Hiawatha M. and m. Co. On the ytli iiiHl Alficd Johnson, Joliu 15. Uttssoll mid l 0. Kby of Cottage CSiovc, Oregon, filed ai ticlcs of incorporation with the Secretary of State incorporating the Hiawatha Mining and Milling Company, with u capital stock of $100,000, divided into t.ooo.ooo shares at a par valve of locents per lmie. On Mondav, the Qtli nut., the incorpotators completed organ ization and elected the following board of directors: Allred John son, C J. Howard, John K. Rus sell, I'. Ci. Kby and J. C. Johnson. The board of directors elected the following officers to serve during the ensuing year: President, Alfred Johnson ; Vice President, C. J. Howard; Secretary and Treasurer, J. C. Johnson, and John 15. Russell as general mining manager. This company starts out tinder most bright conditions, having a group of initios Hint today ate looking up fine and give promise of developing into property tiint in the near future will be second to none in that great camp. Titles to this property are clear and perfect of record. Wood, water, millsite and timber for use in the mine is in abundance, be sides this property has had several thousand dollars worth of work done upon it and valuable ore can be taken out from the start. The stockholders are all well-known mining and business men. The principal place of business is to be Cottage drove and stock of the company can be had at the head office here in the large brick build ing on the comer of Main and Fourth streets. Work will be commenced in a few days on the property and continued indefinitely. Sl'I.HNIHl) Ct'itto Camnkt. Hob Veateh, the forest ranger, during his travels over the hills has louiul and gotten together a most unique collection of oies, reptiles, birds, beasts and curios, and has them installed in a spacious cabinet ill the parlor of bis home on Wall street. 'He is an experienced taxi dermist and has mounted, stuffed and preserved many specimensof the creatures that dwell in the forest. He h.is several deer heads, four vicious autU vcniinous rattlers, a porcupine, a magnificent specimen of the swan, any ntinilier of creep ing and crawling insects and bugs, nud a large number of beautiful and valuable specimens of the richest and choicest ore that was ever uncovered in ilnliemia district, and many fine stallactites and crys talizatious taken from the chamber opened up by the tunnels in the va rious mines in that distiict. He also has many rare specimens that have come from other states and from Alaska To' the lover of cu rios anil natural wonders it should be a real treat to spend an hour in viewing the many rare specimens Hob lias in his handsome cabinet. A Soi'T FA!,!.. On Sunday last Mrs. Woods of the Commercial Hotel started on a horseback trip east of town, but met with a wet accident at the depot. Her horse caught his foot between the rail and planking at the crossing, stumbled and fell, throwing her in the opposite di rection and finding a lauding for her in a big mud puddle. lly st'andcrs ran to her assistance and when recovered she was found to have sustained no further injury than that of being generously soaked with the softest mud in the puddle. Had the ground have been dry and hard it would have been a wonder if the lady had not have been killed outright. All is well that ends well, and the lady after drving herself at a neighbor ing house, proceeded on her jour- Tin.ItHIONltCoNNUC'flON MADlt. . . -.f 1i train. t it lwkins. one in iuk tractors, was tin town Wednesday. He had a force of inel, doing the work from the other end this way. The line has imule connection, but m several ptace. brush and limbs have fallen -the wireaiulu general ver- '""' ' Cs l.fore the line Unoi.ic Sam anm John Hum,'. A. I). Whltlier in the past week has brought into form four busts made from native tale to represent the passage in national life of Uncle Sam and John Hull for the last too years. These busts speak more plainly than words can tell the change in positions of the the two nations. When too years ago John Hull controlled the commerce of lite world and "Hrittauia ruled the wave," he was sleek and well groomed, proud, haughty and pompous, while Uncle Sam was lean, careworn and clad in home spun. Today the tables are fast turning and John Hull is presented as bloated and fiaby and wearing a most dejected look, while Uncle Sam is fat and dignified and carries the earmarks of prosperity in his tailor-made clothes, laundricd shirt and tip-to date necktie. These four busts are now on exhibition in the show windows of the Benson drugstore, and besides being an in structive national lesson thev are really works of art, and all should see them before they nre sent away to Portland. Tine Lis Roy Company. The directors of the I,e Roy Mining Company have considered favorable a proposition from the owners of the Laura group of min ing claims to absorb that fatuous group, and have called a meeting of the stockholders to be held in the company's office December to, tyoi, at to a. in., for the purpose of increasing the capital stock in order to purchase these valuable claims. The I.aura group consists of the Long Tom, Laura, Laura Extension, Oro and Mend G min ing claims, and cover all of the ricli ore leail from the east end of the Le Roy mine to the west end of the Helena No. 2 property. If this deal is cousiimatcd the Le Roy Company will, no doubt, have in size and richness as good, if not the best, property in Bohemia Dis trict. Reports from the mine, as brought out by workers in the mine; ate that every round of shots put in uncover a wider ledge of ore with increased values. .Several fine specimens have been brought out, which canlie seen at the company's office. TUNNKI. CONTKACT LKT. Through Superintendent Behne on Saturday last a contract was let to Hughes & Hartley fora 500-foot tunnel on the Star Consolidated mines on the Martin creek. This tunnel will tap the ledtfe some goo feet below tlieapex of the mountain. The contractors are now engaged in putting up the necessary quarters and getting tilings in shape for im mediate and continuous work. When this tunnel is completed it is expected to open up a large body of valuable ore. Coast Fork Raging. On Monday after the storm the attention of many of our people was drawn to the rushing waters of the Coast Fork as they swept along bearing on their turbulent bosom wreckage of many kinds that had been in place on the banks farther up the stream. Chicken coops, boxes, lumber, logs nud a dead cow passed through and went rapidly down the stream. The stream has dropped some five feet since Monday and is now in a peaceful mood. CONCKUT Coming. , The Schubert Symphony Club and Lndy Quartette will be seen here the last of the mouth, Ihese talented nrtists have received the warm commendation of the press and public wherever they have ap peared, and will, no doubt, make their advent here an event long to be remembered. AH who wish to enjoy an evening of choice enter tainment should look forward to their coming and be prepared to see and hear them. DiuitcT Fuom Austria. i?ancy Souvenir Chinaware with views of the Cottage Grove churches and public school lithographed on each article are now on display at LiiH'h'n 'Hue. Persorjul Pnmjlraplis. Mr. Divld Markov who ItiiM been vlHllliiir with Mr. mill Si rn. U. It. Chriti- mini at K'ikuiu! linn returned home. H. M. llofTmim, tlm iirmiliffiiimtnr 11 1 llu. Ili.lmm mill miinii (MIL fmni !!() hernia thin week lor 11 Hhort vacation. W. W. MnMti.ri.mi hdl for liohomiu i'liurHdiiy. whom lie will complete uiteuHHiiiciit work mi Inn property there. I'rciichlinr ut the M. K. church next !. Sunday hot li mornhiK and evoliiins. ' ' I l. 1 1.1..... II'I'I... ..I " J'.YIWIIIIK nillljl'l'l, J lit IWHB Ul iiunim, ( Tom Hinith went up to liohomiu on j TucHiluy. will work for noma time 011 tlm, DitWHiiii n'oii on White creek. WANTI'.li AN AM. Itor.NII COUNTHV I'flnlcr run find pcrumiient omliiyjiii!iit by HiMrewliiK Jhr IIoIhmiiIh N'iikki'I oniro. A HiHlll' iiihii will llml n iiIchkhiiI liurlli, lit H Miickaiiillli l mil denlrcd mid cniinot bold tin.' JtiIi ill. w 11, Jim Jefri'iicH, tlio bit: Miniver, punned over the H. I' route Monday onroilte to Portland, where he will (dvo an exhi bition. Kraiik l.t Hoy eatiio down on Monday from tlio Laura eroup. He hiivh that the Laura iM in line Hiape and never lookeil lietler. K. K. Lilly Ih down thin week fiom IiIh properly on Hornelieaven. Ho ro portn thitiKx in fine nhupo in tliat pint of Bohemia camp. .1.11. (Juinti. who linn for Home timo lieeu employed in the mill at the Helena mine, imiiiu down thin week for a vinit mid a few daye rent. About '' uiemlierM and friemlH of the Kpworth LenKiie were pleiimintly en tertiiiued at the piirHomiH" by tlio pafitor and hiH uife hint Tue-diiy evening. Mrn. Dr. I-. I). Scarbrouuh and child ten havu this week moved from here back to their former homo at Creswell, where .the doctor lias largo prune or eliaids. ('Inn ley Ilrittieau of tho Helena mine came down this week. Charley Is look ing lino, feeling good and thinks bo will remain in tho valley until after the holidays. Mr. U.S. MnrHliel, the California Kvan eelint. who is non conducting a very hiieccnnfitl revivnl at Drain, will com - mence a meeting in l,ottaee u rove some - time next month. In bis meeting at Dram there have lieeu as many its conversions in one evening. Mr. Gordon and family and Frank Lyons from Clear Lake, Wisconsin, are here and stopping at the Imperial. They think of buying property herj and locating permanently. I'liis week they 111 u looking over propeily in the neighborhood of Amos. On Saturday, December 14, Ord I'o-t of the G.A. It. will hold its regular meeting, at which time the election of ollieurs lor the coining year will take ilace. It is desirous that every mem- lieroltlie Poi bo present and partiei- palo in the (-election of tlio new ollicers. Gill Meadows came out from Ilobemia on Monday. He is highly elated over llio fuliiro'of tho camp, nud says that tho hoys mi! ntriking it rich in all sec tions of tho dintriet and that several lino strikes have been made in tlio pant two weeks, notably on tlio Day and ltishop propel ly jitM oil Ilorsohoaven creek. Gill tea'lizes that the '"world do move" and predicts that nothing can nloji the camp from being 11 hummer next sum mer. K. OP P. Smokkk and Uanqukt. On Wednesday evening the members of Juvenilis Lodge, K. of IK entertained their friends and provided an evening of pleasure that will long be remembered by all who had the good fortune to be present. The start off was a round of whist and cribbage, then a speech of welcome, followed by recitations and vocal selections. The good things of the larder were then brought forth, the tables laid and piled to repletion with substantial ami dainties, and the banquet was all that could be wished or hoped for. After the inner man had been bounteously provided for anecdote and song held sway until long at' ter midnight. The spirit of frater nal feeling that found expression and was exemplified on this occa sion will go a long way toward building up and maintaining this now flourishing lodge upon firmer and broader ground. The mem bers of this lodge are a unit in en thusiasm of their order and an oc casional gathering of this character is one of the most potent factors in drawing to themselves that element which, inrougii irniemai ueeos, t . . 1 a 1 t. r. a 1 i 1 .mnkes possible tlie Happiness arm comfort of all wherein this bond of fellowship is felt. May an abuud ant success crown the efforts of Juventus Lodge K. of P. ) hoick Down. Some two weeks ago the camm shaft of the north battery at the Helena Mill broke and a new one was immediately ordered, which is daily expected to arrive. On Sun day night last the shaft of the south battery gave way, necessitating a temporary shut down of the mill. As soon as the new shafts are re ceived and put in place the mill will start up and be kept going. atibcrllte for tu Xuyyct. Iocal Ii'cVeUes. Ihiy your giHSHHeed of hakln A llrlB l"w. ,1W H tho timo to pick out your I'riHtmim prwieiiU in wittebeH and juw Hry lit II. C. .MAIWK.V. , Ituiimiliiirif point luee naltoriw ant I hrnid lit LuridiV. Tho! diutiioiiilN at II. 0. Madden are heautii'H. Call mid nee them. For flim fruit i:nko for the holidays o to llrown'H bakery. Try a Sunday dinner nt the Impkiiiai. Iloriii. Served from 112 in. to 1 :!iO p m. ami up to data in all respects. TURN US OVUK MYWAHtf V KVOllOtJ nn:M (q M0J (ojoifj aiiJ(j tu;. tnn) H.)idiliif .Itup Jtio, .nq 01 omipl oiij,, ptt(( .w llOA imij, ojiih j.t.n.w ttoti puv' piIUl JtlOA uj You ran j-eeiire your ClirUtmnx ofrer i 1 1 1; hv now deponitiutt 11 hiiihII portion of its viiltie with II. C. Madhe.v. tho Jew- 1 eler. IroiiIte(lnf2 75,15-feetcxtenlion Tablen tJ.(X), Shitdea t:t., IIIkIi Ilnck Uiiiin (JliiurH (V) et., Carpet IttiH. 1'ortiern. Malting, Trunks and Valines cold cheap at the Coehrmi Kurnituro Stole, one door from pout otliee. Call and get prices. dO 2t. We cell choice lots in tlio Long Ilinghmn property, lately platted and adjoining Cottngu Grove, right at tho junction of the H. I'. K. It. and theC.G. it U. K. It. I'rieennceordingto locality. .Ikiiomk Kxox A Co. IIV I. Currin's that is advertised in any I Jj lt,'iy reeuipts. paper. Iteinemlier we make a specialty Head real estate bargains of Jerome Knox fc Co OLD C0UUTH0U8K IIOL'SK. LODGING When in Kugeno vou can got a nice and newly fnrninhed room 111 tho old uoiirtliouno Lodging Mouse, just opened 1 Hoard, too, if desired. Nowlv painted ! mill tianerfd tlirouirliout witli new oeu , dines mid furniture. Xo carpets. Well painted floors and rugs instead. Just north of now courthouse, and on same block. dO 127 K11 Howe. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Tho Hons n Drug Company is in re ceipt of and now has on sale a largo and choice lot of lovely toilet, glove, hand kerchief, necktie, perfumery and other itieeuiiis boxes, which will make hand- somo Christinas and New Your presents for ladies and ireutlemen. Ibey have 11 big variety of every kind for young and old, grave and gay, and each and an 01 inoro ueauiiiui articles am marKcu lown within tho rearh of all. Never before has thero been brought to this old and reliable house such a wealth of mi ;n uu and useful articles for the holiday M'.ismi, and tho nicest thing about it all is that you can get then almost at your own nrico. I hey aro there on display. You uro welcome and invited to inspect thorn, and Doo Patter son will be pleated to show yon the splendid goods and tell you all about them. Cltas. (irisson, tho well known piano man of McMinuvillo, w lio has been on an extended tour in California and on the Oregon coast lino .sinco last August was in Cottage Grove Monday enrouto home. Taylor, tho photographer, has this week' taken views of tho various churches and the public school. Ho de siirns to transfer these nicturea to hand kerchiefs and will sell them na souvenirs to all who wish mementoes of that kind. Christian Church Rkvival. The meetings being held at the Christian Church are said to be creating a lively interest 111 re licious and moral matters, as is evidenced by the large and atten tive audiences. On last Sunday afternoon Mr. Rose talked to the children on the subject of "Christ and the Children." By means of simple but pleasing illustrations he was able to hold the undivided at tention of the children throughout the hour. Mr. Rose is close and logical in his reasoning and aided by means of his charts rivets the attention of every, one present to the subiect in hand. A number of additions have already been made and indications are very favorable for many more. Next Sunday at 3 p. m, will be held a meeting for women only, the subject is "Women's Work in the World's Crisis." SCHLEB'S GROCERY. . . Cornor of Main nnd Second St., Cottngo Orovo. Carries a flno lino of Groceries, No tions, Candies, Tobaccos, Mils and Stationery. Oar prices aro right and wo will givo you Good Value for Your Money. Valuable mining property in Ho- bomia for sale. Jorotno Knox and Co. Head the Kohemiu Xuguet. THE CASH GROCERY CO. We have made it a point since starting in business to keep a clean, strictly up-to-date GROCFRY, and as n result we note a steady increase of customers. High-grade Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables arc our Specialties. Special prices quoted to the mining trade. Call and be convinced that our aim is to please you, 'K suit mi: ii Ann to suit A. Q. Young, Manager. - THE GASH GROCERY CO. TWE MWS11 SUPPUN ovlst I3oliemia, Oregc n. Cicucral UIcrcli3imlis4;, Miners' Tools suirt Ammunition. Give us a call and we will treat you right. KNOWLES & GETTYS. Bon Ton Meat Market Main Street, Near Fourth Beagle & McFarlancl- We keep constantly on hand the choicest of Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Sausage and Fresh Pish in season. Your trade is solicited and our effort will be to please and satisfy you. Carry the most complete line of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware in south Lane county. Also a fine line of Guns, Ammunition and Fishing Tackle. We are Headquarters for Mining Suppliej, Hurcules Powder, Fuse and Caps. Also agents for the celebrated Studebaker Wagons, Canton Clipper Plows and Harrows. In fact anything you may want in the Hardware line. Call and See Us and We will Treat You Right. TE PMAHC TMBER COfllPMW Under Odd Fellows' Building COTTAGE GROVE OREGON We have for your inspection a full line of Fancy Cliinawarc, Crockery, Glass ware, Granite ware anil Tinware, TOGETHER WITH A COMPLETE STOCK OF GROCERIES We shall deem it a pleasure to show our goods. Call and look over our large stock. Successors to WHEELER & SCOTT. We will continue to carry a full and complete stock of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Mining Supplies), Fish Bro's. Wagons, Oliver Chilled and Steel Plows, Etc. :::::; ANY THING YOU WANT IN THE HARDWARE LINE : : : : GIVEUSACAIvL - - Music Lessons "On the Piano. A Into Grndoil Gorman Method otMuslo Is now bolng Uuglit at tlio C. 1', Manso by Mrs. L.D. Beck. Itocltals will bo Klren nt proper Intervals thus giving parents au opportunity to note progress. 50 cents per lesson, 30 minutes each 53 - - AT THE OLD STANn go uo MRS. PET SANFORD'S For Fashionable Dressmaking. MAIN STKKET - COTTAGB GKOVIt, OkK. Bewaroofnlr dried or half dry floor in).', coiline and rustic. Tho Booth Kollv Lumber Co. nro miiklnp Hpeeinl puces on kiln-dried lumbct. will be ope" to tlic l'l!,,lu-