Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 24, 1899, Image 7

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    May Bo Looatod
Alaska Soon.
frffqli OrrlnB Hanger of n Berlnu
fClilU lletweeti Americana unit Call
JtHnrTt Near the llorder.
flslilriKton, Mnroh 23. Tho Ilrlt-
fBlirnmbiiBflii'lor, Blr Julian Putiiicufoto,
"conferred today with Secretary liny in
roferoiico, it id understood, to a modus
genu! to bo observed along tlio Alaska
uoitlor, in onlui to obviate thu positi-
PlJlmyTof a clasli, imjiiiHiik tlio fliuil do-
t 'limitation ui inu iiyiuui.
rfiftiiood of thin has boon emphasized
liln tin' liiBt low days by reports of
flo botwoon tlio Canadian and tlio
feerjcnn prospectors on tlio l'rooupino
TiicHO reports havo caused con-
Tjerablo unoaHlness in olllcinl circles
sndon, iiimI efforts liavo been inadu
Itollaflrn tlio facts, rnoro huh noon no
jgflioTal information, however, oltlior
ILcToIoi" In London. Just biicIi n cIuhIi
jaglboon expected, and tliuiopoitH liavo
mtwI todlroct tlio attention o olllcinls
KlMtlio need of olli-atlng a border ur-
jrangonient. Tlio prellminnry move in
UTdlreolion wiih inndo as booh hh tlio
rAnglb-Ainerlcan commission adjourned
CynTiout settling tlio border quuallon.
STwUullan then suggested that a tern-
norary arrangement bo tnndo. Thia
gaUl iiialntnin tlio status quo, cncii
jSlxnaklng no further advnnco pond-
TgWJlnal agreement on tlio boundnry.
rAwteiiipotury lino probably win no
fill I
rjinjEuy tno two governments, mm
ivmuld not affect permanent interests,
raould servo uh a legal barrier bo
twoon tlio lawless lortntio-HcoKura in
locality. Tlio plan in favorably
irwwfired on both sides, and Ih likely to
carried into effect, although no
agreoiiiont urns been outcrod into tlius
ome important Btntomoiitn concorn-
igMtlio boundary lino situation nro
yen in olllciul coneflponiiunco now on
Ifilajin tlio stato and interior dopart-
icnta, which has uovoi boon mado
Governor Brady, ol Aliuiui, as long
attoTAB tlio latter part of February called
latfontion to tlio extremely threatening
jcomjltlon of affairs. February 21,
Governor Brady, who was liore, had a
fcoororonoo with both Secretary Bliss,
f ho was then liint lonvlng the cabinet,
tndl Secretary Hay, in which ho urged
that tlio aggressive act of the Cana
dians should be promptly met.
Killed III Five Children unci Attempt
ed to Cremate llm Itemaln.
Inutahinson, Kan., Morch 23. An
jooious crimo was rovealod hero to-
Rlifyiwiien tho coroner and his nsaist-
lantfl removed tho dead lodica of flvo
lo children from the houso occuplod
f John Moore, whloh burned nt an
Srjy hour. A coroner's Jury investi
gated the case. and. in accordunco with
tffe jury's recommendation, Mooio, tho
fatnor ol tno dead ciuidron, was urrosi-
guTon n chargo of murder.
When tho flromon and nolRlibors
peached tho burning houso, tho father
mi tho only niembor of tho family of
sren found outsido. ills actions woro
Rftfeer. and ha would not talk. Whilo
Ithe buildinK was still hum lug and ills
nuildren wltliln tno burning wans, no
took a liorso from his stablo and rode
away. When tho dromon entered tho
Jsoueo. alter liavlni! nartly auenchod
hp lliunoB, thoy found tho iivo cliil
lien, lying sido by sido, in a bed on
1, 1 1 l.-.i L t. .1 1
jo noor, an ucau, uui aut uuuijr
ITIio coronor's autopsy hold this af
ternoon devolopod oouvinoiiiR ovldunco
nn awful crimo. Tho skull of each
3ild was dooply indented, and fiom
fo donts lone fractures extended. All
bat ono of tho children had been
Kfabbed in tho neck. Tho throat of tho
Ittlo U-ycar-old, a boy, had boon
lashed so deep that tho spinal column
Imd boon eovorod. It was upon thoso
acta and tho atranco behavior of the
father, that tho authorities baso their
Rharuo of murder.
. when Mooro was oallod boforo tho
coronor's jury to testify, ho protended
lip bollovo that nn exploding lamp had
nullified tho lire, and that his children
find mot doath in the llamos. Ho tosti-
lod thnt ho was awakened from a dcop
ploep by tho unioko, find ho found tho
iiioiiBO anro an over, n was jo miu
itofl, ho said, boforo ho recovered his
Ron sea, and thou ho did not try to savo
tho children, because ho know that
ihoy must bo dead, as tho flro had
Started in tho room in which they woio
ilooping. His riding away from tlio
lro ho oxplaiuod by stating that his
mo was away from homo attending a
Sick lriond, and that ho wont to tell
nor of thoir loss. Mooro showed little
concern whon tho jury loturned thu
verdict charging him with murder.
Souilnn Kxpnilltlon In tlio VU.
London, Morch 21. An Ariflo-
Egyptian expedition will bo umlur
Itakon noxt autumn, nccordina '.o n dla
intoh from Onlro to tho Da y Mull, to
Jiuaily dlsposo of liia khalifa. Abdullah
fitiul tho other dervlah loaders in tho
roU Klllnil, lion tlemnllalied nmt
Farm Devastated.
Memphis, Tenn., March 21. A
lories of windstorms havo swept through
portions of Alabama, Mississippi and
Arkansas today, doing nn immonso
amount of property dumago and kill
lug a number of pooplo. The storm
covered n radius of serontl hundred
miles, destroying telegraph
wires and
cutting off communication
with a
to liavo
largo section of tlio country.
county, Alabama, seems
Muifot.od tlio most severely, tlio storm
assuming tlio portxirtions of u tornado.
At Hellers and Luvenio, Ala., much
lumugo Ih reported, and at Itob Itoy,
Ark,, ono man was killed and sovoral
lmbdly injured, Dumas, Ark., was
nearly wiped out of existenco. and sev
eral .other towns in tlio vicinity suffer-
I severely. Ono person is reported
killed at Hickory Flat, Miss., and as
the farmhouses in the vicinity sufforod
teavily, It is not unlikely many fa-
alltlos occurred which liavo not yet
been reported.
Itoporta from different ioInts in tho
three states Indicate that 18 persons
wero killed outright and 21 injured, as
follows: Alabumn, 10 killed, four in
jured: Arkansas, one killed, sovon in
jured. Tho property loss will run
into tho hundreds of thousands.
HiiVrn I'oraoli Kllloit.
Uirmlnghain, Ala., Murch 21. A
cyclone passod through tho country
horo today, creating great liavoo in tho
country hotween Hellin anu Kdwnidn
v 1 1 lo. It is known nevon people, mem-.
beia of tho family of Mr. Coffee, a far-i
mer, are dead, and It is thought many
others are injured, although on account
of tho damage done by tho storm to
tho telegraph wires, it is impoasiblo to
give details. Thu houeo contained 11
peoplu when it was struck by tho storm. (
Tho buiding was entirely demolished, ,
and sovon inmates wero killed out-
Hirmingham, Ala., March 21. Ad
ditional details of tho tornado near
IMwnrdsvillo woro recoived hero to
night. Tho dead number 11, and 14
wero badly injured. i
Tho path of thu storm was about 200
yards wide, and it traversed tlio coun
try for 12 m ilea, beginning in the,
northern pait of Cleburno county, near
Iron Citv, and moving southward.
Thoro was an immonso funnel-shaped
cloud that bounded along liko n rubber
bull, rising at intervals and leaping,
sovoral hundred yards without doing
any damage. Then, whon it descend
ed, it would pick up Houses and ciusli
them to pieceH, uproot trees or twist
them off tho ground and swoop all be
fore it. Lowis Coffee's reaidenco, a
strong double house, situated on a lit
tle hill, was swopt a way and tho tim
bers scattered for a milo. Ten of its
oluven occupants wero instanly killod.
Except thu body of the baby, which
was found undor tho ruins of tlio
chimney, tlio corpses of tho victims
woro carried half n milo, and
ii I no of them woro found heapod to
gether. Kvory body had been strippod
of its clothing. Ono was twiatod
around n stump and two others worn
headless. Beside tho body of tho fa
ther lay lleaslo Coffoo, tho only mom
her of tho family not instantly killed.
Slio was unconscious and her arms woro
around hor dead father's neck. She
ia unable to talk and will die.
Mob of I-'lv or HI Ilunttroil Attack
Aiimrlcnn IUltli llfflor.
T..,l T..- T..,t. 01 Tim n-nrlr
of removing smallpox pationts to the,
peathousu, under diroction of Stato I
ii. ...i.i. rm. niutit un tmonn tVI
UCnitll VitlbUI Mil.,.., .
morning. Alter 1U nan boon romovou,
llin ndlcern encountorod on East Mata-
moras strcot a mob of Moxlcans, who
inenucod them in such a mannai that
tho chief of polico was tolopuonod for.
Marshall Joa Uartholow and AisaiBtnnt
Marshal Nyo Idur hurried to tno
scone, and when they attomptod to ar
rest tlio loadora oi tno uisuiruancu,
thoy woro assaulted with stones and
flrml iir.nn Nvn Iilnr was knocked
down and aovoroly boaton about tho
hoad boforo ho could bo roscuod. Ono
of tho rioters was shot, but aidod by
hia friends, mauagod tooscape. About
20 shots wero fired, n dozon arrests
modo, and tlio mob disporsod.
Tho health oflicora rcsumod thoir
work, but woio soon mot by unothor
mob of 600 or 000 Moxlcans, many of
them armod. As thoy could not con
tend with this forco, tho hoalth olilcora
and Dr. Ulunt ouonod tolo-
graphic communication with Governor
Sayors. Ab a rosuit, no waa inBiruotuu
TTiiliml States military
nuthoritiea nt Molntoah, in tho nnmo
of tho govomor, for bucIi nssistanco na
waa needed, and later ho was informed
that tho wnr dopartmont had tola
graphod authority to ubo troops. Tho
m..vif.nnH nm niiinli oxaitod. and ox
VJ V. ' - Tt II 1
press contempt for tho nogro United
States soidiors.
White rasa Strike llroken.
n.-i.i- IM.....I. on Tim linnklinnn nf
OOaiViU, iuuiuii I
tun. iMa nn tho White Pass & Yukon
railroad haa boon hrokon, according to
tlia oflicora of tho stoamer Rosulio,
which arrived today from Skagway. J.
R. Wliito, ono of tho fltriko loadors,
haa boon aoutoncod to six months' im
prisonment nt Sitka, by United States
Commissioner Sohlbrodo, for inciting
a riot.
Mo Kvltltiim Tlmt It Wit Vied In
mowing Up llm MmIiiii.
Havana, March 22. Captain T; L.
Huston, of tlio volunteer engineers,
was questioned today by a press cone
spondont on tho subject of tho story
printed by a local newspaper nt Cincin
nati, saying that thu location of tho
keyboard by which tho United Htatos
battlo'slilp Majno was blown up In
Havana harbor on February 15, 1808,
had been found by him in a gunroom
of tho Foorza prison, whilo engaged iri
cleaning out tho fortifications. The
captain eaid tho tjbo of hln name in
this connection was not authorized. Ho
showed tho correspondent a cable with
several wires running into thu harbor
from Foorza prison, opposite Cabanas
fortress. Ono wiro was connected, witli
a disusod telegraph instrument in a
neighboring govornment building.
Though tho cable has not been investi
gated by tho United States engineers,
the supposition is that it runs to Ca
banas, across tho harbor, and has been
used for telegraphing. There is a re
mote chance that tho wires in tho cablo
were connected with mines or torpedos,
but there is no indication that it had
anything to do with tho blowing up of
tho Maine. Tlio end of tho cable
sticking out of Foorza prison has boon
seen by tourists for weeks past. Many
soldiers havo also seen the cablo, and
many have expressed the belief that it
was used to blow up tho Maine.
Hun to Ornntor Vtiluinn or limine, Hot
to InornBe III thn Hupply.
Washington, March 22. Controller
of tho Currency Dawes, in answer to
inquiries today in regard to tho ap
parent scarcity of paper money, said.
' ' 'P 1 1 ralilfif nnunn trtr ttin nmit'inn
aiiu wiiu i uiinuii i w i tuu luniiiK
demand for paper money is unquestion
ably tho increase in tho general volumo
of business. Thero has been no re
duction in tho amount of paper money
which of itsolf would causa scarcity.
The situation in rafaronco to bills is
brought about by tho increased demand
and not by a decroaso in tho supply.
"The amount of paper money in cir
culation March 1, 1800, is much gicat
er than it was ono year ago. While
tho decreaso in oirculation in tho
nmount of gold certificates is $3,4?G,
0S0, in treasury notes, 14,200,071, and
currency certificates $25,326,000, tlio
circulation of silver certificates haa in
creased in tho sum of $10,113,278, and
United States notos $44,141,212, mak
ing tho total net incroaeo of govorn
ment paper in circulation $27, 196, GOO,
which, added to tho incroaeo of $18,
166,326 in national bunk circulation,
makes tho total increase of paper
raouoy in circulation over ono year ago,
$45,350, 004
Ilnricliell' Itenmln t I'orUinouth.
Portsmouth, Eng., March 22. Tho
Uritisli cruiser Talbot, from New York,
March, 8 which arrived off Spithcad
yesterday with the remains of tho late
Duron Herscholl on board, was berthed
at the dockyards hero today. Tho
casket containing tho liody was disem
barked at 2:30 P. M. Tho guarda-of-honor
presented arms, and tho massed
bunds played a funeral march aa tho
casket waa brought ashoie. Aa tho
train loft tho depot at 2:25 P. M. tho
combined buglo bands soundod the last
post and tho port-guardship fired 20-
minuto guns. During tlio ceromony all
tho ships in commission How thoir
flags at half-mast.
I'cmc In I'orto Itloo.
San Juan do Porto Rico, March 21.
Tho reports cOntainod in nowspapora
just received here, alleging that dan
ger exists of an uprising of tho natives,
ara regarded with astonishment, and
nro absolutely without foundation in
fact. Tho only disturbances that have
occur rod horo have beon locnl fights
botweon tho Amoricnn volunteers and
tho lowor classes. The press corre
spondent, who Iiub just returnod from
an oxtondod trip through tho island,
found only occasional evidences of dis
satisfaction resulting from brawls, and
local politics, and tho American officers
now horo ridiculo tho idea ol an up
rising of tho natives, who, thoy say,
nro without weniions, and are entirely
lacking in organization.
Martini Lmr at Hkacway.
Victoria, 13. O., March 21. Tho
nlnnmnr Amur, which arrived Fridav.
reports a riotous outbreak of railroad
Btrikors nt Skagway. Tho mon mado
nn unsuccessful attempt to drive tlio
non-striking workmen Irom camp jno.
1. Whito, tho ringleader, led a largo
body of mon to tho camp, whore Whit
ing, tho railroad Biugoon, and n fow
mini Rtond as miards. White advanced
in front of tho party and parloyed for n
low in inu tea, thon sprung lor uniting,
who knookod him down witli a riflo,
lirenkimr it nnd Btunning Whito. Tho
rlnturs then illsnorsod. Whito will TO
nover. One h 11 ml rod mon liavo boon
sworn in to assist tho marshal, nnd tho
. i
town 18 undor innrtini iuw.
Knlulniil'a l'unernl.
Senttlo, Wash., Mnroh 23. Tho
Btoamor Kinshlu Maru, which arrived
tonight from Jnpnn by way of Hono
lulu. lirliii-H advices thnt cront nrennrn
tlnnn wnrn lifllncr inado nt Honolulu for
tho funornl of Princess Kaiulnni, who,
was to bo burled March 13. It was:
nrnnntod thnt tho DIOCOBSlon Would DO
tho largest over soon in Honolulu, not
oxoopting tlioao of ueon hmma and
King uainKaun.
Itfiin nt flonernt Interit iltaaiisd
yrom tlie Thriving 1'aolfln
Anotlinr Hnntatlonal Oolil Htrlko.
A Kopubllc spcoial to tho Spokesman-Review
says another sensational
striko haa been mado in that camp.
Tho shaft of tho Good Luck Consolidat
ed, at a depth of 60 foot, struck a body
of high grade oro. At the timo the
dispatch was sent, tho minora were
into tho oro with a cross-cat threo feet,
and it is thought tho ledge is not loss
than flvo foot wido. Tlio correspondent
carefully sampled tho dump, and tfiree
assays ran $286, $00 and $03. Tho
stock had been selling at Republic at 2
cents, and now brokers are skurrying
around for it in all directions.
Acoldfint I)lrl Mall.
A paokhorso, carrying tho mail be
tween Kosoburg and Myrtle Point, Ore.
gon, fell off a grado when going down
theMiddloCoquille, tho night of March
8, and was badly crippled. That routo
is Bpnrsly sottlod, and it was impossi
ble to procure an animal to bring the
mail in on time, hence tho Coquillo
valley people missed their moil.
Similar occurrences havo taken place
all winter, and all are becoming re
signed to tho inconvenionce.
Tacoinn fllrla at Manila.
Captain Fanton, of tho liner Vic
toria, which arrived at Tacoma recent
ly from China and Japan, brought word
that during tho lato battle near Ma
nila, Miss Sadie Bennett and Miss
Wallace, of Tacoma. wero in tho city
of Manila, and as a matter o! eafoty for
the women they woro placed aboard
one of tho American transports, which
steamed out of range of tho vessels of
tho belligerents.
Irrigation Land Sold.
All the lands in the middle Kittitas
irrigation district in Washington, that
wero delinquent on tho taxes were
sold at EllenBburg, and were bid in by
J. W. Witherop, tho holder of the
bonds. Quite a number of tho largo
taxpayers took advantage of Witherop's
offer and paid their taxes, taking bonds
from bim on tho basis of $11,000, in-
stead of $24,050, tho amount actually
due him.
Will Enter n Muaeum.
C. W. Briokor, of Dallas, Or., is the
tallest person in Polk county. Ho ia
20 years of ago, still growing, and
stands 0 foot 10 inches. Ho has se
cured employment in a San Francisco
museum. With him will go Joke C.
Wilcox, of Ballston, who is a dwarf,
35 years of age, 52 inches high and
weighing 180 pounds. Mr. lirickor is
woll proportioned, and weighs 225
pounds. "
New Society at Seattle.
Tho congregation to which Rev. Al
fred W. Martin has lectured at Ranke
hall, Seattle, for tho past few weeks,
haa beon organized on a business basia,
with about 50 members. After tho
lecture iecentlv, a meeting waa held.
ovor wiiton is. u. uravos preaiueu.
Upon tho adoption of a namo for the
association, which will now be known
us tho "Society of Universal Religion."
The Mnrchfleld Water Front.
The survey of tho "hog's back,"
which has just beon com pie tod by Mor
ton L. Tower, shows that the insido
channel, along the Marahfield, Or.,
water front, Is thodeoper by six inobes.
This channol ia also much tho Btraight
est, and there scorns to be no doubt
thnt the dredirine will bo done there.
Tho dredging ia to begin on tho 26th
of this month.
Comet Growing: Fainter.
Professor Lowis Swift wiroa from
Lowo observatory on Echo mountain,
in Southern California, that tho comet
which ho discovered on Maroh 8 is
growing fainter. It ia moving in a
northeasterly direction. It lias a
broad, short tail, point towards tho
sun and a star-liko nucleus. Ita orbit
has not yet beon dotorrained.
Attempt to Commit Suicide.
Madame Charles Bianchini, wlfo of
the famous scenic artist, whoso trial
on a charge of attempting to poison
her huaband resultod in oonviction,
has beon sentenced to five years' penal
servitude. Aa elio waa leaving tho
courtroom tho prisoner made n futilo
attempt to commit suicido by stabbing
horsolt with n hatpin.
Helpful to Wadilngton.
Tho reopening of the Monto Criato
minea nnd tlio lobuilding of tho washed
out aoatioiiB of the railiond near Ever
ott, is going to bo holpful to tho West
ern Washington mining industry. It
is said tho minos wero shut down for
tho purpose of nllowing somo of tho
big stockholders to freozo out tho littlo
Inorenae In Alnakn Trade.
Tacoma clothlne atorea ronoit a
steady Incroaeo )l Alaska buainoBa. Tho
most noteworthy changes In tno buy'
ers' wants from last yoar nro tho do
mand for fura inatond of woolens, and
for lighter foot gottr. Moccasins aro
popular. Hoavy blankets nro uuealo
New Fraternal Hall.
Tho Mnaona nnd Odd Fellows of
Canyon City, Or., havo advertised for
bids for a two-story stone building to
bo used for fraternal and business pur
Kicked AE"lnat tlir Price.
A license to marry was issued to
David Hull and Mrs. Ella Young, at
Colfax. Mr. Hull is a farmer, and
has undoubtedly passed "throe score
years and ton." Ho created much
amusemont among tho clerks in tho
andltnr'fl rifllnn when toll I thnt tin
would havo in havo a witness to testify
to Ills ago, and that ol tlio prospective
hrlde. hv declaring! "Thev dlrln'fc
have to do that 60 years ago." When
called upon to nav $3 for tho license
he kicked and declared: "They only
cost $2.50 years ago."
To Guard National Park.
At tho request of tho secretary of tho
interior, tho secretary of war has di-
rented General Shatter, commanding
the department ot California, to Bond
ono troop of cavalry to tho Yo6emite
park and ono to tho Sequoia and Gen
eral Grant parks in California, to pro
tect from destruction or injury by pro-
venting trespassing either by rattle or
sheep herders or timber thieves. Two
troops of tho Four tli cavalry, now at
the Presidio, San Francisco, have been
selected for this duty.
Old Alaakun lioundary.
Kows lias reached Seattle that five
Finlnnders claim to havo discovered
evidences of tho original Russian boun
dary line inscribed on a series of old
mounds, which, if established, will
place tho Klondike country within
the United States. It is stated that
United States Consul McCook, at Daw
son, will communicate with the Wash
ington authorities regarding the matter.
fruit and Hop All Itlcht.
Fruit inspector -A. H. Brown, ol
Washington, has returned to Seattle
from a tour made in various parta of
the county. Ho reports splendid pros
pects for fruit and hops. So far, noth
ing has been hurt by frosts, and tha
lateness of the season makes it pretty
sure that no damage will result from
this cause.
Seattle Marketa.
Onions, 80o$1.10 per 100 pounds.
Potatoes, $28 30.
Beete, per Back, $1.
Turnips, per sack, 60 75c.
Carrots, per sack, 40 00c.
Parsnips, per sack, 75 85c.
Cauliflower. 00c $1.00 per doz.
Celery, 8540c.
Cabbage, nativo and California
$3 per 100 pounds.
Apples. 60c$l per box.
Fears, 50c$1.50 per box.
Prunes, 50c per box.
Butter Creamery, 2Cc per pound;
dairy and ranch, 15 20c per pound.
Eggs, 15c.
Cheese Native. 12J13c.
Poultry Old hens, 14c per pound;
spring chickens, 14c; turkeys, 16c.
Fresh meats Choice dreseed beel
steers, prime, 8c; cows, prime,
8c; mutton. 9c; pork, 7c; veal, 68o.
Wheat Feed wheat, $20.
Oats Choice, per ton, $25.
Hay Puget Sound mixed, $7.00
8; choice Eastern Washington tim
othy, $12.00.
Corn Whole, $23.50; cracked, $24;
feed meal, $23.50.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
$2520; whole, $23.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.50;
Btraights, $3.25; California brrnds,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.60; graham,
per barrel, $3. CO; whole wheat flour,
$3.75; rye flour, $4.50. "
Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $15f
shorts, per ton, $10.
Feed Chopped feed, $2123 pet
ton; middlings, per ton, $17; oil caku
meal, per ton, $35.
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Wnlln, 57c; Valley,
60c; Bluestem, OOo per bushel.
Flour Beat grades, $3.20; graham,
$2.05; Bupertine, $2.15 per barrel.
Oats Choice whito, 43 44c; choict
gray, 4142c per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $22.50; brew
ing, $24.00 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $32; shorts, $18; chop, $16.00
per ton.
Huy Timothy, $89; clover, $7
8; Oregon wild hay, $6 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 6055o;
seconds, 45 50c; dairy, 40(3 45a store.
Cheese Oregon full croam, 13o;
Young America, 16o; new cheese,
10c per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $34
per dozen; lions, $4.005.00; springs,
$l.253; geese, $0.007.00 for old,
$4.5005 for young; ducks, $5.00
6.50 per dozon; turkoys, live, 15
10c per pound.
Potatoes sf 1 1.25 per sack; sweets,
2c per pound.
Vegetables Beots, 00c; turnips, 75c
per sack; garlic, 7o por pound; cab
bage, $ I 1.25 por 100 pounds; cauli
flower, 75o per dozon; parsnips, 75a
per sack; beans, 3o per pound; celery,
7076c per dozen; cucumbers, 60c per
box; peas, 83o per pound.
Onions Orogou, 6070o persuck.
Heps 814o; 1807 crop, 4o.
Wool Vulloy, 1012o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 8(3 12c; mohair,
20o per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethera
and ewes, 4o; dressed mutton, 7sc;
spring lambs, 7)c per lb.
Hogs Gross, ohoice heavy, $4.25;
light and feeders, $3.503.00; dressed,
$5.0005.50 por 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, topsteors, 8.50$3.75;
cows, $3. 50 8. 00; dressed boot,
604o per pound.