Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 29, 1899, Image 4

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' yrriiat
Oruxim ns Heeiiml llliis mull matter.
Siilicrl)tlon jirlrOi 41. At), In ii'lvnuoo.
AilvurtUltig rule nimle known .njion
Friday, Due. 29, 1899.
BOHEMIA NUGGET. n,rvr iters. -
Wm George of Row river killed
" three hear Inst Friday near the
C. J. HOWARD - - - EDITOR, warehouse, sunlit wasn't much of
a clay for bear either. He will ,
KntereA nt tho poMnnU'o at cottimo arovo, soon be called the "Dave Crocket
of Row River ' if he keeps up Ins
Mas': nlo Election.
Tne Masonic election of officers
elected for the ensuing term are as
follows: Darwin llristow, V. M.;
I.. F. Wooley.l S. W.; D. T. Au
brey, J. W.; Sol J. Davidson, S.;
V. S. Bennett, Treas.; Joseph
Perkins, Tyler.
Santa Clans dealt kindly with " ...
the little ones in Cottage Grove No.", hnil a clo.e call last Wedncs-
this year. day. He was caught by the line
wli!1f liiinliinT Inirc and badlv
There was the "oddest" set of crushcd about the neck, fracturing C,,.ffl, , J' IJvf 1 n1
fellers up from Eugene last Satur-I the end of the clavical. Dr. -1 lXi x X uauu.
Job attended the injured man and
reports him improving.
A Happy New Year.
ami ucc
They will be sold as cheap as you can buy them
day, you ever sot eyes on afore.
The composition work on the
Special Mining Edition of Bohemia
Nugget is now finished and the
Sol Davidson, Jeweler.
Mrs. Frank Goodman is in the
edition will be bound as rapidly as j city.
possible. Be sure and get a copy Al Churchill visited Eugene this
1 1 1 1 1 . . . . .. . nfnnl
nun senn it m some uiie wnu ni.iv ...
become interested in Lane
county's great mining district.
Last winter there was little if
any work done in Bohemia and
practically speaking the district
was deserted through the winter
months. This year only a few of
the miners came out long enough
to spend Christmas, aud then back
they go to their work. A good in
dication of thrift aud order among
the miners and prosperity for the
With the passing of the year
1899, Bohemia Nugget shall have
been in existence not quite one
year, and the management is pleased
to note that the paper has grown
steadily, each mouth new sub
scribers being added to the sub
scription list, ana an increase
in the advertising patronage, for
all of which we are thankful. It
has been our desire to get before
the people the best local news. We
contend that in the main this is all
that is expected of a paer, and
all that the average country paper
can do and do well. We have
als o done the best we could to keep
the Bohemia mining notes before
the readers of the Nugget, with the
spectation that outsiders will be-
fme interested. We felt that tin
1 important as a few copies
snearly every state in the Un
mining public of Bohemia
Lk to see and apprecia
ind while only dne.
Di. and Mrs. Geo. Wall visited
Portland last week.
Harry Hunter is in town the
guest of his sister.
Mrs Geo. McQueen, Sr., of Lo
rane is quite ill.
Mrs Glen Stone is spending the
holidays in Eugene.
Mrs. Geo. Houston formerly of
this place is visiting here.
S. G. Lock wood of Lorane was
in the Grove the first of the weeje.
If you want anything in the
jewelery line call on Davidson the
Miss Edith Wallace ol Portland
is visiting with relatives in the
Miss Maud Slea returned
Wednesday from a few days visit
at Creswell.
Messrs Lloyd and Hard were
registered at the Hotel Eugene,
one day this week.
Attorney J . E. Young is home
from his Christmas dinner with his
people at Portland.
Attorney A. C. Woodcock was
doing professionol Lusiness in Cot
tage Grove TtJesday.
Che JSTew Yoyk Racket Stor
This Coming Week.
In Brief.
Mr. and Mr:
Cranberries !
First of the Sense
fiS re-
Ti during ,,.
our sincere tnanks to ouw pa
both subscribers and advertisers, as
well as to our correspondents who
have assisted in gatuerinV news,
and wish you all a HAPPY NEW
I'irat of the beason
! dimming A Sehr.
For quality it ml cheapness in frcsli
meats go to tho Central meat market.
Notice Ilomenway A UurkholderV
Shoes, shoes, shoes.
Wanted at Gurmiin & Xewlund 1000
till accom- turkeys nt highest market price.
Knit Mrs. b. ., .. , , ...
f XT frli 1 iucii uuuuiun uvuij' llil, ijjuuu null
Lufej's with ' p,,rt! mxr at thoTlliIor HhoV'
Geo. Wallory, one of tho cleverest
if:i. song and specialty artists on the road is
me muaiuh. ... ,.., .. , ...
r. . I Hall Friday Jan 5.
crip was at the J
and, Sundav re-' Timothy seed, just received ut Cum
to Cottage 1 ming & Sehr.
Jan 5 hto Ministrels Jan 5.
Has your husband been kicking about
the toughnessmd quality of the meat
your markcias been delivering you
lately? J. the price, too? We
would lilo supply your table with
meats, 6ur steaks and chops are ten
der and at the right price; and as good
cutters as the town affords.
Prof. J. R.Kendall arrived horVlast
Saturday night and stayed with Mr.
Will Coflin and family. Ho is nW
straightening up things at his ranch
und intends to stay horo for some tint
Tho railroad company has been blast
ing out the overhanging rock at the
quarry lately.
Mr Van Ness has sold his ranch to Mr
Burkott former section foreman for
Two ChristmaB parties hero Monday
night and everybody had a good time.
An old man who worked for Mr.
Charley Hasting last summer was lost
in tho woods back.of Mr McRoynolds
last Friday. Ho was in company with
u party of hunters and was supposed to
bo following thorn, when they dis
covered' that ho was lost. They started
to search for him out did not find him.
Tho search was resumed again Saturday
morning but ho returned Saturday noon
after having stayed all night in thoj
,ie WCBHWTOTT We sell uood croods at L'ood iirifi's fur
iio.Bass, wnose voice is iiKe ine , our customers, uontrai .neat market
sounci of a monster church bell? He
will appear with the Nashville Stu
dents,-at their concert at Martin's
Hall . The celebrated soprano
known as the "Colored Mocking
Bird" will appear with, the Nash
ville Students in their concert.
Subjects at the Christian Church
for remainder 01 week and next:
Friday "The Mission of the
Spirit." Saturday "The Setting
,Up of the Kingdom. " Sunday a
1. "A Sin Unto Death;" p. m.
'Tlie Five Kingdoms." Monday
ot Far From the Kingdom: '
Tuesday "Why Not a Christ
ian" Wednesday A Young Man
of the World." Thursday "A
Modil Conversion."
T. AV Lewis, boot and shoo repair
shop. First class ,work, low prices.
OppositovSherwood Hotel.
Master Ofcorgo Konnedy and Miss
Hattlo Konnvdy spent Christmus with
friends near llorane.
Always rellanle The Weekly Oresoniun.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
We will pay cash for county warrants,
or collect claims against Luno County
paying cashfor panic
An evening of fun, smiles, giggles and
laughter, listening to Thearles Original
Tennesseo Ministrels.
Tho best . shoes in Cottage Grove,
Ilemonway & Burkholder.
A company of Artists chuck full of
laugh como and see them at Martin's
Hall January 5.
Griffin & Vkatch Co. aro tho leadors
in (ill kinds of mining supplies, ammu
nition and sporting goods .
Smoked Halibut, tho best you over
saw just in and going liko hot cukes, at
Cummiug & Sehr.
Now! beautiful, stylish dress goods in
patterns, trimming silks. Ilomenway A
No mutter what you want wo havo it
at Cummitig A Sehr.
Now sweaters for men and hoys, both
wool and cotton, Ilomenway A Burk
McFarland Meat C . orrt u gkove, ohk.
James Hemenway:
Pieal Estate and Mining Property!
Fire, Life and Accident Insurance C mpanies.
Strict Attontion paid to Collection 5
Office opposite Sherwood Hotel!
Mr. W. J. Rogers of Saginaw, an employe of Booth-Kelly Co.J
says: "I was in declining health, had a severe pain in my side. Ihnv
I have ueen improving since I began to drink Radams Microbe Killer
There is no doubt it did do and is doing much for me."
Remember my dear friends it cures every sickness.
A. P. Howard, Ag't,
Itesidonco with J. K. Barrett,. Cottage Grove, Oregon.
If you want any thing in the Hardware line, come and look ove!
our pnra s nnn spp nmv tun nrmno em Tir. rOTTV
a x" - " m...v. w puuii v u
full line of
oiuvcs, i mwrtrc, iviuicra ouppies, mec names 1 00U, cutlery, uwn""
tion, Washine Machinta. Churns. Etc. anrt a Fff T.S nt AorricoltuM
H B BUB Bk a Y. B M B M B tft A.