Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 19, 1899, Image 5

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    ipxlnbltlliii l '' ""'Of r.xenairgo
may lie foutiil a inagnlilcciit
Iiiiiui'm tlx coppttr oro iiikcii mini
(i.ily t'reok group of initios,
fil ly livrill) limn. i niiirn win
' II a I. I. . . j . . I
. .,. , imi'Ii is wen noi '.ii iiiuiiiuiuiinu
1 .... -I...I I I. ...J 'VI..
(rv"1' ill lei uni.n. in iiiiiii-n. i im
rm which this oro whh taken in
IL'l)l Will" Willi II Vlllll (l( thin X-
m-ly rich nio runnfng through It
ii.l one-half feet thick. 1 Ik pro
-i.i. ...... i .. i i.... i
in ... . ii-
.1... 'I' ...... .ll I I .li.
ilM 10 mij ni;viu. mnuihiiru vwiin
noil ThlHV
it i . i .i
(, rilV roillirn mi" .liiuiuil lliu
i .huh .il the "I'l hrldiro tnla'ii out
... . 117.... ft .1 . il r -.
fl.Titl.'MI ui inu uiniiii; ;iimmi(Mi ui
! im rl iuul I III HIP I 1 1 tit tint
if. i i ........ It I. I
ril Hlln in- w mimmi t v nnn
i,t an (iiinuiu ('i)iuim(Mi inr wonio
fivn to pIoMtriiwiM. Tim old
We Itaoili, tlic Mnr-:
! (Ii'i'ftrnii iliii&nll'nlil .
hi; had plenty of nkrvk.
I Us Maker Wilhout'Jlcgrets.
hiH llCIld tllU IIOOKO tllljllHtCil, (Hill lit
10:50, in thi( twinkle of mi evil, Claude
lirantofi shot down through ii five-foot
drop tni). D. Harris and Hcarbroiigh
worn promptly lit his Hide, mid at
1 1 :0.") Iki wiim pronounced dead, cut
down, and laid in his eoflln. Tlio black
cap was removed, his neck which had
I boon J 1 1 h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y broken in tin. drop wih
pushed buck uii'lur IiIh collar, liin tonguo
which was slightly protruding pushed
into IiIh mouth, IiIh Jiiwh wore doted,
and IiIh hair smoothed hack in place.
This ended tho growsomo spectacle,
Hie first of the kind in tlio history of
Jiii no county.
The body as hooii an possible was
turned over to JJranlon'H parents and
brother wlio caused tho same to bo in
terred in the Camp Crook oemoterv. I
.. . nx I. nil! vc.'irM ni'O hi nrliicln
..I . ..I.I I .1
..riminii wilii H ill. IB mi. iiijiii iiu;
III' IL PIl'MI... titi ttn .lllll.ll
. I l.M II.. Ullll.l (..
, l,J. .
Clatulu Ilranton, wlio inurtlcrtjd John
A. Linn.n well known stock .raiser of
i Kastorn Oregon, on the ni-;ht of Juno
15, IHW, t Ishum's corral, Hiricndoi'od
up his lifo at tho end of tho hangman's
, rope in Ihejailyaid at Kugono at 10:50
I o'clock, Friday, Muy ,1!, 1HU8, as pro
j (imbed by law.
Cumming & Sehr.
AH Ai'out You.
. .. i
i.. ...ii . 1. 1.. .....i .. . f.i
Cinun, nun win mi iiiiv iiimmiJii ill'
il,. iiU hniibclf capable of with
in inability to supply him with
Hi ni iiin'iL, in mm i u , whh nun j i nu exeuuiiuu, tinner tliu piiDorin-
.....I .....I.!. v......... . .1 ... I '.. r.1 tit ... ... .....
nnKiM'iiui-11 nun ....iiiiun. .I'iBi'ii kuieiuoey oi Oliuriu w. Vi , WtlliurH.
lure (hut pupui' ot a KliinpRu of unnihtml by IiIh very ablo deputy, il. J.
rill "'HIV. ii-iv niuiiriiny iiiiiriiiiii- 1 imv. W.lrt u comn elu Kiieeii..- -nirv i r..
. A .. . u I'nay u'lii.rii ill. iriii.H 11 i u'.. , mil I....I .. .... v..i .. I.. 1....1 ..1. . ... 1
lm Rit 011 tho lirantu I'iikh ' everyone proi-ent felt confident that no
Illicit would occur, ami their confidence
wjh not diiiplaced.
A laryo crowd had gathered in ICu
t'ciu , Jmt upon the whole not ho luro an
one would iniairine would pitlicr upon
an occitriion of that kind, ucpt'Cially the
fimt occaHiyii of tlie kind in tho county..
Claude ifrnuloit'fi uleep wag jioaceful
r.. t .. I . Iltlk tiliflit Kjiflr.. II... iinll,.i. .....I t.r.
hi acoident .S'aturday at xtonv at bin i.mial tinio, but partook of
re k can von. wni taken' throiiKh i 110 bieakfast. Ho wan druaied (tin
t t t. I 1. 1, ...I. ...I. ...III... I..... .. !!.... I 1. 1. ...I.
i,n I v III irlllll n IOl'.'II Oil MM way "" nun n wn i-uiuu nun innKK.
li.-mc at Lfbauon. TherarH were . " "t h of paii.iux pinneil to
. . .. I . I I. I IIim Iti.w.l .f
ll' il i , i , , , i , , , i , 1 1 mil. 11 iiii l;i iiiii;. i i - - . .
ii ..f iiieuiberH nf tho L'nilwl Al:3U hlri mother, f-ither, brother
and siiiler were admitted to his pretence
and thu final farewell was upuken.
'Then his spiritual advisers, Itevs.
l'allortou and llandnakcr, were ushered
; into hi presence to administer to him
' ...I. .1 i.i ..:
...... ...1... n.... ....... h i i n u i
. . ..... . ...... ......... ... i.Miirun i .
. around will, n view of mulcing " 7 T T TK
a U.clr future home. Mr. Itilev , ,M" " "" ....-
Iilmcclf well pleased with Ore-! -tu',u":,
ITI1HH1 UI lM Illlll IVI" IIIUIIlim Ullll
Jn'i-i-k'H othor railnmit inun from
liiirn u urn i ti tt I I tttti I ii tifi lot olfk tin
Ii lirnflinr twitirir
fitii j i i lit i u nnrin
Invitations had boon issued by Sliorlll"
Withers very sparingly, the .Sherlirs of
Drtnjoii, tho doctors of I.anu county,
HUS'ontl chiefs of police, twelve jurors
and the newspaper men of tho county
were iuvilod.
About 00 were present and they were
all within tho enelosuiu which sur
rounded the jail door and tho wust side
of the jail where tho seallold had been
orected, liy 10 o'clock, tho time of exe
cution being sot between tho hours of
10 a. in. and - p. in.
At IU: lOShuriir Withers mounted tho
"well nlcased" with Oreuon this
l . . . . . .. ... i
liclliI the riMl rif bin il.tVH luire.
In., in. tin. Iln. .mi. ii.u f.l tin. rimrn.
ii - ...i... i i... ;..
If. ut l.'i-l.ln.. unit ithiriliiui llf (I
.. ... ill. n. t iLiivruiiiiiTi. i in i .
... .. .. . .. .. .. . r. . I
iiicii speaK in nrn so o mo r en- . , . , ...i :.. .
1 1 1 u..,. ii III iki. I iwiiimiiiul iivnrl't il ' 111 It
I llf'tllflll V1M ' ....
IllllCtlt 11 1 ill iivilrlia
i.iiii.i iiiirn inn ll ih Hiiiiiiiui.
V T. lr Lcctuve.
" I'm iiiu iv. l;. i . u. iitiiin(i hi
111 f I tit I n iiiii-iin n 1 1 tri. mn iiiiihi
Cari4r It. mi inirnik.t iiiithiiHhiHf li
U'lltlll llllllllllJ ll'lllll-.. ItlfllW Ullll (
rk' III tifltitliti vllhia IiikIiiik Uitlltwil
Will Lf i Vti ll I f li tint Imncflt. fif ii I'dVuI
yeurHof lianl knoekH in tho print-
rn Hoiuutliln nutt earn motnutlmi
tiiiiuiii,ii, im ll uiiiiuriiuj
ffMlH 1 -t.l! ' -iJ
(flit 1IIW. II. ....,.. ,.,,v I...I1......1 ........
rw t i.i.i.. tn i
i ik - I'.nrifi f ii ,i i nnu wiiii ii ii u
t nun iitiiii iiiu nnur ivn f im finiiic
HYC.illni.t I. I.. .1.1.. It.... .A
"iviii, tiuiiv in nun uiiut yr
CV. (V H IT nn.n.mWtM.. Iwiltl l.
j "jfwrvim in un u luiiiimuiu nuu-
.Miuy viHuorH i rot ii Hiirroiuuiln
Worn hfiieuMi .....1 i. ..,..1 !.. i...
I'liinuiii uifvt (IrjnfniUtl III VIIU
inn ji.:fuiu Hill iju
u . ni. .r .1 i... .. n .i
i ti. i.. .. ... 't. . .
""inniii (in mi lllU'lll IIB lllUDt
iwiiiinim Niiui wervicn ii tin i
Wi0 ni'lllir.wl A ll.!.,
systematic inaunor. ilo then went
quickly to thojHil and at 10: 15, Ilran
ton accompanied by .Sherill' Withers on
one side and Deputy Shoriir Day on tho
other, witli Deputy Andrews in tho
rear, tho Itovs. I'atterson and Iland
saker precedinj;, stepjicd fiom the jail
into the inclosure, and turned into tho
narrow allov. As they turned the cor
ner Ilranton glanced at the scatlold, (but
not onco did ho show tho loast sijjn of
excitement of nervousness. Ilo mounted
tho scailbld without assistance. Ilo
glanced around, apparently seokinp
Homethini,'. As IiIh oyos sought tho
northeast conior of tho onelosure, they
restod for an inslant upon the box con
taining tho coffin, and ttien ho stepped
upon thoHcafiold with tho samccold in
dill'orenco to his situation as that ex
hibited during his trial.
Whon asked if ho had unythinK to
say ho icplicd.
Ilranton mado "this speech in tho
Hiitno tono, with tho samo oxpression
as that which played across his
countenance on that eventful day whon
ho sat in tho witness box in tho
Sowdcd courtroom and described tho
iuiio at-Islmin's corral how ho looked
iroiiKh tho old man.'a ribs and saw his
liUrt burn !
The black cap was then slipped over
J. M. Howo of Hugono flrovu In last
alt Cochran made u visit to Uuoni!
this week.
Jim White came in from tho mines
last Hunday.
Hev. Copple returned to Fugono last
Monday morning.
IWeiw K. H. McA lister arrived
from Kiii;ene last Friday.
I Mrs. Hunt of Wildwoodwasa visitor
to Cottage Urovo this week.
Miss Daisy Thomas was an arrival on
Wednesday afternoon's local.
j Mrs. Dr. Woodcock of Drain passed
Ihorufjh on route homo on last Wednes
day's local.
( Herbert Leijjli after a two and one
j half monih'ii visit to IJaslern lio.iiif re
I turned li'imio last Sunday. '
Al KINip. returned from tho lioliemia
minuM lant Friday. AI has been" suiflor-
iiiK' with an attack of rheumatislii.
W. II. Kearney a SjKJkane, Wash.,
niininp man was in t6wn this week. He
lias beconio interested In tho Uohemia
Mrs. L. Finncrty left early this week
for an extended visit with relatives at
i Grant, Illinois, going over tho Southern
Henry Harney from Iowa was bore thi
week the guest of his old frielid Joo
linker. Mr. Harney contemplates lo
eating in Oregon.
Mysdames Habb and Stowoll of F.u
gone arrived on Tuesdav's local to nt-
tond tho W. C. T. U. convention how 'in
bession in this city.
Deputy .Sheriff Day of Fugono was an
arrival on Saturday afternoon's local.
Henry ha many frienils hero who wore
glad to sco him.
I'rofoesor Orion of tho public schools
of Kimono arrived Saturday afternoon in
attendance upon tho Cottage Grove
public i-clinol oxercibes.
I. N. Dresser, of Lynx Hollow, who
has been suirorinj; with inllamatory
rheumatism for several months was in
town Wednesday, and is slightly im
proved. Captain Sachs, of F.ugene, Inventor of
the woll known hammerless gun.
stopped ofl'in Cottage Grove last Sun
day on his return from a trip to San
Miss Charlottio White ono of Lane
county's successful -teachers, and who
has been a teacher in the Cottage Grove
public schools, returned to hor homo at
Fugeno on Sunday morning's local.
Ur.T. Lea, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Lea of this city arrived up from Cor
vallis last Friday. Mr. Lea is uow act
io,: !s military instructor at tho Ag
ricultural college.
Miss KatioUuuk,ono of Lane'county'a
prominent teachers, and well identified
with tho Cottage Grovo schools loft
Tuesday morning for a short visit in
Eugene, Misi Runk will shortly begin
a Hummer school at Lorauo.
Miss Pearl Hunter ono of tho very
efileiont teachers under Professor
Holland in tho Cottage Grovo public
schools left last Thuinday for hor home
at Staytou. Miss Hunter has many
frionds heio who will regret her de
parture James Lylo, nophew of R. S. Piper,
who spout last year hero, going Kast to
his old homo last fall, leturned Friday.
Anions thu important cities lie visited
while on routo back to Oregon may bo
mentioned Kansas City, Omaha, St.
Louis, and San Francisco.
Professor and Mrs. 11. F. Mulkoy of
Monmouth arrived in Cottago Grovo
Saturday afternoon to attend tho public
school exorcises. Professor Mulkoy
holds tho chair of science in tho Mon
mouth collego and is spokon of as ono of
Oregon's ablest "educators. Thoy re
turned homo .on, Mmyluy ., morning's
We arc now fairly established
and are adding largely to the al
ready well selected stock of general
; merchandise, formerly carried by
Gumming & Huston, with which
they built up such an extensive
The new firm will use every en
deavor to merit a share of the pub
lic patronage. All of our goods
will be of the very finest on the
market and will be sold at the very
lowest living prices.
C. M. Hkndkkuk,
E. J. Patterson,
J. A. Frykr.
The Fashion Stables.
G. AI- Hcrjderer &G Prop.
I First-Class
Proprietors of the Bohemia
Black Butte Stage Lines.
Reasonadle Prices
Turnouts, Double or Single.
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
S Shoe
, Economy Is not
I'DjillB thoiltly
We now ta e n ITU. 1
STOCK of the 1
A New '"' "'-r .i ,
Dry uoodj
mill ,
llurklioliler. i
Stoves and Tinware: Hardware
Stindries; Carpenters Tools; Gar
den Tosls, and Miner's Supplies.
The Best Line of
Agriculture Implements in
City, Including the Celebrated
::: Stoughton Wagon::
Mccormick binders and
PLOWS, ETC. Headquarters for
Plumbing, Tin and Sheet Iron
Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS,
Groceries, Flour
and Feed.
' All kinds of Produce bought at
the highest market values.
Call and get acquainted with us.
We shall be pleased at all times to
quote you prices upon all lines
handled by us, whether you buy or
Our stock is new, neat and clean
and having had years of experience
in business, we assure you the very
best goods the market affords, and
the lowest possible prices
Remember the place: Phillips'
old stand, Cottage Grove Oregon.
I am directed to collect all unpaid
poll tax according to see 2835 Hills code
which reads as follows:
"Tho assessor shall requiro ovory por-
son to pay his poll taxes of every kind
at tho time of assessing tho same, and
in default of such payment tho assessor
shall immediately give to tho slierifT a
list of such poll taxes and the sheriff
shall immediately collect tho samo.
Also sco Sco 2834 and'ifho cannot And
personal proporty out of which to mako
the samo shall demand such tax from
any person who may Do niuooieu 10
such tax pavor and shall collect tlio
Dated this 14th day of April 1899.
D. P. Buktox,
County Assessor,