Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 15, 1900, Image 7

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Lot correspondence
La. A t If 1 1 1 art
nvnnm. -ans
iPvor'v woman on thlo
lontlncnt should un
derstand mai oiiu uan
sr to irouiy w mm.
Inkhom about her phy-
Nrs. Plnkham Is
nd because Wire. Plnk
lam never violates con-
Srfnnce ana pecuuse
Shn knows more about
Fhe Ills of women than
ny other person minis
Country. . .
iLvdla E. Pimcnanrs
ocrntabte Comoound
las cured a million sick
tomen. Every neign-
jorhood, almost every
imlly, contains women
alleved of pain by this
treat medicine.
trill nSTV CIIIIIHV bwh in mi oiuim;ih
.i.f ,... i-.... n..n....
niTiT ntitt should 1h) cnruully wived.
.i (mm (iiiil In Niiixirior to tlmt from
Bool, It contiiliiH nltro;oii, mill in
ienetlclal to nil orojw. It In iIIhIIKimI
i. mii Insect, mill lit lined an 11 pro-
otlvo of their attack, for which pur
ine it iniiv bo nioni proimiuiy applied
irlng tu tint "mall timntity prodnnnd
rchlbltlutf it uio extensively um a lor-
f Allen's I' life, n powder fur the fret
ctirrs l' '"i woiit'ii. sninnim;. nerv
ui fret mill mnantly liWc llirMittR out
r riiriia unit l.iiiiHtnx. It' tilt) L'reillr.t
pniforl ilw " f lhr Mgr. Allen's I'uut-
ate imiki-s i irlt r new slioes feci niv.
Ilit crriii re fur liixniwing Nulls.
jeitiiiir U'i- iiii nml lint, lirril. nt-lti itif
in We , uvrr 30.000 trotliniitiiaU,
fry It ("''"if '"I'l I"' nil (IruptiUI nml
fine torr l'i mull fur 'JAc. Ill ff mil i.
frial nrknpi- HlKK. Address, Alli-n ti.
plmiinl, I r !: . N. V.
A cirl .lone her aclf iK)omdon when
ho puts on u wedding xluj. Chlcugo
illy Now,
(Mothers will II ml Mm. Wiiiitnw' Honth
irHyrtip tlio best rcinnly, to use for th'U
Bildrcn during tho teething period.
' Twenty-four in en luivo each nerved 'JO
an ami upwnrdri iu the United btatoi
('rlor. Ink im It. ..I V rl ,i.l v. I .
jr the schools of New York, IloMon nml
"inn 'iukt0a . nv rtuii luit iiii
A Russian journiiliHt named Gcrson,
"ecently celebrated bet-auKO ho had cot
ii 500.000th lino into print.
I Piso's Cure cnniiDt l too highly aiioken
cijiicii cure j. w. u'iiiiikn, xa
1 Ave . N , Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 0,
The I.itnmlrr Hill.
Th lannilry bill doumi't como out in
h wash. CIiIciiko Doinocmt.
! Kimlneaa Ik a irrnrn tlmt nil enn un-
ientand. J. (J. Iylo.
Cnba in tlio grcntUKt sugar producing
ountry in tlio worlil, nml ita nonnnl
op la nlut 1,000,000 tons.
kittle Liver Pills.
Must Boar Slfjnnturo of
See Pc-Stmlle Wrarpcr Uelow.
I rj Bumll ond am easT
to toko an augur.
BA,,,e,,"" " Will ler, ,,, j.
M,,,l,l f I'.ver, ll",holr
-Oult Action. llrlKht Haylnic.
fiUuCute d Ciiu CUIWren.
on.-., tii,. wnn ,ltl(, ,
Jlimiiy. Ami In. ,. ulwnyH lived In thn
f ly. nml the nnly iiiiImiiiIh Iki I.miI ever
M en witi. Iinr.fx. iIokm nml mlH. lint
lie Kill heard f ,.jiaiilH, lieeiiuai! mm
of hU liny frlenilH liml l0,l ,, j
llhont them mid how lliey had KpntH on
thi'lll mid they ,i en,,,!, lmnt ,,
en I people.
Well, one day he went lo the eountry,
mid in eniiiHi! nf time H i-oiikIii, who
wnn older (linn h,., Indped lilm Into an
npplo dee mid then went Into the houan
to (jet HninelliliiK -nmylie It wiih mi
.Mnimy wiih rmher a'muiiil at he'.nti
left iiIoiim In thy tree, lint ho ninmiKod
In Htay there. Hiiililenly ho miw a benst
eoine prowling up the iiiml. It wnn
nhoiit the nl.e of n leopnrd. iih he Inuiff
Ineil. mid It wan covered with upotM
iven larger thnn a leopard would have,
" " ' I lo IthoiiKht .llnimy) n very
nwful kind of leopard. And, to nniko
thlni;n woiHe, thin leopnrd had u pair of
horiiN, mid hircc, feroeloim-looUIni; enra,
mid every now and then It roared like
thU: "Moo no. inoo-oo." Jimmy wiih
frlKhtened half to death. Hut he had
the Blltn hoM' tlmt tho heiint would bo
awny without geeliiB him.
Oh, horrlhlc! The animal en me right
to tho tree, and put 1U head HbIiI up
amoiiB tho hriinehei, nml heBiiu to huIIT.
Thou It ate mi apple. Jimmy wiih hiiio
that In a moment It would cllmli the
triii after lilin, ho he got up to the top
of the tree, thoiiBh how he did It ho
couldn't tell till next day. Me wnn weak
mid while with fear when he reached
tho top Inaneh. The drendfiil houxt now
niine clime lo the trunk mid licBnu to
rub up and down. Now ho wou!d
pilliB up Into the tree, beyond n doubt!
Hut Jliat aa Jimmy thntiBht ho win
cionrlilnc fur a MprliiB he hiiw IiIh uncle
romo out of the hoilxc. mid he xercatu
ed to him, "Oh, Kucle I'd, anve me,
nave me! Thin Iropmd 1m boIdb to cat
Now, Home linden won'd have thoiiBht
the mater a huge Joke, but I.'ucle ICd
wna not Hint kind. He knew that to
little Jimmy tho hornud hcut win an
had na the moHt terrible leopard that
over roumed the Jungle, and ho ha went
over to the tree mid Hiild, "My boy. you
nrc fnfe while I nm here, becauae. In
the drat place, thin kind of loop ird can't
climb n tree; mid. Iu the fecund place,
It Isn't n leopnrd nt nil, but n cow; nnd,
In thn third place, It la Onlay, our pet
cow; and If you tnke my word for It
you enn ride on her bnck aa If she
wero n horM"
Thero wna KomcthliiR In Uncle Kd'a
volco tlmt had n very cnlmlnn effect on
Jimmy, nnd Initio of two nilimtca the
dreadful leopnrd that hnd como to rat
him wiih turned Into n good-natured old
cow, and ho rodo her all around the
plncc, hohllnc on to Uncle Kd'a hand.
Now Jimmy Is grown up nnd hns a
Jimmy of his own, but he will never
forget tlio horror of that five minutes
with n horned leopnrd. Outlook.
The Cure of Clothe.
No aelf-reapectlng ehfld but knows
Tho proper thing to do with clothca;
They ahould be hung upon the chnlr
At night, and not thrown anywhere.
Chicago Itccord.
Couldn't Fool Her.
Bpcnklng of kludergnrteus for colored
children calls to mind tho experience
of a "befo do wnh" matron, who was
tenchlng one of the llttlo darkles on.
her plantation how to spell.
Tho primer sho used wus a pictorial
one, and over cuch word was Its ac
companying picture, and Polly glibly
spelled o-x, ox, nnd b-o-x, box, etc. Dut
tho teacher thought tlint she wus mak
ng right rnpid progress, so sho put her
land over tho picture and said:
"Polly, what docs o-x spell?"
"Ox," answered Pojly, nimbly.
"How do you know tlint It spells ox,
" "Seed his toll," Pcd 1,10 "P PoUy'
Pust Until.
Somo birds uso water only, somo wa-
. . . ...i, Ma nlliei-H nrcfer dust
ter auu uubi,
and no water In their toilet. Hlrds nro
not only nice in the cholco of bath wa
ter, but also vpry particular about the
quality of their toilet dust
Wild ducks, though feeding by salt
water, prefer to bathe In fresh-water
. i in Hi. Inner fllfirnnpptt lit-
poois, nnu win v "
laud to running brooks and pood
where they preen and dress their feath
ers In the early hours of tho morning.
Hpnrrpws bntliu often, both In water
mid In dust. They mo not ho particu
lar about the gnnllty of water na about
the quality of tho dust. Tho city Hpar
row nniHt tulio a water bath wheru ho
mi got It. HomI dtiHt, the Orient nnd
lliiest poHHlble, Hiilts him best. Puf
trldges prefer dry loam. They like to
scratch out tho noil from under tho
gniKM, mid 1111 their feathers with cool
earth. Most birds arc rond of ashes.
Take a walk somo early morning ncroaa
a Held where bonllres have burned, mid
see the numbers of winged creatures
that rise suddenly from the ash heaps,
A darling form, a small cloud of nahes,
and tho bathers dlsappenr.
A (llrl'n Accompllnliinf ntn.
Homo one hns HiiggeHled twelve things
that every girl can learn before sho Is
11!. Not every one can lenrn to piny or
slug or pnlnt well enough to give pleas
ure to her friends, but tho following
"accomplishments" nro within every
body's reach:
Hliut the door, nnd shut !t softly.
Keep your own room In tnatcful or
der. Have nn hour for rising, nnd rise.
Lenrn to uinko bread iih well as cake.
Never let a button stay off twenty
four hours.
Always know where your things nre.
Never lot n dny pass without doing
something lo make somebody comfort
uble. Never como to breakfast without a
Never go about with your shoes un
buttoned, 8peak clearly enough for everybody
to understand.
Never fidget or hum so ns to disturb
Never fuss or fret.
Are Ho Htinrninim ns tn He Prncllcally
The stnm are suns and they look like,
mere shining points of light becnuso
they are so fur awny. The nearest Is
so far that a cannon shot tired In Ad
am's tlmo from the (Jarden of Eden,
mid tlylng continually with undimin
ished speed, would even now hardly
have started on It tourney. It would
be oh If a train bound for another town
had Just pulled well out of the station.
On a summer evening you may seo
Arcturus high up In the south or south
west In June or July, mid further
down In the went In August or Septem
ber. You will know It by Its red color.
That star baa been Hying straight
nhend ever since astronomers begnn to
observe It, at such a speed that It
would run from New York to Chicago
Iu a small fraction of a minute. You
would hrtve to he spry to rise from
your chair, put on your lint and over
coat nnd gloves, go out on the street
while It was crossing the Atlantic
Ocean from New York to Liverpool.
And yet If you should watch tlint stnr
nil your life, nnd live ns long n
Methuselnh. you would not lie nble to
see that It moved nt nil. Tho Journey It
would make In a thousand yenrs would
be as nothing alongside Its distance.
Many, perhaps most, of the stars are
really much larger nnd brighter thnn
tho sun. Cnnopus, ns it appears to us,
is the second brightest stnr in the heav
ens. It never rises In our northern lati
tudes; to Bee it well you would have to
go nt least as far south as the gulf
States. Although It shines to us only
ns a very bright stnr, It Is really thou
sands of times ns bright as the sun. If
our earth should fly us nenr to It ns It
Is to the sun, tho whole sky would
seem to be nblazc, nnd everything com
bustible ou the earth's surface forests,
houses, nnd fences would be burned
by the fervent bent ns If thrown Into a
hot lire. But tlie distanco of Cnnopus
Is Immeasurably great, so that astrono
mers hnvp not ben ablo to lenrn any
thing certain about it. The most In
teresting conclusion from this Is thut
Cnnopus, although It is only a stnr in
tho sky, is really thousands of times
brighter thnn the sun. Professor Si
mon Newcomb In the Youth's Compan
Two Widows Get Wealthy After Uelnu
ImiioBoJ Upon by Slmrpem.
A good story is going tho rounds
about how two prospectors had salted
a mine In the Galena district In order to
rob a couple of rich widows, which re
sulted In the nforesnld widows becom
ing much wealthier.
Tho prospcctois had spent their last
cent In digging a hole In the ground to
the extent of sixty feet without striking
anything but yellow clay. Uut one of
them knew of two rich widows who
were Just spoiling to huvo their money
sunk In a mlno. Accordingly they spent
two nights In salting tholr mine. They
hudu't sutllclent money to buy some
paying dirt, but thoy stolo this from a
neighboring mlno and hnuled a lot of
It over to dump Into tholr mlno. Wheu
sovernl tons of this "paying dirt" had
uocumulnted In the bottom of their
mine tho widows wero sent for, and
while ono was talking about the In
creasing value of the district tho other
wns dumping out nil kinds of lead nnd
zinc ore before their nstonlshed eyes.
Tho widows bought u half Interest in
that hole In the ground for $1,500. The
next dny there was no more ore in the
shaft and the fellows declared they
would dig no longer. Then tho widows
bought the other hnlf Interest nt a total
cost of $12,000, nnd the men hiked out
for Missouri, lnughlng In their sleevo.
Hut the women, blindly behoving that
thero must bo more ore, continued witn
the digging, nnd nt a depth of ten uddl
tlonnl feet struck the richest vein of tho
whole belt, realizing ?75,0O0 in less than
one yenr's time,
A pessimist Is a person who believes
that wbutevor is Is wronir.
-Alol lately Pure-
For the third of a century the
standard for strength and purity. It
makes the hot bread, hot biscuit,
cake and other pastry light, sweet
and excellent in every quality.
No other baking powder is
"just as good as Royal," either in
strength, purity or wholesomeness.
Thu Itnok ut Hooka.
The Hook I tho Hookl credentialed'
by Divinity, its authority approved by
lilhtory, criitoh of u lame race, solaco
for thn world's corrow. staff to tho dy
ing, hope for tlio hopeless with reck
less hand touch not the liookl touch i
not the Hook! This in tho voico of tho !
millions of strong, devout men every-!
where and of the teautiful Chrihtiuu '
womanhood in every land wherein, j
though all beside should full, the sacred
mothern of Inrnel will hold fast to the '
Itook nnd teach their nous nnd dnugli
torn to believe it. Luther Lat'.in Mills
Worth ltiiifMtthprlnc
The man whom you disliko is ono of
the men (iod loves. Boston C'ongre
gHtiouuliflt. State or Onto, rrrv orToi.rno,
Frank J. i'iiknky makes oath that he la tlio
senior parivr ( the firm of F. J. Cheney Si Co.,
dolnc business in the City ot Toledo, County
and biato afon-sald, and that laid Arm will par
tho sum ol ONE II ITNliKKI) DOI.I.AKS lor each
and every casu ot Catarrh that cannot be cured
by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In tar
presence, this fith day of December, A. D. Ira.
A'otarv Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of
tho system. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHUNKY tie CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by driiRKlMt, T.'jc.
Ball's Family Tills are the best.
KnrmoM will take extra pains when
seeding a crop, hut their greatest loss
is iu not harvesting ut the proper time.
The longer a crop remains on the
ground after it is ready or matured tho
nioro woody fiber or indigestible ma
terial it will contain.
Green corn and limn beans deterior
ate more quickly than any other vege
tables; they should he spread out sing
ly on tho cool cellar floor as quickly ns
possiblo after they come from the mar
FOR $50.00...
Would be too cheap to be good,
but we have Top Buggies for
for $65 Cash that we guaran
tee for one year from date of
purchase. They have good
strong wheels, guaranteed hick
ory spokes, tires 5-J6 thick,
round edge and projecting
over the felloe, to protect same.
We have others at $70, $75,
$80, $85 and up.
Road Wagons at $40 and up.
Mitchell Farm Spring Wagons
and Harness.
Buy reliable coods of a reliable concern
Is good colicy.
can give you tha best burgatns In general
machinery, ouglnes, boilers, tanks, pumps,
plows, belts and windmills. The new
steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is un
equalled. "sure cure for "piles'
ITC1I1N ( riles produce mol.turo and csuia Itching.
This form, as well as Wind, IlleedluR or Protruding
Piles are cureduy Dr.Boaanko'a pile) Remedy.
BtODS ltehlnir and hl.Adlnir. Absorbs tumors. BOo a
JSC atdruru'l'ta or sent by mail. Treatise tree. Write ,
out about lour case. lilt. B03AHSO. PU'lstU.l'a.
Mny low priced, Imitation baking powders re
upon the market. These are made with alum,
and care should be taken toavoid them, as alum
Is a poison, never to be taken In the (ood.
They Are No Longer Friends.
Fay That Miss Suapp is just hate
ful, isn't she?
May Yes. Yon were prseent yes
terday when she told mo I was "the
hoinliest girl iu our set," weren't yon?
"Yes; and I gave her a piece of my
mind about it afterward."
"That was kind of you, dear, bnt I
hope you weren't too severe."
"Well, I told her how sensitive yon
must be nboat it." Catholic Staudurd
and Times.
PARIS IN 1900.
For the benefit of those who intend
visiting Paris during the exposition,
the Rio Grnnde Western railway has
gotten out an attractive folder illustra
tive aud descriptive of the main featnies
of tho exposition. It contains some
valuable, hints for intending visitors
nnd descriptive articles upon Place de
La Concorde, Arc de Triumphs, tho
Madeleine, the Column of July, tho
Trocadero, Hotel de Ville, Column
Yendome, the Louvre, the Grand opera
house, the Bourse nnd the tomb of Nn
poleou, iu addition to a bird's eye view
of the exposition grounds. Tho folder,
or pamphlet, is gotten ont in handy
form, and is written in a pleasant and
attractive Btyle. It, iu fact, gives in
little space everything one going to the
exposition would like to know before
starting' on his journey.
For copies of the Paris exposition
fulder and other advertising matter
descriptive of tho Rocky mountains'
famous scenery, tributary to the Rio
Grande Westoru railway and its con
nections, write
J. D. MANSFIKLD, Geu'l Agent,
253 Washington St., Portland, Ore.
Mrs. Redd And what did you say
to your husband when ho said tho cako
wasn't hnlf baked?
Mrs. Pepper I told him ho wns.
Philadelphia Inquirer.
If You Are Awake to Your Own Chances Read This and Then Write
Us for Full Information and Prospectus.
California is destined to be the greatest oil Held of the world. Already rast riches have bean
amassed there In petroleum, and great fortunes are sure to bu made in that section this year.
We oiHi a quarter section of land, 160 acres, in the heart of the famous Kern County Oil D ts
trlct. The oil is there and all we have to do Is to drill a well and tap it.
For development purposes we will sell 2.1,000 shares of Treasury Ktock at ?t per share. Peo-
file who buy this Hock will see It Increase in value fast aud they will make money fast. Fullest
iivcstlgatlon Invited. Our property has been examined and reported on as unquestionably
valuable by M. M. Ogden, Field Kxpert, Producers' Oil Exchange, tinn Francisco, C'Hl.,and by 0.
W. Fox, for fifteen years expert for the Standard Oil Company. Our deeds nnd abstracts ars
now deposited in the Merchant!.' National Bank, Portland, Or. Our officers urerwithout salaries.
612 Chamber of Oommeros, Portland, Oregon.
II. C. F-CKKNIlKltOER, Pres.
It. h. DUKHAM, Vlcc-Prea.
ItOAUIl OF IHUKOI'OIIS: (Toany and all of whom we refer you.) J. Frank Watson.
President Merchants' National Hank, Portland. Or., It. I. Durham, Vlce-Piesldcnt MercliBii'iH
-National Hank, Portland. Or.; II. C. Ilreeden, of II. C. Breeden A Co., Portland, Or.; II. (. Kcken
berKer, Com. ABvnt Michigan Central Hallway; Charles V. Cooper, Contracting Freight Agent,
Unfou Pacific Hallway. .,
' Write us today. You will be glad you did so. If you have any means at all you on
it to yourself to Investigate this opportunity for investment.
Always has a McCORMICK.
Call on the Agent, or address A. H. Boy-
I f A 1 T T .f A
) un, ucncrai ngem, on nawuiornc, xwc,
Portland, Or., for Catalogue.
loooooT freeT
A postal addressed to P. O. llox 41, Portland,
Oregon, will bring you r handsome Ko-Nut
. Cook Hook, Ko-Nut is the latest lard anbatl-
I lute; and purer, cheaper aud more economical,
FrSaleby all Grocers,
jTOE-T0 P R OP E RT Y 0 W N E R S .
I Ilulldlng or remodeling residences aud
, stores. Wo carry a complete Hue of Mantels,
I Orates and Tiling, Tile Flooring, Tlio Wain
1 scollng. Andirons, Fenders, Screens, Klectrle,
j piles pertaining to Klectrle and Oas Lighting.
We alto carry all kinds of Batteries, Hells aud
Indicators. Photographs cheerfully sent on
Mag auu 1 oiiiuiunuou i iiauueiiurB, ami nil sup-
application, kkank ihii.uimii i u.
34B WhsIiIiibIoii 1st., I'urtlmid, Or.
Pro Bono Pnblleo.
Th inA of Collier's Weekly for
May 20th is strongly tinolnred with
political flnvor which makes it nn ad
mirable proliiniuary to tho two conven
tions nt I'hlladolphia nud Kansas City.
Tho special article by Senator Fryo, of
Maine, is n clarified sutninnry of legis
lation for which tho Fifty-sixth con
tress is reapousiblo. Senator Fryo'a
position na president of tho senate given
this article nn ex cathreda tone that is
most convincing. No'othor man intha
United Stntes is qualified to propnro so
modernto nnd unbiased n synopsis of
the winter'M legislation. Tho idoa of
political activity is further carriod ont
by Henry Loom is Nelson in his judiolnl
article on tho issne of imperialism.
Mr. Nelson is qnaiinou ny nis ripe ex
perience to hnndlo tho dolicate subjeot
of territorial expansion in n way that
must bring true light to every oon
scientions American.
I'laclns: the lllmne.
She looked at him scornfully, eve
"Would you lcU-a woman ttand
while yon occupy a sent?" she asked.
"Madam," ho replied, "donotblamo
mo. Tho fault lios primarily with
your own sex."
"How so?" she demanded.
"I did not receive proper home train
ing." he answered. Chicago Post.
The Color T.lnr.
"I'm not prejudiced, aa a general
rule," enid Mr. Poindexter.Jooking fix
edly at his wife, as sho enterod tha
room, "but tho color line is drawn in
this house from now on."
"Why, what do you mean?" sh
"Bleached hair doesn't go.'" he re
plied, violently. Philadelphia North
To make sealing wax for fruit cans,
take eight ounces of rosin, two onnces
gum shellac and a half onnco of bees
wax. Melt nil togother. This will
make a quantity, and may bo molted
for uso when wanted.
Revolution In Wuler TraTel.
Experiments have proven that vessels,
fitted with propellers which imitate the
fish's fin, develop a rcniarknble propelling
power. It will cause n revolution in watei
travel. Men gradually lenrn that Nature's
wiiys are best. One cause of the remarkable
success of Itostetter's Stomach Hitters
springs from the fact tlmt it is a harmless,
natural medicine, made of Nature's moat
strengthening herbs. It Is a sure cure foi
constipation, indic-estlnn, dyspepsia, bili
ousness or weak kidneys.
Full House.
"Yes, he started a hotel and he'i
made a hit, too. Yon know tho old
established place across tho street ad
vertised itself as 'a hotel with all thi
cum torts of homo.' "
"Well, he advertised his place as 'o
hotel without tho discomforts of
home.' " Philadelphia Press.
Miss Wonder Why do you alwayi
nsk Miss Singer to play her own ao
companiinents? Miss Gabby Why, sho always playa
loud enough to drown her own voice.
Baltimore American.
, Is'bytheway of purifying theblood. Germs
1 aud impurities in the blood cause diseaj
and sickness. Expelling these impurities
j removes the disease. Hood's Sarsaparllla
does this and it does more. It makes the
blood rich by increasing and vitalizing tha
red globules and giving it power to trans
mit to the organs, nerves and muscles tha
, nutriment contained in digested food.
1 Hood's Sarsaparilia
I Is the Best Medicine Money Can Buy.
II. C. 8TKATTON, Secy.
U Save 80 Per Cent
If you use the New Columbian FIro Orate
your house. With an ordinary grate 80 yK
cent of the heat goes up tho chimney, but thi
New Columbian Orate makes a whlto name, na
smoke, and all the heat goes Into tho room.
Entirely new and absolute perfection. For
photograph and full description send to THIS
JOIl ItAltltHTT CO., 01 Mi-it .-treat,
l'orllnnil, Orecmi.
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