C. I.ockwood and Miss
Miirir,i,.Htit M. (JiniL'li. Itev. llllllmr
ton, of the I'hrlMtlau church, of this
city otiicinting.
Only a few of the Intimate friends
of the contracting part lea were
present, iimIiIo from ineuitwrH of the
family, among whom were MIhh
Myrtle Hale, of Newman, Calif., who
aHHlHted the- bride, MIhh Dolllo
Hawklim ami Mr. Kd Jenkn. Tho
young couple ure well and favorably
known lu Cottage-drove ami vicinity
liiivliiir Hiient many years of their
liven here, and they have many
rlentlH who extent! their congratu
atloiiH nnil liest wishes.
Church Notes.
o -
CUIUHTIAN Cllllllfll.
Preaching servlcen nt tho Christian
uhtireh Sunday mornlnganil evening
other nervleoH im UHUal. A cordial
Invitation to all.
V, V.. Hii.UNUTON, rastor,
Just Received.
A ear loatlot Dry Oranuluted Sugar
$4.75 pr. ewt. at
Oauman & Hkmknwavh
J. 0. JOHNSON anil F. .G K11Y
Attorneys and Counselors-at-Zaw
Bpeolal attention. Klven to Mining, Corporation
aim aiurvaiiiuw
onii-a nverUarnian & Ilemenway'aitora.
c. K. Triiinliall, Juliii wairmier. of Prln.Or.. u. j;, .j k, Hlinxe No. 0 W, Ht:il will
WMin:"'' "T ! '" i-rf, .o.,t.,at tlielnnd
IM IllOre VHIUHIH .or lin uuimi ... Hiwitw
than for nitrlcbiturnl pitrtiweii, and to
eetitblliih IiIn i-IhIiii to nald IhiiiI U-fore
Mnrie l ware, If. fi. Coiiimlaloiifr
at Kunene, OrtKon, on Wednemlay. the
3rd tlay of 8ept. 1902.
He nanica 11s witiici,ei'
Henry Strntine, of IVne. Minn., C.
B. Trumbull. John Warier. I" Allen,
ol Drnin. OrcKon.
Anv nml nil perHonnclaliiilnit mlverae-
ly llie nliove-deacribeil lanila are re-1
qiieated to file their clt)n in thi office
on or before said 3rd Uy of Hept., 1002. ,
J.T. JtKliKirK. Itexinter. 1
L'nlte.1 State-: Uttn Otflce,
KoHeburv, Ortfon, July 30. I.
No! ice 1 hereby til veil that in compli
mice with the provision ol the act of
CoiiKrewiof June 3, 1878. entitled "An
net for the rule of timber land in the
Ktnttn of California, Ortifon. Nevada and
Wnahiiiisloit Territory." a extended to
all the Public Lund Hlnte by act of Au
Hurt 4, lR!r,',int D. Lundln.of Hoquiaui.
County of Chehnlls, Plate of Wah
Iiuh tliin ilav Mini in thltoflice hi tworn
tntement S'o. 30S2, for the purrhate of
the HK li Section No. 0, Townihip 22
8011th. of Unniie 0 Weet, and ill offer
,,.,,f inalmu' f hat. the laud aoueht i
more vnitinhle for it tinilwr or itoncl
than for HKricitlturnl purime,ann to tn-,
It f . .l-f... A 1.1 I ..... I I .(,. t&-l
Ciailll IU ijniil iuihj uciwr p
i- - -l- -1- -i- ! -i 1-
v.j. i'St
We arc offering greatly
Reduced Prices in many
Lines of Goods to make
Room for our
.1 f
w 4 A w w - -rr-A W -r
Which is now arriving Dnily. Shirt Wau.sts
7 at faCSf thaw Cost.
Big Bargains in Ladies Shoes
till September 1st.
The only Complete Line of Gents and Boys' Coltein te.
4. .. ,. A. . -. A-
'-I. .1- -I- -t-
K.liur. Hire ami Uaiiihllii
llirirai nrweciinn
tnbliali hi
the liejriaternnd KecelVerof tliisofTiceat
Hweburu. Urejjon, on rrtnay, me win
(lav of Oct.. 1002.
lie tiauiea a wltnenteii
JiH-l I'. Ohleeu, Andrew Limdlierg. of
AlKTileen, Wah.. Geore W. Shaw, of
Uomilnin. Wneli.. Charles Trumball, of
Drain. Oregon.
Any nnd all pernon clminiiiK adverae
lv il... nluneMlercribed lands are re
arainat aaM nuetited to lite their claims in this office
C. Kama. n or l-lore said 17lh day of Oct., 1002.
J. 1. DKimira. iveEiBit:r.
Just for a Few Improvements.
ewill be readjr when you call.
I cl Growth Indicates Progres.
kiness is Growing. iSTew Goods, ISTew
Metliods, ISTew Ideas
They are all here in our store.
New goods arriving daily, just see them, Our values in Men's Underwear is unexcelled'
we bought it in full cases, and we sell for FIFTY CENTS what was sold heretofore for SIXTY
CENTS, Same discount in other lines.
Cottage Cirove. Oregon.
Dow, William I'lirrish, of
e, Ore., Wlllia NoVell. o-
Herman T,
Amos l'.u., ure., vu-orpe rnrK, 01 i-.u
gene, Ure.
Any anil all persons einiminu nu
erselv the above-described lands are
reauesteil to llle their clitini in this
office on or before said '-'1st ilny of Oct.,
J. T. lliuiKitB, Kecister.
Rough Lumber,
8B7 per M. at
Saginaw, Or.
IT. S. CommlHHloucr nt Eusene,
On-iron, on Frldny. the lUth any
of Sept..
She nniuesnH wltneiwes:
l'reil I. HurMt. Sirs. Wcbert, of
Auront, Murlon Co.. Ore., AI Hamp
ton, Alex MnthewH, ot Eugene, Lnne
Co., Ore. ...
Any nnd nil lemons cuumiiiB mi
verne'lv the nbove-dewcrlbed lands are
ntiueHtetl to file their claims In this
otllce on or liefore snld 10th day of
J. T. HitinoKs. IteRtster.
United States Land office.
RoseburK, Ore., June 17, 1902.
Vniin. (9 heiebv eiveti that in com- eb
Blinnce with the provision of the act ol 1
onpresa of June 3, 1878, entitled "An g
Act for the sale of Timber LandB in the ' u
States of California, Oregon, Nevada.
and WashinKton Territory," as extended
to all the Public Land States by act of B
August 4, 1892. William A.UUCKneroi w
111..H1. I'nnntv nl I.inu. Slate of Ore- r
koii ha this day riled in this office his
& .... . V- 9TIH l. II.a ..i.r-
Malaatmt, Cottag. Orott. Or..
Township 23 South, of Range 1 West
and will oner prooi 10 uw iu i
land sought Is. more vamauie ior ivo
timtw-r or stone than for agricultural
purposeg, and to establish his claim to
said land before the County Clerk
of Linn County at Albany, Oregon,
on Saturday theSOth day of August, 1902.
He name as witnesses :
Ralph W; Fisher, W. E. Fisher, ol
Albany, Ore., J. w. Houck, H.
Martin, 01 uoitage orove, ure.
Anv nml nil tieisons clainune ad
versely tho aliove-descrilied lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 30th day of Sept,
1902. , .
J.T. Bridgu!, Kegiswr.
12 th
Corner Mniu and 4th Streets
Cuesday, Hugust 26th-
One Night Only.
We Toi's Cain Shows-
Pnuline Murray, the youngest child actor as Eva.
Fny Zillman the WorUl's Greatest Topsy.
Second to none in Grandeur, Diminutive Ponies, Dlood
Hounds and Trick Donkey. Stories, Sougs and Scenes
of the South.
A. Fine Street Parade at ISToon
Prices so low all can attend. Comfortable seats tor all.
Gentlemanly Ushers.
Direct from the Factories; 2
Grocery Store
Caries a full line of Staple
and Fancy goods, Granite,
Crockery, Tin and Glassware,
Vegetables, Flour, Feed, Oats,
Hay and everything the
farmer or the housewife needs.'
Produce of all kinds taken
in exchange.
It will be a pleasure at all
times to show our goods and
vou are earnestly requested to
call and examine them.
WW meet All Comjtettoti
In I'rlceit.
We are sole Agents for Oregon and can save you the
middle man's profits;- We will take your old Piano or Organ in
part payment for a new one and let you pay the balance in small
monthly, or yearly payments. We are the sole Agents for
the celebrated TROWBRIDGE Piano. Write us for Cata
logue and prices.
Ninth Street, Eugene, Oregon.
W. S. Chrisman.
Em Bancs.
The Fashion Stables
Gbrisroap & gangs, proprietors.
Also own and opperate the Bohemia
and Black Butte Stage Lines
First-Class Turnouts, Double of Single.
Reasonable Prices g-y
of this town will present
each nud every bnby
brought into his store dur
ing this present year,
Call at his Store and make
application for one of the
rings. Also look over the
fine display of Jewelry which
he has on hand.
At the
Where the meala are well cooke! and well served and the beds Bra good.
And you'll find everything home-like without home inconveniences.
Come and tay as long as poenVblo.
Free to our Commercial Trade. Try our Sunday Dinner. The beet ever
Served in any Hotel In the City.
N. D. HARDY, M'gr.
Attorney at Liiw,
Read real eatate bargains of Jerome
Knox & Co.
Offloe on Main a'ttMt, Welt Bld
Fine residence", choice lots, butineta
blocks (or sale Jerome Knox & Oo.