Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 29, 1899, Image 4

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    BOHEMIA NUGGET. ' under not by Journals, alleged to
hi devoted to the mining interests
EDITOR. Oregon (J) but by the real 1
. article. Brother Conklin you
Kniore.inttho'p.Mnice at eiittw should come up again. There arc
oro.wi?Nmiinimiiiimutr. a great many miners who are
- clamoring for your pnpsr on the
sni..rri.tion i.riic. !... i't ifUnncc. strength of your write up, and we are
A.u..rtiii.K.mir .iimt.- known m" qc confident a change of climate
application. I wolli(i be beneficial to you.
Friday, Skpt. 29 1S99.
The Oregon Mining Journal
which is now, always and forever
more, for Southern Oregon mines
has devoted considerable space of
late to the Bohemia district on ac
count of said Mining Journal's
representative having secured a few
subscriptions up here some few
weeks ago, and after enumerating
the several properties in a very
ordinary manner, gives the camp
this black eye:
"The principal drawback to this
section has been its heavy snows in
winter, which prevents packing in
or out from this district, thus de
terring many from operating in the
district in winter. They claim the
snow does not amount to much un
til January or February, but when
it comes, from ten to twenty feet of
snow lays on the mountain till May
or June, tbis year up to July.
Many parties spend the winter in
the mountains going all around on
snow shoes, but most of the
properties are closed down during
the winter months."
Now as a matter of fact the above
clipping- is decidedly far fetched,
and entirely uncalled for. The
Journal's, representative knows very
well that last winter, was an un
usually severe one throughout the
Northwest , its equal having never
been known in the history of the
camp and in all justice to the dis
trict and mining men who are cast
ing about for openings, it is no
criterion. Quite frequently from 8
to ro feet of snow, and sometimes,
upon the higher derations, 20 feet,
falls iu this district during January
and February, but with few ex
ceptions, active mining operations
are commenced in May, and the
Musick mine has twice in its his
tory, when poorly equipped as to
buildings, been able to run the year
around. Even the last winter
which is so emphatically alluded to
by the Journal's writer, active
operations were commenced in the
latter part of June, and as to the
snow laying on the- mountains,
"this year up to July," it is de
cidedly misleading, as only a very
sniall amount of snow could be seen
in July and that upon the highest
peaks, which are nearly always
spotted with snow. The assertion
was entirely uncalled for and leaves
an impression not deserved by the
camp, and certainly not appreci
ative. Brother Conklin is also some
thing of a health advisor. After
commenting upon the beauties of
nature as witnessed in Bohemia
district he winds up with this:
'Those who are looking for
health could not do better than
spend a few weeks in this very
healthy country with its nice cold
mountain water and bracing at
mosphere." Tin's little "effort" is deserving
of much praise, and undoubtedly is
of great interest to mining men,
who are always in delicate health
and whose entire energies are de
voted to seeking out bracing at
mosphere and secluded nooks for
invalids. Mr. Conklin could pei
haps make a handsome speck by
leasing a few acres of land in Bo
hemia and building storage depots
for invalid's chairs, vapor baths,
flannels and flesh brushes during
January, February, March, April,
May, June and July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
7, when the district is snowed
The Noonday Mining Co., et al
Sued for Damages.
The Noonday Mining Company,
C. M. Collier, surveyor; G. G.
Warner and D. B. Murray will
this week sued in the Lane county
I circuit court for $5,050 each, or a
i total of $25,250 by Robert Martin,
Charles Beck, R. T. Martin, J. R
James and H. D. Tefft. The com-
plaintants are represented by At
torney A. C. Woodcock and At
torney J S. Medley, two
prominent attorneys of this
district. The following taken
from the Guard is the complaiut in
The complaints, each, in brief,
allege That Chas M Collier pro
cured the plaintiffs arrest on inform
ations signed and sworn to by
him charging them with hindering
him and by force preventing him
from surveying a claim in the Bo
hemia mining -district, by a duly
authorized officer of the U S court
and the plaintiffs were arraigned on
said charge at Eugene, before a U
S commissioner for the District of
Oregon; and that the other defend
ants herein and C M Collier con
triving and meliciously intending
to injure the plaintiff, conspired
and conferated together and ma
liciously and without probable
cause procured plaintiff to be ar
rested therefor. That on August
12, 1899, the plaintiffs were ex
amined before U S Commissioner J
J Walton, for the supposed crime,
who found them not guilty.
That for the purpose of defense
in this prosecution the plaintiffs
spent money in employing attor
neys in their defense, also were
compelled to lose time in leaving
their homes, and iu traveling to
Eugene and for payment for lodg
ings, etc, each of the plaintiffs were
damaged in the sum of $50.
That plaintiffs are otherwise in
jured and damaged on account of
their injured feelings, mental
sufferings, anguish and humiliation
in the further sum of $5,050 each,
or a total of $25,250.
In Sujnmcr Goods ! t C11
fltfS33 ades Crash Skirts.
iBSfe Ladies' Shirt Waists.
Lawns, and all kinds of Summer Goods sold LESS
at L. Lurches
lt Brief.
How about tli is weather?
And still they go to the mines.
No matter what y u want we have it
at dimming & Sehr.
Wanted Five hundred customers to
come and see our umbrellas . just re
ceived from the makers. Prices SOc to
$3 each.
Boyd will make 21 stamp photos,
seven positions, for 25 cents.
The carpenter work on L. Lurch's
store is now completed. It makes a
big difference in the appearance of the
AH work entrusted to Davidson the
Jeweler will be promptly atteuded to
and guaranteed .
Trust your watches, clocks and
jewelry with Davidson tho jeweler,
who does good work and guarantees tho
same .
Take your laundry to Geo. E.
Griffith, agent of tho Eugene Palaco
Laundry. Goes down Thursday and
returns Saturday afternoon.
Furniture store is the placo to buy
your paints, oils, sewing machines,
carpets, blankets, pillows, mattresses,
wall paper, window shades and under
taking goodB.
Maiitin & Cowman.
Tho 4-year-old son of M. A. Tapp of
this city had the misfortune to fall and
break his arm Monday. Dr. Wall was
called and roJuced tho fraeturo and at
last accounts the little follow was
getting along as nicely as could be ex
pected. Tho great success of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrfiooa Remedy
in the treatment of bowel complaints
has made it standard over tho greater
part of tho civilized world. For sale by
Bk.nho.v Dituo Co., Co,ttago Grove. Lyons
aud Awxiu.U'j;. Drain Druggists.
Cranberries !
First of the Season
dimming & Sehr.
For quality and cheapness in fresh
meats go to the Central meat market.
Notice I lemon way & Burkholder's
ad. Shoes, shoes, shoes.
If you want glasses fitted to your eyes
go to Davidson the Jeweler.
Fresh candies every day, made from
pure sugar at the Tailor shop
Timothy seed, just received at Gum
ming fc Sehr.
You should trust your watch with a
first class Jeweler, Patronisw Davidson.
Wo sell good goods at good prices for
our customers', Central Meat Market.
If you want to buy a watch, or jewelry
consult Davidson, who will save you
Given nway, one Photo button with
each dozen Photos for fuw days at
BoydB gallery .
Mackintoshes that will turn the ruin,
sold by Eakin ifc JIbistow.
Sailors the latost full styles aro now
ready for inscctioii at Miss Meinzcrs.
Buy your grass seed of Eakin fc
Giums Si Vkatcii Co aro the leaders
in all kinds of mining supplies, ammu
nition and sporting goods.
Smoked Halibut, the lnjst you ever
saw just in and going like hot cuke, at
Cumming & Sehr.
Now crockery . and glassware at
Joe B.iker of the grocery (inn of
Baker and Johnson will lx at tho
Musick mine every Friday with tho
supply wagon for the benefit of patrons.
Bakkh it Johnson.
Suits! Suits!! Tailor made suits!!!
Up to date in overv respect, from $15 up.
Call and see samples.
Gko. Boiilman.
Remember Dr. 1. L. Scofixld, Dentist
when you want dental work done.
A good 35-light Acetylene gas
machine, for $65.00, new and in
good order. New York Racket
Store, Eugene.
The Northern Pacific have recently
established an agency in our city with
Mr. James Hemenway as agent. Cal
on or write him in regard to tickets to
all Eastern points.
m 4 T ! 1
x. At Jvewis, 0001 ami snoo repair
shop. I-irst class work, low prices,
Opposite Sherwood Hotel.
Boyd will take wood and all kinds of
produce in exchange for Photos.
Parties wishing ice cream or ice for
Sunday, go to tho M. C. C. Bakery.
Eakin & Bristow havo n now ad this
week. In the ad they call attention to
a flnolinocf wraps just in. Call and see
them .
Bo auro anil see tho latest styles in
fall and winter hats, just arrived at Mfss
Eakin & Bristow aro agents for the
Genuine Oliver Chilled and Steel
Plows and extras.
Boys, havo you eeon thoso flno shot
guns at Grifkin & Vkatcii Co.
If you want a cook stove, heating
stove or camp stove go to F. B,
Whito blankets at Eakin & Bristows,
all the way from SOc to $10 per pair.
F. n. Pni'Luuis has his now stock of
heaters iu. Go and seothein thoyare
Pink salmon, bellies, very choice at
dimming ASohr.
Are Now Open for Inspection
We are Offering Some
Bargains in the Following!
Men's Heavy Shoes
$1.35 to $4-5-
Boy's Shoes
$1.25 to 2 35.
Mcn'n I'ine Shoca
$1.50 to $3.75.
Men's Hats
50 cL to $3.00.
We have a Full Line of Ladies' Shirt Waists in at
We also have Outing Flannels, Shirting, Dcss Linings
Shirt Waist Sets, Ladies Neckwa c, etc
New York Racket Store.
Kicking ?
Has your 'husband Ixren kicking nhotit
the toughness and quality of the meat
your market has been delivering you
lately? About the price, too? We
would like to supply your table with
meats, Our steaks and chops are ten
der and at the right price; and as goal
cutters as the town affords.
McFarlancl Meat Co. COTTAOE OHOVK, ORE.
A Complete and WW1 Selected line of the.
Best Drugs in the Markd
Kcjt Constantly in Btk
2STew Line of Trusses just in
umf -ompny, Cottage Qroyt. Ore.
James Hemenway:
!Real Estate and Mining Property!
Fire, Life and Accident Insurance C mpanics.
Strict Attention paid to Collrtlo
Office opjwsite Sherwood Hotel
Printed bv Permission
w ' T"'rmmr
MR. GLEN STONE of this city, has used twelve gallons of RA
ukmq mujkuuu KILLER, for Catarrh. He is satisfied that n
1 -1
uas oeen ot much benefit to him, and will endorse this statement w
wlirh nrt itilAMdtnl .. .1 ...lit i ?
.UH..V3HU uuu will inquire. M
Catarrh lays the foundation for general ill health, and is the M
cause 01 many enronic diseases, Microbe Killer cures Catarrh.
A. K Howard, Ag
Residence with J. K. Barrett. Cottage Grove, Oro.
The Largest Stock in South Lane
Q Pntmictincr nf
Shelf and Heavy Hardware; Stoves one Tinware; Pumps, Pipe "
Guns and Ammunition, Studebrker Wagons, Canton Clipper Pto
Harrows, Etc. . For Miners Supplies, the only bouse South of PW
land. Give us a call r.PTCPTM Rr tTT.ATCH.