Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 15, 1902, Image 7

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Get tho Moat
Out of Your Food
You don't nnd cnn't If yoiimtoinitcliln
wr-iik, A weak Dtaifiiiclidoni) not cllucnt
nil thntlnorillmirlly tnkon Into It. It
KI'Ih tired imnllyhanil wlmt It lull to ill
Kt'Ht In wiiMoiI.
AnmiiK tlio Ik of n wonk uliimnch
nro nncmiliK'pin niter i'iitlii, llt of nor
votw Ik uilnclic, and dlKiiurvcublu bclt li-
Hood's Sarsaparllla
MroiiKlln Md nnd (one tliu (itonmch and
tlio whole iIIkchIIvu "ynUin.
A Variety of Kcuoni.
"Why N tlio koIiik to tlm mountains
"Oil, rlio linn lorurnl reason.. Tlio
tlootor linn orilortxl liur to k"i lior Ill's
bund linn ordered tier to Mny nt homo,
nnd nlio I nick of tlio shorn and tlio
country. Jiulifo.
In i Itljhtr Poiltlon.
"Mo dnrler Nora la anlii' t' marrr
Cnmiy, tlmt Mirruckn In tlio liamimniit
of tlmt Imlldlu'. It'l 01 do bo tlllln'
lier Hint alio Inoltflit liev looked
"Yin; ihortul hov liod Murplir, tlmt
wurrurks on llio lop tlory o( tlio snmo
Tim woll-oitol drugglM nil v Iron you.
10 uro Hamuli's iviznnl till or pain,
for lio knoivi wlmt it has dono.
Ool Mil Shtrc
"I mil norry, doctor, you woro not
nlilo to attoml tlio rliurcli micr lust
nlliliti It would Imvo tlono you koo-I
to Im tliera."
"It linn already dono me good,
tnndnni. I hnvo juiit procrllwJ for
tlireo of IliepartlclpunU.
II Cur.. Willi. Tan Walk.
Allen's ruot-K.M tnasrt tight anI mow shos
atssjr. It t a certain curator swpatlti. cat.
iiiimiUKillii,tlrwl,lil,irlilni( IraL irjr It
wlar. Atallilrur(Ul,'Jfe. 1 rial i-b co m
M title K. Ailrtss Allou H. Oliusl, Ullor.
Ni Y.
A Companion.
(irnnilpn I liad a fellow out walking
yentorday and well t kuom I tuckerod
lilm out. Hut tlien lio Is old.
Iloblo U'liy, Rrundp.i, you aro 8!J
Woll..tnaylio lam; but this follow
was ut Irani a yrur older."
ITITQ rraiifnf1r 0w4 ifo
II I O all nr,.U,' tr
fits f OtTTMMOa
kn..'iiirMt Nm . tl.n-l f. Fit 111! 9 1.00 lil.l In
Out at Clnt
Fcflleluli I nw lind n moit do
IlKlitful dwvaui lawit night, doncber
"Ynwi, I dncainwl that e woro
man v led doncber know,"
"Had I dreamed tint rdiould liavo
clatiHxl It an a horrible nightmare."
Mollirra will firm Mrs. Wlnalow's Sooth.
Inif Hynip tlio lirit ninxly toustf lor tlitlr
Olilliirvn -luring tlio u-c tliuii rlol.
Wanlid Moncyi Worth
Mr. Cirnmp That eonfoiindml doctor
charKel ma f 5 for telling in" that
thorn wan nothing nrong with mo.
Mrs. Gruiiii Outrageouat
Mr. Grump Yes; If ho had tlbcor
ered dangoroiia ayrnptouia I ahouldu't
hnvo inliiilirl It lu the leant.
Ill Mad One.
"Do you guarantoo n fit," asked tho
mirloui- man an ho ontered the tailor
"Oh, yon; you'll hnvo n fit all
right," paid tho obliging porcon with
the tapo tnoanuro. And when tho
clothe woro dollvored and ho found
that tho trouper woro cut too abort,
tho nnxloua man had one ns he gur
gled: "How truo them words. wan
Taklnj No ChanCII.
"Doctor," aabl tho fair Invalid, (P
pcallngly, "don't you think you could
iwirclentlomdy ndvlMi my hinband to
tend mo
m IIIU in ruoiu iui nil
"Madam," ropllod tho far-alghted
phyalcian, "I cannot conscientiously
advlso him tot ncur any nddltlonal ox
penao until my bill la paid."
An Urgent Nieinlty.
Tho wero on n plenenro trip. 8ud
denly a thoughtlul mcinlwr of tho par
ty punned nnd said:
"Surely roniotlilug la wrong. I fool
that romothlng la nnilsa. O veal It
has boon almoft two bourn alnco wo
liad Mr. Coe Dakk tako a group of
And I m mod lately tho matter wna at
tended to.
There ii no poison ao highly contagious,
to deceptive and ao destructive". Don't be
too sure you are cured because all external
signs of the disease have disappeared, and
the doctor aaya you are well. Many per
sons have been dosed with Mercury and
Fotash for months or years, and pro
nounced cured to realize when too late
that tlio disease was only covered up
, , , driven from the
Uko Bogota Uko. iurfacetobreak
out again, and to their sorrow and mortifi
cation find those nearest and dearest to
them have been Infected by this loath
some disease, for no other poison Is so
surely transmitted from parent to child
as this. Often a bad case of Rheumatism,
Catarrh, Scrofula or severe skin disease,
an old sore or ulcer developing in middle
life, can be traced to blood poison con-
InVariy1 Tho Stn of tbo Paront.
life, for It remalna smoldering In the aya
tein forever, unless properly treated and
driven out In the beginning. 8. S. 8. Is
the only antidote for this peculiar virus,
the only remedy known that can over
come it and drive it out of the blood, and
it does this so thoroughly and effectually
that there Is never a return of the disease
to cuibarrats or humiliate you afterwards.
cures contagious uiooa
I Poison in any and all
stages; contains no
j mineral to break down
vour constitution: It Is
vegetable and the only blood purl-
tier known that cleanses the blood and
at the same time builds up the general
Our little book on contagious blood
poison Is the most complete and instruc
tive ever issued; it not only tells all
about this dlsoate, but also how to cure
yourself at home. It is free and should
lie in the hands of everyone seeking t
cure. Send for It
Tlio now aowngo dlapoanl aclicnic o
it (lerinmi clieiulat, Crlcb Hprliigborn
la tho convention of tlio aolld mutter
, Into- blocka for fuel. Tlila fuel la re
ported to bo niiinkfh'MN nnd to burn
I without d Ian green bio odor, nnd the coal
or tho proceaa would bu covered by tlio
anlo or tlio blocka nt a uiodernto price
I for burning under alenm Iwllera. Tlio
. aewnge la mi thoroughly atcrlllzed Hint
llin llipild iiorlluu cnll bo aafely dla
clinrgcil Into miy river.
Homo Inlereatliig nddltloua to our
kiiowlrdge, mil only of geography but
or nntliropology, mny bo expected rrom
the x(ieilitloit or W. Kltaliugli White
Iioiihc, mi Amerlenli, and Iird Illnillli,
mi ICngllalimnn, Into Abyaalnln nnd tbn
ri'glom or tlio Upper Nile. Among tlio
riirlou pliiccH to bo.explored la tho dla
trlet or tVnlnmo, repulpil to bo Infcuted
Willi ilovlla, Mr. Wliltcbouao Intenda
to upend n month In Walnmo with tho
Intention or illacoverlng the reason
why Hut mitlvca of the country believe
Hint It la poftNCaacd by dcninua.
I'atlicr Hcbrelber, or the llnynnld Ob
aervntory, ut Knlocan, Hungary, Ion
Invented im electric nppnrutua fur ro
cording dlHtnnt thunder alornia. An
electric wave, net lu motion by n flnah
of lightning, la rcglatcrcd by n detector
rfaembllng In Ita action Hint uaed lu
the Marconi telegrnpb ayatein. Tho
luipulae l coinmuulcated to a pen con
nectcil with a dlak moved by clock
work, nnd when tho pen makes Ita rec
ord n bell la rung wboao vibration rc
nela the coliebcr. Htorina raging luvta
Ibty twenty miles nwny nre thin re-
coiileil, nnd on one occnalon, on
bright ilay, tlio nppiirnlua made known
tlio prevalence or n violent aturm In
lludnpeat, alxty-elglit inllra (llntnnt.
An example or tlio dramatic etTccta
In which nature aeemn aometlmea to
ludiilgo la furnlnhetl liy I'rofeBnor Hugo
De Vrlea deacrlptlou, In a recent lec'
(uro on the mutation or ipoclea, or the
appearance nometlmca prcaentcd by
tho large tlowercd evening prlmroao lu
llollnnd. Tbla plant wna lutrtHluctil
Into llollnnd from Atnerlcn nliout n
hundred yearn ngo, nnd Ima now ca
caped from cultivation. The plant at
tnlun n height or live reel or more, nnd
Ik thickly covered with Hotvera, wboae
alzo mill brilliant color attract Imme
diate attention, oven from n dlatancc,
Tlio llowera open shortly before "tin
act, "and this to Huddenly," any a l'ro-
naor Do Vrlea, "tlmt It acema aa If n
uiugle wnnd had touched the land and
covered It with n golden aliectl" .
The biological tatlorn or the Now
Kiiglaml conat baa solved the problem
or lobatcr culture. Keveral tbouaand
of the young fry arc put Into a cylln
ilrlcal acrlui ling about three feet In
diameter and four feet deep, nnd tbc
wnler In tlio aubuierged bag la con
atautly ngltnted by n dauber driven by
a gnaolliie engine. Tlila prevents tbc
fry from ainotlierlng or devouring one
another, nt the name time keeping I licit
food of soft elnui fragments- within
reach. In nine to alxteen claya from
the egga the creaturea nre nblo to take
e.-tre or tliemaelvea, tlila atngc being
renclieil by alxteen to more than forty
per cent of the rry, although no pro
vloua experiment bad one per cent or
urvlvora, The llsh hatcheries can
now anvo tho lobster Industry.
Idlrl Juat Wctnriicil from Kurope Car
rlctl u Nutmeir.
Hlic bad junt returned from Ktirope,
betleckrd with miy number of little
trliiketH Hbo wouldn't Imvo tlrenmed
of wearing before taking n trip abroad.
In nil tbta wealth of Htrnngo mlorn-
I itii.nt tlmrrt U'nu .win .irti.i titn.i , fit... ...
i.ntrtl Willi l.lw.f-l,il fnrri. In II... onrl.
Ifitiltv nP tltn vUUnr TliU imlnun a!..
orn,011 . n n0 ml. oblong In
',,,, nmI grnyUh.brown In color.
, . ,. - I .niA,l n nnl.l Oil.
Igreo work nnd was worn suspended
from tho belt by a tiny gold chain.
There was n gold pin nt one cud ot
tlila chain, nnd every little while tbo
girl from Kuropo would unharness the
trinket nnd npply It to bcr nostrils with
deep whiffs or satisfaction. Tlio vis
itor wntcbed this pantomime for sev
eral minutes with growing Interest,
nnd finally, after an unusually pro
longed Inhalation, she said: x
"I do wish you'd tell mo what that
tblng Is."
I Tlio girl from Kuropo laughed. "I
wns looking for you to nsk tbnt," she
Bnld "I wns trying to nrouso your
curiosity. Here, take n whiff yourself
mid aco If you recognize, tho perfume."
I Tbo visitor raised tbo llttlo ball to
the tip of bcr own noso nnd drow sev
eral long breaths. "Why," sho said,
I "It smells for all tbo world Uko a nut
"And that's Just what It Is," said tbc
girl from Kurope.
Tbo visitor sat down In a stato or
collapse. "You don't mean to say,"
she Interrogated, "that they are wear
lug nutmegs over In Kuropo?"
"Well, no," returned tbo girl rrom
Kuropo. "They're not exactly wenr
lug them In londs. but they do Imvo
them, They nro rather exclusive as
yet The fnct Is I nm reviving nn old
custom. I nlwnys did have n knack,
you know, or doing odd tilings. When
I go Into strango places I don't go
mooning nround In n sleepy kind or
wny, but I keep my eyes nnd cars
open, mid the consequence Is I seo nnd
hear a good many things In tho course
of n week that other pcoplo wouldn't
find out In a lifetime. Ono or tho
thlnga I discovered In England wns
tbo old nutmeg custom. Thero nro n
number of them lu museums that wero
used by lino Indies or pnst genera
tions, ' Those nutmegs wero Incused
In gold, Just like this, but tbo cnslngs
were set with Jewels nnd wero natural
ly very expensive.
"I haven't tlio Jowcls, but I'vo got
tlio nutmeg and tbo'gold tlllgreo for n
starter, mid when I go nround tnklng
refreshing whiffs nt this fragrant llt
tlo knob I feel as If I bad been Just
resurrected from n soventecnth-ceu-tttry
mausoleum mid was tickling my
Bouses with tho odor of n nutmeg of
long ngo. I always did llko the. smell
or nutmeg, anyway, even In custards
nnd npplo pie. I know n number of
pcoplo lu England this summer who
rollowad my lead by coming boms
with gold nutmeg"."
Tlio visitor returned tbn gold case
with Us fi-ccnt ball of perfume,
"Well," alio anld, "or nil tho rnda I
over heard of that Is tlio most rldlcu
lotta, J)o you suppoao It will take?"
"(Julio likely," mild tha girl from
Kuropo, according to tbo Now York
Tltnea. "Hlatory bna nlrendy repent
cil herself In all other customs, nnd
I'm doing nil I can to push tho nut
meg crnzo nlong."
Un Did Not I-ook with favor on !(
vision ot tlio Hcrlpturca.
In n paper In tho Century James D,
Hague records these recollections of a
visit to Thomas Oarllo In company
with I'rofoanor Tyndnll and Itear-Ad
mlral llnyinond Ilogcrs.
Tbo talk touched mainly upon topics
or tbo day. I remember that there
wna some, discussion concerning tbo
Itnvlsod Version or tho Hcrlpturca, in
which work a commission of eminent
scholars and theologians wns nt tbnt
tlmo engaged, Cnrlyle seemed to re
gnrd tbo undertaking with hut little
favor. Ho thought It useless, and said
ho believed tbo old familiar version
would retain Ita place with tho com'
uion pcoplo. I.lttlo good wna ,to ho
hoped for rrom tbo new. "One thing
Is certain," he snld: "every man who
helped to mako tlio old version be
I loved tbnt unless he did his whole
duty he would bo eternally damned,
while not a single ono of the new lot
believes nnytblng or the sort."
Early In tbo conversation Curlylo ap
parently. Interested In tbo personality
of bis visitors, turned to mo with mi
Inquiry touching my vocation nnd en
rcer. I told him I wna n practical ge
ologist, especially concerned lu mining
"What do you mluo for?" ho asked,
"(fold nnd silver." I replied.
"Oold!" he cxclnlrned, "You mlno ror
gold! That's n good-for-nothing pur
suit. The biggest gold nugget over
found wns never half so useful. to tlio
world ns one good, menly' potato."
t sought to defend my position by
saying that many n good, mealy pota
to mid many other things or equal vnl
tie had slnco grown In California and
elsewhere, which never would have
grown at nil If the way bad not been
opened by those who went there llrst
to seek for gold. This did not seem to
change bis mind; but when we camo
away bo went with us to the door.
nsklng nfter several friends in Ameri
ca and sending personal greetings; anc
nt lnat, turning to me nnd placing his
hnnd on my shoulder, bo snld, n
nearly na I enn now recall his words,
'Young mnn, don't let anything I havo
said to you to-night change your mind
about your work. Do your work In
dustriously and stick to It faithfully
and all will bo well In the end."
Ill I'crsUtencr In Maklnu n Bulo Waa
bullubljr Kewartleu.
Blr Thomas Upton, tbc famous
yachtsmnu, nnd bead of what Is prob
ably the largest retail provision busi
ness lu (Ireat ISrltaaln, la one of those
lien who bcllcvo hi personally keeping
nn eye on their employes.
To tlila cm), when In Loudon, he oft
en pays n surprise visit to oue or an
other of bis large establishment)), nnd
departments, noticing everything but
saying very little.
As might bo expected, among the
many thousands of men and women
wIidiii be employs there uro some who,
never having seen the bead or the
tlm, possess but a very hazy notion
or his personal appenrnuce.
Sir Thomas chanced upon ono or
these a week or two ngo, nud ror a
few minutes the bystanders enjoyed
a little quiet run.
Tlila particular clerk wns In chnrgo
of ouo or the cheese-counters at ono or
Upton's bugo establishments In tbc
city. Seeing a gentleman nbout to
Icavo tbo shop without having made a
purchase, be Immediately, seized upon
tno supposed customer nnd began to
extol tbo virtues of "I.lpton's cheese."
Sir Thomas, for It was no other than
be, listened with well-concealed
amusement ror a row moments and
evca went tbo length or tasting sev
eral samples. Then bo tried to shako
off the assistant by saying tbnt be wns
not requiring any cheese "Just at pres
ent." Hut tho clerk was 'not to be got rid
of so easily; nud, before bis employer
quite realized what bad happened, ho
bud paid ror a ponud of bis own
cheese, and the assistant was Inqulr-.!
lug to what address It should be sent
The young man's amazement, when bo
realized the Identity of bis customer,
mado his fellow assistants ronr with
laughter. Hut a few dnys Inter tbo
laugh was ou tbo other side, for Sir
Thomas, over quick to recognize and
reward merit, Instructed tho cnsbler
to glvo tbo persistent clerk n substan
tial Increase In salary. Saturday even
ing Tost
Honest Mistake.
Tbo story Is told of it llttlo Now Eng
laud girl tbo workings of whoso lur
Itan cousclenco Involved bcr In dllllcul-
tics on ono occasion.
Sho was studying mental nrlth
luetic at Bcbool, and took no pleasuro
In It. One day sho told bcr mother
with much depression of spirit that bIio
hud "failed again In mental arithme
tic," nnd on belug asked what problem
bad proved her undoing sbo sorrowful
ly mentioned tho request for tho addi
tion of "nlno nnd four."
"And didn't you know tho answer.
dear?" asked hor mother.
Ves'tn," said tbo llttlo maid, "but
you Knqw wo aro to wrlto tho answers
ou our slates, and beforo I thought I
mudo four marks and counted up, 'ten,
lovou, twelve, thirteen;' and then of
courso I know that wasn't mental, so
I wroto twelve for tho answer, to bo
Tho Place to Hhow It.
Tess I supposo sho'H go to tho moun
tains this summer, as usual?
Jess Oh, no. Sho lias become qulto
plump and has developed a good figure.
Tess Well?
Jess Well, sho'H go to tho seashore,
of course. Philadelphia Press.
A man told three lies this morning to
savo a dollar, and men put up the
Hoiv Hnoll Co Would II Handles
lie fore a Juilue ntnt Jtir.
If the "water cure." ns practiced In
the Philippines, were Investigated In
open court by our Judge. Jury and wit
ness system here nt home, says the
Ohio Statu Journal, we might expect
n dialogue between the plalntirr nnd bis
attorney, who begins the conversation
something llko tbo following:
"Wlmt la your nnmej"
"Jose Kmlllo de Honglsalino."
(Of course tho defendant would at
ouco object to the witness having a
name llko tills and tho objection would
bo noted.)
"What Is your nationality'"
"1 nm a Filipino."
"What Is your business?"
"I nm engaged In tho Insurgent busi
ness." "How long have you worked nt that
"About tlireo years."
"Did you ever bear of tho remedy
known as tho 'water cure' "
"Yes, sir."
"l'Vom whom?"
"The United States soldiers."
"Did they recommend It highly?"
"for what maladies?"
"Iiisurgcntltls." t
"Did they prevail on you to tsko tbo
water euro?"
"Yc-s, sir; six or seven of them pre
vailed on me."
"Will you stato plainly, Jose, to tho
Jury Just bow this 'water cure' wai
"Tbo soldiers bound mo securely and
wniio nvo turn me me sixth inserted u
boso nozzlo Into my mouth and turned
on tbo water."
You mean to say, then, that this
water euro' Is nil Internal remedy?"
Itoth Internal nnd external, sir; you
sec, when my capacity was taxed to
Its utmost the water overflowed and ran
down my neck and over my person."
"Why did you not protest?"
"I wns too full 'for utterance."
"Will you please state, for the benefit
of tho Jury, bow much water you swal
lowed, ns near ns you cun Judge?"
"I should sny about two barrels."
(At this point the defendant would
object and an expert sieclallst on the
capacity of tbc human stomach would
bo called on to testify.)
Will you kindly state to tho Jury
what discomfort this caused you, If
'I experienced a moist sensation and
n reeling or fullness that seemed to
border on the point or explosion. This
was probably duo to the fact that I
am not accustomed to taking water In
sucb largo quantities."
Did tbo Roldlers hold any conversa
tion with you while they were admin
Isterlng the 'water cure?" "
Yes. they asked me to tell nil the
secrets I knew."
Did you do It?
;'; I told them nil 1 knew.
and more, too."
"Did the operation Impair your thirst
for water?"
Yes, I drank enough water on that
occasion to last mo all summer.'
That Is all. Call the next witness.1
The Carp N'ulsance.
An Influence that seems to havo a
very material effect upon tbo bass flsbt
tng In Lake Eric Is that of tbe (Jeiman
carp. It Is very generally believed
among sportsmen nnd fishermen alike.
that tbe carp Is to our nntlvo fish
as tbo English sparrow to our birds.
No one accuses tho carp of having suf
ficient enterprise to cat other flsh oven
small fry but It roots among the
spawning beds and Is believed to de
vour eggs by tbo million.
I hnvo beard this complaint about
Lake Erie, at the St. Clnlr tints and
nlong tbo bays of Wisconsin, showing
that everywhere In tbe lake region tbe
carp Is held lu the same dUrepute. How
much truth there Is In the stories of
his spawn eating would bo bard to
say, but It Is certain tbatcarp are to
bo found by thousands nil about tbo
great lakes. Some of them are mon-1
siers in size anu an root aoout tnor
banks of bny and bayou nuJ tbo hot-
torn of every shallow place.
Many sninll lakes bave been entered
says n writer In Outing, nnd their wa
tcrs turned from crystal to mud color
by the root ng. There Is no doubt that
iuoj ui uuu m, .... u.i-
mense nmount of bnrni, whether they
aro egg-loTera or not. '
URlco Hours of Itccd. I
q, I
. 11,.,...
to .Maine
s BUtUUU-r
Hon. Thomas II. ltced goes
occasionally nud occupies bis suiuuu-r
homo near Old Orchard llench during !
tbo warm months. Ilo lias bccouio so '
much In demand lu New York that be 1
Is often asked If be Intends to becomo
n permanent resident of tho city. Tlu ,
way ho parries tbo question Is Inter
esting. I
"I find," bo said to a group ot
friends, "that tho llnnnclal Importance !
of a New Yorker Is gauged by tbo carl-.-licss
with which be leaves tbo city o.
tbo lateness of his return; his rlchei
aro measured by the length of time ho
stnys nwny."
"Hut how nbout yourself?" asked one.
"Well," ho said, slowly, "I am still
keeping oltlco hours." Philadelphia
An .indent Ofllcer.
A man wbo was "wonted." In Russia
had becu photographed In six different
positions and tbo pictures were duly
circulated among the police depart
ments. Tbc chief of ouo of these wroto
to headquarters a few days after the
issuo of tbo set of portraits and stated:
"Sir, I havo duly received tho portrait
of tho six miscreants whose capture
Is desired. 1 have arrested Uve of
them and tho Blxth la under observa
tion nnd will bo secured shortly."
l'hotojirapby In Ilnainrss.
The camera promises to beeoino ns
Indispensable lu business affairs, as tbe,
A l. 1. Id ....... l.nt.w. ..aA.l I.. '
(ypumill... It nw" i-trillH uai'll 111
tho reproduction of documents, stntls
tlcal tables and other papers whoso
duplication by hand would be laborious
nnd expensive, in u very brief period
tho camera reproduces theso with ab-
soluto correctness and with much labor
saved. . ,
About six weeks nfter tbo wolf ap
pears at n nian'H door, It looks to him
as If It wero holding n family reunion.
People shako bands ou mighty small
Palpitation of tbo heart, cold hand
ana icct, sinking lecllnga ro-ru-na
cures catarrh wherever located.
Mrs. X. Schneider. 240P Thirty-
seventh Place, Chicago, III., writes:
"After taking several remedies
without result, I began- In January,
IPo),totako your valuable remedy,
I'eruna. I was a complete wreck.
Had palpitation of the heart, cold
hands and feet, female weakness, no
nanus anu icei, icmaio wcanncss, nu
appetite, trembling-, sinking feeline
tianv ii in. I m.. vnii waa
suffering with svstemlc catarrh, and I
believe that I received your help In
. , , , - . . . , . ......
directjonj carefully and can say to-day
that I am well again. I cannot thank
you enough for my cure. I w ill always
bo yourdebtor. inavealreauy recom
mdeded I'eruna to my friends and
neighbors and they all praise it. I
wish that all suffering women would
try It. I testify this according to the
truth." Mrs. X. Schneider.
If you do not derive prompt and satis-
factory results from the use of I'eruna
wrlto at oneo to Dr. Ilnrtman, giving a
full statement of your case, and he will
bo pleased to givo you his valuable ad-
vice gratis.
Address Dr. ilnrtman, President of
the Hartman SanlUriurn, Columbus,
Perfectfon. God endowed humanity
with Its Infinite capacity for Improve
ment In order that at last It may attain
perfection. I do not believe any human
being can be perfectly happy aa long as
we see men condemned to suffer with
out a single moral thought, without c
perception of tbe noble meaning of life.
Iter. B. C. Worcester, Upslcopallan,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Tbe Mystery of Lire. Constantly
men and women of tbe most serious
nature and of tbe most devout spirit
are asking, "Wbo can solve ror us tbe
I 1 1 --l Dnn,. 1 . 1 1 T I 1
' " Z' , 7- . l
I . . . ' . r T
,,,,, , ,, ,
nQ meaM of . rem . .
1 cause we bad no preparation for Its
m,. ., ,! ti,.
, :".",",L k" ZZu "7 ..7
u D0 ex.anaUon. The gate
' shut. And It Is wise and good. Such
I experiences of life are a part of the
I discipline of life. In which wo gather J
power and strength, not to explore, bnt
to believe. Itev. T. IL SHcer, Uni
tarian. New York.
Ilia Question of Faith.
A religious old darky bad his faith
badly abaken not long ago. He Is sex
ton for a white church In a Fayette
County town, and one afternoon as be
was In front sweeping tbe pavement
a strong wind arose, tearing a piece of
tbe cornice off and taking a few bricks
out of tbe waL Realizing that a good
run was better than a bad stand, tbe
old man sought shelter In tbe station
house on the opposite side of tbe street
Several minutes later a member of
the church of wblch Uncle Isham Is
sexton came by, and noticing him lu
bis retreat, remarked tbat he thought
the-statlon hous a strange place for
a man of faith to seek abetter In a
atorm when a house of worship was
-rjat's so, but whut's a man cwlne ter
do wnen oe uT& begins to frow bricks
ImV Memphis Scimitar.
In Pralit of the Mosquito.
Stra rrlmannKnalT MA liv flirt tin.
thatthe aosqaHo g9 are hatched
fpom four to seven days according to
tbe warrant of tho weathet.
Mr. Crlmsonbcak Well tbere Is ono
thine to be said In favor of tbe mosaul-
... oi. ,i i. i . i,i ,,!
R "u' u.tu
" o t
as much noise as the hen alter laying
usiuwii nun
FI"t Credit Man Does no meet nis
Second Ditto At every turn.
'l'lio Kind Yon Hnvo Always Bought Itns boruo tho' signa
ture of Chns. II. Fletcher, nnd lias been mntlo under his
personal supervision for over 30 yenrs. Allow no ono
to tlocelvo you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations nnd
Just-ns-pood" nro but Kxpcrlmcnts, nud endnuger tho
health of Children Kxporlenco against lixporinieut.
Cnstorla is n harmless substitute for Castor OU, Pare
Korlc, Drops nnd Stiotlilnpr Syrups. It is .Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morplilno nor other Knrcotla
Kubstance. Its npo is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nnd nllaya Fovcrlslmcss. It cures Diurrhooa nud "Wind
Colic. It relieves Toctlilnpr Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flntuloncy. It nssimllntcs tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tito mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boors tho
w 4r
Use For Over 30 Years.
Mil Wbh Ethe-id,
"i would llko somowiing with a
check In It" said the slow-paying
customer to the tailor.
"So would I" ropllod tlio tailor
coldly with an unmlstakablo monnlng
In the words.
When it comes to baking powdor,
overy manufacturer says what ho
makes Is tho best. Tbo reason wo say
It Is that an analysis of all well known
brand, Including tbo Monopolo, mado
by Jan. II. Klsk, I'ortland, proves that
Monopolo Is the strongest and purest of
all those whoso Ingredlonts have been
put on record. Our custom Is not to
put up good under this brand unless
wo can produce better goods than any
others on tho market. Ask for them
from your grocer.
Reform Movement In England.
"Tho Olrls Letter Guild" Is tho
name of a unique reform movement In
England. Womon of coltme pledge
i themselves to wrlto letters of friendly
tone to tbo girls of the lower classes,
to aid them In their mental and moral
uplifting. Tho object is to win tho
girls' friendship, encourage them, and
disabuse them of false notions and
claes prejudices. Good results are said
to bo already noticeable.
Getting Reckleit.
She I am surprised at Jane's stav-
, ., . , - , ,, ... i ,ni.
Ing out In the twat all this tlmo with
- v.
a comparative stranger. A woman
30 Is old enough to know better.
He Aren't you afraid she is toe old
to know better?
Boen Welcomed to the NoruWeiL
The arrival of a little party ot Boers
In the city in quest of homes In tho
Northwest gives ground for the hope
that there will be mora to follow. Of
the sturdy manhood of the Dutch farm-
era of South Africa the world has bad
ample evidence In the last tlireo years,
and aa many of them as may come to
the Northwest will be gladly welcomed,
Minneapolis Times.
' Took No Chinees.
,, ,. ..... .,, ,,
Mr- Grimes" said the rector to tho
vestryman "we had better take op tbo
collection bolore the sermon una morn-
"Yos. I
am going to preach on
This wonderful Chi
ncsc doctor I called
a;rF,u txaaM he corn
peopl without opera
tion ttuu -ire it I Ten tip
to die. lie currn with
thOM wouderfol Cbl
nee herbs roots, bads,
barki and retcetAhlei
that are enllrelr un
known to nifHllra4 tcl-
etH- lu thl country, Through the use of tho
harmleflK remedies thts famous doctor knows
the action of over fiOO different remedleti, which
hetucvessfullr nsea In different dtetuei. lie
iniaranteea to cure catarrh, anihma. lone
throat, rheumatism, nerrousneat, stomach,
liver, kidneys, etc.; ban hundreds of teattmou
lala. Charge moderate. Call and see him.
rallenis out of the citr wrtie for blanks and
circular. Send 4cenU in stanipc. COML'l
1J2! Third St.. Portland, Orrfo
STMtatlou paper.
Ona Second Iland Ktchols & Shepard
Separator, llio 40-GO, with wind stacker,
only run 0 days; a bargain. Inquire ot
Foot Morrison St., Portland, Or.
A-n Williams
I Opium,
lakaear onTnlrd
ausat tot Upper Al-
, Using jp 1
Dina. rnoDet risi
1U1 Oregon.
7T T.
Old Indian War Pensions
Congress has lust passed a law granting pen-
Hons to the survivors and to the widows ot de
ceased soldiers ot tne Oregon, Washington and
ccucu aiiuivn gt mo vicguu, v? auuiugLvu inu
California Indlanwarsot wit to 1836. Full m-
formation will be sent by Urtngton 4 Wilson,
t'o.72i Berenteenth Street, ashlnirton. U. C,
or Branch office No. 4U 1'arrott bulldlug. Ban
rrancisco., cab rees umuea dj law.
Apply to Nathan BicKroRo,
Attorney Wabu inoton, d. c.
Signaturo of
My Hair
"I had a very severe alclneia
that took off all my hair. I pun
chased a bottle of Ayer'a flair
Vigor and It brought all my hair
backaealn." '
w. D, Qulnn, Marseilles, 111.
One thing Is certain,
Aycr's Hair Vigor makes
the hair grow. This Is
because It is a hair food.
It feeds the hair and tho
hair grows, that's all there
is to it. It stops falling
of the hair, too, and al
ways restores color to
gray hair.
Sl.tlsMlt. AlWnttMs.
srnrf us on dollar and wfl will as prrsa
you a bottl. Ila sora and rjia Inn name
of roar nMrrit asprt-fti nriira. Aildms,
' J. CAY Hit CO., towell, Still.
I Tuur uruiEin i-miuuk Biii'i'iy nja.
Aunt Hannah But how do you
know you love him Carrlo?
Carrie Whenever ho says some
thing nice about me I am willing to let
him believe I think' he Is saying Just
what he means.
Clara Was it a case of lovo on hor
part, do you thlnk7
Maude It certainly was. Why,
she gave up a position paying a salary
of I IS a week to marry him, and ho Is
only getting ten.
Followed Instruction.
"Now, Mr. Flnnlsbeddc," said Prof
Tcacbem, "I hope you have selected
your graduation subject In accordance
with my suggestion tbat It deal with
something tbat has helped to uplift hu
manity." "I hare, sir," answered the graduate.
"I bave prepared an elaborate thesis on
the 'Itlso and Fall of tbo Elevator.' "
Baltimore American.
"We are making you lots of trouble."
and "This Is tho best 1 ever nte," con
stitute tbe sole conversation of the
average guests nt n mi-'- "
roitund, ureaon. Founded 1J7JI
h Horns School for Boys.
Military and Manual Trahhj.
Wrlto for Illustrated Otstogns.
St. Helen's $$ss8
A llonrillnc himI tcrmo! furGI-!,
Has a Normal Klnderirsrlen Tralnlutr lJDart-
ment, which ha a separate residence (or Kin
derrarten classes. The BaarUlp DttiwtTnfnt
ior Tonne ladles.
eneeriut ana u utngeti home
ror catalogue or other iu-
forma! Inn apply lo
ANORTEBBETT8, Principal.
I'arents deslrina home tnltueticra, bpiuill'ut
rnrroandlnirs, perfect climate, carehlt super
vision, and thorough mental, moral suit phjrs.
leal training- for their boys, will nnd all these
requiremen ts fullr met at Holies school. Uenlo
l ark. Han Mateo County, Cat
Send lor Catalogue. . .
Twelth vear beams Auxust lata.
IKA G. HOITT. Ml IX. Principal.
I Columbia University
Boarding School for Young Mon 1
(S) Finest situation on Pacific Coast Ex
tol celleni Faculty. Largest indoor college
athletic Held In the world. Orer half
J5 an acre under an arched roof,
5' Catalogues Free.
Si University Park, Oregon
Boat on Earth
DiM-anM it Is niBala of tb brat materliU postlbU
lobujr The manufacturem Abnoluttljr pay W
toS5prcci)l bov (ti market prlcn ot bm
rrailM of WHLKon timber for nr.vllfgof cul
linir over ttiul kluuulnir off the crvitiu of lit
wauoo b toe it, which U rarrltxl fur I toft years be
fore maklnz up. whtcb means an Inresimtutlu
Hood stock of nearly one million dollar.
M1TC1IKU. Wagons are uusurp&sil for
quality, proportion, ttuKh, stretisTth. and tUbl
V by take chances on any other? '
Vby-noigetlhbit?-X M ITU II Rial
Mttchmll, Lowlm A Stmvmr Co
rortUad. beattlt, Upokan. ilols.
A gents Ererywhers.
$3&$32 SHOES W
V. L. 1)ouk:is slioca uro wont by
more men In nil station of life tlinu
nny other make, because they nro tho
only shoes tlmt lu every way equal
those costlnsr -V0 nnd i.oo.
ISSsSSiv. 11,103,820 1 YSl'A 12,810,000
Imaartitt aiti Amtrluin hotkm. Hiill'l
PaHnt Calf. Cumil, Bu Calf. Calf. YM Kid, Ow'
Colt, Nat Kangaroo. XhH Color liyelrla nsml.
Cuntlnn ! Ts. atnuins ha W. I, DOBOtAaT
T Shots If mil, SHc. titra. hhil. Oataltynt.
p. if. v.
UKN WTitfvs tosulirtlsrapUa. I vau papar. I
Mlioholl Wagon,