Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 14, 1899, Image 8

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    HRO-THANKS, p.v.pmmm j DHClil'TlVK distances.
The Boys in Bohemia Camps Ap
preciate the Donations. '
The following is n letter re
ceived from one of the well known
milling men in Bohemia, voicing
the thanks of the boys for the
generous Fourth of July donations
contributed by Cottage Groveites:
Mr. Editor: I am not
prompted to drop you this note be
cause your paper and its regular
and enterprising correspondents
from this place have not hereto
fore done justice to our mining
camp in the matter of the history of
its rapid strides up toward tlic top
round in the ladder of mining
fame, but because, if I am rightly
informed, neither of your regular
correspondents, were present at our
celebration of Independence Day,
and because it is the universal de
sire of the boys m camp that,
through the medium ot your
columns, the people of Cottage
Grove be most heartily thanked for
their kind and generous donations
of fire works, eatibles and other
refreshments. Not alone do we
thank the donators but also J. T.
Perkins, W. W. Hawley and W. j
N. Masterson who had charge of
the free gratis transportation.
Never before have we been re-
Mr, unit Mrs. Cottin and fiwnUv and
Mr. and Mrs Hastings and family spout
Hit) Fourth in Kugeno.
WMIi Miickiiy ami George Transel
went to Eugene on their hieyclos on the
Mr. and Mrs, Tapp, Mr. and Mrs.
Dmiiewnod and Mr. and Mm. K. F.
Smith Imil an eiijoyuhlo timu at the
Grove on tlio Fourth.
J. li. Tapp in working for Kd Under
wood thin week.
Mr. and Mrs. Setli llowo arrived
home last week.
Wo intend to have a basket picnic at
tho school house July M.
lAvxTToijiow 1HMTS.
July 11, ISiW.
The hum of tlio mower is heard in the
Our school closed Friday. There was
a picnic and an excellent program
reudeied consisting of recitations,
dialogues, songs and music. Tlio
school was photographed by Mr. Uoyil.
Miss Stella Martin is visiting friends
in the h ollow.
Miss l'aronthio Porter is up from
Portland and wilt spend the summer
with her brother.
Joe Porter will return to Eastern Ore
gon some time this week.
Messrs. Mackie, Horn and Kennedy
disposed of a number of sheep to a
Cottage Grove buver.
:olorado. The western country is ' pU(1U'.,ik vory 1st. 2'"' 1,1,1 K"H
iotcd for the clearness of the at- days at Ma. m. 'lJ:! "V.
nosphere, which lends nn ,2X-.17
This ninn resolved to take no
chances. lie is an eastern druin-
nnd was visitinir friends
ncarniice of proximity to remote
objects, nnd the Easterner, admir
ing a magnificent mountain which
apparently towered up only' a few
miles nway, said he was going to
walk over to its base before dinner.
The mountain was in reality
M. . 01IU1ICII. i he nervtiw at the
111 I HH" -
iIImi Hnlwonid chmeh
" - " ' I "
lows : Sunday
school at
Mel ho-
he as fol
10 n. m.
meeting overv Thurdv ..venliiKHl 7
Let us hoar the OoH ' 1' l"'H,,r
of tiod." Strangers an 1
made welcome t all ii.eti"H--
M. O. IltiiNK. 1'nslur.
.... l'ropnetor of
Tile Popular Cignr (Ui
ttotiery Stute
Fane a
i he I'ntholle ehtiieh
huneoforth take place ouch Ihlid Sun-
ftUtnnt. but his ' dav In every month.
... .... ...r.., .! ' liev. 1
iriCIHI.I illlUWl'U llll. ltmim.
get an hour's start, then set out in
a carriage to overtake htm.
They came to him ten miles out;
v I'lIUHl'll.
ltegiilar Hervlre each SkIjIhiIIi. Sun
day school 10 b. m.l lr fluid" wu'h
.... ,ii r Kniiiliiv at 11 a in. Hiul S p. in. wxcepi
he was disrobing on the banks of J ' 'wH ,M u, ,
an irrigating ditch. i....i.i,,i. ni.nn'h nttir ntnrnn How
' . I i riivtueiice rnureii " Ut nthwcti lit nil Ik i. . .
"Hello, there George, what nrc r,vcr. Frst Sunday at 8 p. in. will be j liMltWMlt till lis IMniultcs.
Dealei ii,..
CitfiirH of I..,w ana" ,
uim tiiiu i m.i;- in suil 'ft j
Main Street, Cottage i;t0Vt (
haldij Hi'isunT
Transact a (KiuTdiii
A story is told of an old Arizona
.... .. r l.! . . ...... .i i 1. ....... u.i.l '(..I
von up to: called one ui ins given to Miiems mnmi nunrr
friends Sunday Up. in. to Smu 'Ikh1 hou-e.
Tin going to swim this river," "' : at s ; VPS C H hi 7
answered the n.nn of sa.linlcS. ! U..; prayer llieeinin ,
"That's no river. It's only n
ditch four feet wide. Why don't
you jump over?"
"Well, maybe it is," answered'
George, doubtfully, "but I
thought that mountain over tliere
C'lilluyn linn,.
1 iii. ; the monthly Iwliiw meeting and
social is held nt wimo ineinlier home
Monday Sj aflor the 1st SnmUv.
The (ladle Aid Society meets each
Uultncx lrivn
!. ;. (l ninth, Vnt.
Tukh1bv at 1
ineiiiN or
p. in. ui work, at mhiio
uiemlHirV lionie. Your
liitatn over tliere ., s1a..u ,,t tm., ehureh wir- I) I V. I I 0 n
.........i.. ol.n ,,,,lc .ifr ..nn . . ... . i K I I l'L ! lll r Vrtn
prospector, who, attcr 30 years ot elmiic,s nrn - - I. U. Mll(UU VI OUI
" l , ,Ml Wl.h, I (tniUU
bad luck, tiardsnips and privation, wjtj, tus strea,u," Kx
finally "struck it rich" a fdw weeks
ago in the vicinity of Flagstaff, and
sold a half interest in his "prospect
hole" for S12.000 cash. When
membered with like benevolence j lhe money was paU, over to hhn at
and we can assure your city that ' . . cashier who haci
Haying is now the order of the day
ami the click of the mower and whistle
of the farmer can bo heard from early
morn till sol of sun.
Kd Adams anil wife returned from
I l-nn .
Dr. Price's Cream Oa king Powder ' BB-k... .;-.
known him for a long time, te- Coatt Fork Wednesday where they Imvo .
marked casually: "Well, Bill, what . been visiting Mrs. Adam's j)runts. J
are you goin' to do to make your-' "k Wl'ite who hs Imn in lhe'
cif onmfnrfohl. n,i .im. 1,'f- .' neighborhood attomling to business and ,
visiting old ftieuds sjient the Fourth tit
the miners of ths camp hold them
selves in a reciprocal attitude.
Owing to lack of time, scarcity
of orators, and the absence of
soprano and alto voices the pro
gramme was not all that it might
have been, but for a genuine good
time we could have defied the
largest city in the world.
On the evening of the 2nd inst.
our flag was given to the breeze on
the inn nf Mr. KnirvJew. and owinir
to the fact that most of us wouUi ! salt pork and heavy biscuits of his I staining lhe mump, u.e putt week i
r lown manuiaciure iuai canneu ; now uen
be obliged to labor on the forenoon . d beef d toraatoes and n0" WUI" I
of the Fourth, the programme was salmon represented to him the Qj' to a nuniborof our young folks at-
. . 1 1 -.1 f-r ii tended the camp mut'llux at fitfitiaw
CXet-UlCU 111 pail, UU lUC CVClliiJO UiUWJl UlUk illU V.VUIU
Bon Ton
ft.. .. . n n
! Hit ls I BISIUIH
Sijrai Work,
! Curringrc A'ainlfn,
Work ! nut unit t it
AL'iin Street
now vnti'vp rmt nlptitv nf mnnpv?" I ..
. .-0. , j. hiigenu. 1
Bill thought a minute in silence, Gnat 1(rmvn ,, Wnhvt ,. f.
and then, as a pleased expression ' Garoutte and Misses Callltter. Gan.utte 011' llP. I II II V 0.
brightened up his rugged lace, he 'and Etta Vaughn went up Coist Fork o )
answered: "I reckon I won't eat to celebrate. Oil i
nuthin' but canned stuff here-j Mr. John Veatch, tl e populir miner, ollppi3'' llOUSC lOl
after." That was his idea of Jma come homo to upend the mimmer.
luxury, neuaa uvea so Jong on Mr. John Hull who Iium been
Cottage Grove
and Bohemia.
Cy. niller,
General Klatksmithing.
1 Th DiMtm North nf l. ii n c VuiMu
J Cuttiigc drore, Okj,
K. C. Ferkins
j Dlil'L'TV
iU. S. . Mineral Surveyor.
of the 2nd and 3rd and completed afford. Ex
at 5:30 p. m. ot tue i'ourtn. It in
cluded, of course, as near as
possible, with the limited material
at hand, the usual literary exer-j
cises, music, racing, etc. Those
of us who belong to the Musick
mining camp which contributed '
the greater number of those taking
part in the celebration, would be
wanting in gratitude did we not
mention the bountiful feast pre
pared for the occasion by our genial
hostess, Mrs. Beck. The feeling
of each one who was with us on our
national day can, I think be fitly
expressed in the words of one of
Oregon's greatest orators: "I
love this day because we meet in
our combined and concentrated
power and influence as American
citizens; because it is a day when
our foreign ancestry is forgotten in
our love for the Stars and Stripes
because on such a day we lay
aside our political prejudices and
meet purely as Americans we are
no longer republicans, we are no
longer democrats, we cease to be
populists, and more especially, for
the time being, do we cease to be
IhhL Sunday night.
Land office at Koseburg, Oregon.
Juno 27, 1899.
Notice ia hereby given that thefollor
inir-named settler has filed notice of hii
intention to make final proof in support
ot hiB claim, ana uiuteaiu proof will he
muue bctoro Joel ware, u. is. Uom
mlsaionor at Eugono, Oregon, on An
eust 14. 1899. viz: John Gray on II. E
No. 6G93 for the Lots 12, 13, 14 and 15
sec. 32. T. 21 6.. E. 2 W.
He names the following witnesses to
prove 'his continuous residence upon
. J W! i! f .. I 1 1 I .
anu cultivation 01 naiu i.uiu, vis;
Joseph Perkins, John B. Mosoby
William Champion, John Hubbard, of
Uottage urove, uregon.
J. T. Bridges,
Bast Newspaper,
A Largo 32-Pauo Metropolitan l'S
Panofi Evory Column Bristling ikt
Itis ' UVE HEWS- Still
Sniiii AND A GOPY OF 711,3 paper Wiiii'itM
12 Months for
w, (Sunday Included) ImPNslsi
Si iniiiu-KK. Scml ii our onlvi'H Telephone, j
W. IL Beagle,
Siccial attention given to Mimrr
; Claims and procuring of I'atcn'J,
0 kantr Pahs, Qkkgox.
TO Til 15
Attorney At Law,
()! on Mmn h-rcct.
Cottuyr drove, Oregon.
Gives the Choice of
'J wo Transcontinental
nnwim I nnn
SArr lake
Htilcriition at the
For I'lrtit-ehiHD
painting qd
Paper H"1
J'apcr fluarantccdnot toCratt
Office, Nain Street, next to J.E.
Young's law office.
Lo"W Kates to all
Eastern Cities.
Ocean Hteainors Lcuvo
l'ortland every 15 day
San Francisco.
For full particulars call on 0. R. A N.
Agent, Frank Jordan, Cottao Grove.
General 1'nHHHiiKer Agont,
l'ortland, Oregon.
The American Home-iniikcr, nww11
inii(azino of pronoiinccil worth i" W
homo ItluiH viHited, the ub)crlpti',lj
price of which 1h 50 contH per yeafi
ho iivon ono yeHr freo to every '
HiibHcrihor In iidviinco to Hohem
Nungct. When you Hiihecriho ple"
nn ntion it else it will not ho forward1
to you.
A fiO-cont premium will b 8irfl1
ovory catdi Huhscriher to lfclifw
NiiBUut at $l.f0 cents per year. "'
member tho American Ilomo-inak
orMcCall'H Magazine-yon Imvo yo"
cholco-nnd tho lloheinla Nugget one
year for $1.50.
I,. Wim-
t Notlco In horolir nlvon that H. ,Vl , ltli
h boon nnpoliifoil tulinlnldtrator or mo
of Minimi!. WmiNtnu iloconiicd. Ai i ...
huvhiK clnliiu nnliiKt tlio wlrt cMMO (b(
quenicil to prcrent Uio (iimio within i , tit
of tho .Into Woof to mild 'l''!,1,lll?'rl0rei"n.
U1MIUDI JOHN HI. Wlllllll"". "- . '
limed UiIh 10th dny of May. If ,uWn
John m. Wim.uvh. hJ;Ar."wtor
Attornoy for I'Hiie. ilnU',,r