Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 29, 1899, Image 8

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    I'll II I HIM
rublUhcii llTory Friday
I W Of 1 IfK
Comprehensive ltevlew of tlio Import
nut Happening of tlio Fnit Week
Cnlled From tho Telecmph Columns.
Oregon pheasants aro to bo 1 'planted'
in Illinois.
General Chaffeo may bo sent to tho
rhilippines to succeed General Lawton
Prayer-meetings aro being held in
Holland for tho success of tho Boor
Tho navr is in need of nioro training
vessels and two first-class ones will
eoon bo asked for.
Threo wagon loads of mail will leav
on the transport Grant for the soldiers
in tho Philippines.
Tho Santa Fo is now a compotito:
ncainsWthe Southern Pacific for South
n business.
s dispatch says that tho bank
in has advanced tho bank of
ibig lawsuits have been instl
Chicago courts between Mon
ttle companies.
uol Gompera has been nnani
y re-elected president of the
American Federation of Labor.
Tho interstate commerce commission
will grant railways more time to equip
their cars with wifoty appliances.
A marvelous quartz discovery is re
ported from Dawson. The oro assays
$800 to tho ton, and tho ledge is a mile
Senator Fairbanks has introduced n
hill granting a pension of $2,000 yearly
to tho widow of General Lawton
similar bill had been introduced in
tho house.
Tho National Association of Retail
Druggists is strengthening its focres to
fight the cut -rate druggists throughout
tho country.
Boers, with a sense of humor, sen
Baden-Powell, at Ma f eking, a. messago
in a five-pound shell: "Don't drink
all tho whisky; leave some for U3
when we get- in."
Tho consul from tho Orange Frea
State in New York city reports that
many Americans have applied to him
for enlistment in the Boer army. The
majority of the applicants wero sold
iers who fought in the Spanish-Ameri
can war.
England's troubles aro multiplying.
Abyssinia now threatens to turn upon
the British. Emperor Menelik can put
200,000 men in the field and is said to
have been preparing for war over tho
question of territorial rights. His
armament is in oxoellent condition.
The senate will take up the currency
bill on January 4.
Tho Negros uprising was caused b
tho Filipino junta at Hong Kong,
Two Chicago electricians are
an estate in Hungary wort
in Florenoe, S
hall, hotel,
York city.
Goobol is making preparw
coming fight against Gove:
of Kentucky.
xno transports iiancooK a:
d City of
Puebla havo reached Manila
regiments of infantry.
All aged employes of the
vania railroad will be retired
ith two
sionod January 10, 1000.
England has at last decided
moro cavalry to South Africa,
according to Buller's wishes.
to send
This is
Senator MoBrido, of Oregon, has in
troduced a bill to increase tho pay of
letter-carriers in large oities.
Senator Shoup and party will visit
Wr Taylor.
and nen
. Arizona and New Mexico to report on
thoir application for statehood.
General Lawton was killed whilo in
front of hie troops at San Mateo, Lu
zon. He was shot in tho breast and
died immediately
Tho supremo court of Ohio has ren
dered its decision in tho bribery caso
of Attorney-Goneral Monnett against
the Standard Oil Company. Tho at'
tornoy-general furnished information to
the effect that ho was approached by
Charles Squires, of Now York, with a
bribo of $400,000 if ho would pormit
tho cases pending against tho Standard
Oil Company to go by dofault. It was
claimed that Mr. Squiros was tho repre
sentative of the Standard Oil Com
pany. The decision dismisses tho cases
on the ground that this faot was not
An oarthqnnko causod havoo in
Southorn California. I
Admiral Dowoy has rcachod tho ago
limit of 02 years, but ho will conmmu
in sorvico. I
Tho Grangers' warohonso at Rose-
Imrg, Or., was dostroyod by ilroj loss,
$4,000, fully insurod.
Four men wero killed by n train
wreck on tho Northern Pacific near
Boannonth, Montana.
A six-story building, 00 years old,
was dostroyod by lire in Now York, en
tailing a loss of $80,000.
At San Francisco tho Carlislo In
dians dofeatod tho university of Cali
fornia in a football gaiuo; scoro, 2 to 0.
Julius Baldwin is dead at his homo
at The Dalles. Ho was one of tho old
est and most promiuont pioneers of tho
Thirtv mon perishod in a colliery
horror causod bv firo damp explosion
at tho Braznell mine, near Browns
villo, Pa.
Laurior's French-Canadian following
is protesting against Canada sending
any moro troops to holp England in
South Africa.
3Irs. Potter Palmer will bo appointed
by President McKiuloy director of tho
American womau's department at tho
Paris exposition.
Tho state department will investigate
tho action of tho British government
in sezing soveral cargoes of Amorican
flour off Delagoa bay.
Tlio trainwreck near Pomona, Cal.,
In which one life was lost and four
were injured, was caused by tho break
ing of a looomotivo wheel.
At Rome tho popo solemnly inaugu
rated the holy year by performing the
impressive ceremony of opening the
holy door of St. Peter's cathedral.
Fenians threaten to make as much
trouble as possible for Great Britain,
and will hamper her operations in
pending troops from homo ports.
Twenty-ono sailors from tho British
steamship Ariosto were drowned in
Hatteras, N. C, surf. Their lifeboat
was swamped. Their companions
wero subsequently rescued by tho life
saving service.
Tho situation in the Philippines is
very gratifying to Washington officials.
The insurgent army has pracitcally dis
appeared from Northern Luzon, where
all ports will bo open Januury 1. Otis
will then give his attention to tho
The charred remains of W. J.
Thomas, u farmer, and his three chil
dren, were found in the ashes of their
homo, 11 miles Eouthwest of Chilli
cothe, Kan. It is supposed that Thomas
murdered tliS children and then set fire
to tho house and took his own lifo.
About a year ago Thimas' wife com
mitted suicide by taking poison.
Buller's lossesat Colenso were 1,119
Chicago poc
ka wero closed by the
at under restrain
ippointed for tho
'a man was shot
Jiting telegraph wires.
(borax have been dis-
ounty lakes, Southern
resident Kruger has
inst England's bein
permitted to
this country.
base war supplies 1:
Port Macaibo has bee
officially de-
clarel open to commerce
ezuela revolution is con
and the Ven-
idered at an
The Filipinos havo placed a largo or
der with a continental firm for artil
lery. They aro said to havi plenty'of
money. I
The warden of a California "prison is
confronted with a problem. A pris
oner whoso term has expired refuses to
leave tho penitentiary"
V Ex-United States' Senator Wash
Murng, of M nnjsota, is suggested by In
Uiana politicians for tlio head of tho
proposed Oriental commission.
Dwight L. Moody, tho famous ovan
gorist,is dead at his homo in East
NoAthfield, Maes. Tho cause of his
deatdi was a general breaking down duo
to overwork.
Thd Venezuelan government troops
completely defeated tho robols under
Gonoral Hernandez. It is belioved
that many prisoners woro taken and
that a large quantity of ammunition
was seized. General Hernandez fled.
Missionaries in Thibet havo a hope
less and dangerouB task boforo them.
After threo tears' work not a singlo
convert has lieen obtained. Tho Budd
hist priests, owing to China's internal
troubles, aro in absoluto control, and
will mako physical war on tho intrO'
duction of Christianity,
I I H III ill III Mill MM inn pop 1 I
I lvorrnS . I I nil II HI MMM
protest I
Exorbitant Price Asked
Imperfect Invention.
Navy mul Army ficnltmcn Will llefctii
Work ut Oneo nu an liintriiinont for
WIrclos Telegraphy.
Now York, Doo. 25. A tpeciul to
tho Tribune from Washington says:
Roar-Admiral Bradford lias asked au
thority from tho navy department to
establish a bureau at tho naval training
station at Nowport for tho develop
ment of a naval system of wireless tol-
j ogrnphy. It is pioposed to detail sev-
oral oilicors having high electrical
. knowlodgo at this station
and to fur
nish facilities for study and experi
ment, in tho belief that souiothing hot
ter than Marconi's apparatus may bo
Tho project to securo Murcont's sys
tom for tho navy has boon practically
abandoned. In tlio first placo its raugo
was found to bo exceedingly limited,
especially when vessels wero rolling in
a soaway, and thoir topmasts continu
ously varied in hoight abovo tho water.
Then there was tho iusuperablo objec
tions of interference, two stations bo
ing unablo to hold intelligent commun
ication when a third station within
their circlo of sensitiveness uudortook
to send a messago to oiiher point. This
dofect destroys the valuo of tho system
where moro than two ships cruised in
squadron or vhero an cnomy choso to
send disturbing messages.
Finally, Marconi's terms of $20,000
for tho first year und $ 10,000 annually
thereafter wero regarded as exorbitant
for tlio uso of his half-doveloped inven
tion. Ho declined absolutely to modify
his proposition, which compelled tho
navy to tako 20 sets of apparatus or
' mnm nnrl tn nar SiiOO nnrni'ht fur nrmh
set, and $500 a year each as royalty
for their use. Ho refused to send two
or three sets for experimental pur
poses, and gave American naval officers
to understand that lie did not caro to
do business on a small scale when Eu
ropean navies wero fighting for tho ox
elusive uso of his coherer and other os
sential spito of tho system's
radical shortcomings, as discovered on
this sido of tho Atlantic. Marconi's
attitude toward tho army was scarcely
different, and tho signal corps is going
ahead on a sytem of its own, which
avoids the Italian's patents, and nl
ready is said to bo producing better re
Rear-Admiral Bradford bolioves that
eomo of the electrical oxperts of tho
naval equipment bureau, if tho oppor
tunity is given them, will produce up
paratus to meet tho peculiar conditions
of the navywithout appreciable oxpcU'
diture, and in all probability the ex
periraenCs he desires will bo ordered
Onetation will bo located at tho
training station and tho other at tho
torpedo school, on islands about a milo
apart, and as progress is mado other
stations will bo set up at various points
in Nowport harbor, whero torpedo-
boats aro always availablo, with vossols
motion or for miniaturo fleet evolu-
,s. Several forms of apparatus from
erican inventors havo already been
submitted for test, and doubtless others
will bo received when the work is act
ually started.
Enilcil In n l'reo Fight,
Paris, Deo. 25. A pro-Boer demon
stration, convened this evening at tho
Tivoli Yauxhall by tho executive com
mitteo of tho Jeuness Royalisto, onded
in a riot. Tho socialists entered in
force and broko up tho meeting, amid
indescribable uproar and shouts of
'Vivo la social revolution," and "A
has Deroulede," with counter cries of
"Vive Derouledo" and "Vive l'armee."
Several nationalists who were present
endeavored to speak, but thev wero
quite inaudible. A free fight ensued,
and the proprietor of tho hall turned
off the gas. Tho combatants then
lighted newspapers and continued tlio
fight, smashing tho fittings of the hall
and using them as weapons. Finally
tho police cleared tho room, but they
wero compelled to chargo several times
before order was re-established.
The Ughthnuie In DurJc.
Victoria, B. C, Doc. 2C Tho light
house steamor Quadra left this after
noon for Egg island. Passing steamers
report no beacon showing at tho light
house there. Tlio keeper is frail, and
it is feared he may havo died. He has
a little daughter, 8 years old, with
Separate Sleeping; Curs for Xegroe.
Atlanta, Ga., Doo. 28. Governor
Candler today signed tho bill prohibit
ing tno sioeping-car companies operat
ing in tho state from furnishing berths
to negro passengers, except in coaches
used especially for tho accommodation
9f negroes.
New York Aldermen Favor Doors.
NewYork, Deo. 25. Tho board of
aldermen today adopted u resolution
praying "tho God of battles" to mako
tho Boers successful in tho war against
England. Tho rosolution now will eo
to the coounoil, and if that body con
curs,, will come boforo Mayor Van
Wyok for his aDproval
llnttloiihlp Toxkh Arrive lit Nowporl
Kimvh Willi HoiiiiiIuk.
Newport, News, Yu., Doo. 27. Tlio
battleship Texas, in command of Cap
tain Sigsboo, arrived hero shortly be
fore noon today, with tho remains of
tho men who lost thoir Hvos by tho do
Ktruction of tho battleship Maine in
Havana harbor. Tho bodios of tho
Maine lioroos will bo transferred to a
Chesapoako & Ohio train tomorrow at
12 o'clock, and will bo taken to .Wash
ington for intennont m Arlington cenio
torv Thursday.
Tho Texas loft Havana last Thurs
day. Sho oncountored a galo off II at
torns, but had good weather until she
reached that point. Sho anchored in
Lynnhavon bay Inst night, and camo
up to Old Point this morning. After
tho quarantine regulations had been
compliod with she came to th 1b city.
Chaplain Chadwiok, who was chap
lain of tho Maino, is in chargo of tho
Maine's dead, horoos, and will accom
pany them to Washington. No moro
than a scoro of tho bodios of the Texas
woro identified. Tho names of thoso
aro insoribod on tho cofilnB, which on
closo thoir mortal remains.
Thoro woro no ceremonies horo today
in honor of tho arrival of tho Maine's
doad, but improsslvo oxorclsos will
tako place tomorrow whon tlio bodies
aro transferred lrom ino snip to mo
fxaiu. -
Slllltury Ooveniom for Northern I.ux
on Young nml llooil Appointed.
Manila, Deo. 27. General S. B. M.
Young has been appointed military gov
crnor of tho provinces of Northwestern
Luzon, with hcadqnortcrs at Vigan.
His command iucludos tho Thirty-third
infantry, under Colonol Lultor lt.
Ilaro, and tho Third cavalry. Ho will
establish pormaueut stt.ions at San
Fornando and Laoag, with outjKists
whore needed.
Tho Sixteenth infantry will proceed
to Aparri, garrisoning such towns as
may bo doomed necessary in tho prov
inces of Cagayan, Isabella and Nueva
Viscaya, of which Colonol Hood has
been appointed military governor.
General Young and Colonol Hood
aro establishing municipal govern
ments, and tho ports in Northern Lu
zon will bo opened for trado about Jan
uary 1.
Muy lie Forty Ilenil In tlio llrninrll
Brownsvillo, Pa., Deo. 27. Tlio
horror of tho Braznell inino disaster
grows in intensity with every hour.
Tho number of tho dead is no it esti
mated at 40, and may pass that figure.
At tho same time thero is a strong pre
sumption that tho laws regulating min
ing wero carelessly and probably crim
inally disregarded. Today tho first
bodies of the victims wero brought out
of the miuo, and never in tho historv
of mine disasters wero human boings m
horribly mutilatod. It wus nearly 11
o'clock when tho first of tho bodios was
taken out, 28 hours after the explosion.
At 5:30 three moro woro brought to tho
surface, and again at G:30 threo camo
up in tho cage of tho main shaft.
Collided With u 3111k Train.
Now York, Dec. 25. A wrock on
tno .New Jorsoy Central railroad at
Highbridgo, N. J., lato last night re
suited in ono death and tho injury of
five persons.
Christopher V. Hutsidcr, n grocer.
was killed, and Peter Eick, Miss Ella
Maxwell and Baggagoman Frank
Grant woro injured. A doal train was
descending tho step grade, when tho
engineer noticed a signal from a milk
train which was at the station. Tho
engineer of tho coal train appliod tho
brakes, and detached his engiuo from
the train and approached tho milk
train to find tho causo of tho delay and
receive orders. Tlio coal cars wero not
held by air brakes and camo rushing
down tho grade, striking tho oniriuo.
pushing it into tho combination car of
the rear of tho milk train. Nono of
tho injured are seriously hurt.
IlororiiiH In Ilnviinn.
Havana, Doo. 27. All tho stores in
Havana closed at 10 o'clock Christmas
Goneral Wood says ho intonds to bo-
gin work at once upon tho highways,
which aro greatly in need of ropair.
This will servo to givo omploymont to
largo numbor of men.
Tho school system will also bo im
mediately reorganized. Tho judioiury
will form tho suject of early attention,
particularly tho jails and existing sys
tem of keeping prisoners for months
without trial. An order will issue di
recting that a completo list of prison
ers hold for trial bo furnishod monthly.
Pittsburg Printer' Strike,
Indianapolis, Ind., Doo. 27. Presi
dent Donnelly and Socrotary Bram-
wood of tho International Typograph
ical Union, today roturnod from a
mooting of tho oxeoutlvo council of tho
union in Pittsburg.
'Wo found that Pittsburc pulishors
refused to meot with us or in anv wav
recognize our council," said Donnelly.
vo navo as a result, ratted the Inter
national Association of Machinists and
will havo nothing moro to do with
thorn, eithor through arbitration or in
any othor way. Tho fight in Pittsburg
will bo fought to a finish."
Southern California Receiv
Sovero Shaking Up.
fihork Cnuaeil Orrnt Diming,, ,lt f
Inelnlo mul Hitiunt-HlY nut
Women Killed by l'lilllng Wall,.
Los Aiitfolos, Cal., Doc. 27. At -l
o'clock this morning a severe cur
(pinko shook was folt ovor a largo
tion of Southern California. Tho i
diilatious lasted about 12 huoohcIh. -
entire center of tho shock appcurN
have boon at San Jacinto, a Hum It t.
In Uivorsido county. Tho buHincn
tion of Ban Jacinto consists f t
Mocks of two-story buildings, Hmm,
which aro built of brick. Ton or
buildingH wore damaged, chiuiii. vH I
Ing toppled ovor and walls crucki-il a
fhakon. Tho total damage ut Sua .'
pinto and Hornet, a small town n(.
.y, is estimated at $50,000. Tin- M
tourist hotol at Hornet was dnuuig
l.iul tho hospital at San Jacinto a
Mifforod. Tho shock was h-iivy
Santa Ana, Annhoim, San Ilorniirilin
Riverside and other places, hut no pa
ticuhtr daiuago is reported, oxcept fro
Sail Jacinto and Ilemot.
Hlx Inillmi Women Klllnl.
gan Jacinto, Cal., Deo. 27. It m
tiiiuited that tho damage horo onus,
by tho earthquake will aggregate m
if 50, 000. Tho main shock mh pr
ceded by a loud roaring, and uwuki-ni
many just in timo to escape from t!
doomed buildings.
Tho business street was such si urci
that tons of debris had to be n iiioi
betoro buildings could be entoroil.
At Saboba Indian reservation, c
equawH wero killed by falling wall
two fatally, and inuny hurloiiMy ii
Tho shock enticed dry artesian wcl
to flow larger streams than ever l.efor
Considerable damage is ruiKirti-d i
nearby villages.
Tlilnl Wnve lit Klin Illrgci.
San Diego, Cal., 27. Tho most c
voro earthquake oxporieneed in th
city in 1-1 years took place at A
M. today, and was accompanied by
loud rumbling noise. The taller lulli
ings in tho city wero severely chaki
up, und tho plaster shaken off utn!
few broken articles of household furn.
turo reported, but no K-rioiiH luinap
wus dono. A high wavo struck tli
beach on tho front soon after tli
shock, but no damago was done t shij
ping. A slighter shock followed tl.
first ono a few secouds la',J 0
A- ' BAY.
Ilullur l)etroy the Colriino I'ootlirlilg
No further Advance.
Loudon, Doc. 28. Up to this lion
nothing has arrived from South Afrir
that would indicato any change ia tii
military situation thoru.
The war olllco is issuing lists of fin
thor deaths and wounded, aB well it
counts of sickness. Tho niont berinu
report of tho last class is that lion
sickliest has broken out in both tin
British and Boer camps in Natal. Fou
hundred British cavalry hones, it i
said, havo already boen shot owing t'
tho occurrence of glanders. Th6 H
scaso is likely to spread with nuic)
greuter rapidity among tho llritisl
horses than among tho hardy hoe:
ponies, and this may mean a consider
able prolongation of tho campaign-
Diuiniinii in i.iwiymiiiui.
An undated holiograph messago lew
ljaaysmltn. by way of l'lutermani
burg, roprohonts tlio garrinon ns iuj
way daunted by Genoral itullcr'sWi
verso at Colenso und is confident ojgl
lug ablo to hold out indefinitely.
Tho mails aro jjst arriving iron
Ladysmith. All tho correspondent
commont bitterly upon tlio superiority
of tho Boor artiliory. Tho Times' cor
respondent says:
"It is impossible to evado tho opin
ion that if British gunners wero in tin
Boor position, tho loss of lifo and dam
age to property in Ladysmith would 1
10 times greater."
Tho holidays havo brought no sur;
cease of recruiting activity. Lr"
Alwyn Fredoriok Compton, unionist
membor of parliament for tho Bigglos
wado division of Bedfordshire, will
raiso a corps of mounted men. i
Salisbury's privato secrotary, Schom
buru McDonnell, who is a volunteer
ofllcor, has volunteered for sorvico.
The action of tho United States pov
ornmout causos considerable discussion
regarding tho contraband question ns
affootiug Dolagoa bay and Portugal.
Widely divorgont opinions aru
SIlxoil jrrrlii(?e.
Nnw VnrV. Don. 27. ArClllSl'OP
wto.l to tho clergy
of tho diocoso adooroo from tho Vatican
boarlng on tho colobrationof the jubi ei
of tho holy yoar. One offoot ot i" " ,
nnn i.rtl 1 1. n ,nntn H 111 nil IE III"
Protostant by
priest in auuu. imxuu inmJ
arily allowed only by dispensation o
H,n ltal,r.nii lint, fnr tlm llOlV I
power is susponded.