Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 12, 1900, Image 1

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Devoted tdi
Mining, Lumbering q,l Farming Interests of this Community,"" Good Government, and Hustling to
a Living.
vox. I
Co ttage G-roveO regon, Friday, " Jan. 13, 190O. NO."
Corsets! Corsets!
Thompso's Glove Fitting Corsets are
the best. We have them in all sizes.
We have tiem in Black, Drab, Pink, and
Blue CoIob. Prices are $1, $1.25, $1.50,
$1.75, $2 aid $2.50. Also a line of nurs
ing corsets
We cany a nice line of ladies Ferris
Waists anl Misses and childrens Corset
Waists. This is the largest and best line
showed lere. Come and see them.
- Eakin & Bristow.
What the Press of this State says
of Bohemia Nugget's Special
Mining Edition.
mining district of Bohemia before
the public. It possesses much in.
formation heretofore unknown and
with handsome and many illustra
tions will attract the attention of
(capital from parts where Bohemia
s yet unknown. Inasmuch as
these special editions are usually
gotten up at a loss to the publisher
friend Howard deserves much
praise for his enthusiasm and en
terpriseJunction City Times.
C. J. Howard, the editor of tho
Cottage Grove Bohemia Nugget,
lias branched out on a New Year's
mining edition devoted to the
present prospects, and future possi
bilities of the Bohemia mines, and
it is the only mining edition ever
jsaucu in iuue couiuy. it gives
some fine photo-engravings JgW'
consists of eighteen pages aucjPff??
Howard is to be congratulated on
sucn a publication as itie-iro small
To snake rtoni for more goods, we are going to sell
odds and endriit big reductions. Now is the time to
nve money. First come first served.
1 over shirt, light stiped, size 16,
65c; reduced to 45c
2 over shirts, , light jiaid, size 15, 16,
$1 25, reduced to 75c
2 over shirts, light will, size 15, 16,
$1.00, reduced to 75c
1 over shirt, dark decked, size 15,
E . 50c, reduced to '45c
S 1 over shirt, light .tripcd, size 15,
.fc 50c, reduced to 45c
S: 2 boy's over shirts dark, part wool, sizes
13, I)1. 85C reduced to 50c
: 4 under shirts, meliutn dark, good quality,
y 50c, reduced to 40c
's -i pr dark blue and 1 pr red flannel drawers
: sizes 34,40, $1.35. reduced to 90c
St: x suit heavy wool underwear, size, shirt 42
S drawers 40, $3.00, now $2.50
2 light hats, Fedora style, sizes 7, gyi,
$1 25, reduced to 90c
2 black Caddy hats, sizes 6, 7,
$2.25, reduced to $1.50
1 black, low crown, good hat, size 6J&,
$1.50, reduced to $1.00
"5 black, assorted styles and sizes, -" -
$1.25, now 75c
1 black Eedora, size 8, $1.75, now $1.00
2 light high crown, sizes 7, 76,
$1.50, now $1.00
1 wide brim, medium crown, black, size
$2.00, now $1.50
2 v ide brim, medium crown, black, sizes
7. $2-50, now $2.00
1 wide brim, medium crown, black, size 8,
$1.75, now $.25
These are only a few of the odds and
ends, we have lots of them in al! the lines.
The Special Mining Edition of
the Nugget has reached our table
this week and we congratulate Bro.
Howard upon its fine appearance.
It is a neat and creditable effort at
advertising the wonderful resources
of Bohemia. There are five cuts
of Bohemia views, three of the
Musick one of the Stock & Har
low mill and one of the Helena
mill besides four or five half tones
of early pioneer miners, all well
executed on fine enameled book
stock. The write-ups of the va
rious properties are short and con-; job to get out' such an issue of min
cise and the entire work of sixteen Ung information. It trives life to
pages is neatly printed. The work , tne Laue county mining futur
would be a credit to any news-!inac we aii appreciate'. J unction ,
paper in the valley. Cottage j Bulletin-
Grove Leader. 1 0ne of the most creditable
n T tt 1 j-. fl, I "special editions" which has come
C.J.Howard, editor of the Bo-1 t0 our table ,s the min. e(Utm
hernia Nugget, of Cottage Grove, 1 of the Bohemia Nugget. It con
has issued as a New Year's num-: tains a very exuaustive history if
ber, a special mining edition, de-'tIle discovery and development if
voted to present prospects and thfeSat Bohemia mining district
...... ' . , . . . ' of North Douglas and South Lane.
possibilities of the Bohemia mining" The pubIishers of the Nuggel lm,e
district. For specific and detailed' reason to be promt of their mining
information regarding the camp, edition. Roseburg Plaindealer.
this edition is of the utmost value, The special mining edition ot
and is the only edition of its kind' the Bohemia Nugget reflects great
ever issued by a Lane county credit u4pn its oublishet. Jbrom
paper, with fine photo-engravures, TfsM' ,r ShWS
,i , tbal5E&efflfl5mv,sn publications
a specially-engraved cover page, baJfflnmW Ae j&s&e
consists of 18 pages, and is a
flattering compliment to the in- t
domitable energy, ' enter:
forensic intellige&
1 mi
The s;
Qarman & Newland.
It Iiuh been demonstrated repeatedly
in every state in the Union mid in iiiuny
foreign countries that Chamberlaina's
Cough Remedy 1h a certain preventive
mil euro for croup. It bus become the
universal remedy for thut disease. M.
V. Fitihorof Liberty, W. Va only re
pests what haR boon said around the
jlobo when he writcH: "I lutve lined
Chamberlain'a Cough Remedy in my
family for several years and always with
perfect auccess. We believe thut it ii not
only the beat cough remedy, but thut it
is a sure cure for croup. It has waved
tholivcHof our children a number of
times." Thin romedy ia for sulo by
Hknbon Dbuo Co, Cottage Grove, Drug
gists. Lvonb A Appi.wiatk, D.aln,
I want to let the people who suffer
from rheumatiam and sciatic know that
Chamberlain's Pain Bulm relieved 1110
after a number of other medicines and
a doctor hud failed. It ia the best lini
niont I Imvo over known of. J. A.
Dodokv, Alpharettat Ga. Thousands
have been cured of rheumatism by this
remedy. One application relieves the
pain. For ealo by Hknhon Dnua Co.,
Cottugi Grove, Druggists. Lyons A
Ai'pmcuatk, Drain, DruggiBta.
Eakin A Bristow are agents for the
Genuine Oliver Chilled and Steel
Mows, and extras.
Gp.ikfin A Vkatcii Co. are the leaders
in all kinds of Mining supplies, ammu
nition and sporting goods.
Here is something that she will like,
and she may be 1" to like the donor,
select a ring. Davidson, the Jeweler.
Special rates during holidays at
Boyds Photograph Gallery.
If you are looking for a present that
will lie useful as well aM ornamental go
to Phillips and Jones Hardware.
You can get as good stamp photos at
Boyds as any place in Lane Co., 21 for
If you want wall paper or books don't
forget to got prices of J. P. Currin the
Fresh candies every day, made from
pure sugar at the Tailor shop.
Wanted nt Garman A Newland 1000
turkeys at highest market price.
For quality and cheapness in fresh
meats go to tho Central meat market.
T. A. Lewis, boot and shoo repair
shop. First class work, low prices.
O pposito Sherwood Hotel.
Boys, have you scon thoso fino shot
guns at Gium.N A Veatcii Co.
Get your wif a washing machine, f xl 'L, ,.
wringer orehunfor a Christmas present " lue X3uem,a
Phillins and Joes have them. from the earliest d
Wo now hai all size- in Cutters "C""J 4 years ago Ow
Boots and Shoo Kakin A Bristow. present time. There area!
Be sure andee the latest styles in nierous fine engravings of s
fall and wmtenaiSj just arrived at Miss mines and individuals. It
tf Tir. .JSC.
lie vv T,rhs r ' i r
M(p!ard, Nugget, Cotti'
valuable publication for present
T t t I " '
ii you want mw, nxu weage, or any use and ror future refereilP0.T?
ining ui in, wuuu cnuppers line.
Phillips A JoU havo a good assortment
and prices rigt
The best f the money if you want Bohemia Nugget is the first aud
any table c pocket cutlery go to only paper that has properly placed
JU3t W&Qn the "U00t!:" a nieution
of yotmining edition; but, that
isn't enough. Let me from the
depths of my heart personally con-'
gratulate you on the success of the
gene Journal. -paper. You deserve onlv the best
The special mining edition of the and 1 beW0U are going to get
11, . -'Wj,
the Australian wealth of the great)
. City Editor, Guard
The Largest Stock in South '&imx
-Consisting of-
Phillips A Jos Hardware.
Tako yor laundry to Geo. E
Griffith, agtf of the Eugene Palace
Laundry. a down Tliursday and
returns SatJay afternoon.
Suits ! S-s ! ! Tailor made suits 1 ! !
Up to date everv respect, from $15 up.
Call and seftmplcs.
Subscrilor tho Nugget.
I will I all Japanese goods at
greatly reif d prices until Fob. 1st
Cull and sthem.
.T.P. Cin haa a choice line of in- Guns and Ammunition, Studebrker Wagons, Canton ClippTnTOows,
grain andured wall paper, at prices Harrows, Etc. For Miners Supplies, the only house South of Port-
to suit tb-Mo. lnnd oive us a call. GRIFFIN & VEATCtl.
our custfis, Central Meat Market. 1 COTTAGK GROVJt, .ORBGON
Shelf and Heavy Hardware'; Stoves ane Tinware; Pumps,
t. v- v