Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 29, 1899, Image 2

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RcnsoiiB Offered by Hcmlcra T)o Not
Seem to lie the Heal One An Old
Oriental Sentiment that Still Bur
yIvbb Annum Modern l'arentu.
We have lately received a number of
letters from readers discussing this
Question which the Intense Interest In
Dr. Sehenk's discovery suggests Why
are bov-bables preferred? The writers
offer these reasons:
1. That It Is more expensive to bring
xip a girl thau a boy.
2. That when they are reared boys
ean earn more, and hence that they
Booner become self-supporting and able
to give a helping hand to their parents.
3. That girls, after they reach their
teens, are a greater source of caro and
anxiety than boys simply and solely
because of their sex.
In our judgment, however, none of
these explanations, nor all of them to
gether, completely accounts for the
strong deslro of thu average father nnd
mother to have more male than female
It Is only the mature parent, with the
experience gained In raising a family,
who Is seriously impressed with the
fact that daughters are more expensive
to bring up than sons. Young married
people are, as a rule, far too sentiment
&L sanguine and buoyant In their out
look upon life to figure closely on the
comparative cost of rearing boys and
Yet the desire to have more hoys born
to them than girls Is manifested, as a
rule, more strongly by young 'parents
than by parents of riper years. Why?
The true explanation Is a sentimental,
not a mercenary one. I1Ms the modern
survival of an ancient idea the Idea so
strongly prevalent In the East even to
this day that a son represents the
strength of the family, Its defense, its
protection, Its hope of perpetuation, the
carrying on of Its name and fame to
future generations
You will find this idea in all the old
Hebrew writing. A traveler In modern
Syria relates how he talked with the
head of a large family on this subject,
"How many children have you?" he
was asked. "Three," he replied. "But
3 see seven standing around you now,"
said the traveler. "Ah, but four of
them are daughters only."
The feudal lord was eager for sons
lelrs to succeed him, to go to the tour
ney and the wars with him, to bear his
name, wear his coat-of-arms, to help
him hold his castle and his landsagalnst
his foes. He loved his daughters, but
his prjde, his glory and his hopes were
In his sons.
Unacknowledged, and unconsciously,
tbo average American man and woman
are still thinking this old -Oriental and
feudal thought, and that Is why, as a
rule, they would rather be the parents
of fopr boys and one girl than four girls
ana one boy. New York Evenln
ery One Appears to Have .
'Private Nlghtmnre.
never been able to i
nnt experience, but yet I've bad It and
that I'm able to toll the story Is due to
nothing more nor less than n bottle of
ammonia. Factl It happened years ago
In India. I was attached to a troop of
Punjab light horse, on police duty
nbout Chawnld, and my littlo experi
ence was the result of a day's leave of
absence. With several companions I
was on my way to visit some native
friends In a neighboring village, and as
the Jungle paths were the shortest
route we mnde the trip In chairs slung
on carriers' shoulders. 1 was nbout
half asleep from the swinging motion,
when I was rudely pitched out by the
natives dropping the poles and scam
pering off. That's how I met my tiger.
With a bound bo was on me and had
taken n mouthful of my coat. Intend
ing, no doubt, to enrry mo Into the
dense undergrowth. Fortunately for
me. I bad a big Kottle of ammonia In
my coat pocket, carried It for snake
bites, you know, nnd when the brute
took tbo mouthful he broke the bottle.
The whiff ho got made his whiskers
curl nnd one was enough. He rolled
over a couple of times gasnlng nnd
waving ills paws, and then made off as
quickly ns he lied appeared. Hurt?
No, only a few bruise from the fall,
but the close shave took my nerve for
some months." Philadelphia Record.
One great disadvantage of smokeless
gunpowder, tending to offset Its many
advantages, Is Its corroding action on
the Interior of a gun. Prof. Uoberts
Austin recently made a report on the
subject, showing that fine weapons are
liable thus to be quickly ruined.
A paper recently read before the Lln
neau Society in London describes a spe
cies of seal, attaining enormous dimen
sions, to wh eh the name of sea elephant
has been given on account of a trunk
like appendage on the fore part of the
head. A specimen killed In the Falk
land Islands was nearly nineteen feet
In leng.h. The trunk Is only a foot long.
These seals are peculiar to the southern
An Ital'au court recently, after a trial,
ordered the removal of some wooden
yachts, whose bottoms were sheathed
with copper, from the neighborhood of
Iron warships anchored In the harbor
of Legho:n. It was alleged th it an elec
tric connection was established through
the ships' cables whereby the copper-
bottomed warships were turned Into the
poles of a galvanic battery, the result
being a rapid corrosion of the Iron in
contact with the sea water.
Prof. Alexander Graham Bell, Inven
tor of thejelephone, Is now dovotlnc
ITIi Htglioit Orltlent 1'rnlto.
Edward Terry tolls of a pretty Inci
dent wliloh ooourtod during n tour in
Australia. "Do yon know what I con
sider the most glowing trlbuto I over
rocolved? The compliment camo-from
a child. Thoro was a orowdod house,
an intent nudlence, and humor had for
tho instant glvon placo to pathos. You
might have heard a pin drop :nul I felt
tho tension of the house was at break
ing point. Tho intonso silonoo was
brokon by a childish voico a girl's
who, turning to her parent, asked in a
broken voico: 'Mothor, is It real?' "
San Francisco Bulletin.
Perhaps tho most trying oxporlonco
In tho career of a maiden who has
passed tho first blush of romantic girl
hood is whon she braces herself to meet
tho shock of a proposal of niarriano
A T.llornry Vrojrot.
Stern Tarout No, Murcolln, I posi
tively forbid you to rocolvo George Gay
boy. IIo'h taken to bad wayB lately;
does nothing but froquont rnoo traoks
and poolrooms.
MarcoUiiOh, but, pa, ho lias a
good object in going there. Ho'h a
literary man, you know, and he told mo
ho was making a book on tho races.
llarlom Life.
1'rosporlty for ltlOO.
Indications point to grout prosporty for
the coming vonr. This Ik tho nlgn of u
lienlthv imiuru. Tho migcukm ofa country,
ns welf as of an individual, depends upon
health. If von Imveanv stomach trouble
trv Hosteller's glotnach Hitlers which
cures dyspepslii, Indigestion and bilious
nuhs. In Germany, botwoon DuHsoldorf and
Crofold, a distance of M miles, an ox
"Take Time fa
The Forelockk
'Don t until sickness o-ucrtakesv,
men that tired feeling, the first ,,,
mAtlc pain, the first warnings of impi
ihwu .ire m.uuc3i, tane Hood s Sarsa
rtlh And you mill rescue vour heilih '
probably save a serious sickness. & ,,
J 1 IT l f 1,1
iv yci iiooa s, Because
n jiuiHH mooiing now In St l,.l
It was decided to establish a uniM
-..A.. ..t (IK 1. ...
ruiu ui u uuiim lor nair CUUiliir. (
cf 100 shops in Ht. Paul all but m,
from somo man, and tho shock doiwu't press train is run by electricity ai it wore ropresonteu at the mooting iin,
como. Cincinnati hnnuiror.
maximum speed of !I7 miles an hour. . present slgued tho agreement.
.of his time, according
ixperlments with fly
f is confident that ho
it track, but within
Success. He Is
5e generT
the ma-
nunary ngut
pn securing sta-
! in weight
16 ostrich farms
le point of hatch
u-a cnrlouf
lay be heard.
Icall "telephoning."
by the chicks In
Ivorlng to break out.
it easily emerge are
Iher bird, whlnh will
Vppulse, yet
in a loBraSPiy halhv
bo in some huge, squall
a cheap tenement. Th
parently dcsoite J, nnd I wJ
polled by an Irresistible
feeling that 1 am certainly approaching
Eometuing rrigntrui. At thet.eud of the
hall I go down a steep, dirty, flight of
stairs, my fears growing and swelling
at every step, ana pause before a door
that opens upon a little, square landlnir,
I know perfectly well that what I dread
la behind that door, but something
makes mo open it, and I look Into a
plain, bare room, perfectly common
place, with a small white kitten lying in
the corner. What there is about it to
throw me Into such a panic I am unable
to say, but I rush out filled with blind,
Inhuman terror, and always wake when
I am stumbling up tho stairs. I think
this Is a fair sample of the foolish
things that are so appalling in dreams.
why is it, I wonder? I have talked
with a great many others, and find that
their own nightmares aro generally of
tho same inconsequential nature. Of
course, tho whole subject of dreams is
hopelessly cryptic, but this seems to
me Its most puzzling and Incomprehen
sible feature." Now Orleans Times-Democrat.
bl wl
E the
ick to
Pasadena farm, the
uu.-kikl" v"t"i v "uj uuiun; mi uatneu as no
ce is ap- isould a pony may sdmetimes be seen.
k along, im- I' A method of producing anesthesia
oyitiie direct application of an electrical
current without the use of drugs was
recently described by Dr. E. W. Serin
ture, of Yale, before the American As
soclatlon for tho Advancement of Sci
ence," says the Scientific American.
"An alternating current with equal pos
itive anu negative phases was made to
traverse the nerve. At a proper fre
quency of about 5,000 complete periods
in a second, It can be made to cut off all
sonsatory communication by this nerve.
Needles can be run Into tho part of tho
body supplied by this nerve without any
pain being felt."
Escape of the Nowly Wedded.
A newly married couple in New
Brunswick, N. J., circumvented their
mischievous friends by starting on
their wedding Journey by way of tho
roof. The friends, well-supplied with
rice and old slippers, stood at tho foot
of the stairs. Tho pair nscended to tho
roof, walked to the adjoining house,
then down and through the renr doir
to a back street, where they entered a
waiting carriage nnd wcro driven to
the railway station.
Saved by Ammonia.
"Pretty fierce brutes, eh?" remarked
& soldierly looking man who was ouo
of a little group watching tho threo big
tigers at tho zoo restlessly pacing their
dens In auflelpatlon of time.
"Yes," agreed tho person addressed. "I
don't think I'd enre about meetiug one
at largo." "No, It wouldn't bo a jjleas-
A horrible, slimy monster that
makes man's life a misery.
After eating: a bloated belly,
belching of gas from the stomach,
a foul, ill-smelling scurf on the
tongue, dizziness, headache, a sour
rising and spitting up of half-digest-
j r.i ,f t- 1 rf ,
When the bowels stop working they
become filled with putrid, rotting matter,
forming poisonous gases that go through
the whole body. M you don't have a reg
ular, natural movement of the bowels at
least once a day your fate is bowel bloat.
with all the nasty, disgusting symptoms
thatgp with it. J,
There s only one way to set it right. I
Clean yourself out gently but thoroughly and tone up your bowels with CASCARETS. '
Every form of bowel trouble is quickly and permanently
25c. 50c.
To tqy needy mortal suffering from bowel troubles and too poor to buy CASCARETS we will tend a box free. Addteu
Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York, mentioning adverthement and paper. ui
This form, as well Dllud, Uleadinr or . 'otrudlnS
Piles are cared HOr. Bosanko'a Pile Remedy
Stop Ivchine and bleeding. Abnorbe tumors, 'jei
Jar at drugKlats or sent 1.7 mall. TreatUe free. Vrlte
me about jrour case. DK.I303ANKO,I,bilada.,I'a.
treated Bclon
tlflcal l y and
confident! al
ly. Corrcpondmu
C. H. W00DARD & CO.. 100 Second SI.. Portland,
How long have you PFSTJ
How Long Hare to Real .tout "5 Drops" Without TaVIng Them?
If n tfiS.? ?,ttM,15.Jr0iV ,mv ,VB!t,ed rrcclou 'mo nnd suffered enough?
Ji-! . "5!' clion,-. "fiUrons" Is a speedy and Sure Cum for Jtlieiimu
In flrimw ii 1 i 1FI ylptln. UnUrrh of nit kind, HroncI.ItU
ear. of tho above-nnh eui;e.; than all
TRADE MARK. kindred diseases,
in case of Itheumntlim
.1,1. tinu. 3 i . 7 v ..."ir uur.? oioiho KlioumatlHin
grow paying crops becruso they're!
fresh nnd nlirntrs the best. For I
sale every where Hefnen eubstltuies.
Stick to Perry'a Seeds nnd prosper.
1000 Seed Annuul froo. Write for it.
D. M. FERRY & CO., Detroit, Mich.
Eutfi?1 Parlor BtoTee, bat oor oontraot
with the manafaetnrers compels them
fl.77. YOU would be proadol either
ono of these parlor stores. The pictures
glTobuta foln tides of thefrelecanoe.
entO.O.D.on receiptor B7o. routo
tjrtslsnco to roar banker or freight
affflnt on arrlral at tor, H.iwf.
ranrbe greatest bargains erar offered.
lor o 2 c
aeifitr.,iiffi?l7 f m
?"na7",?IU,"iet PHoBltafal iorlemintt:
;-Babr Carriages. F-T)ruvs and i'atant if.dlein.?
achlnes. I-
'.'.mn,J, H Oraans and Hewing
-Uloroles. J-Oans and HuortinK Ooods.
ALaraeBtoTotaTies iMSfnel than asmalionsfor beut
slrenjTiearU tnlnd when 'ir ne.
N Boots and Bhoes,
ins over juuv pasts am
iu prices will ui
IJorclei. J Oon
' Laree HuudIt Oataloifue contain.
d oreroo hundred tlMUMOdVau
ifs- ana usnts' jrn:
M Reedr-made Qli
lao iiiotnina lor Juen and lloje,
if Ooods. LtDit
When the members of a church bo-
come tired of their pastor thev clvo
him good "letters," so he can get an
other Job.
There are two thousand different ar.
tides In a grocery store, and two mill
Ion In a dry goods store, and a woman
Is compelled to master them all.
Tho Ideal French Tonic
Since 1503, Endorsed by If edieal Pacuitw
Immediate fasting efficacious agreeabffe
Do You Ever Feel
That Wo Is not worth living. Tired out beffi
uiu uayt woric is begun.
floore's Revealed Remec
Will build up your eastern, purify your bloj
Oood hunlth makes happiness. 1.W) per ho
at your druggist's.
ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Heads I
oi iJyipepsIs, Itemore Tlmplesand Purify t
uioou, Aia I'lKcetlonandrrereni iiiiiouiue...
IlOt flrln A.H .Van TA ..n.1... VAN. WS Will t
atripla free, orfull'bot for 25c. DR. HOSAN1
CO., JPhlladu., L'cuun. Bold by Druggist.
. Kor Oonorrlicia and Oleet set Tabst's Oka Mclflo.I
Is the ONLY medicine whlcTi will cure ) b a na ei
case. WO CABB known It has erer w"j -
matter how serious or of how ion
from Its use win astonish you. It
DrerenU stricture, and can be tax
nience and
aaie ny
Circular mailed on roqucst.
matter how serious or of how lotnJiUlr
ts use win aetonisn you. . jT."r,,7 i,;conti
iu stricture, and oan be taken without onj
and detention from business. r'yJ3
rail reliable drugrauts, or kiwi - a
r wrapped, on IJL CO., ChUo,i
m sfi tnr unnlu!
"lttloni or u.. .-;a
sot to sulolsre. 01 TO V " a altlfl
FrsTsats Ceulsileo. I''?'"J. V"" X.,.. M
tYAHS UHtHIOAt 00. .ttl
1 NOIU MJ --
or sent lo plain wWfl
Circular sent on rtqu
. 8. X.
N. l N. U.
WIIICN writing to n.lvertlsers
mentlou tills puj'ur.