Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 21, 1899, Image 4

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C. J.
-4 -
Knlercil nt the pojlodleo nl CollaKo drove,
OroRoti ni Soconit Clans until imitlcr.
Hiihacrlpllnti price, H.r0, In hiImiih'i'.
Ail vprtMtif; mlri iniiiln known upon
A specimen oftheSnlcin hog wns j
- in evidence in this city Inst week, j
EDITOR, presenting Salem's second class i
- - job ofhee, sohcitingjob work aloug
the line, and alleged to be working
oft a stock of paper, of such in
ferior quality that it cannot do busi
ness down there. Just imagine a
hog in a job office anyway !
Friday, July 21 1S90.
: A telegraph dispatch in Sunday's
Oregoiiian tells how Frank M.
. Girard of Co. I of the brave Oregon
Last week a peddling wagon did volunteers now at ban I-ranctsco,
business on the streets of Cottage recei1 a telegram upon the trans-
Grove, selling- goods that can be Ports nrrival at 1?risco thnl hls
purchased at a reasonable-a living ,other at McMiimville was dying
pricc-of Cottage Grove merchants," ,or "un come .....uuuici .
at a shade under the local price ' He went to his commanding officer
prehaps. People bought the goods, and told his story, showing his
as thev had a pertect right to. telegram as proof thereof and asked
However the monev thev turned in for furlough. He was refused a
to this fake store on wheels, was furlough. That night with the aid
taken out of local circulation right , of sympathizing comrades he was
then and there, and the men who do ' lowered into a small boat, got!
for vovtt rnir tri: raw
(Uatci) Cbis Space for Bargains.
1 1 Brier.
business here, selling goods as
cheap as they can, and keep up
their expenses4 pay their taxes and
lend their energies in building up
the town, were left, so to speak,
holding the sack. Quite freqtteutlv
a snide, fake, vulgar in many in
stances, medicine show company
comes along and does the same
thing, taking, hundreds of
dollars out of the town, while our ,
Get y.nir ribbon at Miss Ilcinrlrh.
Notice Cuiniulngt'c Sohr's now ad In
ashore and took the train for home this week's Nugget,
and mother. Upon his arrival he, Trimmed goods of every description nt
found his mother alive, and with 1 reduced prices at Mbs Moinxor's.
tears in his eyes said that he would ' 1'or quality and cheapness in fresh
return in a few davs to his retri- , "l0il,s 10 ,lu, Central meat market.
ment. The disnatch troes on to sav ' othv Hotnomvay t
that owintr to the totiehinir incident
l,o,vni nntlv. .itl. hnhil.u.l H. Lurch will commence remodeling
by military law. Well, we should
hope not. A boy who has risked
his life on the field of battle for his
SIhh'!, shoea, .shoos.
Lurch will common
hin store 01110 timo thin mnnth.
Arc Now Open for Inspccti0n!
We arc OiFcring Some
Bargains-in the Following.
.Men's Heavy Shoes
$1.35 $485
If yon want glasses Htted to your eyes
go to Davidson tho Jeweler.
Fresh cutiilics iivnrv iliiv. liinilo from
responsible drug houses, and our -ol,ir can oc Lxpecieci 10 nsic it pure sugar, nt thoTailor shop
competent physicians just as com- everv time for the woman who Cumming t Sehr hate just received
petent and in many instances more !Save n"n birth, and he should be a large shipment of granit ware, tinware,
than the mixers of the vile'S,veu l,,c siraPs tor" irom me ". " k-''
. j: rr . r 1 . iiriri'M 11 1. 1 ,iti mi vri , vitv h.
the nnblie commanding- oincer wno reiuscu 10 , '
so than tlie mixers
stuff purchased by
through the instrumentality of a
glib tongued globe-trotter whose
reputation is on a par with his
character and the both of them not
worth a quart bottle of his alleged
compound, is hurt in a professional.
business and financial wav.
week a drummer lor a
ijrant him a furlough.
The Roseburg Review in its
! write up of the trouble up in the
Bohemia district has" overdrawn
affairs to a considerable extent.
t 1 j In the first place the Jennings Bros.
nrintiiiP- are hiShl' respected in the Bo-
house down the valley came along , hemia camP aml CottaSe Grove and
You should trust your watch with a
j first class Jeweler. Patronize Davidson,
j We sell good goods at giod prices for
our customers, Central Meat .Market.
If you want to buy a watch, or jewelry
con-ult Davidson, who will save you
For twine and machine oils go to
Gitimx it Ykatcii .
I". II. I'hillipt iiuK his cample Mcj
...t.:i- .1 it 1 r- r',.,.,.:..i. 1, ... i
and offered nrices on inh wnrb -- wmic iney prouaoiy nave lire arms v. vn .,,.., ,,, ,, rh
n. 1 . x. 'on their olace thev are considered t'x"",'i"11- and look at them,
graft, about 15 per cent cheaper j r V1, ' are consiuerea ..,, 1, , ...
than the work could be done at the law abidin8 citizes- T tyliel, l,tBat the n.o,t
uidn me ttorK coum Be aone at me , 0 Jm , reasonable prices at MiMs llcinriuli.
local nrintins- houses and it is said sPent thousands of dollars in the ( .. . .
lULui pruning iioubcj,, ana u is saia . .... New crockery and elusswaru at
that he lookout some handsome j development of the mine in hti-! Cl' It Skiiu'k.
orders from some of these same j gation, and it is natural to suppose! Kr yor Spring and summer hatH Xo
business houses who last Saturday I that the' would Protect 'heir ( t0 Mis Mcinzcr, at tho old ptioto
had the pleasure of seeing the ProPerty against what they con- graph buildin-a fine line,
peddling Wagon hand out goods at !sidercd an infringement. The j Ladies ready niadedrosa nkirtt just
prices cheaper than the mercfiant ! Je'gs Bros, thought they were , Kakik Hkistow.
could lay them in stock. Now there I in t,ie "Bht; Sun-eyor Collier and Sujts! gU!! , Tajlor mj((1(, , ,
are several conclusions. The people ! Ir' Wariner thought they were in u,, t0 llatw j,, mv ri,,,0(:ti fro, w up.
should stand by and patronize their 1,1 ine r,gnt! tlieir ttiouglits did not Call and eee eninples
the same channel, and hence i
.... . I Mluu A....i.
.,A u.. n.: .i;.'tne flisairreemeiit. 1 herp 1? n tri -'"r"
suuumjld"uu) "1CU uw" Pn""ng , . . I,nMH choice lino in h.t.wt .vl,.
ounai in eacu ana every county of , HW them
tue state, ana it necessary a higher -,, n,
., , V , , "L . fa ! 1 he Champion" the lwHt mower on
tribuual, to settle such affairs, and I t.arth . ror sie )y Gmrvis & Vbatoii.
when the Review has the honor of j if y0ti want the latest Htylon in hatH
having assisted in electing as ca- j and millinery e.ood at lowest prices call
pable a man as Judge Hamilton to 1 0,1 Annie Huinrich.
the bench it should not assume the i T,1 Northern Pacific have recently
resoonsibilitvof nassintr iudfrmPtit ! estnliliHlied an agency in our city with
tj j - 1
upon such cases, until the "evi
dence is all in," and the judge has
admitted that he is not equal to the
task. Both parties to the contro
versy have many friends in Bohemia,
but few meu can be found who are
acquainted with the recent trouble
that consider the Jennings Bros.,
have "taken the law into theirown
Bay's Shoes
Si. 25 to 2 35.
.Men's Fine Shoes
$'-5 to 3 7V
Men's Hats
SO CIS to uu.
We have a Full Line
of Ladles' Shirt Waists in all
Wc also have Outing Flannels, Shirting, Dess Linings,
Shirt Waist Sets, Ladies Neckwa c, etc.
New Vork .R;ickH Slope.
JVIcfarland Company
Beef. Mutton, Pork. Veal Smoked Hntns. Bacon. lite.
Call ntul Str Vh -Mr Fart and Co ;
H ill Trent Ion lllghl
H. l. V
houses, for it must be remembered
that there is a certain field that
cannot be filled by foreign printing
houses, and there isn't such a tre
mendous job trade here that the.
local printing houses can long re
main in the field to do that for the
town which cannot be done by the
foreign concerns unless they have
the patronage of the home business
houses. Supposing the newspapers
of this place should go down to Eu
gene for instance, and say to those
big merchants, "We wish to carry
your ad; as an inducement we will
let you have advertising space 15
per cent cheaper than we let Cot
tage Grove merchants have it, we
will push your business all we can,
and we will trade every dollar out
in your store." Would the shoe
fit? The Nugget is prepared to say
that it can get almost as much ad
vertising from foreign sources as it
gets here upon agreement that he
will not represent local merchants.
And still the local newspaper men
and certain local merchants,
struggle along trying to keep up
their expenses and pay bills, and
build up the town, while another
class, for the sake of a 10 or 15 per
cent cut temporarily offered by a
foreign element in the several
branches of business, sends their
money out of local circulation to be
used in the support of institutions
infringing upon local business
iloinrich the milliner
lag. Call
hands'' or have "terrorized"
the camp. We have always had a
good opinion of the Review, but
"shureas shooting" the editor is a
little off the "lead," and isslinging
"base ore." As to, the Review's
suggestion, that Douglas county
take a hand in the affair etc., we
would say that Douglas county
should demand of her citizens
obeisance of the law, but in casting
her judicial eagle eye over the Bo
hemia district, it might be well to
take a swift look into some of Rose
burg's dark corners.
Special offer, 21 photos for 45c, 7
different positions.
Born to Mr. and Mra. James Duval
on July 19, 1899, a daughter.
J. N. Stonoburn has hnd a good Bub
Htantial foundation put under his etore
building at tho ond of tho bridge.
3Ir. James Hoincnway as audit. Cal
on or write him in regard to tickets to
all Eastern points
3 kinds of ico cream at MCC Bakery
Saturday and bunuay.
'n t t . 1 . 1 .
x. a, luwih, oooi ana hiioo repair
shop. I-irst class work, low prices.
Opposite Sherwood Hotel.
Cabinet photos at Boyd's gallery
$2.00 pur dozen.
Farmers, buy your machine oil from
EaKI.N & BltlHTOW.
Chittem bark and Oregon grape root
nought at Lurch's
Bargains in lawns, organdies, ging
hamrf.utc, for summer drosses at Kakix
& Bnisrow.
Buy your shoo dressing of Hakin &
jjuihtow. They have tho kind
Special salo on ladies shirt waists for
tho next two weeks. Will sell them at
greatly reduced figures. Will soil
many of them at first cost.
Sailors at cost at Miss Hoinrich's, call
"Clover Leaf" binding' twine, pure
Manila, and tho best muchino oils. Go
to GltlFKlN & VkATOII.
Champion mowers, hay rakes and
Studebakor wagons at Gmrm &
Vhatoii .
Parties wishing ioo croam or ice for
Sunday, go to the M, 0. 0. Bakci v.
A Complete and Well . Sob clwl Line of (lie
Best Drugs i.i the Market
Kept t'otiNiantly in Stock.
I Ibl
1 11
NewLineorTiusses jus( in
lltrMon Drug Compiiny. CutUge Prove. Qfe.
James Hemenway
Real Estate and Mining- Property.
Fire, Life and Accident Insurance C mpanics.
NOTARY TUBLIC .... strict Attention paid to Colleelioni
Office opposite Sherwood Hotel.
A Few Though ts" "
Pm,nmCL0fGeArm;a,n,!l.sp0VCI, 'lat microbes are the cause of
crZ SK r,' 1 ' Gnmt,,S' of Pnris. llns Pwven that Kadan.s' Mi
O w257 Ca,,,IydcSt!?ys ,icrol)c- Thus it cures Consumption.
B .t dnM LT Yx tC,1,."K yo" what others think and have proven.
But don we learn by reading what others think?
Send or call for pamphlet.
iiiui jjuiuc iree.- fgfji
A. p. Howard, Ag't,
Cottage Grove, Oregon,
Bcsidonco with J. K. Barrett.
I''0B SALHOH Tit A DIC. , .
I .lust bear in mind that tho mil'-
j scription list of the Bohemia Nuift'ot I
100 acres of land, with good house, Rowing daily, and that tho proprietor
barn, etc; two streams of running wnti.r : annreciatn ih mif rmuiiro irivcn the
on tho place; an excellent stock ranch ! lor.
in a good community. One of tho host!
county sciiools within IM miinu. r.
' t
(ounded by some of the best farmes in
Lane county. Will trado for Cottage !w
w.uvu rcH.uent property; improved or!
unimproved. Inquire ut this ofilce. '
Romnmber Dr. 1. L. Sco(1h1(1, Pentl"
hen you want dontal work done.
Quick dcllvcry-Tho Weekly OrtsonW