Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 07, 1899, Image 7

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" HI
i i
2 6
Upon by btriKors.
na Shot
Through llm
, .,1 -Til" Ur 1
"' .............I Irnnll..
. . I n A.
"J tin morning, oiilttctor U II-
n' uiiiii on thu Johnson City
. i Illinois L'en trill. bimrlm
1" ....... f..tnl Prtlllt. Itftm
i' ...i ..f iiltijif-u ti( !.tttvlt
i, l)f l CfOW'l " lP""V.n
tflllliw"""" t'mm,7' 0l1" ""Kro w"'
1 I J
tl J III! liegiocn " ,,,u '""uuiii uy
T llunli. niipuiinlt'ii'li'iit of tint Kt.
. i i. i...
ii iiii Muddy tit t hum, near C'nrtont.
If 10 WU'a I" ,,,n """u "' niiuiu
1 .ffl
Iio mini)'. fjU ""' were
, Willi rtllt-M Hi"' llllllll'H in
s,aM iielumi mo uomp-iny uupoi,
en tlio inn" Moppwl th k'Hlr, nn
han. cot " Hiu piniwrin mm coin
nlfjiho m-gMnvi to got out. Con.
.... .. ......Ii-nr In Ii I ii fiirn. Tim
n,.-',1! I' IIU'VH HII'I tllH llllllHIl
,(io a witberii.g lint. Conductor
tn yllc I io i'" M'BHHM to throw
t1lv. 4 n tlio lioar.
f n in i ic (urliter on the negroe.
,e oni 11 1 I1mci1 under charge
, , r i - They were tiimn inHichwi
lun in !(
. i t i .
, ic-u ex. iiriiii'iu iirovHii in inn
i. tv. 1 1 u tii'M. nun oloouy riots
ej;. ti i. m Hit) iw)lln littd Uttn
tot weokf.
it Urbrla
OnllirrltiB l
Attnrk Hbu
IMinib, July 3 A colllnifln Iwtween
. tironni.un at San 1'oriiHinIo twttnt
(UlAbC iHlll. TllH lllMIIKt'lltll HtU
uvenM nnuiiid tliu town, mill ciui Iw
eD nurkt: in ll'a trtmclmo to
ier "i iiit'ir Kwltion. D.y hiu!
H; 1 1 ircui ail) lit work.
lit ii estimated Hint 8,000 men with
t . . i . .
ton in.irciiin in in romi norm oi
n yt'ttr i'iy iii"rnii:(,'. Tha Aiuafi
:l out mi. I limnnml llm (In-
I'xiipctini; an nttucv:. lliaiwl-
icri i!cii hi tln'ir dothes nnd lrouk
I't at -1 o'i lork in tin inorniiiK. im to
r im !y for nn int'Hult.
Ti.c crininiiKion of tlireo Span ImIi
B't's wi.y eiitercl Hih liuiiruont I limn
(oiti: ;lit iio to iimku n thntl ntleinpt
fc rr:u k'o fur tin) rolOHno of I lit) Spiiif
ihpr kjiiith Imvo not returiiixl. Tliuir
m; R'l-eneo hut ooiuaioiiod nliiriii, lint
spurts come to Miuiila tliat tliuy were
recTt l by Autiitialdo nt Turluo nnd
Bittitaitie I lionpitnbly. It In said tliat
l;niunlilo avi) a l)iiniiiet in their
luuor. all the lendir.j,' hiiiillies oi thu
kM Icadvig of the ireent onbinot at-
red i hence thu SiianiiiidH in Mn
liii l.opo that the iiiinnliiii of the com-
n:ai.erH will he nuoeoMfill.
(jtr.' nil Ovoimliinu Ih in the hocpitnl
iSciin fiom fuvei. Gunornl (Sriuil
comiiiiindin hi 9 trooH on thu south
4mrlcilllt Ilnwlltrit by Illivllis linen
lC.t Out ur Alllll.
Scattlo, .luly 0. Advlcou fiotn Atlin
biinlii. district nio to tlio elTect that
iM'io IrviiiK, who una pent into tlio
jlutrlct by tlio liritiflli Columbia gov-
mtiiiiit to fitralKhtuii out tlio tunlo
taoit'il by tho alien exolusion ant, has
rrlver there nnd linn already mittlud
puny disputes over locution. Ho lins
perilled that thooruinial Htakofl, located
More thu piiixiagu of tho exuliiHiou not,
pnnll whether tlio locators aru
Americana or Cauaillans.
"068 Humber. of Victoria, n Into nr-
fival, says; "Tho condition of niTaiis
pAtlin is vory nerioua. Nearly 1,600
Pen aro in tho district doinj; nothing.
''any huvo run out of provinioiiH nnd
oonoy. Only a fuw of tho clalniB aro
turning out well. I would not give over
53,000 for tho bust claim in tho ilia-
flCt. While I inn n (liiiinilinn. I con.
Pcinii. in tho atronuoat tortus, tlio no-
IJion of tho provincial government in
kceptnir tlio country closod up. Amori-
cann thould hu thankful that thu alien
S'aw kept them out."
I'rllfillr llMiinliml 1I.1.III1I.B.
IVIuiro Ho Will II o Trlml.
rnniui .lull It .riiliitillli
Dreyfus has nrrived horo. IIu was
j ninU'd nt Quldoron, and was convoyed
i") nam to Hruz, 12 kilomotera from
willies. Thoru ho cnteiod n landnu.
ncciiiHpnnluil by tlio chief of the dutec
Ives and prefect of tho dupnrtiniiot,
a'iu was driven to Honnes, where 25
Rendarnios waited his ontiunco into thu
own. ion of tho nondarniuH ontored i
woii nnd followed tho cnrrino. Thu
! 'est followed on foot. Tlio party ar
L'lvoil nt tho priaon without incident.
A Inrtio crowd assoniblod and wit-
nCGicd tho arrival In Kilmien mill with.
i ut mnnifoetation.
Wiiiiittii I,iuvyu In rriiuon.
I aria. .Tnlv i 'im,.w,i,.....i,-.,i
ii " ui v tlllU III UUI III llUf..l
! ''OS ailoiltllll II l.i. . I ,,!,.. i n.ill.nK.
"nil! dulv niinlin nil u-nmnn tn ninnllnn
ai tho bar,
'" KiiIi.i.,.. u
".Mlllll IIMTA
Jlonry nml A.I, ,
Chit I ''",y ,-T,,
I H I '"'V''ivcd a letter from
I ,'rLL Mf'".1.": f",,,,,0,lv " w-lcnoWi,
I , . M,! "c,y. 'I"'K of tho alt.
I , u " ;'"" jnk Hver.AlaHka.
S i, M",,,,,1,"'l f'vor, .lanunry 1,
i I ,"!H"'Ufu ,,,o""y to K'ltKBiiua
I,,.. !my,h,K -"ovl"'"". olothhiK,
l"l i IooIb, etc., on thu Hlre.iKtl, of
circulars iuoil by certain transport!!
iimi compiinlus iiiiiiiiiiiclnK "The rich
"JtBolil fluids in Alaaka.-undolTerinL.
other ii.IiiuomentB to socuio travel on
llieli Unci,,
'I'he cluular, wiltes Dr. Htono, worn
iimlioioiis lies mado out of whole oloth,
nml no nold has been found on Kotzo
'no Miiiiid or either the Kowak, N-to.
nrk or Kelnwik rivers, which flow into
ilolhiim Inlet, a pint of the kound, or
liny of thulr tributaries in nnytliinK
like pitying ipiantltles. Up to datu
other laro rivers Imve been prospected
Kith no result. Ono thousand holes
wern sunk this winter, somo of them
feet deep, with in bedrock or color
beini; shook.
Alioul November 1 a rush win staited
for thu Aliishook on reports beini,' ru
ciiived of Hold helnt; found in enonnoiiB
iiuantitles, and hopeful prospects. Af
lor Jounieyiii) in dayn( cuttlnii trails,
dtaxKiiiK heavily hmdiHl Hledh with tho
llierniomutor reii!toriiiK from JC to (10
decrees below zero, we reached JJenver
City, a Mtttleuiotit concistint; of sovun
caliius. only to find tho reports hIimj
luloly flu. The report had been
started by a merchant who had supplies
to Hidl imnd by a recorder of claims.
Hepoits from other rivers aru just as
Of 1,(100 men who rnmo horo iiroha
bly half Imvo returned; tlio roinalndor
are heie waiting for the ice to brenk up
and for the powible airival of a veseel
to take them back to civilization.
This country is cold and piodticos tioth
Iiik to sustain life. Uf tho men who
Hie here not CO have means to cet away
nnd must, unlees tho United Htates
Kovernuient cends one of its transports
lu-ie, die of cold or starve,
Ono-lmlf of the terrible HiilTeririK of
the poojile in this district has not been
told. The lnst nuvs received from thu
itatos Hiiivod on thu steamer Uracil
Dollar, and the Inst papers mo dated
June 20, 1808. Yu do not know if wo
belong to Spain, Germany or tho Uni
ted States
-Mr. Htonu wished the fart of tho no
cefsity of aid impressed
upon tlio people until necessary aid is
sent to distressed Americana who were
hoodwinked by the trausjiortatlou com
Orlirrnl (Mil Sbi.-liii KrcliurliU Will
III. rnir.i.
WnshlriBton, July 1. The first vol
unteers to bo raifod for suivices in tho
riiillppinos will bo those for tho ukele
ton leKimenta now beint; fonneil by
General Ulis. It is not believed thero
will bo the least diflloulty in obtaining
tliono men.
Jt is probable that come timo will
elapsu iMiforo the tioops of tho provis
ional army nru sent to Manila, but,
meanwhile, they will bo drilled nnd
taught marksmanship in camp. It ia
estimated that three months aro re
quired to make toldieiB of recruits.
Tho oflleora ol tho war department
think tliat n number of volunteors now
coining homo will desiio to return to
thu Philippines for n short aarvico nfter
they hnvo had an opportunity to seo
homo nnd friends. They nro icRiuded
na tho most desirable for tko regiments
boing oiganizod by Gonotnl Otia.
Tim Sltiliitlim I" I'mncr,
London, July 1. A jepresentativo of
tho prcsa saw Senator Depow today.
Ho Bald:
"1 have just returned from Paris nnd
Urussola, wheio 1 piokod up my bon.
who is now thoroughly restored to
health, nnd who omlmrka with mo Snt
urdny for New York.
"Tho situntlon in Paris, which ia
cquivulont to Franco, aeonia gtndunlly
becoming broader. All this spasmodic
upsot, tlila changing of mlninstera, tho
cries fiom tho housetops aro auroly
laying tho foundation of making men
divide oil into thoso cognate paitiea
which, well defined, will, in my opin
ion, yot raieo Franco into nnd kcop her
in tlio lront rank."
A lliiiiriroB"" 1iiiiB Suit.
Pnris, Juno 30. Tlio notion for dnm
ngo biought by Mrao. Kosal aa a refitilt
of vho loss of I or husband by tlio sink,
ing of the French lino atenmer La
Uourgognotn collision with the British
Rhip OroinnrtyHhlro, Juno 4, 1808, off
Kablo island, N. S., has resulted ni a
verdict ngniiiHt tlio company of 100,000
liancs, tho iilaintiir nt tho snmo timo
being debarred from claiming nny
money lost with M. Itesnl which may
nfter bo recovered. Tho court found
tho copmnny rcspoiiBiblo for tho nota of
tho captain, who A-aa deolarod to bo nt
fault In bringing his snip to a stand
alill after tho oolliaion, in losing timo
in launching tho boats, nnd in not
furnishing tho passengera with life
Wll. ii Dull"" Trull.
Induing irom tlio number of olnsta
Koi g oil nonr Pyramid harbor Jack
Dnlton must bo doing extensive work
on that end of his trail.
'illicit Mini Wllltfl Mini. IfMTA h lluttlo
ul I'riHliinln.
fit. Louis, July fi. A Post-Dlspntcli
ipoclal fiom CarboiKialo, 111., sayn:
Union City, iiamod from thu fact tliat
it is occupied by union minors, wiw
;lio scone of a battle hist night about
iiidnlght, and as a result tho town in
in ruliiH. Tlio nonuuioii negiooH and
Jtlior men employed by Urusli at ia
nines near Fredonln liaving become
irnzeil over the killing of tho woman
rcsterday, went to tlio camp, whioh
jonslsts of nlno liousos, and opened llro
)n them, which wna nt onco lettirned.
Tho bnitlu raged until the union
miners run from their homos nod took
'efugo in a clump of timber close to
tho village.. Tho nonunion men nt
)nce applied the torch to tho houses,
Jrid all woro burned to tho ground.
After tho men had destroyed consider-
tile pioporty previously oecupbd by
tho union men, they moved on tho
woods, and until daylight thu fusillade
was kept up. No lives hnvo so far been
reported lost.
I'mcn Will I'o 1 1 (Mr Victory In tli I'lilllp Hnya HcliuriiiHii.
Manila, .luly C. Professor J. G.
Schurmaii, of tho Unitdo Htates advis
ory coinmission for tho Philippines, re
turned to Manila today from a tlireo
week's trip in tlio southern islands, i
Ho takes an entirely hopeful viuw of '
thu conditions there. The intelligent !
uud substantial citizens desiro nn
American protectorate. Tho masses j
aru awaiting the settlement of tlio war
in the island of Luzon before declaring
themselves. They nro chielly nnxiotiH
to Im undisturbed. Tho president of
the town of Santo Nicolas, in tho island
of Cobu, said to Mr. Hcliuriuan:
"Wo want peace, food and prosper
ity. Wo do not wish to light. Wo
would bo neutral."
Tho president of tho commission
thinks this declaration fairly expresses
the sentiments of tlio people in tho
eouthcin islands of the archipelago.
Many of tho towns there nre in tlio
bands of email bands of Tagnls, nnd
tho people fear to iudorso American
r ti to until they nru certain that Aguin-1
aiuo must no boaton. iet mem onco
be convinced of this, nnd tho allegianco
of tlio southern islands, Mr. Scliurmun
ihinka can bo secured by diplomacy.
"Cinm of Arbitration."
The Habile, July C. Tho drafting
:ommitteu on arbitration adopted this
lfternoou the American nmendment to
tho codo of proceduro rolutive to a re
vision of the sentence of the arbitration
Mtirt in certain cases. Tho committee
Jealt in tlio second reading witli tlio ,
motion of Sir Julian Pauneefoto,
head of thu British delegation, to
rliango thu word "tribunal" to
"court," which wus adopted. So tho J
ofliciul inline ia "permanent court of (
arbitration." Tho committee also
passed the second rending of tlio first
articles of Sir Julian Paunccfoto'a ino
tion. A Vnrlluliln Itiittlednlil.
London, July 8. Tho Homo corre
ipondent of tho Daily Mall aaya: The
chambor of deputies today was trans
formed into a voritnhlo battle-field.
Thu tumult was terrific. Moio than
20 deputies woro injured in tlio strug
gle, including Baron Sonnino, who was
seriously hurt. Baron Sonnino is tlio
leader of tlio maiority and tho probable
futuro premier.
I'lrat Orilrri IhhiiimI.
Washington. July U. Tho first or
ders were issued today for reciuiting
the tioops under tho clause authorizing
tho onlistmont of 85.000 men. Tho
orders contemplate enlisting men for
tho throo akeloton regiments in tho
Philippines Recruiting oflleora have
been instructed to enlist men with this
Morgan City Oiirre Slrk.
Waahington, July 3.- Gonornl Otia
notifies tho win department that tho
transport Morgan City left Manila Juno
28 for San Francisco, with 404 sick sol
diers. ltmlrrm AUrcl for Atlln.
Victoria, July 3. A doputntlon ap
pointed recontly at a meeting of tho
merchants and miners of Atlin waited
on tho govornuient today nnd mndo a
stong enso in behalf of thoso who claim
to have auiTored losa in consequonco of
roatictivo luigalation.
Klomllkort Heali Tort TiiwihoikI.
Port Townaond, July 3. Tho stonm
or Farallon niiivod todny from tho
north with 110 Alaska passongera and
500 pounds of gold dust. Among hor
pasaengora woro Goorgo nnd Cliarlea
Warden, with $23,000 from Eldorado.
Itomiivult Not n Ciimtliluto.
Albany, N. Y., July l.Govornor
Roosevelt, who stopped off in tills city
this nftomoon for a few minutoa on
his way to Now York city from tho
West, doclnretl that ho is not a oandi
dato for tlio Ropublicnn nomination for
proaldont in 1000, and tliat ho ia in fa
vor of renominating Piosidont MoKin-
loy. .
I'riunlun Strll.or Killed.
Borlin, Juno 30.Threo etrikora
woro killed yestorday during tlio rioting
at tho Boohhum coal mines. Tho
ntitnbor of mon wonmlod ia not known,
na many woro spirited nway to private
housoa. Thirty-six arrosta woro mado
yoatorday, nnd troops to protect tho
non-Btrikors will arrive today.
Hobcr nnTfilopinnnt Tukri tlm I'lncs of
tliii Alltel Ittmli Jfrw Dlacur
erlcs lining MhiIo.
Captain Dwight Hunt, with two
companions, has been in Haines this
week, outfitting for a prospecting tour
in tho Porcupine milling district, says
tlio Porcupine Quill. Captain Hunt
and party represent an extensive com
pany, known as tho Jack Crawford
Jpoot and scout) party that went to
tho Hootnllnqua last season over tho
Dyoa route, equipped with dredgers,
and who have been unsuccessful in tlio
Yukon and aro trying tho present sea
son to retrieve their ill luck by operat
ing in tho Atlin arid Forty-Mile dig
gings in tho Yukon. Attracted by fa
voiablo reports from tho Porcupino dis
trict, the mnmigor of thu company,
Henry M. Wallaco, n prominent lawyer
of Ann Arbor, Mich., placed a detail
of opeiatora under charge of Captain
Hunt, who is an experienced prospec
tor, and sent them hero to prosecute
intelligent examination of tho quartz
and placer claims in American Alaska
in this vicinity. They are also going
to give special examination of thu hy
draulic propositions which aro roported
favorable. In event they aro success
ful in their search they will bring in a
large outfit this season of modern hy
draulic machinery and permanently
establish tlio headquartors of the com
pany which havo a largo capital at
their control under tho Stars nnd
Stripes, and abandon tho Northwest
Territory propositions, wheio they are
sorely handicapped by unjust discrim
inations and exactions. Tlio party will
be ready to start early next week, nnd
are now getting their boats and outfits
over the trail to tlio Chilcat liver.
Kxcltriiimit Klin IIIcll.
Mr. Colo, Uio mail agent for Porcu
pino City, brought down on hia lust
tiip n small pilu of gold dust taken
from claim No. 1 above Discovery, on
Porcupino creek. It was tho partial
output of tho first washout by the use
of a sluicebox on that claim, and was
Bold to S. 'Woitzman for $35. Mr. Cole
Bays tho miners on MpKinley and Por
cupine creeks nre just beginning to
tuko out gold, nnd tho fiold soon will
astonish tho nations. Tho water is
quito high, and only tho elevated rim
rock can bo worked, but na tho work
progresses tho claims aro growing rich
er, excitement is running high nnd
daily nirivals of prospectors aro largo.
A Stniiipeiln Expected.
Sinco the arrival of samples of coarse
gold from tho placer mines on tho Por
cupino and McKiuley diggings, the
mists of doubt that havo been thrown
ovor that district by tho "giubstakera"
who havo done no nctivo work except
to hang around tho camp, "waiting
for something to turn up," havo disap
peared, and a feeling of confidenco es
tablished. In fact, nothing but the
best of ieporta aro being brought in
daily, ami if developments continue as
they are now going on thero will be a
genuine stampedo inside of six weeks.
l.iirco Cunnery Destroyed.
Mr. D. J. Mann's cannery on Sea
island, B. O., was completely destroyed
by fire. The cannery was ono of the
largest on tho North Arm, and general
ly had the largest pack for that branch
of the river. The cannery was fully
equipped with everything necessary for
tho season's work and all tho nets were
hanging in readiness to bo taken out
for tlio sockoyo run. The loaa on tho
cannery, stock of cans, machinery,
etc., ia estimated at ?G5,000, on which
thore was only $45,000 insurance
Struck n Quiirti Ledge.
William Estinghousen. of California,
who has boon prospecting along tho
Chilcat river lor the past four months,
struck n ledgo of quartz nbout four
milea from Hainea. His discovery
covers a ledgo five feot botweon walls,
and ovidontly carries a largo por cent
of copper and gold. Mr. Estinghousen
has followed mining for several years
iu Alaska nnd California, nnd ia satis
fied tliat hia discovery possesses groat
wealth and will tako immediate stops
to dovelop it.
New Alntkn City.
Jim McOloskoy, of the Arctic, haa
returned from tho Ketchikan mining
district, which lie reports aa a promis
ing district. "Ketchikan," aaya Jim,
"is going to bo quito a city, as it al
ready haa one largo etoro nnd nbout 40
houses. Tho townsito is being surveyed
nnd tho prospectors nro flocking in by
tho dozens. One noticeablo foaturo of
tlio district ia tho coppor-ataiuod me,
nearly ovory snmnlo coming from that
district being literally covered with
tho stain."
Great Kiiclng Uvent.
Saturday, July 1, the trotting and
lunning races commenco nt tho Irving.
ton track, Pottland, nnd will contiuuo
until July 8. Judging by tho liorsoa
that havo already boon ontored for tho
dilloront events, it ought to provo n
auccesa in ovoty way. Oponing day,
Indies will bo admitted to tho traok
and grandstand froo of chnrgo. On nil
other dava-25 cents admission will be
charged. Thja inoludoa n soat in tho
grandatnnd. Tho ndnnssion foo for
gontlomou on all racing days, includ
ing grandstand, will bo 60 cents.
Good raoing and popular prices will
undoubtedly provo groat drawing cards.
liny Crop In Finn Condition.
Reports from all over Oregon ro
ioivod at tho weather bureau indicato
that tlio luy orop of the stato is in line
condition. In fact, many declare tint
it was never butter. It is late in most
localities, but it is good everywhere.
Tlio recent inius iiavu not injured tho
crop to any noticeable extent. Har
vesting had already begun when tho
rains came, but thu wet weather did
not last long enough nor was the rain
fall sufficient to hurt tha hay that been
cut. Tlio only effect it had was to do-
lay harvesting, which is already lute.
Hkacwny n future Mining Centor.
Theio is now every prospect that
Skagway's futuro na a gtent mining
cenetr is assured, if nil the reports that
keep coming in in regard, to new dis
coveries of auartz in this vicinity are
true. Old prospectors havo been nt
work for a long timo on tlio hills eust
of tlio city, but havo kept thejr opera
tions so very quiet that only a limited
few know anything about it. When
ever these men woro cornerod they
would inako a general denial of having
made any find.
Cattle Going North.
The Union Steamship Company's
flotatner Capilano ariived last week nt
Vancouvei, B. C., fiom Skugway,
whither she went witii'70 bond of cat
tle and 75 head of swine, belnging to
Burciiell & Howey. She will take an
other load of cnttlo and sheep, the
property of P. Burns. On this trip she
will take up 75 head of cattle and
about 100 heud of sheep.
Illd Invited.
The city clerk of Nelson, B. C, has
invited bids for tlio new issue of deben
tures from sail tiie banks nnd financial
agents in the East. Bids are asking
for all or any part of CO debentures ol
$1,000 eachj
Seattle Market.
Onions, OOo per 100 pounds.
Potatoes, new, 2 'c per lb.
Beete, per eack, $11 25.
Turnips, per sack. 8090c.
Carrote, per sack, $1.
Parsnips, per sack, $1.
Cauliflower, 75c per doz.
Cabbage, native and California
2.00 per 100 pounds.
Apples, $2.503.50 per box.
Pears, 50c1.50 per box.
Prunes, 50c per box.
Butter Creamery, 18c per pound;
dairy and ranch, 12 18c per pound.
Eggs, 21c.
Cheese Native, 14c.
Poultry Old hena, 10c per pound;
epring chickens, 14c; turkeys, lCc.
Fresh meats Choice dreased beef
eteera, prime, 0c; cows, prime,
0c; mutton. 0c; pork, 7c; veal, 810o.
Wheat Feed wheat, $20.
Oata Choice, per ton, ?2728.
Hay Puget Sound mixed, $15.00
8; choico Eastern Washington tim
othy, $12.00.
Corn Whole. $23.50; cracked, $24;
feed meal, $24.00.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
$252G; whole, $23.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.50;
etraiuhts, $2.90; California brands,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.50; graham,,
per barrel, $3.60; whole wheat flour,
$3.75; rye flour, $4.60.
MillBtufTa Brnn, per ton, $15;
shorts, per ton, $10.
Feed Chopped feed, $2122 per
ton; middlings, par ton, $22; oil cake
meal, per ton, $33.
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, 58c; Valley,
59c; Bluesteui, Olo per bushel.
Floor Best grades, $3.20; graham,
$2.G5; superfine, $2.15 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 44c; choice
gray, 4248c per bushel.
Barloy Feed barley, $1920; brew
ing, $2i.00 per ton.
Millatuffa Bran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16.00
por ton.
Hay Timothy, $8 9; clover. $7
8; Oregon wild hay, $6 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 3035o;
Boconds, 2730o; dairy, 2527o store,
Cheese Oregon full cream, 12o;
Young America, 15o; new cheese,
lOo per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $84
por dozon; hens, $4.005.00; springs,
$1.2503; geeae, $6.007.00 for old,
$4.505 for young; ducka, $5.00
6.50 per dozen; turkoya, live, 15
10c por pound.
Potatoes $1 1.10 per sack; sweets,
2c per pound.
Vegetables Boots, $1; turnips, 00c
por sack; garlic, 7o por pound; cab
bage, $1 1.25 por 100 pounds; cauli
flower, 75o per dozon; paranipa, $1
por aaok; beana.So per pound; celery,
7075o por dozon; cucunibora, 60o pet'
box; peas, 33o per pound.
Onions Oregon, 5075o per Back.
Hops ll13o; 189.7 crop, 40o.
Wool Valley, 1213o por poundr
Eaatom O.'ogon, 010c; mohair,
27c per pound.
Mutton Groaa, best sheep, wethora
and owob, 4o; dressed mutton, 7c;
spring lambs, 7 Jc por lb.
Hogs Gross, ohoico heavy, $4.50;
light and feeders, $2.508.00; dressed,
$5.000.00 por 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, 4.00f4,50;
cows, $2. 50 3. 00; dressed boef,
60Jc por pound.
Veal Largo, 07c; small, 7s8o
por pound.