Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 23, 1899, Image 5

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    'MI lt( II M,' ( ,
AH Abotit yon,
' I' " Ill Ki ll,
" .1 mllilUriH"
Al 0v Hol m.l "' !. '"'I'1
'' ttc-lul.Hl.oot wtMildlio hold
XI" , . ...I.Ii.l. tt'itriJ UIIIMIV lift
ltl ....... ..!... iifim iinnii Mini
HtKllllir HTVicOH ninth I!....
I - ' """null OIIIM
llltl' will. ....I If. ...
Klvnti to tlio
neitr liihoi How
my "'honl in . ,.. ,,, vtwh
Miiijluy ml II a ..,8 xi;epi
inn which will Ins
i.. . -
H, "II i"'"v " ' I rilVIUIMICO I'.llllicli I
.ltNKly """V:'1 rvi'r' H aynUt .,,,. will 1m
) 110 nW lMMwnni 1 nli ii 14 . n i u ut 1 I . .
r- ' "Mjnm rt niMM llllllMll llllfl ;iril
v l... lUltfU. 'I'llIIHil U.' till i i '
fn, y "'"''' 1 p. III. lo Kchih whool hoil,,..
it. "u " " .iiiiiinr r, hl b ii. in., v km r t. - ,
-. ... ., ... w i. ill
l. in. ; prnyiT wcellng Wednesday 8 p.
in. ; ilic iiiuiillily liiihlmmi meeting mill
i i ... .
'. .... it.ili'f
pii -
Alf W'ftlkur,
",,,., ... ih nom hi homo moinlior.. Imiuu
,. p. Wuoluy. W l.llo tin. Mni,l(. K m f4)r ll(0 Ul
u ,u itdi! no iJoulit will TIh AM SoHifly meet ,.nj.,
iprovrd III III" next lutv TiiiIhv hi 1 n. m. in w,.ft,
.Mill' (.ICOI'U" iMi;iiuiii'. i.
I. ' . f. II llllljll. Ii...
... l.iri. UUKI'l. w. ... I
Lion i'"-
L iffitlly iMiproynl II no noxi low ,'IWilHy l 1 p.,,,. o work. at ,o.m.
wi,( , till the ly ' MwlliiKlrirrh.i,.U or inci.ilKjr'H home. Your
Lllwlicn Hi" eom.liluril Hint Itli on.. ,,..,.,. (,ij,.j,w t tmeli Hiurcl. M.r.
IrtwoexccptiiMM nomoof thii Imyn Intil VLX.. traiiinr ihhiIo wolwnnc. C,,,,,,,.
Lr wen Iww tli Imp I w. V. .McOkb. hutor.
;(lor , thnt -ly. Only mu MHtt, fHilM
. ,. Iilnl out ol lint llrnt llvo. Mini ,.
fi ,Li Mr tho foolliw of IHh' ' lu7; Molho-
.Biol l"lM . 4l i IUt Ku mfiiiml t Utin i u'l u urndA.
tin riiiiiirifir in iiii w .
Ll wltlili il'N 'ln nnino.
5.:..l,..r. Who US' Ult! WHy
Hlllllluv M'tinnl ML 10 n . In
I'riiuiilttiii i'c. 1uf ..i.,t J..I !
,'.i,..r who by Hit! wny, bml novur,'"" .v...., .-.,,.,. .
MV"--' . IIHY III 11 H. 111. .11111 .rill II. III. I'll).
...I merit I r P. "' Hi rwom, ...... . , , '. .
i,i,,lvo.ililniM! lOWnli, lmk. " " ."
,.f t in iioih) nio w. it iii) . r y " . " -
ni . .... I.HL IIX linur I In. I.nanl "II lulln. m.u.i
....I'llll. III! Will UIVII IMIIIII. I '
f.i..,il.l i run Hlioo'ori ol mho county ......... ...... - " " :
. t,,r tin. lioimr w)iuo ol iiiiwo tiwvrf i . ' .
. . . ....... uiuii III Will
ii-ooi tn e ii i' i " '-
The tt'ooiliiii'ii Vn'e rowptlon Tnw-MukiiiIi-IimII
wt n vry
, !..(., I ulfitlr. HIllllV IIIDIIMHirf Mllll
... . ffl ..... ..f
...-.II.... .....I trj W .I. kllt'
f crvli't1 at tlio (,'atliollc church will
liuiiceforlh tflko place uottli thinl Soli
dity in ovury iiionth.
Itfv. ! I'iiy.vnvi.HKi.
Ontt Itohuiuiit milter wrlto bni'k llmt
lu in no loiiiMomu thitt lie woiilil uivu
. Ul'lllllV Kt'lliriT. OTimni ui.Ti.n.
.. I
.ml Mm VillloreilHIU iiriivriim no mi-
. .-1.1..1. ..-au I.I..I.K ai.i.ntf.liilml.
IrtTrenjnnti'l 'nko wnn rvl, hihI ft
fMitiiiiCKiKxl tltnt Wl" bull.
1.0, ). '. 1 1 n U.-
Thf I O. O. K. IhIuk of Iiii cllv h
iHiniiiMil it lot on tho it)i iiil of
t. : ...... ....wl tn It... l.rl.ttfA. Mll.l llHt'l.
yiKIll Firi .'- ... ...
prfnttiPitt iil lliu irwtlon of M ntw ltottit
lifk'f. Tho IhiIMIiik will tt
fame one -IOxHO b-et two (.IfiHt. It I-
. . . . . . . .1 ..llll...
L i ..i.ii.. ,i, for a Uftroniul null lo m fought holore
fl! f. up for nit opiir hoitc, wlilU' tho'
1 .... - . . . . . tnui: ttbu rortiu t ib Hriioel nu.f. Hit
HTip'T "llll V lll iti .I..V. .f. .... n .....p..
iifvi'r hwuil of aiiyuno louninu for that
kiinl of inutile Iwfoiu. Wi'ct. 'I lie
NuKt'l iiiuii Iihm Iwtiu mi turtmlly lmciilu
Iiiiii"l-I ImiIoic now thai bit would i;ivu
In note prittit-d on hottvy Itnik in old
lironiit for nil l.e -vur I'XpiTlid lo ho
worth, payable one day afurdtxtlh, to. el
htu of lliufiii'loiliouxdtriooidrt of i'lfantiie
yelln (or Ave niioiiitw. Thiit Un'l any
illiuiuii, etthtr.
A tnatoh ban been Hrrtij,'t5tl between
Cliuiiinioii JeirtTitH and 'loin bliatky
roiitt mid bitniiut't ball.
Ormiil Arm if Knlevtahimeit'.
Onl l'ot (i. A. It. of llilK t'lty
will !
.itcniHiint'r nnd t'ltlf rlniiiiii't ct the
JIonii' Hall hi thii rlty tntt Tuendav.
June 27. with llii view of nddiiiif a litt't
IaiIia ftiifiiia.. trimiiirv if till iumI. Till!
ivImlMioii fef h- not bcioi dtfidtwl tipon
jrrt but it will 1k very Unlit. A ood
dinner vtlll bo n-n-txl and it program will
1 ri'mlfrinl bortly afterward.
(Ii lzziu a roup Until
It in ri'pordil upon uoml aitthorllv
t!ial the ronp of iiilnif, owtel
I'V Klopht'iiHtiett, JobtiHOit A Co ban
liffn purt'lutiit'd by littdon tMiilal. Tho
it:f( paid Ih privalt' but It la under looil
llmt n uood priee wan obtaltnil. Thin Ih
Mid In In) ouo of tint Helmut KroiiHi In
I he Itoliiiuiin eiitupt.
The .i f.i.
J. II. I'erkiitM la now in pohhih1oii of
liin IuiiuIhoiiio new wacott which will bo
ntil In earry pitHpf nu'cia loatul f'oin the
Uolinnia niinea. Cy Mill r wit the
liiiiMcrof the wiinon nnd tnu pninlintf
wnntlonu by IMcknnl & Son. It tinule
ItuflrNt trip out Monilny uiorniiiK. Ita
lien ut v nnd will do jrood Hiirvico.
ThvUIkIi ltd tli h.
Mr. CIiiih. Luito of Otkhiit'l retire
'enlititr tho Quaker bath cabinet linn
Iwn in thin eitv thia week, citnvUHHiiu.
f"r tlio name. Ho repreHotitn nn urtielo
Unit iKeaconltnl to everv home nttd uc
fiirilinnly i moethiK with tjood mu-ccua
in the Halo of thorn.
it "
Wen Plirtuiiiim Iii rnitinvliiir litu ImrniifiH
"liop from Ida preeont iiiiailurH to tho
1 . . .....
'"iiiuitii; formerly occupied by tlio
restaurant unit bukory noxt to Or .TobV
ouice. Thia ia it good location 'for the
biiHlnecH. and Mr. CIiiIhiiiiiii will bo
lenned to moot IiIh lnany utistoiintrH
mere artor tbia week.
It itu I tin nil nr. i r,nn
0. W. Kviiiih k Co arc now biiyinu up
nil tllll nl.l lrn, ......., ( i.u ri t tint t
thoy can find in tbia section,
"lumtnto lorortlaiiti. ninny thouHitiKi
poumlH tiro being brought In tind dia
I'oacd of thia wny.
Jr7)f)lll r. T.. I
Tlio Wooiltuon of tho World pionio
Imtfiiiturday ut IMonsant Hill wimiiuitou
"'iccoi, Rolng f.oni hero nnd it
buuuiy roproBoiitntion from Eugene.
Neil) Tnn lTixtmty
Tlio MCin n.ilcnrv la lllllllltlllf fl lll.W
'e Iioiiho with tho view of koopini? tv
I'ifttitity of jen on hnud for regular
Il;lit will cuinc uiriu JJtftolitir.
To St ii t c lilt nt in i in nil t.
.Mr. and .Mm. K. K. Jlilierof thU city
I Ml .Moittjay 111111111(41: MoUinnville
wiiere Mr. .tinier goe an iicii-rhic
from Ord Pout U. A. K. ttiia city, to the
titteeuoniiipiiiwiit of the Unind Army of
the llepuidic.
Sew l'orui:
Cy .vlilUr luia addeil a new fore lo
already well tiilpiHd blaekmnitli
It.ilwrL Alexamlrr of Colllritoek wiih
ittKidtert'! at tliu Iloltd iahorwood
Ooo Ainlorwiii Ih now at work doing
tlui iiiiil Ilniabiuu of thu OsliuiKler
Iwilur liop.
Uarualnu in lawntf, orjjaiulief, giug-
haiiM.ute.. fomtiiniiier iliotweiiitt J'akin
fi IlKlhTOf .
HCCon.bHof Amos was 11 plotteant
uttlleral tho Nutigot olllco ednei'daj
Ituv you hI.oj dunging of Kakis A
ii... Tl Iiiivii the kind vott
Nil t.
Spoeliil Hiln on IniliiM fbirt wnihta for
thu noxttw 1 weekf. Will aell tliem at
.it.. ....Inii.i 1 L'uruH. Will uuii
many of iIkmh "t "rut cost.
.Mi'HT A LowIm ia viailing In Hiigeiie.
.1. W. Cook lef fortlie ininoM WednoH
tlay. 15 lioniiit Sharp roturned from Kugeno
Siiiiduy .
MImh Miu tlo l.wt H8iit thin week nt
Frank 15 1 by of Urenwull wiih in the
eity Sunday .
ClntM. Dority of Creitwell iH in the city
for a nhort time.
Mr. nnil Mm. W. II. Kviiiih from Utah
arrived hero IiihI week.
Il 'iirv Witrner went to Ilia farm on
How river lawl Wcdniwilny.
Attiirney Medley vloited Ivtigeiic lust
Monday between locala.
Mrn. Chun. LueaH of CouiHtoek Hjiont
Hiiiidny in Cottage Urove.
Cy lliiigham and wife of Hpoknnc ar
rived in tho oily liint Monday.
T. .1. M a r I; ley nnd Hon Paul vuiled
Kugeno I'riday
i. W, Griflin wnH looking after bin
biiHineM intoiOHlH hero IIiIh week.
MiH Kva .Smith eiimi! 110 from Halein
.... . ...
Sunday to- vialt bur mint Mr. Pet San-
TIioh. Aubrey thu S. I"n ellleient agent
nl thin jilaeo wiih a visitor at Kugene
MUh Hattio TliompHon returned homo
from a several day'rf viait at Kugeno last
C Dfiitel of Portland, a mining man
of large experience in here on Imb way to
the liolietula camptj.
Atturney F L KeeneiiH and wife of
Portland are viaiting Mr. and Mra.
iXtrwin Hristow of thin city.
Mr. Frank Hnmbriek ami family
nlie1nl1.1l tlio Woodman picnic at
PleitHant Hill Saturday.
Mr. and Mm. Dave AlliHon of Hose-
burg spent a low daya if their honey
moon in tliiri city liiftt week.
C liet k and J A Colfeit. two Portland
milling men, returned from a trip to the
liDiuMiiiu camjn Wediioolay .
W. H. Kernev. the mining man, left
for Portland, after having visited the
Hchemia minee, last Monday.
Mrs. C. II. Cottle nnd dnuL'hter were
vieitom to Kugene laHt wec'k, retiiriiing
home on Monday morning a overland.
CominifeHiiinor Ktlwardri ciitrni up
Tuodilay from Kugene to look after tho
rook crushing bimineii- and returned
homo Wodneisilay.
B. Currv. a lioheuiiii miner, left Mon
day morning for Yiupiiiiii bay, for a two
wrokV viit wiih inn lirother wliohehitH
not Hcett for nine yearc
Alf Walkorr aiulJIerbert Leigh were
pnMetigeia to Bohemia Friday morning,
Immiil' the llrt oaci-engern to tako ait
vantage of tho convenience of Mr.
lVrkin'rt new wauon. Tiiey returned
Saturday. .
Junius White of Glonwood hns bent
asHi.sting bin brother-in-law, G. Thomp
M.ii wild Ih'm Iiii villi'. Jim S.1V8 lie
..... . j n-
-Gumming & Sehr.-
We are now fairly established -and
are adding largely to the al
ready well selected stock of general
merchandise, formerly carried by
Gumming & Huston, with which
they built up such an extensive
The new lirm will use every en-
1 .
deavor to merit a share of the pub
lic patronage. All ol our goods
will be of the very finest on the
market and will be sold at the very
lowest living prices.
CM. HhndRhek,
E. J. Patterson,
J. A. Fryur.
The Fashion Stables.
G. M- Henderer &q0. prop.
II llillinn a ml Frank unuior two
tutll known Kugene carpenters and con
tractor wore in tlio city Wednesday.
Mm. Carrio Vnnoradale, grand
1. mm linn Woodmen Cliele, and Mrs Win
I.-....L-..IU 11 nit wei neeiiay uiu-iiiumi
for "point houIIi on their ollleial trip.
11.... v 11 itvoi'M f Sa em wiih
regisle'ied ut tho Hotel Shorwood Tueti
Circuit court for I.ano county convenes
next Mommy.
Tho brick for I'nrry Sherwood's now
liriek la now being plueed on llio ground
Tlio Kugene poHtolllco Iiuh boon ruined
to wecond ebiHH. Huh bnngH tlio salary
of tlio poatumator up to $2,000.
' Wnnted, sonio 0110 to trado whips any
vvhm-ii liotweeit hero nnd Goshen.
SailoiHiit eoai ut Miss HuinricbH, cull
It is nnid llmt tho only Fourth of July
celebration to bo hold in Linn iy
lll bo hold ut Lebanon.
Tlio M K icu oroum social ?lvon on tho
oluueli grounds Wednesday ovuning
11 success.
Cedar post for plo by II 0 Comb?,
AniiWi Oiugpu. - ,
Hoinowliiit struck on farming: Straw
borrios und cream, and 11 good cook,
beats bacon and beans
Mr. HnHnw of the milliner firm of
Hnrlow .t Stocks ( old Mining and Mill
Iiu Coninany was in town early this
week. Mr. Harlow lias been Htopping
at his home bjlween hero und the mines
fnr the lust 10 dilVS. his little 8011 llllV
iiii: broken Ids unit. His little girl is
hIho reimrted ill. Ho left tho city
Wednesday, expecting to return to ino
miiioH this wecl
Cottage Grove
Pint Mill!
ft Pronrietors of the Bohemia
. and 5$
Black "Butte Stage pities. &
Reasonadle Prices sr
Fiwt-Class Turnouts, Double or Single -...-n.....,., . -
Cottage'Grove, Oregon.
I'conomy 1 not
tinylng Shcildy
Wo new tato a Kl'I.L
STOCK of tho
A New Invoice
Dry Goods
( rcccrlcs.
1I mrntray
Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS,
Groceries, Flour
and feed.
All kinds of Produce bought at
the highest market values.
Call and get acquainted with us.
We shall be pleased at all times to
quote you prices upon all lines
handled by us, whether you buy or
Our stock is new, neat and clean
and having had years of experience
in business, we assure you the very
best goods the market affords, and
the lowest possible prices
Remember the place: Phillips'
old stand, Cottage Grove Oregon.
We are now prepared to furnish
nil kinds of Brackets, Mouldings,
Cornice, Sash and Doors, Door and
Window frames, Screen Doors,
Windows, Pickets, etc.
Woodwork of all kinds made and
renaired. We will also work l'loor
inc. Rustic, Siding, Ceiling,
Size Studding, etc.
Stoves and Tinware: Hardware
Sundries; Carpenters Tools; Gar
den Tosls, and Miner's Supplies.
The Best Line of
Agriculture Implements in the
City, Including tue ueieunueu
:::::: Stoughton Wagon::::;:
PLOWS, Etc. Headquarters for
Plumbing, Tin and oneet iron
I wna soriously nlllinted with a cough
for several yours, and Inst fall had n
moro severe cough than over boforo. I
liavo used ninnv remedies without re
ceiving much relief, and being recom
mended to tryu bottle of Chnniherlain's
Cough romedy, by n friend, who, know
ing trio to be a poor wirtow, gavo it to mo,
I tried it, und with tho moat, gratifying
results. Tho first bottle relieved mo
very much und tlio second bottle ab
solutely cured mo. I have not hud us
good health for twonty years, llespect
f ttlly, Mas. Maiiy A. Uf.aud, Clnroinore,
Ark. Sold by Benson DiuJo Co., Cottage
Grovo, Jok Lyons D nin Druggist.
Who can think
of some Blmpla
llfnnnr1 An Irlnn
WCtlllGU HII JUCO Ktuetopatcn B
Proteot-your wast thoy may uring yuu
Wrllo T JOHN WBUDEltllUUN & CO., Patent Attor
ner WMhtnBton. )7o.. for their 1,6U0 prise otter
SnO niw "fit ol oua thousauU invent oo wanted.