TRAIT OF ORAD8, it a lioi lon Hi 01 ,MJ io was 1T1T..IH na.ui li n irriu Is, INK irilE OSll ill I) I r, m ft . ... t a . " (fr oiinolicr found in tho Miell 1 J(J iw. ulnii lio ciillml u lmhv ...lrn wllllt I ., .. H...I mill fif lllll html I Urn I otio of Unit m ll.n . ,,nil III I' I'011" IHIIIIMI (lymcr,' .imnr tlit hoiiihI for twenty ;'"r , i. Mfiiim ii in ri-i. inn. mil. ID ' up " "i .ii , .1 Twl J!ri'"' ' 11 n " 11 ) Of IMl'lll. I'lini kiiiiiiimt I rtOfklnif w'H'H o" v"" ir- uJ I roilim riiwiiK.i I'niy uiiiun irfilirlle "" ordinary size ipot A yoiinif woman wiw them iJifiMlI HIT liiiiiim mi' niKIII. ukttl h1" w'"'1 1 wun" for 1 . . ..-I.I ..'III. mil, ,01j I I""" T " k mo m i"lfiT tlnin ii mice. tatuv i - i .. .1... .in iviiii iiii'iii UN ii mil mill 19 I ' i.. itn Intn iwutitr iilinlluV know. I asked an old Vlr niuokiT tlmt fame itit'Ntlii, and -Id It won itfi-niiHi nicy were lone- JJ) Will I" l,,r uuinny. "Ill I -itrflevc It. 'J'"'1' would iiK'nn that ilblnk, nun wc Know tiii.y uoit't. r iw u loliHtcr. I tlilnk (lit i fool III water Im a lolmter. I .... mil uiiow now vi5 I'll i r ii inn .m the Hotinil? Jake n lox. hore 1 1 ' .... lio the lde of It. and Mink it. Cut ;foorl)iioy ho you n kiiow wiiero to iiknUix. Leave the box mink all jlind ) ut tlie next inornltiK, lit op, mid you've koI a box full oi . And tin funny IIiIiik nlioir itiit they p Into the holes back j I'.riMi iieonle will nut theli jiinin liolt-ai where they ore look ;ktlt taken a loliHter to back Into ifciwl tuey ueeji on iioiiii; ii. kikii i Vim lifii'i In film u'lfli itoMte. Hut lobMterM. they back ! mto your amid. JilWMt foolt illrfi'-I'lilladeliilila Inniilrur. ZELLA NICOUAUS. tfH(ICi'fit Mv. ... " " " " .... ..ill. . ... ... ... . In mi I ml I miu tllnup. 5ff are ninny who reineintier Zellr liisiii:lc at Uielr folly In ndoles , inn z.i'iia oiih iouiiii uic worn fleigl'tti-r and. t ' n-1 nf It all. hio Broil 10 tier luuiie In a iilet lildlnn, i;f. to spei.d Mie reuialiiln yi-nrn of i ;lf.'"fnr frjin the iiinddlnK crowd' ' !itrfe." U lili Hi- exeentlon oi Individuals, Xella will be best fctmbercd by hcr llasli Into the life of rd OoiiUl, while bur meteor waa NlDg across the horizon. More than 'Mr after Zell.i had left Cincinnati, wippearwl In New York. She had in New York hoiiiu months wher. Iirc8i dUpatches carried out one W a rich hit of gossip to the effect 'Zella had a claim against George im for $10X00. on u'lili'li kIii. tlin.nt. Iiult uums Instant payment was Bifc for a lonrr llllin lit1i tit., fl milt 1. rt tnl Nlcolaus refused to give any In- Htloil M to till, imrnr.. nf tin. ill. lu PlUa,,J' It developed that Bella I'1' In sdnii. inui.i... ....... .. .... .. ..I., ...i. Ii . ..i... uinuiijuu ii viiv:iv 0,00'J from Hownrd Gould, on 'UCa It u-na ii, .,.,....... , i.... .,. t I. . ".voniu IU1 IU llll.u fJ8naturo of George Gould as trus KriOWlllf' bnu. tlm .I. ...I. 1...-1 lw.nn lrcd, George Gould refused to sign ' lot only this, he llnnly declined to JtlCUSS flnv tilu.i i,.,. ir... filn in ''" " tuiuin UllllBU. .HUIU t , 'mix ileclnres, he got possc 11,0 ciieck on the pretense of in ng it, nnd then refused to give It Jell 'ClIa 8tor'(-'d nl"t n Krent 'Unroatenlng all sorts of legnl pro 'fcBrt ' uut tllu enso never came to J? Tno l'i"llc wns never taken Into 1 n"deiico of either party ns con Zeis flnal outcomo of the dispute. UoM I"1''1 Bho wns "ButlBfled," but iitr. i ect nnswer tlio iiucstlon m? ,tllcr 8,10 sot tl10 She I, i'nucd 'o live nt tho best hotels and Pil In 1,10 most magultlceut of "fis-inade costumes. Aim KxPolvo Ponoc. most every nation, with the excep Brhi . e UliltL,tl States nnd Great Penl wwtnxed to meet the ex. iirT nmIntnl'11B Its nrmy nnd tJ' I'miieo rims behind to tho t of ?l,ooo,OOfl,000, Austria has Of IvwSS! (,oflcIt of 980,000,000, Itussla ,000,000 and Italy of ?30,000,000. i fn31? dlBllkos te Persons, his roa it tri, ,lsllklnB seven of the ten aro to it thnt ho would feel nshnmcd them la black and white. IVllOlier" ' "".inrivM 11 ' I inir lilt" '',vs Jtri. .... IMtM 10 35KM.A MCOr.AU.I. V . MB ii'iNottfie Tr ffliCtt tllr,,. I.. . 7VM r ; ",U" d,Vmo cure f. t.hc J .. it is 1C.:I h when diHAi (I'i II :r r .. t woiu',-,r..n.. . u A 'CI ill'l V . !' ir. .r0 trotihlcg a Uurinnn phvil. tan l.aH .li.novureil a ,mv and ii.,'..!,. It'llimly, winch ooimiHts in mamauo of too nvui ny hull iil' tho br..:ui. i n. beicbt of impirntiuii and breathing out B,,H,V- . HlrMI lldwg throu "7" . l J 10 llOlieg nf v"y K ehlldren almost M fIUelv iib iniouyn iiio veins, ' (lllllHl", Homiiy IUiil Niiturn'a Hani- iHrliim. rVenery, altitude, Hunshlnii ami air, com-titnte tho faeton. which are rapid. ly makiiis Colorado tho health and pleasure wrouiuls of the world. Here the sun shine !J07 dnys of tho avent:o year, and it blends with tho crlep, eleetrle monntain air to produce a climate matchless In tho known world. Xo pen can iorlr.iy, no brush can pb-ture the maiot-tlo enunleur of the scenery hIomu tholinoof the. Himvi.r :no uenver Colorado. , Hit) (iritlliln llaltt-riinl n ....... w,m .a. V.VI..... Tartios uoinjf Kast should travel via this line which is known all over tho world as the Scenic Lino of tho world. For any information regard in;? rates, time tnl lee, etc., call on or address Ii. C. Nichol, central acent, 251 Wash ington street, Portland, Or., or any iient of tho O. It. & N. Co., or South ern Pacific Comtwuy. Just before W. V. Smith, of Flor ence. K.tu., noes to bed ho carefully plares his hi'tird in a inusliu bag. Af ter ho has entered the bed lie puts the luiir iiinler bit pillow. His beard is ncai ly ci,;lit feet loni;. .... , ., A" ,:M'lBim, Cinrliinatl h., j' UN ,0 i-,;. . . 0,1 '""I". !'..'" Hio .ohamjilonshl,, iora.iv "8hc" 10 ,ll),cnl,.' MM IV i.i.i II .....I... . .. . T. " nai'lll-n U ICKNilll Ilil. Inn i 1 t . ' de ,.r.,, f .. . "U" 1 ' 1,7... .. VT.n" 1 !? """T..n..n?.w . "! ,v II . IIIUITH. W 1 1 1 f ! ll inn fr llf . .. . ici w r i i." f'l.i. ' i. . nuniriiurH oiiinincii iiiirin irom unit mtv u i..v.rtiatin,,H haH liow that i """'S . . r m n ,UC,,"rm,,L'r!Hll0,,ni'u Mur ProHton siosBon has been k , in i ."rV,K"g' kr'Hlmi. in appointed nhaplain of tho Wyoiuin Most people eat more tnan is good for them. The stomach tries to digest all that's put into it, but if repeatedly overloaded, it goes on a strike. That's indigestion. Rich, over-sweet, indigestible food weakens the stomach and makes it unable to take care of the material put into it. More food taken into a weakened stomach than the stomach can digest, stays there, forms gases and rots, bringing on all the horrors of dyspepsia. The only way to cure dyspepsia is to clean out the digestive canal with CASCARETS. Keep it clean with Cascarets, eat light food sparingly, and give the stomach a chance to rest up and get strong again. ge sure you get the genuine CASCARETS I THIS THE TABLET YOUNG MEN! nrevf nti tricture. and can ' nrmuK, IS.W. For Circular roslled on rwiuwt. is LBJBteita s!mr 10c. . . . ik.,mi... , tmrrfv vewtable eompoana. No mercurial or other mlueral ptll-polson la Cascarets. Cascarets promptly, effectively and permanently CASCARETS are absolutely ha "''X ' cure every disorder el the Stomach, tlv.r and ""XveT.lcVen weaker ?oi crlpe. Be sure you cat the genuine I Beware ot Imitations and substitutes I Buy a box of CASCARETS .Cr.S.I.Sr K WnTu. and Je sjU . Address STERUtlO RBMBDT C0MPAMT, CHICAOO or BW TORK iiuiv I "I1 ',ut J'OKonerally tl.. ....J. ... " VJ 7 .. ..... n KU(m mi notno lor 1HM good upptstUo for hi Mui'lny dliuwr, It is rl,,4,,i t... ... . 1 'l!"" r l' . llIr U-rl fll'H kc.dr. im i..m., TiinoK Humid. ru:n. uncago Tim i!i.t jriin win., I'rizc liL'iniiii. ii. in i... .. . i ...i ,.,.i i,, f, " " l'niii?uij- ' 1 " H'lll-lll'll II IMMNll TRAVEL. I n rn nun 1 1 mi fur tlm I'ulil III eeleotinK your routo to tho Hust Jon cannot aliord to overlook tho ad v"tH and comforts olfered by tho ISio Orando Western Itaihvay in con- ectioii Willi tho Denver & Hio Grande mill f'i. I, I ...:i i- i. i , : : ...... .iniinvuillllll'Illill mm pilHSIII directly through Bait Lake City, and in iKiiiition to tho (,'limpso it affords of the Temple city, tho Great Salt Lake, uio salt palace, and tho picturesque Utah valley, it offers choice of six dis tinct routes to tho Kast and tho most , ni.'iKiiiiicent Ecenerv in tho world. A 'io,lljl daily train servico and through 1'"",ni palace and ordinary sleepiiiK 'a,H ,rt'0 reclinini; chair cars and a I(ir,ect dining car service aro now in "I'eration via tlieso lines, Vor pamphlets descriptivo of tho t"'llt L-& Itotite," apply to .7 I). Mansfield, nonoral auent, 2C3 Wash- ... , . "l8ton 8t,oet. Portland, Or, The Princess of Naples is said to bo the most beautiful member of a reicn iiiK family. I'lso's Cure for Consumption is the best of all couch cures. fieorire W. Lotz. Fa bucher, I.a.. August '20. lStU. It appeals that Miss Enid Yaudell is not the only woman sculptor member ot the National Sculptor Society. In addition to Miss Yandell tho society includes Mrs. II. II. Kitson, of Boston, and Miss Uessilo Potter, who, liko Miss Yandell, now lives in Nuw York. to s is l-,.t- i of Tit. . fr piiit it I- wni - When a person lscomplelely rundown, pain; In tlVobact, headaches, tired, utterly worn out feeling, why put off taking- tomethlng to stop the ravages oi disease? Hoore's Revealed Remedy will malco you well, quickly-It makes you feel lkoai"? person. It's pleasant to take. 11.00 per bottle at your druggists. BUY THE GENUINE MANUFACTURED BY ... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Ur"NOTB TUB NAMK. inn n who r?""iia.l dv, a. b lo , ,0,r,,ory- HOW Tfl EBPdP I The discovery by the K':lIibors 't a 7 ANNUAL SALESj 6,000,000 BOXES. fS i SYRUP OF HQS mi. I liixnrioiiH llrft.fil.iod mill fipii i ii n f - ''""'J filC'IC. DilCfit Cfirmor. tioumadoat 0,,,K., with TT..1.... tj.. cilo, ami at OlMcii with IMo Mr....,in itin trttut ..11 ...(..... r.. e. ... 1 l'"""" inUM-KOII. Wi.811- any O. It. & N. aont, ot ad'lrwi! W , Ji. JUirlburt, Gimtiral Passunyor Auent, I l'uttlniid. HlirlitiL'toii. In., tiootiln lmvn 80.000 of tho $100,000 which thoy aro Block in ordur to .ay that will run and ticnetiate now A blacksmith in Grass VpIIov, Cnl., l uouiuuo io cioso ins career on tho an ;nivergaryof tils birthday, nt tho very nour oi mo day wlion lie was bom. Ho waitod until tho clock struck 11, and then committed suicide. DEAKNEHS CANNOT II K CUIIED By local Applications, ti ihor cannot reach the amcanea portion or tho cur. There la only ono ! wuy to euro (It adieu, rind that In by Constltu- I tlonnl rcincdlci. Dcalncss Ir caused by an In- 1 ilnmed condition ol the mucous lining of tho ! i KuKtBchlan Tube. When this tube gets In- 1 lliun'Ml jou have ft rumbllne nound or I in per- 1 I li rt h.-nrliu;. and when It is entirely closed i ueafiu-s is the result, and miles? the Inflnnima- ' Hon cun be taken out Hint lliii tube re.'tired to Its normal condition, lienrliiK will be destroyed lorever; nine enses out ot ten are caused by 1 j catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condltlou of the mucous surfaces. I WowlllKlro One Hundred Dollars for any I 1 Cafe ot DcaiiiessicHUSed hv catarrh) that can I riot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend lor circulars, irec. F. J. CHENEY 5i CO., Toledo, 0. Bold by Drusglfts, 7Sc Hall's Family I'llla aro the best. It is announced that Italian experi ments on vegetable life with Hoentuen rays havo shown that the effect is iden tical with that of sunlight. Are You (Join,: Knst? If so, yon should see that your ticket readB via tho Great Itock Island routo, and you will get tho best. palace sleeping cars, elegant reclining chair cars "free," and library buffet cars on all through trains. Best dining car Eervico in the world. Popu lar personally conducted excursions once a week to all points East. For full particulars call on or address any ticket agent, or A. E. COOPEH, G. A. P. D., O. It. I. & P. Hy., 240 Washington street, Portland, Or. Mrs. Towor, tho wife of the Amori can ambassador, has tho reputation of being ono of the best gowned women at tho Russian court. day conclif'g ' Pullman when he is nr osing to a heiress, do you? Indianapolis wournal. For six yeara I waa a victim of dys- penala In Its worst form. I could eut nothing but milk toast, and at times my stomach would not retain and digest even that Last March I began takluz CASCARETS andslnco then I have steadily Improved, until I am aa well as I over was in my lire." David H. Munpnr, Newark, O. oi han mf you. "F he i. quiw M&Mto&M. SURE CURE F0R, P,(-E ITOT'3?iiViaiW3WHi ITOlllNOPiUsurodncBUioUtureandcanHoitclilnci S!?1! WfSffitiS &ii Thliform. wfll II Had, UlecJIuit or l'rotrudlns "SjHiSSrXSyWJKSaSS l'lloa are cured by pr. Bosanko'a Pile Remedy tSSkitAUSS Btopnltchlnitandl)leilinir. A Uortu tumors. Wo VSaS?"?i'iSTi-5cS liSpS' Jr at druucliu orient bj mail. TratUe free. Writ laBtfSMaaBSWfaagrT tn TWi , in ggw me about four case. Dn.BOSANKO,l,hilada.,l,. mAC.IE;w DR-GUHN'S'PILLS 29 to 36 First Street rORTLAND, OR. ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Headache " 1 and bspepsia, ltemore Tlraplesand Purify the . Blood, Aid Digestion andPrereut Biliousness Do -MnmiaMir,., n l notQrlpeorSlckon. Toconvlnce you.we will mail arrri "iilfWbUj nUntUPB ampl free, or full bor for 25c. DU.1SOSANKO C22Z3 treated selen- " ""'"". et""" M Pf '"' K' v' p wo- 30-'0p"r ffiS' iotreiuif.reS',0nlIeRC TIJUBN wrltlnc to advertisers pleaso C, II. WOOD ARO ft CO.. 100 Second St., Po tlind. Vf mention this puper. I Man I Who I Lost I I Hope g inViiy (NiTiOiiiM r iii1 Mr. IT. M. U'nrn., t fl "In 1BW J was attacked with para lysis In my left side. You might tick a pin to tho bead Into my Ten hip and I would not feel It, I was unnblo to do any kind of work and bad to be turned In bed. 1 mado up my mind that I could not bo cured as I had used nil kinds of medlclno nnd had tried many doc tors. J was udvlscd to try Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills for Tale People, nnd commenced tbslr uso lastbcp tember. Baforo 1 bad llnlalicd my flrst box I felt better, and by tlmo I bad used tlx boxes tho dlscnuo bad entirely disappeared, and I have not boon so free from pain Inco I was a hoy. The parafysls also disappeared. and although two months havo passed since 1 fin ished my last box, there has been no recurrence of tho disease." From the Oazctte, Uindcn, A'eb. Dr. Williams' pink PHIs fir Pale People are neter sold by the dozen or hundred, but alwavs In pacxaocs. At all druggists, or direct from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co.. Schenectady, N. Y., SO cents per box. iil . In tho African elephant both sexes have ivory tusks, while in tho Asiatic they are generaly restricted to the nialo. ClTQ Permanently Cured. No fltsomervounesj illu ufler first day's uie of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Bestorer. Bend for FBKE fi'i.00 trial bottle and treatise. D:t. It. II. JCLINJi, Ltd., 030 Arch street, Philadelphia, I'a. Tho Princess of Wales has made such a loving hobby of inusio that she plays with mucli skill the piano, harmonium and zither. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. Many animals in desert regions never havo any water except tho dew on vegetation. A parrot in tho Lon don Zoo is known to have lived 52 yenis without drinking a drop of water. in rr rfyi tTr KTts rti iri! arn al 5 25c 50c DRUGGISTS 19