l! I .j r Sn.vs It Extonds W"v' . "... ijnclor mo ouu. Lnation PROVES THEORY . ..r Ilia llanillv I'.l- j'Vt" " Trn n",,,r" to ",,,",t"l",, Lilt, Bcpt. 1B.-J. V. Wnr.li.or. ,.. iiiiiiliiu in 11 ii . who in Il'i'tuiacd from Onpa Noma, ml. il.mirv (hut ilici tnld t it t III nun 1 11 t " .1 ii.ii ihtfoir. Iio nays that two ubcnd n caisson 120 foot from rri.niliit wltlah wim In lam i.i oiperimonts worn tried nt u f4fi!iii"co ,,ul" " Wfeiulli. i. I'.liiifiiilmt Trull. I Plain IiiD.el. Alunkn. Kept. I. via Hont. ... i. ....... iiirll'ml ltiltiv ti'lll. if sirnii'' u"" ' "j i' ., it,,. K.lmmilriii trull f -ftlTom " j malority of tlcjt nro without .ii i i.i i ... ii . .ii tliu expense of tint United IliCuTOiiiiiiciit. Aliout 60 of tlintii I i Cull In tomorrow on tlm r Al-Ki. Jinny nro sintering Ig IIIB -- ....... ,tf liuiI(illp rwxl milferliiK n .. .f ... it... ....II t) D tllOli 11 liioiiiiin "lu iiiiii Juiiiinllnr (train to tlioio which1 HprKCili'il tlium. No now fulall-' hh icporled. It In thought that K i.anannfilltlM tiff Bllll 111 iflM tl Tlioy will liavn to ciiiiiii ilown J I EscKCell l nil iximn, us um I ..... of ittlir will rilill'nilt lliH icona f'Otti making another trip .jinr! On her Inst trip ho wai Ejp on n (aim unr uvo uays, ov 1.. .Upn U'pHlllfbl KB"""1 ' J, J. Hill III rtpokut.e. !r..t. t.'t,l IR lrnlilmit Hill party of Oicnt Northern olllciulij iirtHti V'ivxl horo thin ovi-nln; ! tt t; (Ci.nl train. Mr. Hill announced jjrpOio of bi'Kinninu nt on on por atiit iinprovcinuiitii in HM)kunu in Ji.cf an oxppinlitoru of fiorn 000,- ESu (1,000.000. I lu uliio ntntfl thai ItMl return nuro iiioHnny nini na milh biniiifm muii and minvowu iite matter of ainoltlnK hi'ru theorei IliHinrrouudlui; country from Dnkur i;,on the line of th O. It. & N., to iLuiii Col ii ni Ij I u on tlio north. Tin vt; will leavo in tho inorii I nc foi Vl loanil. Inillpplii l'iiiiiiiiUliiiir In ltlnrn. Jiisili, Frpt. 10. ColoiK'l Clin rift Iftstj soil i'rofuniior Dan Woicostor, itxkii of tho Pliilippliio com tn ihhIuii. j'trciTuil iiialructliins from I'roal flat McKlitloy nukinu thftit to return Ii wn ai potnlhlo. They will urn-J-'ton tho steatner Imliii, which mil s Honjj Kont; Septomlier 2ti. 1 1 Iitotktiown whutltur tho clerlnil force iUteturn with them or romain liore. T'miiiiiiionorH hnd jiiHt remove! btevoillcoK nnd expected to epond I mi-iiitlu working on tho estiiblielf "t of niiiniclptil Kovorumuuts. itj Aovailti cavalty wan unahlo to 18'lontlio Nowpurt. Thiy will tako 'M avnilablo transport. Can Net Trlt Wlin lln I. Seattle. Kutit. 1H Amnnir tlm tnnnv lalorltltlllt 0 tirominrtnrH tlint hnvu rn. 1 from Alimka title eoanon in an Is" man who cannot toll who ho in, 01 ''.tr lie (ll inn friim 'I'linro In n itiit I Hood In his brain whiuh hat) oausod 'Pltllrtil nl minnrli ilnn In Irnlinid l"r. Tho only words ho can nttoi III! tt .. . .. I a iiiiiiBiiuct yea nini no. uy tne a tlinn it wim Innrtind Hint he fioni Onmbriduo. Miibs. A man K'w arcoinpanio.I him from Uawaon "!l lllfl IIIIIIWI la .n,....ll.liw IIL-.I ll,y' EfTorta aro bulnt; niado to "lib lili tl, ......i. i.i ill. I nun, n lUUIIlliy. J(1 Bbure nleo paralyzed. epinlnp .if rk v.. I. Ealem. Or.. Knnt IR Wllluml nnr. I oony (ha Orivnii otnftA ftt nt 1 HOfl I " " w Vf,wi u (U 111! J I formerly oponod to tho public this nealng. Fuly BOo peoplo woro in nt Manco, a larso orowd for oponina !it, and passod tho tlmo very pluns '311? In !no.,.. !.... il. .1. ......... II I In i ,"lll-i''B iiiu iiiiiiij niiciivii" n exhibits, in listetiltitr to inotru. eota mualo by Parsons' orchoatra, '" outdoor illustrated looturo on tho If In in. hi i ..i i Ifkni ininppino8 uy iMiwnru rlewin recitation by Miss llolon IB i..,'.anu Voonl selections by CUtnrlos "hltini. "unBllmr Kxiioiitlon f n Nuirro. q , ,ID' Am., aopt. 18. Jionry oner, n neKro, auod 18, was handed ,',n JMIyanl horo todny for assault J whito girl under 10 yoars of aire, Wlion tho trap foil tho iml iu lot 1,00,1 proporly fastened tionnV nBro fo11 lvlly to tho bu - 110 ffU8 "salstod to tho scaN Illffo.l . . ... . . IlMlln l B Br0nt P""1' """ ,l10 ""P 8 tli o socond timo, Bucccssfully. X'lrrlomm In Newroiii.illiinil. !tr I '" 8( Nl F- Sopl. 18-A vlolont Wiana. BWUP' t'lis section of Now 'nl last iilul.t. Four fishing 'vero driven oft tho St. John's e tnro mon and n woman if GOLD BEPOSI - ...TllTCI"lCf!!"nE' Wimhlnyton. Hotil id 'i-i . h'"!,.;,;;,,;;,1!,! mmw, 10 u,,,u"iiui Mrt0l,l,,,,,r'n,'li,,M, m"" l,m" Colonol 1 , '"""""""I! tho Twe..!,.t, . ..its ,,,! troop,, nbonrd Ihotru.s- w tn .,1 1 ,,1,'HU'1 0,'n"cii napots me Hiliiah forolKn ofllno to tho HrltiHli Kovetmir Ilt K to ,t0uru will, AllluricaI1 Another -llnpntuh from Colonel Met- I :.."..M,,,,Iy, "" unl '''r.lay, HlMtes hat tho Tattm W,l(niot overl c.owde.1 a,,,) ,)llt fo0(, wnnj j us on other traiiHportH leaving Manila. Mi' said tho ttoublo aroto attionK tho dinchari.e.1 r.ulr Roldlers who woro ruturtiiiiK homo on boanl tho Hltip. PEAHY'S WORK. II. Itrlilefinnii ltvr II will ItKIK'll ', Now York, Hcpt. 10. II. L. HrldRo. man. who ciiuiiiiandcd thol'eatv Arctic expeilitlon of ISSO.nrriveil in lirookiyn today. Tho Dinnn, tho ship which conveyed tho mouthers of tho expoili tion into northern seiiH. reached Hrd. ney, C. II., TuiMilay. Mouthers of tho rrlneototi scientillc patty retiiained in PyilllfV to Mlltietilltliliil tllll Rhttiiilno rf their colhtctiotiH mmln dtirint; tho two iiiiniiinr ciuuo. Ul Tuary's wotk, Mr Hiidueiuan envN: "I'eaty's results in tho first year of tho four itlloted to his ureatost Arctic ork fully toward expectations ami Jimtify confidence. What ho has al ready achieved removes his undortak I UK fioui the realm of doubt to reason ably certain tucceiw." Mr. lirlilticiiiiin heliovos that I'cary will accomplish liis putposo and reach the polo before his four yours are up. SENTENCED TO DEATH. Vrrillct or t'linrt-MnrtUI In tlm Cnia ol Two Jlaiilln Inrniilryiurii. Manila, Sept. 13, via Hook Kong, Hcpt. 10. Tho local papers assert that Uororal Damhoffer and Privato Co nine, of company I), Sixteenth in fan try, havo been sentenced to death by court-martial, ami that privato Mc lieiinett hns been condemned to 20 years' imprirottinont for having crim inally assaulted natio women in Ma nila a month ago. Tito crimes, it is said, greatly aroused tho natives Tho pa pets assert also that General Otis has recommended that President McKinlcy approvo tho sentenco, and that ho desites a pulbio execution of tlm men sentenced to death, as a warn iui; against n repetition of tho ctimo. GUNBOAT ATTACKED. Ailiiilml WnlKin Ituporlt Slmrp Kn Ccniiriit In .tlHilniln. Washington, Sept. 10. The follow ing dispatch has been received at tho navy department: "Manila, Sept. 10. Secretary of tho Nvov, Washington: Davidson, com manding tho Paingua, repotts a sharp engagement at Malemao. Tho vessel was stiuck many times by riflo shots, but there were no casualties. The Para gon silenced tho insuigents' fire iu 20 minutes. Tito ratigo was 400 to 000 yards. The oocasion was tho capture of a Filipino schooner, which Davidson destroyed. WATSON." Mnletuao is in tho Island of MaBbata, south of Luzon, and north ot tho Vi- sayas. PARDON FOR DREYFUS. Itumor ThHt III" Krrnch Calilnet Hni Acruni Uimi it Paris, Sopt. 10. Tho Matin this morning assorts that tho cabinet has agreed to pardon Dreyfus anil that tha decroo will bo signed September 10. Mauv of tho provincial papers pub lish articles insisting on tho grant ng . i.. Tim liMLMiro savs that OI II illinium - " , . many ofllcora of tho army ato asking that Dteyfus bo pardoned. Conntess Prokoschostoin, president of tho AiiBtrian lieu oro" duU. written a letter of condolence to Madame Dreyfus "iCriiBcr' Itlly. Pretoria, Sept. 10.-The 'liion of tho (list draft of tho reply to tho British note ended this evening, P lent Krugor hav ng loft nt 4 , e . dook nnd not having returned. It is unuor stood the government will draw up tho l m reply i" its """I '" T" 7 B tbn.it tho same to the volksrand. T o reply will bo in terms strongly in ilio rtpij Vl00 stnt0i nmi 0f tho convention of 1884 considered so tavorau.u ing tho foronootu Bt 10.-A special . 1 i mm, Ga to the Tolegrapn fr0'n. A nouVo 1 a arrested nt Tyty says: A 'l0-ro .,.,! i.innt led 11,19 "'Tthe two " o s who nssaultod as one of tlio two i.bi , ony. "w . , , i m.i.. armed, asso.nu.eo ' - 'in nt 3 o'clock Pfl0pl0 passing o J Jj'iip.nd.d ti.t. morning suw " '"-b', ,. .,i LIDEA' - ';LAQU,NALDo; Knirkiilifl T.riim Willed tlm Oilier of tlm TitgitU Hnruaml. New York, Hopt. 18. A Bpocial to tho World from Ithaca, N. Y., says: Your corrospondunt is able to say on outhority that tho Hchurmiin peace comnilssioii offered ovory itiilucoiiiont short of absolute self Kovotnmont to Auinal(lo and his followers. Aui tialdo was piomised as tho prico for tho restoration of poaoo in the Taijal tribo " bonus of moro than $5,000 a year while tho Tuvalu romainod poacoful. Ho was told that ho could choose men front IiIh own trlho for the minor mu nicipal olIleeH. Tho commission wont so fat as to promise Aj;uinaldo tho inorul Ptipport of tho United States gov eminent, if such wero needed, to mnko his leadership of tho Tubals thoroughly secure. With all tlieso inducements, tompt inn as thoy must have boon, Aniiial do, as tho recoKtiizod head of tho insur KOtit movement, declined to yield. IIo insisted upon immediate sulf-govorn-ment, and as his inslstatico was mo Arm us to make an agreement impossible, tho American commissioner!! ceased ne gotiations. President Sohurman was frank in tolling your correspondent a day or so nfjo that ho favoted (jiving to tho various tribes tho largest possible measure of homo rule at tho earliest moment. He thought tho sovotul tribes could admin ister their local affairs, elect their iiiuu'.ciptil office! h, establish courts and penal institutions, etc., but did not believe ii possible to allow tha natives to paiticipato in tho general govern ment. "How could thoy govern tho islands, in view of tho hetroirnity and multi plicity of the tribes?" ho added. MUST RECKON WITH SIBERIA. Alnnrlrnil 'WlinntcroiTftrn to Ilnvn Com petition From u Notr IJunrtnr. Now Yotk, Sopt. 18. A special tc the Herald from Washington says: American farmers aro to have competi tion fiom a new quarter in tito wheat market of tho world. Consul ilona ghati, of Chomnitz, m a report to the state department, gives interesting de tails of tho agricultural possibilities of Asiatic Huesia. Mr. Monaghan eaye that this vast tertitory is destined to bo one of tho world's richest nnd most productive places. It is particularly well adapted to the growing of wheat and other cetcals, and since tho build ing of tho trans-Siberian road, wheat from this region lias already found its way to the Eutopean matket. At ptescttt tho resources of this re gion aro undeveloped, and must remain bo for some vears, as tho population is as vet greatly scattered, being less than otto inhabitant to each square milo Immigration from Europe to I'.ussia is eetting in however, and 4,000 persons entered tho region last year. Hunullun CnpltKll.t Out and Injured San Francisco, Sopt. 18. R. B wniian cnntialist. ar rived from Honolulu on the steamship Australia last Tuesday and registered nt ilin Omiitentnl. Among hia effects was a valiso containing between $30,- 000 and $50,000 m bank notes, uonos and sugar stocks, togethor with a nuui bet of other valuable docuuionts. A low hours after his arrival ho missed tlio valiso. An investigation has been made nnd it is thought it is on its way back to Honolulu. The l,reldent' Trip. Washington, Sent. 18. Only Seoro tariea Gago and Hoot, Postmnstor-Gon-eral Smith and Attomoy-General Gtiggs woro present at today's cabinot meeting. The president announced that ho hnd intended to extend his Chicago trip to Minneapolis and St. Paul. ,. A varietv of subjects wero dis cussed, but final action was not taken, nxcept in tlio caao of Cuban money or dots to tho United States, tho rate of which will be raisod from 30 cents per $100 to 50 cents. . Wr-cUd mid llurned. Atchison, Kan., Sept. 18.-Mlssouri Pacific Height No. 124 waa wrecked nt 4-30 this afternoon, midway botweon St Paul, Nub., and Julinn atntion, near Nebraska City. Threo of the crew weto instantly killed, and their bodies demoted. Tho killed ore: Engineer Tom Gil Inm, Firomau T. M. Ruse, Brakoman W. 11. Foster, nil single and residents of Atchisom . Drunk Wood Alooliol. Vailejo, Cal., Sept. 18. Michael Owens and Richard Conroy, mar ties of tho cruiser Philadelphia, have died from tho effects of drinking wood iron ' noitste.l ntMaro n conot. uuw - - island. Owens, who was formerly a mombor of too bii served through the Cuban campa gn and came hero from 0" e Badger. Ho was a native of Philadel phia. . . ..Devil Ante" HatOeld Captured. Willlamston. W. Va., Sopt. 18. Sheriff Henderson, of Logan county, and n posse of 15 today went to the t.. H,h mountains 80 Bliod capturod "uovii i """"; Bl i Ti.r, nitumBS. n rela- i h eon iioo, iinu - - ve of the Hatfields by marriage. Tho 1,1 ... , ii.rt.. in PiL-n -nnnlv nrisoneis win uo - ,1 tried on charges of murder giv ing out of tho Hatfield-McCoy feud. ALONG THE COAST. Item or Onnnrnl Intnrnit (llenneil I rnoi Ilia Tlirlvlntr I'uclfln Hlntm. To llnnrt of liitnrlor. Phils wero filed Monday at tho land officii by tho O. It. & N. for 20 miles of tight of way alonir tho middle fork of tho Clearwater fiom Knmiuh, says, tlio LewiHton Tribune. This right of way was purchased Homo months ago by tho company at a time when tho big railroad light began. For many years it was considered that tho middle fork of tho Clearwater provided tho only approach to tho pass through tho Bitter Hoots, and when tho Northern Pacific declared its intorition of building tho Motto cut-off. it is said tho O. K. & N. hastened to appropriate tho right of way along tho rniddlo fork. Another explanation of this move on tho part of the (Jtegoti company is ttiat tho Bur lington lino has intentions of soon ex tending its lines west from Billings, Mont., and that the O. It. & N. has so cutod tho tight of way leading into tho heart of tho interior Clearwater coun tiy, and will perhaps remain contented with the poesessioii until tho further development of that region justiiiea tlio construction of a road there. Cluip.n Olltloolf. P. Mcintosh, of Tillamook, who manufacliires moro checsn than other any man in tho Northwest, speaking of tho outlook in Tillamook county for a hirco production of cheeso, saya: "Tho spring and aninmor this year were not especially good, as tho rains continued so Into and tho weather so cold that tho grass was not given a chanco to grow. August ruins havo had the opposite effect, and tho fall ptoimses well. Tho fall grass had already attained a good gtowth at tlio time that is usually tho dtiest of tho year, and it shows in the increased production of milk. Every thing points to the probability ot a jood fall. Prices will bo good or even Vtter than in some timo past, as there is a shortage iu Eastern states, and tho cheese imported will come nt a high figiue. It now looks as though theio will ho a good advauco hotweau now and .lanuavy. " Itaker City'. 1'rocre.n. The Citizens' bank building ia pro. uresring favorably. Tho hank will cost in tho vicinity of $20,000, and tho wotk will bo pushed rapidly. Too en tire edifice is expected to bo completed bv .Inniiaty 1, 1000. Almost another $20,000 is going into a liandsomo build ing whiuh will he of btick, namely, tho N. C. llaskoll structure. And still another, only four blocks from tho Citi z tin' bank, whero tho foundation for the lluiHtou tivo-stury hotel ami opera houbo is laid. A New Aaliratoa Find. A vein of asbestos baa Leon discov ered iu Idaho county, Idaho, wlncli ia reported as being of the very finost quality and has a market value of 00 cents a pound. With nil the big thitiiis in that ,eection of oonutiy an af-bestos mine is not amiss aud will add to tho wealth of the state. rro.pcrtlve Shipyard. C. G. White, of California, has bee . Everett, Wa"h., for tho past wei tying to mako arrangements for the establishment of a shipyard. Ho says he Ikh contracts in sight valued at about 200.000 alreadv. He wishes to have a ftee site aud a subsidy of $250, 000. Fort StHWiin ItHllroad. Tho authorities of Fort Stevens have received permission to proceed with tho eimstruotion of n lino of railioad 800 feet in length, to connect with tho line of the Astoria & Columbia River railroad. Contracts aggregating $80,- ono lmvo been lot for work at tort Stevens. Ptone I'nwdnr Miica7lne. Tho Baeolnl Ilardwaro Company, ol Sutnpter. will lot n contract to John, Hiauti for tho construction of a stonn powder magazine. J. W. Crowdett will otoct a three-story rooming housf which, with other improvements, will cost about $5,000 A Heavy Order. An onlor for 400,000 oases for .igct sound cannery has been roceive ni- tho Pacific Sheet Metal Works ol Astoria. Tho present indications am that tho factoty will run full timo foi the noxt two mouths at least. I'lirinc Conat Clint. Kiht shins will bo necessary tc carry the salmon catch of British Co lum'bin to Europe. Officers of Whatcom, Wneh., aro ar resting saloon Ueopota of that place for violating the Sunday-closing oruinanco About $800 is being expended in the gymnasium nnd baths of tho benttle Y M O. A. A largo amount of fruit is being nlneod in cold storage for tlio Walla Walla fruit fair. Tho university of Washington, nt Seattle, opened its fall year with largely increased attendanoo. Hobos hold up two ymsongers on t fmlnht train nt Selnhin, Yakima coun ty, Wash., the other day, while tho trnln crow waa at dinner. From ono thov Booured a watch. Tho other had $100 concealed in his shoes, which tho bandita ilW uot discover. FALL TRADE ACTIVITY. Senernl tin. turn, of the Country Ootl Forward lit a flood Face. Bradstreot'a enys: With compara tively little stock or other speculative activity, and with fow strong now fea tures presenting themselves, tho gener al business of the country goes lorword at a good pace, and witlt unprecedented volume for this period of tho year. Fall ttado activity would appear to bp, at its maximum, judging fiom advices of activity and strength of demand re ported alike from Western nnd Eastern markets, and shared in also by most South Atlantic nnd interior Southern cities. Iron nnd stool aro qutot but very strong nt tho East. Littlo improvement seema to bo noted In wheat though tho government report was temporarily stimulating. Weather :onditions are partly responsible for tho better demand for butter. Tho strength of cotton goods ia notable. Lumber retains all itB old strength and some new buying is responsible for ad vanced quot'atons at several centers. This is truo also of most building ma terials with tlio exception of brick which is rather weak owing to reported Dvor production. Wool is firmer at nil and higher at some markets and much interest is taken in the next London wool sales. Wheat (including flout) shipments for tho week nuureirato 4.000.000 bush els against 4.353,003 bushels last week 3,075,291 bushels in tho corresponding week of 1808, 0,299.048 bushels in 1897, C, 900,352 bushels in 1890, and 2,892,259 bushels in 1895. Sinoo July 1, this season, tho exports of wheat aggregate 42,012,708 bushela, against 30.409.091 bushels last year, and44,C02,700 in 1807. Business failures for the week num ber 149, against 123 last week, and 173 in this week a year ago. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla, 58C0c; Valley, 59Glc; Bluestem, G00lo per bushel. Flour Best grades. ?3.b; grauam, $2.05; euperfine, $2.15 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 3G40c; cnoica gray, 3(5 38c per ousnei. Barley Feed barley, $15io. brewing, $18.60 per ton. Millstufrs Bran, $17 por ton; mid dlings, $22; shorta, $18; chop, $10.00 per ton. Hay Timotliy, ?8u; ciover. 8; Oregon wild hay, $0 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 45ouo; soconds, 3540o; dairy, 8035o; atore, 22J27K- Eggs 20c per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 12o; Young America, 13c; new cheese, 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, 4.uu(g 4.50per dozen; hens, $5.50 springs, $2.504.50; geese, $0.50 8; for old, $4.500.50 for young; ducka, $4.50 5.60 per dozen; turkeys, live, 12) I8J4C per pound. PotatoeB 06 75c per sack; sweets, 22jjjC per pound. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, uuc per aacK; game, o per puuuu, cu bage, lj2c per pound; cauli flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, $1 beans, 50c por pound; celery, 7075c per dozen; cucumbers, 60c per box; peas, 3 4c per pound; tomatoes, 2530c por box; green corn, 12)15c per dozon. Hops lll3c; 18U7 crop, 4uo. Wool Valloy, 1213o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 8 13c; mohair, 2730c per pound. Mutton Gross, beat sheep, wethera and ewes, 8o; dressed mutton, GJ 7c; lnmbs, 7o por lb. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00; light and foodors, $4.50; dressed, $0.00 7.00 por 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, 8.50$4.00 cows, $3. 00 3. 60; dressed beef, 07c per pound. Veal Largo, 07KC! small, 8 8J6C per pound Seattle Markets. Onions, now, $1.5201.50 per saokv. Potatoes, now, 75c$l Beets, por sack, 75$1. Turnips, por aack, 50c. Carrota, per aack, 50 76c. Par8iiipa, per sack, $11.76. Cauliflower, 75c per doz. Cabbage, native and California. $10 1.25 por 100 pounds. Cherries, 76o$l. Peachea, 75 90c. Applea. $1.26 1.76 per box. Pears, $1.762por box. Prunes, $1 per dox. Watermolona, $13.50. Cantaloupes, 6075o. Butter Creamery, 27o per pound; dairy 1722o ranch, 12no per lb. Eggs, 20c. Cheeso Nntivo, 13 14c. Poultry 1814c; dressed, 10c. Hay Pugot Sound timothy. $70; choloo Eastern Washington tim othy, $14.00. Corn Whole, $28.50; cracked, $28; food meal, $23.00. Barley Rolled or ground, por ton $21; whole, $22. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.50; blended straights, $3.25; California $3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.50; graham, per barrel, $00; whole wheat flour, $8; rye flour,'8.75. Millstuils Brnn, per ton, $16; shorts, per ton, $10. Food Chopped food, $20.50 per ton; middlings, por ton, $23; oil cak meal, per ton, $85.