BOHEMIA NUGGET. &(l(Iilfoitul Locals. C. J. HOWARD - - - EDITOR. Knlofexlnt the ixMloffli-e si Ctlio (Stttve, Oregon as Swoiul iiikII nltor. Incorporated. Articles of incorporation of tho White Swan Gold Mining Company of JJo hcmiti witti II. It. Kini-aid, J. M. A brains, ! II K Hawlev. FA Rankin, L PSnapp. C A llanlv anil II W Thompson, as In- Ntt1crl.tlon price. Sl.ffO. In n.Unnrr. p',,, M1.r0 (Ueil with tllU COUIltV AilvertMnir ratri. nmilo known "I'"" Wednesday. CHpUttl Stock,- ' npiiiiriitinn. 000, amount of cadi tiliuru eonts ; stout nou'ussessublo. , Itepalriny, I Tla Cummins Hall is bing rc- LwcM Lurch! LURCH! Thanks to the Public for your liberal 1MitioiinKc during the winter We are now giving the,, Friday, May 19 1S99. Last Friday and Saturday even- 1 Bargain this week. A much needed improve- Opportunity V ing s entertainment at tne Aiarun lnont, hall demonstrated the fact that j AU'sdamos MclConnoy, MeCIting, Wil Cottage Grove hasn't a large son, Johnson and Dale of Eugene wore fiiniitrh Imll. Srnndirnr room was in attendance upon thu V. C. T. U. 0 o - 1 at a premium, and not a little j danger to life and limb was at tendant. Too much attention to In SILKS, SERGE, and BROCADE DRESS SKIRTS convention Mesdamos Mav Scott ami Ohio Pnr- ' sons of Croswoll aro visiting relatives in this citv. Huuu uuiaiiuu auu "- Mr.Soott Christumi who is soriotislv patrons of a public gathering plnce niat hid homo in this city is reported cannot be given. 1 he proprietors , as not much improved of the hall have shown a marked inclination to make material im provements in the opera house since they took charge some few months ! LURCH! Our Spring Stock will soon be ready mid open to your inspection. Absolutely 110 mtorepresctitntioii of goods LURCH! 1 j If you want the latest styles in hats and millinery good at lowest prices call on Miss Annie Heinrich. K. K. Paxton who rctidos ou Row 1.... 1..... i: ago and no doubt m the course of , c . .,, , , , , a at bodaville, lias returned lionio. the summer will make their, .. . .... . , . The "Willsie' camera, inter Photo property a niucn more aesiranie j CO( Kl1nv, Agents, was the one place for oublic eathennsrs. How- at the tiranton execution Used ever in case of packed bouses such as last Saturday night's school en tertainment afforded, chairs unless they are bolted together and set fn stationary rows should never be used, and at no time should they be placed in the aisles of a hall. One .Mrs. Chas. Lucas left for Comstock Wednesday. Mr. anil Mrs. Lucas will run a boarding house there this year. Miss Annie Heinrich the milliner tins a choice line in latest styles. Call and see them. Choir practice for memorial service at Mr. Geo. Lea's next Saturday evening, loosechair, in the event of a fire, ;a"d also on Monday evening can' be the cause of a hundred broken bones and perhaps death. Claude Branton, while confined in the Lane county jail, wrote many letters, some sketches ol his travels, also some poetry. In one of his poetic -efforts, with reference to his crime, he wrote: "My confidence in man is as I have said: Three men can keep a secret provid ing two of them are dead." No better proof of his muderous disposition could be asked for. Branton during all these mouths never once gave expression of re gret for having murdered old man Linn, although he did confess to the crime. He was always looking for a loop hole through which to escape. His only regret from the time Deputy Sheriff Day arrested him until the moment he went through the trap, was that he didn't murder Green, his accesory to the crime. Photographs of Hrantou's execution were made with the "Willsie" Camera. Winter Photo Co., Agents, Eugene. Mestlatnes Uabb ami Stowell of Eu gene arrived on Tuesday's local to attend the W.C. T. U. convention now in session in this citv. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. James McCalley, one of the best known and certainly one of the most highly respected railroad men in Oregon met with a sad and sudden ending last Saturday noon in the frightful wreck in Cow Creek canyon. Mr. McCalley was a man respected not only by all his rail road associates but by all who knew him. He washonorable, just, and a faithful servant of his em ployers. The Southern Pacific has lost a faithful servant, and the com munitya just and honorable citizen. The Eugene Guard bad a mag nificent writeup of the Branton exe cution. Mr. H'. W. Rowland the very efficient city editor of that paper, who was in attendance upon the execution is responsible for it. The Guard has no occasion to re gret its choice of citj editors. The Branton murder case is a thing of the past. The public has two regrets to file. One, -that the murder of Linn was committed; the other, the murder of Linn hav-; ing been committed that both mur derers didn't hang together. "Our democratic friends are be coming convinced that there is a conspiracy of the money power to increase wages. This is known to be one of the most devilish of the money devil's methods of deceiving the 'producing classes.' " Kx. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. May P, 1S09. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler lias tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tiiat said proof will he made before Joel Ware U. S. Com missioner at Eugene, Oregon, on June 29 189t, viz. Theopliile F. Rosso on H. E. No. 7359 for the E K NW NE K SW , Lot a, Sec. 1(5, T. 19 S., K. 5 V. He names the following uitnet-scs to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Isaac N. Doak, Henry Coleman, John L. Bailey, Ivan McQueen, of Siuslaw, Oregon. J. T. BltlDGKS, Register. Arc Now Open for Inspection! We arc Oilbring Some Bargains in the Following: Men's Heavy Shoes 5i.35 to $-1-25' Boy's Shoes ?-5 t 35- Men's Fine Shoci $1.50 to $3.75. Men's Hats 5ct.i to fo.oo. We have a Full Line Colors. of Ladies' Shirt Waists in all OBEGO IIAJN, BOHE MIA IN UG GET We also have Outing Flannels, Shirting, D ess Linings, Shirt Waist Sets, Ladies' Ncckwa e, etc. ISTew York Racket Store. E. WALL & WMIPPLE. GEflTOMi fftEJtf MARKETS JVIcarland Company- COTTAGE GROVE - - - OREGON AN UP-TO-DATE MARKET Hcef, Mutton, Pork, Veal Smoked Hams, Bacon, Etc. Call ana" Sm- Uh McFarland Co ll'e Will Treat low ItlgM BENSON DRUG COMPANYI . l. c. A Complete and Well Selected Line of the.., A Both One Papers Tear -For-- Davidson does good watch work. For quality and cheapness in fresh moats go to the Central meat market. Notice Hemonwav & llurkhuldor'H ad. Shoos, shoos, shoos. If you want glasses fitted to your uvea go to Davidson the Jeweler. 1' W Rhodes lias closed Ids City meat market, hut contemplates reopening tllo same the first of next mouth. Mrs. Thos. Aubioy returned from n visit to Eugene last Friday afternoon. Fresh candies every day, made from pure sugar at the Tailor shop. A moot ing of the citixens of Cottage Grove will be hold at the City Hall next Saturday night at 8 o'clock with it view of arranging for a Fourth of July cele bration. Everylnxly come out. If you want a wagon eome and look tit tiie Stoiighton before buying. F. It. PlIII.I.II'S. Memorial services will ba held at the Christian church in this city, one week from Sunday. Notice Frank fiofMlman's new ad in the Nugget this week. He will oiler you good goods at reasonable prices. F. K. Phillips lias his sample Mr. Cormiek mower on exhibition. Ho and look at it Another new lot of shirt waists, every one a beauty. Kakin A IJiiistow irs. j. .Medley wisiies tocall vour attention to her choice and well fclectcd line of millinery goods. We have a shipment of carpet just in Lome and note reduction in prices. Martin A Cociikan. Remember that Mrs. Medlov is in the millinery busine, that she has a choice line of goods. Call and see her. Every business man should meet at the City Hall next Saturday night to assist in arranging for a Fourth of Julv celebration. iiuy your spring and Hummerhats of Miss Meinzer, the well known and popular milliner. For your Spring and summer hatH go to Miss Meinzer, at the old pnoto graph building a fine line. sanies reauy mane dress skirtt just received. Eakin A Dkihtovv, Cuinming A Sehr have made nrraiiec monts to receive a weekly shipment of DEALER IN very choice creamery butter. Shillings Rest toas, coffee. flavoring extracts and baking at Cumming and Sehr's. Miss Moinzer will liavoa choice lino of new sailor lints on early in the week Suits! Suits!! Tailor miido suits!!! Up to date in every respect, from 115 un. 1- i. . - an aim see samples. Gko. Roiii.mak T . . 1 L I 1 - - ui iiciu iu 00 ousinesH. 11 you ..'nr. ...... 1 1 ....iiv ..iij iimuware come and seo whether I mean business or not I'lIIM.Il'H. Ten delegates from tho several day schools of this city went to Pleasant IIUI Ihin-Mlay to attend the U,. ..,)., 1 I .jinn..... euiiuui convention conv there Thursday and Friday, Tho Northern Pacific have recontlv tsiaunsneu an agency in our city with Mr. James Hetnenway an agent. Cal on or write him in regard to tickets to all Eastern points. v , . uibKIUCU Willi fl JUBl loir in m nl tl. tlm inavo ueen a sufferer from chronin remnrlrnMn o... . . ' . . ' " diarrhoea ever since tho war and have ' "eating. ; -"I". on iim 01 u,o JtohemU aurc - uscuaii kinds of medicines for it. At "W m in receipt of a ; n "Z . .1 """""" last I found ono remedy that has been TC"k" f ,na,I tho gift of Mru. G. ! ?' 1!! th I""ron u U" a snccosB as a cure, and ilmi kni.nmi,.,. u.onapp. it tg the ecmiinn ..r.:,.i.. 1 1 . . . .. ir 0 . . - 1 .. .. ... 1... lam's colic, Cholera and Diarihooa . ol,nPP "ving reccivod it dim ! raEortiie tho well known r.w Best Drugs in the Market Kept Conntiintly in Btort. New Liiieof Trusses just in Htmuin Drug Company. Cltri Clr. Or. James Hemetiway: . ;oh Keal Estate and Mining Property. KcprtMnU Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Companies. HJII powder, NOTARY FURLIC Strict Attention paid to Collection 1 Office opjx)site Sherwood Hotel. Heart Failure! A Coin f non nhrnsn! Tint .i... .1... r..n- F-R fit AtuniMui lit 1 1. , , ' " iniiiif 11 1 inisiako not. it 11 ue Si ll i fVCh '"J" w "Bd .rmrll, in iw.d ar Sm, to nrZ, ; 'fM tMty ,cK'tioi. of the heart. Now ia the ouii- iu jireoni tiiis process oeforo von If I mistake not, It ii became round n time process lieforo voil luvnmn .nr.i.l.l.wl t 11.1 You will find that RADAM'H Cimntv nrnt'onf -liu. . .1 , . ivvi!j-. lll,l,r,H Will CICIItlKe IHC UlOUUf otZ d S S TIiuh t.i r.ntu7 -oincneu win lirevent sudden or nrMiminn !.... ..V!! V JillllllV. Send or call for pamphlet. Residence with J. K. Rarrett. A. F. Howard, Ag't, Cottage Grovo, Oregon, Remedy. P. E. Gitisii.ui, Gnars Mills 1 ,,orIooplo in Ohio. Many thanks lZn fountlrJ' wbb n aouth Iwiind La. For salo by Hhnbon Duua Co, Cot- The Ilohomln Nugget and the Eroat ! pH',oneor on Tcdar'a local, tage Grove, Jou Lyoxs, Drain, Druggists year I'ra"ciiiU0 "Mllctin for per; Homom her Dr. 1. 1,. flcofinM, DenUfit ' f when you wunt dental work done.